Starter - Level 4 各¥1,210
Levels 5 - 7 各¥1,320
Penguin Readers 60 Titles Set A (60 Books)¥70,400
Penguin Readers 60 Titles Set B (60 Books)¥70,400
Prices in this catalogue are accurate as of May 1, 2024. All prices include consumption tax. Please note that prices are subject to change without prior notice.
Present simple (to be, regular and irregular verbs), Present continuous, can/can't, Imperatives (positive forms only), Adjectives, etc.
現在形(be動詞、規則/不規則動詞)、 現在進行形、can/can't、命令文、形容詞、他
Past simple (to be, regular and some irregular verbs), Gerunds, have to/don't have to, must, Adverbs, etc.
過去形(be動詞、規則/不規則動詞)、 動名詞、have to/don't have to、 must、副詞、他
Future tenses (will and going to), Present continuous for future meaning, Comparatives and superlatives, Imperatives (negative forms), etc.
未来形 (will/going to)、現在進行形で表す未来、 比較級・最上級、否定命令文、他
Past continuous, Present perfect simple,First conditional, that clause, might,may,should/shouldn't, etc.
過去進行形、現在完了形、直説法、that節、 might, may, should/shouldn't、他
Passives (present simple and simple past), Simple relative clauses, Question tags (simple forms), etc. 受動態(現在形、過去形)、関係代名詞、 付加疑問文、他
Present perfect continuous, Past perfect, Reported speech,Second conditional, etc.
現在完了進行形、過去完了形、間接話法、 仮定法過去、他
未来完了形、過去完了進行形、仮定法混合型、 受動態(過去進行形、過去完了形)、 助動詞+have+過去分詞、他 5 B1
Future continuous,Third conditional, Reported questions, etc.
未来進行形、仮定法過去完了、 疑問文の間接話法、他
Future perfect simple, Past perfect continuous, Passive (past continuous, past perfect), must,might,and could + have been, etc.
Introducing Penguin Readers
Penguin Readers started its publication in 2019, now with 163 titles it is a series of the best contemporary fiction, essential non-fiction and popular classics specially written for learners of English as a foreign language. Beautifully illustrated and carefully adapted, this graded readers series combines Penguin Random House’s internationally bestselling authors and most compelling content with structured language progression.
2019年にスタートしてPenguin Readersが163タイトルになりました。古典から映画・ドラマ化さ れた作品、また環境問題、歴史を変えた人々を取り上げたノンフィクション作品など、豊富なタイト ルを揃えています。Penguin Random Houseの世界的ベストセラー作品を英語学習者向けのレ ベルで読むことができるシリーズです。
From Starter (Pre-A1) to Level 7 (B2), Penguin Readers follow the CEFR framework and include language activities that help readers of all ages and abilities to develop key skills.
CEFR基準に沿って、Starterレベル(Pre-A1)からレベル7(B2)までの全ての能力・年齢層の読者 のスキル向上に役立つアクティビティを用意しています。
Penguin Readers online
With accompanying audio and additional resources to help test comprehension, grammar and vocabulary skills, Penguin Readers not only help to develop reading, writing and listening skills, but also critical thinking and 21st century skills.
Penguin Readersには付属の音声や文法・語彙の理解度を確認するテストが用意されています。
Penguin Readersで読む・書く・聞くスキルを鍛えるだけでなくクリティカル・シンキングや21世紀 スキルを磨くことができます。
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Find your book on the Penguin Readers website and enter the code printed inside the back cover
PenguinReadersウェブサイトでテキスト巻末(裏表紙の裏 ページ)に記載のコードを入力
Once your book has been unlocked, you’ll immediately have access to a digital copy
“Unlock”作業が済めば、デジタル版本文にアクセス可能 です。 You can also download lesson plans specific to your book and a full audio recording レッスンプランや音声がダウンロード可能です。
Graphic Novel
All titles at lower levels contain clear, attractive text. Starter and Level 1 books feature classic stories in the form of graphic novels to support the text and aid student understanding.
Starterとレベル1では、初級レベルの学習者でも内容を理解できる よう、絵や写真を多く使ったグラフィック・ノベル形式のものが用意さ れています。
ISBN: 9780241588826
Word Count: 522
YL: 1.0-1.2 CEFR: Pre-A1 Lexile: 420L
イギリスの歴史ある町に幸福な王子の銅像がある。しかし王子は町の人々の不幸 な姿を見てとても悲しかった。王子は燕と知り合い、共に人々を助けることを決心す る。
In an old town in England there is a statue of a happy prince. But the prince is not happy at all, because he can see that the people in the town are sad. Then he meets a swallow and, together, they decide to help the people.
ISBN: 9780241375303
Word Count: 612
YL: 1.0-1.2 CEFR: Pre-A1 Lexile: 480L
チャールズ・バスカヴィル卿が殺された。はたして彼は本当に魔犬に殺されたのだろ うか?ホームズとワトソンは魔犬を止めることができるのか?
Sir Charles Baskerville is dead. Did the hound of the Baskervilles kill him? Can Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson stop the hound from killing again?
ISBN: 9780241520826
Word Count: 547
YL: 1.0-1.2 CEFR: Pre-A1 Lexile: 340L
アルシーテとパラモン、二人の騎士を描いた古い物語。二人は女王の妹エミリーに 恋をする。
The Knight's Tale is a very old story about two knights, Arcita and Palamon. The two men love the Queen's sister, Emily. Do they fight for her?
Loki and the Giants ロキと巨人族
ISBN: 9780241463383
Word Count: 593
YL: 1.0-1.2
Come into the world of the Vikings. The gods and giants are enemies. Loki's mother is a goddess but his father is a giant. Is he the gods' friend or is he their enemy?
The Moor Stones ムーア・ストーンズ
ISBN: 9780241493236
Word Count: 511
YL: 1.0-1.2 CEFR: Pre-A1 Lexile: 300L
Price ¥1,210
イングランドのウィットビーを訪れたミアとベス。ミアがムーア・ストーンにまつわる 本を読んでいると、ベスはムーアに出かけて…
Mia and Beth travel to Whitby, England. They stay with Sheila and Jack at Baysdale Farm Bed and Breakfast. There, Mia reads the story of the Moor Stones, and Beth goes for a walk in the rain . . .
ISBN: 9780241463390
Word Count: 580
ロビン・フッドは仲間たちと共に貴族たちから金品を盗み、悪代官の圧政に苦しむ貧 しい人たちを助けている。ロビンを捕えようと代官は企むが…
Robin Hood lives in the forest with his Merry Men. He takes from rich people and gives to poor people. The Sheriff doesn't like Robin Hood but can he catch him?
ISBN: 9780241430873
Word Count: 552
YL: 1.0-1.2 CEFR: Pre-A1 Lexile: 320L YL: 1.0-1.2 CEFR: Pre-A1 Lexile: 310L
Romeo loves Juliet and Juliet loves Romeo. But their families are enemies and they cannot marry.
ISBN: 9780241463406
Word Count: 592
YL: 1.0-1.2 CEFR: Pre-A1 Lexile: 320L
ZaraとJoeはクラスメイトと授業で洞窟に行くことに。噂によるとその洞窟には「シ ザーマン」がいて、夜になると洞窟に来る人にハサミを投げてくるという…
Zara and Joe go with their class to the Gerlock Caves. "There's a story about the Gerlock Caves," Zara tells her teacher. "There's a man. He walks in those caves at night and throws scissors at people."their enemy?
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
Level 1
ISBN: 9780241493243
Word Count: 454
1.0-1.2 CEFR: Pre-A1 Lexile: 320L
船舶が謎の生物に襲われて沈没する事故が多発している。事故を調査するために 海洋学者達は調査艦に乗り込む。彼らが海底二万マイルで見たものとは?
There is a new animal in the sea, and it is killing people . . . "We can find it!" says Captain Farragut. But what do they find? And can they stop it?
BBC Dynasties: Lions BBC ドキュメンタリー:ライオン
ISBN: 9780241447369
Word Count: 1,409
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 490L
BBC制作ドキュメンタリーDynastiesシリーズのリーダー版。ケニアのマサイマラ 国立保護区に住むライオン家族に密着し、日々の生活と世代交代する姿を記録。
In 2018, the BBC filmed a family of the Marsh Lions of the Masai Mara in Kenya. Sometimes life is good, and sometimes it is not easy. It is the same for the Marsh Lions, and for all animal families.
Dynasties: Painted Wolves
ISBN: 9780241520635
Word Count: 1,399
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 540L
Price ¥1,210
BBC制作ドキュメンタリーDynastiesシリーズのリーダー版。ジンバブエにあるマ ナ・プール国立公園に住むリカオンに密着し、日々の営みを追う。
In 2018, the BBC showed the TV programme Dynasties about animal families across the world. They went to the Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe and filmed a family of painted wolves.
Billy and the Minpins
ISBN: 9780241610817
Word Count: 1,933
怪物がいるから森には近づかないようお母さんに言われていたのに、ビリーは一人 で行ってしまう。恐怖に震えるビリーはミンピンたちと出会い、みんなでお腹を空か せた怪物を止めようとするが。
There are monsters in the forest. You must not go there! But Little Billy does not listen to his mother, and he goes to the dark forest. Little Billy is frightened, but then he meets the Minpins. Can they stop the hungry monster?
ISBN: 9780241432211
Word Count: 1,261 Price ¥1,210
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 490L
幽霊が出るというイギリスのお屋敷をあるアメリカ人家族が購入した。幽霊は彼ら を恐怖に陥れようとあの手この手で試すが思うように怖がらせることができない。
An American family buy Canterville Hall - a house with a ghost. But the ghost is not happy because it cannot frighten the family.
A Christmas Carol クリスマス・キャロル
ISBN: 9780241375211
Word Count: 1,315
Price ¥1,210 YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 330L
守銭奴のスクルージはクリスマスが大嫌い。そんな彼の元に過去・現在・未来を見せ る3人の幽霊が現れて…
Ebenezer Scrooge hates Christmas. He is angry that people are not working. Then, he meets the ghost of his old partner, Jacob Marley. Can Scrooge be a good person before it is too late?
Word Count: 1,394
善良で友達の多いジキル博士と、夜な夜な悪事をはたらくハイド氏。果たして二人 の関係は。
Dr Jekyll is a good person. He is nice, and he has lots of friends. But Mr Hyde is a bad person. He walks in the streets of London at night and does bad things. Why are the two men friends?
ISBN: 9780241611050
Word Count: 1,669
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 490L
Price ¥1,210
大きなワニがお腹を空かせて、大好物の人間の子どもをランチに食べようと探し回 る。カバ、象、猿、鳥たちにはそれを止められるだろうか。
The Enormous Crocodile is hungry, and children are his favourite food! Can he find a child for his lunch? Or can the Hippopotamus, the Elephant, the Monkey and the Bird stop him?
Esio Trot 恋のまじない、ヨンサメカ
ISBN: 9780241610909
Word Count: 1,879
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 450L
Price ¥1,210
ホッピー氏はシルバーさんに夢中だが、シルバーさんはペットの亀アルフィーに夢 中で振り向いてくれない。悲観したホッピー氏が思いついた名案とは?彼が100匹 もの亀を買ったのは何故?
Mr Hoppy loves Mrs Silver, but Mrs Silver does not know this. She only loves her tortoise, Alfie. Mr Hoppy is very sad. But then, he has a clever idea! What does Mr Hoppy do? And why is he buying 100 tortoises?
The Extraordinary Life of Serena Williams セリーナ・ウィリアムズ
ISBN: 9780241493076
Word Count: 1,561
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 600L
Price ¥1,210
人々に愛される、世界的に有名なプロテニスプレーヤー、セリーナ・ウィリアムズの 人生を追う。
Serena Williams is a famous tennis player. People across the world know her and love her. But Serena's life was not always easy, and she had to work very hard.
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me こちらゆかいな窓ふき会社
ISBN: 9780241611074
Word Count: 1,934
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 490L
Price ¥1,210
ビリーが大好きな元お菓子屋さんのビルが、キリンとペリカンと猿の窓ふき会社 に。ある日窓から泥棒を発見して止めにかかるが。
Billy loves the old sweet shop. But who is living there now? It's the Giraffe, the Pelican and the Monkey! The animals are window cleaners. But then, they see a burglar in a window. How can they stop him?
ISBN: 9780241397695
Word Count: 1,554
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 380L
Price ¥1,210
This is the story of a poor American family in the American Civil War. The four sisters, Beth, Jo, Meg and Amy are very different. But together they work hard and help their mother and father.
ISBN: 9780241493069
Word Count: 1,439
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 440L
Price ¥1,210
マクベスは荒野で出会った三人の魔女に、いずれスコットランドの王になると告げら れる。予言に惑わされたマクベスは次々と罪を重ねていく。
Macbeth meets three witches. They can see into the future. They tell Macbeth, "You are King of Scotland in the future." Are they right? Can Macbeth be king?
The Phantom of the Opera オペラ座の怪人
ISBN: 9780241520642
Word Count: 1,309
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 410L
Price ¥1,210
パリ・オペラ座では"怪人"の仕業とされる事件が起こっていた。若く美しい歌手クリ スティーヌは怪人にオペラ座の地下へと連れ去られてしまう。
The phantom lives under the opera house in Paris, and he does bad things. Christine, a beautiful young singer, is kidnapped and brought by the phantom to his underground lair.
ISBN: 9780241375228
Word Count: 1,491
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 520L
Price ¥1,210
現代の人々の生活に欠かせないプラスチック。プラスチックの歴史は?環境を守る ために何ができるのか?
We all use a lot of plastic every day. It is cheap and strong, and plastic things last. But where does plastic come from? And what can we do to recycle all the plastic in our world?
Level 1
The Railway Children 鉄道きょうだい
ISBN: 9780241553305
Word Count: 1,218
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 370L
Price ¥1,210
ボビー、ピーター、フィリスとその母親はロンドンから田舎に移り住むことに。子供た ちは毎日家のそばにある線路に遊びに行き、しだいに新しい生活が好きになってい く。
Bobbie, Peter, Phyllis and their mother have to leave London and live in the countryside. Their new house is next to the railway, and the children visit it every day. Slowly, the children begin to love their new life.
ISBN: 9780241463253
Word Count: 1,095
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 310L
Price ¥1,210
ジェームス・ボンドは学校の休暇中親戚のいるスコットランドを訪ねる。行方不明に なっている少年がいると聞いたボンドは捜索を始めるが…。ジェームス・ボンド少年 時代のお話。
On Loch Silverfin in Scotland, a bad man lives in a castle with his son. James Bond and his new friend Red go there to find Red's missing cousin. what do they find?
Tales of Adventurous Girls 4人の勇敢な女の子
ISBN: 9780241397985
Word Count: 1,613 Price ¥1,210
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 490L
These folk tales tell the stories of four brave girls from different countries around the world: Zanzibar, Japan, India and China. Join them on their adventures!
ISBN: 9780241463260
Word Count: 1,323 Price ¥1,210
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 570L
Taylor Swift started singing and writing songs at a very young age. Now she is a very famous singer - and lots more! How did she get there? This book tells the story of her life.
ISBN: 9780241636725
Word Count: 1,481
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 490L
ジム・ホーキンズは仲間と船で航海中。財宝を探しているのだ。けれど同じ財宝を海 賊も探しているのだ!
Jim Hawkins is sailing on a ship with his friends. They are looking for treasure. But pirates are looking for the treasure too!
The War of the Worlds 宇宙戦争
Level 2
ISBN: 9780241588840
Word Count: 1,408
YL: 1.4-1.6 CEFR: A1 Lexile: 420L
Price ¥1,210 Price ¥1,210
火星人が地球に襲来し、家屋を焼き払い人々を殺していく。誰か火星人を阻止でき るのか?古典的SF小説。
The Martians are coming! They are burning houses and killing the people of Earth. Can anybody stop them? The War of the Worlds is a classic work of science fiction.
ISBN: 9780241463291
Word Count: 4,693
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 520L
Price ¥1,210
トム・ソーヤーの冒険の続編。ミシシッピ川沿いで繰り広げられるハックの逃亡と冒 険の物語。
"Someone killed Huckleberry Finn." Everyone in the village of St. Petersburg will tell you this, but Huck Finn is not dead. He ran away. Now he is traveling down the great Mississippi river.
ISBN: 9780241430880
Word Count: 4,947
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 530L
Price ¥1,210
19世紀半ばのアメリカ・ミズーリを舞台にした、わんぱく少年トムと友人ハックが繰 り広げる冒険物語。
This is a story about a boy in Missouri in the 1840s. Tom Sawyer's parents are dead and he lives with his aunt in a small village next to the long Mississippi river.
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 不思議の国のアリス
ISBN: 9780241588864
Word Count: 5,001
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 470L
Price ¥1,210
ある夏の午後、アリスはうさぎの穴に落ち、不思議な世界にたどり着く。懐中時計 を持ったうさぎに会い、おかしなお茶会に参加して、女王とクロケットで対決するこ とに。
On an ordinary summer’s afternoon, Alice tumbles down a rabbit hole and ends up in a strange world. She meets a rabbit with a pocket watch, joins a Mad Hatter’s Tea Party, and plays croquet with the Queen!
ISBN: 9780241493083
Word Count: 4,913
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 530L
Price ¥1,210
両親のいない11歳のアンは、老兄妹の住む家にやってくる。賢くておしゃべりなア ンが巻き起こす物語。
Eleven-year-old Anne has no parents, and she goes to live with Matthew and Marilla Cuthbert on their farm, Green Gables. Anne is an intelligent girl, but sometimes she talks too much and makes mistakes!
Shoes バレエ・シューズ
ISBN: 9780241520659
Word Count: 5,031
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 520L
Price ¥1,210
フォッシル三姉妹には両親はおらず、優しいおじがいた。舞踊学校で歌と踊りを習っ ていたが、やがてお金がなくなり…。
Sisters Pauline, Petrova and Posy Fossil do not have parents, but they have a very kind uncle. The sisters learn to dance, act and sing at a dancing school. But soon they have no money.
BBC Dynasties: Penguins
ISBN: 9780241493106
Word Count: 3,461
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 550L
Price ¥1,210
BBC制作ドキュメンタリーDynastiesシリーズのリーダー版。南極大陸で皇帝ペン ギンの家族に密着し、日々の営みを追う。
In 2018, the BBC filmed emperor penguin colonies in Antarctica. They filmed the penguins and their chicks for many months in the middle of the cold Antarctic winter.
Boy in the Tower
ISBN: 9780241397688
Word Count: 4,355
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 550L
It is the story of the famous writer Roald Dal when he was a boy. These tales are exciting, funny and sometimes frightening. All of them are true.
ISBN: 9780241520666
Word Count: 4,894
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 560L
エイドはロンドンにある高層住宅に住んでいる。あることをきっかけに母親は一日中 寝室で過ごすようになる。その後建物が崩れ奇妙な植物が現れるなど変なことが起 こり始める。
Ade lives in a tower block in London. One day, something bad happens to Ade's mum. After that, she stays in her bedroom all the time. Then buildings start falling down and strange plants begin to appear.
The Call of the Wild 野生の叫び
ISBN: 9780241375259
Word Count: 4,149
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 570L
Price ¥1,210
19世紀末、ある日飼い犬のバックは誘拐されそり犬として過酷な運命にさらされ る。厳しい自然の中で、彼は生き延びることができるのか?
In 1897, people found gold in Canada. They needed big, strong dogs to work for them. One day, a man takes Buck from his family, and he has to pull a sled in Canada. Will he survive?
ISBN: 9780241493090
Word Count: 4,084
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 640L
Price ¥1,210
グレタ・トゥーンべリやデイビッド・アッテンボローなど、地球を救うために闘う環境活 動家たちの努力。
Most people know about Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough. But there are many other climate rebels around the world. They are not as famous, but they work very hard.
The Extraordinary Life of Anne Frank
ISBN: 9780241493113
Word Count: 4,124
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 560L
Price ¥1,210
第二次世界大戦下、アンネ・フランクは家族と共にナチスから逃れるため隠れ家で 生活した。日記を書き続けた彼女の、短い生涯。
Anne Frank and her family hid from the Nazis in the Second World War. Anne wrote a diary of that time, and later it became very famous. This is the story of Anne's short life.
The Extraordinary Life of Mahatma Gandhi
ISBN: 9780241553404
Word Count: 4,561
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 650L
Price ¥1,210
インドに生まれたマハトマ・ガンディーは、祖国の独立を願い、信念に従い懸命に 闘う。
Mahatma Gandhi was from India. Gandhi wanted India to be an independent country, and he fought hard for his beliefs.
The Extraordinary Life of Malala Yousafzai マララ・ユスフザイ
ISBN: 9780241447376
Word Count: 3,335
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 610L
Price ¥1,210
Malala Yousafzai lived in Pakistan. But then a group of Islamist extremists called the Taliban came and a war began. Then, one day, two men from the Taliban shot Malala on the bus home from school.
ISBN: 9780241588888
Word Count: 3,416
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 620L
Price ¥1,210
ネルソン・マンデラは、南アフリカに暮らす黒人達をアパルトヘイトと呼ばれる人種 差別から開放したかった。彼は自由と平等を勝ち取るために必死に闘い、南アフリカ 初の黒人の大統領となった。
Nelson Mandela wanted freedom from apartheid for Black people in South Africa. He fought hard for freedom and equality, and became the first Black president of South Africa.
The Extraordinary Life of Rosa Parks
ISBN: 9780241520673
Word Count: 4,711
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 630L
Price ¥1,210
1950年代アメリカ、ある日ローザ・パークスはバスで白人乗客に席を譲るのを拒ん だため逮捕されてしまう。差別と戦い「公民権運動の母」と呼ばれた一人の女性の生 きざまとは。
One day, Rosa Parks got on a bus and did not give her seat to a white person. This helped to change the lives of black people in America. This is Rosa's extraordinary story.
The Extraordinary Life of Steve Jobs
ISBN: 9780241588925
Word Count: 4,526
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 610L
Price ¥1,210
スティーブ・ジョブスはiPhoneを生んだアップル社の共同創設者。優れた発明家で あり実業家である彼の世界に対する考え方は人と違っていた。彼は数々の素晴らし い発想を持ち、生み出した製品によって人々の生活様式を変えた。
Steve Jobs was the co-founder of Apple, creator of the iPhone. He was a brilliant inventor and businessman, and he thought about the world in a different way. He had many brilliant ideas and his work changed the way we live.
ISBN: 9780241610923
Word Count: 3,603
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 520L
Price ¥1,210
父さん狐は農場から夜な夜な食べ物を盗むので、農場主の嫌われ者。いよいよ彼ら が怒り狐一家に危険が及ぶ。でも父さん狐には巧妙な作戦があり、農場主との知恵 比べが始まる。
The farmers do not like Mr Fox, because Mr Fox takes food from their farms! The farmers are angry, and Mr Fox's family is not safe. But Mr Fox has a clever plan. Is Mr Fox more clever than the farmers?
ISBN: 9780241397725
Word Count: 5,252
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 670L
Price ¥1,210
写真共有アプリケーションのSnapchat。大学生のアイディアからどの様に大企業 へと成長していったのか?
This is the story of an app called Snapchat. How did Snapchat grow from a university student's idea into a multibillion-dollar company?
Life in Space
Price ¥1,210
ISBN: 9780241375235 SET A
Word Count: 3,996
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 570L
地球以外に生命は存在するのだろうか?宇宙飛行士やスペースステーション、宇宙 探査について学びます。
Is there life in space? Will people be able to travel to extra solar planets in the future? Learn about astronauts, space stations and space travel in Life in Space.
The Little Prince 星の王子さま
ISBN: 9780241463277
Word Count: 4,716
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 470L
Price ¥1,210
A man crashes in the desert and meets the little prince. Through his pictures and stories, the man learns about the important things in life - like love and friends.
Magic Finger 魔法のゆび
ISBN: 9780241611104
Word Count: 3,260
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 540L
Price ¥1,210
動物の扱いが酷い人に対して怒りが爆発する少女。特別な魔法の力を持つ彼女の 指は、どんな不思議なことを巻き起こすのか?人を悔い改めさせられるのか。
A girl gets very angry because her friends are not kind to animals. But the girl is special because she has a Magic Finger! What strange things will happen to her friends? Will they learn an important lesson?
ISBN: 9780241636749
Word Count: 4,223
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 510L
Price ¥1,210
ムーミン一家の登場。トーベ・ヤンソンが作った美しい物語の中で素敵なムーミン一 家と仲間たちに出会える。
Say hello to the Moomins! In these beautiful stories by Tove Janssen, we meet the wonderful Moomin family and their friends.
ISBN: 9780241543771
Word Count: 3,757 Price ¥1,210
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 500L
These four stories are very old and many of them are about special people or animals. These heroes can do very special things.
ISBN: 9780241397701
Word Count: 4,256
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 560L
Jack Morgan has a company called Private. Private helps people. Sometimes, Private helps the police, too. Now, Jack's friend is dead. Private must find the killer.
The Puffin Keeper パフィン・キーパー
ISBN: 9780241542538
Word Count: 4,236
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 540L
Price ¥1,210
パフィン島にやってきた5歳のアレンはひとりの老人ベンジャミンに出会う。ベンジ ャミンは灯台守で、アレンはすぐに彼と友達になる。
A five year old boy, Allen arrives on Puffin Island and meets an old man, Benjamin. Ben is the lighthouse keeper, and Allen is soon friends with him.
ISBN: 9780241611005
Word Count: 3,837
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 530L
誰もが知っている有名なシンデレラや赤ずきん、3びきのこぶたの物語。ここでは全 く別世界のとてもおかしな物語になって登場。
Do you know the famous story of Cinderella? Do you know about Little Red Riding Hood, or The Three Little Pigs? In this book, you will read these famous stories again. But they will be different, and they will be very, very funny!
The Story of Tracy Beaker
ISBN: 9780241553329
Word Count: 4,578
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 500L
Price ¥1,210
10歳のトレイシー・ビーカーは児童養護施設に住んでいる。彼女はとてもお転婆な ため引き取り手が見つからない。ところがある日作家のカムが施設に現れ、トレイシ ーの人生を変えてしまう。
Ten-year-old Tracy Beaker lives in a children's home. No one wants Tracy because she is very naughty. But one day, a writer, Cam, comes to the children's home and changes Tracy's life.
Sundiata the Lion King and Other Royal Tales 英雄スンジャタとその他の王室物語 マリ、ガーナ、ペルシア、インド、異なる場所の4つの物語。希望と悩みを抱えながら、 勇敢に生き、家族や王国のために戦う者たちの英雄記。
ISBN: 9780241493137
Word Count: 4,029
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 520L
Price ¥1,210
The people in these four stories come from different places, Mali, Ghana, Persia and India. They have to be brave, and they often have to fight for their family or kingdom.
The Twits アッホ夫婦
ISBN: 9780241611128
Word Count: 3,600
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 510L
Price ¥1,210
アッホ夫妻はいつも互いに意地悪をし合って、動物に対してもとても意地悪。そんな 二人に反撃に出た動物たちの計画とは?
Mr and Mrs Twit are not nice people! They enjoy doing bad things, and they are not kind to the animals in their garden. But the animals have a plan. What funny things will the animals do? Can the animals stop the Twits from doing more bad things?
ISBN: 9780241542545
Word Count: 4,195
YL: 2.4-2.6 CEFR: A1+ Lexile: 610L
Price ¥1,210
地球上いたるところに都市がある。都市に住む人間が増える一方、都市の中に住処 を移す動物も増えている。13の都市を取り上げ、そこに住む動物を紹介する。 There are cities everywhere on Earth. More and more people live in cities around the world. But more and more animals make their homes in cities, too. In this book you will visit 13 cities.
Alice Through the Looking Glass 鏡の国のアリス
ISBN: 9780241636763
Word Count: 9,474
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 590L
アリスは子猫と遊んでいるうちに眠くなってしまう。すると突然鏡が動き出し色が変 わって、アリスは鏡の中の魔法の世界に足を踏み入れる。不思議の国よりも奇妙な その世界に一体何があるのだろうか。
Alice is playing with her kitten when she begins to feel tired. Suddenly the looking-glass moves and changes color. Alice steps through the glass into a magic world. It is even stranger than Wonderland... what might she find there?
Amazing Muslims Who Changed the World 世界を変えたムスリム達
ISBN: 9780241520680
Word Count: 8,681
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 680L
マララ・ユスフザイ、モハメド・ファラー、モハメド・アリなど、世界に影響を与えたムス リム(イスラム教徒)の人々を紹介。
The are many famous Muslims in this book - for example, Malala Yousafzai, Sir Mo Farah and Muhammad Ali. But there are many more Muslim people who have changed our world.
Animal Farm 動物農場
ISBN: 9780241430897
Word Count: 8,700
Price ¥1,210 YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 520L
自分達の境遇を変えるため、動物たちは反乱を起こし農場主から農場を奪い自主運 営を始めるが…
Animal Farm tells the story of a rebellion and how it goes wrong. The animals' lives on the farm are terrible - there is not enough food, the work is hard, and animals are dying.
ISBN: 9780241469460
Word Count: 7,172
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 610L
Price ¥1,210
BBC制作ドキュメンタリーDynastiesシリーズのリーダー版。セネガル南東部に住 むチンパンジーの群れに密着し、日々の生活と世代交代する姿を記録。
A few years ago, the BBC made the TV programme Dynasties about animal families across the world. They filmed David and his family - a group of chimpanzees in south-eastern Senegal.
ISBN: 9780241611029
Word Count: 6,618
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 520L
巨人は子どもを食べてしまう恐ろしくて危険な生き物だが、ソフィーは心優しい BFGことビッグ・フレンドリー・ジャイアントと友達になる。二人は毎晩人間を食べ続 ける他の巨人達を止めることができるだろうか?
Giants are frightening and dangerous, and they eat children. Or do they?Meet the BFG, the Big Friendly Giant! Sophie becomes friends with the BFG. But there are other giants in the world, who eat people every night. Can Sophie and the BFG think of a plan to stop them?
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory チャーリーとチョコレート工場
Climate Change
ISBN: 9780241610862
Word Count: 6,667
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 550L
5枚限定の黄金チケット入りウィリー・ウォンカの板チョコを手に入れるのは誰?世界 中が注目する中、チャーリーはチケットを手に入れる。いざウィーリー・ウォンカのチ ョコレート工場の素敵な冒険へ!
Who will find the five golden tickets inside Willy Wonka's chocolate bars? Everyone in the world is looking. When Charlie finds a ticket, his life is going to change. Come with Charlie on his wonderful adventure to Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory!
ISBN: 9780241397862
Word Count: 7,444
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 1,000L
Price ¥1,210
なぜ気候変動が起きているのか?環境にどの様な影響が出ているのか?私たちには 何が出来るのだろう?
Why is the Earth's climate changing? And how will this change our lives? HRH The Prince of Wales is worried about climate change now, and he shows we can do it.
ISBN: 9780241375242
Word Count: 7,962 Price ¥1,210
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 590L
ジョナサン・ハーカーはロンドンに屋敷を購入したいというドラキュラ伯爵のもとを 訪れた。そこで奇妙な事が起こり…
Jonathan Harker visits a castle in Transylvania to help a man named Count Dracula to buy a house in England. While he is there, he discovers many terrible things about the count.
ISBN: 9780241430903
Word Count: 8,917
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 840L
Price ¥1,210
This book tells the story of Elon Musk, American businessman and multibillionaire. Learn about his early years in South Africa and Canada, move to Silicon valley and his plans to travel to Mars.
The Extraordinary Life of Michelle Obama
ISBN: 9780241447383
Word Count: 7,478
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 870L
Price ¥1,210
アフリカ系アメリカ人として初めてファーストレディとなったミシェル・オバマの、半 生と功績を綴ったお話。
Michelle Obama was First Lady of the United States. She is also a wife, a mother and a lawyer. But that is not all. She has started many campaigns to help young people and make the world a better place.
The Extraordinary Life of Stephen Hawking スティーヴン・ホーキング
ISBN: 9780241447413
Word Count: 6,265
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 820L
Stephen Hawking was a very famous scientist whose ideas changed the world. He studied space and time and taught people about the universe. In his life he became very famous, but his life was not easy.
ISBN: 9780241520697
Word Count: 9,773
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 550L
Price ¥1,210
韓国系アメリカ人二世のフランク・リーは移民の子として2つの文化の狭間で悩ん でいた。高校で憧れのブリットと初恋に落ちるが、彼女は両親の望む韓国系ではな く…。
Frank Li is a Korean-American high school senior. His parents are immigrants. They expect hm to date a Korean girl. But Frank falls in love with Brit, who is not Korean.
George’s Marvellous Medicine
ISBN: 9780241610947
Word Count: 6,569
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 540L
おばあさんに薬を飲ませるようお母さんから言われたジョージは、怖いおばあさ んが苦手。おばあさんが優しくなる薬を作って飲ませたらどうだろう。
"Don't forget to give Grandma her medicine," says George's mother. Most grandmothers are kind, but George's grandmother is not. George is frightened of Grandma. But maybe he can make a new medicine for her, which will make her kinder. What will happen when Grandma takes George's Marvellous Medicine? Let's see!
Ghost Stories M・R・ジェイムズ 短編怪談集
ISBN: 9780241520703
Word Count: 9,510
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 610L
奇妙な笛の音、危険な呪い、埋められた冠や13号室のないホテル。M.R. Jamesに よる恐ろしい4つのゴーストストーリー。
A strange whistle, a dangerous curse, a buried crown and a hotel without a room 13. Don't read these four frightening ghost stories by M.R. James late at night!
ISBN: 9780241375266
Word Count: 8,514
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 630L
Price ¥1,210
ニューヨークに引っ越してきたニック。彼の家の隣には正体不明の大富豪ジェイ・ギ ャツビーが住んでいた。
Everybody wants to know Jay Gatsby. He is handsome and very rich. He owns a big house, and he has wonderful parties there. But after the music and dancing, does anybody really know who Jay Gatsby is?
ISBN: 9780241610961
Word Count: 6,702
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 560L
Price ¥1,210
両親を亡くしたジェームズは、二人の酷い叔母たちに引き取られ、淋しく辛い日々を 送っていた。ある日庭の桃の実がどんどん大きくなり、ジェームズはその中に住む 奇妙で素敵な仲間に出会う。
When James's parents die, he has to live with his two horrible aunts. He is lonely and sad. But then, a peach in his aunts' garden starts to grow bigger and bigger. What strange and wonderful friends will James meet inside the peach?
Jaz Santos vs. The World ジャズ・サントス vs 世界
ISBN: 9780241636787
Word Count: 9,293
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 630L
私はジャズ・サントス。ダンスはあまり上手くないけれどサッカーが大好き。女友達と ブラムロック・スターズというサッカーチームを作った。もしサッカーで一番になれた ら、両親は喧嘩をやめて私をもっと好きになってくれるかも知れない。
Hi! I'm Jaz Santos. I'm not very good at dancing, but I LOVE football. I've made a team with my girl friends - we are called the Bramrock Stars! If I can be the best at football, then maybe my parents will stop arguing and love me more.
ISBN: 9780241588949
Word Count: 9,891
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 530L
14才のフランキーは辛い日々を送っている。母親が病気な上、自分は学校でいじめ られている。そして自分がゲイなのではないかと悩んでいる。彼女は仲良くなった サリーに恋心を抱く。サリーも同じ気持ちだろうか?
14-year-old Frankie has a difficult life. Her mother is ill, she is being bullied at school, and she thinks she might be gay. When Frankie makes friends with Sally, she begins to fall in love with her. Does Sally feel the same way?
Moomin and the Hat ムーミンと魔法の帽子 Persuasion
ISBN: 9780241636800
Word Count: 9,979
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 530L
ムーミンとスナフキン、スニフは魔法の帽子を見つける。その帽子を使ってベリージ ュースや雲を作ることができる。でもこの帽子の持ち主は誰だろうか、この帽子を探 しているのだろうか。
Moomintroll, Snufkin and Sniff find a magic hat. It can make berry-juice and clouds! But who owns the hat - and are they looking for it?
ISBN: 9780241588963
Word Count: 9,134
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 580L
8年前にアンはフレデリックが貧乏なため彼とは結婚できないと判断した。しかし一 家でバースに引っ越したアンは、そこでフレデリックと再会する。彼女は今も彼に好 意を持っていたが、今フレデリックは彼女に対してどのような気持ちなのだろう? Eight years ago, Anne decided that she could not marry Frederick because he had no money. But when Anne’s family moves to Bath, she meets Frederick again. She still loves him, but what are his feelings for her after all this time?
The Picture of Dorian Gray ドリアン・グレイの肖像
ISBN: 9780241463307
Word Count: 8,594
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 590L
若く美しい青年ドリアンは自らの肖像画前に、いつまでも若々しく年をとるのは絵の 方であってほしいと願う。
An artist paints a beautiful young man called Dorian Gray. When Dorian sees the picture, he decides to give his soul to keep his beautiful face. He lives a bad life and he is cruel to many people, but his face never changes.
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13 ぼくのヒ・ミ・ツ日記
ISBN: 9780241520710
Word Count: 8,584
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 640L
エイドリアン・モールは13歳の男の子。学校や家族との出来事を日記につけてい る。ある日学校に新しい女の子が入ってきて…
Adrian is a 13-year-old boy. He writes a diary about his school, his family and, of course, love. "There's a new girl in our class . . . I think I might love her. I am 13 ¾ years old, so I'm old enough for love!"
The Secret Dreamworld of a Shopaholic レベッカのお買い物日記
ISBN: 9780241493120
Word Count: 9,719
Price ¥1,210 YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 590L
ベッキーはお金持ちの友人スーズと一緒に住んでいる。スーズもその友達も皆お 金持ち。自分だけお金が無いベッキーは、分かっているのに買い物が止められない。
Becky lives with her rich friend, Suze. Becky does not have as much money as Suze. She knows that she should stop spending money, but she can't stop shopping.
ISBN: 9780241588987
Word Count: 8,452
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 600L
Price ¥1,210
シャーロック・ホームズは友人の医師ワトソンと共に、多くの奇怪で難解な事件に取 り組む有名な探偵である。彼は人の心を理解し、多くの興味深い手掛かりを見つけ るが、果たして事件を解決できるだろうか。
Sherlock Holmes is a famous detective who works on a lot of strange and difficult cases with his friend Dr Watson. Sherlock understands people and he finds many interesting clues, but can he solve the crimes?
The Summer I Turned Pretty 私たちの青い夏
ISBN: 9780241589007
Word Count: 9,875
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 480L
ベリーは毎年母親とスザンナの海辺の家で休暇を過ごす。スザンナには二人の息 子がいる。ベリーは息子の一人を好きだが、相手は自分を妹のようにしか思ってい なかった。けれど彼女はこの夏美しくなり…。
Every year, Belly goes on holiday with her mom to Susannah’s beach house. Susannah has two sons. Belly is in love with one of them, but he thinks of her as a little sister. Except this is the summer that she has turned pretty . . .
ISBN: 9780241397893
Word Count: 9,146
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 550L
オーガストは生まれて初めて学校に通うことになる。それは普通の見た目ではない 彼にとって大変なことだった。
August has been home-schooled all his life. Now he is starting fifth grade at a school. He doesn't want other students to look at him, but that isn't easy when he looks like he does.
A Wrinkle in Time リンクル・イン・タイム
ISBN: 9780241520734
Word Count: 9,304
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 510L
Price ¥1,210
メグの父親が姿を消してしまい、家族は父に帰って来てほしいと願っている。ある日 メグと弟は奇妙な3人の女性と出会う。彼女らは父親を知っていて、メグを助けてあ げたいという。
Meg's father has disappeared, and her family wants him back. One day, Meg and her little brother meet three strange women. The women know about Meg's father, and they want to help her.
ISBN: 9780241430910
Word Count: 8,475
YL: 3.0-3.2 CEFR: A2 Lexile: 630L
世界中の至る所で突如動物が人間を襲い始めた。原因は何なのか?科学者ジャクソ ンがその謎に迫る。
Scientist Jackson Oz has discovered that, all around the world, animals have started attacking humans. He starts to believe that the attacks are caused by a change in pheromones.
The Age of Innocence エイジ・オブ・イノセンス
ISBN: 9780241553367
Word Count: 12,891
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 680L
Price ¥1,210
ニューランド・アーチャーは可愛らしいメイ・ウェランドという恋人と結婚することに なっていた。周りは二人がとてもお似合いだと思っていた。その後メイの美しい従 妹エレン・オレンスカ伯爵夫人が夫のもとを離れニューヨークに行き周囲を驚かせ た。エレンと会った時、ニューランドはメイとの将来に疑問を持ち始める。
Newland Archer is going to marry the sweet, pretty May Welland. Everyone thinks that they are perfect together. Then, May's beautiful cousin, the Countess Ellen Olenska, shocks everyone by leaving her husband and moving to New York. When Newland meets Ellen, he starts to question his future with May.
ISBN: 9780241463284
Word Count: 12,615
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 550L
Price ¥1,210
犯罪一家で育った天才少年アルテミスは妖精達の持つ黄金を手に入れようともくろ む。
Artemis Fowl is twelve years old and he is a very clever criminal. He discovers that fairies have gold and he wants some of it. But these fairies are not all sweet, they have guns, and they are dangerous.
ISBN: 9780241447420
Word Count: 12,575
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 590L
Price ¥1,210
One day, Bruno's father gets a new job, and the family move to a new place. There is a strange camp at the end of the garden. He meets Shmuel and they become very good friends. But why is Shmuel in the camp?
ISBN: 9780241542552
Word Count: 13,324
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 650L
Price ¥1,210
無名の語り手は第二次世界大戦中のニューヨークに住んでいた時のことを思い返 す。彼は隣人の一人、美人で奇妙なライフスタイルを持つホリー・ゴライトリーと友 人になる。
An unnamed writer remembers living in New York City in the United States of America during World War II. He becomes friends with one of his neighbours, the beautiful yet strange, Holly Golightly.
ISBN: 9780241589021
Word Count: 12,892
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 600L
11才のバド・コールドウェルは、恐ろしい里親の元から逃げ出して、実の父親を探す ことを決心する。大恐慌に見舞われ、人々が非常に貧しかった時代にアメリカを横断 する。果たしてバドは、無事父親を見つけて落ち着くことができるだろうか。
11-year old Bud Caldwell escapes his horrible foster home and decides to find his father. His adventures take him across the USA during the Great Depression, a time when many people were very poor. Will Bud find a home and a family?
ISBN: 9780241610886
Word Count: 9,478
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 570L
ダニーのお父さんは楽しい物語を聞かせてくれたり、素敵なおもちゃを作ってくれ る最高の父親。でもある日秘密を知って、二人でハラハラドキドキの冒険を始めるこ とに。
Danny has the best father. Danny's father tells exciting stories and makes wonderful toys. But he also has a secret. What will Danny discover? Can he help his father on an exciting and dangerous adventure?
ISBN: 9780241463314
Word Count: 12,615
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 740L
上流階級の令嬢エマは自分に縁結びの才能があると思い込む。彼女は友人を助け ようとするが…
Emma is beautiful, clever and rich, and she has everything she wants. She does not want a husband for herself, but she loves match-making for her friends. But is Emma really as clever as she thinks?
ISBN: 9780241430927
Word Count: 12,081
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 620L
ロアルド・ダール『少年』に続く青春時代を書いた自伝小説。第二次世界大戦中のイ ギリス空軍パイロットとしての体験を綴る。
Going Solo is Roald Dahl's second autobiography which covers his travel in Africa and his time with the Royal Air Force during World War II.
How High the Moon
ISBN: 9780241520727
Word Count: 12,163
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 600L
Price ¥1,210
1940年代のアメリカを舞台に、有色人種であることの苦悩を描いた青春小説。アメ リカ南部の町に暮らしている少女エラはボストンに住む母親を訪ねる。
It is a story about family and how hard life was for black Americans in the 1940s. Ella lives in a small Southern town. Ella's mother lives in Boston, but Ella does not know who her father is.
ISBN: 9780241493151
Word Count: 12,256
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 610L
Price ¥1,210
科学者のグリフィンは物質を透明にする方法を発見し、自身をも透明にしてしまう。 しかし彼の人生はより思わぬ方向へ進んでいく。
Griffin is a scientist, and he discovers how to make things invisible. Then he becomes invisible himself. Griffin thinks that an invisible man will have a lot of power. But life becomes more and more difficult.
Jane Eyre ジェーン・エア
ISBN: 9780241430934
Word Count: 12,084
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 630L
Price ¥1,210
不遇な環境で育ったジェーンは家庭教師として働き始める。家の主人と身分を超え た恋愛を経験するが…
Jane is an orphaned girl. She goes to work at a Thornfield Hall as a governess for the strange Mr Rochester. They become friends, and she is finally happy. However, life is not easy for her.
ISBN: 9780241493144
Word Count: 13,729
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 650L
Price ¥1,210
リーチャーは元軍人で、アメリカ陸軍憲兵で働いていた過去がある。アメリカ放浪し ている最中、ある田舎町で見に覚えのない殺人容疑をかけられてしまう。
Reacher was a soldier, and then he was in the military police. But now he is traveling the United States of America with nothing much to do. Then one morning, he is arrested - for murder!
ISBN: 9780241447437
Word Count: 12,366
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 580L
高校生のエルと親友のリーは学校祭でキスブースを設置することに。当日エルがキ スした相手はリーの兄のノアだった。
Elle has one more year of high school left and she has never been kissed. When she decides to make a kissing booth for the school carnival, she kisses Noah, her best friend Lee's brother, and her life changes.
ISBN: 9780241636848
Word Count: 12,886
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 620L
19世紀のフランスでは多くの人々が苦しい生活を送っていた。パンを盗んだ罪で19年 間投獄されるジャン・ヴァルジャン、ヴィクトル・ユーゴーによる有名な物語。ヴァルジャン
In nineteenth-century France, life was hard for many people. Victor Hugo's famous book tells the story of Jean Valjean, who spends 19 years in prison for stealing bread. When Valjean leaves prison he starts a business and tries to become a better man, but Javert the policeman will do anything to stop him.
ISBN: 9780241553343
Word Count: 13,439
Price ¥1,210 YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 740L
5歳のサルーはインドで間違った電車に乗ってしまい、何千マイルも離れたコルカタ に連れていかれてしまう。何か月も路上で生活した後、オーストラリアの一家に引き 取られる。何年も経ってサルーはインドの家族を探すことを決心する。
Five-year-old Saroo gets on the wrong train in India and is taken thousands of miles to the city of Kolkata. After months of living on the streets, he is adopted by a family in Australia. Many years later, Saroo decides to try and find his Indian family.
ISBN: 9780241610985
Word Count: 9,305
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 540L
両親は読書や勉強が大好きで、テレビを見ないマチルダを理解できない。マチルダ はとても特別な少女。転入した学校で子どもに酷いことをするトランチブル先生と 出会い、巧妙な計画を練る。
Matilda's parents do not understand her. Why does Matilda love to read and learn? Why doesn't she want to watch TV? Matilda is a very special little girl. At her new school, Matilda meets the frightening teacher Miss Trunchbull, who is very unkind to the children. But Matilda has a clever plan.
ISBN: 9780241397916
Word Count: 11,654
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 650L
Price ¥1,210
ルーの半年限定介護職の相手は、事故で身体が不自由になったウィルだった。やが て二人は恋に落ちるのだが…
When Lou Clark loses her job at a café, she is given a job caring for Will Traynor. Will was disabled in a motorbike accident. Neither of them know that they're going to change each other's lives forever.
ISBN: 9780241589045
Word Count: 12,935
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 610L
マギーはフロス河の水車小屋に兄のトムと暮らしている。二人は仲が良かったが、性 格の違いから意見が合わないことがよくあった。ある日父親が破産し、二人は水車 小屋を手放さなくて済むよう、両親を助けなければならなくなる。
Maggie lives with her brother Tom in a mill by the river Floss. They love each other, but they are very different and they often disagree. When their father loses all his money, Maggie and Tom must try and help their parents keep the mill.
No Rules Rules NO RULES: 世界一「自由」な会社、NETFLIX
ISBN: 9780241553442
Word Count: 11,012
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 870L
Price ¥1,210
リード・ヘイスティングスはマーク・ランドルフと1997年にNetflixを創設。彼らの会 社は我々のテレビや映画の見方を完全に変えてしまった。リードがNetflixの成功の 秘訣と、いかにしてこの会社には一つもルールがないのかを解き明かす。
Reed Hastings started Netflix with Marc Randolph in 1997. Their company has completely changed how we watch TV and films. In this book, Reed explains the secret to the company's success and how at Netflix, there really are NO rules.
ISBN: 9780241542569
Word Count: 13,790
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 640L
Price ¥1,210
13歳のキャメロンは病気により心臓の移植が必要とされている。医者達から豚の心 臓を移植することを提案されるが、キャメロンは決めることができない。
Cameron is 13 years old. He is not well and needs a new heart. Doctors want to give him a pig's heart. Cameron cannot decide if he wants the pig's heart.
ISBN: 9780241375273
Word Count: 12,410
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 680L
舞台はイングランドの田舎町。ベネット家のエリザベスは近所に越してきた資産家 とその友人ダーシーに出会う。
Elizabeth Bennet, the daughter of an English country gentleman, meets Mr. Darcy, a rich man who owns land. At first, Elizabeth hates him and thinks he is proud, but slowly her feelings start to change.
ISBN: 9780241636824
Word Count: 12,681
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 610L
ルーシー・ハニーチャーチはフィレンツェで休暇を楽しんでいた。そこで風変りなエマーソンと息子 ジョージに出会う。ルーシーはジョージの彼女への気持ちに怯えながらローマに向かう。イギリス に戻るとエマーソン親子が隣人となり、ルーシーは今後どう生きたいのか決めざるをえなくなる。
Lucy Honeychurch is on holiday in Florence, when she meets the strange Mr Emerson and his son, George. Feeling frightened by George's feelings for her, she soon leaves for Rome. But when the Emersons becomes her neighbours in England, Lucy must decide how she really wants to live her proud, but slowly her feelings start to change.
The Witches ワシントン・スクエア
ISBN: 9780241589069
Word Count: 12,754
Price ¥1,210 YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 610L
キャサリン・スローパーは美しくも賢くもなかったが裕福だった。ある日彼女と結婚 したいという魅力的な男性と出会う。彼は本当にキャサリンを愛しているのか、それ とも彼女の財産目当てなのか。キャサリンの父親には答えがわかっていた。
Catherine Sloper is not pretty or clever, but she is rich. One day she meets a charming man who wants to marry her. But does he really love Catherine, or does he just want her money? Her father is sure that he knows the answer.
ISBN: 9780241611142
Word Count: 9,511
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 590L
魔女は黒い帽子を被り、黒い猫を連れている?いいえ、みんなと変わらぬ外見で、ど こにでも潜んでいるので要注意。子どもが大嫌いでこの世から絶滅させようとして いる魔女達を、少年とおばあちゃんは阻止できるのか?
What do witches look like? Do they have black hats and black cats? No. Be very, very careful, because witches are everywhere, and they look as normal as you and me. They also hate children and want to kill them all! Can a boy and his grandmother stop them?
Women Who Changed the World 世界を変えた女性たち
ISBN: 9780241375280
Word Count: 10,991
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 870L
Price ¥1,210
These are stories of some of the women who fought to be equal to men, and learn about the things that women have done in education, science, sport and politics.
You Must Be Layla
ISBN: 9780241589083
Word Count: 12,616
YL: 3.4-3.6 CEFR: A2+ Lexile: 590L
Price ¥1,210
レイラは13才のイスラム教徒の少女。最近ブリスベンのトップクラスの学校に転入した ばかり。彼女は賢く面白い子なのに学校には彼女に意地悪な生徒もいる。レイラはどう すれば、その生徒達に自分が良い生徒であることをわからせて、仲良くなれるだろうか。
Layla is a 13-year old Muslim girl who has just moved to one of the best schools in Brisbane. Layla is clever and funny, but some of the students are not kind to her. How can Layla show that she is a good student and make friends?
ISBN: 9780241553381
Word Count: 16,660
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 640L
17歳のダンテは試験の結果を待っていた。良い成績であれば大学に進学できる。し かし自分には幼い娘がいることが発覚し、計画は崩れる。父親や兄の助けを得て、ダ ンテはシングルファーザーになるべく学ばなければならない。
Seventeen-year-old Dante is waiting for his exam results. If they are good, he'll go to university. But Dante's plans have to change when he hears that he is the father of a baby girl. With the help of his father and brother, Dante must learn how to be a single father.
ISBN: 9780241589106
Word Count: 16,971
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 810L
エリスはアイルランドの家族の元から一人旅立ち、ニューヨークのブルックリンで仕 事に就く。刺激的な冒険に富んだ新生活だが、アイルランドが恋しい。特別な人と出 会って、彼女は自分の過去であるアイルランドと未来であるニューヨークのどちら かを選ばなければならなくなる。
When Eilis gets a job in Brooklyn, New York, she leaves her family in Ireland to travel to a new country. It’s an exciting adventure, but Eilis misses Ireland. Then she meets someone special, and she must choose between her past and her future.
ISBN: 9780241493175
Word Count: 16,797
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 730L
Price ¥1,320
デイヴィッド・コパフィールドは母と乳母のペゴティーと幸せに暮らしていた。しかし、 母が冷酷な男マードストンと再婚すると、彼の生活は一変する。
David Copperfield lives happily with his mother and his nurse, Peggotty. Then his mother marries Mr Murdstone, and he and his sister come to live with them. Suddenly everything changes . .
Doctor Who: Borrowed Time
ISBN: 9780241397886
Word Count: 15,327
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 680L
銀行で働くアンドリューは忙しくいつも時間が無かった。ある日彼の前に時間を貸す と提案する男たちが現れて…
Andrew Brown makes lots of money every day, but he never has enough time. Now, he might have found a way to borrow some. But instead of making his life easier, more time might just give him more problems.
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close ものすごくうるさくて、ありえないほど近い
ISBN: 9780241397947
Word Count: 17,311
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 620L
Oskar's father is killed in the attacks on the world Trade Center on September 11th 2001. He wants to learn the secret about a key that he discovers in his father's closet. He searches all around New York City.
Far from the Madding Crowd
ISBN: 9780241463321
Word Count: 17,113
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 610L
イギリスの田舎町を舞台に、一人の女性の生き様と三人の男性との恋愛遍歴を描 いたお話。
Bathsheba is young and beautiful. She has her own farm and she likes to do things her way. Three men are in love with her - a poor shepherd, a rich farmer and a soldier. Which man will she choose?
ISBN: 9780241430941
Word Count: 15,195 Price ¥1,320
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 800L
科学者フランケンシュタインは人造人間の製造に成功する。しかし誕生したのは見 るに堪えない醜い怪物だった。
Frankenstein wants to make his own creature from lifeless body parts. But when the creature is finished, Frankenstein is shocked by his creation and runs away. Lonely and angry, the creature comes after him for revenge.
ISBN: 9780241430989
Word Count: 14,925
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 1,050L
This book tells the story of Freddie Mercury, one of the greatest rock stars of all time. Learn about his early years as a shy boy from Zanzibar. Discover how he became the lead singer of Queen.
How to Give Up Plastic 脱・プラスチック宣言
ISBN: 9780241520741
Word Count: 13,480
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 900L
毎年約1270万トン海に投入されているプラスチック。2050年までに、海中のプラ スチック量は魚の重量を超えると言われている。使用削減をするために我々ができ ることとは。
Around 12.7 million tonnes of plastic are entering the ocean every year. By 2050 there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish by weight. But YOU can make a difference.
ISBN: 9780241430965
Word Count: 17,374
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 710L
Price ¥1,320
Jonathan Pine is the Night Manager of a hotel in Egypt. When he is shown some secret information, he passes it to a man in the British government. But things go wrong and the woman he loves dies.
The One Memory of Flora Banks フローラ
ISBN: 9780241520765
Word Count: 17,645
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 650L
Price ¥1,320
17歳のフローラには記憶障害があるが、ある男の子とキスをしたことだけは覚えて いる。彼を見つけ出し、なぜ記憶が残っているのか突き止めようとする。
17-year-old Flora has an illness and can't remember anything for very long. She writes notes to herself to help her remember things. But one day, Flora kisses a boy and she remembers it. She must find the boy.
The Pursuit of Love 愛の追跡
ISBN: 9780241589120
Word Count: 16,091
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 620L
Price ¥1,320
リンダと姉妹達は愛と情熱を探し求めていたが、手に入れるのは驚くほど難しかっ た。彼女はやっと愛を見つけ幸せに思えたが、時代はドイツと戦争に突入する直前 の1930年代。これからリンダに何が起こるのだろう?
Linda and her sisters are looking for love and passion, but it is surprisingly hard to come by. She finally finds love and seems happy, but this is the 1930s and her country will soon go to war with Germany. What will happen to Linda then?
Sense and Sensibility 分別と多感
ISBN: 9780241520758
Word Count: 16,267
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 800L
Price ¥1,320
19世紀のイギリス。父を亡くしたダッシュウッド家の姉妹たちは、屋敷を離れて小さ なコテージに引っ越すことになる。
Elinor and Marianne Dashwood are sisters. After the death of their father and losing their home and money, they have to move to a small cottage across the country. There, both their lives completely change.
Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda サイモン vs 人類平等化計画
ISBN: 9780241493182
Word Count: 16,031
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 640L
Price ¥1,320
サイモンはアメリカの高校生。ゲイである彼はネットで知り合った「ブルー」に夢中に なるが、同級生にメールを見られてしまい…
Simon is a gay boy who is at high school in the US. He meets Blue on the school's Tumblr, and they begin talking to each other. Simon knows that he is falling in love, but then another boy sees the emails…
The Three Musketeers 三銃士
ISBN: 9780241542576
Word Count: 17,850
Price ¥1,320 YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 710L
若きダルタニャンは銃士となるべくパリにやって来る。そこで3人の銃士に出会い次 々と冒険をくぐり抜けていく。
When the young d'Artagnan leaves his hometown with the hope of becoming one of the king's musketeers, it is the start of a wonderful adventure. He soon meets the three musketeers, Athos, Porthos and Aramis.
ISBN: 9780241636862
マニーはイギリスで厳格なパンジャブ人の両親と暮らしている。伝統を重んじる両 親は彼に見合い結婚をさせるつもりだが、マニーは絶対にしたくない。友達のアデ に助けてもらい、結婚しないで済む計画を練るが。。。。
Manny lives in England with his strict Punjabi parents who are very traditional and want him to have an arranged marriage. There's just one problem: Manny definitely doesn't want an arranged marriage. With the help of his best friend, Ade, Manny makes a plan...
The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry ハロルド・フライの思いもよらない巡礼の旅
ISBN: 9780241636886
Word Count: 16,952 Word Count: 16,672
3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 680L YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 610L
ハロルド・フライはイギリスで静かで平凡に暮らしていたが、ある日手紙が届き旧知のクイーニー・ヘネシ ーが危篤だと知る。ハロルドは500マイル離れた彼女に手紙を送ろうと郵便ポストに向かうが、その途中 で自分の過去や家族について考え始める。そしてそのまま歩いてクイーニーに会いに行く決心をする。
Harold Fry lives a quiet, ordinary life in England. But when he gets a phone call and learns that his old friend Queenie Hennessey is dying, he decides to post her a letter to her home 500 miles away. As he walks to the post box, Harold begins to think about his past and his family. He decides on walking until he reaches Queenie.
ISBN: 9780241493199
Word Count: 16,153
3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 1,020L
時空を超えた宇宙への旅案内。138億年前に起こったビッグバンや、太陽系以外の 銀河について学ぶ。
This book takes us on a journey of the Universe, through space and time. It starts 13.8 billion years ago with the Big Bang, which led to the stars, the planets and our Solar System.
The Wings of the Dove 鳩の翼
ISBN: 9780241589144
Word Count: 17,097
YL: 3.8-4.0 CEFR: B1 Lexile: 680L
Price ¥1,320
ケイトとデンシャーは結婚を望んでいた。デンシャーは貧しかったがケイトには策があった。若く て重病のミリーという女相続人を騙すのだ。ミリーが亡くなれば遺産が手に入ると考え、ケイト はミリーがデンシャーと結婚することを望んだ。果たしてケイトの企みは思い通りに進むのか?
Kate and Densher want to get married. Densher is poor, but Kate has a plan. She decides to deceive Milly, a sweet young heiress who is very ill. She wants Milly to marry Densher so he can get her money after she dies. Will Kate’s plan succeed?
ISBN: 9780241589168
Word Count: 16,484
この本はリモートワークの長所と短所を考察する。リモートワークをより良いものに するために有効な様々な方法を探り、生産性やワークライフバランスにどのような 影響を与えるかを検証する。
This book examines the positive and negative aspects of working remotely. It explores the different ways that people can make remote working more successful, and looks at how it can affect productivity and work-life balance.
ISBN: 9780241375297
Word Count: 16,030
家を借りた主人公は大家の住む「嵐が丘」を訪れる。そこの住人を不思議に感じた彼 は使用人に話を聞くことに。
A man visit a house called Wuthering Heights. While there, the man learns about Catherine, who lived in the house years before. Her story of love and sadness still affects the lives of those in the present.
ISBN: 9780241589205
Word Count: 20,812
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 530L
Price ¥1,320
ナズニーンは18歳で年上の男性と結婚しバングラデシュから英国に渡る。ロンドン のブリックレーン地区は育った村とは全く違う。彼女はどうやってよその新しい環境 に馴染んで行くのだろうか。
When Nazneen is 18, she marries an older man and moves from Bangladesh to England to be with her husband. But London’s Brick Lane in is very different from Nazneen’s village. How will she get used to her strange new home?
Darkest Hour
ISBN: 9780241397909
Word Count: 19,151
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 1,100L
Price ¥1,320
第二次世界大戦初期のイギリス。ウィンストン・チャーチルはドイツとの戦争という 困難な状況下で首相に就任した。
It is May 1940. Western countries are falling into Nazi hands. Britain must prepare to be invaded any day. This is the story of how British Prime Minister Winston Churchill changed history during WWII.
ISBN: 9780241542583
Word Count: 20,308
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 750L
Price ¥1,320
In these stories, the author describes the lives of ordinary Dubliners. Their lives are not always easy, and they have problems with their families.
The Girl on the Train ガール・オン・ザ・トレイン
ISBN: 9780241520789
Word Count: 21,375
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 580L
Price ¥1,320
レイチェル・ワトソンは毎日同じ電車に乗り、かつて自分が住んでいた家並や、裏庭 を眺めていた。ある日、衝撃的なことを目撃する。
Rachel catches the same train into London every morning. Every day, Rachel looks at the same row of houses and back gardens. But, one day, she sees something shocking happening in one of the gardens.
ISBN: 9780241463338
Word Count: 20,857
Price ¥1,320 YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 650L
When the orphan Pip is taken to the house of Miss Havisham, he meets and falls in love with Estella. Later he learns that somebody has given him a lot of money, but Pip does not know who this person is.
ISBN: 9780241430958
Word Count: 20,420
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 690L
Oliver Twist is an orphan and he grows up in the workhouse, where life is very hard. One day Oliver runs away to London. There, he enters a life of crime. How will he live in this dangerous world?
One of Us Is Lying
ISBN: 9780241520772
Word Count: 21,236
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 660L
自分の秘密を守るため、どこまでやるのか。5人の居残りをする高校生のうち4人だ けが生き残る。4人全員が殺人容疑をかけられて...。
Everyone has secrets. How far would you go to protect yours? Five students at Bayview High must stay late at school but only four of them leave alive. They become suspects in a murder. Who do you believe?
Slumdog Millionaire
ISBN: 9780241493205
Word Count: 18,655
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 690L
Price ¥1,320
18歳の貧しい青年ラムは、クイズ番組に出演、全問正解するが不正の疑いを掛けら れてしまう。彼は説明を余儀なくされ…。
Ram is a poor waiter in Mumbai. He goes on a television quiz show, and answers all the questions correctly. But the police arrest him because they think he has cheated.
あらゆる仕事がうまくいく最も合理的な方法 企業やリーダーが、何週間、何ヶ月も会議を重ねなくても製品作りを成功させる方 法がある。それがsprint。
ISBN: 9780241493212
¥1,320 YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 810L
Word Count: 20,795
Companies and leaders often have great ideas. But, before they can turn their ideas into successful products, they need to answer some big questions. Now there is a way to answer these questions. It is called the sprint.
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
Price ¥1,320
ISBN: 9780241397954 SET A
Word Count: 18,179
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 650L
冷戦を舞台としたスパイ小説。イギリス秘密情報部のアレックス・リーマスは任務に 失敗し解雇されるが…
Alec Leamas, a British spy, is worn out and ready to stop working. But his boss wants him to do one final job: to spread false information about an important man in East Germany.
A Tale of Two Cities
ISBN: 9780241589182
Word Count: 20,664
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 710L
Price ¥1,320
マネット医師は、18年間バスチーユ牢獄で過ごした後、フランスを離れイギリスで娘 と暮らし始める。しかしやがて親子はパリに連れ戻される。フランス革命という残忍 な時代を背景に展開する物語。
After spending 18 years in the Bastille prison, Dr Manette leaves France and goes to live with his daughter in England. But in time they will be forced to return to Paris. Their story plays out against the brutal backdrop of the French Revolution.
The Talented Mr Ripley リプリー
ISBN: 9780241542613
Word Count: 21,426
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 740L
Price ¥1,320
1950年代、トム・リプリーは大富豪に息子のディッキーを連れ戻すよう依頼されアメ リカからイタリアへ向かう。
In the 1950s, Tom Ripley travels from the United States of America to Italy, to find Dickie Greenleaf and bring him home to his father.
ISBN: 9780241542590
Word Count: 21,769
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 750L
Price ¥1,320
貧しい農夫であるジョンは、ある日自分が貴族ダーバヴィル家の血を引いているこ とを知り、娘のテスをダーバヴィル家の奉公に行かせる。
When Tess's father learns that his ancestors were the d'Urbervilles - a rich and well-known family - he hope it will make their lives better. They send Tess to introduce herself to some "relatives".
The Turn of the Screw ねじの回転
ISBN: 9780241493229
Word Count: 19,774
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 690L
イギリスの田舎屋敷に二人の子供の家庭教師として若い女性が雇われる。彼女は 着任間もなく亡霊を見るようになる。
A young woman accepts her first job and goes to Bly, a country house in England, to teach a young brother and sister. But she soon starts to see ghosts and tries to protect the children from them.
Viruses and Pandemics
ISBN: 9780241493168
Word Count: 18,991
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 1,090L
COVID-19パンデミック下で書かれた、ウィルスと細菌について学ぶ書。過去に感 染症の予防法を発見した科学者や、今日ウィルスに関わる人々を紹介する。
This book is about viruses and bacteria, and was written during the Covid-19 pandemic. Meet some of the scientists who discovered ways to prevent diseases, and those who are working with viruses today.
ISBN: 9780241463345
Word Count: 20,572
YL: 4.2-4.4 CEFR: B1+ Lexile: 860L
Price ¥1,320
The world is a wonderful place to a brave wolf cub, as his mother teaches him all about nature. But then he meets humans. They call him White Fang, and take him away from the wild.
Level 7 Artificial Intelligence 人工知能
ISBN: 9780241542606
Word Count: 23,157
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 1,150L
Price ¥1,320
人工知能(AI)とは何か、それが世界にもたらすものは何かを紹介。過去、現在、未来 におけるAIの発展についても取り上げる。
This book aims to explain what AI is and what it is not. It turns to different subjects to understand AI, and what it means for the world. It also examines important AI developments in the past, present and future.
The Children Act 未成年
ISBN: 9780241520819
Word Count: 22,442
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 790L
高等法院の裁判官を務めるフィオナ・メイと、宗教上の理由で輸血を拒むアダム・ヘ ンリーの関わりを描いた物語。
This story is about Fiona Maye, who is a High Court judge, and her meeting with Adam Henry, a desperately ill boy who refused a blood transfusion because of his religion.
デジタル・ミニマリスト 本当に大切なことに集中する
ISBN: 9780241520796
Word Count: 22,615
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 970L
デジタルツールに費やす時間の長さが気になる人におすすめの本。どうしたら使い 過ぎを止めることができるのか。
This book is useful for anyone who is worried about the amount of time they are spending online and shows them how to use less technology in their life.
Girl, Woman, Other ガール・ウーマン・アザー
ISBN: 9780241553428
Word Count: 24,778
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 880L
12人の人々の人種・人生・辿った道についての力強い物語。人々が集まり、分かち合 い、愛し、互いを思いやることの大切さを褒めたたえる。
Girl, Woman, Other is a powerful novel about race and the lives and journeys of twelve people. It celebrates the importance of coming together to share, love, and take care of each other.
ISBN: 9780241553466
Word Count: 25,332
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 810L
Price ¥1,320
マイケル・コルレオーネは決して一家の犯罪事業には加わらないと決めていた。アメ リカ人の恋人ケイと結婚し、平凡な生活を送ることを望んでいた。しかし家族が攻撃 を受けると、自分が復讐せざるを得ないことを思い知る。
Michael Corleone is determined not to join his family's criminal businesses. He wants to live a normal life and marry his American girlfriend, Kay. But when members of his family are attacked, Michael realises that he has to take revenge.
ISBN: 9780241542620
Word Count: 25,488
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 700L
ガーナでそれぞれ別の村に生まれた異父姉妹のエフィアとエシ。エフィアは裕福な イギリス人と結婚し、エシは奴隷として売られてしまう。二人は全く異なる人生を歩 む。
Half-sisters Effia and Esi are born into different villages in Ghana. The sisters' lives follow different paths: Effia marries a wealthy Englishman, while Esi is captured and sold into slavery.
ISBN: 9780241463352
Word Count: 24,322
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 900L
The survivor of a lost whaling ship related the tale of his captain's obsession to hunt the white whale, Moby Dick. Price ¥1,320
ISBN: 9780241520802
Word Count: 25,983
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 780L
Price ¥1,320
1923年6月の朝、クラリッサ・ダロウェイは結婚前の日々を思い返していた。一方、 セプティムス・スミスは戦争の幻覚に悩まされていた。夕方のパーティーで、彼らの 物語が重なり合う。
On a June morning in 1923, Clarissa Dalloway reflects on her past and her choice of husband. Meanwhile, Septimus Smith struggles with the aftereffects of the war. At the party that evening, their stories come together.
ISBN: 9780241430972
Word Count: 24,175
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 770L
Price ¥1,320
Winston re-writes history for the Ministry of Truth. Big Brother and the Thought Police watch everyone for signs of thoughtcrime. But when he falls in love with Julia, he begins to have new ideas and hopes.
ISBN: 9780241397978
Word Count: 23,575
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 960L
オリジナリティとは何か?どの様に身に着けられるのか?オリジナリティを実現する ためのヒントを学ぶ。
Being an original thinker can change the world. Learn how to recognize a great idea, to speak up to yourself, to choose the right time to act, and to manage fear and doubt by standing out from the crowd.
ISBN: 9780241431009
Word Count: 24,528
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 1,060L
Learn all about the mysterious and exciting legends of the gods and heroes in Ancient Greece, from the birth of Heracles and the adventures of Theseus, to the first fall of Troy and the battle of the giants.
White Teeth ホワイト・ティース
ISBN: 9780241463376
Word Count: 24,464
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 750L
1980年代から90年代のロンドンを舞台に、3組の移民家族とその周辺の人々の物 語。
It is a story of three very different families who live close together in London in the 1980s and 1990s. The story looks at how people's past affect their lives now, and the lives and future of their children.
ISBN: 9780241463369
Word Count: 24,274
YL: 4.6-4.8 CEFR: B2 Lexile: 830L
ある夜青年は純白のドレスに身を包んだ女性に出会う。白衣の女を巡る秘密とは。 When a man encounters the "woman in white", he is drawn into a web of intrigue that will transform his life forever.
Level 3
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