11-16-11 Daily Bulletin

Page 1

Mink to give sustainable agriculture workshop Nov. 17, page 7

Tryon Daily Bulletin

The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Vol. 84 / No. 202

Tryon, N.C. 28782

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Only 50 cents

‘Is all this food free and can anyone come get it?’ TBOM seeks support for Feed-A-Kid, food pantry

Recently a group of elementary school children visited and toured Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry (TBOM) to learn about the many programs TBOM offers to the

community. TBOM Client Services Coordinator Michelle Reedy tells of that visit and how a little girl’s raised hand melted hearts. “While learning about how Outreach helps families with food, a little girl raised her hand and asked, ‘Is all this food free and

can anyone come to get food?’ “I told her yes, it is free to those that need it. Once again the little girl raised her hand and stated in a small voice, ‘I don’t have any food in my home. My mom buys groceries, (Continued on page 4)

Groceries waiting to be delivered to Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry’s food pantry. TBOM’s Feed-a-Kid program volunteers prepare 320 food bags and deliver them to the schools each week for nutritionally at-risk children. (photo submitted by Jason Eller)

Cub Scout Pack 659 will be scouting for food Saturday, Nov. 19. The pack will have a donation truck set up from noon to 3 p.m. at the Mill Spring Recreation Complex parking

lot. Items needed to fill the donation truck include canned and dry goods. Donated items will be delivered to the Thermal Belt Outreach Ministry.

Saluda City Hall repairs advancing Brick almost complete, roof replacement next by Samantha Hurst

Gary Kitchen of Outlaw Masonry moved along with repairs to the brickwork encasing Saluda City Hall Tuesday, Nov. 15. “These bricks are more than 100 years old,” Kitchen said. “It’s important

to keep that historical look because not many buildings have done so. Most people just plaster over them when they start to let water in because they don’t realize they can be repaired.” Kitchen was about three-fourths of the way finished with the side wall of city hall, which is good news for the

Serving Polk County and Upper Spartanburg and Greenville Counties

(Continued on page 3)


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COMMUNITY COMMUNITY CALENDAR CALENDAR Here’s a list of upcoming meetings and events for area nonprofit community and governmental organizations:


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Wednesdays, Fire Department in Green Creek, 7 a.m. - noon. The Meeting Place Senior Center Wednesday activities include Tai Chi, 9 a.m.; ceramics, 9:30 a.m.; Italian club meeting (Buon Giorno), 10 a.m.; senior fitness, 10 a.m.; bingo or bridge, 12:30 p.m.; medication assistance program, 9 a.m. - noon. 828-894-0001. Saluda Center Wednesday activities, Trash Train, dominoes game, 10 a.m.; gentle Yin Yoga 12:30 p.m. 828-749-9245. Tryon Kiwanis Club meets Wednesdays, noon, Congregational Church, 210 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Foothill’s Parkinson’s Support Group meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 1:30 p.m. in the Landrum Library. Call 864-457-4419 for more information. All are welcome. Female Domestic Abuse Intervention Program, Wednes-

How To Reach Us

Main number, classifieds and subscriptions: 828-859-9151 FAX: 828-859-5575 e-mail: news@tryondailybulletin.com Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Betty Ramsey, Publisher

THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN (USPS 643-360) is published daily except Saturdays and Sundays for $60 per year by Tryon Newsmedia LLC, 16 N. Trade St., Tryon, NC 287826656. Periodicals postage paid at Tryon, North Carolina 28782. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tryon Newsmedia LLC., 16 N Trade St., Tryon, NC 28782-6656. www.tryondailybulletin.com

days 3:30 – 4:30 p.m., Steps to HOPE. 894-2340. Male Domestic Abuse Intervention Program, Wednesdays, 5:30 - 7 p.m., Steps to HOPE. 894-2340.


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Thursdays, 7 a.m. - noon, old Searcy Mill parking lot, Hwy. 108, Columbus. Thursday Men’s Prayer Breakfast will meet Nov. 17, 8 a.m. at TJ’s Cafe, 456 S. Trade St., Tryon. All are welcome. Order breakfast from the menu. Saluda Center Thursday activities: knitting group, 9:30 a.m.; gentle Yin Yoga, 5:30 p.m.; 828-749-9245. The Meeting Place Senior Center Thursday activities include ceramics, 9:30 a.m. and bingo or movie, 12:30 p.m. 828894-0001. Landrum Library, Lap Babies, 10 a.m., 20- 25 minute session for young children and caregivers includes music, nursery rhymes, action poems and short books. Storytime at 10:30 a.m. for preschoolers includes books, music and fingerplays. Call 828-457-2218. Polk County Historical Association Museum, open Thursdays, 10 a.m. - 1 p.m., 60 Walker St., Columbus, lower level. Free. Saluda Community Library will have preschool story time every Thursday at 10:30 a.m. Open to all area children and caregivers. Green Creek Community Center, Zumba exercise class, Tuesdays and Thursdays 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., in gym. Friends of the Polk County Public Library, Thursday Nov. 17 at noon. “Night Witches: Women Fighter Pilots of TheSoviet Air Force during World War II.” Local author Jeri Board willpresent a program based on her most recent novel, “Eve’s Victory: ANovel of Women at War.” Rotary Club of Tryon meets every Thursday at noon at Tryon Presbyterian Church on Harmon Field Rd. Landrum Library, Program

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Local Weather Forecast:



Moon Phase

Today: Cloudy, with 70 percent chance of rain. High 70, low 49. Thursday: Mostly sunRain ny, with 20 percent chance of rain. High 59, low 34.

Mostly sunny

Monday’s weather was: High 68, low 55, no rain.

for home-schooled children, Thursday, Nov. 17, at 2 p.m. In observance of Peanut Butter Lovers Month, children will engage in “nutty” activities, make their own peanut butter snack and learn about the simple legume. For more information, call 828457-2218. Sustainable agriculture workshop, Thursday, Nov. 17, 6-8 p.m., at the Mill Spring Ag Center. Local farmer Lee Mink will discuss real-life examples of challenges faced by the agricultural community, what to grow and how to grow it and marketing your business. Sponsored by Mountain BizWorks. Free. Bring dish to share. For more information: Jo Ann Miksa-Blackwell at 828-894-1000, June Ellen Bradley at 828-899-2789 or Lynn Sprague at 828-894-2281. Columbus Lions will meet at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 17 at Calvert’s Kitchen in Columbus. Ken Shull of St. Luke’s Hospital will present the program. 828894-2505. Landrum Library, “How to Have a Healthy Personal Computer” Thursday, Nov. 17 at 6:30 p.m. A take home CD on the program will be provided. Enrollment limited to 20. To reserve a spot, call the Landrum Library at 864-457-2218. Al-Anon: Foothills Come to Believe, Thursdays, 7 p.m., Polk Wellness Center, 801 W. Mills St., Suite A, Columbus. Green Creek Community Center, Zumba exercise class, Thursdays 11 a.m. and 7 p.m., in gym. Mill Spring VFW Post 10349, bingo, Thursdays, 7-9 p.m. (year round). 828-894-5098.

AA’s Sobriety and Beyond, Thursdays, 8-9 p.m., Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, 1024 W. Main St., Forest City. 828-863-1313. Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays, 8 p.m., CooperRiis, Mill Spring. 828-859-7099. Alcoholics Anonymous, Thursdays, 8 p.m., Holy Cross Episcopal Church, 150 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Tryon Little Theater, “My Three Angels” resumes its run Thursday, Nov. 17 at 8 p.m., with performances Friday, Nov. 18 and Saturday, Nov. 19 at 8 p.m. and matinees both Saturday and Sunday at 3 p.m. For tickets, call 828-859-2466.


Saluda Center Friday events: chair exercise, 9:30 a.m.; Trash Train, 10 a.m. The Meeting Place Senior Center Friday activities include movie matinee at 10 a.m. and bingo at 12:30 p.m. 828-894-0001. Seniors on Sobriety (SOS) AA Meeting, Fridays at noon, Polk County Chamber of Commerce Building, 2753 Lynn Rd. (Hwy 108), Tryon. 828-8940293. Tryon Toy Makers Museum, open Friday 2 - 6 p.m., 43 E. Howard St., Tryon. 828-2906600. American Legion Post 250, weekly bingo games, Fridays, 7 p.m., 43 Depot St., Tryon. Doors open 5:30 p.m. Smoke-free. Please submit Curb Reporter items in writing at least two days prior to publication. Items must include a name and telephone number of a contact person. Items will be printed in order by date of event, as space allows.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



• Saluda City Hall (continued from page 1)

city as leaders Nov. 14 approved an almost $10,000 contract with All Weather Roofing and Construction for a new roof for the building. Saluda Finance Director Ron Cole said the masonry refurbishing must be complete before moving onto the next phase. “I’ve been 17 years in service [with Saluda] and every governing body has tried to find a way to do this,” Cole said. “We’re glad to be making progress.” To move things along, the city set aside $10,000 in debt service and another $9,500 in budget appropriations for a total amount of $19,500. The critical work the city hopes to complete – refurbishing or replacing the roof, windows, brick, heating and air, tiles and metal facing on the front of the building – is expected to carry a price tag of about $135,000.

Gary Kitchen begins to fill in another section of brick with new mortar. Kitchen’s business, Outlaw Masonry, has been working on Saluda City Hall for about a week. Once the masonry work is complete, another company will come in to replace the roof. (photo by Samantha Hurst)

Part of this cost includes a decision to forgo a cheaper vinyl material window – $14,000 total – for an $18,000 version. Cole said if the city did not go this route it would be next to impossible to get historical

preservation grants because the windows would not provide a look similar to the windows seen in historical photos from the early 1900s. “Then that enhances our ability to go after some of those

historical preservation grants,” Cole said. “The public is very much in favor of keeping the building historically accurate and it will only help us to do so if we can pull in some of that grant money.”


4 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

• Food

(continued from page 1)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

“This school year, 53 percent of Polk County school children receive free or reduced lunch. So, whenever possible, additional food is added to the bag to help prevent or reduce hunger among all family members.”

but it isn’t enough to feed us. Can we come here?’ “My answer, of course, was absolutely,” Reedy said. Reedy said after the tour ended, she spoke with the teacher about the little girl and asked the school to inform the family about the food pantry and the Feed-AKid Program at TBOM. -- TBOM Exec. Dir. Carol Newton “It is for this reason that Outreach exists,” said Carol Newton, assorted snack items, vegetables executive director of TBOM. “It and protein such as canned tuna is through programs such as the or chicken to help round out food pantry and Feed-A-Kid that the bag nutritionally. Each bag we live out our mission to proweighs no more than 5-7 pounds vide compassionate assistance in order for the child to carry it to Polk County residents who do in a backpack. not have the resources to provide “This school for their basic year, 53 percent life needs.” of Polk County Feed-AWant to help? school children Kid food bags For more information about receive free or are assembled donating or volunteering for reduced lunch. and distributed Thermal Belt Outreach Min- So, whenever b y t h e f o o d istry’s Feed-a-Kid program, possible, addipantry and its visit www.tboutreach.org or tional food is volunteers on call 828-859-2988. added to the bag a weekly basis to help prevent to seven Polk or reduce hunger among all famCounty schools that have identi- ily members,” said Newton. fied a nutritionally at-risk child Outreach food is donated by and/or family. The food is in- the community, purchased at a tended to last throughout the significantly reduced rate from weekend for each at-risk child. Manna Food Bank, and at sale “Volunteers pack 320 food prices from area grocery stores. bags and deliver them to the “Outreach spends approxischools each week during the mately $2,500 per month on food. school year,” said Jim Mc- This does not include the cost to Clintock, food pantry coordina- operate the facilities, such as elector for Outreach. tricity, refrigeration or manpower, Care is taken to help protect which are all needed to operate the identity of the children re- our programs,” Newton said. ceiving the food bags. School To learn more about the Feedofficials at each school receive A-Kid Program and other prothe food bags from Outreach grams at Thermal Belt Outreach and place the bags in the child’s Ministry, visit online at www. locker during class hours to tboutreach.org or contact TBOM maintain confidentiality. at 828-894-2988. The typical Feed-A-Kid bag – article submitted contains pasta, fruit cups, cereal, by Jason Eller


Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


Photo Calendar


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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tryon Methodist honors veterans at special service by Samantha Hurst

The hour chimed and shortly thereafter members at Tryon United Methodist witnessed the presentation of flags as a special Veterans Day service opened. After a prayer and singing of “America the Beautiful,” church leaders guided members through a church service peppered with special recognition for all that veteran members of the church sacrificed during

service. “For those people of faith, their military service was and is a significant part of their lives. It’s an expression of their commitment to be good citizens as encouraged by scripture and is a way for some of standing up for the oppressed and those longing for freedom,” said. Rev. Phillip Hurst. “Their service and sacrifice implements a biblical purpose for governmental

authority by establishing and keeping order, and providing a corrective force against wrong in the world (Romans 13:1-7, 1 Peter 2:13-14).” Hurst said such a day of recognition is another way for the church to show appreciation and support for those who have safeguarded the well-being of the nation. Church member Nancy Hiley said there was a unique energy to the service. “Seeing some of our veterans wearing their decorations (medals) and even their uniforms,” Hiley said, was inspiring. “The impact of their quiet dignity and looking through the ‘Honor and Remember’ book, I felt the years disappear as I learned more about our members and their relatives.” This included COL. Carroll Strider, who came to church in his full green service uniform.

Member Pam Monterisi said veterans like Strider remind Christians of the true meaning behind patriotism. “They had a willingness to die for country because they know of Jesus’ willingness to die for our sins,” Monterisi said. “As Christians we are called to have a similar commitment to service as soldiers are committed to service.” Monterisi said in previous years such a focus on Veterans Day had not been part of worship, but this year veteranmembers like John Albree asked that the church take up honoring war heroes but do it in such a way as to not overshadow regular services. By commemorating the church’s “Honor and Remember” book, Albree said it will not only honor the past but be a living document as new members add their stories of service.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Mink to give sustainable agriculture workshop Nov. 17 Mountain BizWorks on Thursday, Nov.17 from 6-8 p.m. will host Lee Mink’s free Sustainable Agricultural Workshop at the Mill Spring Ag Center. The presentation will include real-life examples of challenges faced by the agricultural community, what to grow and how to grow it, marketing your business, as well as an opportunity for questions. Mink started farming in Alabama as a home gardener in the 80s, with the aim of providing healthy food for his family. Less-than-ideal soil forced him to learn how to manage soil in the best way… through experience. He is a great proponent of using cover crops, green manure and compost to improve soil health. As Mink learned more about big agribusiness and its detriments to the health of land and humans, he became an activist in the sustainable farming movement. Today, Mink owns Leap Farm in Polk County. This biodiverse, GMO-free, sustainable farm specializes in organic methods. Mink chooses to sell his produce within 25 miles of the farm. He insists that at its essence, sustainable farming is all about local service – local farms providing food to local residents and restaurants. Mink is also an expert in marketing and value added products. He sells both wholesale and retail and knows there is a home for everything he plants when he plants it. Mink is enthusiastic about educating and sharing his agricultural experience with people, especially young people. Additionally, this avid seed saver will create a passion in anyone that has an ear to hear about the awareness concerning the relationships among soil, plants, seeds, weather, the cycles of the year, and our roles as stewards that preserve this knowledge for

future generations. Mountain BizWorks (mountainbizworks.org) is a non-profit community development financial institution that provides lending, consulting, and training to small businesses in Western N.C. Its Community Agriculture Business Alliance (CABA) aims to build a more vibrant local economy in the region through agriculture. Bring a dish and enjoy the peer group environment and networking session. For more information about Mountain BizWorks or this event, call Jo Ann Miksa-Blackwell at 828-894-1000, June Ellen Bradley at 828-899-2789, or Lynn Sprague at 828-894-2281. This project was supported by the Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, USDA, Grant # 2010-49400-21817. – article submitted by Jo Ann Miksa-Blackwell





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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Ways to give this season

Our reporter Leah Justice stopped by the Columbus Relay Center this week to find volunteers packing shoeboxes filled with toys and essentials items and loading them on a truck to send to children in need for the holidays. Operation Christmas Child is just one of numerous ways to give of your time and yes, a little bit of money, to those around the world and here at home who have far less than the rest of us. Keep your eyes on the Bulletin and our website for more updates on ways you can pour out your community spirit this holiday season. On this very page, Sheriff Donald Hill reminds us of the Toy Run around the corner and then our front page tells us about the Feed-a-Kid program. These are just a few examples in this very giving community. Here’s hoping everyone keeps that spirit alive this season! — Editorial staff, Tryon Daily Bulletin

Toy Run T-shirts for sale

However, their participation is just one part of ensuring all Polk County children have a reason to smile this holiday season. To the Editor: The holiday season is upon us Your assistance is needed as well. We are selling Polk County once again, and the Polk County Toy Run T-shirts at Sheriff’s Office has the sheriff’s office ( in been busy for several Letters orange or white). weeks planning the to the Monetary donaannual Polk County Editor tions also help treToy Run on Saturday mendously with our ,Nov. 26. efforts, and can be dropped off at This annual event brings a large the PCSO. Of course, we always number of riders together as they welcome new toy donations as parade through Saluda, Tryon, Landrum, Green Creek, Mill Spring well. Feel free to drop those off at and end up in Columbus dropping the sheriff’s office at your conveoff their toys on the steps of the nience as well. –Donald Hill, Sheriff historic courthouse.

The Tryon Daily Bulletin The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Betty Ramsey, Publisher Editor Managing Editor Community News Editor Reporter Pressroom Mgr.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Samantha Hurst Barbara Tilly Gwen Ring Leah Justice Tony Elder

Send your thoughts: Bulletin, 16 N. Trade St., Tryon, NC 28782 or by email to samantha.hurst@tryondailybulletin.com.

With a density system, you would still have no more than 20 housing units in a 100-acre subdivision, but the housing units could be clustered together in a smaller area, for instance within 20 acres, To the Editor: On Monday, Nov. 21, the Polk leaving 80 acres of natural, open County Board of Commissioners space. There’s no requirement that will consider a new subdivision housing units be clustered in the new subdivision orordinance. There will dinance, but it makes be a public hearing Letters it more feasible than at 5 p.m. so that citito the the current ordinance zens can express their Editor does, allowing more support (or not) for flexibility. the new ordinance. I The planning board will decide strongly support it. This is not a zoning ordinance. the maximum density of dwellings Unfortunately, some who oppose in a major subdivision based on the ordinance are falsely calling it guidelines in the proposed subdivia zoning ordinance to stir up fear sion ordinance. Among other things, these and opposition. The ordinance is a subdivision guidelines are designed to asordinance; it governs how land can sure not only that there will be be divided into smaller tracts. It an adequate groundwater supply does not regulate how land can be for those major subdivisions not used (for instance, can you have a using municipal water supplies, business on it; or can you build a but also that the wells supplying factory on it). That is what a zoning the subdivision will not deplete groundwater supplies in neighborordinance does. Polk County has had a subdivi- ing areas. These guidelines will also take sion ordinance since at least 1973. A subdivision ordinance has ap- into account other adverse impacts plied to land in all six townships of the proposed major subdivision Polk County for at least 38 years. will have on neighboring areas. The significant changes made If those impacts are too severe, by this subdivision ordinance the planning board can reject the apply to major subdivisions only, proposed subdivision. In other those with nine or more lots. That cases, it can require the developer change does not apply to two-for- to mitigate those impacts. Importantly, the planning board one subdivisions (dividing one property into two pieces), family will apply these guidelines in open, subdivisions or minor subdivisions public meetings. Neighboring landowners and other interested (eight or fewer lots). One significant change amounts citizens will be able to participate to this: instead of using lot size, the in the open meetings, offering their proposed subdivision ordinance objections to, or suggestions for uses density. This will allow clus- changes in, the proposed major tering of dwellings that will reduce subdivision and its design. That’s developer expense and, at the same a significant step forward in givtime, enhance greenspace or open ing residents a meaningful say space. The difference is, with a concerning what developers of lot size system, each lot must be a minimum of the stated lot size in the area, for example five acres. (Continued on page 9)

New subdivision ordinance up for approval

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

• Ordinance (continued from page 8)

major subdivisions can do to their neighborhood. This is a win-win result. Developers of major subdivisions are freed from the arbitrary seven-acre lot size restriction in our current subdivision ordinance and granted greater flexibility in laying out the subdivision’s arrangement, particularly in terms of clustering. The interests of neighboring landowners will now be taken into account, particularly in terms of adverse impacts on groundwater supplies and other environmental concerns. They will become participants in the subdivision review process. The Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) Committee and the planning board, both of which unanimously approved the proposed subdivision ordinance, should be commended for their efforts in producing an innovative and balanced approach to major subdivision development in Polk County. This subdivision ordinance is first part of the culmination of the more than 10 years of work by many Polk County citizens, and

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

the product of many hundreds of citizens’ responses to questionnaires and comments in public meetings. It is what the vast majority of Polk County citizens have said they want. Please plan to attend the public hearing at 5 p.m. on Nov. 21, in the commissioners meeting room in the Womack Building in Columbus. Please arrive early so you can sign up to speak in favor of this subdivision ordinance. Comments need not be lengthy. In fact, they can be no longer than three minutes. But your support is very important, especially because opponents of the ordinance are spreading falsehoods about it to frighten citizens so that they will fight against it. If you have any questions or want further information, please call Renee McDermott at 8596131. You can find the text of the proposed subdivision ordinance on the county’s website (www.polkcounty.org). Go to Departments, then Planning and Zoning, then Ordinances, then Unified Development Ordinance draft (UDO). The subdivision ordinance draft starts on page 53 of the UDO draft. – Renee McDermott, Tryon

a thoroughly professional tradesman, he was simply a wonderful human being whose company I enjoyed so much over To the Editor the years. I first met Bill Edney more He was just a great person to than 20 years ago. talk with and we shared many He was the precious moments e l e c t r i c i a n w h o Letters together on the performed miracles to the steps of the Tryon as he updated the Editor Post Office when we electric service in the chanced to meet there older home we’d just acquired. from time to time. And he continued to correct I didn’t know that Bill was ill problems through the intervening until I read it in the newspaper and years as they popped up form time I’m truly sorry that I wasn’t able to time. to pay my respects to him while His loyal and capable sidekick he was in Hospice House, but I am (assistant) was his son, Joe. Bill pleased that he received the high also did a great deal of fine work level of compassionate care that for the Tryon Presbyterian Church Hospice always provides; that long before I came on the scene. was a blessing. Gentlemen like Bill Edney May God bless Bill Edney and are a rare breed indeed; few his family. and far between. Beyond being –Bill Wuehrmann, Tryon

Bill Edney was a fine man, friend





Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Trick-or-treaters visit Polk LifeCare Polk Life Care participants and staff enjoyed all of the Trick-or-Treater’s that came by to visit on Halloween. The staff and participants enjoyed seeing the princesses, witches and goblins and are already looking forward to next year. All of the participants dressed the part as well with matching cowboy hats. If you know of anyone who is suffering from memory loss, needs help with personal care, or just needs a safe place to stay for the day, contact Polk Life Care at 828894-2007. (photos submitted by Christy Beddingfield)

Louise Deyton - Direct Care, Carolyn Outlaw, Miranda Beck - Direct Care; Bernice Hart, Sue Holbert, Shirely Craig, Louise Fagan; back, Billy McCall, Marshall Monroe and Sam Panettiori.

Brilee Stott (trick-or-treater) with Sam Panettiori and Carolyn Outlaw.

Robert Way with trick-or-treaters.

Dr. Judith Cloud initiated as a National Arts Associate Dr. Judith Cloud was initiated as a National Arts Associate by the Delta Eta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota International Music Fraternity in June. The coordinator of voice at Northern Arizona University (NAU) and studio voice and vocal pedagogy instructor, Dr. Cloud is an accomplished mezzo–soprano soloist and composer who has performed throughout the United States. She received performance degrees from the North Carolina

School of the Arts and Florida State University and was a member of the music faculty for The North Carolina School of the Arts, Florida Community College at Jacksonville and Indiana State University. She has appeared at the Aspen Music Festival, with the Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra, the Tallahassee Symphony, the Jacksonville Symphony, the Sedona Chamber Music Festival, the Flagstaff Festival of the Arts Orchestra and the Rome

Festival Orchestra. A career highlight was a performance of the Brahms Neueliebeslieder Waltzer with the acclaimed radio program Saint Paul Sunday Morning. She has been an artist-inresidence with the noted Escape to Create program sponsored by the Seaside (FL) Institute for two seasons. One of her recent compositions, Philsophia Perennis, for men’s chorus, mezzo, (Continued on page 11)

Dr. Judith Cloud

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

•  Dr. Cloud

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

ater performances of Dido and Aeneas and Mozart’s Le Nozze (continued from page 10) di Figaro. Dr. Cloud’s vocal students flugelhorn and piano, was com- have entered and won state and missioned and performed by the regional competitions.GraduNAU Men’s Chorus. The Shrine ates in vocal performance and of the Ages Choir, directed by theater have gone on to begin Dr. Edith Copley, recently per- careers in opera and musical formed Long, Long Ago, during theater in the United States and the annual Holiday Dinner con- abroad. cert at NAU. Founded in Dr. Cloud 1903, the Mishas been the “A career highlight was sion of Sigma alto soloist for a performance of the Alpha Iota Inmany perfor- Brahms Neueliebeslieder ternational Mumances of the sic Fraternity is works of J. S. Waltzer.” to encourage, Bach, includnurture, and ing the B Misupport the art nor Mass, the St.John Passion, of music. The Vision of Sigma and the St. Matthew Passion. Dr. Alpha Iota International Music Cloud performed the role of Ma- Fraternity is to be recognized dame Armfeldt in Sondheim’s throughout the world as the foreA Little Night Music with the most fraternity that supports and NAU Opera Theater, appeared encourages women musicians of with the Flagstaff Symphony all ages, races, and nationalities Orchestra in performances of and promotes successful and inAmahl and the Night Visitors, novative educational programs and conducted NAU Opera The- in music for all stages of life.



Students compete in FFA event

Bryson Jones (right) and Cameron Brown(left) recently competed in the Pisgah View Truck and Tractor Driving Competition at the Mountain State Fair. Jones finished first in truck driving and Brown finished second in tractor driving. Jones qualified for the state final, which will be held in February at the North Carolina Farm Show in Raleigh. (photo submitted by Chauncey Barber)



Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors! OF INTEREST


WE BUY FIREARMS! We buy hand guns and rifles, new and old, short and long. Call 828-395-1396 or 828-393-0067

Huge Multi Family 2 Day Yard Sale Nov. 19 & 20 8am - until


CONLON TREE CARE Quality tree work at reasonable prices. Pruning, removals, chipping, log splitting. Free estimates, 7300 Hwy 108 East references. INSURED, 2 1/2 miles East EXPERIENCED AND REof Mill Springs LIABLE. Call Tom at Rain or Shine, Sleet or 828-863-4011 Snow, Everything must go! Something for everyOOFING one. Tanning bed, furniture, tools, plumbing supIDING UTTERS plies, new clothes, large variety of gifts. L & R ROOFING FREE ESTIMATES. Shingles & Metal Roofs Yard Sale, Nov. 11th & 822-817-1278 12th & Nov. 18th & 19th 828-817-3674 from 9 a.m. until, 140 Leo Price/Robert Ives Russell Drive, Rutherfordton, South on US 221. OME Watch for large blue signs. Cargo trailer, antiques & MPROVEMENT lots of other stuff.

Dear Columbus Polk County Citizens: This note is to appeal to the persons who stole copper and parts off of a Vintage Glass Milk Bottle Capping Machine from the barn of the estate of Robert L. Shuford, III. When Bob was little he used this machine to cap milk bottles for his mother on their dairy on Shuford Road. This meant the world to Bob, as executor I’m asking for the return of the parts for the capping machine, you may keep the IREWOOD copper, no questions ask. Respectfully Charles Wishon. Dry firewood in a building. FREE! Rescued Beautiful For sale. (828) 863- 4551 calico Momma Cat-now or (828) 817 - 6238. spayed and (2) 15 week old Orange Tabbies-will Seasoned Oak be spayed. Currently living Firewood in barn. Also 1 black and Call white and 1 black with one $50 per load. small white spot 6 month 864-457-5235 old neutered males-both very socialized and living in house. All litter trained. ITTING ERVICE Must have references. Please call (864)449-4034 :) Would love to house sit, Sell your home in dog sit or run your erthe classifieds call rands. Very neat, friendly & dependable. Please call 828.859.9151 Denise @ 864-279-4462



GARAGE SALES HUGE ESTATE SALE FRIDAY & SATURDAY Nov. 18 & Nov. 19 10am - 4pm 569 Persimmon Hill Dr, off Peniel Rd, Columbus. One Lane Estate Rd, 15 mph. Please be courteous when parking. 1910 5 Vol. Harvard Classics, Large Easel, Art Supplies, Furniture, Collectibles, Jewelry, Antiques, China, Art Work.

Selling your home? Advertise here and sell it faster. Call Classifieds at 828.859.9151.



BEAUTY CARE ATTENTION SALUDA Salon Rachelle II Full Service Beauty Salon Serving men, women and children, all hair services, also pedicures & manicures. $5.00 off FIRST TIME VISIT Exp. 11.30.11 Open Mon, Wed & Fri 31 Pearsons Falls Road 828.749.2600

HOME HEALTH CARE Caregiver Position Experience w/ references. Call 864-706-1227







Bathroom Makeover Ada

Business or your home bath. Roomy shower with no humps - no bumps. Tall toilet, wall mounted sink and grab bars. We redesign existing bath to accommodate the handicapped & the elderly. Free estimates. Call Seay Construction. (864) 4723420 or 978-0439 ISABELL CONSTRUCTION CO., Design/Build Specialists, new homes, over 30 years experience. Room additions, home repairs and remodeling, basement, waterproofing. LICENSED NC CONTRACTOR. Call 828-817-9424

HOME IMPROVEMENT Tommy's Home Improvement Roofs, renovations, siding, carpentry, decks, windows, screening. All Home Repairs. FREE estimates. Home: (828) 859 - 5608. Cell: (828) 817 0436.




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Furnished or unfurnished charming cottage.

Dedicated Operation 1bd/1ba, l/r with fireplace, Swing Transport seeks Switchers with a class A CDL. 2 yrs with a Safe Driving Record 1-864-5971151

HELP WANTED CDL Driver needed by Modular Home Company Apply in Person: Blue Ridge Log Cabin, 625 East Frontage Rd, Campo Bello SC, Call 864-4577343, M-F 8 a.m to 4 pm.

for afternoon/evening hours? Arcadia Health Care, a leader in home care, is seeking a compassionate and caring Certified Nursing Assistants for the Polk County area. Must have current NC CNA license, a current driver's license, and at least one (1) year relevant job experience. Call 828-277-5950

HELP WANTED - DRIVE / DELIVERY Dedicated Operation. Swing Transport seeks Switchers with a Class A CDL. 2 yrs with a Safe Driving Record. 1-864-597-1151



Charming, 2BR, 3BA, Wood floors, appliances,

Full-time RN Case h a r d w o o d f l o o r s , parking, central H&A: 1 Manager position at wonderful kitchen, BR, 1BA, Godshaw Hill

Hospice of the Carolina Foothills, SC Division. Must have a current RN license in state of residence (NC or SC), at least two years of nursing experience in geriatrics and end-of-life care preferred, certification in hospice and AINTING palliative care preferred. Must have clear driving reDAN STEINER PAINTING cord. To apply please visit Excellent painting / pres- www.hocf.org . E.O.E sure - washing. Clean gutters & windows. Deck, roof, & other repairs. High EAL STATE quality, low cost. Building a strong reputation, not resting on one. (828) 894 - For Sale - 2 lots. White 6183 or (828) 817 - 0539. Oak Mountain, 2.78 acres, below tax value. $45,000. Call 704-462-1975

Sell your home in Do you like knowing you the classifieds call have made a difference in someone's life? Looking 828.859.9151

Raise your hand if you want your business to make LESS money next year.


DB Let T d Ads sie ! Clas for you k wor

kitchenette, large screened in porch, surrounding with bamboo in secluded neighborhood in Tryon. $500/month. Call 828-817-4166 or 828-859-5152 Western NC Mtns. New 1288sf ranch style log cabin on 1.72 acres $85,000. Cathedral ceilings, covered front and back porches, private wooded setting, paved road access and ready to finish. 828-286-1666

HOUSES FOR RENT FOR LEASE: 940 sq. ft. Cabin. 2 Bedroom, 1 & 1/2 Bath. Secluded, outside Columbus. Includes Power and Water. $650/ month plus deposit. Call: (828) 894 - 3528. Furnished rentals. 2 night minimum. Short and long term. Contact Pam Martin at First Real Estate. (828) 859-7653. www.TryonRealEstate. com Rentals 2 & 3 BR. Ranging from $850 - $1500. Contact Pat Martin, First Real Estate. (828) 859-7653, www.TryonRealEstate.com

heat & hot water in- $450 - $470.; Landrum cluded. $650/ month. 2BR, 1BA $540. 3BR (864) 415 - 3548. $550 (864) 895-9177 or (864) 313 - 7848.

FOR RENT Lake Lanier

Cottage on Lake. 1760 sf, Large dock, boat garage with boat lift, 3BR/2BA good off street parking, beautiful lake views. $1250/mo. plus deposit, references. 828.777.5688 Location! Location! Attractive 2BR/2BA duplex located behind historical Pine Crest Inn. You will be able to walk to town. $725 per month. Call 828-817-6119 RENTAL- Charming Cottage located on Howard St. adjourning Rogers Park Tryon, walking distance from downtown, schools, gym, pet friendly, $600 a month. Call 828863-4472 or 828-8175176


COMMERCIAL FOR RENT Beautiful professional office space for rent in Tryon / Columbus area. (Behind Chamber of Commerce.) 150 square feet/ 3 offices. Call Mike at: (336) 302-3368

FARMS, ACREAGE & TIMBER For Sale; PTO 3PT hitch Bush Hog 290 used 4 times $1700;side delivery rake Vermeer R-8B $350; PTO pump driven -3PT hitch HEAVY DUTY log splitter $900; High voltage & secondary skinning tools (Speed System Semi-Con Scorer,MH1700 $125 in box; Burndy HyTool OH25 $150 in Box; Burndy Y35 Hy-press $300). Call 828-863-0594

FOR RENT: 1BR mobile home at 506 S. Shamrock URNITURE Ave. in Landrum. References required. $80/wk, $320/mo, & $250 deposit. For Sale: Craft matic electric adjustable double bed. Call (864) 457 - 3682. $350. Call 828-625-2596


FOR RENT: 2BR mobile home at 515 S. Bomar ESTAURANTS Ave. in Landrum. References required. $100/wk, $400/mo, & $250 deposit. Come support your local restaurant Brother Bill's Call (864) 457 - 3682. BBQ. All homemade food Raise your Private Parties Welcome Wednesday thru Sunday hand if you 11-8, 835 A Hwy. 176 want your Tryon 28782. (828) business to 899-2647


make LESS money next year.

We didn’t think you would. Do you need to successfully market on a tight budget? Classifieds has customizable programs available to fit any budget.

DON’T WAIT! Call TODAY 828.859.9151

DOMESTIC PETS Dog for sale, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, male, 5 yrs. old Dec.28. House trained, Great pet. call for more info. 828-817-2314

Selling your home? Advertise here and sell it faster. Call Classifieds at 828.859.9151.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors! HORSES & EQUIPMENT


2004 Southern Lite WANT TO BUY: Junk New Violin/Guitar Duo Horse Trailer, 2 horse, cars, trucks and vans. Call (classically trained)

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For junk & cheap running call 828.859.9151 cars. Most cars $200 to $750. Towed from your Do you have location. No fee for towing. FAST SERVICE. available jobs? (828) 289 - 4938. Call 828.859.9151 to

Beautiful timothy mix hay, with and without Alfalfa from New York State. Located on Rt. 9So. in Pierce Plaza (near Re-Ride Shop). As al- Sell your home in let others know about ways, please call...Hay, the classifieds call job opportunities at Lady! Open M-S 10a.m. 828.859.9151 your business. 828-289-4230.

LEGALS LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that at 5:00 p.m., on Monday, November 21, 2011, in the Bryan J. Womack Hall of Justice, Womack Building, 40 Courthouse Street, Columbus, NC 28722, Polk County Board of Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the following ordinance: An Ordinance Repealing and Replacing the Polk County Subdivision Ordinance; Establishing Standards for Major, Minor, Family and Two-Lot Subdivisions; Requiring Environmental Impact Statements and Traffic Impact Studies for Certain Major Subdivisions; Requiring Quasi-Judicial Approval for Certain Major Subdivisions; Revising Road Stan-

LEGALS dards; Revising Minimum Lot Standards; Requiring Erosion and Sedimentation Control in Compliance with State Standards; Permitting Cluster Subdivisions. Copies of the proposed ordinance are available for review or purchase (at a nominal cost) in the County Manager's Office in the Womack Building. They are also available online at www.polknc.org. For additional information about these ordinances contact County Planner, Cathy Ruth, at (828) 894-2732. Tryon Daily Bulletin Nov. 10 and 16, 2011 SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE

Put your ad here call 828.859.9151


DB Let T d Ads sie ou! s a l C for y k r o w

LEGALS PUBLIC NOTICE The Town of Tryon will be closed for Thanksgiving, Thursday and Friday. If your regular garbage pickup day is Thursday, then your garbage will be picked up on Monday, November 28, 2011. Tryon Daily Bulletin Nov. 16 and 22, 2011 HOLIDAY CLOSING

Do you have

available jobs? Call 828.859.9151 to let others know about job opportunities at your business.

Raise your hand if you want your business to make LESS money next year. We didn’t think you would. Do you need to successfully market on a tight budget? Classifieds has customizable programs available to fit any budget.

DON’T WAIT! Call TODAY 828.859.9151

Riddle-Bettinelli wedding Audra Lea Riddle and Jérôme Joseph René Bettinelli were married on Saturday, Oct. 22, 2011. The outdoor ceremony was held at the bride’s home in Gramling, S.C. The bride wore an ivory couture Organza and Swiss lace bridal gown that featured a sweetheart neck line, hand-beaded reembroidered lace appliqué with covered buttons down the back, accented with form fitted crystal trim and a tiffany train paired with a beaded embroidery and tulle finger-tip veil. Stephen Barnes, childhood friend of the bride, officiated the double-ring ceremony. Escorted by her father, the bride is the daughter of Cindy Broom Riddle of Gramling, S.C. and John Riddle of Hartsville, S.C. She is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hase Broom of Six Mile, S.C. and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riddle, of Taylors, S.C. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Armand Bettinelli of Coublevie, France. He is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. René Maréchal and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bettinelli, both of Mouthe, France. Laura Jane Riddle of Gram-

ling, sister of the bride, served as maid of honor. Also attending the bride were Melissa Somers of Chicago, Ill. and Sarah Probst of Charleston, S.C. Florian Bettinelli of Uberlandia, Brazil, brother of the groom, served as best man. Groomsmen were Francois-Xavier Jammes of Aurillac, France and Mathieu Duroselle, of Lille, France. Attendants were Mackenzie and Ryan Capstick, of Jefferson, M.D. and Jacob and Jarod Broom of Six Mile, S.C., cousins of the bride. The ceremony featured remarks by siblings of the couple and the reading of, I carry your heart with me, by e e cummings. Soloist Robin Gramling was accompanied on the classical guitar by Henry Anderson. Following the ceremony, the bride’s mother hosted an outdoor tea reception at their Gramling home. The bridal couple then hosted an evening reception at Zenzera’s in Landrum. The parents of the groom, Patricia and Armand Bettinelli, hosted a rehearsal dinner at The Lake Lanier Tea House. Following the rehearsal dinner, family and

friends of the groom including Romain Dumel of Bale, Switzerland, Jérôme Freyburger of Toulouse, France, Nathalie Chenal of Saint-Etienne-de-Crossey, France, Yves and Danielle Kien of Aix-en-Provence, France, Armelle, Anne and Pierre Bettinelli of Colombes, France, and Cathy, Didier and Guillaume Veyry of Privas, France entertained the wedding party at the Red Horse Inn. Friends of the couple also hosted cocktails at

The Yellow House in Landrum. A bridal luncheon was held by Mrs. Anne Carroll of Carrolton, in Gramling, S.C. The bride is a 2009 graduate of Wofford College and is a student at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. The groom is a graduate of Ecole Spéciale des Travaux Publics, Paris, France and University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia and lately a project manager at Reponse S.A. in Paris, France.



Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Art Exhibits

STORAGE Unit Auction

Saturday, Nov. 19 • 11 a.m.

Thousand Pines Storage, Ogle St., Columbus

Bravo Marketplace, 83 Palmer St., Tryon. Collection includes works by Diana Gurri, Linda Hudgins, Bob Neely, Jim Shackelford, Ford and Mara Smith and J.T. Cooper. Gallery open Mon. - Fri. 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

Ferullo Fine Art Studio, 140 Pacolet St., Tryon. Currently conducting an ongoing class in expressive watercolor, the non-traditional approach, each Thursday from 2 - 4 p.m., with open studio from 4 – 5 p.m.

Holiday potters show and sale, Harmon Field Log Cabin, Tryon. Nov. 19, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Ann Gleason and Cynthia Link show and sell their stoneware pottery. Refreshments will be served. Kathleen’s Gallery, 98 N. Trade St., Tryon. Works by Douglas Chamberlain, textile artist Bobbie Thomas and Kathie Seatters, jewelry artists Monica Jones and Leah Weitzel and recycled plastic artist David Edgar. Gallery hours are 10 - 5 p.m., Monday through Saturday. For more information: artzycarson@gmail.com or 828-859-8316.

Skyuka Fine Art, 133 North Trade St., Tryon, “Peace, Joy and Paint,” Nov. 19 through January. Opening reception Nov. 19, 5 - 8 p.m.; “European Treasuers,” finds from local art dealer John Selleck. Now through mid-November. For more information: info@skyukafineart.com or 828817-3783. T ryon F ine A rts C enter , 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Turtle Island exhibit in Gallery One, Nov. 1 - 30. Tryon Painters & Sculptors, 26 Maple St., Tryon. Featured artist, Francesco Lombardo. Nov. 13 - Dec. 17. Tag sale and grand opening, Dec. 2.

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Upstairs Artspace, 49 South Trade St., Tryon. Last week to see “Lines and Lives of the Face,” an exhibit of contemporary portrait art created by 14 established artists from the Carolinas and New York City. There are paintings, drawings, engravings and mixed media, plus sculpture made with clay, wood and vinyl. The exhibit ends this Saturday. The annual holiday craft bazaar, “Presents of Art,” opens next Saturday, Nov. 26, and continues to Christmas Eve. Gallery hours: Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and by appointment. Contact 828-859-2828.

Gospel singing at Bible Way Baptist Bible Way Baptist Church on John Smith Road in Green Creek will hold a gospel singing and supper Saturday, Nov. 19 at 4 p.m. The Lamberts, Servants Call

and Gary Wooton will perform. A supper will be held after the singing. Everyone welcome. - article submitted

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Live Music

Wed. Nov. 16

Celtic Tavern Live music 4 - 8 p.m.

Thu. Nov. 17 Celtic Tavern Karaoke Purple Onion Galen Kipar Project Zenzera Jim Peterman

Fri. Nov. 18

Celtic Tavern Karaoke with Ken 12 - 2 a.m. Elmo’s Weird Mojo Purple Onion Fred Whiskin Zenzera Trophy Husbands

Saluda Inn and Wine Cellar Naughty Pillows



Attention all Barganistas!

Sat. Nov. 19

Purple Onion Aaron Burdett Elmo’s Speedwell Zenzera Blues Underground

Saluda Mtn. Jamboree The Lisa Price Band Saluda Inn and Wine Cellar Dave Desmelik

Sun. Nov. 20

Elmo’s Jam Session 4 p.m.

Larkin’s Carolina Grill Fred Whiskin 11:30 a.m.

Tues. Nov. 22 Zenzera Open Mic


Tuba Christmas, 1681 NC Hwy 108, Columbus. Dec. 3 from 1 - 2:30 p.m. at Polk County High School. Tryon Fine Arts Center, 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon. Do-ItYourself Messiah, Dec. 1 at 7:30 p.m. All singers welcome, no experience necessary.

Tryon Little Theatre, 516 South Trade St., “My Three Angels.” Runs till Nov. 20. Call 828-859-2466 for tickets.

Music Venues

Celtic Tavern - Hwy 176 (Bird Mtn), Landrum, 864-457-2250. El Chile Rojo - 209 E. Rutherford St., Landrum, 864-457-5977 Elmo’s - Trade Street, Tryon, 828-859-9615. Lake Lanier Tea House - 351 E. Lakeshore Dr., Landrum, 864-457-5423 Larkin’s - 155 W. Mills St., Columbus, 828-894-8800. Melrose Inn - 55 Melrose Ave., Tryon, 828-859-0234. Purple Onion - Saluda 828-749-1179. Saluda Mountain Jamboree - 828-749-3676. Tryon Fine Arts Center - 34 Melrose Ave., Tryon, 828-859-8322. Ultimate Basement – 5965 N.C. 9 North, Mill Springs. 828-989-9374. Wine Cellar - 229 Greenville St., Saluda, 828-749-9698. Zenzera - 208 E. Rutherford St., Landrum, 864-457-4554.

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Letter to the Editor

Power of prayer brings pastor back

To the Editor: On Saturday, Oct. 22, we got an early morning call. Our pastor at Grassy Knob Fellowshipo Church had had a massive heart attack. We had a lot of phone calls to make to request prayers, and then we took off for Memorial Mission Hospital. Seeing our pastor as we did was so very frightening. We thought the Lord was calling him home, and he is worthy of that call. We thought we would be without our pastor. After praying over him in intensive care, we headed home. We had more phone calls to make making sure everyone knew the importance of continuing to pray. “Our pastor is in critical condition. With God, all things are possible,” we said. On Sunday, Oct. 23, as we all gathered at our sweet little church, we prayed; holding hands, we prayed. We sang and lot of testimo-

2x3 12/1,22;1/12/11 csts-040048

jbtrees - page 10

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

ny was given about how our pastor has helped us and many others. We all prayed again and again. As we were praying, our pastor was taken off the respirator, breathing on his own – and we prayed. On Monday, Oct. 24, the doctor began talking about moving our pastor to a regular room – and we prayed. On Tuesday, Oct. 24, our pastor was moved out of intensive care to a regular room – and we prayed. On Wednesday, Oct. 26, we, the church, gathered at our place of worship for a praise God and worship service, and our pastor waslked in, straight out of the hospital, and joined us in that praise and worship service. The Lord led us – and we prayed. October was pastor appreciation month. Jerry Jackson, we love you and appreciate how you teach us and all you do for us and the true love you show for us. We thank the Lord for giving you back to us. –– Julie Fike, Grassy Knob Fellowship Church

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

by Karl Kachadoorian

Would you believe that without looking at the defenders hands it’s possible to play the suit to guarantee at least three Diamond tricks against any distribution? Proper technique dictates that declarer first cashes the Ace in his hand. If either defender shows out, the play of the suit becomes an open book. Assuming both defenders follow suit, declarer leads a small Diamond toward dummy. If West follows suit, dummy simply covers whatever card West plays. This guarantees three Diamond tricks. If East were to win this trick, it would mean that the suit broke 3-2 and you are guaranteed three Diamond tricks. If East shows


NORTH } A85 { A65 [ K932 ] 943

Bridge Players Corner

West leads the Queen of Spades against 3 NT. As always, before good declarers play to the first trick they develop a plan. The first thing they do is count winners. As you can see, declarer has two sure winners in each suit, for a total of 8. In addition, he has the potential to take one or two more tricks in the Diamond suit, depending on the distribution and location of key cards. Looking at all four hands it should be obvious on how to play the Diamond suit. Since you only need one more Diamond trick to make your contract you should be looking at playing your existing suit situation to make three tricks.


WEST } QJ1062 { J7 [ Q1087 ] 72

SOUTH } K97 { K43 [ AJ58 ] AK8

out, as is the case in this hand, declarer either has his third trick if he wins with the 9 or if he is forced to with the King and he just continues playing the suit to set up his last Diamond. If West had showed out on the second

EAST } 43 { Q10982 [ 6 ] QJ1065

round, declarer would win with King and lead from the board toward his hand to establish his Jack. Thus, nothing can prevent declarer from getting his ninth trick if he plays the suit correctly.



Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Lanier Library’s recent acquisitions on the shelves Below is a list of recent acquisitions by the Lanier Library. Audio Books “Unbroken” Hillenbrand, Laura Biography “Hemingway’s Boat” Hendrickson, Paul “Holy Ghost Girl” Johnson, Donna M. “Until Tuesday” Montalvan, Luis Carlos DVDs “Breaking Bad: The Complete First, Second, & Third Series Buck” Fiction “Last Man in Tower” Adiga, Aravind “Night Strangers” Bohjalian, Christopher A. “Affair” Child, Lee “Coup d’etat” Coes, Ben “Passel of Hate” Epley, Joe

“Favored Queen” Erickson, Carolly “Marriage Plot” Eugenides, Jeffrey “ N i g h t w o o d s ” F r a z i e r, Charles “Lady of the Rivers” Gregory, Phillippa “Great Leader” Harrison, Jim “Silver Girl” Hilderbrand, Elin “Dovekeepers” Hoffman, Alice “Bonnie” Johansen, Iris “Train Dreams” Johnson, Denis “Sweet By and By” Johnson, Todd “Chango’s Beads and Two-

tone Shoes” Kennedy, William “Man of Part.” Lodge, David “Trick of the Dark” McDermid, Val “To Be Sung Underwater” McNeal, Tom “All Our Worldly G o o d s ” Nemirovsky, Irene “Cat’s T a b l e ” Ondaatje, Michael “Shock Wave” Sandford, John “Best of Me” Sparks, Nicholas Mystery “As the Pig Turns” Beaton, M.” C. “Feast Day of Fools” Burke, James Lee

“Operation Napoleon” Indridason, Arnaldur “Season of Darkness” Jennings, Maureen “Tag Man” Mayor, Archer Non-Fiction “Swerve” Greenblatt, Stephen “Lip Service” LaFrance, Marianne “Destiny of the Republic” Millard, Candice “Rin Tin Tin” Orlean, Susan Large Print “Night Train” Edgerton, Clyde “Buried Secrets” Finder, Joseph “Second Nature” Mitchard, Jacquelyn “Wife-in-law” Smith, Haywood - article submitted by Lanier Library Media Selection Committee

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Firefighter with local ties honored in memorial Top Qualityservice Horse Peter James Coe, husband of Valerie Ann Ortiz-Coe, whose father is Tryon resident Frank Ortiz, was one of the fallen firefighters honored in the 30th Annual National Fallen Firefighters memorial service on Oct. 16. The service was held at the National Fire Academy in Emmitsburg, Md. Coe, a volunteer firefighter and safety officer with the Shoreham, Vt., Fire Department, lost his life in the line of duty. He was assisting a disabled motorist on an icy road on Dec. 27, 2009. Coe’s professionalism and kindness while responding to calls was noted in the tribute, as were his work ethic, kind heart and bravery. Fellow firefighters from Shoreham traveled to Maryland to join the ranks of the honor guard. Those present at the ceremony included Coe’s wife, Valerie; his daughter, Gennie, a senior at Mount Holyoke College; his son, Nick, an eighth-grader; Val’s father, Frank Ortiz, along with Ortiz’s wife, Audrey, and his son and daughter-in-law, John and Christine. At the conclusion of the


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Nick Coe accepts an American flag in remembrance of his father, Peter 2009 James Coe, at the 30th Annual National Fallen Firefighters memorial service on Oct. 16. Peter Coe was the son-in-law of Tryon resident Frank Ortiz. (photo submitted)

service, the names of each firefighter were read and an American flag was presented to the survivors. Young, Nick

Coe accepted the flag in remembrance of his father. - article submitted by Frank Ortiz


1x1 W,F Episcopal Church hosts service Nov. 20 4/8, 10,Thanksgiving 15, 17, 22, 24, The Thermal Belt Ministerial Association invites the community to its annual Community Thanksgiving Service on Sunday, Nov. 20 at 7 p.m. at the Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross. Each year Polk County comes together to worship in area churches both at Thanksgiving and Good Friday. On Sunday, Nov. 20 at 7 p.m., clergy from the Congregational Church, the Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross, Tryon United Methodist Church, Tryon Presbyterian Church and the First Baptist Church of Tryon will lead and participate in worship. This year the


29,Michael 5/1 Doty will bring Rev. theLARL-028884 evening message. Choir members from many of the area churches will provide special. Choir members are asked to be at the Episcopal Church of the

Holy Cross no later than 6 p.m. for a rehearsal on Nov. 20. Everyone is welcome to attend the annual Thanksgiving service. The church is located at 150 Melrose Ave. in Tryon.


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was son of the late Jessie Monroe Born in Polk County, he was died June 13, 2011 in Atlanta, Ga. Memorial service noon, July and Cora Collins Horne and hus- the son of the late Callaway Bur30 at Columbia Senior Residencband of Mildred Holbert Horne. page 20 Tryon Daily BJackson ulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper gin and Florence Gibbs. He was a member of Mill He was a veteran of WWII, hav- es at MLK Village, 125 Logan St. Creek Church of the ing served in the U.S. SE, Atlanta, Ga. 30312. Contact Brethren and Mill Army, a member of sister: 678-862-3800. Survivors are three sons, AlS p r i n g Ve t e r a n s the VFW Post 10349 len (Rudy) Waymon of Syracuse, Lodge. He served in and the Woodmen of the U.S. Army as Medic during the World. Mr. Gibbs was the N.Y., Kenneth Simmons of HousWWII. husband of Omie Lee Laughter ton, Texas, and Lovell Simmons (Andrea) of Lawrenceville, Ga.; In addition to his wife, he is Gibbs, who died in 1986. survived by a son, Bill Horne Survivors include one daugh- one sister, Frances Fox of Riverof Green Creek; four daughters, ter, Patsy Gibbs Toney (Dean) dale, Ga.; three brothers, John IrJuanita Odel of Sunny View, of Rutherfordton, N.C.; son, vin Waymon of Antelope, Calif., Marilyn Horne and Regina Pate, Harold Gibbs of Rutherfordton, Carrol Waymon of San Diego, both of Green Creek. and Laura N.C.; one sister, Alvah Gibbs Calif., and Samuel Waymon of Saenger of Hickory, N.C.; four of Columbus; and a brother , Nyack, N.Y.; a host of grandchilsisters, Geneva Harrell of Bak- Herbert Gibbs of Mill Spring. dren, great-grandchildren, other ersville, N.C., Imogene Burns Also surviving are five grandchil- relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by of Inman, S.C., Janice Fagan of dren, Randy Toney (Kimberly), Green Creek and Linda Horne Marc Toney (LeeAnn), Lora both parents, Mary Kate and John of McAdenville, N.C.; 10 grand- Brock (Jeff), Jeffrey Gibbs (Col- D. Waymon; son, Van Waymon; children, Kim Odel, Kelly Brad- leen) and Elizabeth Gibbs and sisters, Lucile Waddell and Nina ley, Lee Bradley, Brandon Horne, six great-grandchildren, Mason Simone (Eunice) and brother, Ashley Horne, Rebecca Horne, Toney, Kevin Gibbs, Anthony Harold Waymon Sr. Joseph Pate, Jacob Pate, Miles Brock, Bryan Gibbs, Nick Gibbs Saenger and Will Saenger; and and Zane Gibbs. five great-grandchildren. Funeral services were held Must 7/19/11 The family will receive Sunday, July 16, in the McFarfriends from 11:30 a.m.-1:30 land Funeral Chapel, Tryon. p.m. Friday, July 15 at Mill Creek Burial was in Polk MemoChurch of the Brethren Fellow- rial Gardens, Columbus, with ship Hall. Funeral services will military rites by the Polk County follow at Farm 2 p.m.is involved in the church GreenGait in breeding, trainingBurial and showing Memorial Squad.of Paso Finos and is also featured in FENCE’s sanctuary, by(photo Rev. submitted) Holiday Barnconducted Tour Nov. 26. Memorials may be made to Steven Abe. Burial will be in the Hospice of Rutherford County, church cemetery. P. O. Box 336, Forest City, N.C. Memorials may be made in 28043 or Hospice of the Carolina memory of Brandon Horne to Foothills, 130 Forest Glen Dr, is one of Hansen; Jumper, led by Lincoln theGreenGait Leukemia Farm and Lymphoma Columbus, N.C. 28722. four farms andPark barnsRd, included Russell; Drill Team, led by local Society, 4530 #240, Want to go? The family will be at the home riders; Mounted Patrol by Polk on this year’s Charlotte, N.C.FENCE 28209. Holiday of What: FENCE Patsy Holiday his daughter, Gibbs County officers; and Driven Barn Tour. Condolences may be left at Toney, Barn Tour 400 Radar Rd., RutherThe original barn, built in Mini Ponies by Connie Brown. www.pettyfuneralhome.com. fordton, N.C. When: Nov. 26 1992, consisted of the current Foothills Barbecue will also be Petty Funeral Home& CremaAn online guest register may on hand to sell lunches. center of the barn with three W here: Barns throughout tory, Landrum. www.mcfarlandfustalls and a tack feed room and be signed atPolk The annual Tour of Barns County neralchapel.com. indoor wash rack. Some years will run from 1 – 4 p.m. and will McFarland Funeral Chapel, include Green Gait Farm, as well later, the 1,400-square-foot Tryon. apartment and hayloft were Seay Progressive Horsemanship as McNutt Barn, Freehold Farm added as a second story and clinic last month. and Bright’s Creek Equestrian The farm encompasses ap- Center. Dinner will be available two wings with an additional Must 7/18/11 five stalls and outdoor was rack. proximately 32 acres and is for purchase at Bright’s Creek A utility7/14/11 barn with 9th outdoor located along the Pacolet River Golf Club. Must stall was also added and most at the end of a very private little This event is presented by recently, a composting facility. road, Dark Horse Lane. The Carolina Storage Solutions, of - page GreenGait Farm is involved FETA Trail passes alongside LakesHillsAndHorses.com and Obits 66 in the breeding, training and the farm and the Kerns said they Jonathan Rowe Grading. showing of Paso Finos. Owners enjoy seeing other riders pass by. Advanced tickets are availThe annual FENCE Holiday able at Little Mountain Farm Bill and Judith Kerns currently have 15 Paso Finos, including Barn Tour will be held Saturday, Supply, The Farm House and one weanling and one stallion. Nov. 26 with exhibitions from the Hay Rack. Tickets will also With the recent addition of 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. at FENCE’s be available at each barn the day a covered round pen and the covered arena. These exhibitions of event. For more information, existing arena, they have also will include Driven Horses, led visit www.fence.org or call 828begun hosting horsemanship by Kathy Parker Brown and Liz 859-9021. clinics beginning with a Dave Mossina; Dressage, led by Holly - article submitted

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

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GreenGait Farm one of several stops on Barn Tour

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