Climbing StairsHere are the various benefits of climbing stairs. Besides weight loss, climbing stairs also improve heart rate and make joints and muscles stronger. Are your mornings made of quick breakfasts and skipping workout schedules? If yes, we’ve got good news. While healthy breakfasts depend more on a diet plan, there are benefits of climbing stairs that can be your perfect way to indulge in daily exercises.
If you are looking for a routine physical exercise, we bring to you the easiest of them all which is climbing stairs. Yes, this although not an established exercise, can actually work wonders. In fact, climbing stairs can be the best way to follow a physical workout in between your busy schedules. All you got to do is ditch the elevators and take up the stairs. If you are still having doubts about it, here are the various health benefits of climbing stairs.
Health Benefits of Climbing Stairs 1. Climbing stairs help the body producing certain hormones called endorphins that are known to uplift the mood. Endorphins are also called "happy hormones". 2. Compared to jogging, climbing stairs help in burning more calories. 3. Climbing stairs can be the perfect cardio workout for your whole body. 4. It helps in strengthening as well as toning the leg muscles.
5. Climbing stairs help your body put a continuous effort in working against the gravity and hence helps in burning more calories as well as boosting the body's metabolism. 6. Climbing stairs help in making the body joints stronger. 7. Studies show that climbing stairs are recommended to keep the immune system healthy and also maintain lower risks of diabetes and heart diseases. 8. Climbing stairs help in keeping the bones healthy and prevent chances of osteoporosis.
Comparative Study Between Climbing Stairs and Walking Walking and climbing stairs are two of the most common forms of exercises each with their own benefits for health and weight loss. While walking carries its own set of advantages, climbing stairs gives you an edge over it. According to a scientific article published in Run society, Indonesia, climbing stairs requires you to work against gravity, it leads you to use more energy and thus burn more calories. Given the nature of the exercise, you end up burning two to three times more energy than brisk walking. The Harvard Alumni Study, one of the biggest scientific studies to date, found that men who climbed an average of eight or more flights of stairs a day had a 33% lower mortality rate than their sedentary counterparts.
Who Should Avoid Climbing Stairs As A Form Of Exercise? Though climbing stairs offers a wide range of benefits as discussed above in the article, it may prove to be unsuitable for people with acute heart ailments and also for those suffering from knee, ankle or hip problems. Even people with shaky limbs should avoid taking the stairs as there is always a threat of a fall. Any of you with these problems and symptoms considering to take up climbing stairs as an exercise must consult with your doctor before starting this.