09-15-2010 Daily Bulletin

Page 1

Polk Schools' student population drops 2 percent, page 8

Tryon Daily Bulletin

The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Vol. 83 / No. 159

Tryon, N.C. 28782

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Only 50 cents

Two low bidders vie for DSS building 11 bids range from $1.6M to $1.8M by Leah Justice

Bids for the construction of Polk County’s new department of social services (DSS) building came in very close. The two lowest bidders were within $12,000 of each other. But Polk County commissioners can’t select a contractor yet because who is the low bidder depends on several factors that are yet to be determined. The county asked contractors to provide two cost totals, one if the water pressure to the site is high enough that a pump and generator are not needed and another if the pump and generator are required. If a pump and generator are needed, MV Momentum construction of Charlotte will (Continued on page 5)

Here’s a list of upcoming meetings and events for area nonprofit community and governmental organizations:


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Wednesdays,

Grading work in progress at the site of the new Polk County DSS building off Wolverine Trail near Mill Spring. (photo submitted)

Fire Department in Green Creek, 7 a.m. to noon. Saluda Community Library, Preschool Storytime, Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. Free. All area children and caregivers welcome. Caregiver must remain with child. The Meeting Place Senior Center, Wednesday activities include Tai Chi, 9 a.m.; ceramics, 9:30 a.m.; Italian Club Meeting (Buon Giorno), 10 a.m.; senior fitness, 10 a.m. (Continued on page 2)

Saluda 5k runs to raise funds to restore city hall First run set for Oct. 23 at Saluda Mtn. Jamboree by Leah Justice

Saluda officials say it's time to think outside the box to raise money to restore city hall. The Saluda Board of Commissioners gave city admin-

Serving Polk County and Upper Spartanburg and Greenville Counties

istrator Erny Williams the go ahead Monday to organize a 5K run as a fundraiser. Officials on Monday referred to the event as the Fall Run for City Hall, but a definite name has not yet been determined. Williams said he has begun discussing with area residents and officials how to raise mon(Continued on page 6)


2 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

• Calendar (continued from page 1)

bingo or bridge, 12:30 p.m.; Medication Assistance Program, 9 a.m. to noon. 828-894-0001. Saluda Center, Wednesday activities, Trash Train, dominoes game, 10 a.m., gentle Yin yoga 12:30 p.m. Movie Matinee, 12:30 p.m. 828-749-9245. Tryon Kiwanis Club meets Wednesdays, noon, Congregational Church, 210 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Skills Building/Problem Solving Skills for boys ages 1217, Wed., 3:30 to 4:45 p.m., Steps to HOPE. 894-2340. Thermal Belt Outreach produce distribution, Wednesday, Sept 15, 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. Questions, call 828-894-2988. Male Anger Management Intervention/Education Program, Wednesdays, 5 to 6:30 p.m., Steps to HOPE. 894-2340. Polk County Public Library, public reception for Mark Pumphrey, 5 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 15, in the library conference room.


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Thursdays, 7 a.m. to noon, old Searcy Mill parking lot, Hwy. 108, Columbus. The Meeting Place Senior Center, Thursday activities include ceramics, 9:30 a.m. 828894-0001.

How To Reach Us

Main number, classifieds and subscriptions: 828-859-9151 FAX: 828-859-5575 e-mail: news@tryondailybulletin.com Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor and Publisher THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN (USPS 643-360) is published daily except Saturdays and Sundays for $60 per year by the Tryon Daily Bulletin, Inc., 16 N. Trade St., Tryon, NC 287826656. Periodicals postage paid at Tryon, North Carolina 28782 and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Tryon Daily Bulletin Inc., 16 N Trade St., Tryon, NC 28782-6656. www.tryondailybulletin.com

NCDMV Driver’s License van, three Thursdays a month, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., in front of Columbus Post Office. Check www.ncdot.gov/dmv/office_ locations for schedule. This month, Sept. 9, 16, 23. Saluda Center, Thursday activities: knitting group, 9:30 a.m.; gentle Yin yoga 12:30 p.m., gentle Yin Yoga 5:30 p.m., Saluda Center. 828-7499245. Landrum Library, Lap Babies, Thursdays, 10 a.m.; storytime, 10:30 a.m. Saluda Public Library, Bouncing Babies & Toddlers in Tow, Thursdays, 10 a.m. Polk County Historical Association Museum, open Thursdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 60 Walker St., Columbus, lower level. Free. Green Creek Community Center, Zumba exercise classes Thursdays, 11 a.m., 7 p.m., in gym. Rotary Club of Tryon, meets every Thursday at noon at Tryon Presbyterian Church on Harmon Field Road. Tryon Farmer’s Market, Thursdays, 4 to 6:30 p.m., Depot Street, downtown Tryon. Columbus Lions Club, Thursday, Sept. 16, 6:30 p.m., Calvert’s Kitchen in Columbus. Information: 828-894-2505. Mill Spring VFW Post 10349, Bingo, Thursdays, 7-9 p.m. (year round). 828-6259477. Al-Anon: Foothills Come to Believe, Thursdays, 7 p.m., Polk Wellness Center, 801 W. Mills St., Suite A, Columbus. Landrum Lions Club, Thursday, Sept. 16, 7 p.m. at the Landrum Depot. Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays, 8 p.m., CooperRiis, Mill Spring. 828-859-7099. Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays, 8 p.m., Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 150 Melrose Ave., Tryon. AA’s Sobriety and Beyond, Thursdays, 8-9 p.m., Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, 1024 W. Main St., Forest City. 828-863-1313.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Local Weather Forecast:



Moon Phase

Today: Sunny, with no chance of rain. High 88, low 62. Thursday: Mostly sunSunny ny, with 10 percent chance of rain. High 88, low 63.

Mostly sunny

Monday’s weather was: High 82, low 61, no rain.

OBITUARIES Jean Kendrick, p. 19 'Pee Wee' Darwin Tessneer, p. 12 Thomas Edward Zieler, p. 26


The Meeting Place Senior Center Friday activities include Movie Matinee, 10 a.m. Bingo, 12:30 p.m. 828-8940001. Knights of Colunbus Council #9492 Operation Lamb, Friday, Sept. 17 at BiLo in Landrum and Columbus,and Saturday, Sept. 18, at both BiLo locations and Food Lion in Columbus, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saluda Center Friday events: chair exercise, 10 a.m.; Game Day, 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Seniors on Sobriety (SOS) AA Meeting, Fridays at noon, Polk County Chamber of Commerce Building, 2753 Lynn Rd. (Hwy 108), Tryon. 828-894-0293. Saluda Farmer’s Market, Fridays, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., downtown Saluda. American Legion Post 250 weekly Bingo games, Fridays, 7 p.m., 43 Depot St., Tryon. Doors open 5:30 p.m. Smoke-free.


Columbus Tailgate Farmer’s Market, Saturdays, 8 to 11:30 a.m., Courthouse Street, Columbus. Middle School Chess Club, taught by Dr. Brian Crissy, every other Saturday 9 to 11 a.m., Morning Glory Farm, Mill Spring. Information 828-894-2217. Next meeting Sept. 18. Polk County Historical Association Museum, open Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 60

Walker St., Columbus, lower level. Free. Angel Food Pickup, Saturday, Sept. 18, 10:45-11:30 a.m., Red Cross in Columbus. Polk County 9.12 Project celebrates Constitution Week with a reading of the U.S. Constitution, 1 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 18, at the steps of the Polk County Courthouse in Columbus.


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Mondays, Harmon Field/Tryon, 7 a.m. to noon. Saluda Center, Monday activities include Line Dancing at 12:30 p.m. For more information visit www.saluda.com. The Meeting Place Senior Center, Monday activities include senior fitness, 11 a.m., Bingo or bead class, 12:30 p.m. 828-894-0001. Christian Fellowship Luncheon, TJ’s Cafe, Tryon, Mondays except holidays, noon to 1 p.m.; food, fellowship and discussion of relevant issues; interdenominational. 859-5051. Chess Club, Mondays, 12:30 p.m., recreation room, LaurelHurst Apartments, Columbus. Open to anyone in community. 894-3336. Western Carolina Classic Radio Club and Wonderful Old Tyme Jazz, Monday, Sept. 20, 2 p.m., Studio 118, ICC Polk Cam(Continued on page 4)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Jason West


West Field PAC kicks off ManageMent hiking series —We Cut and Sell Hay— • No till drilling • Fertilizing • Spraying • Bush Rapture' hogging • Firewood Friday with 'Raptor



West Field ManageMent

—We Cut and Sell Hay—

HoMe: 828-863-1339 Cell: 864-978-6557 The public is invited to join the Pacolet Area Conservancy’s Jason West (PAC) Land Protection Specialist, Pam Torlina, for a four-mile HoMe: 828-863-1339 Cell: 864-978-6557 2x1Park/ hike at Caesar’s Head State Mountain Bridge Wilderness 4/15-6/26 (W,F) Area for the start of PAC’s Fall CHWE-029052 Hiking Series. Torlina, a biologist, will lead a hike to the Raven Cliff Falls 2x1.5 observation platform this Friday, Sept. 17. The hike kicks off 2/24-5-26 (W) PAC’s Fall Hiking Series, which CHWE-035165 will take place every other Friday through Nov. 12. Every year on Sept. 21, organizations across PAC LPS Torlina expects to see The four-mile hike is a mod- such raptors as this red tailed the world unite to recognize World Alzheimer’s erately strenuous out-and-back hawk at Caesar’s Head. (photo Day. The theme for World Alzheimer’s Day hike. Hikers will travel two submitted) miles to the observation platform 2010 is ‘Dementia - It’s Time for Action!’ across the gorge from the falls. plenty of water. If you intend to Here, Matthews Creek plunges stay for hawk watch, binoculars St. Luke’s Hospital encourages everyone to more than 400 feet off of Raven are a must! Cliff Mountain. Raven Cliff Falls wear purple to bring awareness to the Please be sure to bring any is one of the most scenic water- personal medication that you may Alzheimer’s cause. ut see, require in the event of an emerWE C falls in the Upstate: a must Torlina said. and SEll Hay gency. All hikers will be asked to After the approximately three- sign a release form. hour hike, join Torlina at the Torlina will meet hikers in FREE Screening to Detect Early Dementia Caesar’s Head overlook to search Landrum, in the parking area the skies for migrating raptors. in front of the Habitat Resale Tuesday, Sept. 21 Caesar's Head is virtually the Store by 8:30 a.m. sharp and/or 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. only place in the South Carolina at the Gowensville Spinx (at the St. Luke’s Hospital Medical Park mountains with the natural char- intersection of Hwy. 14 and Hwy. 56 Hospital Drive, Suite 3B acteristics needed to attract thou- 11) at 8:45 a.m. sharp to motor to Please call 894-2408 to make an appointment. sands of migrating raptors. The Caesar’s Head State Park. birds are attracted by the thermals A birding expert in addition to and updrafts generated by wind being a field biologist and PAC’s currents on the south facing slope land protection specialist, Torlina E of the Blue Ridge escarpment. says, “I hope we’ll have a good FRE alk! Each year, between the months turnout for this highly anticipated lthT Hea Living with Alzheimer’s of September and November, hike.” hundreds, even thousands, of If you cannot make this hike Join Dr. Belynda Veser as she explains treatment raptors – hawks, kites, falcons, but would like to consider future options for Alzheimer’s and offers strategies eagles, and more – migrate south excursions, please visit PAC’s for managing the disease. over Caesar’s Head on their way website (www.pacolet.org) for to their wintering grounds in information about upcoming Central and South America. Tuesday, Sept. 21 at 6:30 p.m. hikes. The next hike will take If you are interested in attend- place Oct. 1 at the Blue Wall Trail St. Luke’s Hospital Board Room. ing PAC's hike at Caesar’s Head near Landrum. Space is limited, so please call State Park, please contact the In case of inclement weather, 894-2408 to reserve your spot. PAC office by 2 p.m. Thursday. please contact the PAC office by You may call 828-859-5060 or 8:15 a.m. on the day of the hike. A light dinner will be served. - page 15 e-mail landprotection@pacolet. There will either be a 0tfn3wed weatherorg. related recorded message or Hikers should wear appropri- someone will be able to advise ate clothing and footwear; bring you about whether the hike will  a bag lunch and/or snack and take place.

Two Opportunities to Learn About Alzheimer’s Disease




• No till drilling • Fertilizing • Spraying • Bush hogging Firewood




4 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

news briefs A glance at some of the latest news in the area.

Saluda to give $1K for area map

The Saluda Board of Commissioners re-confirmed an earlier commitment to give $1,000 to the Foothills Chamber of Commerce to participate in an area map. The city decided to give $500 and the Saluda Business Association gave $500 for the city’s total.

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Saluda settles tax cases with bankrupt owners

The City of Saluda decided to accept a proposal relating to property owners who have declared bankruptcy and owe back taxes to the city. The city agreed to receive payment when the property is sold, which will happen within five years. The proposal includes that the city be paid interest on the taxes owed.

Great Hours! Come Pick up a Schedule 828-859-5935

Saluda approves water shortage plan trhf-034336

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Natual Light Photography people • nature • action • events

Peaceful Tryon, North Carolina by Kirk Gollwitzer

Saluda approved a required water shortage plan during a meeting held Monday. The state requires that municipalities adopt a water shortage response plan for times of drought or other reasons of low water supply.

Naturalization ceremony at Flat Rock

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) Field Office Director Richard Gottlieb will administer the Oath of Allegiance to 30 candidates for U.S. citizenship during a special naturalization ceremony in historic Flat Rock on Friday, Sept 17 at 10:30 a.m. This ceremony is one of the many that USCIS is holding at national park sites across the country under the theme, “Embrace Citizenship - Experience America Through Your National Parks.” Honored guests and speakers include: Historian and Emeritus Professor of the University of North Carolina Dan T. Carter; Connie Backlund, superintendent of the Carl Sandburg Home and the mayor of Flat Rock, Robert V. Staton. This event is part of USCIS’s annual celebration of Constitution Day and Citizenship Day. An estimated 9,000 candidates will become citizens at 63 special ceremonies held across the country and around the world from Sept. 13-24.

• Calendar (continued from page 2)

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pus featuring Golden Age lights and Jack Benny. Jazz follows at 3 p.m. Everyone welcome. Male Anger Management Intervention/Education Program, Mondays, 6 to 7:30 p.m., Steps to HOPE. 894-2340. Thermal Belt Stamp Club, first and third Mondays of each month, 7:30 p.m., Tryon Federal Bank, Columbus. Visitors welcome. Alcoholics Anonymous, Mondays, 8 p.m., Columbus Presbyterian Church.

tryonhealthfitness- page 24


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Tuesdays, Ozone Drive and Hwy 176, Saluda, 7 a.m. to noon. Hospice of the Carolina Foothills, We Care informal social group for women coping with loss. Open to newcomers, Tuesdays, 9 a.m. at TJ’s Cafe in Tryon. Shannon Slater, 828894-7000. Please submit Curb Reporter items in writing at least two days prior to publication. Items must include a name and telephone number of a contact person. Items will be printed in order by date of event, as space allows.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Saluda Wine & Cheese Market Todd Hunnicutt (left) and Cecil Cannon inspect the grading work at the site for the new DSS building. (photo submitted)

• Two low bidders (continued from page 1)

be the low bidder, but if a pump and generator are not needed, Able Constructors of Greenville, S.C., will be the low bidder. The county won’t be able to determine if the water pressure is sufficient until a water line and fire hydrant are installed, which could take a few weeks. Polk County opened bids last Thursday for the new building to be located off Wolverine Trail in Mill Spring. The county received 11 bids that ranged from $1,815,000 to $1,665,000. The two lowest bids were from Momentum Construction, with a bid of $1,665,000, and Able Constructors, S.C., with a bid of $1,677,000. Momentum will deduct $45,000 from its bid if the pump and generator is not needed,

which will take Momentum's bid to $1,620,000. Able will deduct $58,245 from its bid if the water pressure is sufficient. That will take Able's bid to $1,618,755, making it the low bidder, with a mere $1,245 separating the two. Polk County Manager Ryan Whitson said he never imagined that the bids would be this close. The county has also decided to remove a screen wall that was originally specified around an outside mechanical area. Momentum's bid drops by $6,100 with the screen wall removed, and Able's bid drops by $13,000, leaving Able still the low bidder. The end result is that if the water pressure is sufficient and a pump is not needed, Able Constructors will be the low (Continued on page 6)

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6 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


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(continued from page 1)



bidder and if a pump and generator are needed, the original low bidder, Momentum Construction, will win the bid. Whitson says it should take about three weeks for the water line and fire hydrant to be installed. County engineer Dave Odom will then test to check the water pressure. Whitson says that means commissioners

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

should be able to vote on the bids during the county’s Oct. 4 meeting. The water line and fire hydrant construction is part of the grading contract. That contract, which includes grading and the initial utilities, such as water and sewer lines and a fire hydrant, was awarded at $137,623. Grading work began recently on the site. The county will finance most of the project.


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COn- InDD - page 27



2x3 9/15 WRUN-038527

Grading work under way at the site for the new Polk County DSS building. (photo submitted)

• Saluda 5K run (continued from page 1)


ey for city hall renovations. He said the city has a $1 million facility nearby at Saluda Mountain Jamboree and has been speaking with owners Bob and Linda Whitaker about hosting such fundraisers. “During this time of recession, I think it’s time we look outside the box for Saluda,” Williams said. The city is talking about hosting three runs per year and is already in discussions with potential volunteers, such as members of its newly formed historical committee. “If all goes well it can be an annual thing that could bring some welcome money for city hall,” Williams said. All commissioners expressed support for the project, with commissioner John Morgan

adding that he likes the idea of the city promoting fitness. The city has historically allowed outside organizations to hold a 5K run during the annual Coon Dog Day festival in July. Some officials said it might as well be Saluda that benefits from events of that type. The first 5K run is scheduled for Oct. 23 and will begin and finish at Saluda Mountain Jamboree, located off Howard Gap Rd. near I-26. The city has been discussing the need for city hall and police department renovations for years, but officials have been unable to fund the project. Recently, community momentum in support of the renovations has grown, and the newly established historical committee includes a sub-committee specifically named the city hall restoration committee.

furnmedix - page 3



Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



“We can’t change the market, but we can change our business strategy.” RE/MAX Advantage Realty owners Bonnie Lingerfelt, Jean Skelcy & Richard Yurko are pleased to announce they are purchasing the Century-21 Tryon Real Estate Building at the end of 2010 and relocating RE/MAX to 177 N. Trade St. Tryon, NC at that time. We are excited & looking forward to the energetic and expanded business that will result with additional agents, greater synergy, growing market share & a repositioning of our firm to not simply survive this market but to thrive & grow! We are also introducing our vacation & long-term rental department to complete our brokerage services. After decades of successful & excellent real estate services Allan Pruette, Century-21 owner, will be remaining with RE/MAX to make the transition seamless & successful. “RE/MAX’s ‘Outstanding Agents’ & ‘Outstanding Results’ along with their targeted business focus is a great fit & a wonderful opportunity for us all to give superior real estate services now & as the market returns to normal." Allan Pruette, C-21 Owner.


REMAX4 - page 58

8 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Polk County Schools

2x10 enrollment 2009-2010 9/15 GlMe-038523 2008-09 2009-10 Change Polk County High Virtual Early College Polk County Middle Tryon Elementary* Polk Central Elem.* Sunny View* Saluda*

Total including pre-K: 2,622

*”Number one selling brand” is based on syndicated Irwin Broh Research (commercial landscapers) as well as independent consumer research of 2009 U.S. sales and market share data for the gasoline-powered handheld outdoor power equipment category combined sales to consumers and commercial landscapers.




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The figures for elementary schools include pre-K students. Figures are based on enrollments after the first 10 days of school, the official figures used by the state.

to do with the economy as well. Polk County Schools en- Some folks have had to move rollment numbers are down in order to find work.” Miller said he expects the en2 percent from last year, acrollment numcording to figbers to fluctuures released ate somewhat a t M o n d a y “We have about 34 over the comnight’s Board students attending ing weeks as of Education the new charter school people settle in meeting. for the school According (Lake Lure Classical year. to the figures, Academy), so that According 2,526 students to the numare enrolled at accounts for some of bers released, Polk County’s the losses. I think part which include seven schools, of it has to do with the 152 pre-kinincluding 722 at Polk County economy as well. Some dergarten stuHigh School. folks have had to move dents among “We have the elementary in order to find work.” about 34 stuschools, Polk -- Polk Schools supt. Bill Miller dents attending Central Elthe new charter ementary has school (Lake Lure Classical 434 students, Polk County MidAcademy), so that accounts for dle School 543, Polk County Virsome of the losses,” said Polk tual Education 53, Saluda 159, County Schools Superintendent Sunny View Elementary 167 and Bill Miller. “I think part of it has Tryon Elementary 448.

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722 53 543 448 434 167 159

Polk Schools' student population drops 2 percent



733 32 558 484 454 201 160

9/3/10 2:22:20 PM

Wednesday, September 15, 2010 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Polk students score above U.S., state averages on SAT by John Clayton

Polk County students who took the SAT college entrance exam scored better than the national average and well above the state average, according to statistics released Monday by the N.C. Department of Public Instruction. Students from Polk County scored an average of 1,034 when math and reading scores were combined, compared to the national average of 1,017. Statewide, the average score was 1,008, just nine points below the national average. Locally, 57.2 percent of students took the exam, compared to 47 percent nationally and 63 percent in North Carolina. “We’re quite proud that our results are above the state and national level,” said Polk County Schools Superintendent Bill Miller. “We also had a large percentage of students take the time to take the test as well, so

that’s something to be proud of, too.” Polk County students averaged 534 in mathematics and 500 in critical reading. When the writing score was added, local students were 10 points below the national average of 492. Among the 22 school districts in Western North Carolina, Asheville City Schools had the top average score with a total of 1,105 (543 math, 562 reading). Polk County’s average score of 1,034 ranked eighth among school districts in Western North Carolina, just one point behind Transylvania County. “I’m used to being ranked No. 1 or No. 2 in the region, so I’m not sure how I feel about that,” said Miller. “But Western North Carolina schools were among the top-10 in the country as a region, so we’re a part of that.”




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Tour highlights: highlights: Tour Highlights: 4 nights at the CoastalareasofBarHarbor elegant Mansion on Forsyth Maine,PrinceEdward Park in Savannah, admission Island,CapeBretonIsland to the Savannah Christmas &NovaScotia.Guided Traditions Show and to toursofAcadiaNational the Mighty 8th Air Force Park&Peggy’ s Coveand Museum, Savannah City and scenicdrivealongtheworldLow Country Tours, traditional famousCabotTrailand Christmas dinner feast, and CapeBreton. more!

Full service tours are all inclusive and feature door to door service, (except for 1 day tours), a luxurious European motor coach and outstanding tour escorts.


4x4 9/10, 13, 15


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and complete sports coverage 2x3 tfn to8/11theW,Bulletin grbb-038142

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PCHs week, sooooo...

Subscribe to theis Bulletin for tHis local news off and complete sports coverage Subscribe to theRadio Bulletin becomes for local news Wolverine and complete sports coverage

Cardinal Radio for a week

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Dixie game LIVE Friday evening at 7:30pm

ROMO - page 56


Columbus, NC 828-894-5858


2x5 9/15

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Phillip Hurst new pastor at Tryon United Methodist Church

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On June 22, true to the Methodist tradition, nearly 200 of the more than 1,000 persons appointed to local churches in Western North Carolina packed up their belongings in one community and took up residence in another. In Tryon, Methodists bade a fond farewell to their minister of five years, the Rev. Neil Haynes, who was appointed to a church in Concord, N.C. Hours later, a welcoming committee returned to the Methodist parsonage to greet the Rev. Phillip M. Hurst and help him, his wife Diane Stamey, and her mother move into their new home. Their daughter, Lori, lives in Charlotte with her husband and young son. Hurst’s path to the ministry was sure, if not direct. He graduated from Appalachian State University with a B.A. in geography and urban planning and spent the first 15 years of his career in local government – 10 years in High Point, N.C., as a city planner and five years in Mt. Airy, N.C., as director of planning and community development. In Mt. Airy, involvement in his local church brought rewards that left him with an important decision to make concerning his future. He could envision continued growth in his current career, yet he kept asking himself one question: “What if I offered my abilities to God to build up the church?” The answer to that question led him to Duke Divinity School. After Divinity School, he began the series of appointments that would ultimately bring him to Tryon. Early in his ministry, he married Diane Stamey, herself ordained in the counseling ministry. She holds M.A. degrees in divinity and counseling from Southern

jbtrees - page 10

Rev. Phillip M. Hurst

Seminary and Appalachian State University and currently serves as the director of the Mountain Center for Pastoral Counseling in Clyde, N.C., near Lake Junaluska. She is also a provider in the Asheville District’s Potter’s Touch Counseling Center. Hurst’s professional focus for the last several years has been on leadership development, missional leadership churches, and technology and media in worship. He is certified in coaching churches through the Natural Church Development and Vital Signs Strategic Planning Programs and is a conference mentor for ministerial candidates. Referring to a popular Methodist slogan, “Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors,” Hurst says he is passionate about the need for the church to step out into the community and show the heart of Christ. Hurst says, “When churches and their members focus on helping, serving, living out their faith, they can bring tremendous benefit to the community and perhaps restore some of the trust in the institutional church that has eroded in our society over the past several decades. That’s what ‘missional leadership’ means. It is the most important challenge facing the church today.” — article submitted

4x10 9/15 tfGP-038672 Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

tryfed - page 84




Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; ; Landrum Middle School in the PIANO LESSONS ; ; running for Charter laptop giveaway Allaja Newman ; ; 828-894-8106 ; ; Adults & Children ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;



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SIBERIAN HUSKY, ALASKAN Malemute, 2 years old, white w/gold eyes, free to a good home. 864-764-4855. SOUTHSIDE SMOKEHOUSE & GRILLE. Come test your Trivia skills on Wednesday nights at 7:30! Happy Hour prices for Trivia players until closing. 864457-4581.


19, 2010, the Town of Tryon will g changes to solid waste, recyclables, vices: llection will be provided one time per

  

ions have been on tuesdays and ns will now be on tuesday.  ions have been on Mondays and   tions will now be on thursday. will continue to take place on

ollection will be provided five days 2x5

Landrum Middle School’s eighth grade science teacher Stephanie Quinn entered an essay to be considered in the Charter Communications Great Laptop Giveaway. Landrum Middle School was notified recently by Charter Communications that the school is one of the top 50 schools in the nation in this contest and there are only a few days left to vote. You may enter one time per e-mail address. Landrum Middle School is only one of four schools for the entire state of South Carolina. To vote go to https://connect.charter. com/laptop2010/Vote/candidates.aspx. (photo submitted)

PUBLIC NOTICE The Town of Tryon started smoke testing on the sewer lines August 30, 2010. Please conact Town HaIl at (828) 859-6654 if you have any questions. AVISO PUBLICO La ciudad de Tryon inició pruebas de humo en las lineas de alcantarillado el 30 de agosto 2010. Por favor, póngase en contacto con el Ayuntamiento en el (828) 859-6654 si usted tiene algunas preguntas.

adv. 9/3, 7, 15, 16, 17

ALLAJAN - page 12

1x2 9/3, 7, 15, 16,


‘Pee Wee’ Darwin Tessneer A memorial service will be held in the memory of a loving, caring man at the Tessneer home of September 18, 2010 at 10 a.m. Located at 2560 Hwy. 9 North, Mill Spring. Dress is casual as the service is outdoors. Need Glass? Call B&J Glass! 828-286-8020. Only 25 minutes from your area. Commercial and residential. Mirrors, table tops, shower enclosures, tempered, plexiglass, screens, patio units, replace cloudy insulated glass. GOT GUNS??? WANT $$$ ? We buy hand guns and rifles, new and old, short and long. Call 828-395-1396 or 828-393-0067.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


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1x1 8/4, w thru 11/24/10 JHnS-038048



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FENCE Family Concerts presents Tom Fisch Sept. 19

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

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Everyone Welcome!9/10,15


BBQ at Mack Henson’s Farm 428 Smith Rd. Columbus (off Fox Mountain Rd.)

Tom Fisch

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Meet the Democratic Candidates Donald Hill Ray Gasperson, Benny Smith & Margaret Johnson

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FENCE Family Concerts will begin its fall season with an appearance by singer and songwriter Tom Fisch on SunPaidfor forand andauthorized authorizedbybythe theCommittee Committees to Elect donaldJohnson Hill. Paid to elect Margaret day, September 19, at 4 p.m. in the Great Room at FENCE. A native of Albany, New York, Fisch began playing the 3x4 guitar when he was 10 years •• •• •• 9/15 old and went on to perform throughout the northeast bedHil-038653 Leaf Protection System fore creating his own music • No more unsafe ladders to climb. • No more clogged gutters. publishing company in 1991 • No more water damage. $ • Fits existing gutters. in Nashville, where his songs Stop Cleaning Stop Cleaning were recorded by a number Gutters Forever Gutters Forever INSTALLED of nationally known country INSTALLED Up to 4' wide X 6' tall Standard Seamless Gutters Also Available bands, including the Oak Ridge Double Double Completely Welded Pane Boys. Welded Frame Frame & & Sash Sash Pane (not screwed together) (not screwed together) Fisch struck out on his own ´Lifetime ´Lifetime Warranty Warranty(transferable) (transferable) as a performer and moved to ´Thousands ´Thousands of of western North Carolina to take Satisfied Satisfied Customers Customers ´Lifetime advantage of the strong acous´Lifetime Glass Glass Breakage Breakage Warranty Warranty America's #1 ´Easy tic tradition of the mountains. ´Easy Lift Lift out out Windows Windows Replacement Window Replacement Window Company Company ´Business ´Business Hours Hours Fisch will be performing a Good Housekeeping "Qualified Remodeler" M-F 8AM-5PM "Qualified Remodeler" M-F 8AM-5PM seal applies to our number of his own songs as 09/08 Sat 09/08 Sat 9AM-2PM 9AM-2PM windows well as traditional favorites 90 DAYS Financing 90 DAYS SAME AS from the folk and country SAME AS Available Ask about our Great Deals on Vinyl Siding CASH Ask about our Great Deals on Vinyl Siding CASH repertoire. TM FENCE Family Concerts are TM CALL CALL FOR FOR FREE FREE ESTIMATE! ESTIMATE! offered free of charge0tfn3wed with the - page 6 VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! VISIT OUR SHOWROOM! support of the Kirby Endow35 35 Loop Loop Road Road •• Arden, Arden, NC NC 28704 28704 ment Fund at the Polk County 828-684-6334 • 1-866-684-6334 828-684-6334 • 1-866-684-6334 Community Foundation. www.windowworldasheville.com — article submitted www.windowworld.com www.windowworld.com


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3x4.5 5/7, W, F tfn

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122 Rainbow Lake Road • Boiling Springs, SC • 864-599-5215 14 T D B   /  T W ’ S D N W ,S 15, 2010 BesideAcross Lowes and across from Wal-Mart from Hwy. 9 Wal-Mart CAHP-037505 grandstanding, bad decisions






orld s




Letter to the Editor

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122 Rainbow Lake Road • Boiling Springs, SC • 864-599-5215 BesideAcross Lowesfrom and Hwy. across from Wal-Mart 9 Wal-Mart CAHP-037506

Big snakes in Columbus To the Editor: Yes Tommy, we did support you and Warren in 2006 and worked to help you both get elected. Yes, we did give you the benefit of the doubt when you served as the minority for two years on the board with Pack and Owens. However I don’t agree that you two are the same people that we supported in 2006. One of problems with 2c the x 2.5in our political system 7/7 W, F is that we elect people only to sometimes see themCAHP-037506 change as they realize the power that they have. Some people can handle power and the financial decisions that come with it and others can’t. We see many politicians get power happy. The symptoms include ethical problems, constant



that mostly benefit them, never being able to admit a mistake, and upping the rhetoric as they try to keep the voters in the dark. One night my wife came out of a meeting in Columbus to a nearly empty street. She found that Tommy’s truck was parked illegally across the back of her car and the car next to her. When she pointed out that there were many empty parking spaces and he was parked illegally, Tommy replied that “he had big snakes” and could park where he pleased. In my last letter I complained about the back room deal that resulted in $95,000 of tax payer’s money being spent on a site that should never have been purchased. My letter resulted in my receiving some interesting phone (Continued on page 15)

CArolinA HeArtH & PAtio - page 56

COn- InDD - page 87



2x5 9/15

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

•Big Snakes

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Descendants and relatives of John Ervin Pack and Luster Lavinia Henderson Pack will meet September 19 at Harmon Field in the cabin from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch will be held at 1 p.m., bring food to share. – article submitted

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Oct Nov316

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Dec 1-8

Dec 3  Dec Nov 1-8 30Nov 1-8 30Dec 8-9 Dec Dec 1-8 330Nov Dec Dec 3 3-6 Dec 1-8 Dec 8-9 1-8 Dec Dec 3-6 1-8 Dec 3-6 Dec 3 8-9  Dec 8-9 8-9 Dec 3-6 Dec Dec 8-9 8-9 1-8 Dec 10-11

Dec 3-6 Dec 1-8 3-6 Dec 3-6 Dec 1-8 3-6 Dec 10-11 3-6 Dec Dec 10-11

 Dec Dec 10-11 10-11 Dec 22-26 10-11 3-6 Dec Dec 10-11 3-6 Dec 22-26 Dec 22-26 22-26 Dec 3-6 Dec 22-26 Dec 22-26

3x3 2010 Tour Schedule 2010 Tour Schedule Tours / Cruises since 19786/2, 7/6, 8/10, 1/20, 2/17, 3/24, 4/27, Updated September, 2010 Tours since Tours // Cruises Cruises since 1978 1978  Tours / Cruises since 1978  9/15, 10/19, 11/24, 12/28 2010 Tour Schedule Tours / Cruises since 1978 New England & Cape Cod Experience 400 years of American history from Tours / Cruises since 1978 ToursTour / Cruises since 1978 2010 Tour Schedule 2010  Schedule Updated September, 2010 Tours / Cruises since 1978 the whaling heyday and Newport 2010 Schedule the Pilgrims Pilgrims to to Nantucket's Nantucket's whaling heyday and1978 Newport in in the the “Gilded “Gilded Age". Age". Updated September, 2010 roFC-024238 ToursTour / Cruises since Updated September, 2010 2010 Tour Schedule  2010 Tour Schedule 

Updated September, 2010 2010 Tour Schedule New England & Cape Cod - Experience 400 years of American history from Updated September, 2010 2010 Tour Schedule NewNC England & Cape Cod Experience 400 years years of American American history from Updated September, 2010of 2010 Tour Schedule Fall Outer Banks Explore the unspoiled beaches and the rich history of New England & Cape --  Experience 400 history from the  --Cod 2010 Tour Schedule Updated September, 2010 to Nantucket's whaling heyday and Newport in the “Gilded Age". Fall NC Outer Banks Explore theSeptember, unspoiled beaches and history of the Pilgrims Pilgrims to& Nantucket's whaling heyday and Newport in the the rich “Gilded Age". Updated 2010 New England Cape Cod -- Experience 400 years of history from New England & Cape Cod Experience 400 years of American American historyAge". from Updated September, 2010 our beautiful coastal areas during the crisp fall season. Ah, fresh seafood! Updated September, 2010 the Pilgrims to Nantucket's whaling heyday and Newport in the “Gilded New England & Cape Cod Experience 400 years of American history from our beautiful coastal areas during the crisp fall season. Ah, fresh seafood! the Pilgrims to & Nantucket's heyday and Newport in Nantucket's whaling heyday and Newport in the the “Gilded “Gilded Age". New England Cape Codwhaling - Experience 400 years of American historyAge". from  the to & Nantucket's whaling and Newport in the the rich “Gilded Age". New England Cape --- Experience 400 years of history from Fall NC Outer Banks Explore the unspoiled beaches and history of FallPilgrims NC Outer Banks Explore theheyday unspoiled beaches and rich history of New England & Cape Cod Experience 400 years of American history from New England & Cape--Cod Cod Experience 400 years of American American history from the Pilgrims to Nantucket's whaling heyday and Newport in the “Gilded Age". Fall NC Outer Banks - flight Explore the unspoiled beaches and the rich history of Chicago - Ato new direct from Asheville! 3 nightsAh, at the elegant Drake  ourPilgrims beautiful coastal areas during the crisp fall fall season. Ah, fresh seafood! our beautiful coastal areas during the crisp season. fresh seafood! the Nantucket's whaling heyday and Newport in the “Gilded Age". Banks - flight Explore the unspoiled beaches and the rich history of the Pilgrims to Nantucket's whaling heyday and Newport in the “Gilded Age". Fall NC Outer Banks Explore the unspoiled beaches and the rich history of Chicago A new direct from Asheville! 3 nights at the elegant Drake our beautiful coastal areas during the crisp fall season. Ah, fresh seafood! Hotel. Enjoy shows, Chicago Blues Lake just forrich starters.  Fallbeautiful NC Outer Banks - Explore the unspoiled beachesAh, and the history of our beautiful coastal areas during theand crisp fallMichigan, season. Ah, fresh seafood! our areas during the crisp fall season. fresh seafood! Hotel. Enjoy shows, Chicago Blues and Lake just for starters. Fall NC Outer Banks Explore the unspoiled beaches and the rich history of Fall NC Outer Banks -- flight Explore the unspoiled beaches and the rich history Chicago A coastal new direct from Asheville! 3 nightsAh, at the elegant Drakeof our beautiful coastal areas during the crisp fallMichigan, season. fresh seafood! Chicago -- A new direct flight from Asheville! 3 nights at the elegant Drake Fall NC Outer Banks Explore the unspoiled beaches and the rich history of our beautiful coastal areas during the crisp fall season. Ah, fresh seafood! Hotel. Enjoy shows, Chicago Blues and Lake Michigan, just for starters. Chicago -- A new direct flight from Asheville! 3 nights the elegant Drake  Mayberry Airy, NC) – Blues Step to theMichigan, good oldat in the hometown Chicago A(Mt. new direct flight from back Asheville! 3 nights atdays thefor elegant Drake Hotel. Enjoy shows, Chicago and Lake just starters. Chicago A new direct flight from Asheville! 3 nights at the elegant Drake our beautiful coastal areas during the crisp fall season. Ah, fresh seafood! Hotel. Enjoy shows, Chicago Blues and Michigan, just for starters. Hotel. Enjoy shows, Chicago Blues and Lake Lake Michigan, just for starters. Mayberry Airy, NC) –Blues Step back to good oldtour days in historical the hometown of Andy Griffith. We will also overnight in the Salem and that town. Chicago A(Mt. new direct flight from Asheville! 3 nights atjust the elegant Drake  Hotel. Enjoy shows, Chicago and Lake Michigan, for Chicago -- A new direct flight Asheville! 3 nights the elegant Drake Mayberry Airy, NC) – from Step back to the oldat days in starters. the hometown Chicago - A(Mt. new direct flight from Asheville! 3good nights atjust the elegant Drake Hotel. Enjoy shows, Chicago Blues and Lake Lake Michigan, just for starters. of Andy Griffith. We will also overnight in Salem and tour that historical town. Hotel. Enjoy shows, Chicago Blues and Michigan, for starters. Mayberry (Mt. Airy, NC) – Step back to the good old days in the hometown of Andy Griffith. We will also overnight in Salem and tour that historical town. Caromedrehab page 123 Chicago A new direct flight from Asheville! 3 nights at the elegant Drake Mayberry Airy, NC) – Blues Step back to popular theMichigan, goodMystery old days inthe the hometown Hotel. Enjoy(Mt. shows, Chicago and Lake justas for starters. New! Autumn Mystery Tour – Our most glorious fall of Andy Griffith. We will also overnight in Salem and tour that historical town. Mayberry (Mt. Airy, NC) – Step back to the good old days in the hometown  Hotel. Enjoy shows, Chicago Blues and Lake Michigan, just for starters. of Andy Griffith. We will also overnight in Salem and tour that historical town. Hotel. Enjoy shows, Blues and scenery Lake Michigan, just for starters. of Andy Griffith. WeChicago will also overnight in the Salem and tour that historical town. Mayberry (Mt. Airy, NC) – Step back to good old days in the hometown season beckons with crisp air, beautiful and loads of fun! New! Autumn Mystery Tour – Our most popular Mystery as the glorious fall New! Autumn Mystery Tour – Our most popular Mystery as the glorious fall of Andy Griffith. We will also overnight in Salem and tour that historical town.  of Andybeckons Griffith. We crisp will also overnight in the Salem and tour that historical town. Mayberry (Mt. Airy, NC) – Step back to good old days inthe the hometown season with air, beautiful scenery and loads of fun! New! Autumn Mystery Tour – Our Our most popular Mystery as glorious fall season beckons with crisp air, beautiful scenery and loads of fun! Mayberry (Mt. Airy, NC) – Step Step back to entertainment the good good old days inthe the hometown Branson - Ride with us to the great Ozark mecca, stay in the New! Autumn Mystery Tour – most popular Mystery as glorious fall  Mayberry (Mt. Airy, NC) – back to the old days in the hometown of Andy Griffith. We will also overnight in Salem and tour that historical town. season beckons with crisp air, beautiful scenery and loads of fun! New! Autumn Tour – Our most Mystery as glorious fall season beckons with crisp air, beautiful scenery and loads of fun! Branson -Chateau RideMystery with us the beautiful great Ozark entertainment mecca, stay in the of Andy Griffith. We will also overnight in Salem and tour that historical town. New! Autumn Mystery Tour – Our most popular Mystery as the glorious fall exclusive oncrisp theto Lake and enjoy 7popular fantastic shows in 4the days. season beckons with air, scenery and loads of fun! of Andy Griffith. We will also overnight in Salem and tour that historical town. New! Autumn Mystery Tour – Our most popular Mystery as the glorious fall Branson --Chateau Ride with us to the great Ozark mecca, stay in the season beckons with air, beautiful scenery and of fun! exclusive oncrisp the Lake and enjoy 7entertainment fantastic shows 4 days. season beckons with crisp air, beautiful scenery and loads loads ofin fun! Branson Ride with us to the great Ozark entertainment mecca, stay in the  season beckons with crisp air, beautiful scenery and loads of fun! New! Autumn Tour – Our most7entertainment popular Mystery as4the glorious Branson -Chateau RideMystery with us to the great great Ozark entertainment mecca, stay in the the fall Branson Ride with us to the Ozark mecca, stay in exclusive on the Lake and enjoy fantastic shows in days. exclusive Chateau onus the Tour Lake and enjoy fantastic shows in days. New! Autumn Mystery – Our most7entertainment popular Mystery as4the glorious fall Thanksgiving Colonial Williamsburg -popular Shows, history and relaxation Branson -Chateau Ridein with the great Ozark mecca, stay in Ozark mecca, stay in the theas  New! Autumn Mystery Tour – Our most as glorious fall season beckons with air, beautiful scenery andMystery loads of fun! exclusive Chateau oncrisp theto Lake and enjoy 7entertainment fantastic shows in 4the days. Thanksgiving Colonial Williamsburg -fantastic Shows, history and relaxation exclusive on the Lake and enjoy 7 shows in 4 days. Branson -Chateau Ridein with us toLake the great Ozark entertainment mecca, stay in theas season beckons with crisp air, beautiful scenery and shows loads of fun! enjoy 7Yorktown fantastic shows infun! days. we thanks in the historic Jamestown, & triangle. exclusive oncrisp the and enjoy 7 fantastic in 44 days. we give give thanks in the historic Jamestown, Yorktown & Williamsburg Williamsburg triangle. season beckons with air, beautiful scenery and loads of  Thanksgiving in Colonial Williamsburg Shows, history and relaxation as exclusive on us thetoLake and enjoy fantastic shows in 4 days. Thanksgiving Colonial Williamsburg Shows, history and relaxation Branson -Chateau Rideinwith the great Ozark7-entertainment mecca, stay in theas Branson - Ridein with to the great OzarkYorktown mecca, stay in theas we give thanks in the us historic Jamestown, & Williamsburg triangle. Thanksgiving Colonial Williamsburg -entertainment Shows, history and relaxation Thanksgiving in Colonial Williamsburg Shows, history and relaxation as exclusive on us the Lake and own enjoy 7Yorktown fantastic shows in 4 relaxation days. we give thanks in the historic Jamestown, & Williamsburg triangle. Branson -Chateau Ride with the great Ozark mecca, stay Billy in theas Thanksgiving in Colonial Williamsburg --entertainment Shows, history and New! New York City ––to Pick your show! Jersey Boys, Wicked, New! New York City Pick your own show! Jersey Boys, Wicked, Billy exclusive Chateau on the Lake and enjoy 7 fantastic shows in 4 days.  we give thanks in the historic Jamestown, Yorktown & Williamsburg triangle. we give thanks in the historic Jamestown, Yorktown & Williamsburg triangle. Thanksgiving in Colonial Williamsburg -fantastic Shows, history and relaxation as Elliott…just to name some of the hot tickets. We will also see the Rockettes, we give thanks in the historic Jamestown, Yorktown & Williamsburg triangle. exclusive Chateau on the Lake and enjoy 7 shows in 4 days. Tours / Cruises since 1978 Elliott…just to name some of the hot tickets. We will also see the Rockettes, New! New York City – Pick your own show! Jersey Boys, Wicked, Billy  we thanks in Colonial the historic Jamestown, Yorktown & Williamsburg triangle. tourgive NYC & soak in the the holiday spectacle of the Big Apple in December. December. Thanksgiving in Williamsburg - Shows, history and relaxation tour NYC soak in of the Big Apple in Elliott…just to name some of thespectacle hot tickets. We will also see the Rockettes, New! New& York City – holiday Pick your own show! Jersey Boys, Wicked, Billy as New! New York City – Pick your own show! Jersey Boys, Wicked, Billy New! New York City – Pick your own show! Jersey Boys, Wicked, Billy Thanksgiving in Colonial Williamsburg Shows, history and relaxation as  we give thanks inCity the historic Jamestown, Yorktown & Williamsburg triangle. New! New York – Pick your own show! Jersey Boys, Wicked, Billy tour NYC & soak in the holiday of the Big Apple in December. Tours /hot Cruises since 1978 Elliott…just to name some of the tickets. We will also see the Rockettes, Thanksgiving in Colonial Williamsburg -since Shows, history and relaxation as Elliott…just to name some of thespectacle hot tickets. We will also see the Rockettes, Elliott…just to name some of the hot tickets. We will also see the Rockettes, we give thanks in City the historic Jamestown, Yorktown & Williamsburg triangle. Tours / Cruises Cruises 1978 New! New York – Pick your own show! Jersey Boys, Wicked, Billy Costa Rica Fly to San José and explore the rain forest canopies, exotic tour Tours / since 1978 Elliott…just to name some of the hot tickets. We will also see the Rockettes, Tours / Cruises since 1978 NYC & soak in the holiday spectacle of the Big Apple in Costa Rica Fly to José and explore the rain forest canopies, exotic we give thanks in the historic Jamestown, Yorktown &also Williamsburg triangle. Tours /hot Cruises since 1978 tour NYC &-incredible soak inSan the holiday spectacle of the Big Apple in December. December. Elliott…just to name some of thespectacle tickets. We will see the Rockettes, wildlife and volcanoes this tourist friendly locale.  Tours /of since 1978 Costa Rica -incredible Fly to José and explore the rain forest canopies, exotic tour NYC &York soak in San the holiday of the Big Apple in December. New! New City –volcanoes Pick your own Jersey Boys, Wicked, Billy wildlife and ofCruises this tourist friendly locale.  show! New! New City –volcanoes Pick your own show! Jersey Boys, Wicked, Billy tour NYC &York soak inSan the holiday spectacle of the Big Apple in December. New! A Christmas Carol This famous production featuring Ira David Wood wildlife and incredible of this tourist friendly locale.   Costa Rica Fly to José and explore the rain forest canopies, exotic Elliott…just name some of the hot tickets. We will also see the Rockettes, New! New York City –volcanoes Pick your own Jersey Boys, Wicked, Billy Costa Rica -to Fly to San José and explore the rain forest canopies, exotic Elliott…just to name some of the hot tickets. We will also see thethe Rockettes, Rockettes at the Gaylord - show! The spectacular Rockettes holiday wildlife and of this tourist friendly locale. sells out every year. Join usOpryland for an overnight tour of Raleigh and Costa Rica Fly to San José and explore the rain forest canopies, exotic Costa Rica --incredible Fly to San José and explore the rain forest canopies, exotic tour NYC & soak in the holiday spectacle of the Big Apple in December. New! A Christmas Carol This famous production featuring Ira David Wood wildlife and volcanoes of this tourist friendly locale. show and balcony rooms overlooking amazing hotel botanical gardens. Elliott…just to name some of thespectacle hot tickets. We will also see the Rockettes at-incredible the Gaylord Opryland The spectacular Rockettes holiday tour NYC & soak in the holiday ofspectacular the Big Apple in December. Costa Rica Fly to San José and explore the rain forest canopies, exotic wildlife and incredible volcanoes of this tourist friendly locale. NC “Triangle”. Rockettes at the Gaylord Opryland --the The Rockettes holiday New! A Christmas Carol - This famous production featuring Ira Rockettes, David Wood incredible volcanoes of this tourist friendly locale. wildlife and incredible volcanoes of this tourist friendly locale.  sells out every year. Join us for an overnight tour ofhotel Raleigh the New! A Christmas Carol --Opryland This famous production featuring Ira David Wood show and balcony rooms overlooking the amazing botanical gardens. tour NYC & soak in the holiday spectacle ofspectacular the Big Apple inand December. wildlife and volcanoes of this tourist friendly locale. New! A Christmas Carol This famous production featuring Ira David Wood Rockettes atincredible the Gaylord -the The Rockettes holiday show and balcony rooms overlooking amazing hotel botanical gardens. sells out every year. Join us for an overnight tour of Raleigh and the New! A Christmas Carol This famous production featuring Ira David Wood New! A Christmas Carol - for This famous production featuring Ira David Wood NC “Triangle”. sells out every year. Join us an overnight tour of Raleigh and the Costa Rica Fly to San José and explore the rain forest canopies, exotic  New! Night of a Thousand Candles – One of the most special events in the show and balcony rooms overlooking amazing hotel botanical gardens. sells out every year. JoinJosé us for anexplore overnight tour of Raleigh and the the Costa Rica Fly to San and the rain of forest canopies, exotic NC “Triangle”. Rockettes at the Gaylord Opryland -the The spectacular Rockettes holiday sells out every year. Join us for an overnight tour Raleigh and Rockettes at-the the Gaylord Opryland The spectacular Rockettes holiday sells out every year. Join us for anof overnight tour Raleigh and the NC “Triangle”. Rockettes at the Gaylord Opryland ---Gardens The spectacular Rockettes holiday wildlife and incredible volcanoes this tourist friendly locale. southeast at renowned Brookgreen inof Murrells Inlet, SC. NC “Triangle”. Rockettes at the Gaylord Opryland The spectacular Rockettes holiday New! Night of a Thousand Candles – One of the most special events in the show and balcony rooms overlooking the amazing hotel botanical gardens. wildlife and incredible volcanoes of this tourist friendly locale. Rockettes at the Gaylord Opryland The spectacular Rockettes holiday Costa Rica Fly to San José and explore the rain forest canopies, exotic NC “Triangle”. show and balcony rooms overlooking overlooking the amazing hotel botanical gardens. New! Night of a Thousand Candles the – One of thehotel mostbotanical special events in the show and balcony rooms amazing gardens.  southeast at the Brookgreen Gardens in Murrells Inlet,events SC. New! Night of a Thousand Candles –the One of most special in show and balcony rooms overlooking amazing hotel botanical gardens. show and balcony rooms overlooking the amazing hotel locale. botanical gardens. wildlife and incredible volcanoes of this tourist friendly New! Night of arenowned Thousand Candles One of the the most special events in the the southeast atin the renowned Brookgreen Gardens in Murrells Inlet, SC. Christmas Savannah –Brookgreen Our 4-star– hotel this year is the Mansion on New! Night of a Thousand Candles – One of the most special events in the southeast at the renowned Gardens in Murrells Inlet, SC. Rockettes at the Gaylord Opryland The spectacular Rockettes holiday New! Night of a Thousand Candles – One of the most special events in the  southeast at the renowned Brookgreen Gardens in Murrells Inlet, SC. Rockettes at the Gaylord Opryland The spectacular Rockettes holiday southeast at the renowned Brookgreen Gardens Murrells Inlet, Forsyth Park, an all newoverlooking that-the is amazing perfectly situated in theSC. historic Christmas in Savannah –property Our 4-star hotel thisin year is the Mansion on show and balcony rooms hotel botanical gardens. southeast at the renowned Brookgreen Gardens in Murrells Inlet, SC. Christmas in Savannah – Our 4-starthe hotel this year is the Mansion on show and balcony rooms overlooking hotel botanical gardens. Forsyth Park, an all newlow that is amazing perfectly situated in the historic Christmas in Savannah –property Our 4-star hotel this year is the Mansion on Rockettes at the Gaylord Opryland -see The spectacular Rockettes holiday district. We will tour the country, the famous Savannah Christmas

1605 Asheville Hw Fly/Drive Fly/Drive Fly/Drive Fly/Drive Fly/Drive

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Christmas in Savannah Our 4-star this year is the Mansion on Forsyth Park, an all new–property thathotel is perfectly situated in the historic

Christmas in Savannah – Our 4-star hotel year is the Mansion on district. We will tour the country, see thethis famous Savannah Christmas Forsyth Park, an all new property that is perfectly situated in the historic Traditions show, tour thelow Mighty 8th Air Museum and much more. show and balcony rooms overlooking the amazing hotel botanical gardens. Forsyth Park, an all new property that isForce perfectly situated in the historic district. We will tour the low country, see the famous Savannah Christmas PLEASE SEE OPPOSITE SIDE OF PAGE FOR EVEN MORE GREAT TOURS! Christmas in Savannah – Our 4-star hotel this year is the on Forsyth Park, an all the new property isForce perfectly situated in the historic Traditions show, tour thelow Mighty 8ththat Museum andMansion much more. district. We will tour country, see the famous Savannah Christmas th Air district. We will tour the low country, see thesubject famous Savannah Christmas Traditions show, tour the Mighty 8 Air Force Museum and much more. th www.globetreks.com Schedule, itineraries & pricing to change. Forsyth Park, an all new property that is perfectly situated in the historic PLEASE SEE OPPOSITE SIDE OF FOR EVEN MORE GREAT TOURS! (828) 692-1399 district. Weshow, will tour the low country, see the famous Savannah Christmas th PAGE Traditions tour the Mighty 8 Air Force Museum and much more. Jan 8-29, New Zealand Explore the north and south islands. A once in a lifetime Traditions show, tour thethe Mighty 8and Air Force Museum and in much more. th PAGE SEE OPPOSITE SIDE OF FOR EVEN MORE GREAT TOURS! Jan 8-29, NewPLEASE Zealand -Schedule, Explore north south islands. once a lifetime info@globetreks.com 1605 Asheville Highway Hendersonville, NC 28791 toll free (877) Traditions tour the Mighty 8 Air Force Museum and much more. district. Weshow, will tour the low country, see the famous Savannah www.globetreks.com itineraries & pricing subject toA change. (828) 692-4425 692-1399 PLEASE SEE OPPOSITE SIDE OF PAGE FOR EVEN MORE GREAT TOURS! 2011 experience with very small tour group. Jan 8-29, New Zealand -a Explore the north and south islands. A once in aChristmas lifetime th pricing www.globetreks.com itineraries & subject toA change. (828) 692-1399 2011 experience with atour verythe small tour 8 group. Jan 8-29, New Zealand --Schedule, Explore the north and south islands. once in a Traditions show, Mighty Force Museum and much more. info@globetreks.com 1605 Highway Hendersonville, NC 28791 toll free (877) Jan 8-29, New Zealand Explore the north south islands. once in a lifetime lifetime 2011 experience with a Asheville very small tour and group. www.globetreks.com Schedule, itineraries & Air pricing subject toA change. (828) 692-4425 692-1399

Dec 22-26

Pack reunion


Sciatica? Leg Pain?

(continued from page 14)

calls, all supportive. A caller told me that she and her husband looked at the Park Street lot and that it had an asking price of $75,000. They could not understand why the county paid $95,000. I guess this is just another thing we will never know because when politicians with big snakes do back room deals this is the result. I’m sure Tommy and the other big spenders would like to put this deal back under the carpet where they tried to hide it. If I negotiated a deal where I paid $20,000 over the asking price, I’d want to hide it, too! If you park illegally eventually you will get ticketed. However, when County Commissioners break the rules there doesn’t seem to be anyone to ticket them. The former board of Pack, Owens, Watson and Melton had figured this out and were no longer following the rules. They weren’t looking out for tax payers, it had become all about them. We have to watch what goes on and we need to speak up when we should. Former or current commissioners need to be judged on their records and not on their campaign speeches! Yes, Tommy I do attend commissioner meetings, not all of them but far more than you realize. Of course you don’t care who is watching, because you’ve got big snakes. – Jerry Hardvall



Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Jan 8-29, NewPLEASE Zealand - Explore the SIDE north and south islands. A once in a lifetime info@globetreks.com 1605 Asheville Highway Hendersonville, NC 28791 toll free (877) 692-4425 2011 experience with a very small tour group. SEE OPPOSITE OF PAGE FOR EVEN MORE GREAT TOURS! 2011 experience with aOPPOSITE very small tour group. Jan 9, 2011 to 5: The Musical – new Broadway comedy hit! Matinee showTOURS! at SEE SIDE OF PAGE FOR EVEN MORE GREAT 2011 experience aOPPOSITE very small tour group. info@globetreks.com 1605 Asheville Highway Hendersonville, NC 28791 toll free (877) 692-4425 PLEASE SEE SIDE OF PAGE FOR EVEN MORE GREAT TOURS! Jan 9, 2011 9 9 toPLEASE 5: Thewith Musical –A A new Broadway comedy hit!A Matinee at Jan 8-29, New Zealand -Schedule, Explore the north and south islands. once in ashow lifetime SEE OPPOSITE SIDE OF PAGE FOR EVEN MORE GREAT TOURS! Jan 9, 2011 Greenville’s 9 toPLEASE 5: The Musical –A new Broadway comedy hit! Matinee show at www.globetreks.com itineraries & pricing subject to change. (828) 692-1399 Peace Center; includes lunch. Peace Center; includes lunch. Jan 9, 9 to 5: Musical – new Broadway comedy hit! Matinee show at www.globetreks.com Schedule, itineraries & pricing subject to change. (828) 692-1399 www.globetreks.com Schedule, itineraries & pricing subject to change. (828) 692-1399 Jan 9, 2011 2011 Greenville’s 9Greenville’s to PLEASE 5: The Thewith Musical –A A new Broadway comedy hit! Matinee showTOURS! at 2011 experience aOPPOSITE very small tour group. Peace Center; includes lunch. www.globetreks.com Schedule, itineraries & pricing subject to change. (828)692-4425 692-1399 SEE SIDE OF PAGE FOR EVEN MORE GREAT info@globetreks.com 1605 Asheville Highway Hendersonville, NC 28791 toll free (877) Jan 9, 2011 9 to 5: The Musical – A new Broadway comedy hit! Matinee show at Greenville’s Peace Peace Center; includes includes lunch. info@globetreks.com 1605 Asheville Highway Hendersonville, NC 28791 toll free (877) Greenville’s Center; lunch. info@globetreks.com 1605 Asheville Highway Hendersonville, NC 28791 toll of free (877)692-4425 692-4425 PLEASE SEE OPPOSITE SIDE OF PAGE FOR EVEN MORE GREAT TOURS! info@globetreks.com 1605 Asheville Highway Hendersonville, NC 28791 toll free (877) 692-4425 Greenville’s Peace Center; includes lunch. Jan 13, Billy Elliot: The Musical – Winner of 10 Tony Awards this is the story a PLEASE SEE OPPOSITE SIDE OF FOR EVEN MORE GREAT TOURS! www.globetreks.com Schedule, itineraries & PAGE pricing subject to change. (828) 692-1399 Jan 13, Billy Elliot: The Musical – Winner of 10 Tony Awards this is the story of a Jan 9, 2011 young 9 to 5:Elliot: The Musical – new Broadway comedy hit! Matinee show at a of a (828) 692-1399 Jan 13, Billy The Musical – Winner of 10 Awards this is the story 2011 boy’s journey ofAfinding his& passion and never giving up! Enjoy www.globetreks.com Schedule, pricing subject to change. Jan 13, Billy Elliot: Musical –Highway Winner of 10 Tony Tony Awards this is the story a (877) www.globetreks.com Schedule, itineraries pricing subject to NC change. 692-1399 2011 young boy’sThe journey of itineraries finding his&passion and never giving up! Enjoy info@globetreks.com 1605 Asheville Hendersonville, 28791 tollaaof free Jan 13, Billy Elliot: The Musical –includes Winner of 10 Tony Awards this is the story of a (828) 692-4425 Greenville’s Peace Center; lunch. seafood Sunday brunch before our matinee at Charlotte’s Charlotte’s Belk Theater 2011 young boy’s journey of finding his passion and never giving up! Enjoy seafood Sunday brunch before our matinee at Belk Theater PLEASE SEE OPPOSITE SIDE OF PAGE FOR EVEN MORE GREAT TOURS! 2011 young boy’s journey of finding his passion and never giving up! Enjoy info@globetreks.com 1605 Asheville Highway Hendersonville, NC 28791 toll free (877) 692-4425 seafood Sunday brunch before our matinee at Charlotte’s Belk Theater info@globetreks.com 1605 Asheville Highway Hendersonville, 28791 tolla 2011 young boy’s journey of finding his matinee passion and never NC giving up! Enjoy a free (877) 692-4425 seafood Sunday brunch before our at Charlotte’s Belk Theater seafood Sunday brunch before our & matinee at Charlotte’s Belk Theater Feb 7-11, Orlando – Center, SeaWorld, Universal Studios, the Kennedy Space www.globetreks.com Schedule, itineraries pricing subject to change. (828) 692-1399 Feb 7-11, Orlando –– Epcot Epcot Center, SeaWorld, Universal Studios, the Kennedy Space seafood Sunday brunch before our matinee at Charlotte’s Belk Feb13, 7-11, Orlando Epcot Center, SeaWorld, Universal Studios, the Kennedy Space Jan Billy Elliot: The – Winner 10 Tony Awards this is Theater the of a 2011 Center, shows andMusical more. Join us for aof motorcoach winter escape to story the Feb 7-11, Orlando – Center, SeaWorld, Universal Studios, the Kennedy Space info@globetreks.com 1605 Asheville Highway Hendersonville, NC 28791 toll free (877) 692-4425 Feb 7-11, Orlando – Epcot Epcot Center, SeaWorld, Universal Studios, the Kennedy Space 2011 Center, shows and more. Join us for aa motorcoach winter escape to the 2011 Center, shows and more. Join us for motorcoach winter escape to the 2011 young boy’s journey of finding his passion and never giving up! Enjoy a Feb 7-11, Orlando – Epcot Center, Join SeaWorld, Universal Studios, the Kennedy Space Sunshine State! 2011 Center, shows and  2011 Center, shows and more. more. Join us us for for a a motorcoach motorcoach winter winter escape escape to to the the Sunshine State! Sunshine State! 2011 Center, shows and more.before Join us formatinee a motorcoach winter Belk escape to the seafood Sunday brunch our at Charlotte’s Theater Sunshine Sunshine State! State!  Sunshine State!

Feb 7-11, Orlando – Epcot Center, SeaWorld, Universal Studios, the Kennedy Space  GLOB-038662 2011 Center, shows and more. Join us for a motorcoach winter escape to the Sunshine State!

Mon-Thurs - 11am - 6pm • Fri & Sat- 11am - 4pm • Sun 1-4pm

Mon-Thurs - 11am - 6pm • Fri & Sat- 11am - 4pm • Sun 1-4pm

Sponsored by: Work on Time Clock Repair, Tryon

Sponsored by: Nancy (Pat) Martin



Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Live Music GooD NEIGHboR StoRE GooD NEIGHboR StoRE 2x2.5 columbus 8/25 JoHt-038360

baptist church

2x2.5 columbus 9/1 MANA-038530

Wed. Sept. 15


Will accept furniture, appliances, clothing, housewares, AND COMPUTERS in usable condition.

StoRE HoURS: thurs., Fri. 9am-5pm Sat. 9am-1pm


Foothills humane society

Pet of the Week

baptist church

Foothills HUMANE Society

2x2 9/30, W tfn changed 9/30/09 cbGW-032464 9/15/10 cbGW-035576 Visit our website: www.foothillshumanesociety.org or visit the Shelter at:

Sweet Meggie is a 6-year-old lab/spaniel mix with a big smile. She has been at the shelter since July 28th. Meggie was found in the Lake Adger area without a collar or microchip. we were sure someone would be missing her, but here she is looking for a good home. Meggie is now spayed, vaccinated and has a microchip. She has been Meggie in our Saturday morning obedience classes and loves to be walked by our volunteers.

989 Little Mountain Rd., Columbus • 863-4444 Mon-Thurs - 11am - 6pm • Fri & Sat- 11am - 4pm • Sun 1-4pm

Sponsored by: Bertie Phayer, Landrum


2x2.5 9/15 pHAY-038757

Purple Onion opEN WEEKlY Celtic Tavern Cafe closed Willparker acceptand furniture, Kenny Lady appliances, clothing, housewares, AND COMPUTERS condition. Sat.inSusable ept. 18 Red Lake Lanier TeaHoURS: House thurs., Carolina Thunder StoRE Fri. 9am-5pm Trophy Husbands 7pm Bands, Karaoke, Dance Elmo’s thu. Sept. 16 Live music 9pm Carolina Thunder Lake Lanier Tea House 2x2 Bands, Karaoke, Dance Ryce 7/7/10,Daryle W tfn El Chile Rojo Landrum Purple Onion cbGW-037562 geraldo 5:30pm Laura Monk 8pm Hare & Hound Saluda Mtn. Jamboree Trophy Husbands 7pm Crimson Rose 8pm Lake Lanier Tea House Stone Soup pat phillips 8pm Fred Whiskin 7pm Purple Onion Wine Cellar Cafe closed Frank Beeson & friends Twigs 8pm Fred Whiskin 6pm Zenzera Fri. Sept. 17 Live Music 7pm Carolina Thunder Bands, Karaoke, Dance Sun. Sept. 19 Celtic Tavern Larkin’s Carolina Grill Dana, Dave & Tyler Fred Whiskin 11:30am 9:30pm cbGW-037562

Music Venues

petofwk - page 44 Menu French Toast: -3Campobello, Thick Slices,864-457-4897, Berries and Cinnamon Butter ~ $7 Carolina Thunder open 5pm-2am. Lobster Tails-Two Poached Tails, Creamy Orzo, French Beans ~ $30 Eggs Tavern Benedict: Poached Eggs, Canadian Hollandaise, English Celtic - Hwy 176 (Bird Mtn), Landrum,Bacon, 864-457-2250. Muffins andSt., Potato Hash864-457-5977 ~ $8 El Chile Rojo 209 e. Rutherford Landrum, Filet - 8 Oz. Angus Filet, Rosemary Potato Puree, Roasted Asparagus ~ $27 Quiche: Spinach, and Swiss served with Fresh Fruit ~ $6 Elmo’s - Trade Street,Mushroom Tryon, 828-859-9615. Center Cut Pork Chop - Warm Apple and Onion compote, Caesar served with828-894-8800. a Parmesan Frico ~ $7 Larkin’s - Chicken 155 W. Mills St., Columbus, Mashed Potatoes, Brown Sugar Glaze ~ $21 Lilac Wine & Piano Bar N. Trade Street Tryon. 828-859-5205. Chicken Salad Romaine, Apples and Cucumbers ~ $7 Pan Seared Trout-Roasted Red Potatoes, Corn and Tomato Relish ~ $19 Persimmons Bistro6 -ounce Landrum, 864-457-3599. Angus Burger: Pattie, Cheese, Tomato, Lettuce, Mayo and ~ $8 Peruvian Cowboy - 193 e. Mills Fries St., Columbus, 828-894-0392. Ahi Tuna Nicoise - Tomatoes, Olives, Egg, Green Beans, Potatoes ~ $18 Purple Onion - Saluda Ruben: Corned Beef,828-749-1179. Sauerkraut, Swiss, Fries and 1000 Island ~ $7 Chicken Fettuccini - Fresh Tomatoes, Spinach, Garlic Cream ~ $17 Saluda Mountain Jamboree 828-749-3676. Filet and Eggs: 8 Ounce-Filet, Eggs your way, Potato Hash ~ $15 Grilled Shrimp Penne - Broccoli, Roasted Tomatoes, Olive Oil, Garlic ~ $17 Stone Soup 1522 e. Rutherford St., Landrum, 864-457-5255. Bacon & Eggs: Two Eggs, Bacon and Potato Hash ~$6 Ultimate Basement 5965 Hwy 9 N. Sunny View, 828-625-5544 Reservations: 828-894-8253 Reservations: 828-894-8253 Wine Cellar - 229 greenville St., Saluda, 828-749-9698. 106 Club Road, Tryon, N.C. 106 Club Road, Tryon, N.C. RDFX-038226


Zenzera - 208 e. Rutherford St., Landrum, 864-457-4554.

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Art Exhibits

upStairS artSpace, Trade Street, Tryon 828-859-2828. gallery hours Tues.-Sat., 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. www.upstairsartspace.org. “Katrina to Deepwater Horizon: Tragedies of Cash, Climate and Culture” is a multi-media exhibit recognizing the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the recent Deepwater Horizon oil rig explosion. This powerful visual experience presents oil paintings by Connie Bostic, Fairview; photographs and an installation by Sam Lovelace, Tryon; a documentary film by Chris Riddle, Tryon; and life-size photographs by William W. Rosen, Franklin, Tenn. The exhibit continues through Saturday, Sept. 25.


tryon painterS and SculptorS, Fine arts Center, 34 Melrose ave., Tryon. “art, Wine and cheeSe,” with glen Miller, Monday, Sept. 20, 4 to 6 p.m. Miller’s work is being shown at the Hampton III gallery, Taylors, S.C. You can view it at www.hamptoniiigallery.net. Small fee for nonmembers.










Kathleen’S, 98 N. Trade St., Tryon. Currently showing the works of Tryon wood turner Kevin Bradley.



Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Saluda artiSt dale Mcentire exhibits at the grovewood gallery in asheville, through Oct. 31. Information and directions: 877-622-7238.

Concerts Green creeK Winery, 413 gilbert Rd., green Creek, 828863-2182. Chuck Brodsky, Sunday, Sept. 19, 3 p.m. toWn oF tryon, roGerS parK, Howard avenue, Tryon, presents The antibodies with The pulse 7 to 9:30 p.m. tryon Fine artS center, 34 Melrose ave., Tryon, 828859-8322. Dance concert with paul Taylor’s Taylor 2, Sunday, Oct. 3, 8 p.m. Box office Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Saturday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Live Theatre

THOMAS C. PERRAUT, M.D. Board Certified Ophthalmologist


SlT (Selective laser Trabeculoplasty) is a safe and simple in-office laser treatment that effectively reduces eye pressure for most patients with glaucoma. This type of treatment uses an advanced laser system to target only specific cells in the eye. it does not rely on medicines and can be a better solution for patients. SAFE: SlT is not associated with side effects or the compliance and cost issues of medications. SELECTIVE: SlT utilizes selective photothermolysis to target only specific cells, leaving the surrounding tissue intact. SMART: SlT stimulates the body’s natural mechanisms to enhance outflow of the fluid in your eye, which may allow elimination of drops. SENSIBLE: SlT therapy is reimbursed by Medicare and many other insurance providers.


A person in the early stages of glaucoma may not experience any symptoms. Vision loss from glaucoma is permanent, but can usually be prevented with early detection and treatment. Once diagnosed, glaucoma management is usually a lifelong process that requires regular monitoring and treatment by an eye care provider.


page 3


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Flat rocK playhouSe, 828-693-0731, www.flatrockplayhouse. org. “The Drowsy Chaperone,” Sept. 22-Oct. 17 at the playhouse. tryon little theater, 516 S. Trade St., Tryon. 828-859-2466. www.tltinfo.org. “Welcome to Mitford,” directed by Millicent Hunnicutt, Sept. 23-26 and Sept 30-Oct. 3.

D "G

192 Hospital Drive Columbus, NC 28722


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Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors! VEHICLES

1970 LAND ROVER, short wheelbase, excellent condition, low mileage. $8000. 864-457-7595. 2006 HOLIDAY RAMBLER Motorhome, Admiral. 30’ SE, 13,500 miles. $57,000. Go to www.nationalmultilist. com, listing 92170 or call 828-8946339 for additional information.

EQUESTRIAN FOR RENT: Lovely 7 acre pasture with run in shed, Green Creek area. Two horse maximum. $350 month. 828817-6119.

EMPLOYMENT CNA(S) NEEDED FOR PRN work at the Smith Phayer Hospice House. Certification in both SC and NC with one year experience as a CNA required. Experience with geriatric or end-of-life care preferred. EOE. Apply at https:// www.hocf.org. PART TIME VAN DRIVER PCTA is taking applications for a part time relief driver. The applicant should be willing to work flexible hours with a valid driver’s license, a good driving record and hold or be able to obtain a CDL license. A pre-employment drug test is required. Applicants may apply at the Polk County Transportation Office 3 Courthouse Square, Courthouse Annex building, Columbus, Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm. 828-894-8203. Applications will be taken until September 17, 2010. Polk County is an equal opportunity employer.

MISCELLANEOUS 4 C’S BISON COMPANY. Getting ready for fall cookouts? Try 100% natural, no hormones added, bison meat. Great beef alternative for cholesterol and heart problems. Available now. Call Carla, 864-590-4339. FOR SALE: SINGER 14U34 Sewing Machine, ultra-lock with folding table and big box of thread $200 FIRM; LARGE SIZE wood burning stove and pipes, $50. 864-457-2345. GOT GUNS??? WANT $$$ ? We buy hand guns and rifles, new and old, short and long. Call 828-395-1396 or 828-393-0067. SIBERIAN HUSKY, ALASKAN Malemute, 2 years old, white w/gold eyes, free to a good home. 864-764-4855. SOUTHSIDE SMOKEHOUSE & GRILLE. Come test your Trivia skills on Wednesday nights at 7:30! Happy Hour prices for Trivia players until closing. 864457-4581.

REAL ESTATE/ SALES & RENTALS 3.27 ACRES FOR SALE BY OWNER. Very nice wooded lot located on Acorn Alley in desirable Oakridge Estates, Columbus. Nice bldg site w/mountain views. Paved roads & underground utilities. HOA. ASKING $74,900. 828-894-3575. APARTMENTS IN RENOVATED house. 2BR/2.5BA, DR, Fireplace, deck, screened porch, laundry room, offstreet parking. $760/mo. 2BR 2BA $640. Call 864-895-9177 or 864313-7848. BEAUTIFUL COLUMBUS HOME for sale... like living in the country but 2 minutes from I-26. Four bedrooms (two master suites), three full baths, over 2,200 sq ft and 2+ acres. Cathedral Ceilings, Fireplace, Sunroom and deck. Visit http://www.forsalebyowner.com/ #22741587. $259,000. Call Janice at 864-680-6211 and make us an offer! CHARMING 2BR 2BA CONDO within walking distance to downtown Tryon. Available immediately, $675 month. 828-817-6119. COTTAGE FOR RENT: Month-tomonth. Excellent location, on 7 acres, 2BR/1BA, water included. $725/mo. Pets and horses allowed! Call 828863-4201. FOR LEASE, LANDRUM: corner lot in nice neighborhood near schools, park and downtown. 3BR/2BA, CH/A, stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, W/D, deck. $850/mo w/deposit. 828-894-8492. FOR RENT, CHESNEE area. 4BR/3BA, $1000/mo. No pets, references. Call Pat Martin, First Real Estate, 828859-7653. FOR RENT: 3 bedroom 2 bath house, great neighborhood in Landrum. $850 month. 864-706-7520. FOR RENT: 3BR/1BA, Brick home, Prince Road, off Chesnee Highway, $625/mo. No pets, references. Call Pat Martin, First Real Estate, 828859-7653. FOR RENT: Nice 3BR 2BA doublewide, very private location on horse farm. Prefer non-smokers, $700 per month, $1000 security deposit. References and rental application required. 828863-2029. FOR RENT: TRYON HISTORIC Toymakers residence: 2BR/2BA, all appliances, balcony and lots of storage. No smokers or pets. $950/mo. Security deposit required. Chaz Williams, WWE Realty. 864-607-0174.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

DB Let T d Ads sifie ! Clas for you work

FOR SALE BY OWNER Lovely, light and bright, 3BR/2BA home in Tryon’s Godshaw Hill area. Remodel features new white custom cabinets in LR/DR, wood floors, all new kitchen and baths, gas log fireplace, large deck, gas furnace, electric heat pump and much more. Partially finished heated/cooled walkout basement for expansion. Quiet location w/winter mountain views. REDUCED to $288,000. Brokers protected. Call for appointment: LYNNE ADAMS, OWNER/AGENT. 828-859-2493.

SALUDA, FURNISHED/UNFURNISHED 3BR/3BA home, walking distance to downtown, all hardwood floors, MBR has clawfoot tub and rain shower. Large front porch and back deck. Asking $2000/ mo. 828-749-9596.

FOR SALE BY OWNER: 2BR/2BA Hunting Country Condo. 1400sf main level w/unfinished lower level for storage. Adjacent to FETA trails. Perfect for horse/nature lovers/hikers. Large great room w/gas FP. $150,000. Call 423-625-4020.

A CHIMNEY Q/A Looking for a certified Chimney sweep? Go to www.csia.org. Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) explains what you should look for in locating a chimney sweep. Foothills Chimney Sweep is a member. Call Mike at 828-817-2381. Honest, professional & dependable.

FOR SALE BY OWNER: Pleasant older 2BR/1BA home on large lot. Electric and gas heat. Built-in AC unit. Stove and refrigerator included. 2 carports, back porch, short walk to downtown Columbus. $90,000. Call for appointment. 828-863-2415. GREAT HOUSE IN TRYON FOR RENT On Doubleday. Excellent location right in town! Open living/dining room, large private deck and huge basement for storage. 2BR/2BA, $950/mo. Pics/info www.carolinaadvantageproperties.com. 828-817-2046.

TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH nice remodeled mobile home on half acre lot, Green Creek. Water, garbage pickup, yard work furnished. $500 month. No pets. 828-899-4905.


CLEANING AVAILABLE FOR your home or office. Honest, dependable mother with references. Tammy, 864-801-0687. CONLON TREE CARE Quality tree work at reasonable prices. Pruning, removals, chipping, log splitting. Free estimates, references. INSURED, EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE. Call Tom at 828-863-4011.

LAND FOR SALE. 9.45 acres off Fox Mountain Rd, Columbus, NC. Price negotiable. 828-894-5602. Call, leave message.

CUSTOM BUILDER/HOME IMPROVEMENT From simple decking to mountainside retreat. Call SEAY CONSTRUCTION, 864-978-0439. Visit our website,www/ seayhomes.com. No job too small or large. Fully licensed/bonded.

LANDRUM/CAMPOBELLO APARTMENT FOR RENT 2BR/2BA, appliances, mountain and country views, convenient to interstate, two levels, $750/mo plus security deposit. Call 864-590-7444.

DAN STEINER PAINTING Excellent painting/pressure washing. Clean gutters/windows. Deck, roof, other repairs. High quality, low cost. Building a strong reputation, not resting on one. 828-894-6183 or 818-817-0539.

NEW EXECUTIVE HOME ON GOLF COURSE For Rent: Golf Course Road, Columbus. High end finishes throughout. High ceilings, gleaming hardwoods and all the “bells & whistles.” 3BR/2BA, $1550 monthly. Pics/info www.carolinaadvantageproperties.com. 828-817-2046.

Do you want it clean or REALLY CLEAN? Call Taylor Cleaning, and ask for Barbara 864-316-6816. Homes, offices, rentals, any space that needs cleaning. References provided. One time - weekly - biweekly.

NEW NC MOUNTAIN LOG CABIN with bold stream on 2+ acres, $89,900. Large front and back decks, high ceilings, private level wooded setting, ready to finish. 828-286-1666. OFFICE WITH RESTROOM FOR RENT at entrance to Cliffs of Glassy. Utilities paid. $475. 864-895-9177 or 864313-7848. SALUDA, CHARMING 1920 2BR/1BA house with hardwood floors, CH&A, W/D connections, nice lot with deck. $725/ mo. Call 828-749-1118.

FOR ALL YOUR LAWN maintenance needs: Mowing, weeding, edging, blowing, pruning, mulching, pine needles and more, call BAS Landscaping. Guaranteed lowest prices! 15 years experience. 864-303-4051. ISABELL CONSTRUCTION CO, Design/ build specialists, new homes, over 30 years experience. Room additions, home repairs and remodeling, basement waterproofing. LICENSED NC CONTRACTOR. Call 828-817-9424.

Email Your Ad To:


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors!

LAWN-PRO RESIDENTIAL SPECIALIST: Mowing, trimming, pruning, fertilization, mulch, seeding, spring clean-up, planting, greenhouses, chainsaw, pressure washing, deck restoration, ...and more. Free estimates. Fully insured. 828-8172651. Need Glass? Call B&J Glass! 828-286-8020. Only 25 minutes from your area. Commercial and residential. Mirrors, table tops, shower enclosures, tempered, plexiglass, screens, patio units, replace cloudy insulated glass. S&L ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION For all your roofing needs: Metal, 3-tab shingles, architectural shingles. Free Estimates. Harvel Lindsey, 864-5801413 or 828-458-0819. hojo120@ windstream.net.

WANTED HELP! Need free filling dirt for two needy family homes in the Town of Tryon. For more info call 828-817-5760. NOTICE All real estate advertised in the Tryon Daily Bulletin is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin; or to advertise with the intention to make such preference, limitation or discrimination. The Tryon Daily Bulletin will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of this law.

one insertion: $7.00 for 30 words or less; 15¢ a word per additional word. two insertions or more : $5.75 for 30 words or less; 10¢ additional word. Bold Caps Head $1, one-time fee. deadline is 11am the day before, Monday's deadline 11am Friday. Call 828-859-9151.

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


Jean T. Kendrick Jean T. Kendrick, 91, of Columbus, passed away on September 13, 2010 at the Hospice of the Carolina Foothills, after a short illness. She will be missed. Jean T. Kendrick was born October 20, 1918, in New York, but was a long-time resident of Fair Haven, N.J., where she was an active gardener and member of the Fair Haven Garden Club. She was a member of the Church of the Holy Communion of Fair Haven, and enthusiastic contributor to the community. She relocated to Polk County in 2009 and was a member of Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Tryon. She was preceded in death by her husband of 50 years, Arthur, in 2000. She is survived by her children: Jean K. Shumway of Columbus; Nancy K. Knoll of Ballston Spa, N.Y.; and Peter J. Kendrick of Reston, Va. She is also survived by her four grandchildren: Dawn Harris of Nevada City, Calif.; Rachel DeWald of El Granada, Calif.; Glenn Harrison of Bellingham, Mass., and Allison Kendrick of Reston, Va. She had three great-grandchildren who also survive her: Corina and Eli DeWald of El Granada, Calif., and Grace Harrison of Bellingham, Mass. Funeral arrangements are private; in lieu of flowers please consider donations to charity of your choice. An online guest register is available at www.mcfarlandfuneralchapel.com. McFarland Funeral Chapel, Tryon.

Save money on groceries Printable Coupons: Check out coupon Web sites such as www.Coupons.com and www. SmartSource.com, which let you select the coupons you want to print. —NAPS


Just A Reminder…

DisplAy ADveRtising DeADlines

• For Monday issues: Thursday by 4 p.m. • For Tuesday issues: Friday by 4 p.m. • For  Wednesday  issues:  Monday  by  4  p.m. • For Thursday issues: Tuesday by 4 p.m. • For Friday issues: Wednesday by 4 p.m. If space is available, display advertising may be accepted up to 11 a.m. one day prior to publication. Such advertising will be charged a 10% surcharge (minimum $5).

ReadeR/classiFied  ADveRtising DeADline

11 a.m. one day prior to publication.




Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Alcohol abuse, alcoholism discussion to be held atBlue Ridge Community College September 21

For most adults, moderate alcohol use is not harmful. However, nearly 17.6 million adults in the United States are alcoholics or have alcohol problems. Alcoholism is a disease with four main features: • Craving - a strong need to drink • Loss of control - not being able to stop drinking once you’ve begun • Physical dependence - withdrawal symptoms, i.e. nausea, sweating or shakiness after stopping drinking • Tolerance - the need to drink greater amounts of alcohol in order to get the reward. Alcoholism carries many serious dangers. Heavy drinking can increase the risk of certain cancers. It can cause damage to the liver, brain and other organs. It can cause birth defects. It increases the risk of death from

car crashes and other injuries as well as the risk of homicide and suicide according to the NIH: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Are specific groups of people more likely to have problems? Alcohol abuse and alcoholism cut across gender, race, and nationality. In general, more men than women are alcohol dependent or have alcohol problems. And alcohol problems are highest among young adults ages 18 to 29 and lowest among adults ages 65 and older. We also know that people who start drinking at an early age - for example, at age 14 or younger - are at much higher risk of developing alcohol problems at some point in their lives compared to someone who starts drinking at age 21 or after. How can you tell if someone has a problem? Answering the following four questions can help

you find out if you or a loved one has a drinking problem: • Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking? • Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? • Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking? • Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or to get rid of a hangover? One “yes” answer suggests a possible alcohol problem. More than one “yes” answer means it is highly likely that a problem exists. If you think that you or someone you know might have an alcohol problem, it is important to seek professional help to determine if a drinking problem exists and plan the best course of action. Many people also find support groups a helpful aid to recovery. The following list includes a variety of resources that can be

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found on the Internet: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), Al-Anon/ Alateen, Codependents Annonymous (CODA), National Association for Children of Alcoholics (NACOA) and National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information (NCADI). The current national alcohol recovery rate is 18.2 percent but there are recovery models that have long term recovery rates of 75 to 80 percent. Why are these treatment models successful and what can we learn from them? What is the underlying cause of relapse and how can it be prevented? Bill Wilson, one of the founders of AA, is often credited with having discovered the missing link to recovery and devoted the end of his life to teaching others. Now we have 30 years of successful


Worship Services: Subscribe to the

Bulletin for local news 21 and complete sports coverage

8:45am — Youth-led contemporary service 8:45am — Youth-led contemporary service Youth-centered message Youth Praise Band Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The WorldYouth-centered Wednesday , September 15,& 2010 ’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Praise Band message & Youth 11am — Worship Service 11am — Worship Service Sunday School: 10am • Nursery: 11am service Sunday School: 10am • Nursery: 11am service

Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news complete sports coverage • Alcohol abuse Art 21and classes Peniel Road, Columbus, NC 28722 • 828-894-3368 (continued from page 20)

Rev. Wirt Skinner, Interim Pastor Welcome inICC the grace andresearch love ofthat Jesus Christa change in begin at is making CPRE-037566

the way alcoholism is viewed. There is still time to regisAn information talk will take ter for two new art classes at2x2place on Tuesday, September 21, W ICC. at the Dupont Suite Room 217 CPRE-037566 • Creative watercolor, taught located in the Applied Technolchanged 7/7/10 by Pat Cole-Ferullo, is an ex- ogy Building on the campus of perimental approach to paint- Blue Ridge Community College ing, tapping into your inner in Brevard from 7 to 9 p.m. The artist, and allowing you to paint topic will be “The Missing Link with a freedom of expression to Alcohol Recovery,” the underall your own. lying cause of relapse, how can it The class will begin on be prevented and recovery modThursday, September 23 from els that have long term recovery 1 to 4 p.m. and runs for eight rates of 75 to 80 percent. olumbus Presbyterian ChurCh weeks.CThere are no prerequi"Forfor the Scriptures saith, 'Whosoever believeth onDr. HimSuka shall Chapel PhD, RN will sites this class. not be ashamed" —Romans 10:11lead KJV the discussion. Dr. Chapel • 3D collage/mixed media, has 35 years of experience in the www.columbuspresbyterian.homestead.com taught by Dom Ferullo, utilizes fields of wellness, mental health, Worship Services: found objects, paper, fabric, substance abuse and is the Direc8:45am — Youth-led contemporary service wood scraps, paint, etc. using tor Youth-centered message & Youth Praise Bandof ARISE Alcohol Recovery, techniques that he has develLLC. Seating is limited and a res11am — his Worship Service oped with personal twist. ervation is requested. For more Sunday School: • Nursery: 11am service The class begins10am on Wednesinformation, please call (828) 21 Peniel22 Road, Columbus, 28722 • 828-894-3368 day, September from 1 to 4 NC 890-8193 or email drchapel@ Rev. Wirtweeks. Skinner, Interim Pastor p.m. and runs for eight arisealcoholrecovery.com. Welcome in the grace and love of Jesus Christ There are no prerequisites for – article submitted this class. Call ICC at 828-894-30922x2 to register. W — article submitted CPRE-037920

Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage


Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage

St. Luke toCME Subscribe the Bulletin for local news and complete Church dinnersports coverage September 23

St. Luke CME Church located on Markham Road in Tryon will hold a church dinner on Thursday, September 23 at 6 p.m. Diners will have a choice of ham or turkey with mixed vegetables, green beans, rice pilaf, roll, dessert and tea. Reservations can be made Wednesday through Friday, September 15 through 17 and Monday, September 20 at 864457-2775 with Marie Anderson. For directions or more information, call the church at 828-859-5376 on September 23 at 4:30 p.m. — article submitted

Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage


Coleman Freeman Subscribe to the Bulletin for local 21 Peniel Road, Columbus, NC 28722 • 828-894-3368 Auto Sales, Inc. news Rev. Wirt Skinner, Interim Pastor and complete sports coverage Welcome in the grace and2002 love Ford of JesuseXplorer Christ eddie Bauer


4x4, V/8, auto, leather, power win-

Subscribe to the Bulletin for local dows/locks, sunroof, alloynews wheels, 2x2 remote keyless entry, trailer tow, W and complete sports coverage fog lights, cruise, tilt, am/fm/cD, CPRE-037709 95,860 miles. changed 7/14/10

Subscribe to the Bulletin$10,900 for local news 1212 Asheville Hwy. Hendersonville, NC sports coverage and complete (828) 692-6110 www.colemanfreeman.com


Worship Services:

Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news 2x2 9/15 and complete sports coverage cole-034589

Columbus Presbyterian ChurCh Subscribe to'Whosoever the Bulletin "For the Scriptures saith, believeth on Him for shall local news not be ashamed" —Romans 9:11 KJV and complete sports coverage www.columbuspresbyterian.homestead.com Worship Services:

Subscribe to the Bulletin 8:45am — Youth-led contemporary service for local news Youth-centered message & Youth Praise Band and complete sports coverage 11am — Worship Service Sunday School: 10am • Nursery: 11am service

21 Peniel Road, Columbus, NC 28722for • 828-894-3368 Subscribe to the Bulletin local news Rev. Wirt Skinner, Interim Pastor and complete Welcome in the gracesports and love ofcoverage Jesus Christ


Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news 2x2 8/11 W and complete sports coverage CPRE-038144 Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage


Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage Subscribe to the Bulletin for local news and complete sports coverage

colpres - page 37

TDBPROMO - page 56





Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


St. Luke CME Church Markham Road • Tryon, NC Thursday, September 23 • 6pm Diners have a choice of: Ham or Turkey with mixed vegetables, green beans, rice pilaf, roll, dessert and tea. Reservations can be made Wed. - Fri., Sept. 15-17 and Mon., Sept. 20 at 864-457-2775 with Mrs. Marie Anderson. For directions or more info, call 828-859-5376 (church) on Sept. 23 at 4:30pm.


2x2 9/15, 16, 20 PORT-038712 Office Columbus

Edney Eye Associates Tryon native Dr. Richard Edney offers the latest hi-tech state-of-theart computerized refracting system and digital retinal photography. See him today for any optometric need. Now accepting new patients. Call 894-3930 for appointments. 69 Shuford Rd., Suite B, Columbus, NC.



Have you ever thought about owning 2x2.5 your own small business? 9/1, thEn W,F tfn EEyE-038510

Chris Carroll -- Carroll Woodworks Ltd

G.A.T.E. is a new program designed to give dislocated workers an opportunity to own their own small business. Should you not qualify for G.A.T.E.; the Small Business center at isothermal community college can help you open your own business. Ted Hamrick, Small Business center Director, is available on Wednesday mornings at the Polk campus of isothermal community college. Call Faye Bishop or Ted Hamrick for more details.

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Small Business Center iccP-038431

2x5 9/13,14,15,16,17



    From left: Knight Bill Mazurek, PCHS’s EC teacher Rhonda Hill and Knight  Nick Koluch. (photo submitted)      occupational courses of study.  This was a transitional year for

PCHS receives donation from Knights ‘Operation Lamb’ fundraiser begins September 17

some of Hill’s students. Some of the students will be moving on to higher education and others will For the past nine years the seek employment.  Knights of Columbus has presented The Knights of Columbus’ Brought To You By: Greater Inman Area Chamber of Commerce Mrs. Rhonda Hill, exceptional annual “Operation Lamb” project The City of Inman children’s teacher at Polk County supports the mentally handicapped ForSchool, More Information: 472-3654 disHigh with a checkwww.inmanscchamber.org for the and those with or intellectual EC program. This spring she ac- abilities. The 2010 fundraiser will cepted a donation of $723 from take place at Bi-Lo in Landrum and 2x5 the Knights. Columbus on September 17 and With the cutbacks funding 18, at the Food Lion in Columbus 9/15,in23 for the EC program, this donation on Saturday, September 18, and at ICCO-038709 will provide lasting benefits to the the IGA in Tryon on Wednesday, students with purchases of class- September 29. room material, textbook sets and – article submitted ICCO-038709

ExEcutor's noticE Having qualified on the 25th day of August, 2010, as Executor of the Estate of ralph FishEr, deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Executor on or before the 1st day of December, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the estate should make immediate payment. This the 1st day of September, 2010. William Dave Fisher, Executor Estate of Ralph Fisher 777 Blanton St. Columbus, NC 28722 R. Anderson Haynes Attorney at Law P.O. Box 100 Tryon, NC 28782 adv. 9/1,8,15,22

100915 - page 2

Carolina Keglers bowling season begins Sept. 22 The Carolina Keglers 20102011 bowling season will begin September 22 at Autumn Lanes in Forest City. New bowlers are welcome. Call Gerri Reitz at 859-5206 for more information. Returning bowlers are asked to call Gerri to advise whether they will be bowling this year. — article submitted

Send us your news! news@tryondailybulletin.com


c Te • Chimney Sweeping • Inspections • Minor Repairs

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

• Certified • Licensed • Insured


Proud Member of: • Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA) • National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG) • International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF), retired • NC Chimney Sweep Association (NCCSA)

Wolfe lays claim to WHC’s award 3/3, 13, 18, 28, 4/2, 8,30


• Chimney Sweeping • Inspections • Minor Repairs

• Certified page 23 • Licensed • Insured

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Call Mike at (828) 817-2381!

the Western Highlands Conference recently announced that John spencer Wolfe – a 2010 polk County High school graduate - is the recipient of the prestigious Male athlete of the Year award. “this is a great honor for me and I’m glad to bring the award home to the best team in the conference” said Wolfe. this award encompasses all male sports for the 2009-2010 academic year represented by WHC members. “I’m very proud of John spencer and all his accomplishments, but this is a biggie,” said polk County High school athletic Keeping out of Director Jeff’em Wilson. It was four years your chimney is aago lot when Wolfe walked on the track for ineasier than door season as agetting‘em freshman – just to stay in shape for out. Put a cap varsity on it! soccer and football. He never left Coach alan peoples’ program and ran call mike at Foothills cross country, indoor track and outdoor track for the Wolverines. Chimney Sweep today! He has signed a track scholarship with N.C. state, where he is now a freshman.


c Te

Blue Call Ridge mall engine Mike at S (828) 817-2381! Get your small engines Proud Member of: serviced now!

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John Spencer Wolfe

Keeping 'em out of your chimney is a lot easier than getting 'em out. Put a cap on it!

call mike’em at Foothills Keeping out of Chimney Sweep today! your chimney828-817-2381 is a lot easier than getting‘em out. Put a cap on it!

Wolfe’s accomplishments include 13 all-state selections with six individual state championships, numerous all-conference and all-region teams as well as 2x2 FilleR At many local, regional, and state InDD - page 43 0tfn0COnPolk County awards. He also established eight new High School Cafeteria school records and qualified for On several national events. Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010 peoples summed up John spencer’s career in this way, “John spencer Wolfe came into Time: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. • Eat-In or Carry Out the polk County High school program setting records – and he Sponsored By left the same way.”

Polk County High School Marching Band

PCHS girls tennis opens 1x3 FilleR conference play with win the polk County High school 0. In doubles, Hilbig and pullara girls tennis team rebounded from 8-2, High and Halbikat 8-2 and antonio and rachel a 9-0 loss to s.C. Class 3a foe Chapman on PCHS girls Vining 8-0. Mackenzie McCool and rebekah sept. 8 to take a 9-0 win tennis Hyder also won an exover avery in the Westhibition match 8-2. ern Highlands ConferpCHs (3-2, 1-0) hosts owence opener for the Wolverines. singles winners against avery ens thursday as the conference included (in order of seeding), schedule continues. “I believe we stand a great Natalie Hilbig 10-0, Jessica pullara 10-0, Hannah High 10-6, chance of putting up a great alli Halbkiat 10-2, elizabeth fight with the teams ahead,” said Norville 10-5, emily antonio 10- pCHs head coach Joel picher.

Tickets may be purchased in advance from POLK COUNTY Keeping 'emand HIGH SCHOOL STEARNS EDUCATIONAL CENTER from POLK COUNTY BAND STUDENTS. will also out Tickets of your be available at the cafeteria on the Day of the Fish Fry. Menu Fillet of Flounder French Fries Golden Brown Hush Puppies Cole Slaw Beverage Selection PER PLATEcall$7mike at Foothills ALL INCLUSIVE MEAL

chimney is a lot easier than Senior and child getting 'em out. plates available Put a cap on it! Hamburgers and hot dogs also available

Chimney Sweep today!

Keeping ’em out of 828-817-2381 Please out and support yourcome chimney is a the lotPolk County High School Band, they need our support for an upcoming trip to Washington, DC. The PCHS Band will play in ourSweeping nation's Capital in November onRepairs the Capital lawn. • Chimney • Inspections • Minor your support we can help make this possible. easierWiththan getting‘em • Certified Licensed • Insured Thanks, •Friends of the Band out. Put a cap on it!



sports – page 2



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2/25, 3/6 cwca-027977

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You took my jeep where? The first stop after landing at advised me that there was to be a Ton Son Nhut air base in Vietnam special service at noon on Friday was a field hospital/ forward aid at the temple in Ben Cat and that station in the base camp at Lai she had made arrangements for me Khe - 1st Infantry Division, 1st to attend. I don’t know where the Medical Btn, “C” Company. Of officers were that Friday, but when course, the arrival of someone it came time to leave, there was labeled “conscientious objector” no one around to ask permission. necessitated a period of adjust- So, of course, I made an executive ment between me and the mem- decision, not remembering that I bers of “Charlie Med”, as that unit wasn’t really an executive. Rose and I drove to Ben Cat was called. After a series of misadventures, where I observed a ceremony I ended up as the company clerk, that will always remain in my memory. It was a simple service serving in a “country the Comchurch”. I was manding Officer and his So adminConversations frustrated that you finally didn’t underistrative staff. cleaned out thefrom attic? Birdland Istand even one Eventually I had r n to t by h oDonWeathington se word, but also all T theukeys moved by the all treasures the locks in into $$$ simplicity and theDave's company, b y aHandyman d v e r t i sService ing All the Types Carpentry the sure knowledge that I had including key to the CO’s in The Bulletin. Decks, Remodeling, been in the presence of something jeep. Additions, Custom Built Cabinets, Call us at 859-9151! Plumbing Repair, Painting, There was an Electrical, intelligence unit spiritually significant. Replacement Windows Washing Rose tried to explain the cerquartered inPressure the same building, and emony to me on the short drive in their employ was an interpreter 30 yrs. exp. 894-2682 - a mid-thirty-ish woman who back to the base camp, but it lived in the nearby village of Ben wasn’t important - the experience Cat. Her adopted name was Rose. was the important part. When we She also came to the treatment got to the gate at the base camp, bay when indigenous patients the guard checked the number on were being served. We formed a the front of the jeep and advised friendly relationship, as we did the me to get back to my company as paperwork documenting her visits. quickly as I could. HouseCleAning by Kathy Klopp I dropped Rose off and went By this time in my life I had been reading Zen Buddhism for about to the orderly room where the Experienced, trustworthy three years was very interested CO was waiting for me. He asked andand dependable. in the practicethrough of Buddhism. One where I had been and I told him. Monday Friday. day I asked Rose if she thought it With a red face he said, “Don’t 828-248-3976 would be possible for me to attend you know that Ben Cat is a Viet a service at the1x1 local temple. She Cong controlled village? I can’t agreed to ask and then accompany believe you took my jeep into that w,f village. I’m giving you an Article me after getting permission. A couple of weeks later Rose Fifteen. Your rank is frozen. You



are fined $50 and confined to base for 30 days.” Currently, I am re-reading Living Buddha, Living Christ by Thich Naht Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk and the founder of the Order of Interbeing and the Unified Buddhist Church. As a Christian minister in Florida threatens to burn copies of the Quran and Muslims across the world declare jihad, Hanh in the passages quoted below, reminds us of the importance of understanding and respecting the beliefs of others. Responding to Professor Hans Kung’s assertion that.“ Until there is peace between religions, there can be no peace in the world.” Hanh writes: “People kill and are killed because they cling too tightly to their own beliefs and ideologies. When we believe that ours is the only faith that contains the truth, violence and suffering will surely result.” And then from the Order of Interbeing: “Do not think the knowledge you currently possess is changeless, absolute truth. Avoid being narrow-minded and bound to present views. Learn and practice nonattachment from views in order to be open to receive others’ viewpoints.” So I told the CO that day in Vietnam, “Sir, I just wanted to know what their religion was all about.” And he responded, “But you parked my jeep in that town?” Don Weathington is a retired psychotherapist and business owner who lives in Gillette Woods at a place called Birdland.

clearwtr - page 6 Polk County Cadets perform ‘A Salute to the USO’ September 18

The Polk County Cadets and the Friends of the Band invite all area veterans to come and attend a special presentation of their halftime show, “A Salute to the USO” Saturday evening, September 18, at 8 p.m. The band will be per-

forming at the Polk County High School stadium. The audience will be whisked back in time to the 1940s with a show featuring songs such as “Thanks for the Memory” and “I’ll Be Seeing You.” Be returned to a

more youthful time when “Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy” was the most popular song in the country. The Cadets’ band director is Cindy Gilbert and the assistant director is Jill Bennett. — article submitted

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Bonesteel to present quilting retrospective at Landrum Library Noted quilter Georgia Bonesteel of Flat Rock, N.C., will present a quilting retrospective on September 21 at the Landrum Library. The 6:30 p.m. program is open to the public and is sponsored by the Friends of the Landrum Library and the Landrum Quilters. Credited with fueling a revival of quilting in the seventies, this internationally-recognized quilter will share stories of her quilting journey and examples of her continuing quilt artistry. As creator and host of “Lap Quilting with Georgia Bonesteel,” produced by North Carolina Public Television, she has

inspired quilters throughout the country. The series is still running on PBS. In 2005 she partnered with her son Paul to produce the documentary “The Great American Quilt Revival” which featured well-known quilters, historians and collectors discussing their art and role in the revolution of modern quilting. A longtime seamstress, Bonesteel graduated from Northwestern University with a home economics and merchandising degree. When a move took the Bonesteel family to New Orleans, she began a small business, Cajun Quilters, making one-of-a-kind quilted patchwork evening bags.

A subsequent move to North Carolina in 1972 and Bonesteel’s renewed interest in quilting has led to an illustrious career in teaching, writing and promoting quilting. In the late seventies, Bonesteel taught quilting lessons to a group of interested women at the old Landrum Library. She and former Landrum librarian Ruth Farrar are credited with founding the Landrum Library Quilt Club in 1980. Now known as the Landrum Quilters, the club is celebrating its 30th year with more than 140 members. For more information, visit www.georgiabonesteel.com and

Georgia Bonesteel

www.landrumquilters.com. – article submitted


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Let us heLp!

Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper The tryon Daily Bulletin Tisryonnow offering EasyPay for a year subscription ($60 yearly) Local artists


's S• Must nmonth uppay pe $5a per with ra PoorPayM

Gospel card Singing luegrasscredit/debit an d B (Automatic renewal19monthly) Saturday, September Supper Served: 5-7PM Cost:828-859-9151 $700 per person* Call for details * Singing starts at 7 p.m. Children under 5 Free Where: VFW Post# 10349, Mill spring, NC

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Trying to S-T-R-E-T-C-H your dollar? Thomas win awards Zieler in exhibition Edward Thomas Edward Zieler, 42,

Several local artists were of 157 Hunter’s Trail died Sepselected to participate in the tember 13, 2010 at Smith Phayer Artists’ Guild of Spartanburg’s Hospice House. He was the son Juried Exhibition. Dom Ferullo of Thomas Walter and Janice 2x2 was awarded second place in Goury Zieler of Columbus and Gospel Singing by the upcycled category for his husband of Jenny Riddle Zieler. Soldiers of the Cross and Promised Land wood construction “Contrasts.” He was a self employed conFirst place in the photography tractor. category was awarded to Susan In addition to his parents and Trying to S-T-R-E-T-C-H your dollar? Johann for her piece “Sand Dol- wife he is survived by a son, lar and Shells.” Thomas R. Zieler of the home; Let us heLp! 2x2 Other local artists chosen for a sister, Susan Youngerman and The tryon9/15, Daily 17 Bulletin is now offering the exhibit are Bonnie Joy Bar- husband David of Athens, Ga.; a dos with “Esto Perpetua: In The niece, Julianna Byers of Jackson VeTT-038702 EasyPay for a year subscription Grey,” Patricia Cole-Ferullo (Automatic renewal monthly) Hole, Wy., and a nephew, Anwith “Rising Tide,” Linda Hud- drew Youngerman of Athens, ($60 yearly) gins with “Mandarin Mermaid Ga. Pay $5 per month • Must pay Sorts Her Voices,” Carol Beth The family will receive friends Icard with “Oh Happy Day,” 6-8 p.m. Thursday, September with a credit/debit card and Terry MacMillan with 16, 2010 at Petty Funeral Home. (Automatic renewal monthly) “Mondo.” A private service will be held at The exhibit runs now through a later date. Call for details 828-859-9151 September 18 at The Carolina Memorials may be made to Gallery located at 145 West Hospice of the Carolina Foot2x4 Main Street in Spartanburg. hills, 130 Forest Glen Drive, Check out this and other fine Columbus, N.C. 28722. VFWAds - art pageexhibits 15 2x2.5 at the upcoming Condolences may be left at Art Walk Spartanburg this www.pettyfuneralhome.com. Thursday, September 16 from Petty Funeral Home & Cre5 to 9 p.m. matory, Landrum. – article submitted VeTT-038702


Trying to S-T-R-E-T-C-H your dollar?

Let us heLp!

The tryon Daily Bulletin is now offering EasyPay for a year subscription ($60 yearly)

Pay $5 per month • Must pay with a credit/debit card

Call for details 828-859-9151

ExEcutor's noticE Having qualified onTDBPROMO the 25th day of August, 2010, as Executor of the Estate of ralph FishEr, deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and Emcee corporations having claims against  the decedent to exhibit the same to  the undersigned Executor on or before  the 1st day of December, 2010, or  this notice will be pleaded in bar of  their recovery. All persons, firms and  corporations indebted to the estate  should make immediate payment.   This the 1st day of September,  2010.  William Dave Fisher, Executor Estate of Ralph Fisher  777 Blanton St. Columbus, NC 28722 R. Anderson Haynes Attorney at Law P.O. Box 100  Tryon, NC 28782 Brought To You By: Greater Inman Area Chamber of Commerce adv. 9/1,8,15,22 The City of Inman

September 25, 2010 • 9am to 5pm Downtown Inman

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1x3.5 adv. 9/1,8,15,22

noticE to crEditor's - page FilE 127no. 2010-E-140 The undersigned having qualified as Personal Representative of the estate of c.c. harnEss, iii, deceased, of Polk County, North Carolina, hereby notifies all persons, firms and corporations having claims against c.c.harnEss iii to present their claims in care of the undersigned attorney on or before the 30th day of November, 2010, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement of same. This the 1st day of September, 2010. JuLiE C. HARNESS PERSONAL REPRESENTATivE C.C. HARNESS iii, ESTATE Jason R. Patomson or William M. Alexander, Jr. Law Offices of William M. Alexander, Jr., PLLC Justice Street Center 559 North Justice Street Hendersonville, NC 28739 adv. 9/1,8,15,22

Sunny View Elem. holds fall festival Sept.17 Sunny View Elementary will hold its annual fall festival on Friday, September 17. The turkey dinner will start at 4:30 p.m. with games and activities starting at 6 p.m. There will also be hot dogs, popcorn and cotton candy for sale. There will be several bounce activities, a train ride (weather permitting), a dunking booth, and all the usual carnival games. – article submitted S&L ROOFING & CONSTRUCTION For all your roofing needs: Metal, 3-tab shingles, architectural shingles. Free Estimates. Harvel Lindsey, 864-5801413 or 828-458-0819. hojo120@ windstream.net.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 15, 2010

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



tryon Daily bulletin / the WorlD’S SmalleSt Daily neWSpaper




Crossing the line It appears there is no way to build a public building in polk County without a controversy. It hasn’t happened in 20 years. Bless those who bear up our responsibilities. It is unclear to us why, at any discussion of bricks and mortar, the public brings out the brickbats. But one can be sure this time it has something to do with the fact that we have eight candidates running for three seats on the county board. Critics routinely fill the board room during election season, while supporters stay clear. One could get the wrong impression and miss the many reasoned, balanced views in the county regarding the long-planned, much needed Department of Social Services building. We are thankful that public comment is encouraged. We are thankful we live in a country where our speech is protected and those in power have no right to censor us. However, we also esteem the Judeo-Christian tradition that calls us to show respect for all those holding authority over us. Teachers, from John the Baptist to Jesus to paul, instructed us again and again to submit, “for there is no authority except that which god has established.” Before you say, “But nowadays!” recall that those in power would later put each one of these men to death. By contrast, the extreme rhetoric and disrespect toward those in public office, so casually offered today, is corrosive and ugly. Speakers, by their outrageous, angry words, set american against american without fear of facts. a nation without bonds of trust and goodwill will disintegrate, become like Somalia. It is shameful behavior. Let us hope that at least here, neighbors will never adopt such disgraceful tones with one another. Just in case, the county board policy states that the county chair may caution, set down and ultimately remove anyone out of order. The policy enforces the wisdom of good citizenship. Let us hope our neighbors never cross the line and simply choose on their own to show proper respect. — JB

The Tryon Daily Bulletin

ticipated in “grandparents’ Day,” taken tours of the schools, and helped in several classrooms. We have found the teachers to be warm, friendly, in control To the editor: of their classes, well-prepared, We were surprised at the news and obviously doing their best about polk Central elementary for each student in when teachers were the class. We’ve been given the opportu- Letters welcomed to come at nity to complete the to the any time, been asked “2010 NC Teacher Editor for specific help, and Working Conditions” found the atmosphere survey about the school. The to be one where learning is the article reported that a smaller priority. percentage of faculty completed We hope the principal and the survey than at the other polk faculty know what a good job County schools, and also that the they are doing. We certainly feel responses were more negative this to be true and are thankful than at other schools. that each student at polk Central We have had many opportuni- is receiving a good education in ties to spend time at polk Central. a positive environment. as a Big Brother and Big Sister – Lynn and Bob Montgomery of students there, we have par-

Surprised at Polk Central Elementary news

Pumphrey built a first-class library over past 16 years To the editor: For over 16 years Mark pumphrey has been the library director at our polk County public Library. Back then, the library was a shadow of what it is today, both in terms of the physical building and the service it provides polk County citizens. Last week, Mark announced that he is leaving polk County to pursue a career opportunity in Texas. We will miss Mark and want to wish him success in his

The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

new position. I want to recognize and thank Mark for all that he has done to build a first class public library system in polk County — our new Columbus library as well as the Saluda library and bookmobile. Mark would be the first to say that he is just one of many people who have played a role in our library’s success, but his leadership has been a critically valuable part of the work. Thank you, Mark, for all that you have done to make polk County a better place and best wishes in your new job. — Don Hofmann

Get me in the mail! email us at subs@tryondailybulletin.

Jeffrey A. Byrd, Editor & Publisher

Managing Editor Sales Mgr. Business Mgr. Production Mgr. Pressroom Mgr. Special Projects Coord.


Barbara Tilly Mike edwards Wanda Cash pam McNeil Tony elder Barbara Tilly

Send your thoughts: Bulletin, 16 N. Trade St., Tryon, NC 28782 or news@ tryondailybulletin.com.

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MWF,end 10/9 Antibodies play Rogers Park September 17 1x2 1x2

The Antibodies with the Pulse will be playing at Rogers Park Friday, September 17. The Antibodies first started playing together in 1996 or 1997. At the time Tom Conder, one of the group’s founders, was involved with theater in the area, Spartanburg’s Little Theater and USCS’s Shoestring Players. Conder recalls the beginning of the Antibodies and the Pulse: “I was friends with Peggy Magarahan with whom I’d done a show with in ‘97. Peggy is a dancer and has contributed to many of the musical shows that the theaters in this area have produced. Thru the years I’d often talk to Peggy about choreographing one of the songs but we were all busy and it would just pass. “In 2008 I called her and said, ‘Do you want to really try it?’ I told her that I was sure we could find a way to perform it. It still

took a year to work schedules Mark Branyon, who writes the MWF Antibodies and where she and her dance buddies music for them,W arranges the song could choreograph the number. end 11/25set lists for “Peggy and the rest of the shows, arranged the sets with Pulse, Jennifer Latto, Lisa De input from Magarahan from Freitas, Terri Burch and Rodney the dancer’s point of view in a Bogan, our sole male, (and un- manner to best space the songs fortunately he will not be avail- according to their degree of difable to dance at Rogers Park) ficulty. “Sounds complicated but choreographed 30 songs for the Hub Bub show which we did in after a few beers and 12 years of playing, it was easy,” says November 2009. (Excerpts from that show are Conder. This will be their fourth peravailable at myspace.com/antiformance together and their bodiestheband.) “They just don’t stand there second as a full two set show. and do a generic go-go routine. The groups have played two Peggy studied the music and the shows this year at the Music lyrics to find inspiration for many Camp in Cowpens for the Green of the movements. I think she Earth Party and the Love valley and the rest of the girls know the 40 Year Remembering Show. Drummer Lee Holroyd lives songs better than we do.” Tryon According to Conder, Maga- in- page 0tfn1mon 8 with his wife, Patti rahan broke the songs down into Peake. — article submitted heavy, light, duet and freestyle.

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