10-06-11 Daily Bulletin

Page 1

O.P. Earle seeks help to continue 30-year RIF reading tradition, page 6

Tryon Daily Bulletin

The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Vol. 84 / No. 175

Tryon, N.C. 28782

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Only 50 cents

Part store, part museum M.A. Pace in Saluda focus of PCHA program by Leah Justice

Walking into M.A. Pace’s store in Saluda is like stepping back in time. The store still serves as a general store where visitors can pick up hardware and general merchandise, but it has also been arranged as a museum of Saluda’s history. The store’s new owners, Leon Morgan and his daughter, Tangie Ciarvolo, discussed the history of the store and reviewed items that can be found there for the Polk County Historical Association on Tuesday, Oct. 4. (Continued on page 3)

Attendees at the Polk County Historical Association’s program Tuesday, Oct. 4 study the display of historical items from M.A. Pace’s store in Saluda. (photo by Leah Justice)

The Polk County Health Department will give flu vaccines for children and adults in October Monday through Friday, from 8:30 - 11:30 a.m. and 1- 4:30 p.m. Medicare, Medicaid, Health Choice and Blue Cross Blue Shield will pay for the vaccine. There will be no charge to health care workers, pregnant women served by the health department or to children ages 6 months -18 years who are Alaskan Native, American Indian, uninsured or under-insured.

Johnson is Polk’s new ETD director by Leah Justice

Polk County has a new economic tourism development director to guide a newly created department. The Polk County Board of Commissioners approved a contract with Elizabeth “Libbie” Johnson on Monday, Oct. 3. Johnson began her employment with the county on Wednesday, Oct. 5.

Commissioners, former economic development commission chair Ambrose Mills and members of the public all had positive comments about the decision. Commissioners also thanked members of the special board created to draft a job description and develop the contract for the position.

Serving Polk County and Upper Spartanburg and Greenville Counties

(Continued on page 4)


2 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, October 6, 2011

COMMUNITY COMMUNITY CALENDAR CALENDAR Here’s a list of upcoming meetings and events for area nonprofit community and governmental organizations:


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Thursdays, 7 a.m. - noon, old Searcy Mill parking lot, Hwy. 108, Columbus. Lanier Library Book Sale, Oct. 6 - 8 from 9:30 a.m. - 1 p.m. Oct. 6 is for members only. Saluda Center Thursday activities: knitting group, 9:30 a.m.; gentle Yin Yoga, 5:30 p.m.; 828-749-9245. The Meeting Place Senior Center Thursday activities include ceramics, 9:30 a.m. and bingo or movie, 12:30 p.m. 828894-0001. Landrum Library, Lap Babies, 10 a.m., 20- 25 minute session for young children and caregivers includes music, nursery rhymes, action poems and short books. Story time at 10:30 a.m. for preschoolers includes books, music and finger plays. Call 828-457-2218. Polk County Historical Association Museum, open Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., 60 Walker St., Columbus, lower level. Free.

How To Reach Us

Main number, classifieds and subscriptions: 828-859-9151 FAX: 828-859-5575 e-mail: news@tryondailybulletin.com Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Betty Ramsey, Publisher

THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN (USPS 643-360) is published daily except Saturdays and Sundays for $60 per year by Tryon Newsmedia LLC, 16 N. Trade St., Tryon, NC 287826656. Periodicals postage paid at Tryon, North Carolina 28782. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tryon Newsmedia LLC., 16 N Trade St., Tryon, NC 28782-6656. www.tryondailybulletin.com

Correction/Clarification The story about the Landrum cross country teams on page 17 of the Wednesday, Oct. 5 Bulletin should have said the Landrum Middle School runners participated in the inaugural Schlotzsky’s Invitational 3500 meter cross country run. *** The subhead of the article on Hospice’s 30-year celebration on page 10 of the Wednesday, Oct. 5 Bulletin should have said the gala celebration will be held Nov. 5.

Saluda Community Library will have preschool story time every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Open to all area children and caregivers. Green Creek Community Center, Zumba exercise class, Tuesdays and Thursdays 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., in gym. Polk County Republican Women’s Club, luncheon meeting at Tryon Estates on Thursday, Oct. 6 at 11:30 a.m. District Attorney Jeff Hunt will be the guest speaker. Everyone invited. For reservations or information, call Opal Sauve at 828-863-2437. Rotary Club of Tryon meets every Thursday at noon at Tryon Presbyterian Church on Harmon Field Rd. Daffy-Jills Garden Club will meet at the Polk County Library in Columbus, Thursday, Oct. 6 at 1:30 p.m. Members bring plant materials and a container to create arrangements. Please contact hostesses Diane Berry or Elinor Libramento if you are unable to attend. PolkFresh Farmers Market, Thursdays, Tryon, McCown St., 4 - 6:30 p.m., VISA/EBT accepted. Visit polkcountyfarms. org for vendor list or sign-up. Hospice of the Carolina Foothills, “Saddle Up” benefit, 5 - 7 p.m. at Stone Soup in Landrum, presented by Stone Soup and Buffer Zone Ceramics. Free admission and light fare. For more information, contact

Local Weather Forecast:





Moon Phase

Today: Mostly sunny, with 10 percent chance of rain. High 78, low 51. Friday: Sunny, with no chance of rain. High 73, low 46.

Tuesday’s weather was: High 75, low 55, no rain.

Charlotte at 828-863-2000 or charm651@gmail.com. Columbus Lions will meet Thurs. Oct. 6 at 6:30 p.m. at Calvert’s Kitchen. For more information call 828-894-2505. Friends of Harmon Field Tour de Leaves Planning Committee, Thursday, Oct. 6 at 6:30 p.m. at Harmon Field Community Center, Serendipity Kids Ranch Offices. Public invited. For information, contact Lorna Dever at 828-894-3370. TFAC: Explore the Arts. Well-known luthier Ben Seymour will display his own Kudzu Patch dulcimer design and discuss his role in preserving this instrument’s Appalachian heritage. Live performance by The Ginger Thistles. Oct. 6at 6:30 p.m. 828859-8322 for information. Al-Anon: Foothills Come to Believe, Thursdays, 7 p.m., Polk Wellness Center, 801 W. Mills St., Suite A, Columbus. Democratic Party Precinct 8 in Columbus will meet Thursday, Oct. 6 at 7 p.m. at the Democratic Headquarters, just prior to the monthly executive committee meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to elect a precinct vice-chair. For more information, call 828-457-6408. Green Creek Community Center, Zumba exercise class, Thursdays 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., in gym. Mill Spring VFW Post 10349, bingo, Thursdays, 7-9 p.m. (year round). 828-894-5098. Polk County Democratic Party Executive Committee will meet on Thursday, Oct. 6 at the Democratic Headquarters in Columbus at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. AA’s Sobriety and Beyond,

Thursdays, 8-9 p.m., Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, 1024 W. Main St., Forest City. 828-863-1313. Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays, 8 p.m., CooperRiis, Mill Spring. 828-859-7099. Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays, 8 p.m., Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 150 Melrose Ave., Tryon.


Lanier Library, Friday, Oct. 7, fall book sale from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. All welcome. Saluda Center Friday events: chair exercise, 9:30 a.m.; Trash Train, 10 a.m. The Meeting Place Senior Center Friday activities include movie matinee at 10 a.m. and bingo at 12:30 p.m. 828-894-0001. Seniors on Sobriety (SOS) AA Meeting, Fridays at noon, Polk County Chamber of Commerce Building, 2753 Lynn Rd. (Hwy 108), Tryon. 828-894-0293. Tryon Toy Makers Museum, open Friday 2 - 6 p.m., 43 E. Howard St., Tryon. 828-290-6600. PolkFresh Farmers Market, Fridays, Saluda, West Main parking lot, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m., VISA/ EBT accepted. Visit polkcountyfarms.org for vendor list or sign-up. American Legion Post 250, weekly bingo games, Fridays, 7 p.m., 43 Depot St., Tryon. Doors open 5:30 p.m. Smoke-free. Narcotics Anon., Saluda Senior Center, Friday, 8 p.m. Please submit Curb Reporter items in writing at least two days prior to publication. Items must include a name and telephone number of a contact person. Items will be printed in order by date of event, as space allows.

Thursday, October 6, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



• M.A. Pace (continued from page 1)

The family also owns Somewhere In Time, located in downtown Saluda. Morgan showed an old telegraph machine that is located in M.A. Pace’s General Store, saying “there’s no telling how many people got word of their loved ones being killed in both WWI and WWII.” Still in the store are shoes that never sold, tooth powder, a conductor’s hat and a light from a freight train. Historical association president Anna Conner said, “If you haven’t visited M.A. Pace’s General Store, you’re really missing out. It’s a store and museum the way they have arranged everything.” The store was opened in 1899 by M.A. Pace, who at one time partnered with Thompson’s store in Saluda. Morgan still has a (Continued on page 4)

This old photo of M.A. Pace’s store in Saluda was one of the exhibits on display at the PCHA program about the store’s history on Tuesday, Oct. 4.


4 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, October 6, 2011

• M.A. Pace (continued from page 1)

letter from M.A. Pace to D.M. Ferry Feed Company dated Feb. 24, 1927 notifying the company that Thompson and Pace had dissolved. The letter stated (with original spelling), “This is to notify you that Thompson & Pace have desolved partenership and Mr. Thompson retained the shipment of seeds consigned to Thompson & Pace and is now doing business under style of firm, Thompson & Kirby, of this City.” Morgan said also in the store is a certificate from the governor recognizing the store for being 100 years old. Some say M.A. Pace’s store is the oldest operating store in the state. The Morgans are distant cous- Leon Morgan holds up a newspaper from 1967 that includes M.A. Pace’s store in an article about places ins of the Pace family that started to “chew and chat.” (photo by Leah Justice) the store.Polk Morgan and his three Ad Shell County Library daughters, Tangie, Tonya and grandfather, General Russell, M.A. Pace started the store Saluda and trains. Bulletin Tammy, Tyron all haveDaily memories of worked for M.A. Pace in the and his son and daughters ran Photographs also include those 3 ¾” wideTheir x 5” greathigh 1920s. the store as children. the business. Robert Pace ran the of Pat Hingle, who played Comstore most of his life, as well as missioner Gordon in the “Bathandling other trades in town. He man” and is probably the most famous person from Saluda, and died about a year ago. M.A. Pace’s daughters, Eunice singer and television personality and “Boo,” ran the register most Perry Como, who lived in Saluda in the 1980s. of their lives. The store also has a picture The store has newspapers and magazine articles about the store’s from 1902 of the first Possum Day history, such as one from 1967 in Saluda. Saluda Day was held at the that talked about places to “chew Columbus Library * Saluda Library * Bookmobile * www.polklibrary.org historical association museum in and chat.” The store also has many histor- Columbus yesterday, honoring the October 13th (4:00-7:00 pm) ical photographs, including ones city’s history. Saluda is celebratFall Book Sale “Preview” for Friends of the Library members. of the Pace family, downtown ing its 130th birthday this year. October 14th (9:00 am to 6:00 pm) and October 15th (9:00 am to 4:00 pm) Friends of the Library Fall Book Sale – Open to the public October 20th (6:00 pm) “Polk County Writes” Program Featured: Local Mystery Writers Program Mark Schweizer and Mara & Ford Smith – Q&A, reading and booksigning Come support our local literati and get tips on writing mysteries. Light refreshments will be served. October 25th (6:00 pm) * new monthly date, last Tuesday of the month Autism Parent Support Group monthly meeting Communication Skills and Social Skills for early education thru adulthood with Featured Speaker Cara Gregory, M.S., CCC-SLP October 27th (4:00-6:00 pm) PUMPKIN CARVING CONTEST!!! Open to all ages. Light refreshments will be served. Free book will given to all participants. Pre-registration required by 10/21. October 31st @ The Tryon Halloween Stroll Look for our bookmobile in downtown Tryon during the Halloween Stroll!! We will be passing out candy and goodies. 24-Hour Resources We’re up when you are! 24 hours a day! Access library resources from your home computer www.polklibrary.org

• Johnson

(continued from page 1)

Commissioner chair Ray Gasperson said there an incredible amount of work has been done to get the position created. “Now we’re finally going to have this paid staff member with us,” said Gasperson. “I know she is going to do a superb job.” Former economic development commission member Jeff Byrd said no one worked as hard as Johnson on the board. Andy Millard said Johnson is an excellent, wonderful choice for the position.

“This county needs her and her kind of enthusiasm and passion,” Millard said. “I could not imagine a better choice.” Mills introduced Johnson, saying she served on the Economic Development Commission (EDC) board for five years, previously served on Mecklenburg County’s Community Development Commission, owned a marketing and public relations firm, taught school and served as executive director of a home furnishings industry trade association. Johnson, who has a degree from (Continued on page 6)

Thursday, October 6, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Landrum High School to hold class of 1981 reunion The Landrum High School (LHS) class of 1981 reunion will take place the weekend of Oct. 14-15. Friday, Oct. 14 at 7 p.m., the group will meet during the Landrum Homecoming game in the reserved section of the stands. Game time is at 7:30 p.m. LHS is located on Hwy. 176 in Campobello. On Saturday, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. participants will meet at the Vil-

lage Greens Golf Club restaurant and patio for dinner and fun. The golf club is located on Hwy. 176 between Gramling and Inman, S.C. The restaurant is Dickey’s BBQ. If you are interested in attending, call 864-457-3055 to reserve a spot for you and a guest at the Saturday dinner. – article submitted by Wanda Wofford

• Johnson

(continued from page 4)

the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, has a comprehensive knowledge of Polk County and its needs and hopes for the future, Mills said. “I appreciate your support,” Johnson told commissioners. “I’m really excited about this. I’ve got what I think are some good ideas to move the county forward to give the county a good base of economic stability.” Johnson will be paid as contract labor at a rate of $4,166 per month, or approximately $50,000 per year. The contract includes a stipulation that an additional $10,000 per year can be paid to Johnson, “for demonstrated performance above expectations.” Polk County previously had an economic development director but eliminated the position a couple of years ago. The EDC board remained intact and ran the operations of the department. The current board decided during this year’s budget preparations to combine the departments of economic development and travel and tourism into the economic tourism development (ETD) department. Tourism director Melinda Young’s position was decreased from fulltime to part-time and the tourism portion of the ETD department is budgeted at only the approximate $64,000 expected from occupancy tax. Johnson will oversee both economic development and tourism

Libbie Johnson

duties for the county. According to a press release, Johnson will lead efforts aimed at facilitating and sustaining the county with viable businesses and good-paying jobs. Her role will include leading an aggressive program to recruit new businesses to Polk County, while developing and implementing initiatives to broaden and diversify the county’s tax base. Johnson will also focus on creating a healthy business climate, promoting employment opportunities, strengthening existing businesses and fostering entrepreneurship. Mills also announced the appointments of a new chair and vice-chair for the ETD board. Craig Hilton will serve as chair and Dennis Hill will serve as vice-chair. Commissioners recognized Mills for his six years of service with the EDC board.



6 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, October 6, 2011


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O.P. Earle seeks help to continue 30-year RIF tradition Polk Schools programs already fully funded locally

dation, Miller said. RIF, the largest children’s literacy nonprofit in the United States, is designed to prepare and motivate children to read by Barbara Tilly by giving them free books and O.P. Earle Elementary School literacy resources. RIF provides in Landrum has announced that new, free books for children to it is seeking community support choose from and make their to continue the school’s Read- own. ing Is Funda“The seeds mental (RIF), of inspiration which is losing “The seeds of inspiration in these books federal funding in these books have have motias of December vated children motivated children to 2011. to follow their In addition follow their dreams and dreams and to corporations, achieve their foundations, achieve their potential. potential,” c o m m u n i t y Yes, it seems incredible Ly n c h s a i d . organizations for a book to launch a “Yes, it seems and thousands incredible for a of individuals, life, but it happens every book to launch RIF has been day as inquisitive young a life, but it supported by minds reach out and grab happens evthe U.S. Deery day as inp a r t m e n t o f hold of the new people, quisitive young Education, but places, and ideas that minds reach as of Decemout and grab ber, that federal books bring them.” hold of the new -- Dawn Lynch funding will people, places, end. and ideas that That means O.P. Earle will books bring them.” lose about $2,000, Dawn Lynch According to Lynch, O.P. of O.P. Earle said. Currently, all Earle Elementary has particichildren at O.P. Earle receive pated in the Reading Is Funthree books each year, which damental program for nearly costs approximately $4,500 each 30 years. Over those years, she year. Federal money matches lo- said, thousands of books have cal money raised from donations been given to thousands of chilfrom local businesses, founda- dren. Many local parents who tions, the school’s Parent Teacher attended O.P. Earle as children Organization and civic groups said they remember the RIF such as the Landrum Lion’s distribution days. Club. In order to continue this “We are committed to the 30-year tradition, the school is RIF vision, which is ‘…a literseeking 100 percent of the fund- ate America in which all chiling for RIF from local sources. dren have access to books and Polk County elementary discover the joys and value of schools do not use federal fund- reading,’” Lynch said. ing for the RIF program, accordTo make a contribution to ing to Polk Schools Superinten- O.P. Earle in support of the RIF dent Bill Miller. The program program, call the school at 864is funded entirely through local 457-3416 or make a check payindividuals and organizations able to O.P. Earle Elementary such as the Rotary Club and the and designate it for the school’s Polk County Community Foun- RIF program.

jbtrees - page 10

PAGE 1 , Thursday

TRYON THE October 6, 2011 T ryon DAILY aily BULLETIN ulletin  / / T he WORLD orld’Ss SMALLEST mallest DAILY aily NEWSPAPER ewspaper

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 4,page 2011 7

Truck overturns on S. Lyles in Landrum A full-size Chevy truck overturned on S. Lyles St. in Landrum yesterday, Tuesday, Oct. 5. The driver told the Landrum Police he fell asleep while driving. Police officers said they don’t believe the driver was traveling fast when he hit a curb and tree just right in order to turn the truck over. Landrum police and fire responded to the incident, which occurred around 10 a.m. (photo by Leah Justice)

Steps to HOPE observes Domestic Violence Awareness month Editor’s note: The following was submitted by Steps to HOPE in observance of October as Domestic Violence Awareness month. The alarm goes off before 5 a.m., and in a sleepy haze I tell myself, “Just five more minutes, please.” My eyes flutter open as covers are tossed aside and bare feet make contact with the floor. Yawning and stretching, I begin my day with a familiar mantra: “Okay, time to get moving on this hopeful new day.” Many people begin each day with hope. They have modest hopes for a pleasant day, rain, happiness or good health. Often they hope for something more complex, like the healing of a family member who is gravely ill or help for those addicted to some form of substance. There are an endless number of things people have hope for throughout their waking moments. For victims of domestic violence, however, hope can

be hard to come by, according to Steps to HOPE officials. Victims often come to Steps to HOPE because abuse has destroyed any hope for their situation or the possibility of a healthy, productive future. These victims are bruised and battered, sometime physically, always emotionally, with no

idea how to get through today, much less tomorrow. Steps to HOPE officials said many victims find hope in their belief that by educating the batterer through their Domestic Abuse Intervention Program (DAIP), they will help end the cycle of domestic violence. Each day, Steps to HOPE

officials said, they hope that by helping to rebuild lives with understanding, encouragement, judicial process assistance and resources, they will empower domestic violence survivors so that they might start each new day with hope. - article submitted by Cherie Wright


8 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, October 6, 2011

Taking hospitality seriously


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Hospitality is far more than just punch and cookies. For those of us born in the south it evokes images of elegantly entertaining friends while adhering to a set of rather strict social and cultural norms and expectations. However, the etymology of the word “hospitality” reveals that it is derived from the Latin word “hospes,” which comes from “hostis,” meaning “to have power.” Therefore, the meaning of “hospitality” can literally be “to hold power over strangers.” In the ancient desert cultures of the Middle East, hospitality was considered far more than just good manners. In the desert there were three kinds of people: 1) the settled tribe, 2) the resident

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alien, and 3) the traveler. The settled tribe held the power since it generally controlled the sources of food and water. The resident alien was someone allowed long term access to these resources, but without other rights and privileges. The traveler was simply at the mercy of the host. Among those tent-dwelling people, hospitality was a sacred act and an absolute obligation because to refuse hospitality to a traveler in the desert was to turn him out into the elements and possible death. In that way, to be inhospitable was tantamount to murder. Since the sojourner was so completely vulnerable, only the force of the hospitality code offered them any pro-

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Thursday, October 6, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

tection. That code of conduct made it obligatory for the host to provide the traveler with food, water and shelter. In return, the traveler was obliged to eat what was set before him and to engage in no hostile act. To turn a traveler away or to refuse to provide food, water and shelter was also considered a hostile act. In either case, the peace of the community was tied directly to the manner in which resisdents obeyed the hospitality code of conduct. The parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:29-37) is Jesus’ response to a question of hospitality. In the parable a man was waylaid on the road and left for dead, and after members of his own people had walked by him, a Samaritan, a member of an enemy sect, aided the man.

The point of the parable answered the question, “Who is my neighbor?” by stating that we are to behave like the Samaritan and to offer hospitality and to show mercy to everyone, even those least like us. Unfortunately for we who live in the 21st century, our concept of hospitality is often truncated or distorted. We see ourselves as hospitable to our friends and those who are like us, or we conceive of hospitality as a way to rise higher in society or a profession through the cultivation of relationships. Even in our places of worship we endeavor to find a place where we are “comfortable,” meaning “among those like ourselves.” But what if we took hospitality seriously? What would our towns, our lives, our


Information for ALL SEASONS HEATING & Thermal Belt pet owners AIR CONDITIONING, LLC Serving AllCounty Your Heating And Air Conditioning Needs. Polk Animal Control Polk County Sheriff’s Office, Ward Street, Columbus, 828242 E. Mills St., Columbus, NC 28722 894-3001

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Rabies vaccinations are required for all dogs and cats over the age of 4 months; recommended for horses and cattle. In North Carolina, rabies vaccinations are required to be given by a veterinarian. Rabies clinics are scheduled throughout the year; watch the Bulletin for announcements, or contact the Polk County Sheriff’s Office for information. Strays are taken to the Foothills Humane Society on Little Mountain Road in Columbus, a volunteer nonprofit organization that shelters homeless animals and tries to find caring owners for them, or to the Rutherford County Animal Shelter in Rutherfordton. People missing a pet should call the Foothills Humane Society at 828-863-4444 or Rutherford Shelter at 828287-6025. Spaying and neutering of pets is highly recommended. If financial assistance is needed, call the spay/neuter assistance allowance number, 828-859-5305. To adopt a pet or find out more information about Foothills Humane Society, check out their Web site at www.foothillshumanesociety.org. Injured or orphaned wildlife or nuisance wildlife questions can be referred to Beth Knapp-Tyner at Wild at Heart Wildlife Rehabilitation in Green Creek, 828-863-0505.

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PAGE - page 3

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10 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, October 6, 2011

Exploring historic and remote Cataloochee Valley As you top the mountain and start down the other side, a single lane dirt road winds you into a remote valley that gives you the sense that you have stumbled upon a lost and forgotten part of the country. And as you travel down the base of the valley, you feel the remoteness of the area is what kept such a beautiful area from ever being inhabited. It’s hard to believe that the secluded Cataloochee Valley, which consists of some very green fields, a small church, a schoolhouse and a couple of old farmhouses that are all now vacant, was once the place more than 1,200 people called home. There are many things to do in the valley. Of course at the top Headstones sit in a wooded graveyard in the Cataloochee Valley. At one time more than 1,200 people called of my list is fishing the wild trout the area home. (photo submitted by Rob McComas) streams. Cataloochee Creek is the main stream flowing thru the right by never even knowing disappear here in the late 1700s. The road along the bottoms is valley, but it is fed by creeks like what they just passed. The elk stocking was an ex- very similar to the Cades Cove Palmer Creek and As you walk on perimental release to see how area of the Great Smoky Mounlittle Cataloochee some of these trails, well they could adapt. Because tains National Park. The main Life Creek. you may notice what of its success, the elk project difference is it is a dead end road The Cataloochee Outside looks like cow trails is a long-term management as opposed to a loop road. Be is loaded with wild crossing them. These program. sure you travel the entire road rainbows. It flows Four Walls deep rutted trails are These are big critters. Weigh- through the valley – you can see down to Waterville worn in the ground ing as much as 700 pounds, they several different herds of elk in by Rob Lake where it is said by elk. You may also dwarf the common whitetail a single evening. McComas some of the lake’s see from time to time deer in comparison. And the You can also see turkeys, brown trout run up a “rub” tree that the antlers do as well, with spans of foxes and maybe even a black the Cataloochee to spawn. elk rub their antlers against to nearly 5 feet. bear. There are several trails to mark their territory. September and October are hike, including the Boogerman Camping and horseback rid- excellent times to see the elk in Signs of the past trail, which has some old growth ing is a popular thing to do in the bottoms that run along CataThe once thriving area is trees along its path. The Rough the valley. The primitive camp- loochee Creek. Early morning, actually comprised of three valFork trail, Pretty Hollow, and ground has 27 sites. You can also rainy days, and especially late leys, surrounded by mountains the Cataloochee divide trail are camp at one of the backcountry evenings, are peak times to view more than 5,000 feet high. It’s also options. campsites, but you must have the herds. hard to believe that a place such I’ve noticed one of the big- a permit. Horse campsites are If you happen to be there at as this once had two post offices, gest “mistakes” folks make also available. Experiencing the right time, you may get to a school and two churches. The when hiking is they keep their the backcountry via horseback hear the males bugle, a very big Cataloochee valley, which is eyes on the ground just a few is a nice way to take in the area. distinct call the males make to the main part of the area, is the feet in front of them, almost attract the cows and challenge site of the Palmer Chapel Methlike they are caught up in the Elk the other males. This sound can odist Church. The Beech Grove walking part of the hike and Without a doubt, the big draw travel a mile or more. The best School is also located there. not the surroundings. While I today to the Cataloochee Valley time to hear the males bugle is Apple farming seemed to be guess there is some balance and is the elk herd. Reintroduced to mid to late September, and some the main way to earn a living common sense in looking where the area in February 2001, the in early October. in the valley, as well as raising you walk, getting your eyes off elk herd has grown from 25 to You will probably notice cattle and turkeys. The area the trail to your surroundings is now approximately 140. Native many of the elk wearing collars; seemed to be good for hunting the best part of the experience. to the area, elk thrived here for these are to help keep track of and trapping as well. Toward the There are a lot of interesting and centuries until the loss of habitat their location and to help man(Continued on page 11) beautiful things people walk and over-hunting caused them to age the herd.

Thursday, October 6, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Iron Restoration Bill Crowell III (828) 859-9278


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2x2 5/19, 6/30, 8/11 PChanged 4/22/11s sfor-038697

One of the elk that can be seen in the Cataloochee Valley. (photo submitted by Rob McComas)

• Life Outside (continued from page 10)

end of settlement in the valley, and nearing the dawn of the national park, people in the valley housed folks who traveled there to hunt the area. Folks also came to the area drawn by the mineral-rich springs, which were thought to have healing qualities. A few of the homes still stand. Most were built as log homes that are now covered by white lap siding. You will notice a rather unusual occurrence with their small family graveyards. They were not conveniently located in the back yard where they could be easily maintained, but rather were located high up on the ridges that overlook the valley. It seemed like the steeper the hill the better. There are trails that lead to the graveyards, but be prepared for a rather short but very steep hike. How to get there To get to the Cataloochie Valley, take I-26 west to I-40 west, travel to exit 20 (Hwy. 276), take 276 north about 1/10 of a mile and turn on Cove Creek Road. This is a narrow winding dirt

road most of the way, so don’t be in a rush. There are a lot of trucks with horse trailers on this road at times. After you cross over the top of the mountain, travel down the other side until it turns to pavement. You can easily spend an entire day or several days in the valley, but at least travel there for an evening and check out the elk herds and the old homes and buildings that are easy to access. Be sure to bring a camera, binoculars or whatever you choose to give yourself some “zoom” power. It is against the law to approach or harass the elk. Folks are encouraged to stay near the road. The Cataloochee Valley is one of the many cool places to check out here in our own mountains. Rob McComas is a licensed North Carolina fishing guide on Lake Lure and Lake Jocassee in S.C. He has been a guide for 11 years and fishing for more than 30. McComas lives with his wife, Amanda, in Sunny View and runs Rob’s Guide Service. He can be reached at robsguideservice@gmail.com.

Due to Postal Holiday (Columbus Day) There will be NO Mon., Oct. 10 Paper.

The TDB office will remain open. Deadline for Tuesday (10/11) ads will be 4pm Thursday (10/6) Deadline for Wednesday (10/12) ads will be 4pm Friday (10/7)

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12 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Thursday, October 6, 2011

Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors!

DB Let T d Ads sifie ou! s a l C or y f k r wo

Estate/Tag Sales


Help Wanted

Commercial for Rent

Sale for the Emergency Animal Fund. Come to the Frog & Swan's back yard on Saturday morning, 8am - 10am. All items priced to sale.

A CABIN FOR "YOUR WOODS" Rustic simplicity and quality construction at a price point unprecedented. See our recently renovated 3BR model in Campobello OPEN DAILY. Many plans to choose from. We build "Carolina Mountain Homes." See us also at www.seayhomes.com. (864)472-3420

IMMEDIATE OPENING Manager/ Assistant manager position for loan company. Customer oriented and experience required! Experience in preparing taxes helpful! Email resume to bzapf@localmgmt.com.

Commercial / Residential cottage available for business/ home. $500/ month. North Poplar Avenue, Landrum. Excellent location. Call: (864)457-5456.

Lost & Found Found a pet, keys or??? Advertise for FREE! 1 week in print and on line. To place your ad visit our website at: www.tryondailybulletin.com Limit 2 free ads per month, per household, 7 lines or less, personal ads only

Yard Sales Huge yard sale. 3 families. Fri & Sat, 9am - 2pm. Rain or shine. Too many items to list plus milk glass collection. 75 Dogwood Court. Take Peniel Rd to Bill Holbert Rd, to Dogwood, Tryon. Follow signs. (941) 626 - 8194. Large multi - family yard sale. Fri. & Sat. 8am - until. On the corner of Hwy 9 & Jim Page Rd. in Green Creek. LARGE RUMMAGE SALE Sat Oct. 8th 8am til 2pm Household & furniture, tools, golf clubs, knick knacks- angels, horses, Christmas items, & lots of flowers 184 Edgewater Road Inman (off Foster Rd) Moving Sale, Sat. Oct. 8th, 7am - noon. Morgan Chapel Village, 1137 Mtn Laurel Drive Columbus, NC. Items include accent/ decorating, kitchen items, clothing (men & women), books, movies, CDs, outdoor items, riding gear, etc. Good prices for quality items. Multi - Household Yard Sale. Fri & Sat, Oct 7-8, 9am-3pm. Antiques, vintage & collectible items, pottery, upscale home goods, stamp collection, books, records, much more! 185 Woody Circle. Off Peniel btw Little Mountain Rd & Peniel Baptist Church, turn on Bill Holbert Rd, Woody Circle is 2nd right. Yard Sale/ Estate Sale Fri & Sat. 9am - 12pm. 5990 Hwy 9. (3/10 of a mile N. of blinking light @ Hwy. 14.) Antiques, toys, clothes, 1999 Chevy Suburban loaded, 6 horse featherlite trailer, 1969 Henway, books, music, household goods.

CONLON TREE CARE Quality tree work at reasonable prices. Pruning, removals, chipping, log splitting. Free estimates, references. INSURED, EXPERIENCED AND RELIABLE. Call Tom at 828-863-4011. HANDICAP APPROVE YOUR HOME All needed features. Visit our accessible Campobello model (864) 472 - 3420. www.seayhomes.com Licensed residential and commercial. PROFESSIONAL PRESSURE WASH. We wash homes, decks, roofs, exterior/interior of gutters, etc. Also seal or stain wood. Excellent references! For free on-site estimate, call 828-894-3701.

Lawn Care LANDSCAPING Lawn maintenance, landscape design & lighting, mulching, retaining walls, paver walkways, drainage work. lindseyslandcape@yahoo.com 828-223-5198

Help Wanted Bayata Nurses now hiring CNA all shifts. Contact: (828) 690 1900. Fast - paced equine veterinary hospital looking for an experienced client relations representative. Must be able to work well under pressure and multi task. Applicant should have 2 years office experience, preferable with a background in equine health. Computer and typing skills required. Salary to commensurate with experience. Benefits available. Send resume to: Equine Receptionist Applications, 1250 Owens Road, Greer, SC 29651

JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Polk County Department Of Social Services is now taking applications for the position of Income Maintenance Supervisor II. Grade 21 salary range - $29,454 - $48,264. Please submit completed State Application PD-107 to Sue E. Rhodes, Director, Polk County Department of Social Services: 330 Carolina Dr. Tryon, NC 28782 EOE

Homes For Rent 4665 Landrum Rd., Hwy. 14. 3/2 Brick on 4 acres. Garage, hwd., $900/mo. (864)574 1260/ (864) 266- 8922. A Frame on private estate, overlooking Harmon Field & Piedmont. 2BR, 2BA. 1200 sq. ft. Brick fireplace. All new renovations inside & out. Very secluded. Spectacular view. $1100/ mo. (843) 514 - 5900 Highest view in Tryon w/ shortest drive, overlooking Piedmont, custom home. 4BR, 2.5BA. 2500 sq.ft. Basement. Attached greenhouse. Beautiful garden. Just renovated. $1500/mo. (843) 514 - 5900. RESIDENTIAL LEASE Wooded one acre lot with 4 BR, 2BA home and deck - $650. Private area with restrictions near Columbus (828) 894 - 2313.

Apartments Wood floors, parking, central H&A: 1 BR, 1BA, Godshaw Hill $550 - $570.; Hwy 11. Utilities paid, $795: Landrum 2/1 $650. (864)895-9177 or (864) 313 - 7848.

Houses for Sale Asheville NC Area. Must sell 3 acres and log cabin w/loft $89,000. Views, secluded setting, covered porch, lg deck, natural springs, creek and ez to finish 828-286-1666

Farms, Acreage & Timber WE BUY STANDING TIMBER Nothing too big or too small Call 828.287.3745 or 704.473.6501 Green River Forest Products

Mobile Home Rentals FOR RENT: 2 Br, 2 BA mobile home, heat pump & AC, excellent condition, in Green Creek, $450/month, $450 deposit. 894-5082.

Hay, Feed, Seed, Grain BEAUTIFUL TOP QUALITY TIMOTHY MIX HAY from New York State. Now located on Rt. 9S for your convenience at the north end of Pierce Plaza (Re-Ride location), just south of 9&14 intersection. As always, please call...Hay, Lady! 828-289-4230.

Public Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified on the 4th day of October, 2011, as Executrix of the Estate of Helyn Goode Lowery, deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and/or corporations having claims against the decendent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Executrix on or before the 4th day of January, 2012, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and/or corporations indebted to the Estate should make immediate payment to the undersigned Executrix. This 4th day of October, 2011. Jody Ledford 621 McCraw Rd. Ellenboro, NC 28040 Executrix of the Estate of Helyn Goode Lowery.

Thursday, October 6, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Grassroots Art Project offers free watercolor classes in October Grassroots Art Project (GAP) will offer free watercolor demos and lessons every Saturday through October at the Holy Episcopal Church, 150 Melrose Ave. in Tryon, from 9:30 to noon. The short film “Watercolors: Fast and Loose” will be shown this Saturday, Oct. 8. GAP welcomes all levels of artists, but especially encourages those who have always wanted to paint but are afraid to try. The more advanced artists offer encouragement to those who are just beginning. Drop-ins are welcome and you don’t need to attend every session to join. Upon completion of your masterpiece, you may wish to donate it for sale to benefit Lennie’s Special Cases, which helps four-legged friends. GAP artwork will be available to purchase at local shops and restaurants. – article submitted by Linda McCullough

Participants in the Grassroots Art Project show off some of their work. (photo submitted)

Saluda Community Land Trust plans to battle kudzu Hikes set for Sundays Thanks to a grant from the Polk County Community Foundation (PCCF), Saluda Community Land Trust (SCLT) will work on kudzu control for the next year, even during the winter months as weather permits. The organization has several sites picked out, some of which are continued from last year. Kudzu control takes several years of hard work before it’s time to breathe that sigh of relief. SCLT’s plan is to address each site during the next 12 months. The group will use different methods based on conditions at each individual site. SCLT suggests a few steps for residents to take in the meantime. Check power poles and power lines for kudzu. If

there is a problem, find out what company owns the power pole. Call them and report the problem and exact location. SCLT suggests cutting back kudzu vines as far back as you can. Any underbrush should also be cut back. Kudzu does climb but it can only grow 3½ feet up before it falls. That is why it is always searching for something to climb. SCLT has also scheduled hikes on the first and third Sunday of each month, weather permitting. Hikers meet at the parking lot of the Saluda Library at 2 p.m. For more information, contact Nancy at 828-749-4661 or Chuck at 828749-9886. For further information about SCLT, call 828-749-1560 or visit www. www.saludaclt. org. – article submitted by Nora Parks Anderson



Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Dorsett anniversary Aug. 11 Jim and Shelby Dorsett of Columbus recently celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a surprise party held in their honor. Family, friends and neighbors attended. Their anniversary was Aug. 11. They have three children: Debbie Shinn of Winter Haven, Fla., Kim Leigh of Bloomington, Ill., and Michael Dorsett of Hendersonville, N.C. They also have four grandsons. Jim volunteers at Billy Graham’s Cove, Hospice Thrift Store and American Red Cross and is also a Columbus volunteer fireman. Shelby works at Cracker Barrel and lends a helping hand when needed at the Red Cross and fire department. They are both members of Tryon Methodist Church. They will be celebrating again

Jim and Shelby Dorsett

on a fall Caribbean cruise with family. The cruise was a gift from their children in honor of 50 years. - article submitted by Angie Leffort

WCCA directors to meet Oct. 13 Western Carolina Community Actions, Inc., a non-profit human services agency administering local, state and federally funded programs for low-income, the elderly and children, will hold its board of directors’ monthly meeting on

Thursday, Oct. 13. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. at the Etowah Lions Club in Etowah, N.C. For more information, contact Nancy Berry at 828-693-1711 x 154. - article submitted

Saluda antique car cruise-in Oct. 15 Saluda’s 130th Birthday Celebration continues with an Antique Car Cruise-In Saturday, Oct. 15 in downtown Saluda. Cruise-In participants are ex-

pected to begin arriving in Saluda at 10 a.m. Local residents will also bring their prized vehicles. - article submitted by Terry Baisden

Speaker to talk on alkaline water benefits Water for Life speaker Bill Carter, son of Tryon resident Peggy Carter, will present a talk on the benefits of Alkaline water for people, horses and other pets. The talk will be held from today, Thursday, Oct. 6 from 7:30-8:30 p.m. at FENCE. Carter plans, along with an assistant, to provide samples of the water and demonstrations on using a Kangen water machine to change the pH balance of water. Several months ago Carter’s tax man brought him two gallons

of water to try which was alkaline water. He said he and his wife were skeptical but began drinking the water themselves and have been satisfied with the results. Some of the examples Carter plans to share involve a test of the acidity differences between bottled water, city water and alkaline water. Carter claims the alkaline water helps the body heal more quickly and rid itself of free radicals. For more information, call 704219-9574. – article submitted

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper





Friday, Nov. 11 4:30 - 7:00 Lennie (center) and other Bark-in-the-Park participants from last years fundraiser. (photo submitted)

Second annual Lennie’s Kids ‘Bark-in-the-Park’ Saturday, Nov. 5, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at Harmon Field walking trails Lennie’s Kids will be raising money for the organization. Lennie’s Kids works with Foothills Humane Society and local vets to assist sick, injured and abandoned animals by helping provide medical care and placing them in foster and forever homes. A large percentage of these animals come into the shelter with high-level heartworms and are difficult to adopt out because of the extraordinary expense to treat this condition. Rather than euthanize these animals, Lennie Rizzo of Lennie’s Kids finds willing adopters or foster homes and then takes on much of the financial responsibility for their medical care himself, giving them a second chance. To participate in this fundraiser,

walkers (with or without their pets) are asked to get family, friends, co-workers and even strangers to sponsor them by donating money for Lennie’s Kids. There is no minimum donation required. Walkers can collect money from sponsors and bring it, along with their walking shoes, on Nov. 5 to take part in this event. Harmon Field’s trail is just over one mile, and participants can walk as much or as little as they desire, even looping multiple times if they wish. Flute and piano Dogs must be properly leashed. Company, church and school music for parties, groups are encouraged to take part. There willopenings, be concessions gallery for lunch with grilled hamburgweddings and and other ers and hotdogs, chips drinks available, with all proceeds going special occasions. to Lennie’s Kids. There will also be a large raffle

Duetto Barbara Tilly

Call Cooperative Extension for tickets at 828-894-8218

with many gift certificates and items donated by local businesses. Last year Lennie’s Kids gave away nearly $2,000 in prizes. All school age children that get sponsors for any amount and participate in Bark-in-the-Park will get free lunch from the concessions. Lennie’s Kids T-shirt, decals, buttons and bags will be on sale for the first time ever. Pictures and designs for these products will be posted soon and those interested will be able to preorder yourssize and color if desired.This event is sponsored by Gibbs Welding and Crane Service, Inc. in Landrum. To register to participate, please call their office at 864-457-4544 and ask for Ami or Terri or email gibbswelding@windstream. net.

– article submitted

Flute OPAN) will meet Oct. 11 Polk Fit (formerly Polk County Polk County Wellness Coalition invites persons who are interested in actively pursuing a healthier environment through nutrition and physical activity interventions. Polk Fit (formerly Polk Coun-


ty OPAN) will meet Oct. 11 at 1 p.m. at the Extension offices Pam McNeil downstairs. They will choose a regular meeting time. Piano Jimmi Buell, family and con828-859-6049 sumer science agent for the N.C. Cooperative Extension Service,

Filler ad - run when there's room

will chair. Workers willing to put some hours in to promote healthy lifestyle choices for children, youth and families are needed. - article submitted by Mary Smith

Filler ad - run when there's room

1x1 Tryon Daily Bulletin  12/21,22,27,28,29


‘Fresh Paint,’ plein air workshop, Oct. 27 – 29


Real estate


lAnDFill SeRviCe (Phil) - 859-2054 8am-6pm 1x1 2/14 3/10,13, 16

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tractor & bobcat work, rock work.


Jim Carson, Saluda artist, will present an outdoor (plein air) workshop titled “Fresh Paint” in Saluda Oct. 27-29. This workshop will concentrate on design, shapes and values, and will use a limited palette of just three colors: lemon yellow, cadmium red medium and ultramarine blue, plus white. On Thursday morning, Oct. 27 Carson will do a demonstration and then circulate between easels as needed. There will be a different outdoor venue each day. Students are urged to read Chapter 3, titled “Angles and Consequent Values” of John F. Carlson’s “Guide to Landscape Painting,” prior to the workshop. There will be an emphasis on applying the paint quickly and confidently and critiques will be held at the end of each day.There is a fee for the class and includes lunch. Students will receive a materials list after registration. For more information, visit www.jimcarson.net, email jimcarson@tds.net or call 828-7493702. - article submitted by Jim Carson

Thursday, October 6, 2011

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