Depression And Healthy Eating .
• Depression is an organic mental illness that affects the body, nervous system, mood, thoughts and behavior. It affects the way the patient feels, the way the patient interacts with the people and the things surrounding him, making it difficult to diagnose him unless he looks at the accompanying psychological symptoms, family history and morbidity. • It can be appears like: Chronic stress Sleep disorder such as insomnia and early awakening. Changes in appetite, underweight, headache and back pain. Gastrointestinal disorders, anxiety, tendency to anger. Lack of interest or happiness in hobbies. - Feeling of value and inappropriate. These symptoms must last several months to be diagnosed as a type of depression.
• Depression and healthy eating. • Your feelings of frustration or depression can also affect your appetite and your daily routine. Some people do not want to eat when they are depressed and at risk of losing weight. While others find comfort in eating, that can expose them to weight gain. Antidepressants can also affect your appetite.
If you are concerned about weight loss or weight gain or how antidepressants affect your appetite, consult your doctor.
• Tips for a Healthy Diet. Research is continuing to see the links between diet and depression. There is not yet enough evidence to say for certain that certain foods help relieve symptoms of depression. But a balanced healthy diet is important to keep public health in good shape. "The most important thing is to eat regularly and the meals contain the main food groups in the daily diet," says Dr. Lynn Harbutel, nutrition and nutrition consultant at the Ministry of Health and Social Services in Guernsey.
• A diet based on starchy foods such as rice and pasta with lots of fruits and vegetables and some protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, lentils, milk and dairy products (not containing too much fat, salt or sugar) will give you all the nutrients you need. • There are many simple ways to improve your diet. But if you feel very depressed and unable to shop or prepare food, see your doctor to discuss the types of treatment and support available.
• Eat regular meals. Eat three meals every day, including breakfast. Breakfast can help give you the energy you need to start the day. Try a bowl of whole grains with some banana slices and a glass of fruit juice to start your day a healthy start. If you feel hungry between meals, eat a healthy snack, like a piece of fruit. • Eat more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, lentils, nuts and seeds.
These foods are a good source of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Try at least five servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables every day.
• Within each meal on some protein. Protein is essential for growth and restoration of the body. You can get it from meat, fish, eggs, milk, cheese, lentils and beans. • Do not leave yourself to thirst.
We need to drink about 1.2 liters of fluid a day to avoid dryness of the body. Even mild dehydration can affect our mood. Drought symptoms include lack of energy and feeling dizzy.
• Additional information on diet and mental health. • When you make changes to your diet, you must set realistic and achievable goals for yourself. Dr. Lin warns of impotent or cruel diets that may not be nutritionally balanced. Make moderate changes instead. If you want to make significant changes to your diet, see your doctor who can refer you to a registered dietitian. There are many therapeutic options available to treat depression, including speech therapy, antidepressants and various self-help techniques. Learn more about treating depression.
If you feel frustrated for more than two weeks, visit your doctor to see the treatment options and get advice to find out what might be most appropriate for you.