Halloween - A Historical and Biblical Perspective

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A Historical and Biblical Perspective

A Teaching By: BrendaHiggins

All material contained in this teaching is under the sole ownership of the author and is not to be copied or reused without permission Please contact me if you’d like to copy or use any material from this teaching or if you’d like to learn more about spiritual doors and freedom in Christ to close them.

Sadly, most Christians don’t care today.

Yet there remains a few who wonder whether they should, and to what extent they should participate in the holiday of Halloween.

This is why I write.


Introduction – The Reason (page 1)

Chapter One – The Knowing (page 8)

Chapter Two – The Spirit Realm (page 10)

Chapter Three History of Halloween (page 13)

Chapter Four – Jack-o-Lanterns (page 16)

Chapter Five – Trick-or-Treat and Costumes (page 18)

Chapter Six The Customs and Traditions of Halloween (page 22)

Chapter Seven – How Samhain Became Halloween (page 27)


The Reason

'Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world. ~ William Shakespeare

My family loved Halloween. It was the one holiday where having little money didn’t exclude us from thoroughly enjoying something. We discovered inexpensive and innovative ways to decorate every year. Creating black trash-bag witches, we whisked them along my Dad’s fishing line strung from our porch all the way out to the tree in the front yard. Fashioning bloody (from red nail polish) plastic hands, we half-buried them into the loose dirt of a grave. We completed the scene with a painted wooden tombstone planted in the front yard. Of course there were ghosts of all sizes and shapes, hanging from the wild cherry tree in our front yard My little sister’s large, Barbie fashion head became a female vampire and paper mache balloons were transformed into the heads of scarecrows and human skulls. We hand-strung gigantic spider webs (made from Mom’s yarn) and we created a huge black spider to hover menacingly in the middle. Our Halloween display rivaled none in our community. None of the best storebought decorations came close.

When it came to trick or treat, our family both gave and collected candy. Mom stayed home to hand out candy while my little sister and I attempted to beat our other friends to the ‘best’ candy houses in the neighborhood. If trophies were given for the most candy collected in the least amount of time, my friends would win, hands down, every year. Never revealing their secret, no one knows to this day how those kids managed to cover our entire neighborhood and move on to other neighborhoods before we’d gone half way. Although full enough, our sacks were sparse in comparison to the heavy laden containers they dragged home.

Make no mistake though, regardless of how much candy we received or whatever the size or brand, all of the candy from our sacks was eaten! It’s just that a specific protocol of enjoyment had to be followed. At the end of our evening, Mom made us combine it all. This was to my pleasure because my sister was so much smaller and younger. That meant that her “cuteness factor” led to many more treats. It was my PLEASURE to take her trick or treating!

When our time was up, we headed home to sit, Indian-legged and wide-eyed, before our mountainous pile of goodies Thus began the “separation”. The fruity and hard candies were set aside to be saved for last when all the really good stuff was gone. The largest chocolate bars were the most coveted. We ate those first, with Mom getting a share, (she still loves chocolate today). These were followed by the bite sized varieties of anything chocolate. Next were the boxed candies and taffies. And last but not least were the occasional popcorn balls and apples and the fruity candies and the hard candies. (Don’t tell me you didn’t have an order by which you ate your Halloween candies.)


You’d think that being a church goer, I’d have been persuaded not to participate in all the stuff of Halloween, but my youth group at church wasn’t at all exempt. Our leaders made no attempt to teach us the spiritual aspect of Halloween and all its festivities. As a matter of fact, their Halloween events became competitive outreaches to see which church and which youth could bring in the most visitors. Since most churches hadn’t yet developed the more current ‘trunk or treat’ they opted for “Harvest Festivals” and “Barn Parties”. There were hay rides, bon fires, games, candies and all that fun stuff. It was a big plus that everyone was encouraged to wear costumes. Yet with the ‘encouragement’ came the suggestion that we (church members) not wear anything gruesome or monstrous or risqué. On the other hand, we were told, if those types of costumes were worn, no one would be turned away. So, many of our teens definitely pushed that envelope. This made for an awesome night where Moses and John the Baptist would dunk for apples with vampires while David and some shepherds would lead sexy witches through the hay maze or out to an abandoned bus.

For the older teens (and I fit into that category), there was also the annual trip to a local haunted house. In our case this took place in a building that had previously housed a Jewish Synagogue (I know… ironic, isn’t it?). Our youth leaders say the was to invite as many “unsaved teens” as we could (there were prizes for the girl and boy who invited the most kids) to visit the haunted house for a discounted price and come back to the church for free pizza afterward. The hope was to literally scare the “hell” out of them and cause them to turn to Jesus after pizza when every head was bowed and every eye was closed.

We met at the church where we were instantly chauffeured by chugging, smoking, blue painted busses to the huge, old, stone Synagogue. Spooky music combined with canned screams was piped out into the dark street as we waited in the long line to get inside “The Haunted Temple”. It was cold, but several businesses stayed open late to offer hot chocolate at a discounted price (for those who had money). It was very intimidating to stand in the shivering darkness and peer way up at the damp, century old, milled-stone, rounded top building. Anxiety increased as we slowly edged forward.

Once inside we found that several floors of the old Synagogue had been transformed into the darkest, most frightening sights any of us had ever seen (outside of television). Following the crowd and hoping I didn’t lose my group, it wasn’t long before I couldn’t tell the real screams from those of the actors. The walls were tight mazes and painted black. Hallways opened into rooms that were strobe lit with moving horror. Scenes of blood, violence, zombies, cackling witches, vampires and serial killers met us around every corner. Through the black walls their undead hands stretched and reached for us Nightmares were sure to come when eyes closed for sleep that night! It was so worth it though, the excitement was unmatched all year!


Back at the warm and well lighted church, the pizza was hot and tasted great but the laughter was even greater. We all shared stories about our experiences and those we’d witnessed in someone else We all giggled at the hands we’d held in the frightful darkness. After pizza, a salvation message was given with the familiar: “The haunted house was frightening. But even more frightening is the fact that many of you have no clue where you’d go if you were to die tonight”

During prayer several raised their hands and went forward for salvation Although it seemed a solemn and perhaps even holy time, I knew for certain there was little chance we’d ever see most of those kids in our church again.

Like many, Halloween provided me a fun break from reality. It offered me an awesome opportunity to step away from being the normal, boring “me” and transform into whatever a few scraps, some strategically placed make-up, and crazy nail-polish would allow me to become Halloween brought out my creativity and thriftiness, and it stirred within me a fantastic cauldron of make believe fun.

Looking back, Halloween was also something more than just fun make believe and parties and haunted houses. With every year Halloween tempted me toward exploring a bit more about paranormal activities and the spiritual events that the holiday encompasses.

Halloween peaked my interest and presented me with the opportunity to check out a few dark books on magic and the supernatural. Of course it was the ‘70’s and everyone was delving into transcendental meditation and exploring other spiritual planes and dimensions and all sorts of things I didn’t know or understand. Hollywood movies brought these books to life and rock stars sang songs oozing with drug induced, other world-spirituality. So really, I didn’t see any harm in allowing Halloween’s festivities to springboard me into some of these fascinating spiritual waters.

My church leaders offered us a lengthy and descriptive list of rules that governed what was “right” and what was “sin” for youth. I knew the long and legalistic list by heart. Honestly, as with all the other teens, I’d broken most of the rules a few times over. Yet, I’d never heard any rules warning us NOT to participate in this captivating, super spiritual, scary stuff.

So, I read books and watched shows on whatever paranormal topic I could find. My friends and I held séances and attempted to conjure up anything that would answer us. The Ouija board helped us to communicate with the spirit realm and it guided us to answers of the difficult questions of our young, teen lives: “Will he ever like me? Will I get an ‘A’ in Math? Should I spend the night at Donna’s?” I don’t know that any of us ever really believed in what we were doing, but it sure was fun to scare ourselves!


Saying that they’d heard it was from the devil, some of the neighborhood kids were afraid to participate. I did give this some thought, but quickly rationalized that our church also told us that rock n roll was from the devil, movies were from the devil, women wearing pants was from the devil, drums and electric guitars were from the devil, speaking in tongues and falling when prayed for was from the devil. But the Ouija board and séances and fortune telling was never mentioned by any of our leaders. So I didn’t equate these ‘games’ with Satan at all.

Honestly, every time we played with it, we were all certain that it was one of us who’d manipulated the planchette. Yet, like the newspaper’s horoscopes and the magic 8-ball, we all secretly hoped there really was another force behind the Ouija board’s predictions. We felt that the more we delved into these things – if they were really real, one day these spirits of the undead would manifest themselves to us. And it would be really cool to have a sort of spiritual genie to do our bidding and make things go our way if such things were even true.

Séances and playing with the Ouija board became an exciting way to pass some time during the Halloween season. We laughed and giggled more than we were scared.

Until one night.

Four of us faced one another one Halloween night. We’d read that the best communications with the spirit realm occurred during the solstices and equinoxes and full moons Halloween was the night when real witches all over the world celebrated and danced in their circles and cast their best spells and channeled spirits to answer their questions.

We envisioned eerie figures dancing through the darkness from the yellow flames of the flickering candles we’d placed the nightstands and dressers. “Let’s go deeper tonight” my friend whispered in an invented raspy voice (it was a great effect by the way). “Instead of asking normal questions, let’s ask it questions about what kind of spirit it is, where it comes from, and stuff like that.” There was something inside of me that didn’t like where this was going but something else didn’t want me to leave. Robotically as told, I curved my fingers and positioned them lightly on the planchette, squeezing them in with the others. I thought again of how it was silly to feel frightened and I think it frightened me even more when I realized that I was frightened. I remembered that I really didn’t believe any real ‘force’ moved that planchette after all. I knew it was really one of us that forced the show. So that thought was comforting, but it didn’t completely still the anxiety I felt crawling through my stomach.


As our fingers began to touch on the planchette, I looked into the eyes of each girl and boy there. One boy’s face showed something I’d never seen before. Seriousness. That concerned me. He was never serious. He was typically far from it, always getting on everyone’s last nerve because of his joking. Strange. Things in the room and the people around me looked so much more multi-dimensional than they really were. Even in my young and naïve mind, it was as if ancient souls were opening our eyes to things our physical bodies couldn’t normally see.

I felt uncomfortable; almost violated. It seemed that whatever forces in the room weren’t just showing us another dimension, but like a door that swung both ways they could also see inside of us. I didn’t want anything inside of me so I broke my gaze and reminded myself that I really didn’t believe all of this. I thought of the popcorn and soda and the scary movies and laughter that came with the sleep over after the séance I submitted to getting it over-with as soon as possible.

My friend acted very much like a professional psychic. She was somber as she lifted her face, closed her eyes and asked a question to the air. “Are you there?” After a period of lengthy nothingness our hands began to be moved. “YES” was the answer. Sarcastically, I wondered to myself what else we expected it to say. Perhaps, “NO”?

She asked the name of the spirit that guided this Ouija board. That answer wasn’t so clear. It spelled out “old” Another friend snickered. Our fearless leader’s head snapped to the right and her nasty expression told us all to be quiet and concentrate. We didn’t know on what we were supposed to be concentrating but we each went back to trying to concentrate on whatever it was we were supposed to be concentrating.

“Spirit of old,” my friend began. “Tell us where you come from.” We waited. “I repeat to you Old Spirit, where do you come from?”

She told us to close our eyes. We did. Yet wildly flickering shapes suddenly illuminated the darkness on the other side of our eyelids. Several kids opened their eyes I know, because I too opened mine. The candles seemed to be blown by a breeze from several different directions at once. My mind tried to piece together what was going on. No windows open. No furnace or fan on. No one near the candles.

“Don’t take your hands off! Something’s happening!” my friend warned us. Then she repeated her question again, louder and more bold this time. The planchette began to rumble or vibrate but it didn’t move to any letters. It was happening so quickly that I didn’t have time to fear as fear goes. It was scary and exciting and I was trying to analyze who was doing the rumbling and how. I wanted to throw my hands up in the air and flip on the lights but I didn’t dare let go. I suppressed nervous laughter.


“I command you to answer me Old Spirit!” my friend shouted. “Where do you come from?” To our horror the planchette shot forward to the word “NO” then it flew out from under our fingers, across the bed, and it sailed end over end through the room. It hit the door and landed on the floor. And just as the candles flickered out, the whole Ouija board flipped high into the air and shot past us to land on the floor of an open closet. My friend’s screams mixed with ours as we raced out the door and into the living room where her mom sat watching TV.

“What have you kids been messing with in there?” Her mom, being a staunch Christian was alarmed by what we’d been doing. We all received a heavy and serious warning not to ever again “mess around” with the forces we were playing with. There was something about forces of light and forces of darkness and good and bad spirits and danger. My juvenile mind didn’t fully grasp it, and I really wasn’t sure I wanted to understand. I simply wanted to play around with it and have fun.

I believe each of us experienced varying degrees of fear that squelched any further experimentation with “spiritual forces” for a while. But in each of our homes, family members began to see or hear things in the night. Footsteps mostly, but sometimes doors squeaking open and our names being called. Sometimes things would come up missing right under our noses.

One of my friends didn’t allow any of this to stifle his curiosity. He delved deeper than any of us dared. He read everything he could about witchcraft and the occult. Within a short time, his choice of music changed and his countenance soon followed. He became sort of a dark, occult icon among our group. Before long he started drinking and then taking psychedelic drugs to “enhance his spiritual awareness”. He began to attract a darker group of friends and after some time he completely stopped going to our church and hanging around with us.

I became certain that I had some form of special ESP. I had an uncanny way of perceiving things and seeing things that others could not see. I started telling my friends what I felt was going to happen or what a teacher may say. I was correct a good percentage of the time. My school friends started saying that I was a “witch”. Although I did nothing witch like, I made no attempts to shrug that mantle. It was fun knowing that people believed I knew things and had a mystique about me. It brought me a sort of respect that I’d never before experienced.

I had no inkling that our dabbling in occultism as youngsters would impact any of our lives (and the lives of those around us). Without understanding it, a spiritual door had really been opened.

That door invited in a powerful and evil demonic enemy that had an age old agenda to thwart any plan that our Creator had for our lives. This demonic force wished only to destroy us one by one.


Eventually some of my friends and I grew to go our separate ways and to battle (or surrender to) our own demons. Over the years those demonic forces took their toll in one way or another. One of my friends began believing she could ‘surf the astral planes’ through transcendental meditation and drugs. To this day she lives in fear of the creatures she says she can see.

Me? I’ve ventured through my share of dark places. Yet something amazing happens when the Truth enters a life. One begins to realize that those dark places aren’t “entertaining” at all. They are real. They are ancient and treacherous and a foe to every human being. Yet, darkness can no longer stand or torment a person who houses the Light. The darkness has fled from my life. And that’s really what this book is all about.

The reason I share this teaching is the hope that if you are journeying through darkness you will discover the Truth and allow the Truth to open your eyes and set you free. If you’re just playing around with the things of evil for entertainment purposes, may you be enlightened enough to understand that evil doesn’t play. And if you already know the Truth and if you are well aware of the tactics of the enemy, may this teaching reinforce and encourage you to have nothing to do with darkness and may it help you to lead others away from it.



How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans 10:14 (NIV)

Every year, with the changing of the first leaves, our country begins to anticipate and Christians begin to question Halloween. “Why can’t Christians participate in Halloween? How much can we celebrate Halloween without getting into trouble with God? Are harvest parties okay? What’s so wrong with going to haunted houses? What if someone just wants to celebrate the fun and not the bad stuff? Can I dress up as something nice?”

As youth leaders and adult Bible teachers, we found that each Biblical answer invariably brought new questions and deeper discussions. From teens: “I have a friend who’s a witch and she can really cast spells, but she’s really nice… Why are vampires so bad when their movies are about good vs. evil?” From adults: “Don’t you think you’re being too legalistic? You can’t ask us to be the bad guys and isolate our kids from the fun all the other kids are having.”

These snowballing questions and the discussions that followed drew me deeper into research and study. After much research, I compiled a teaching called, “A Historical and Biblical Perspective of Halloween”.

For years we used this teaching in one form or another. It’s been revised a number of times as contemporary fads and interests have changed. Yet the Biblical truths and Christian concepts never change.

My intent is never to try to change a culture, but more to introduce a culture of change to a people who call themselves according to God’s purpose Christians have come so far from being the holy people God calls us to be. God’s people behave so much like the world that today it’s impossible to tell His people from unbelievers Obviously the topic of Halloween isn’t being thrashed out in churches/youth groups today, unless of course the holiday is used in the context of boosting numbers or fundraising.


My perspective has always been, “Why simply talk about an issue when we can be the instigators of change?” No Christian is supposed to merely listen to the Word we’re to be ‘doing’ what It says (James 1:22). We can quote Scripture till we’re blue in the face, but if we don’t live it it means nothing to those who connect with us in daily life.

Let me preface by saying that I find no joy in talking about darkness, or the enemy, or evil and demons and Satan. Nothing profits me to share scary stories and/or focus on the dark side of spirituality. I detest the types of Christians that are so demonically fixated that they believe they see and hear and feel demons everywhere they go. As Christians our focus should always be on Christ. So I don’t and won’t give audience or voice to the powers of evil. This though, is the season when evil is already being elevated and celebrated. Let’s face it; there are only a few public venues that don’t display some sort of Halloween decorations And because this is the season when evil rises up to glorify itself everywhere, I felt it was an appropriate time to release this teaching again with the sole intent to educate and lead others to know that Halloween isn’t at all about dressing up and pretending to be someone else, getting candy, partying, or enjoying a scare. Hovering behind the façade lays the spiritual enemy of the souls of mankind. And that enemy waits with anticipation for you to open the door and grant your permission for him to enter in to your life with the intent to steal, kill and destroy

1:5-6 (NIV)

Ecclesiastes 2:13 9

CHAPTER TWO The Spirit Realm

Witch and ghost make merry on this last of dear October’s days. ~ Author Unknown

I know what I used to be. And today I’m a Christian. I'm not what many would consider a "fundamentalist" or a "legalist". I'm not a right wing fanatic or a left wing liberalist. And I'm not crazy.

I’m simply a Christian. Totally born again, Spirit filled, and attempting to live a holy life according to the Word of God

I daily depend on God's Word and upon God's Spirit I believe God's Word is absolutely alive and sharper than any double edged sword and that it cuts deep to the core of my humanness. And with each severing cut, it cleanses and cauterizes and brings healing. The Holy Bible is the basis by which I weigh all of life and all of my decisions. It's the comparison by which I make my choices. Sadly, not all of my life’s choices have been made according to Scripture but I wish they had been!

This teaching isn't about MY 'feelings' or MY 'thoughts' on the topic of Halloween. It's not about me judging anyone This teaching is about God's Word and how it relates to the season we're in - the holiday that we call Halloween. My prayer is that Truth will be revealed and that we’ll stop following our emotions and the traditions and customs of men and opt to follow God whole heartedly.

Even before Halloween was Halloween and before Hollywood and department stores made their fortunes off the holiday - an ancient war raged between evil and good.

You see, there really is a spiritual realm. It's not "another dimension". It's not a virtual world or game, nor is it the sum of creative endeavors from the minds of fiction writers The spirit realm is a reality. It's a realm that most never see, but some are gifted (by God) enough to peer into. While still others wish they never saw any of it.

That spiritual realm doesn't contain dead (or undead) humans. There are no ghosts The spiritual realm contains spiritual beings. These beings are and were what we know as angels. Sadly, some of those angels created by God chose not to remain in service to God. They rebelled Lucifer was one of those angels.


Although said to be beautiful and anointed by God as a guardian angel (Ezekiel 28:1217), Lucifer wasn't content to be "just" a messenger of God a mere angel. Lucifer wanted more. He wanted to dethrone the most high GOD and rise to become a god over GOD! His pride and his ambition to set up an unholy allegiance to 'over throw' God proved to be his downfall (Isaiah 14:12-15) and Jesus was there to see Lucifer fall.

Because Lucifer was cast out of God's presence, he took one third of the angels with him (Rev. 12:4-9). He, with his unholy angels was cast down to rule the earth (Ephesians 2:1-2).

The prince and power of the earth's air is none other than Lucifer the fallen the serpent Satan Beelzebub (Matthew 12:24-27), the adversary (1 Peter 5:8 NKJV) the devil (Matthew 13:38-39) - a murderer & the father of lies (John 8:44) and darkness itself (1 Thess. 5:5). Lucifer became known as Satan (or the devil) and the angels who left God to follow Lucifer became known as demons: the 'dark spirits' of the spirit realm. They're not friendly, and they are not little paranormal goblins. These dark spirits are not quirky poltergeists that need to be led to the ‘light’. They are demonic beings that submit to the beck and call of higher ranking evil powers and principalities led by Satan himself.

Don’t be deceived. Demonic beings do have power (Acts 10:38, Hebrews 2:14, 1 Thess. 2:18). Their power is limited - but they do have power. Their greatest power is found in the fact that they have been around since before creation and have observed human behavior all this time. They very well know our ways and our weaknesses and our temptations and they are quite patient in their attempts to tempt and persuade us to fall.

Yet, they don't do well on their own. Their power seems to work best when it has a 'house' to carry it about and do their bidding. (Think of Judas Iscariot - John 13:2.) It doesn’t matter to them who they use, but their hope is to use someone close to us someone with an ‘in’ to our emotions and who can easily work on our temptations.

This is why evil spirits often find that mimicking something "good" gets them into places where they wouldn't normally be received. Satan assigns demons to gain their way into God's churches and into His people. Once he gets his foot in the door, he's in (Ephesians 4:27) and he begins constructing a stronghold. He thrives on stealing, or killing, and destroying the works and kingdom of God (John 10:10). Until the day he's chained for one thousand years then released for one final battle (that by the way, he will lose), and ultimately thrown into the lake of fire where he (and the beast and false prophet) will be tormented forever (Rev. 20:2, Rev. 20:7-10), Satan will continue to crawl around and among God's people, creeping into positions of authority and power. While loose on this earth, he will pervert and twist God's Word and ways. If Satan can persuade God's people by planting seeds of doubt among us, if he can cause us to bicker about small things, if he can elevate himself to the choir lofts where he takes the "Blood" out of the songs, and to the Sunday School classes where he replaces Scriptural teaching with "social interaction", and to the pulpits of our churches where he displaces Truth with "feel good programs", he will then strip the church of her holiness and her power.


This is what we’re seeing happen today. If Satan can 'win' the majority of the corporate Christian church, he will increase his own unholy kingdom right under the noses of God’s people. This will greatly decrease the new converts to so called Christianity and ultimately it will reduce the flow of the holiness and power of the Bride of Christ on this earth It doesn't take a Theologian to see Satan’s unholy plan. But it does take discernment to recognize what's going on.

Please understand from the time of his fall, Satan has had an agenda; he’s had a plan. Part of that plan is for us to be convinced that his unholy hoards of demons are simply our loving relatives and friends who’ve passed on to live in the spirit realm Lost ones who make desperate attempts to contact us and warn us and counsel us. Playmates for children and adults alike.

Satan is the great deceiver. There are no dead ancestors floating around looking for loved ones. There are no lost souls seeking to connect to us through a gifted spirit whisperer for one final good-bye before leading them to the light. There are no romantic vampires or undead people roaming the earth in search of lost love or eternal life. No half-dead, tormented werewolves are struggling to avoid ravishing pretty young girls. No zombies limp from the grave to eat the living. The spirit realm is the habitation of the devil, Satan (Lucifer) - and his fallen angels (demons). All ghosts, poltergeists vampires, werewolves and zombies are demons.

The spirit realm is also is the realm of God's angels. Remember - Satan took one-third of the angels with him. That leaves two thirds on 'God’s side'. Angels are not former humans. Angels are created beings. They were created by God. They are God's messengers. Angels are no particular gender although we know two of the chief angels are named Michael and Gabriel. Michael is also known as the great prince (captain, general, master) that stands watch over God's people (Daniel 12:1, Jude 1:9) while Gabriel stands in the holy presence of God (Luke 1:19). Angels can fly (Daniel 9:21) and they can take on the appearance of men (Genesis 19:1-5). They ascend and descend taking our prayers to God and coming back to earth to do His Will (Genesis 28:12). They are mighty and they are warriors (2 Thessalonians 1:6-7, Rev. 12:7). Angels are worshipers of God (Rev. 5:11-13). They rejoice when a human comes to know Christ as their Savior (Luke 15:10). And they will be harvesters of souls in the end (Matthew 13:39).

The spirit realm is ancient and it's real. It's where unseen skirmishes, battles, and wars take place that try and win and lose the souls of men.


CHAPTER THREE History of Halloween

From ghoulies and ghosties And long leggedy beasties And things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, deliver us! ~ Scottish Saying

Evil has always battled good.

Satan himself tempted the first humans in the garden. His cunning craftiness twisted God’s own words to Eve. “Did God really say…?” “But did God say…?” And Eve spoke to the serpent that God said they would die if they ate of the fruit, Satan assured her she surely would not die. He hinted that God’s stern warning came from God not wanting humans to be like Him and know good and evil. His words were false. Yet Eve bit she persuaded Adam to bite and the rest is history.

Evil continued to battle good in the time of Moses. The evil spirit within Pharaoh realized the impact of the growing kingdom of God among men. To prevent God's kingdom from expanding, the evil that drove Pharaoh convinced him that every male Hebrew child should be killed at birth. The enemy understood that a 'deliverer' was coming through the Hebrews. And Satan had God’s people right where he wanted them: in spiritual and physical bondage. As God would have it, Moses, the 'deliverer' wasn't killed at birth, but instead an God obedient midwife spared his life. Baby Moses was strategically released by his obedient mother to float in a basket. Unseen hands directed that basket right toward the Pharaoh's own daughter. How like God to arrange that the deliverer would be raised right in the household of His enemy.

It was during this time that our historical documents begin to record the 'Druid's' Although not yet the Irish/Celtic Druids that are popularized in legends, there are ancient Roman texts claiming that even during the time of Moses, Druids were sorcerers that knew of and opposed the coming Christianity. Some believe the magicians of Pharaoh were "Druids". These ancient sorcerers believed in reincarnation, practiced human sacrifice, and used secret alchemy and divination to 'persuade and control' people, judicial systems, and religious and political leaders.

Generations later along comes the Baby - Jesus Christ. When King Herod heard that the "King of the Jews" had indeed been born, he gave orders to kill all the baby boys under the age of two in Bethlehem and its vicinity. Sound familiar? Why would a leader kill all the male Jewish children? Because THE Deliverer had been born the King of Kings the One who was truly prophesied about the Great Son of Mighty God the One who was and is and is to come. The One about Whom it was written that the government would be on His shoulders (Isaiah 9:6-7). And Herod the man was influenced by that enemy.


The evil one who worked within and through Herod was the epitome of evil. Satan knew that the promised Messiah would one day defeat him. If Satan could crush His life before it really began, he believed he had a chance to defeat God.

Throughout history evil has persuaded leaders and peoples of all kinds - even those who purposed to lead God's people. Many 'ministers' and 'priests' and Pharisees and Sadducees and Teachers of the Law fell to the temptation. It was too much for Herod to fathom that it was prophesied that One would come to take his throne. So under the influence of the evil one (who understood the significance of the birth of Christ), a jealous Herod issued orders to kill ALL babies under the age of two in the hopes that the King of the Jews would be terminated.

We know that God warned Joseph and he obediently took his wife and new Baby to safety. With Satan’s plan thwarted, the battle continued in the life of Christ. Throughout His ministry, Satan challenged Jesus (through the teachers of the law and the Pharisees. Satan tempted Jesus (Matthew 4:1), and ultimately Satan reveled in the fact that he led Jesus to His death on the cross. What Satan didn't know was that Jesus went willingly to the cross. God’s plan was for Love to move his Kingdom forth in power and glory. After all ... it is written.

With the first century, evil practices infiltrated and invaded the fledgling church of Christ. Before leaving this earth Jesus warned His people to watch out for false prophets (Matthew 7:15) that would appear to be "Christian" on the outside, but on the inside were driven by hidden agendas to devour the 'flock'. He spoke of the spiritual power false prophets would possess to perform “great” signs and miracles to deceive the people of God (Matthew 24:24). Later, Paul described the masquerade of a false apostle in 2 Corinthians 11:13-15

When humanity entered "The Dark Ages" the enemy of God rose up more 'religious' groups of people to battle against Christianity. Satan hated and attempted to destroy anything of the 'Light'. There were fierce and bloody battles between the forces of darkness and the people of Light Christians were burned at the stake, hunted, tortured, and killed in masses and for pleasure. Often they had to hide their beliefs and meet in secret. Through this time of persecution though, a series of reformations and revivals of amazing spiritual strength began to take place. God's people may have appeared doomed, but they weren't giving up and they weren't giving in. Even in the midst of violence, the Gospel message went forth in power and might.

It's during this time we find the "Druids" that we're more familiar with today. These were the nature worshiping Irish/Celtic priests of Gaul, Britain and Ireland. Bizarre but highly influential religious figures, they worshiped gods of nature and carried out their meetings in the darkness of forests and caves. They were known to be 'seers' and 'sages' and 'wizards' They were well practiced in the 'arts' of 'magic' and alchemy (a chemical science and speculative philosophy that attempted to achieve an alteration of base metals into gold, discover a universal cure for disease and indefinitely prolong life. A power or process of transforming something common into something special.)


History writes that in their attempts to achieve health and long life, the Druids used inhumane practices. Human sacrifices were said to help the priests to determine the future and appease and persuade their various pagan gods of nature along with the many 'spirits' that served them.

Being pagans that worshiped the gods of nature, the Druid priests often used 'nature' in their religious ceremonies and festivals. The ancient Celtic people observed two seasons - summer and winter. At the time when the ‘season of the sun’ gave its place to the ‘season of darkness and cold’ the Celtic people, believed that spiritual powers and positions were exchanged. During this harvest season, they believed the summer goddess would leave and the god of winter would take his high place in control over the people and area.

During this transferring of spiritual power, the Celt people believed that the 'veil' between the spirit realm and the realm of humans was very thin. This was a holy and very celebrated time for the pagan priests and peoples. Because the spiritual veil was so thin, they believed that mysteries, powers, secrets, and the spirits of the dead (good and bad) could easily transfer between realms. In religious ceremonies and festivals, mystical spirits were conjured by the Druids so that they might inquire of them as to who among their people should marry, who would die, how they might prosper, etc. in the coming year. They attempted to gain new insight into the spirit realm and greater powers from the spirits that passed through the veil. This was when the Celtic people celebrated their time spent serving the summer goddess and welcoming in the god of winter.

This holy celebration took place on October 31 November 1. This was known as the festival of Samhain (which loosely translated means 'summer's end').

It's from the festival of Samhain that we draw the majority of our modern Halloween beliefs and customs.




May Jack o lanterns burning bright Of soft and golden hue Pierce through the future’s veil and show What fate now holds for you. ~ Author Unknown

In the Celtic regions of Ireland and throughout other parts of Europe and Rome, there were burial 'cairns' (burial mounds or caves) that were heaped with stones to seal them

The festival of summer’s end Samhain is a "Festival of the Dead". Because of the belief that the 'veil' between the living and the dead was thin enough for all spirits to freely roam between the spiritual and the physical world, the Druids looked forward to gleaning more spiritual power and secrets from the spirits. But all the other Celts anticipated a yearly visit from their dead loved ones. In preparation for this time, the stones that sealed the caves and burial mounds were removed. To accommodate easier passage for the spirits, all of the graves were unsealed. Before nightfall, the villagers lit torches and placed them along the walls of the burial caves to help guide the dead out of their graves and into their villages. They believed if a spirit was 'lost' it may wander anxiously and angrily through the town, wreaking havoc until the following year when the veil was thin enough for them to find their way back. And in its wandering, the dead would seek a strong and healthy body to inhabit and work more harm

As the Celts looked forward to this reunion with their departed loved ones most feared the return of angry and more 'evil' spirits. It was said that the hungry and evil spirits roamed the countryside destroying crops, killing farm animals and stealing babies and small children. The mystical Druid priests supposedly held the knowledge of how to guide and appease and use these spirits. So when the common people had done all they know to ward off the angry spirits, they would turn to the Druid priests who would offer their assistance for a price.


Using strategically placed torches, the villagers hoped to 'guide' the roaming spirits to the homes of their loving families. Once there, the dead would find a warm place set at the dining table for them. Special treats and the favorite foods of their dead relatives were prepared and waited for their return

Obviously, the ‘dead spirits’ didn’t want to leave their loved ones. So in an attempt to lead and manipulate these spirits (and wishing to prevent evil from destroying their villages and homes and people), the Druid priests would travel from house to house demanding a payment of food. Dressed in hooded robes, they moved throughout the town leading the roaming spirits first to their homes then back toward the ‘veil’ (their grave) so they may return to their resting places for another year


It was a tradition among pagans to carve the likeness of their protective 'gods' and 'goddesses' into items they found in nature. Over one shoulder each of the priests hung a cord of rope. At the bottom of that rope was tied a hollowed out turnip. Each turnip was carved into likeness of that priest's own personal (pagan) god that directed and empowered their life. These hollowed-out 'gods' contained candles to light their faces.

Their individual lighted gourd gods protected the priests as they walked among the dead, as well as being used to invoke evil curses. If a Druid priest visited a residence and he received no offering of food, a curse was spoken over that household that threatened one of the inhabitants would die within the year. (This began the custom of "Trick" or "Treat".)

The Celtic peoples also carved their own turnips in the likenesses of their dead relatives. They invoked 'familiar spirits' to inhabit their turnips and they placed them outside their homes (by hanging them with ropes or by placing them on sticks) and they put candles into them to help 'light the path' for their departed loved one's to find their way to their families again. This was done in the hope that the wrong spirits (or unwanted spirits) would not come into their homes.

The English speaking Celts began to refer to their hollowed out gourds as "Jocks" (a slang term of Gaelic and/or Celtic peoples). And they continued to use their Jock O Lanterns every Samhain, to light the way for the spirits of their dead relatives.

Many years later, when the Celtic peoples immigrated to America, they brought their customs with them. In America, pumpkins grew well and were larger and easier to carve. Although turnips were still used, the use of pumpkins and other gourds became more popular. The English speaking Celts began to refer to their hollowed out gourds as "Jocks" (a slang term of Gaelic and/or Celtic peoples). And they continued to use their Jock-O-Lanterns every Samhain, to light the way for the spirits of their dead relatives.

This began the use of "Jack-O-Lanterns" to light the way for the spirits of the dead. Exodus 23:13 Deut. 6:14 Jeremiah 1:16



Trick-or-Treat and Costumes

A gypsy fire is on the hearth, Sign of the carnival of mirth; Through the dun fields and from the glade Flash merry folk in masquerade, For this is Hallowe'en!

~ Author Unknown

Like most parents, we all teach our children to avoid strangers. We make them promise us they’ll never take any candy or food from someone they don’t know. We tell them to avoid going to the homes of people they don’t know. We would call the authorities (or worse) if a stranger ever encouraged any of our children to their home and offered them candy.

How is it then that once a year, normally careful parents allow their babies and children to dress up in costumes, stumble around in the dark with other masked goblins and witches and monsters, and walk right up and knock on the doors of complete strangers (some of which include alcoholics, drug abusers, child molesters, rapists…) to beg for candy just so they can gorge themselves on it with no guarantee that the candy they receive hasn’t been tampered with or poisoned? There is no other time of year that loving parents will break all of their own rules and encourage their children to participate in this behavior There is no other time of year where every age, every race and every religion comes together to participate in a holiday of this magnitude.

It’s estimated that the average person will spend $75.03 on decorations, costumes and candy. Total Halloween spending for 2013 is expected to rise to 6.9 billion dollars.

According to the National Retail Federation, 157 million Americans will celebrate Halloween this year. It’s estimated that the average person will spend $74.00 on decorations, costumes and candy. Total Halloween spending for 2015 is expected to rise to 6.9 billion dollars. Second only to Christmas, how did this holiday come about?

In ancient times, during Samhain (the festival of the dead), villagers faced a dilemma. Although they wanted to see their departed loved one's again - and they lit the tombs and the fronts of their homes to guide their dead relatives back to their homes remember, they didn't want any evil spirits to visit them.

So while some members of the family stayed home to 'welcome the dead' - others (usually the young men who were quick and agile), wore 'costumes' of dead animal heads and skins. These costumes were twofold. They were intended to frighten the evil spirits but also to protect and hide the young men from the spirits that sought 'physical homes' to inhabit for another year (until the time when the veil between worlds was thin again). The belief was that no 'spirit' wanted to return to the cold grave and to the realm of the spirits


As much as the villagers missed their dead relatives and enjoyed reuniting with them one time a year, no one was willing to give up their own life for their departed loved one. So in costume, the villagers danced and sang loudly as they led the evil spirits away from their homes, through the streets, and out to the great forests where there were bonfires waiting.

By watching the way the human sacrifice died, the Druid priests could predict the omens and the future of the village for the coming year.

On the mystical night of October 31, the Druids believed that the sins of their deceased loved one's could be atoned for through sacrifice to a particular god that had the power to determine in what way the deceased would be reincarnated either as an animal or as a human. Typical sacrifices throughout the year were horses and cats. But on the night of Samhain humans were sacrificed. By watching the way the human sacrifice died, the Druid priests could predict the omens and the future of the village for the coming year.

So as the departed relatives (ghosts) visited the homes and enjoyed a feast with their living loving relatives, some of the Druid priests manned the giant bonfires and made human sacrifices for the 'souls' of these visiting, dead spirits. All hoped that their loved ones would be appeased that they would return to life again as human and not be tortured to remain as roaming spirits or worse to return as an animal.

After feasting with their deceased family members, the young men of the households, dressed in their animal costumes would lead their visiting spirits out of their homes and to the bonfire where the Druid priests awaited

In the coming centuries, other villages eagerly accepted the practice of disguising themselves as 'spirits' during the "Feast of the Dead". Spreading all throughout Europe, homeowners began to attempt anything to keep evil at bay. They placed horseshoes over their doorposts to ward off the witches during that night (with the belief that witches feared horses). In impersonating the spirits of the dead, young Gaelic men would dress in all sorts of grotesque costumes. Led by pagan priests, the young men walked the streets among the dead 'spirits' and went door to door singing, offering to pray for and lead the dead in return for a 'fee' of special treats.

When these beliefs immigrated to America they became part of acceptable 'holiday activities' for children. The early Scottish and Irish immigrants would send their children "a-souling" during the evening of Samhain. The children would disguise themselves and go door to door requesting food or coins in exchange for promised prayers for the departed 'souls' of the homeowner's loved ones. The non-Scottish and non-Irish adults of American high society didn’t understand this common pagan custom. But it fascinated them and they didn’t want to miss the fun.


The adults of American high society began to plan "a souling parties" where they copied some of the Irish/Scottish customs. Wearing disguises provided the adults with an opportunity for drunken revelry and risqué behavior without 'consequence'.

Soon Trick-or-Treat for children spread throughout the U.S. and 'tricksters' began to wreak havoc among the homeowners and businesses that refused them a treat.

They arrange tables with toys, skull candies, funeral cakes, and other treats for their departed children. When the children go door to door they don't say "Trick-or-Treat". They say, "¿me da mi calaverita?, "Can you give me my little skull?"

In the late 1800's and early 1900's it became a night of vandalism as wagons were overturned, gates were lifted off their hinges and hung up in trees, and household and business items were destroyed.

Dressing in costumes and going Trick-or-Treating came from and still is a pagan celebration of the dead today:

In Mexico, to celebrate 'the Day of the Dead' - parents hold festivals in their homes for children who have died. They arrange tables with toys, skull candies, funeral cakes, and other treats for their departed children. When the children go door to door they don't say "Trick-or-Treat". They say, "¿me da mi calaverita?” or, "Can you give me my little skull?"

In Czechoslovakia, families remember the dead by eating special cakes and drinking cold milk "to cool the souls roasting in Purgatory" with special places set at their tables for the 'departed'.

In Scotland and Wales, people still set blazing bonfires near their homes to keep the evil spirits from their doors. Inside, each family member drinks a special "brew" believed to ward off any spirits that sneaked past the fires.

In North Wales some toss marked stones into bonfires to predict the future. A family marches around the fire praying, and then returns to their home to sleep. When they awake, it's believed that if an individual's stone is missing, he will be dead within the coming year.

In Austria, they leave bread, water and a lighted lamp on the kitchen table before bed. Their hope is to welcome the dead spirits back to earth so they can receive some of their spiritual magic.

In China food and water are placed in front of photographs of deceased relatives. Bonfires and lamps are lit in order to guide the spirits as they travel the earth that night.

In Germany, homeowners store away their knives on Halloween night because they don't wish to risk harm to (or from) the returning spirits.

In Japan, spirits are said to return to their birthplaces. Housecleaning and grave sweeping are done in preparation. Altars are set up in their homes and sometimes 'priests' are hired as welcome fires are lit. After the 'spirits' return home, 'send-off' fires are lit to guide the spirits back to their graves.


As I stated previously, in America even the parents who aren't Christian refuse to use common sense when it comes to Trick Or Treat. In a time when our neighborhoods aren’t safe for children and no one knows their neighbor parents freely allow (and encourage) their children to dress up in costume and go begging in the dark, asking strangers for candy.

For those who are Christian why in the world do we even have to debate about participating in the traditions of pagans (Mark 7:8-9)? Why do we justify yoking our children (or ourselves) with wickedness in the name of fun (2 Cor. 6:14-17)? Why do we insist upon imitating what we know is evil (3 John 1:11)?



The Customs and Traditions of Halloween witches, fortune tellers, black cats, ghosts and the paranormal, vampires, werewolves, haunted houses, etc.

'Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to this world. ~ William Shakespeare


Obviously people associate witches with Halloween. The most traditional costumes are the 'ghost’ and 'witch' costumes of various designs. Hollywood has portrayed witches in a 'good and bad' light for years. For the most part, good witches were portrayed as beautiful while bad witches were ugly. Good witches used their powers to help others; bad witches were evil and harmed people.

The truth is that witches are not the creation of great Hollywood writers. Witches are real Witchcraft is an ancient 'craft'. (Ask anyone from some of the old quarters of New Orleans areas if “hoodoo” and witchcraft are real and exist today.)

Ask anyone from some of the old quarters of New Orleans areas if "hoodoo" and witchcraft are real and exist today

Witches do not consider themselves in the same religious realm as Satanists. Witches don’t intentionally glorify or worship Satan. Instead they believe they are pagans that worship 'nature'. Witches derive their power from the gods and/or goddesses of their personal choosing and from the wisdom of the spirits and forces of nature.

Witches do still gather in covens and in drum circles. Unlike their comic Hollywood portrayals, they don't necessarily utilize black, steaming cauldrons that bubble with magical potions. But they do use alchemy and nature to concoct elixirs and potions for the purpose of altering the mind and for 'healing' (or hurting) and manipulating.

I understand that this part can be a bit controversial but bear with me. There are witches who can 'foretell' events and 'read' your past. For many it's a simple, learned trickery. But there are some who do possess the 'power' to know things they absolutely cannot know. How is this?

Let me explain. God is our Creator (Deut. 32:6). He knew us before the time He formed us together in the wombs of our mothers (Psalm 139:13-16). As He fashioned us, God gave to each individual specific gifts (James 1:17 & Romans 12:6-8) and talents and abilities to be used for His purposes (Jeremiah 1:5).


Now if God knew us before birth then created us with specific gifts and placed us in our mother's wombs, this means that we received some level of 'spiritual gifts' before we were ever born. Those spiritual gifts were in our lives before any of us ever came to know Christ as Savior and Lord.

Sadly, with a bit of 'tempting' with a good amount of sensory manipulation and with a desire to elevate ourselves, it doesn't take much for Satan to influence and use the 'gifts' that God placed within each of us for His purposes. Satan uses God's good gifts for his own evil purposes. (Acts 16:16-18)

Personally, we know a woman who was gifted in the prophetic as a child and teenager. Not knowing Christ, she became fascinated by what she knew about others. Because she didn’t know this gift was from God to be used for His purposes, she became a noted 'fortune teller'. After learning that her prophetic gift wasn’t magic at all but instead a gift from God, she entered into a right relationship with Jesus Christ. Today she's using her prophetic gift for the Lord and for His work

Back to witchcraft. Witchcraft is real. Witches are real. And in a sense – their magic and fortune telling are real. We've met and spoken with a number witches in the area where we used to live. We have an acquaintance who used to be a witch but is now a Spiritfilled believer. She told us that we'd be shocked at how many witches and pagans sit in Christian churches and pretend to be Christians every Sunday. She also shared where the local coven meets in our area and she told of the things they did. One of their biggest agendas was to infiltrate, to deceive and then to 'curse' local churches and Christians.

The truth is that there may be some 'good' people who claim to be witches. But there are no good witches. Witches do not serve or worship 'nature'. They do not acquire their magic from impish goddesses or gods of nature. Although witches are highly offended by any accusation that they worship Satan - they ultimately do worship Satan They are deceived that their spiritual powers are derived from nature or from the universe or from their ‘natural’ chemical concoctions. Their powers come from Satan. The spirits they conjure to do their bidding are not the deceased. Those spirits are not nymphs or fairies or personal guides. The spirits they conjure and rely upon are demons.

This is why God is so strongly against witchcraft. He knows the 'spirits' behind the 'craft'. And God knows the agenda of the spirits that influence and drive witches. Because of this, many witches despise Christians. They know that we who have spiritual eyes can see right through them. And they know full well the Scriptures in God's Word that condemn their craft: (Deut. 18:10-12, Ex. 22:18, Gal. 5:19-21).



Now don’t misunderstand black cats in and of themselves of course aren’t evil. So why is it that we relate black cats to the occult? The Celts both revered and sacrificed cats. Remember that they believed in reincarnation. They believed that black cats were reincarnated evil people. Some ministers of deliverance today believe that cats are sensitive to demonic spirits (demons). We have personally seen a black cat that hissed and attempted to scratch us and ran out of the room when we entered a home inhabited with demons But after cleansing the home and praying with and taking communion with the owners, the cat came into the home purring and loving and totally changed. Witches believe their black cats have the ability to react whenever spirits are around.


Obviously ghosts are very popular in movies and TV shows today. Hollywood has helped the world to become sympathetic to these lost souls, funky little poltergeists, and tormented dead people. There are shows, sit coms and feature films that center around all sorts of ghostly activities. People pay to attend haunted expeditions while the business of paranormal activities is booming!

We’ve pretty much established that ghosts are not the souls of departed humans. Ghosts (as we know them today) do not exist. When humans die, they are immediately in the presence of Christ (Hebrews 9:27 and 2 Cor. 5:8) so that the work of our lives can be judged. Ghosts are not dear departed souls. They are the fallen angels (demons) sent to deceive and lure people away from God And no matter how quirky or entertaining, they originate from one sourceSatan.

Ghosts are not dear departed souls. They are the fallen angels (demons) sent to deceive and lure people away from God.

There are various ranks of demons (Eph. 6:12). All of them ultimately report to Satan as they strive to accomplish his purposes.

My husband and I were part of a ministry team that was invited to 'cleanse houses' and to help individuals and families who are tormented by "paranormal" activities. Sometimes demons can create such havoc that people believe they are going crazy! The "paranormal" can be frightening if it's not understood and correctly dealt with None of it is of a ghostly origin, but it is indeed spiritual. Contrary to popular culture the paranormal is not a 'science'. And it's nothing to toy or play around with.

As you gathered from my introduction, using a Ouija Board or attempting a Séance is NOT an option for a Christian. These are not games. These types of activities actually open doors and invite in demonic activity. Once invited in, demonic spirits have a legal right to traffic in your life. They will eventually cause great harm. The paranormal is a ‘dark’ imitation of the Light of Christ. And this darkness has power (Acts 26:18).


In the physical there is nothing we can do to battle the paranormal. Regardless of the TV programs, there are no tools or technologies that will control or defeat the powers of darkness. There is no way we can win a war with these entities if we try to battle them in the 'natural' (Eph. 6:12 & 1 Peter 5:7-9 & James 4:7).

The only way to defeat the enemy is to BE IN CHRIST and to recognize that we can't defeat the enemy in and of our own strength or knowledge or man made tools. Instead we must willingly submit completely to God, be self-controlled and alert, and stand upon the only One who ever defeated him. But we'll discuss this further in our final chapter of this study.


In ancient times, vampire legends didn't exist. It wasn't until about 1047 that the Slavic equivalent for 'vampire' ("upyr" a corpse that would rise to suck the life blood from humans), was coined. And the legend began. In all historical instances, the drinking of blood and eating of flesh were associated with the devil and/or demon possession. Even to this day, the drinking of blood is associated world-wide with reverence to demons.

No romantically themed “undead” romance can cover up the fact that so called vampires can't survive in the "light" and must roam under cover of darkness. The 'love story' doesn't justify the fact that legendary vampires lust after blood because they are undead creatures that must kill and drink life blood in order to gain immortality. Werewolves, on the other hand, are supposedly tormented half-animal creatures that rely on darkness in which to capture their living prey so they can feast upon them to sate their animal lust and maintain their immortality. And zombies actually originated in the voodoo practices of Haiti where the dead were reanimated through the use of sorcery. All of these are from Satan.

There are Wiccans, Satanists, and Pagan Cults today that celebrate black masses (especially on Halloween) by drinking blood as a "sacrament". They do this because they believe it will help them to gain 'spiritual power', make alliances with the devil, and to knowingly mock and profane the Holy Communion of Christianity.

It's not by coincidence that Scripture parallels the partaking of blood with sorcery and divination (Lev. 19:26) and that God's people are forbidden to eat meat with the lifeblood still in it (Deut. 12:23 & Acts 15:29).

For God’s people, it is expressly forbidden to participate in the drinking of blood. If it’s forbidden to us; if vampires are ‘undead’ creatures that kill to live off the life blood of humans; if vampires, werewolves and zombies are associated with darkness, death and demons can we understand that God doesn't want us to have anything to do with it (Eph. 5:11 & 2 Cor. 6:15)? God’s people are not to be enticed into partaking of the Lord’s table and of the table of demons (1 Cor. 10:20-21).



At the beginning of this booklet I shared about my church’s annual youth group trip to the haunted temple. Haunted houses pop up everywhere this time of year. They generate a LOT of money. They state that they are for entertainment purposes, but this type of entertainment is nothing short of evil masquerading as fun Our ears and eyes are gates by which spiritual things pass into our bodies and our spirits. To fill our eyes and ears with images of bloody creatures and the 'living dead' literally opens spiritual doors that need never to be opened. The 'spirits' behind this 'entertainment' are not for “entertainment” and they are not of God. They are deceiving spirits (1 Tim. 4:1). And God's people have no business patronizing the establishments that employ them.



How Samhain Became Halloween

On Hallowe'en the thing you must do Is pretend that nothing can frighten you And if somethin' scares you and you want to run Just let on like it's Hallowe'en fun.

~ Author Unknown

We've discussed the origins of the Halloween holiday and the evil behind most of the customs and traditions. But the question remains about how this 'festival of the dead' became the Halloween that we know today.

In the middle ages, the Romans conquered the Celts and infiltrated their land. The Celts may have lost their battles, but they refused to lose their traditions and spiritual customs. Although under Roman rule, the Celts continued to celebrate Samhain. Although the Romans were forbidden to participate in these Samhain festivities, they began to find them appealing. Eventually, over the years even the Roman people began to incorporate more of the Celtic customs into their private lives.

The Roman Catholic Church warned their members not to have anything to do with the customs of the Celts. But, as the festival would have it, the people who were celebrating wore masks. Therefore the Roman Catholics felt they could fully take part in enjoying Samhain by hiding behind masks and not be identified. What their priests, bishops and pope didn’t know wouldn’t hurt. Or would it?

When the Roman Catholic Church realized their members were indeed actively participating in the unholy activities, they had to do something. Around 835 A.D., Pope Gregory IV moved All-Saints Day to Nov. 1st . "All-Saints Day" was their recognized day of celebrating the Christian Saints who’d lived and died valiantly fighting to promote the Gospel message. It became known to Catholics as All Halloweds because ‘hallow’ means “saints” or “holy ones. So, "All Halloweds Evening" became known as “The night before we celebrate all the holy ones”.

It was a good attempt at drawing attention away from the 'other' celebration of the night - Samhain - the (unholy) celebration of the dead. Sadly, it wasn't enough. The mystical festivities of the darker side; the pagan celebrations of evil were still more fascinating Unfortunately those festivities carried more ‘spiritual power’ than their newly moved "celebration of the Saints". And the people of the Catholic faith continued to secretly celebrate Samhain during Halloweds Evening or "Hallow E’en".

During this era there was a tremendous revival of witchcraft and sorcery, and a growing interest in Satanism. Where Satan and his demonic hoards are being glorified, there is an increase in dark powers. During this time darkness really did battle Light.


When the immigrants came to America in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, they brought with them their folk beliefs, their unholy superstitions, and the ‘crafts’ of their pagan religions.

One of the celebrations they continued even in this “new world” was the combined festival of Death (Samhain) and Halloweds E’en which ultimately came to be known as Halloween. Unfortunately, Samhain was so incorporated into Halloweds E’en that it became known in this country as simply Hallow E’en.

Today more Americans than not believe Halloween is simply a fun holiday of dress-up and make believe and partying and candy for the kids They are dead wrong. While our innocent children dress in costume and roam the streets begging for treats, there are real spiritual connotations to their actions. Dark agendas take place on that night all around the globe.

. . . as adults party and drink and dress in costume, worldwide, Halloween is still the "Black Sabbath". This is the most-high holy day for Satan On Halloween night, Satanists 'call up' demons to roam the earth and do Satan's bidding.

In the name of “fun” as adults party and drink and dress in costume, worldwide, Halloween is still the "Black Sabbath". This is the most-high holy day for Satan. On Halloween night, Satanists 'call up' demons to roam the earth and do Satan's bidding. Satan Worshipers offer the “Black Mass to Desecrate the Body of Christ in the Eucharist”. To do this, they need a ‘Consecrated Host’ (the sanctified bread and wine or grape juice used as Communion for Catholics and Christians). They worship and pray intensely to Satan; specifically asking for the fall of the Church of Jesus Christ and for the destruction of Christian families and the rise of Satan. There is the drinking of (real) blood and there ARE animal and human sacrifices that take place in their Black Sabbaths. Halloween isn't a 'holiday' to Satanists it's a high and powerful "holy day".

Locally, our TV News Anchors remind people not to leave their pets outside unattended during the weeks before Halloween. They know that this is the time of year where animals are stolen and used for sacrifices. Many animal shelters will close for the week before and few days after Halloween to prevent any adoptions for the sake of sacrifices.

Halloween is also the main feast night for the Wiccan religion. Witch Covens world-wide gather to celebrate with rituals. They believe it is the night of their greatest power for casting spells. This is the night they participate in “drawing down of the moon” – a ceremony in which the chief witch of the coven becomes a ‘channel’ (becomes possessed by) of the ‘moon goddess’. We know there is no 'moon goddess' and their channeling is an invitation for demons to take over their bodies and voices

The arguments I’ve heard, state that people don’t participate in Halloween activities for the purpose of glorifying Satan they just want to escape the monotony of everyday life and have fun. Some argue that if they don’t focus on the bad, they can enjoy the good!


Clearly from God’s Word, there is no positive spin on this 'holy day'. Christians should not have any business participating in Halloween in any way.

My husband and I used to lead Youth. And every one of our youth said that (like me) the activities of 'Halloween' peaked their curiosity. Because of that, every one of them admitted to delving a bit deeper into the Occult. Some of them even became practicing witches.

Halloween activities were the 'open door' to demonic persuasion for each of them.

Halloween isn’t just “not of God” or “not about Him” Halloween is ungodly and it is against God It is detestable to God …

Halloween is a 'holy day' for Satan. It's demonic. It's Satanic. And there is nothing about it that has been “redeemed” for God’s use and purposes. There are dark spiritual forces at work in every aspect of the day. Halloween isn’t just “not of God” or “not about Him” Halloween is ungodly and it is against God It is detestable to God (Deut. 18:10-12). When we choose to participate in the activities of Halloween we invite spirits of fear, confusion, witchcraft, Satanism, torment, etc. into our lives, into our homes, and into the lives of our children and their children for generations to come

Are these really the “fun” doors we want to open and push our children through? Do we want to sacrifice our babies to the evil one?

For many, when they come to receive Christ, they are instantly healed in their spirits, bodies and minds. Me? When I came to know Christ I too attempted to justify involvement in Halloween and occult activities because no one taught me otherwise. I wondered, (like the Roman Catholics of long ago) if I could successfully comingle my beliefs in God with my participation in ungodly activities. Yet I didn’t understand why I could never seem to grow any closer to God and hear more clearly what His Holy Spirit would speak to me. I didn’t grasp why I knew ABOUT God but I couldn’t seem to possess the power and the presence that Jesus died to give to me.

I began to seek what I was doing in my life that distanced me from God. When I prayed and gave the Holy Spirit permission to reveal to me what kept me from the fullness God, He revealed Halloween. Like the peeling of an onion, God gradually pulled back the fleshly layers and washed my eyes and my mind with His Word. Years of generational superstitions and cultural beliefs and customs came to the forefront. Eventually it was as if Light illuminated Scripture and God spoke directly to me about how evil and deadly this holiday we call Halloween really is. I learned that I had to renounce darkness and close those doors that I opened many years ago as a curious teenager. And from that day forward, I know the Truth concerning Halloween. And the Truth has set me free.


My desire is that all people will be set free and come to know God and to love and to serve Him with their whole hearts I want everyone I know to understand the Truth of the evil agenda behind Halloween and to turn to the Only One who can defeat it.

In our world today that battle of evil VS good still exists and in many ways it’s raging stronger than ever before. Satan knows his time is coming to an end and the return of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ is very near. Our enemy doesn’t want us or our children standing on God’s Word, believing His promises or living in the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, he’s bombarding our societies with evil like never before. Sadly, our country is tolerating and then embracing much of it. Our children speak profanely and act like small sexually active adults while our adults behave like blood-thirsty, party animals.

Now is the time for God’s people to stand firm and call evil what it is and refuse to have nothing to do with it.

I won’t tell you what you should do with what’s written here. I won’t chastise you into believing things my way. But I will ask you to go to God and ask Him. Ask God to shed His Light on Halloween and its customs. Seek the Lord to reveal to you what you and your children/grandchildren shouldn’t be involved in. And ask the Light of the world to come into your life and cause the darkness to flee.

Lev. 18:30 30.
Be careful, or you will be enticed to turn away and worship other gods and bow down to them. Then the Lord’s anger will burn against you … Deuteronomy 11:16-17a All material contained in this book is under the sole ownership of the author and is not to be copied or reused without permission. Please contact me if you’d like to copy or use any material from this teaching or if you’d like to learn more about spiritual doors and freedom in Christ to close them.

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