Water/Wastewater Risk Assessment and Planning Tool *Free Member-only Benefit *Minimize Data Entry *Step-by-step Certification
*Comply with AWIA Requirements *Secure Data Storage *Cloud-based and Easy-to-use
The Texas Rural Water Association created WRAPT to help member water and wastewater utilities meet today’s regulatory challenges and comply with the America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA). AWIA requires systems that serve more than 3,300 people to complete a risk and resilience assessment (RRA), develop an emergency response plan (ERP) and certify to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that they have done so. The due dates for completing these are set forth below based on the population size served:
Risk and Resilience Assessments
Emergency Response Plans
Population Served
Certification Deadlines
Population Served
Certification Deadlines
*Deadline passed
*Deadline passed
50,000 - 99,999
December 31, 2020
50,000 - 99,999
June 30, 2021
3,301 - 49,999
June 30, 2021
3,301 - 49,999
December 31, 2021
Every five years, utilities must review their RRA and ERP and submit a new certification to the EPA that these have been reviewed and, if necessary, revised. To help our member systems comply, TRWA developed WRAPT, a cloud-based software that contains dynamic, logic-based questions you can use to build your RRA and ERP. Members can plug in their PWS ID to prepopulate some fields to reduce data entry, and the tool will securely store your information as long as you maintain TRWA membership. WRAPT will generate your finished reports as PDFs so you can easily review your completed information. It also includes certification documents and instructions on how to selfsubmit certification to the EPA. To sign up for WRAPT, you must have an active TRWA membership. To gain access to this tool, email wrapt@trwa.org. Once you have signed up, please contact your Circuit Rider if you have any questions, or call us at 512-472-8591.