07-21-11 Daily Bulletin

Page 1

Judge rules state’s More-At-Four cut unconstitutional, page 6

Tryon Daily Bulletin

The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Vol. 84 / No. 120

Tryon, N.C. 28782

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Only 50 cents

Horseless carriages visit Landrum

If you’re interested in area history, there’s a meeting next week you might want to attend. The Tryon Historic Preservation Commission will meet Thursday, July 28 at 4:30 p.m. at the Tryon Fire Department. The town is currently working toward getting state approval to be designated as an historic district. For more information, call 828-859-9566.

Here’s a list of upcoming meetings and events for area nonprofit community and governmental organizations:


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Thursdays, 7 a.m. - noon, old Searcy Mill parking lot, Hwy. 108, Columbus. Saluda Center, Thursday activities: knitting group, 9:30 a.m.; gentle Yin Yoga, 5:30 p.m.; Saluda Center. 828-7499245. The Meeting Place Senior Center, Thursday activities include ceramics, 9:30 a.m.; art (Continued on page 2)

The Horseless Carriage Club of America brought 87 antique cars to Landrum on Tuesday, July 19. The cars ranged from 1909 to 1927 and included models by Ford, Chevy, Buick, Oldsmobile, Dodge, White, Marmon, Stutz and Stanley Steamers, among others. The club is touring the North Carolina region this week for its 60th annual tour, traveling approximately 100 miles per day. Car owners came from North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Connecticut. The club parked and ate lunch at Landrum First Baptist Church and spent the afternoon browsing in Landrum’s shops. See page 3 for more photos. (photo by Leah Justice)

All Polk County schools meet AYP goals by Samantha Hurst

All seven Polk County schools achieved their federally mandated Annual Yearly Progress (AYP) goals this year, according to David Scherping, technology/ accountability director with Polk County Schools.

“If our schools had not made AYP, and if we had not made it for a number of years, then there are a lot of sanctions that can go into place,” Scherping said. “We’ve luckily not had to worry about that.” Because Polk Middle School

Serving Polk County and Upper Spartanburg and Greenville Counties

is the system’s largest and most diverse school based on student population, it had 21 target goals to meet. It achieved all 21 of those requirements. Meanwhile, Tryon Elementary School met 17 out of 17 tar(Continued on page 4)


2 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, July 21, 2011

• Calendar (continued from page 1)

class, 10 a.m.; bingo or movie, 12:30 p.m. 828-894-0001. Landrum Library, Lap Babies, Thursdays, 10 a.m.; story time, 10:30 a.m. Polk County Historical Association Museum, open Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., 60 Walker St., Columbus, lower level. Free. Saluda Public Library, Bouncing Babies and Toddlers in Tow, Thursdays, 10 a.m. Green Creek Community Center, Zumba exercise class, Tuesdays and Thursdays 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., in gym. Rotary Club of Tryon, meets every Thursday at noon at Tryon Presbyterian Church on Harmon Field Road. Landrum Library, join author Stephan Kiernan as he shares from his book “Last Rights: Rescuing the End of Life the Medical System” beginning at 2 p.m. First 25 attendees will receive a free copy. PolkFresh Farmers Market, Thursdays, Tryon, McCown St., 4 - 6:30 p.m., VISA/EBT accepted. Visit polkcountyfarms. org for vendor list or sign-up. Landrum Library, “Riddle Me This: Photo Scavenger Hunt,” teen summer reading event, Thursday, July 21, 5-6 p.m. Teens can join in a photo scavenger hunt using their cell phone or digital camera. Winners will

How To Reach Us

Main number, classifieds and subscriptions: 828-859-9151 FAX: 828-859-5575 e-mail: news@tryondailybulletin.com Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Betty Ramsey, Publisher

THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN (USPS 643-360) is published daily except Saturdays and Sundays for $60 per year by Tryon Newsmedia LLC, 16 N. Trade St., Tryon, NC 287826656. Periodicals postage paid at Tryon, North Carolina 28782. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tryon Newsmedia LLC., 16 N Trade St., Tryon, NC 28782-6656. www.tryondailybulletin.com

receive a prize. Advance sign-up required. Columbus Lions Club, meet at Calvert’s Kitchen in Columbus at 6:30 p.m. For more information call 828-894-2505. Al-Anon: Foothills Come to Believe, Thursdays, 7 p.m., Polk Wellness Center, 801 W. Mills St., Suite A, Columbus. Green Creek Community Center, Zumba exercise class, Thursdays 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., in gym. Landrum Lions Club, meets Thursday, July 21 at 7 p.m. for the regular and board meetings. The meetings will be held at Ayers Market. Mill Spring VFW Post 10349, bingo, Thursdays, 7-9 p.m. (year round). 828-894-5098. The Polk County Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Advisory Committee, July 21 at 7 p.m. in the Polk County Senior Center 77 Carmel Lane, Columbus. AA’s Sobriety and Beyond, Thursdays, 8 - 9 p.m., Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, 1024 W. Main St., Forest City. 828-863-1313. Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays, 8 p.m., CooperRiis, Mill Spring. 828-859-7099. Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays, 8 p.m., Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 150 Melrose Ave., Tryon.


Saluda Center , Friday events: chair exercise, 10 a.m.; Trash Train, 10 a.m. The Meeting Place Senior Center, Friday activities include movie matinee, 10 a.m.; bingo, 12:30 p.m. 828-894-0001. Seniors on Sobriety (SOS) AA Meeting, Fridays at noon, Polk County Chamber of Commerce Building, 2753 Lynn Rd. (Hwy 108), Tryon. 828-8940293. Tryon Toy Makers Museum, open Friday 2 - 6 p.m., 43 E. Howard St., Tryon. 828-2906600. PolkFresh Farmers Market, Fridays, Saluda, West Main parking lot, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m., VISA/ EBT accepted. Visit polkcoun-

Local Weather Forecast:



Moon Phase

Today: Partly cloudy, with 40 percent chance of thunderstorms. High 94, low 73. Friday: Partly cloudy, Partly cloudy Partly cloudy with 30 percent chance of isolated thunderstorms. High 92, low 71. Tuesday’s weather was: High 93, low 78, no rain.

OBITUARIES Stanley C. Huddleston, p. 10 Rosalie Martin, p. 14 Dorothy Waymon Simmons, p. 10

tyfarms.org for vendor list or sign-up. American Legion Post 250, weekly bingo games, Fridays, 7 p.m., 43 Depot St., Tryon. Doors open 5:30 p.m. Smoke-free. Narcotics Anon., Saluda Senior Center, Fridays, 8 p.m.


Landrum Farmer’s Market, meets Saturday mornings at 7 a.m. at the Depot. For more information, call Joe Cunningham at 864-457-6585. Columbus Farmer’s Market, Saturdays, 8 - 11:30 a.m., Womack building parking lot. New vendors, live music, free pet-sitting. Visit www.polkcountyfarms.org to register or for more information. Democrat Men’s Club Meeting, Held at Democratic Party HQ, 64 Ward Street in Columbus at 8 a.m. Dog Days of Summer, Second Annual Flea Market, Mill Spring Ag Center, July 23, 8 a.m - 2 p.m. Local vendors, yardsalers, information booths for non-profit or organizations. Dogrelated activities and obedience class. Visit polkcountyfarms.org for more info. Grassroots Art Project, holds art classes to benefit Lennie’s Fund and the Humane Society Saturdays from 9:30 – noon. There is no fee for the class and all materials will be provided. Classes will be held at the Congregational Church Annex, 210

Melrose Ave. in Tryon. Call 828899-0673 for more information. Landrum Depot, from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. the Landrum Depot, Station 187 Model Railroad Club displaying their HO-gauge layout. No charge. Donations accepted. Information call 4572426. Polk County Historical Association Museum, open Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., 60 Walker St., Columbus, lower level. Free. Tryon Toy Makers Museum, open Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 43 E. Howard St., Tryon. 828290-6600.


Vegetarian community potluck, hosted by Carole Antun every Sunday at 5:30 p.m at 162 Lyncourt Drive, Tryon. This event is open to the community and music will also be included. Info: 828-859-9994.


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Mondays, Harmon Field/Tryon, 7 a.m. - noon. The Meeting Place Senior Center, Monday activities include line dancing, 10 a.m., senior fitness, 11 a.m., bingo or bead class, 12:30 p.m. 828-894-0001. Please submit Curb Reporter items in writing at least two days prior to publication. Items must include a name and telephone number of a contact person. Items will be printed in order by date of event, as space allows.

Thursday, July 21, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Antique cars line streets of downtown Landrum

87 antique cars from 1909 to 1927 visited Landrum Tuesday, July 19 (left). The cars, owned by members of the Horseless Carriage Club of America, included models by Stanley Steamer (above), Ford, Chevy, Buick, Oldsmobile, Dodge, White, Marmon and Stutz, among others. The club is touring the North Carolina region this week. (photo by Leah Justice)

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4 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, July 21, 2011

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• Achieve 95-percent participation rate in reading/language (continued from page 1) arts assessment • Achieve 95-percent parget goals, Polk Central School met 13 out of 13, Polk County ticipation rate in mathematics Early College met all three of assessment • Meet or exceed the state’s its goals, Polk County High School met 13 out of 13 goals, annual measurable objective Saluda Elementary School met (AMO) for proficiency in readnine out of nine and Sunny ing/language arts • Meet or exceed the state’s View Elementary hit all 13 of AMO for proficiency in mathits goals for the year. The targets, mandated by the ematics • Show progress on atfederal No Child Left Behind tendance for program and grades three developed by through eight. each state, are “We don’t do it because Scherping created based there are these rankings on the number out there, we do it because said Polk is proud of the of subgroups a it’s the right thing for results but school is held doesn’t eduaccountable students. That’s why for within its Polk County schools were cate students each day with student popu- good long before there those results in lation. Those mind. a r e b a s e d was testing and we will “We don’t on ethnicity, continue to be good.” -- Dave Scherping do it because English prothere are these ficiency and rankings out economics. If a school, for example, there, we do it because it’s educates more than 40 Asian the right thing for students,” students or 40 economically Scherping said. “That’s why disadvantaged students within Polk County schools were its population, it must be held good long before there was accountable for test scores testing and we will continue to achieved by those subsets of be good.” students. Scherping said last year Other subsets include the Polk County Schools was one school as a whole; students of of only a handful of systems American Indian, Black, His- in the state to meet AYP goals. panic and multi-racial heritage; The State Board of Educastudents with limited English tion is expected to give its final proficiency and students with approval of the results Aug. 4. disabilities. More information related to Among those subgroups, test results will be released at schools must: that time.

• Polk AYP


Thursday, July 21, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper




6 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, July 21, 2011

Judge rules state’s More-At-Four cut unconstitutional by Leah Justice

A Wake County Superior Court judge ruled on Monday, July 18 that North Carolina can not deny at-risk students access to prekindergarten programs. Judge Howard E. Manning ruled against the state’s recently approved budget, which moved the More-At-Four program out of the department of public instruction into the state’s department of health and human services (DHHS), while also making funding cuts. More-At-Four helped lowincome working families send children to prekindergarten at no cost. The More-At-Four program no longer exists, although some funding is available through DHHS for the same category of students. The new budget, which took effect July 1, includes a 20-per-

cent cut to More-At-Four, the much will be allotted to Polk imposition of fees amounting yet. School administrators said to between eight and 10 percent they do know the funding will of the gross income of im- be less than last year. poverished residents to attend The Polk County Board preschool and of Commisa limitation sioners placed on slots in the “The good news for Polk in this year’s program to 20 County is because of budget an percent of at- what commissioners have a d d i t i o n a l risk students. for done, we are going to keep $100,000 Limiting its school systhe program providing preschool in tem to ensure to 20 percent Polk County [this year].” the prekinderwould prevent -- Polk Schools Supt. Bill Miller g a r t e n p r o 80 percent of gram remains at-risk students intact this year. from participating in preschool, “The good news for Polk according to the N.C. Depart- County is because of what ment of Justice. commissioners have done, we Polk County Schools Supt. are going to keep providing Bill Miller said the DHHS has preschool in Polk County,” said some funding to give to the Miller. preschool program in the new School administrators quesbudget, but it is not clear how tion, however, whether the

funding for preschool will be available in the future. Transylvania County had to stop providing its preschool program because of the cuts in the state budget. It is unclear what Judge Manning’s ruling will mean for the state. Legislators could fight the ruling in court or have a special session to discuss what can be done. Manning, a judge wellknown for fighting for equality in North Carolina schools for low-income residents, has been fighting the state for about a decade. Manning was the judge in the original Leandro case, in which several North Carolina counties sued the state, saying state mandates resulted in unequal education for students. (Continued on page 7)

page page 7 7

TThursday hursday,, JJuly uly 21, 21, 2011 T 2011 Tryon ryon D daily aily B Bulletin ulleTin  / T / The he W World orld’s ’s Ssmallest mallesT D daily aily N newspaper eWspaper

• Judge rules (continued from page 6)

“Each at-risk 4-year-old that appears at the doors of the NCPK [N.C. Pre-Kindergarten Program] this fall is a defenseless, fragile child whose background of poverty or disability places the child at-risk of subsequent academic failure. The fact that these small children are at-risk is not their fault and they may not be denied their constitutional right to the opportunity to obtain a sound basic education by adults.” -- Judge Howard E. Manning

basic education by adults.” N.C. Education and Law Project Director Chris Hill said that Judge Manning’s order demonstrates that the state’s

at-risk pre-schoolers are, “more than just lines in a ledger sheet.” “They deserve better than harsh cuts and an uncertain future,” said Hill.

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They said not providing equal education to all students is against the N.C. Constitution. Judge Manning’s ruling this week is based on the same part of the constitution, which says North Carolina citizens are responsible for providing sound, basic education for all North Carolina children. In a press release sent this week, N.C. Justice Center officials said they applaud Manning’s decision and his commitment to providing all children

the constitutionally guaranteed opportunity for a sound, basic education. “This case has always been about the rights of children,” Judge Manning wrote. “Each at-risk 4-year-old that appears at the doors of the NCPK [NC Pre-Kindergarten Program] this fall is a defenseless, fragile child whose background of poverty or disability places the child at-risk of subsequent academic failure. The fact that these small children are at-risk is not their fault and they may not be denied their constitutional right to the opportunity to obtain a sound

We have something for everyone page 8 T ryon

Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, July 21, 2011

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Thursday, July 21, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

offering Himself on the he? en His holywas Supper as the Where he going? and was of extremely intent cross for the sins of all ongoing Feast by which What did he plan to do that on his mission. people the acceptable He with feedshis and sustains His unique collecWhat isadded to his out- day sacrifice to which all the people during their earthly tion of items? Why did he rageously striking apso intense? sacrifices of Israel pointpilgrimage until His repearance was that he had seem So, off myand imagination ed. It is the fulfillment of turn. Holy blessed, a large metal basket atwent on flights of fancy tached to the back of the prophecy beginning with it is for all His baptized Lewis Carroll would have bike wherein were potted people that they might God’s promise toa Adam andofi the arrived bromeliad, twoGarden. carefully and Eve in the It envied come out worldback into at my office with a lighter folded towels, a large butis the fulfillment of what His presence [where Word and in a much better terfly net which blew inand the spirit Abraham “believed” and Sacrament are prohumor than when I left the breeze like a gonfalon and it [his faith] “was counted claimed and celebrated] hospital. a stick hobby-horse. to him for righteousness.” and “eat and worship” During hard and unas Precariously clutched Genesis 15:6 Psalm 22:29 prophesies. between his feet and stick- certain times many of us evening before Thisinto mealtask must be taken mode. We ingOn outthe dangerously from get His crucifixion, Jesus inseriously, for Paul warns the sides of the moped know what we need to do stituted the new covenant/ that we anyone whoit “eats go after with was a folding canvas chair, and testament in His from bloodthe to aand drinks unworthily vengeance, believing, while hanging that of if the we body just replace old covenant will be guilty side of that the basket was a perhaps, harder things will1 collapsible tea Sinai table. and work given at Mt. and blood of the Lord.” improve by the sheer act As i passed i waved to described in Exodus and Corinthians 11:27 of our will. him, but he paid me no Leviticus, and put into Instruction regarding to avoid that kindNew of mind. The rest of the way practice in Numbers, Deu- participation in this vision it back to the church i wonteronomy and Joshua. The exhausting Testamenttunnel is important, dered about him. Who was is sometimes best to simply resurrected Jesus has giv- C7 and participation is vital Information for aLL SeaSOnS HeaTInG & Thermal Belt pet owners aIr COndITIOnInG, LLC Serving AllCounty Your Heating And Air Conditioning Needs. Polk Animal Control Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Ward Street, Columbus, 828242 E. mills St., Columbus, nC 28722 894-3001

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Rabies vaccinations are required for all dogs and cats over the age of 4 months; recommended for horses and cattle. In North Carolina, rabies vaccinations are required to be given by a veterinarian. Rabies clinics are scheduled throughout the year; watch the Bulletin for announcements, or contact the Polk County Sheriff’s Office for information. Strays are taken to the Foothills Humane Society on Little Mountain Road in Columbus, a volunteer nonprofit organization that shelters homeless animals and tries to find caring owners for them, or to the Rutherford County Animal Shelter in Rutherfordton. People missing a pet should call the Foothills Humane Society at 828-863-4444 or Rutherford Shelter at 828287-6025. Spaying and neutering of pets is highly recommended. If financial assistance is needed, call the spay/neuter assistance allowance number, 828-859-5305. To adopt a pet or find out more information about Foothills Humane Society, check out their Web site at www.foothillshumanesociety.org. Injured or orphaned wildlife or nuisance wildlife questions can be referred to Beth Knapp-Tyner at Wild at Heart Wildlife Rehabilitation in Green Creek, 828-863-0505.

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Page - page 3


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– forout it is the forgivestep of“for our routine and II ness of sins.” see what new thing god ChiNESE rESTauraNT Theset national is permight before debt us. We are Open 7 Days a Week • Eat In or Take Out m-th. 10:30-9:30pm • F-Sa. 10:30-10pm • Sun. 11:30am - 9:30pm haps thetogreatest concern inclined take ourselves 155 W. mills St., Suite 102 in thetoo hearts and minds of Columbus, nC • 828-894-5566 much seriously, so an our nation’sstep people, yet occasional ontoand a different path opens a way for the debt each of us owes The Hungry Fox god touch our heartsmost and Godtorightly concerns restaurant & Catering minds we may have peoplewhich even more. Each of Serving Lunch: Monday-Friday 11am-2:30pm closed off frombythe us is touched theholy sins Dinner Monday 5-8pm Spirit in our business about 22345 Asheville hwy., Landrum, SC 29356 connected with sexuality, being busy. 864-457-3802 marriage and divorce or So take off down that even abortion (directly or sunlit dappled path, take indirectly through ourgive tax Hospice of the Carolina Foothills the long route home, dollars), and 1981-2011agreed, yourself break envy and see THIRTY YEARS OF CARING FOR THE CAROLINA FOOTHILLS hatred. what may be offered. You Yarns • Accessories • Classes present withmoHis 227 east mayJesus evenisrun into mr. rutherford St., Landrum,SC Our door is always open. forgiving andbutterflies healing touch 864-457-4637 ped chasing on hour, in the Supper HeEvery instituted. his hobby-horse through a every day, flowered field all where tea Let the comforting yearand long. has been set on a bromeliad deliverance begin through laden table. Christ’s special blessing. it’s better than grous– LCMS Pastor ing Thomas about the traffic on Olson, Trinity It’s about•LIVING! 828-894-7000 800-617-7132 I-26. www.hocf.org downtown tryon, nC

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page page

12 The Whursday eDnesDay une21, 8, 2011 10 TTryon ryon D Daily aily B BulleTin ulletin   / / T he W WorlD orld’’ss s SmallesT mallest D Daily aily n NeWspaper ewspaper T , , J July 2011

LiveNEIGHboR Music StoRE GooD NEIGHboR StoRE GooD

be at noon Saturday, July 30 at

Obituaries columbus baptist church Columbia Senior Residences at

columbus baptist church

MLK Village, 125 Logan St SE, Atlanta, Ga. 30312. Her body was cremated. A Tryon memoElmo’s rial service will be announced at Karaoke Rev. Dorothy Madeline Way- a later date. 9 p.m. Celtic Tavern was born on Wine mon Simmons Cellarare three sons, Survivors Live music 4 - furniture, 8ofp.m. accept clothing, March 7,Will 1929, one eight appliances, Frank Beeson 8 p.m. Allen (Rudy) Waymon of SyrZenzerato the late John D. Celtic children, Tavern housewares, AND COMPUTERS in usable condition. acuse, N.Y., Kenneth Simand Tango Mary Kate Waymon in Karaoke with Ken mons of Houston, Texas, and Tryon, N.C.StoRE She died suddenlythurs.,12 Peruvian Cowboy -Simmons 29am-5pm a.m. (Andrea) of HoURS: Fri. Lovell Monday, June 13, 2011 at her Norm & Chuck Lawrenceville, Ga.; one sister, home in Atlanta, Ga. She was S aT. J une 11 Frances Fox of Riverdale, Ga.; 82 years hu of age. une Carolina Thunder three brothers, John Irvin WayAs a child, she joined St. Karaoke, Dance of Antelope, Calif., Carrol Carolina Luke CMEThunder Church in Tryon, monBands, Waymon of San Diego, Calif. Purple Onion Bands, Karaoke, Dance played piano and sang with the and Samuel Waymon of NyFayssoux & Co. 8 p.m. El Chile Rojosisters Landrum choir and two known ack, N.Y.; and a host of grandElmo’s as “The Waymon Geraldo 5:30Sisters.” p.m. At great-grandchildren, Live entertainment the time of her death, she was children, Purple Onion nieces, nephews, other relatives w/ Corey retired as an ordained minister Amy Speace 7:30 p.m. and friends. Zenzera and elder in the CME conferZenzera She wasPackin’ preceded in death Pistol Preachers ence in Atlanta, Ga. She was Jim Peterman Quartet by both parents; a son, Van also retired from administra- Wine Cellar Celtic Tavern two sisters, Lucille tive social work in Atlanta. For Waymon; Eric Congdon 8 p.m. Waddell and Nina Simone (EumanyKaraoke years, Mrs. Simmons was Saluda Mtn. Jamboree and a brother, a nurse and a beautician in New nice) 96.5 House Band 8Harold p.m. Waymon Sr. riN.Y.une York, Celtic Tavern Her family will gather at the She graduated from Tryon Carolina Thunder Karaoke Colored School, earned a bache- home of a granddaughter, Mrs. Bands, Karaoke, Dance Jamelle Waymon-Banks, 237 lor of arts degree in Sacramento, S un. June 12 Purple Calif., andOnion a master’s degree in Ashland Park Ct., LawrencevCarolina Grillsister, Fredfrom Whiskin ille, Ga. 30045 or contact theology Emory Univer- Larkin’s Whiskin a.m. Elmo’s sity in Atlanta. Ms.Fred Frances Fox, 11:30 at 678-862Elmo’s Her memorial service will 3800. Karaoke 9 p.m.

Dorothy Waymon Simmons Wed. June 8



Will accept furniture, appliances, clothing, housewares, AND COMPUTERS in usable condition.

StoRE HoURS: thurs., Fri. 9am-5pm Sat. 9am-1pm




Help Wanted 2x2

Need strong individual to assist in daily mailing/ 9/30, W tfn press operation, partchanged time late afternoon to early eve9/30/09 ning Mon. - Fri. Minimum wage to start. Must be 18 cbGW-032464 years old, have driver’s license and own transportation. 9/15/10

Call TonycbGW-035576 at 828-859-9151 after 3 p.m. Wednesday or Friday.



2x2 7/7/10, W tfn cbGW-037562

F .J


Peruvian Cowboy Karaoke Obituaries Zenzera Special Edition 8 p.m. Stanley C.Tea House Lake Lanier Breezy Ridge 8 p.m. Huddleston

Live entertainment Corey his w/ son, David Huddleston

(Marian) of Greenville, S.C.;

M on . June 13Lane and three grandchildren, Peruvian Cowboyand Heather Briggs Huddleston Altman; sisters, Jane HudStevetwo Whiteside

dleston and Alice Lester, both of Stanley Crane Huddleston, Maryville, Tenn. 89, of Tryon passed away MonA memorial service will be day afternoon, July 18, 2011 in held at 2 p.m. Friday, July 22 in Brannon’s Fox - 77 Club Rd., Tryon, 828-894-8253. White OakatofRed Tryon. the Tryon Presbyterian Church, Carolina - Campobello, 864-457-4897, open 5pm-2am. Born Thunder in Bauxite, Ark., he Tryon, with Dr. James McPherwas theTavern son of the 176 late(Bird Howard son, Rev. Mary Potter and Rev. Celtic - Hwy Mtn), Landrum, 864-457-2250. and Anne Crane Huddleston. Hayden864-457-5977 Britton officiating. El Chile Rojo - 209 E. Rutherford St., Landrum, Mr. Huddleston grew up in A reception will be held Elmo’s - Trade Street, Tryon, 828-859-9615. Maryville, Tenn., earned a bachin the fellowship hall of the Lake Lanier Tea House - 351 E. Lakeshore Dr., Landrum, 864-457-5423 elor’s degree from the Univer- church immediately following Larkin’s - 155 W. Mills St., Columbus, 828-894-8800. sity of Tennessee and a master’s the service. Melrosefrom Inn - 55 Melrose Ave., Tryon, 828-859-0234. degree Carnegie-Mellon Memorials may be made to Peruvian Cowboy - 193 E. Mills St., Columbus, 828-894-0392. University in Pittsburgh, Penn. the Tryon Presbyterian Church, Purple Onion Saluda 828-749-1179. He came to Tryon from Pitts- 430 Harmon Field Road, Tryon, Saludaafter Mountain Jamboree - 828-749-3676. burgh his retirement. He N.C. 28782. was a longtime member of Ave., An online guest register is Tryon Fine Arts Center - 34 Melrose Tryon, 828-859-8322. Tryon Presbyterian Church. available at www.mcfarlandfuUltimate Basement – 5965 N.C. 9 North, Mill Springs. 828-989-9374. Surviving is his wife, St., Betty Wine Cellar - 229 Greenville Saluda,neralchapel.com. 828-749-9698. Lane Huddleston; his daughter, McFarland Funeral Chapel, Zenzera - 208 E. Rutherford St., Landrum, 864-457-4554. Amy McGhee of Landrum; Tryon.

Music Venues

colbapt- page 19

Thursday, July 21, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper




12 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, July 21, 2011

Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors!

DB Let T d Ads sifie ! Clas for you k r wo

Estate/Tag Sales

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Condominiums For Rent

Wonderful Landrum Estate Sale Saturday, July 23, 9:00 am 3:00 pm., Lighted curio cabinet, king brass bed, antiques, steamer trunk, china (Limoges, Bavarian, Wedgwood), glassware, table linens, quilts, kerosene lamps, Raikes bears. House is packed full. Everything must go! Home is also for sale. Direction: From I-26 SC Exit 1, take Hwy. 14 toward Landrum 1/2 mile. Turn left on Campbell Rd. (beyond Bi-Lo). Follow signs. See you Saturday!

Looking to hire nail technician at new tanning salon in Saluda, 2 to 3 days a week. Contact Tanya Jackson or Amanda Anderson at (828) 749-1000.

quired, follow the directions and complete tasks as issued by the Food Services Manager and/or the Executive Chef, work hours designated by Food Services Manager and/or the Executive Chef including some weekends. Requirements are high school diploma preferred/ GED accepted, One(1) year experience in commercial kitchen utility, organizational skills and ability to handle multiple priorities, demonstrated ability in cleaning and maintaining an organized work station, possess written and verbal skills for effective communication, basic computer skills; also requires demonstrated interpersonal skills and working as part of a team to meet deadlines in the food services area. EOE. Download application at www.pavillon.org and fax with resume to 828-694-2326 or email to HumanResourcesSupportTeam@Pavillon.org.

WHITE OAK MOUNTAIN CONDO: 2BRs, 2.5BAs, unfurnished. $800, references, no pets, security deposit. FIRST REAL ESTATE, 828-859-7653.

Services CONLON TREE CARE Quality tree work at reasonable prices. Pruning, removals, chipping, log splitting. Free estimates, references. INSURED, EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE. Call Tom at 828-863-4011.

Lawn Care LANDSCAPING Lawn maintenance, landscape design & lighting, mulching, retaining walls, paver walkways, drainage work. lindseyslandcape@yahoo.com 828-223-5198

Help Wanted Full-time night position for a Certified Nursing Assistant at Hospice of the Carolina Foothills (7pm - 7am). SC certification preferred. One year experience, with some experience in geriatrics and end-of-life care preferred, minimum of a high school school diploma (or G.E.D) required. Weekend work required. For more information or to apply please visit www.hocf.org Help Wanted Need strong individual to assist in daily mailing/pressroom, part time late afternoon to early evening Mon. - Fri. Minimum wage to start. Must be 18 years old, have driver's license and own transportation. Call Tony at 849-9151 after 3 pm Wednesday or Friday. PT. Help needed for Gownsville horse farm. Call 864-384-4445 Looking to hire nail technician @ new tanning salon in Saluda. 2 to 3 days a week. Contact Tanya Jackson or Amanda Anderson @ 828-749-1000

Polk County Schools Substitute Bus Drivers Needed Qualifications: 18 Years of Age Clear Driving Record Pass Drug Test Beginning Pay: $12.26 per hour Great Opportunity for housewives, retired or semi-retired or self-employed with flexible schedules Next Training Session: July 27th, 28th, and 29th Contact John Gibbs at 828-894-8700

Pavillon, an inpatient facility for treatment of adults recovering from substance abuse near Lake Lure, NC, requires two individuals in our Food Services Dept. Part-time Sous Chef Duties include preparing meals under direction of Food Services Manager and/or the Executive Chef; maintain necessary staffing for preparation of meals and clean up, ordering of food and supplies, coordinate special event meals, ensure all kitchen appliances/tools are maintained in a safe and operable condition, ensure safe work practices as set forth by OSHA and NC Dept. of Health are followed, ensure cleanliness of all work stations and entire kitchen and food services areas. Position requires at least five years experience in food services, high school diploma preferred/ GED accepted, familiarity with material safety data for chemicals, knowledge of budgets, menus and meal planning; safe food preparation and appliance/ tool safety, organizational skills and ability to handle multiple priorities, demonstrated ability in cleaning and maintaining an organized work station. Must be able to work weekends and must possess written and verbal skills for effective communication, basic computer skills; also requires demonstrated interpersonal skills and working as part of a team to meet deadlines in the food services area. Part-time Kitchen/Utility Duties include ensuring cleanliness of the dining room, dish room, all workstations and the entire kitchen and dining area, remove trash as needed, stock as re-

Help Wanted Technical Looking to hire nail technician at new tanning salon in Saluda. 2 to 3 days a week. Contact Tanya Jackson or Amanda Anderson at (828) 749 - 1000.

Homes For Rent HOME FOR RENT 2 bedroom/ 2 bath with full basement, carport, private. Hunting Country $1,000 per month, references. First Real Estate 828-859-7653 RESIDENTIAL LEASE. Wooded one acre lots with 2 BR, 1 & 1/2 BA home. $380/month & 4 BR 2 BA, $650 Private with decks, near Columbus, with restrictions. 828 894 2313

Apartments Appliances, wd floors, parking, central H&A: 1 bedroom, 1 bath, Godshaw Hill - $550; Entrance Cliffs of Glassy Utilities paid, $795: 864-895-9177 or 864-313-7848

FOR RENT: PREMIUM one bedroom apartment: fully furnished, all utilities included. Located in Harmon Field area of Tryon. Enjoy the spectacular views and serene setting. $750/mo. Inquire at 828-817-9748.

Mobile Home Rentals FOR RENT IN GREEN CREEK: 2 BR 2 BA, nice mobile home. $550. No pets. 828-899-4905.

Wanted to Rent Looking for home in Saluda to rent with option to purchase. Call Jim McNamara 828-817-4495.

Houses for Sale NC MOUNTAINS New custom built partially finished log cabin on 1.7ac, Vaulted ceilings, spacious porches, private setting with paved road access $85,000. Hurry won’t last 866-738-5522

Farms, Acreage & Timber WE BUY STANDING TIMBER Nothing too big or too small Call 828.287.3745 or 704.473.6501 Green River Forest Products

Lots Rare opportunity to own a 1 +/-ac, lake view, lot on "top' of White Oak Mountain near Columbus and Tryon. Great investment/or future home site. For additional info. contact John Hansborough @ Mountain-Gateway Realty. (828)243-1844.

Horses & Equipment PASO FINO MARE w/tack $1,200. Sacrifice. PD. $4,500, must sale. Well gated. Saluda 828-606-2555

Hay, Feed, Seed, Grain NEW 2011 HAY IS HERE! With and without Alfalfa. Sale on 1 load of 2010 first cutting, Timothy Brome 10% Alfalfa, 65 lbs bales, $8/bale. Located on Rt. 9S at Pierce Plaza (near Re-Ride). As always, please call...Hay, Lady! Open M-S 10a.m. 828-289-4230.

Thursday, July 21, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors! Cars Antique cars for sale: 1926 Packard 2-36 8 cylinder touring, older restoration, engine professionally rebuilt, modern drive shaft bearings, good lined top, 66 K, asking $47,000 1951 MG-TD professionally restored engine, brakes, MGA differential, includes new parts (bumpers, upholstery kit), good driver could use restoration and top, 125K, asking $6000 1966 Lincoln Continental convertible, repainted original white, excellent original black leather upholstery, nearly new black top(works), factory AC, no rust, 108 K, asking $18,500 1972 Riviera 455 GS, repainted original light blue, white vinyl tops, buckets, reupholstered, factory AC, no rust, 127K, asking $8500 Rolland Bushner 828-859-3141 For Sale: 2006 Gray Chrysler Pacifica Station Wagon, 100 thousand + miles. Excellent condition - 4 new tires. Price $7,500.00 Contact Janet 864-468-4765.

Want to Buy - Vehicles

JUNK VEHICLES WANTED - NO TITLE REQUIRED! Must have ID. Paying highest prices around period! Pick up 24-7. Paying minimum $300 cash & up depending on size of vehicle. Will pick up vehicles anytime day or night. bought come firms our claimAllto vehicles be a closely-read w/2 free large pizzas included. rates theSCRAP old motto multum in parvo or WARS, 828-202-1715 ext time 828-447-4276. you have something to sell,

T ThaT you

st, surest and most welcome way to gh their favorite newspaper.

WANTBulletin TO BUY: Scrap and junk on Daily metal, junk cars and trucks. Call

yondailybulletin.com 828-223-0277.

Miscellaneous Beautiful 4 piece Red Oak, king

size bedroom set. Armoire has ast resistance… place for T.V. with drawers un-

ch people who buyLong things, go places – derneath. dresser with miry newspaper they invite into their ror, which one nightstand. Bed has head & foot board. Reproduc-

to look hand results. cravered. Bulletintion for prompt, profitable

$1,200. Red Oak Rolltop reproduction computer desk with chair. Many drawers & cubbyholes, comes apart fro easy moving. $500 call 828-894-5390.

DirecT • eaSy • Flexible •

why advertising in on Daily BulleTin sfactory and profitable.

Miscellaneous Vendors Wanted: Community Yard/Sale Flea Market, “Dog Days of Summer” Mill Spring Ag Center, Saturday, July 23, 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. Vendors arrive at 7 a.m. $15 booth rental, benefiting Foothills Humane Society and Mill Spring Ag Center. Visit www. polkcountyfarms.org to reserve space. Walk-up vendors welcome.

Public Notices EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified on the 7th day of July, 2011, as Executrix of the Estate of Maurine V. Crandall, deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claims against the decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Executrix on or before the 21st day of October, 2011, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and corporations indebted to the estate should make immediate payment. This the 21st day of July, 2011. Margaret C. McMurry Executrix Estate of Maurine V. Crandall 466 North Highland Avenue, N.E. #1 Atlanta, GA 30307 R. Anderson Haynes Attorney At Law P.O. Box 100 Tryon, NC 28782 adv. 7/21,28; -8/4, 11 2011

The facT ThaT you are reading this ad confirms our claim to be a closelyread newspaper – and illustrates the old motto multum in parvo – much in little. The next time you have something to sell, remember the quickest, surest and most welcome way to reach buyers is through their favorite newspaper. The Tryon Daily Bulletin

The facT ThaT you

are reading this ad confirms our claim to be a closelyread newspaper – and illustrates the old motto multum in parvo – much in little. The next time you have something to sell, remember the quickest, surest and most welcome way to reach buyers is through their favorite newspaper. The Tryon Daily Bulletin




14 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, July 21, 2011

•Experienced & Fully Insured • Accredited by Better Business Bureau jbtr-035353

• Lifting, Trimming, Thinning, and Removal • Stump Grinding • Bobcat Services • Bucket Truck • Free Estimates

‘Tom Sawyer’ at TFAC July 28 - 31

"Professional Work at the best prices guaranteed!"

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Read2x1the Bulletin for the latest C, local news and sports jbtr-035353 effective 3/9/10

The second youth production of the summer, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” will be performed July 28 - 31 at the Tryon Fine Arts Center, 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Directed by Marianne Carruth, the play was adapted by Timothy Mason from the novel by Mark Twain. This youth production features actors from 8 - 12 years of age, with special musical guests Phil and Gay Johnson. For more information, visit www.tltinfo.org. Above: Huck Finn (Kyle Gilmore, left) holds a sack with a cat inside while he talks with Tom Sawyer (Greyson Roser). Below: Injun Joe (Ryan Fox, left) threatens Tom Sawyer with a knife. (photos by Lorin Browning)


y k n c r , s

Reduced: chaRming Stone home

Obituaries Superb location in Gillette Woods with privacy, spacious rooms, hardwood floors, French doors, deck and screened porches. Charming finished attic with sleeping area/studio space, new eat-in kitchen, large living room, master suite with sitting area and new bath with soaking tub. Downstairs is an attractive onebedroom in-law apartment with lots of storage, full kitchen, bath, living/dining, bedroom and another delightful screened porch. Reduced: $239,000.

RE/MAX Advantage Realty 828-859-5454 • 800-894-0859

RE/MAX 2x5

Jean Skelcy Richard Yurko

828-859-1369 828-859-1368

Rosalie Martin

Rosalie Burleigh “Pat” Martin, 99, died peacefully July 18, 2011 with her son, Bill, by her side at the Hospice House of Rutherford County, N.C. She was a wonderful mother and friend. She loved to socialize and had a wonderful smile that could light up a room.

Pat is survived by her four children, Sandra Martin DeShotel, Carvel Martin, William Martin and David Martin, as well as several grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, Carvel Martin. At her request, no service will be held. Condolences may be sent to Bill Martin, 620 Worth Lane, Rutherfordton, N.C. 28139. “She gave us life and showed us how to live it.” – Bill Martin

Thursday, July 21, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


Thanks to you, all sorts of everyday products are being made from the paper, plastic, metal and glass that you've been recycling. But to keep recycling working to help protect the environment, you need to buy those products.


Pets and owners work together in the dog training class at the 2010 Dogs Days of Summer flea market. This year’s event, which will also include a dog training class with Kayla Parrish, will be Saturday, July 23 from 8 a.m. - 2 p.m. (photo submitted by Libbie Johnson)

Flea market, pet event to benefit Foothills Humane Society, Mill Spring Ag Center The Mill Spring Ag Center in Mill Spring is having a Dog Days of Summer flea market on Saturday, July 23 from 8 a.m. – 2 p.m. The event will benefit the ag center and the Foothills Humane Society. Sponsored by the Mill Spring Ag Center and Costco of Spartanburg, S.C., the second annual flea market will feature vendors with food items, house-

hold items, collectibles, plants, jewelry, tools and business services. Visitors have an opportunity to learn about a variety of topics, such as the animals housed at the Humane Society, how to keep your pet happy and healthy and a 100-percent recyclable dog training class with Kayla Parrish. Also on the grounds will be

Dr. Judy’s mobile vet display, pet-related vendors, animal related demonstrations and doggie washes. The Mill Spring Ag Center is located at 4 School Road, Mill Spring. Contact Carol Lynn Jackson at 828-817-2308 for more information. – article submitted by Libbie Johnson

District One registration Tuesday, Aug. 2 Spartanburg County Schools District One will hold 2011 – 12 class registration on Tuesday, Aug. 2 and Thursday, Aug. 4. Landrum High School students who will be in grades 10 - 12 will register on Tuesday,

August 2 from 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Registration for grade 9 will be on Thursday, Aug. 4 from 1:30 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Chapman High School will hold registration on Tuesday, Aug. 2, 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. and Thursday,

Aug. 4, 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Students will receive supply lists, class schedules, classroom assignments and other information and directions at registration. - article submitted by Paula Brooks

AND SAVE. So look for products made from recycled materials and buy them. It would mean the world to all of us. For a free brochure, write Buy Recycled, Environmental Defense Fund, 257 Park Ave. South, New York, NC 10010, or call 1-800-CALL-EDF.



1x1 ryon Daily Bulletin  16 T 12/21,22,27,28,29

1x1 1/18,19,20,23,24,25,26, 2/3,7,10,14,17,21,24,28 27,30,31 / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, July 21, 2011

Local artists featured in St. Luke’s Hospital’s art gallery

1x1 2/14 3/10,13, 16

building, Remodeling, Repair All types of Carpentry Work

Richard L. turner General Contractor telephone 457-2122

1x1 3/7,10,14,17,21,24,28, 31

O’Neal laNdscapiNg Lawn Maintenance

Landscaping, retaining walls, tractor & bobcat work, rock work.

Insured Call 828-863-2143

PR i nCe Asphalt Paving Large or Small (864)457-2490

Free estimates 1x1 t,th POIL-024548

Real estate


lAnDFill SeRviCe (Phil) - 859-2054 8am-6pm


S Cl R Mo

1x1 4/5 thro



SaleS & ServiceS

Free Service Checks on All Makes • Vacuum Cleaners Ernie Adams • 1-864-427-7853

1x1 11/6,20; O’n eAl lAndscAping 12/4,18; lawn Maintenance 1/2/09,1/15 Landscaping, retaining walls, tractor & bobcat work, rock work. FTRT-025392 insured Call 828-863-2143 1x1 C

1x1 6/14, M, Th thru 07/31/07

Cover up…

P.J. Rosen of Tryon Painters and Sculptors prepares to hang the latest exhibit of local art at St. Luke’s Hospital. The hospital’s art gallery houses more than 100 pieces of artwork, including some original artwork from artists in Polk County. Coordinated by the Tryon Painters and Sculptors (TPS), the revolving exhibit changes approximately every three months. The gallery houses more than 100 pieces of artwork. (article and photo submitted by Jennifer Wilson)

this ad with a mailing label. Subscribe to the Tryon Daily Bulletin – just $36 for six months.

0tfn0COn- InDD - page 7

Lawn Fair

P 1x1 M,F

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