Cancer, weight loss and reducing the risk

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Cancer, Weight Loss And Reducing The Risk.

• Cancer: In 2013, doctors diagnosed 1.6 million new cancer cases, and 580,350 Americans died of the disease. One-quarter to one-third of these cancers resulted from malnutrition, lack of physical activity and excess weight. That's true. It was possible to avoid nearly 200,000 of these cases; not through miraculous drugs or amazing treatments - but by following the same lifestyle choices you make as part of your diet. Cancer is a complex disease. In fact, there are hundreds of actual diseases that can be listed under the broad label "Cancer". Just recently, researchers began to draw the links between diet, weight and cancer. But despite the fact that many questions remain unanswered, one fact stands out: the extra weight raises the risk of cancer.

• How did we make sure? Let me share an idea that came to my mind when I read the subject for the first time. Scientists prefer not to make definitive determinations; they tend to be more cautious, saying certain factors "can" cause the disease rather than saying certain factors "actually" cause the disease. • But when it comes to weight and cancer, there is no room for dodging by W Phillip James, a general practitioner and member of the Global Cancer Research Experts Committee, which analyzed 7,000 studies on weight and cancer. "The message is quite clear; the relationship between cancer and obesity is very strong, almost close to the problem of smoking in America than recently." Well, we have confirmed that excess weight increases the risk of cancer. Now, let's talk about the reasons for having this relationship, and how to reduce access by following a diet.

• Cancer and weight: what is the relationship between them? Our bodies consist of trillions of cells that grow and divide constantly. Sometimes, because of genetic mutations, environmental pollution or other causes - cells begin to grow and spread abnormally. When the body can not stop or control this growth, cancer occurs. Some people are more likely to develop cancer than others. For example, smokers are more likely to develop lung cancer because cigarette smoke contains at least 69 known carcinogens.

• In animal studies, scientists found that, compared with normal weight of animals, tumors in fat animals grow faster and larger and become more resistant to treatment. Observational studies have found similar trends in humans: overweight and obesity in people are more likely to cause cancer, are worse, and are more likely to die from these cancers than people with normal weight.

• Why overweight or obesity increase cancer? - Weight gain means increasing the hormone estrogen. The fats in our body produce the hormone estrogen, and this hormone feeds some cancers, such as estrogen positive breast cancer and endometrial cancer. The more fat you have, the more estrogen in your blood. - Insulin resistance paves the way for cancer and tumor growth. People who are overweight and obese are more likely to resist insulin. If you are insulinresistant, your blood is likely to contain high levels of insulin and a substance called insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Both insulin and insulin-like growth factor 1 seem to promote the growth of certain types of tumors, helping to divide cells regularly.

• - Fat cells produce cancer-stimulating proteins. Fat cells in your body - especially fat cells in the abdomen - release proteins called adipocene, which play a role in cell growth. The proportion of adiponectin protein decreases in people with high abdominal fat, which helps prevent the growth of cancer cells. They are also likely to have increased leptin ratios, which appear to help to multiply tumor cells. - Fat can raise cancer genes. About 5% of cancer is associated with genetic mutations. But not everyone who has these genetic mutations that cause certain types of cancer is necessarily infected with cancer. • Scientists believe that some factors (such as environmental toxins, diet, body fat, smoking and other factors) have the potential to trigger some cancer genes. Increased body fat appears to contribute to cancer-related genes in people with genetic predisposition.

• Increases excess weight infections. Excess weight and body fat - especially abdominal fat - raise the temperature of chronic inflammation, which appears to contribute to some cancers. - Laziness also contributes to this. It is unlikely that overweight or obese people will do enough exercise compared to those with healthy weights. • Because exercise helps to ward off cancer, it is believed that inactivity is one of the factors that link weight gain to cancer. • The activity stimulates the work of many cancerfighting agents: reducing inflammation, enhancing immunity, reducing the rate of pro-cancer hormones such as estrogen in the blood, and helping to regulate leptin (known as the "weight hormone") and improves blood sugar and insulin resistance.

• Cancer; weight loss and reduce risk. Cancer takes too long to be infected. It may take up to 10 years before the early cellular changes of cancer, which cause signs and symptoms that can be discovered by people and their doctors. It has been somewhat difficult for researchers to find sure links between weight loss and reduced risk of cancer. However, there is a good deal of evidence that making changes can reduce cancer.

For example, a 2006 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that women who lost 4 to 11 pounds of postmenopausal weight were less likely to develop breast cancer than women who did not change their weight by more than 20 percent. Not all studies show this benefit itself, but there is still enough evidence for me to encourage all women I know to try to lose excess pounds.

• Studies also suggest that increased activity can help prevent colon, breast, prostate and endometrial cancers. For example, some research has shown that physical activity can reduce the risk of endometrial cancer by 20-40% and lung cancer by 20%. It helps to make changes to cancer patients who are resistant to those who have never had cancer. Research has shown that breast cancer patients who exercise moderately (three to five hours a week moderately) have better survival rates than those who do not exercise. Other research shows that colon cancer is unlikely to recur in people who exercise.

• What's the point? By following the recommendations, eating a healthy diet, losing weight, getting rid of belly fat and becoming more active - you can take great strides towards reducing the risk of several types of cancer. If you are already starting to follow a plan, congratulations to you - you are already on the road to reducing cancer! • Additional benefit. Once you take life-changing options in your diet and your activity rate and begin to lose your excess weight, you will be surprised at the results you will gain. Living in accordance with a healthy life, will bring rewards to your family as well as yourself. Believe it or not, it can affect your unborn family members!

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