10 Simple Slim Tips To Get That Body You Always Dreamt Of Have a photogenic face but don’t like your pictures… thanks to the double chin or the fat belly that appeared on the image? Yes.. many of us go through this day in and day out! An impressively chiseled body is something all of us crave for but don’t have an idea how to acquire it.
We go on taking slim tips from that friend who managed to lose a whopping 40 kgs in a year but don’t actually have the motivation to follow the rigorous routine he/she followed in order to achieve their targeted weight.
Slim tips for health
1. Drink Plenty of Water Dehydration often misleads us to eating or binging, which is extremely unhealthy and hinders your slimming process [1]. When there is less than required water in our system, we tend to confuse thirst with hunger and pop something unhealthy into our mouth.
2. Steer Clear of Sugary and Carbonated Drinks Soft drinks sugary in nature contain empty calories and should be absolutely avoided. They increase the blood sugar levels and hence, should be avoided as much as possible. Another slim tip is that consumption of sugar should be completely avoided. Use natural forms of sugar such as sugar and jaggery.
3. Avoid Having Fatty Meats This slim tip is for all you meat lovers out there.. Try replacing fatty meats like red meat with a leaner form of meat, which is chicken or turkey breast
4. Go For Whole Fruits Instead of Fruit Juices This slim tip is based on the fact that fruit juices are devoid of healthy nutrients including fiber, which get discarded when the fruit is made into juice [5]. Packed fruit juices are high in sugar and can thus, counter the effectiveness of your weight loss journey.
5. Increase the Intake of Omega 3, 6 and 9 Fatty Acids 6. Cut Out Intake of Junk from Your System 7. Consume Foods That Expedite the Process of Weight Loss 8. Focus on Your Sleep Pattern 9. Cut Down on Your Food Portions by Eating Small Meals 10. Include Exercise in Your Routine More Details Visit Blog : 10 Simple Slim Tips To Get That Body You Always Dreamt Of