03-23-12 Daily Bulletin

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Hyder pleads guilty in federal court to fraud charges, page 9

Tryon Daily Bulletin

The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Vol. 85 / No. 38

Tryon, N.C. 28782

Friday, March 23, 2012

Only 50 cents

PCHS grads collaborate on biology e-book at Wake Forest by Samantha Hurst

Wake Forest sophomores and twin sisters Jessica and Tiffany Blackburn of Columbus provide unique support for a Ph.D-level project aimed at creating an interactive biology e-textbook for students. “I really like the idea of changing the way that biology textbooks are written,� Jessica Blackburn said. “They are so difficult to understand and in my opinion contain so much unneeded information. I wanted to make it so that biology textbooks actually helped you.� Jessica had heard about the project from her first semester biology teacher during her freshman year. After assisting professors the next summer in editing and even writing many (Continued on page 6)

Tiffany and Jessica Blackburn of Columbus display their work with a new project called BioBook being conducted by professors and researchers at Wake Forest University. The twin sisters are now both sophomores at Wake Forest University and are hoping the new ebooks will help students grasp a better understanding of the biology. (photo by Ken Bennett, Wake Forest University)

Tryon Fine Arts Center will hold a Kindermusik Demo Day at 10 a.m. on Saturday, March 24. People with children ages 2-6 are welcome to try out the music program with teacher Bryant Belin. There is no charge for your first class. For more information, call Tryon Fine Arts Center at 828-859-8322.

BBQ officials ask Tryon for break on Harmon Field use fees by Leah Justice

Blue Ridge BBQ and Music Festival officials said they are trying to cut every cost to ensure the festival continues and have asked Tryon to allow the festival to pay Harmon Field use fees partly through a tiered payment system based on attendance.

The contract between Tryon and the Foothills Chamber of Commerce, which organizes the BBQ festival, ended last November, and the new contract is being negotiated. The festival currently pays the town a use fee for 50 cents (Continued on page 4)

Serving Polk County and Upper Spartanburg and Greenville Counties

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COMMUNITY COMMUNITY cALENDAR cALENDAR Here’s a list of upcoming meetings and events for area nonprofit community and governmental organizations: Saluda Center Friday events: chair exercise, 9:30 a.m.; Trash Train, 10 a.m. The Meeting Place Senior Center Friday activities include movie matinee at 10 a.m. and bingo at 12:30 p.m. 828-894-0001. Seniors on Sobriety (SOS) AA Meeting, Fridays at noon, Polk County Chamber of Commerce Building, 2753 Lynn Rd. (Hwy. 108), Tryon. 828-8940293. Tryon Toy Makers Museum, open Friday 2 - 6 p.m., 43 E. Howard St., Tryon. 828-2906600. P C H S O u t d o o r Tr a c k WHKP Relays at 4 p.m. American Legion Post 250, weekly bingo games, Fridays, 7 p.m., 43 Depot St., Tryon. Doors open 5:30 p.m. Smoke-free. Narcotics Anon., Saluda Senior Center, Friday, 8 p.m.


Harmon Field Heritage Days, Saturday, March 24 and Sunday, March 25, 9 a.m. - 9

How To Reach Us

Main number, classifieds and subscriptions: 828-859-9151 FAX: 828-859-5575 e-mail: news@tryondailybulletin.com Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Betty Ramsey, Publisher

THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN (USPS 643-360) is published daily except Saturdays and Sundays for $60 per year by Tryon Newsmedia LLC, 16 N. Trade St., Tryon, NC 287826656. Periodicals postage paid at Tryon, North Carolina 28782. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tryon Newsmedia LLC., 16 N Trade St., Tryon, NC 28782-6656. www.tryondailybulletin.com

p.m., Harmon Field, Tryon. Civil War encampment reenactment open for observation, Supper with the Soldiers at 6 p.m. on Saturday in the Harmon Field log cabin, battles each day at 2 p.m. For more information, contact Lorna Dever at 828-817-1544. Grassroots Art Project holds art classes to benefit Lennie’s Fund and the Humane Society, Saturdays from 9:30 a.m. – noon. There is no fee for the class and all materials will be provided. Classes are held at the Holy Cross Episcopal Church on Melrose Ave. in Tryon. Call 828-8990673 for more information. House of Flags Museum, open Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 33 Gibson Street, Columbus. Pacolet Area Conservanc y and Walnut Creek Preserve will host botanist David Campbell on Saturday, March 24 at 10 a.m. at the Anne Elizabeth Suratt Nature Center at Walnut Creek Preserve. Campbell will speak on “The Flora and Landscapes of the Southern Mountain Region.” Time and weather permitting, an interpretive woodland walk around the grounds of the preserve will be held after the presentation. Children and adults welcome. Polk County Historical Association Museum, open Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., 60 Walker St., Columbus, lower level. Free. Tryon Toy Makers Museum, open Saturday 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. 43 E. Howard St., Tryon. 828-290-6600. Fashion show and luncheon benefit, Saturday, March 24, 11 a.m., Spiegel Farm, Campobello. Pam Stone will emcee. Sponsored by PJ’s Fashions. Proceeds benefit O.P. Earle Elementary’s Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) program. Tickets/ information: 864-457-3416 or 864-457-3360. Tryon Gallery Trot, Saturday, March 24, 5 - 8 p.m. Participating businesses are Richard Baker’s Studio, The Book Shelf, Bravo Outdoor Marketplace, Green River Gallery, Kathleen’s, The Pine Crest Inn, Skyuka Fine Art, Tryon Painters & Sculptors and Upstairs Artspace. Sponsored

Friday, March 23, 2012

Local Weather Forecast:



Moon Phase

Today: Partly cloudy, with 60 percent chance of thunderstorms. High 79, low 60.

T-storms T-storms Saturday: Par tly cloudy, with 60 percent chance of isolated thunderstorms. High 76, low 51. Sunday: Cloudy, with 30 percent chance of rain. High 72, low 52. Monday: Sunny, with no chance of rain. High 79, low 48. Wednesday’s weather was: High 78, low 59, no rain.

Obituaries Dorothy Ann McGill, p. 18

by the Tryon Downtown Development Association.


Trash to fashion workshop, Sunday, March 25 from 2-4 p.m. at Thompson’s Landscape on Palmer St. in Tryon. Thompson’s professionals will help interested people make outfits from trash. Participants can then use the outfits to compete in the annual April Fool’s Festival Trashion Show. Participants should bring reusable items, such as newspaper, magazines, food containers, soft toys, scrap materials, duct tape and glue. For more information, call Erin Thompson at 828-859-3185. Slow Food Foothills (a.k.a. Slow Polk) will meet Sunday, March 25 at 4:30 p.m. at La Bouteille at 10A N. Trade St. in Tryon. Activities, programs and committee projects the group hopes to develop will be discussed. Bring a potluck dish and your own plate and silverware to cut down on waste. Open to all.


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Mondays, Harmon Field/Tryon, 7 a.m. - noon. Saluda Center, Tuesdays, chair exercise, 9:30 a.m.; bridge,

10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m., with bridge discussion session at 12:45. 828-749-9245. For more activities, email saludacenter@ hotmail.com or visit www.saluda. com. The Meeting Place Senior Center Monday activities include line dancing, 10 a.m., senior fitness, 11 a.m., bingo or bead class, 12:30 p.m. 828-8940001. Democratic Women’s Club will hold its monthly meeting Monday, March 26 at 11 a.m. at the Democratic headquarters in Columbus. A light lunch will be served. Everyone welcome. 828-894-3219. Christian Fellowship Luncheon, TJ’s Cafe, Tryon, Mondays except holidays, noon - 1 p.m.; food, fellowship and discussion of relevant issues; interdenominational.828-859-5051. Chess Club, Mondays, 12:30 p.m., recreation room, LaurelHurst Apartments, Columbus. Open to anyone in community. 894-3336. Saluda Center Monday activities include line dancing at 12:30 p.m. For more information visit www.Saluda.com. (Continued on page 39)

A3 Friday, March 23, 2012 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Wood-turning workshop at TACS March 31 - April 1 Tryon Arts and Crafts School (TACS) will host a wood-turning weekend workshop with instructor Chris Carroll on Saturday, March 31 and Sunday, April 1 at the craft school located on Harmon Field Road. Students

will learn how to use a lathe and other tools to create a one-of-akind wood bowl. The workshop will run from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Saturday and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday. Students should bring a lunch. Materials will be supplied

Bowl created by Chris Carroll. (photo submitted by Julia McIntyre)

by the instructor. Chris Carroll started his business, Carroll Woodcrafts Unlimited, in 2010, at the Mill Springs Business Incubator at the Polk County Ag Center. He quickly outgrew the space at the incubator and has moved into a studio on his own property Bowl created by Chris Carroll. (photo submitted in Tryon. Carroll spe- by Julia McIntyre) cializes in custom furniture, designing elaborate workshops is required. For more birdhouses and turned wood information about the instructor bowls. He is devoted to using or workshop, including tuition local materials, so he has estab- and supply costs, contact TACS lished contacts with local tree at 828-859-8323 or tryonarthaulers and tradesmen, trad- sandcrafts@windstream.net. ing his time and skills for raw More details and examples of materials and labor. For more projects are available at www. information, visit www.carrol- TryonArtsandCrafts.org. – article submitted lunlimited.com. by Julia McIntyre Advance registration for all

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Friday, March 23, 2012

she said. “Bowing to the pressure, the (continued from page 1) chamber board reinstituted the per attendee and also reimburses event based on the promised the town for employee time and public support as well as that utility use. The chamber is ask- of the Town of Tryon,” Weicker ing that the lease payment from said. “To date, nothing in the leasadmissions change to 25 cents ing contract with Harmon Field per attendee for the first 6,000 has changed to help support the spectators, 50 cents per attendee festival. We are calling upon your for 6,001 to 12,000 spectators help now.” The BBQ festival, which and to 75 cents per attendee for will be held this year on June 8 spectators 12,001 and up. and 9, has seen a decrease in atTryon Town Council met tendance over Tuesday, March the last few 20 and disyears. Weicker “Bowing to the pressure cussed adding said in 2007 the new form of (not to cancel the 14,754 people payment to the festival), the chamber attended, and new contract. in 2011 there F o o t h i l l s board reinstituted the were 8,644 atC h a m b e r o f event based on the tendees. Commerce promised public support Tryon counChair Laura cilman George Weicker said as well as that of the Baker said he the BBQ festi- Town of Tryon. To date, is a supporter val is in its 18th of the festival, nothing in the leasing year and brings having volunthousands of contract with Harmon teered for 16 people annuField has changed to help years and, with ally to the area, his wife, pledgwhich promotes support the festival. We ing $2,000 the Town of are calling upon your when the fesTryon and puts help now.” tival was in tourism money -Laura Weicker jeopardy. Howin the pockets ever, he said he of hotels, inns, thinks the chamber is being retail stores and grocery stores. “Since 1999, from the pro- disingenuous when talking about ceeds of the BBQ festival, the revenues. He said he doesn’t Chamber Foundation has award- think grocery stores benefit from ed more than $150,000 to worthy the festival. “For the town not to recoup its area organizations,” Weicker said. “(Grants of) $31,300 of that expenses is to me not something total amount have gone to the I’m willing to consider,” Baker Town of Tryon for Harmon Field, said. He also said the town doesn’t the fire department and the town get to see the financials of the itself. In addition, over the last five years, the BBQ festival has festival until they are long gone paid the Town of Tryon $62,000 and he is not sure the chamber’s for leasing and associated ex- proposal is the way to get more attendance. penses.” Interim Tryon Town Manager Weicker also said when the chamber board decided in 2010 Joey Davis said if the proposed to cancel the festival, “the public tiered system had been used last year, it would have meant $1,500 outcry was immense.” The chamber received com- less for the town. Baker said if they are talking ments from tourism-related busiabout $1,500, he’d be in favor nesses, area government officials and concerned citizens saying the if the chamber put $750 of that loss of the festival was a detriment to the entire community, (Continued on page 6)

• BBQ officials

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• BBQ officials

SINCE 1995

(continued from page 4)

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toward more advertising to get more attendance. Chamber officials said they are not asking not to pay bills, such as employee reimbursements or utilities, only to base the Harmon Field rental on attendance. The chamber has paid Tryon $62,497.37 over the past five years in reimbursements and payments to Harmon Field from the fees of 50 cents per attendee. Over the last five years, the chamber has reimbursed the Tryon Police Department a total of $22,122.64, Harmon Field staff $2,728.14, water service $789.57, power bills $6,713.02, Harmon Field (attendance) $28,544 and the Tryon Fire Department $1,600, according to data provided by the chamber. Grants to the town from the Chamber Foundation, which come from BBQ proceeds, have included a total of $31,300, including a $20,000 grant to the town in 2006, a $4,000 grant to Harmon Field in 2008, a $2,500 Fax to:

Friday, March 23, 2012

grant to the Tryon Fire Department in 2009, a $2,800 grant to Tryon in 2009 and a $2,000 grant to the fire department in 2010, according to chamber data. “We’ve already cut $10,000 from the BBQ budget,” Weicker said. “Every bit helps the festival continue on. We’re asking this to ensure the festival continues.” Foothills Chamber Executive Director Janet Sciacca also said the festival is an important fundraiser for the chamber as it has allowed the chamber to keep its dues at a lower level than surrounding chambers, making it more affordable to area businesses. The chamber, Tryon officials and Harmon Field officials must agree on the new contract, which is being proposed as a three-year contract that would be in effect until 2015. Council asked the chamber to get a recommendation from the Harmon Field Board of Supervisors on the tiered system and to give council time to review the numbers. Council agreed for the chamber to revisit the proposal during council’s April 17 meeting.

this is Your ProoF ad So with things like and people. • PCHS Fromgrads tryon daily Bulletin as Irequested biology was able to take that (continued from page 1)

one step further by drawing the Please Review Immediately! examples, which helped me unof the BioBook’s chapters or Please proof for typos only. text changes or ad redesign derstand them. For me, it always leafs, Jessica brought on sister may incur a minimal graphic arts charge. Tiffany – a biology major and art helped me remember what I was minortryon – to provide illustrations learning better, as well.” the daily Bulletin When she needs to better for the varied subject matter. Phone: 828-859-9151 or Fax:understand 828-859-5575 the analytical side “It was a really cool project and I realized there were a lot of of things, she turns to her sister Faxed By: ________________________________ opportunities to use pictures to and collaborator for assistance. explain the concepts, plus I’m They both agree it’s been a great a big advocate of Tiffany being partnership. The Polk County High School able to use her art skills and her graduates have shared a love of biology interests,” Jessica said. The two work to make biology biology, and science in general, subject matter, from genetics to since middle school. Middle school teachers Mr. fungi, easily understandable for Brumley and Mrs. Newton, now the average student. Tiffany said she understands retired, inspired the Blackburn the vital need for visual learners, twins’ scientific passion. That like herself, to see an example inquisitiveness was further fosof the concept they are studying. tered, they both said, by Mrs. “The illustrations help you Allsbrook at the high school. “They made science really visualize how the concept relates to reality,” Tiffany said. “With (Continued on page 8) drawing I always draw animals

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Friday, March 23, 2012

Polk district court results

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In Polk County District Court of speeding 74 mph in a 65 mph held Wednesday, March 14 with zone. Gill was fined $30 and Judge Mack Brittain presiding, court costs. James Clemen Harrelson was 131 cases were heard. Some cases were continued, dismissed convicted of driving while license revoked, failure to appear or sent to superior court. The following persons were on misdemeanor and operating a convicted of a crime (names are vehicle with no insurance. Hargiven as they appear in court relson was sentenced to one day in jail with credit. records): Laura ElizaWa y m a n beth Hart was Dale Allison Court Results convicted of was convicted speeding 90 of interfering with a utility meter. Allison was mph in a 65 mph zone. Hart was sentenced to 30 days in jail with sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $90 fine and credit for time served. Austin Tylar Ball was con- court costs. Tommye Jean Johnson was victed of consumption of alcohol by under 19 year old. Ball was convicted of misdemeanor breaksentenced to one year unsuper- ing or entering. Johnson was vised probation, a $25 fine and sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $100 fine and court costs. Keith Preston Bradley was court costs. Sheldon Renarde Larry was convicted of level 5 driving while impaired. Bradley was sentenced convicted of speeding 79 mph in to one year unsupervised proba- a 65 mph zone. Larry was fined tion, 24 hours in jail, a $100 fine $40 and court costs. Evelio Macedo Jr. was conand court costs. Andrew Thomas Corryn was victed of failure to comply with convicted of driving while li- community service. Macedo was cense revoked. Corryn was sen- sentenced to 48 hours in jail with tenced to five days in jail. (Continued on page 9) Robert J. Gill was convicted

• PCHS grads (continued from page 6)

fascinating and interesting, so we’ve been science buffs ever since,” Tiffany said. Jessica agreed that living and going to school in Polk County only enhanced her curiosity of the subject. “Science contains so much information about living organisms,” Jessica said. “Studying anatomy, you learn how your body works. Studying ecology, especially when we lived in Polk County, you could look all around and see these things happening right around you that you were learning about in the classroom.” Jessica started her education at Wake Forest already passionate

about helping her peers better understand biology, especially as she watched them struggle. She said the project has further encouraged her to consider teaching as an option later. It’s also made her consider pursuing additional degrees in the field because, as she said, she’s “never going to know enough to be satisfied.” Tiffany, meanwhile, has realized there might be a real way to merge her two passions – biology and art. “I really enjoy it and it would be my best-case scenario if I could find a job that could merge both biology and art,” she said. Tiffany added that she’s learned a lot about many companies that illustrate for textbooks so it has given her a whole new career possibility.

A9 Friday, March 23, 2012 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Hyder pleads guilty in federal court to fraud charges involving victims in Polk County and Florida Sentenced to 7 years in prison and $789,649 restitution by Leah Justice

An Orlando, Fla. man was sentenced last week in federal court after pleading guilty to a wire fraud charge that involved the 2010 fraud of an 82-year-old

• Court results (continued from page 8)

credit. Steven Neal was convicted of assault on a female, assault by strangulation, misdemeanor assault inflicting serious injury and misdemeanor child abuse. Neal was sentenced to 150 days at the N.C. Department of Cor-

ing to Polk County Sheriff’s Office records. The case was turned over to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). In October 2010, a federal criminal indictment charged Hyder with one count of wire fraud. Hyder pled guilty to the charge in February 2011. According to filed court documents, the plea agreement and court proceedings,

Hyder engaged in a fraudulent investment scheme from about June 2007 through about July 2010 that defrauded elderly individuals residing in Polk County and in Orlando, Fla. of their savings. Hyder established and maintained Sterling and Stratford LLC (“Sterling”), a limited li-

a stopped bus. rections (DOC) Court Results Sorenson was for assault on a sentenced to female, six to 15 months at the DOC with 81 one year unsupervised probation, days credit for assault by stran- a $50 fine and court costs. Jeffrey Michael Tomko was gulation and 150 days at the DOC for assault inflicting serious convicted of unauthorized use bodily injury and misdemeanor of a motor vehicle. Tomko was sentenced to 90 days in jail with child abuse. Kyle Douglas Sorenson was credit for time served. Jordan Lee Walker was conconvicted of failure to stop for

victed of operating a vehicle with no operator’s license. Walker was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $50 fine and court costs. Garrett Cain Williams was convicted of contributing to the delinquency of a juvenile. Williams was sentenced to one year unsupervised probation, a $75 fine and court costs.

Polk County woman, as well as victims in Florida. Terry Scott Hyder, 51, was sentenced by Judge Martin Reidinger to serve seven years in a federal prison and pay $789,649 in restitution, as well as three years of supervised release. The Polk County case involved $120,000 obtained fraudulently from the victim, accord-

(Continued on page 10)

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10 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012

Polk Red Cross holds blood drives March 26, April 5 March is American Red Cross (ARC) Month, and to pay tribute to ARC month, the Polk County ARC invites you to donate blood at one of two upcoming blood drives. “Today’s economic conditions make it difficult to include charitable giving in our individual budgets, but a donation of blood offers every individual the chance to give the most precious gift there is – a gift that costs the donor no money, just an hour of time,” Red Cross officials said. The two upcoming blood donation opportunities in Polk County are:

Monday, March 26 12:30 – 5 p.m. Holy Cross Episcopal Church 150 Melrose Ave. Tryon

• Hyder pleads

people through the Forest City Department of Motor Vehicles, which was subsequently shut down during that investigation. Terry Hyder was said to have used the money he collected as investments to pay for personal expenses, and made no legitimate efforts to invest any of the money on behalf of the individual victims. Hyder collected a total of $789,000 from his victims, according to reports. Terry Hyder has been in local federal custody since his August 2010 arrest. He will be transferred into custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, where he will serve his sentence without the possibility of parole. The case was prosecuted by Assistant United States Attorney Corey Ellis of the United States Attorney’s Office in Asheville, with the announcement made this week by Anne M Tompkins, United States attorney for the Western District of North Carolina and Chris Briese, special agent in charge of the FBI, Charlotte division.

(continued from page 9)

ability corporation organized in the state of Florida to carry out the scheme. According to court documents, Hyder convinced his victims to invest with Sterling by making fraudulent representations to his victims that Sterling was a legitimate business engaged in multiple investment vehicles that yielded high rates of return on short-term investments. A total of nine victims were involved in Hyder’s investment scam. Court documents indicate that Hyder, who met many of his victims in connection with Alzheimer’s support groups and other church-sponsored functions, told his victims to invest through “real estate trusts,” which he purportedly set up in the victims’ names. The Polk County victim was thought to have met Hyder through his mother, Sue Carswell Hyder, of Bostic, who was also arrested in 2010 on charges of creating fake handicapped placards and issuing them to non-disabled

Thursday, April 5 2 - 6:30 p.m. American Red Cross Chapter 231 Ward St. Columbus To make an appointment to give blood, call 1-800-7332767, visit www.redcrossblood. org or call the Polk County office at 828-894-2700. – article submitted by Janet Peterson and Jerry Perry, co-chairs, Polk County ARC

A11 Friday, March 23, 2012 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



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12 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012

Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors! ANNOUNCEMENTS GARAGE SALES If you are in need of pastoral relief, and believe in the trinity and the word of God, call me - the relief pastor. There is no charge, but a love offering is accepted. Rev. Suber at 828-859-6192 The Foothills Humane Society will hold its Annual Meeting on Tuesday, April 10, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. in the Polk County Library Community Room.

OF INTEREST 2 BR, 1 BA HOUSE FOR RENT IN TRYON’S OLD HUNTING COUNTRY. Who ever called about the place, please call back. Phone malfunction. 305-494-5344

LOST & FOUND Lost Sat. 3/17/12 - Small Maine Coon cat, brown and black, named Rosie, near the corner of Melrose and Laurel in Tryon. Has shaved front legs, and is missing a few teeth. Heartbroken owner offers $500 reward. 864-337-1045

GARAGE SALES 2 Family Moving SaleFri- 3/23 & Sat 3/24 8 am til 1pm. - patio furniture, Mission-style futon, Hoosier cabinet, large folding round table and other furniture, kitchen, sport, music items, tools, cloth, frames and art, many items from Europe. 1001 Golden Rd. (off Peniel near Columbus)

HUGE Yard Sale/ Hot Dog & Hamburger Sale @ JC & Mildred Twitty home. 5512 Pea Ridge Rd in Polk County. Fri. & Sat. (March 23 & 24). 8am 2pm. Anything you're looking for! Nice clothes (dress & casual), household items, appliances, & much more. Proceeds go towards St. Paul Tabernacle Church



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L & R ROOFING/SIDING FREE ESTIMATES. Garage Sale, Columbus, NC 3300 Hwy 108 E, Shingles & Metal Roofs All types of Siding Thurs, Fri, Sat 9-4. 1992 828-817-1278 Mercedes 500 SL, Blk 2 828-817-3674 top, Golf Clubs, Tool Leo Price/Robert Ives Boxes, Tools, Wheels & Tires, Lawn Eq., Hand Trucks, Air Compressor, OME Leer Truck Cover Fishing gear, Antique Guns, MPROVEMENT Antiques, Jewelry, Misc. Increase The Value of Household Your Home! Brick, Block 727-698-8556 & Rock Underpinning. Veneers, Fireplaces & FounHuge basement sale Fri- dation. Pictures & local day & Sat - 8-2. 2296 references. 828-817-4726 Country Club Rd. in Tryon



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CABINS NC MOUNTAINS. New 1328sf Log Cabin on 3+ acres. $139,500. 3/4 loft, open floor plan, fireplace, lg deck and porch, pvt. wooded setting w/stream. Call Today 828-286-1666


DB Let T d Ads sie you! s a l C for work

HOUSES FOR RENT Peniel Rd. Brick 4 B.R./ 3BA. 3000 sf Ranch. Berber carpet, 2 car garage. $1350.00, 828-894-2029.

FOR RENT LANDRUM: 1BR, beautiful, quiet neighborhood. No pets. $300/month plus deposit. Includes water and trash Tryon - Lynn 3-4 Bdrm, pickup. Call 571-438-5295 2 bth, sunroom off master, or 864-680-6158. woodstove, w/d, nice yard to play in. $950/mo. Thou- For Rent Near Lake sand Pines 828-859-5858 Lure , Very private, 1100 sq ft heated, 360 sq ft covUnique 2bd, 1.5ba Ranch ered porch, Efficiency style home. Includes 1 Apartment, Private enhorse stall & large pasture trance, Utility and Direct access to FETA Trails. TV included. No indoor $800/month. C a l l smoking, no drugs & no 828-863-2979 o r drunks. Fully furnished 817-0896 $900.00, Empty $800.00 Call 864-978-7983.

2700 sq. ft. home on 1.40 AC. Located in Sunny View. 6 bdrm, 3 full baths, fireplace, front porch & back deck full length of house, paved parking. Creek & great mtn. views. Just remodeled inside & OBILE OME out. Some appliances. ENTALS $179,900 Call 864-978-7983 and leave 1ba/2bd. Central heat/air. call back information. Some utilities furnished. Call 863-4453.



Big, beautiful 3BR, 3.5BA home w/ 2 Car garage in Morgan Chapel Village, Columbus. $1000/ mo + security & references. Also option to buy. Call: (828)859-6018. Brick, 3bd/2ba, sun & bonus room, 2 car garage, basement, in Sunny View. Security System. No pets. $1000/month. Call 828-243-2617



FOR RENT IN GREEN CREEK: 2 BR, 2 BA, nice mobile home on 1/2 acre lot. Garbage, grass mowing & water included. $550/m. No pets. Call 828-899-4905

FOR RENT: PREMIUM one bedroom apartment: fully furnished, all utilities included. Located in Harmon Field area of Tryon. Enjoy the spectacular views and serene setting. $750/mo. Inquire at 828-817-9748. Tryon Pacolet Valley.

2 bdrm, 1 bth, good unit, nice kitchen, $450/mo. Thousand Pines 1 Bd Duplex $360 Per 828-859-5858 Month, $360 deposit, ApTryon Apartment pliances furnished. No 175 Broadway. 1bd/1ba, pets! Call 828-625-9711 appliances, wood floors, 2 - 1 Bdrm Apartments heat pump, screened Appliances included. porch or fireplace. $495. 1 for $300/month and 864-895-9177 or 1 for $400/month. 864-313-7848 Call 864-590-0336


FOR LEASE LANDRUM: 3BR/2BA, corner lot in quiet neighborhood near schools, park & downtown. Central heat/air, carport, deck, all appliances. Downtown Tryon, Large $850/mo plus deposit. + charming, 1 B.R./1 BA 828-894-8492 on Chestnut St. Wood floors, walk-in closets. FOR RENT 2BR/2BA $450.00, 828-894-2029. Gillette Woods home, $750 per month with lease FOR RENT 2BR/2BA, & security. Call Allan at Balcony overlooking Tryon Pruette & Associates, village, $850 per month 828-859-9715 or 828-817- with lease & security. 1868 Call Allan at Pruette & Associates, 828-859-9715 Highest view in Tryon w/ or 828-817-1868 quick access. Spacious 2bd/2ba cottage on private Need to find the estate. Spectacular views from all sides. Currently right employee? under renovation. Available April 2012. $1200 per month. Call 843-514-5900 Mini Farm 3bd, 1ba Ranch style home. New center aisle, 4 stall barn with big pasture on trail system. $1200 per month. Also a furnished 1 bd apt. for $450/month. Bring your horse. Call 828-8632979.



Reach the county market for less using the classifieds. Need a quick quote? Call 828.859.9151.


Beautiful professional office space for rent in Tryon / Columbus area. (Behind Chamber of Commerce.) 450 square feet/ 3 offices. Call Mike at: 828-817-3314 Office. 4 Rooms & Waiting Area. 2 Restrooms. 108 Ridge Rd., Landrum SC (near NC-SC State line.) $800 per month. Call 864-270-8704

VACATION RENTALS LAKE LANIER, TRYON: Vacation lake front furnished rentals. Time available for daily/weekly/ monthly. Call Paul Pullen, Town and Country Realtors. 828-817-4642.

B1 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors! LAWN & GARDEN For Sale: Aged cow manure, clay free bottom land top soil, rotted sawdust, pine and hardwood bark mulch, sand, gravel, fill dirt. Delivered in dump truck or pickup size loads, or pick up yourself. Also will haul off brush, trash, etc. 863-4453




2003 Toyota Avalon XLS . Burgundy with gray leather. One owner, always garaged. Premium Luxury pkg. w/ heated seats JBL Premium sound. 16" alloy wheels; 160,000 mostly highway miles. All accessories work. Service record avail, $7300. 828-606-5906

For Sale - 1997 Camaro. White, Automatic, V6, Good condition. $3500. Looking for a used, inex- Call 828-329-4121 pensive vehicle. Call 864-457-6830. Want to buy junk vehicles! No title, no problem. Must have ID. Will pick up anywhere, 24/7. Never any towing fee. Price is $325 cash to max. $3325 cash, on the spot. Call (828)748-6739 or (864) 356-6076.


2 6x6 General Truck/ Tractor. 5 ton. Cummings Diesel. Allison Automatic. 1 with 115 original miles, & 1 with 13,000 original miles. Best offer. (828) 894 - 5544



1, 2009 (the county's last appraisal year.) Examples of relevant evidence include:

Requests for hearing must be received no later than final adjournment which is scheduled for Friday April 20, 2012 at 1:00 PM.

o For example, if your tax value was set by the county at $200,000 a couple of years ago, but today’s market value is only $70,000 because of a recent decrease in real estate values, the county is not permitted to lower the tax value. For the same reason, your tax value cannot be raised if today’s market value is $130,000 because of an increase in real estate values.





1990 Mercedes 560 SEL. Excellent condition 172k. Must see. Best offer. Call: (864)457- 4933. 1995 Mercedes 320 Wagon Excellent Condition 141K Miles, $5500 Call 205-859-5352

WANTED TO BUY WE BUY FIREARMS! We buy hand guns and rifles, new and old, short and long. Call 828-395-1396 or 828-393-0067


1972 Corvette Stingray Review will meet as reStreet ROD 350/ 408HP. quired by law. Very Clean. Minor mechanic work needed. Best PURPOSE OF offer. (828) 894-8523 MEETINGS To hear, upon request, 2001 Ford Econoline Van. TV, VCR & DVD. any and all taxpayers who 50,000 miles. $8000.00. own or control taxable property assessed for Call 859-2202 taxation in Polk County, with respect to valuation of ISCELLANEOUS such property, or the property of others, and to fulfill other duties and responsiHeavy duty home chipbilities as required by law. per, $100.00 or best offer, heart rate control vital fitTIME OF MEETINGS ness machine $60.00, GE chest freezer almost new The Board will convene for $115. All steal. 27” color its first meeting on Tuestv works perfectly. Call day April 4, 2012. The Board will adjourn for the 894-8791 purpose of accepting rePOND STOCKING - FISH quests for hearings at its DAY at Green Creek Farm last meeting on Friday, Supply, 2291 Chesnee April 20, 2012. Meetings Rd., 828-863-4343. Chanwill begin at 9:30 AM in nel Catfish, Sterile Grass the R. Jay Foster Hall of Carp, Hybrid Bluegill, Bluegill Shellcracker. Fri- Justice upstairs in the day March 16, Monday Womack Building located 19th, Wed 21st, Thurs at 40 Courthouse St, Columbus, NC 22nd & Fri 23rd 9 am.

6x6 General Dump Truck . 5 ton. Cummings Diesel. 5spd with 2spd transfer. 13,000 original miles. Best offer. (828) WE PAY CASH 894 - 5544 Tanning Bed. Sun Quest For junk & cheap running 24 RS. Paid new cars. Most cars $200 to $2599.00, sale price OTORCYCLES $750. Towed from your $1150.00. Like new, used S location. No fee for towing. very little (828) 894-5276 FAST SERVICE. Polaris ATF - new tires, (828) 289 - 4938. winch. 250cc ATV, 2 new EGALS back tires. Call (828) 817-6238 or ARS (828)863-4551 LEGAL NOTICE WANT TO BUY: Junk cars, trucks and vans. Call anytime for pick up. (828)223-0277



In the event of an earlier or a later adjournment, notice to that effect will be published in this newspaper.


DB Let T d Ads sie you! s a l C for k r o w



conducts a new county- lumbus, NC 28722 wide reappraisal, which 50-1P must be done at least every eight years. Tryon Daily B ulletin March 2, 9, 16, and 23, o sale prices of properties Tryon Daily Bulletin 2012 comparable to yours, March 23, 30 and April 6, which sold during the year 2012 CREDITOR NOTICE before the county’s last LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF MEETINGS appraisal year;

Selling your home? Advertise here and sell it faster. Call Classifieds at 828.859.9151. o an appraisal with an efo unequal assessed values for properties comparable to yours;

fective date of January 1, 2009 (the county’s last appraisal date;) any appraisal after January 1, 2009 cannot be taken under consideration.

• By statute, property values cannot be changed based on changes in economic conditions which occur after the last appraisal, and which affect the county in general [G.S. §105-287(b)(2)].

OF THE POLK COUNTY • If you are appealing the BOARD OF EQUALIZA- value of your property, you TION AND REVIEW must provide evidence that the county value was o Local real estate market Pursuant to N.C.G. S. substantially higher than conditions only affect tax 105-322, the Polk County market value on January values when the county Board of Equalization and


EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified on the 15th day of February, 2012 as EXECUTOR of the Estate of Eva S. Fowler, deceased, late of Polk County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and/ or corporations having claims against the decedent to exhibit the same to the undersigned Jesse L. Fowler on or before the 2nd day of June, 2012, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons, firms and/ or corporations indebted to the Estate should make immediate payment to the undersigned Jesse L. Fowler, EXECUTOR. This is the 2nd day or March, 2012. Jesse L. Fowler 12905 Rivers Bend Rd. Chester, VA 23836 EXECUTOR ore the Estate of Eva. S. Fowler

IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE SUPERIOR COURT DIVISION Before The Clerk COUNTY OF POLK IN THE MATTER OF JOSEPH CORDA 12 E 38 All persons, firms and corporations having claims againstJoseph Corda, deceased, are hereby notified to exhibit them to Vincent John Corda, Executor, of the estate of the decedent at 70 Ford Ridge Lane, Columbus, NC 28722, on or before the 29th day of May, 2012, or be barred from their recovery. Debtors of the decedent are asked to make immediate Tryon Daily Bulletin payment to the above 03/02, 03/09, 03/16, & 03/23/2012 named Executor. This the 29th day of FebEST/FOWLER ruary, 2012. Vincent John Corda, Executor of the estate of Jo- Sell your home in the classifieds call seph Corda 828.859.9151 70 Ford Ridge Lane, Co-

Saluda Center duplicate bridge results, games played March 10, 19 Results of duplicate bridge played at the Saluda Center on March 10 and 19 were as follows: March 19 First: Lee Ellis and Lesesne Smith

Second: John Tyndall and Tollie Ross Third: Sabra Keinau and Talley Wannamaker Fourth: Pat and Maria McCall

March 10 First: Lee Ellis and Tollie

Ross Second: Veevee Blackshear and Talley Wannamaker Third: Mary Margaret Lejeune and Valerie Thompson

Fourth: Livvy French and

Maria McCall

Games are played each Monday at 1:30 p.m., with a discussion session beginning at 12:45 p.m. A partner is guaranteed. – article submitted by Tollie Ross

B2 page


Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012

news briefs A glance at some of the latest news in the area.

Landrum names Inman mayor pro-tem

The Landrum City Council voted to name Billy Inman as the mayor pro-tem. This position steps in whenever the mayor is unavailable to run meetings. Inman has served for several years in this capacity.

Polk school board submits Head Start renewal application

The Polk County School board approved the submission of its annual Head Start program continuation application. The board hopes to expand its program to 80 slots with the next school year.

Reading Foundations training

Teachers and staff of Polk County schools participated Feb. 24 in the conclusion of Reading Foundations training for this year. Aaron Greene, director of curriculum and Instruction, reported to the Polk County School Board that 120 K-5 teachers and support staff received 3,600 hours of reading instruction training this year.

Polk approves school lottery funds to pay loan

The Polk County Board of Commissioners on Monday, March 19 approved the school system’s use of $96,000 of lottery funding to pay this year’s QZAB loan payment for the Tryon Elementary School addition. Polk County School Superintendent Bill Miller told commissioners the school system continues to save ADM money to replace the high school roof in the future. Between lottery and ADM money, Miller said the school has saved approximately $650,000.

Polk to change auditors this year

The Polk County Board of Commissioners on Monday, March 19 approved a contract with Dixon Hughes to handle this year’s audit. The county used Gould Killian for the past few years and commissioners said it is good practice to change auditors after three or four years. The new contract with Dixon Hughes is for $48,600.

Columbus February fire report

During February, the Columbus Fire Department responded to 95 calls for service: 60 emergency medical calls, six motor vehicle accidents, two woods fires, one downed power line, three law enforcement assists, one smoke investigation, five public service calls, one aircraft standby, one gas leak, six fire alarm activations, one cover station, one no incident located, one dispatched and canceled medical, three dispatched and canceled automatic aid fire alarm activations, one fire alarm automatic aid, one woods fire mutual aid and one sprinkler activation automatic aid. The fire department spent more than 154 hours on calls and 148 hours in training.

Streetscape construction to begin April 23

Tryon’s Streetscape project along McCown Street is scheduled to begin April 23. Interim Tryon Town Manager Joey Davis said the town recently met with the contractor, who expects the construction to take about three weeks to complete.

B3 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Ferrante performs ‘An Evening with Groucho’ Tuesday, April 3 Frank Ferrante brings his award-winning show, “An Evening with Groucho,” to the Veh Stage at TFAC on Tuesday, April 3 at 8 p.m. Ferrante is described by The New York Times as “the greatest living interpreter of Groucho Marx’s material.” “Animal Crackers” and “A Night at the Opera” co-author Morrie Ryskind calls him “the only actor aside from Groucho who delivered my lines as they were intended.” Discovered by Groucho’s son, Arthur, when Ferrante was a drama student at the University of Southern California, Ferrante originated the off-Broadway title role in “Groucho: A Life in Revue,” portraying the comedian from age 15 to 85. For this role, Ferrante won 1987’s New York’s Theatre World Award and was nominated for an Outer Critics Circle Award. He reprised the role in London’s West End and was nominated for the Laurence Olivier Award for

Comedy Performance of the Year. In 2001, Ferrante starred in, directed and produced the national PBS television program “Groucho: A Life in Revue.” When not touring with “An Evening with Groucho,” Ferrante stars as the comic lead in the European cirque “Teatro Zinzanni” in San Francisco and Seattle. Jim Furmston, musical director/piano, Ferrante’s accompanist since 1984, has enjoyed a versatile career as recitalist, accompanist and composer. His performances have garnered international acclaim in both worlds of classical and popular music. Furmston was invited to perform a debut recital at New York’s Lincoln Center and also performed on the inaugural program of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute. In Hollywood, Furmston has accompanied many stars, collaborating over the years with Billy Davis, Marilyn McCoo, Nell Carter,

Frank Ferrante (right) and Jim Furmston. (photo submitted by Marianne Carruth)

Carol Channing, Debbie Reynolds, Joel Grey, Sally Struthers, Jane Seymour, Jeff Goldblum, Brian Stokes Mitchell, Gene Barry, Ann Margaret, David Hasselhoff and John Rubinstein, to name a few. “I expect that our audience will belly laugh during our show,”

Ferrante says. “That’s what it is designed to do… make people laugh hard. And remind them of a classic style of American comedy. Audience members can also expect the magnificent piano playing of (Continued on page 16)

B4 page


Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012

Music on parade

Percussionists and other musicians took their tunes to the street for the parade held during Super Saturday on Saturday, March 17. (photos by Leah Justice)

• Ferrante

(continued from page 15)

Jim Furmston, who also serves as my comedy foil onstage.” Ferrante will also conduct a master class in comedy acting for local students and adults. Ferrante’s performance is presented with funding from Main Stage

Supporting Sponsor TD Bank and Event Sponsor ACTS Retirement -Life Communities. Tickets are available at the TFAC box office Tuesday – Friday from 10-4 and Saturday 10-1. Call 828-859-8322 for more information, or email info@tryonarts.org. – article submitted by Marianne Carruth

B5 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Super Saturday street scenes Entertainers and community members joined in the Super Saturday parade Saturday, March 17. Super Saturday, also known as the Children’s Theater Festival, brought out hundreds of families to enjoy theatrical performances, music, storytelling, chalk drawing, food and more in downtown Tryon. (photos by Leah Justice)



B6 page


Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012

Polk County locals earn title of Marine

Polk County locals Pvt. Blair Ruth and Pfc. Luke Spangler of Mike Company PLT 3016 took “The Crucible” March 3 and earned the title Marine after 13 weeks of training for the United States Marine Corps. The Crucible is a 54-hour ordeal made up of several events that test the recruits’ endurance, strength and overall teamwork as they face the stress of limited food, sleep and exhaustion. It is the final test recruits must pass to earn the title Marine. A graduation ceremony was held Friday, March 9 at Parris Island, S.C. These two Marines plan to enjoy a break with their families and then return to active duty. (photo submitted by Sabrina Spangler)


Dorothy Skipper Stephens

Dorothy Skipper Stephens, 81, of Green Creek Dr., Columbus (Green Creek Community) passed away Thursday, March 22, 2012 at her home. Born in Polk County, she was the daughter of the late Ferd Skipper and Lusco Gosnell Skipper. She was owner and operator of Green Greek Salon. She enjoyed music, having played the piano for many years. Mrs. Stephens was a member of Green Creek First Baptist Church and was the widow of Jack Stephens, who died in 1999. Surviving is one daughter, Yvonne Bloom and her husband, Larry Bloom, of Sandy Springs, Ga.; one son, Mark Butler of Atlanta, Ga.; two sisters, Juanita McGuire of Anderson, S.C. and

Gladys Nanny of Virginia; one brother, Arnold Skipper of Melvin Hill, N.C. Also surviving are two grandchildren, Chad Butler and Christy Gee, and four great-grandchildren, Chadee, Tori, Brayden and Hudson. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday, March 24 in Green Creek First Baptist Church, with Rev. Allen McKinney officiating. Burial will be in Green Creek First Baptist Church Cemetery. The family will receive friends from 1 - 2 p.m. prior to the service in the church. In lieu of flowers, the family requests that memorials be made to Hospice of the Carolina Foothills, 130 Forest Glen Dr., Columbus, N.C. 28722. An online guest register may be signed at www.mcfarlandfuneralchapel.com. McFarland Funeral Chapel, Tryon.

B7 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

When does drinking become a problem? It is difficult to establish the defining lines between social or moderate drinking and problem drinking. This is primarily due to rationalizing or denial on the part of the drinker. Problem drinking can be defined as the repeated use of alcohol which causes trouble in the user’s personal, professional or family life. What makes trouble is trouble. You may have a drinking problem if you… - Feel guilty or ashamed about your drinking - Lie to others or hide your drinking habits - Have friends or family members who are worried about your drinking - Need to drink in order to relax or feel better - “Black out” or forget what you did while you were drinking - Regularly drink more than you intended to - Repeatedly neglect your responsibilities at home, work

– is relatively harmless. A drink or school - Experience alcohol related means 1.5 ounces of spirits, 5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of legal problems - Have problems with relation- beer – all of which contain 0.5 ounces of alcohol. ships at home or at work. Some research has shown that Even though family and these amounts – friends may with recognize the Journey especially wine – are actutrouble, it takes to wellness ally healthy. honest examinaSince alcohol tion on the part of the individual by Rick McCallister is a legal drug, there are certain to make positive criteria for rechange. According to the National sponsible use. Responsible use is Institute on Alcohol Abuse and defined as 21 years of age, nonAlcoholism, 1 in 13 American alcoholic, never drink and drive, adults is at any given time an knowing your personal limits, no alcohol abuser. These problems alcohol related health problems, generally occur between the no trouble at home or on the job, individual’s mid-20s and early and no genetic predisposition for 40s. So, the question is, “How alcoholism in your family. As mentioned above, honest much is too much?” For most non-alcoholic adults, moderate self-examination on the part use of alcohol – no more than of the individual is required. two drinks a day for men and Sometimes we are not willing to one for women and older people see what others see. We don’t



want to examine ourselves and are not receptive to the suggestions of others. Individuals may rationalize or blame others for excessive drinking, building a wall of denial. Breaking through denial is a difficult task. Honesty and openness, hopefully, will lead to admitting that a problem exists. Then and only then can proper intervention or treatment help to resolve the issue. Courage and discipline on the part of the individual is necessary to address problem drinking: courage to admit a problem exists and the discipline to do something about it. If you think that you or a family member may have a drinking problem, The Polk Wellness Center can help. A licensed addictions counselor is there to help in a confidential and nonthreatening environment. Call our office at 828-894-2222 for an assessment. Most insurance is accepted with adjusted rates for low-income individuals.

A. M. to the Sunday School ber 24, 2008. Please send 10:00 statement above address, to the attention of Jane Joyful Worship X rds, Secretary. Thanks! 11:00 A. M.


6:00 P. M. Youth “Refuge� Choirs for all ages

Wednesday 10:00 A.M. Bible Study & Prayer page


Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Dr. Bill Henderson, Pastor in the Interim

First Baptist Church of Tryon

Please place picture!of church over the X.


Friday, March 23, 2012

Ortiz recognized for service above self

Sundays are for Worship!

10:00 A. M. Sunday School 11:00 A. M. Joyful Worship Youth “Refuge� 56:00 P. M. Choirs for all ages


Wednesday 10:00 A.M. Bible Study & Prayer Jeffrey C. Harris, pastor Dr. Bill Rev. Henderson, Pastor in the Interim


Please place picture of church over the X.

2x2 12/4 F tfn TBAP-033564

TRYONBAPTIST - page 31 Rotary Club of Tryon President Gorden Threlfall (left) with Frank Ortiz. The motto of Rotary is “Service Above Self,� and each year Rotary International conducts a competition to select a Rotarian whose service best exemplifies the Rotary motto. This year the Rotary Club of Tryon nominated Frank Ortiz for the award. Ortiz was selected as the nominee for Rotary District 7670, which comprises all the Rotary Clubs of Western North Carolina, and he was selected as well at Rotary Zone 33, which has more than 38,000 Rotarians. At a recent club meeting, Threlfall congratulated Ortiz on his success in the competition. Threlfall also noted Ortiz’ numerous contributions to the club, including his many years as chair of the annual ShrimpFest, which raises funds for youth projects, his participation in Reading Is Fundamental, and his volunteerism throughout the community. (photo submitted by Bill Hillhouse)

Foothills bridge results, March 8 Morning restricted pairs Section A: North-South 1. George Cashau - Donald Cobb 2. Donna Lohr - Judith Depriester 3. Silvia Crouse - Carolyn Jones 4. Daniel Dworkin - Jack Williams Section A: East-West 1. Roger Yike - Marilyn Yike 2. Ronald Wingo - Carolyn Ashburn 3. Esther Taylor - Barbara Clegg 4. Robert Palmer - David Hart Section B: North-South 1. Rodney Lohman - Barbara Lohman

2/3. Jim Rezac - Elizabeth Murray 2/3. Katherine Moore - Janice Matthisen 4. Mickey Brandstadter Dianne Brandstadter Section B: East-West 1. Stephanie White - Nancy Symmes 2. Elizabeth Easley - Norma Evola 3. Kris Diggs - Yoshikazu Kinoshita 4. Bruce Fritz - Elaine Jenkins Afternoon open pairs North-South (Continued on page 22)

B9 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Like fire ants, they’re spreading “The little white clouds are racing over the sky, And the fields are strewn with the gold of the flower of March, The daffodil breaks under foot, and the tasseled larch Sways and swings as the thrush goes hurrying by.” ~Oscar Wilde A kudzu bug (megacopta cribraria). An early spring has come to (photo submitted by Alex Bardos) Saluda, and with it among palepink drifts of cherry blossoms in your house where they can gain at McCreery Park. Other things entrance for the winter months. have come as well, maybe not as What are these alien bugs? Kudzu bugs. Megacopta welcome. Bugs. Varmints. Pests. Visitors that appear by magic— cribraria. Some folks call them stink bugs, or with intent to other names. stay, and keep Saluda They’re an imstaying — unNews & port, and have welcome guests that appear for Notations moved up to this area from Geordinner and never by Bonnie Bardos gia first identileave. fied in 2009 by Woolly adelgids on hemlock trees are sup- University of Georgia entomoloposedly returning in full force this gists, it’s believed they hitched year. Apparently, even pests have rides from Asia into Hartsfield on and off years, just like the rest International Airport. Like fire ants, they’re spreadof us. The good guys, bats and bees are struggling — I’ve watched my ing. Although these guys don’t own bat colony practically vanish sting, they’re a pest. They love over the past few years — from kudzu for their main-course and under the shutters and also from think wisteria is dessert: but also the bat houses. With a warmer soybeans, and possibly other crops. than usual winter, the bad guys Wherever there’s kudzu, they will had a head-start. Along as the early go. Cold weather is their enemy, grass season, ticks and mosquitoes and some people use pesticide are bound to hatch out earlier, too. to control the beast. Vacuuming Last summer and fall, I started them in the house works, although noticing strange dark-shelled la- smashing them is not a good idea. One good note is, I found a redybugs hanging around. Was this a mutation of sorts? The little cord number of praying mantis egg crunchers acted and smelled the cases in the garden while working, same as the imported Asian lady- so hope the mantis population will bugs. Both are attracted to white help control some of the pests. So, if you see kudzu bugs: walls, western and southern exposures, have a lingering hard-to-get- please tell them to pack their suitrid of smell: they’ll find any crack cases and hitch a ride back to Asia!

Revival services at West Point Baptist West Point Baptist Church will hold revival services Sunday, March 25 - Wednesday, March 28. Professors from Fruitland Baptist Bible Institute will speak: Sunday, March 25: 10 a.m. Rev. David Horton; 6:30 p.m. - Dr. Johnny Tiller

Monday, March 26: 7 p.m. Rev. Peter McDonald Tuesday, March 27: 7 p.m. Rev. J.D. Grant Wednesday, March 28: 7 p.m. - Rev. Brian Henderson – article submitted by Sheree Crowder



B10 page


Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012

Shade Garden Specialists Stroller race at April Fool’s Day • Hostas • Hardy Ferns • Wildflowers • Lenten Roses • Rhododendron • Native Azaleas • Many Other Shade Plants

Plants-A-Plenty Farm 890 Crowe Dairy Road, Forest City, NC


Hours: Wed.-Sat. 8:30-5:30 Monday-Tuesday by appointment only


to benefit humane society Ah, the sight of people taking their toddlers for a leisurely springtime promenade up Trade Street in Tryon. Wait a minute, those aren’t toddlers in the strollers, and this is no leisurely afternoon walk. It’s the Tryon April Fool’s Festival Stroller Race to benefit Foothills Humane Society (FHS), and those are bags of pet food in those strollers. The humane society invites community members to join it on March 31 in Tryon as racers charge up Trade Street pushing strollers containing bags of pet food. The registration table will be located on Trade Street at the bottom of the hill, near Stott’s Ford. Eager participants can come by starting at 10:30 a.m. to register for the race, which will occur at approximately 2 p.m., after the parade and TP Trot to the Outhouse. The entry fee is a large bag of cat or dog food (14 pounds or more), or other items needed by the shelter of equivalent value (see www.foothillshumanesociety. org/home/shelter-needs-list. html for a list of needed items). Prizes will be given to the winners, and all donations will go to FHS. Volunteers on hand at the registration table will also gladly accept in-kind donations from those not wanting to race. While you’re waiting for the start of the stroller race, watch the parade and admire some of the animals from the shelter strutting their stuff. Animals from FHS available for adoption will be at the FHS On the

• Bridge results (continued from page 20)

1. Linda Sherer - Charles Cannon 2. Richard Long - Sally Jo Carter 3. Donald Cobb - Leslie Tucker 4. Jack Williams - Mariana Tarpley

This dog, Lilly, will be one of many dogs available for adoption Saturday, March 31 during Tryon’s April Fool’s Day Festival. Visit the Foothills Humane Society’s On the Road trailer to see Lilly and other adoptable animals until 3 p.m. (photo submitted by Joyce Cox)

Road trailer until 3 p.m., which will be located at the corner of Maple and Trade Streets (where the old thrift shop was located). And after the race, stick around for the Trashion Show at 4 p.m. at the Tryon Depot, which will also benefit FHS. For more information, please visit Tryon Downtown Development Association’s web page on the day’s festivities at downtowntryon.org/additionalinformation/calendar/2012april-fools-day/. –article submitted by Joyce Cox East-West 1. Mel Rogers - Ruthann Cox 2. Richard Caser - Karl Kachadoorian 3. Esther Taylor - George Cashau 4. Charlotte Lindsey – H. Ingram Willis Jr. – article submitted by Marily Williams

B11 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



TFAC to hold ‘Art in Bloom,’ an art and garden festival, May 12-13 Tryon Fine Arts Center (TFAC), in conjunction with the City of Landrum and town of Tryon, will present the second biennial Art in Bloom, a celebration of artful gardens in the Carolina foothills, on Saturday, May 12 and Sunday, May 13. Highlights for the weekend will be five private gardens on tour in the Tryon area and a garden and art bazaar in the two towns on Saturday, May 12 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Each garden will be staffed with a master gardener and local artist who will paint the landscapes. Both downtown Landrum and downtown Tryon will host a garden and art bazaar featuring more than 40 vendors selling a variety of garden and art items. Sunday afternoon at 4pm, the Tryon Fine Arts Center will hold a “Festive Finale” sponsored by Tryon Federal Bank, with guest speaker Sally Springer Barnett,

author of “A Tale of Two Gardens.” There will also be a reception for the regional artists whose work will be on display throughout the Tryon Fine Arts Center campus for the month of May. “Art in Bloom is a community wide event and we are so fortunate to have broad participation from all the local garden clubs, individuals, garden retail and wholesale shops, local merchants and the arts community,” said Stuart Evans, TFAC vice president of development and bazaar chair for the event. “Our collective goal beyond celebrating gardens as art and the natural beauty of our area is to work with the municipalities to develop funding for pocket parks and public art throughout the Tryon, Landrum and Columbus communities.” The two-day weekend kicks off with a Friday night gala sponsored by Millard & Co. Tickets for the garden tours on Saturday,

A tranquil pond in one of the gardens featured in the first Art in Bloom celebration in 2010. Garden tours will take place on Saturday, May 12 as one event in a weekend celebration of art and gardens. (photo submitted by Marianne Carruth)

May 12 include refreshments and free parking. Tickets for the “Festive Finale” include Barnett’s presentation and the reception. The bazaars on Saturday in downtown Tryon and downtown Landrum are free to the public.

For information to purchase tickets and for more information on Art in Bloom, call TFAC at 828-859-8322 or visit www. tryonarts.org. – article submitted by Marianne Carruth


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B12 page


Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012

Ken Burns’ pianist, Schwab, in concert at ICC’s Polk Center The public is invited to Isothermal Community College’s Polk Center Monday, March 26 at 7 p.m. for “Mark Twain’s America,” a concert by Ken Burns’ pianist, Jacqueline Schwab. Schwab will perform her arrangements of vintage American music, featuring music from Mark Twain’s era (1835-1910) and beyond – Stephen Foster and Civil War song tunes, Victoballroom dance tunes, Scots to Purchase, Build or Refinance a Home! rian and Irish songs and dance tunes brought over by settlers, hymns Call me today... I’m here to help! and spirituals, ragtime, plus 20thcentury tango and Billie Holiday Paul Adams VP, Mortgage Consultant blues, as well contemporary-style Phone: 828.699.1392 Celtic and English traditional padams@bankofnc.com music. These may include some NMLS# 659007 new arrangements from an upcoming solo piano recording featuring waltzes, airs and tanbankofnc.com gos. Jacqueline’s arrangements of American heart songs honor the community and improvisational spirit of music making reported Paul_Adams Mortgage Ad.indd 1 2/16/12 3:26 PM in Twain’s times but also have a contemporary sound. In Ken Burns’ words, “Jacqueline Schwab brings more feeling and intensity to music than anyone I know. Her playing is insistent, physical, heartfelt and unusually moving.” Drawing on classical, traditional folk and contemporary music roots, Schwab has been heard on a dozen of Burns’ documentaries, including his Grammy award-winning “Civil War,” his Emmy award-winning “Baseball,” “Lewis and Clark,” “Mark Twain,” “The War,” his recently-premiered “The Na-

Now is the Perfect Time

Jacqueline Schwab, pianist for Ken Burns’ documentaries, will perform at ICC-Polk Monday, March 26 at 7 p.m.

tional Parks: America’s Best Idea” and his recently-premiered “Tenth Inning” to his “Baseball” series. Schwab’s latest project for Ken Burns will be his upcoming documentary on the Dust Bowl. The New England Folk Almanac wrote Schwab plays with “the jazz/classical improvisational spirit of Keith Jarrett and the touch of George Winston.” She has performed at the White House for President Clinton, with singer Jean Redpath, on Minnesota Public Radio’s “A Prairie Home Companion” and on CBS’ “Late Show with David Letterman.” The event is sponsored in part by Polk County ICC Foundation Inc. and is free and open to the public. More information is available at 828-894-3092. - article submitted by Kate Barkschat

Godshaw Hill Residents meet March 29 The Godshaw Hill Residents Association will hold their annual meeting on Thursday, March 29 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church on New Market Road. They will meet with town officials as well as consider Tryon’s building codes and some of its ordinances, particularly those concern-

ing general nuisances, dogs and garbage/trash. All residents of the Godshaw Hill area are encouraged to attend, meet their neighbors (especially the newer ones), and learn more about the neighborhood and community they live in. - article submitted by Peter Hawes

B13 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Socks winning horse at World Cup Olympic Pentathlon Editor’s Note: In the recent Appointments issue the Bulletin incorrectly listed information that Kayleigh Spicer and her horse, Socks, won the World Cup Olympic Pentathlon. Instead Spicer’s horse, Socks, was the winning horse at the World Cup Olympic Pentathlon in Charlotte, N.C. in mid-March, but Spicer was not the competitor who rode Socks in the event. The pentathlon was a qualifier for the Olympic team selection and included entries from 34 countries competing in five categories.

B14 page



Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012


Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Fincher selected as Baseball Factory’s Under Armour Pre-Season All-American TJ Fincher, 17-year-old son of Trey and Missy Fincher, recently attended the Baseball Factory’s Under Armour Pre-Season AllAmerican Tournament in Tucson, Ariz. He attended the week-end event with 300 standout baseball players from across the country, including Roger Clemmons’ son, Casey Clemmons, and firstround draft prospect Carson Kelley. Fincher represented the “Coastal” team, along with other players from North Carolina, South Carolina, Maryland and Florida. He also played alongside former teammate Roberto Taft. Fincher played at second base and also went 2-3 at the plate in the final game. Players started the tournament by being videotaped in a showcase setting. This video will be posted to each player’s individual web page. Each team also played in three “showcase-style” games.

The current special assistant to Kansas City Royal general manager Mike Toomey was the guest speaker at the opening ceremony. All games were held at the Kino Sports Complex, home of the Arizona Diamondbacks Spring Training. Fincher was able to see a former coach from the Omaha experience, CJ Lee. Lee is a former professional player with the Atlanta Braves Organization and played college baseball at Old Dominion and East Tennessee State. Most pitchers at the event were throwing in the mid to high 80s. Fincher remarked, “That’s probably the best pitching I’ve ever faced.” As a result of his performance in Arizona, Fincher was also selected to play on an Under Armour Team this summer in Florida. – article submitted by Missy Fincher

TJ Fincher

Carolina Junior Tennis offers sanctioned tournaments, free clinics Cary Davenport, who has more than 40 years as a tennis instructor and is a recognized U.S. professional tennis instructor, founded Carolina Junior Tennis in October 2008. The program is now one of the largest tennis programs in South Carolina and Western North Carolina. The goal of the Carolina Junior Tennis Program, Davenport said, is to provide families in the community with the same quality tennis instruction you would find in country clubs, select private schools and tennis clubs for a fraction of the cost. “There are now more than 100 players in the program playing seasonally, once a week, and some play daily. Parents are given the opportunity for their

children to play as much or as little tennis as they like. Some children want to play for recreation, and some want to play competitively, and a few want to play at the college level,” said Davenport. “For the first time in this area the U.S. Tennis Association has sanctioned two tennis tournaments for the Carolina junior tennis players, and we are all thrilled,” said Davenport. The tournaments will be held Saturday, April 21 and Saturday, Oct. 6 at Chapman High School and Landrum High School. C a r o l i n a J u n i o r Te n n i s League will also offer several free tennis clinics this spring: May 11, 3 p.m. at Saluda School

May 12, 10 a.m. at Chapman High School and Harmon Field. May 19, 10 a.m. at O.P. Earle Elementary School in Landrum. Davenport led the first District One Schools tennis clinic, which was attended by more than 125 students. When it was completed, Davenport said, many parents asked him to continue offering tennis instruction for their children and Carolina Junior Tennis was born. As more children began playing, the need for another instructor became evident and Edgar Rodriguez came on board. Rodriguez’s experience competitively and professionally brought a new dimension to the tennis program. His extensive training (he played at Wimble-

don) and trainer skills have added different levels of tennis from teaching the beginner all the way to the college development, Davenport said. In the fall of 2010 another instructor was added. Nestor Vargas, a junior at West Alabama University and their No. 1 tennis player, coaches Carolina Junior Tennis during the late spring, summer and over Christmas holiday season. “There are several good sports programs here in the community but not a comprehensive developmental junior tennis program,” said Davenport. “We have use of all District one Schools 18 tennis courts, (Continued on page 27)

B15 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Polk softball falls to Madison in first loss of season • Tennis By Samantha Hurst

The Polk County Lady Wolverines played a tough one on the diamond against Madison Wednesday, March 21 losing their first game of the season. “This one was a hard-fought game,” said softball head coach

Jeff Wilson. “We just couldn’t get the bats going.” Pitcher Jamie Hrobak still managed to strikeout 10 batters, despite the one run Madison had on the Wolverines. Hrobak herself also got one hit, while teammate Casie Couch also

got a hit. Playing well on defense, Coach Wilson said, were catcher Ashley Crop and third baseman Shae Wheeler. Polk now sits 8-1 overall for the season and 1-1 in Western Highland Conference play.

Tickets available for FENCE Golf Tournament Fundraiser The annual golf tournament to raise funds for the Foothills Equestrian Nature Center (FENCE) will be held at the Carolina Country Club of Spartanburg. The tournament will be held Monday, April 23 from 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. In the event of inclement weather, the date will be rescheduled to Tuesday, April 24. The club is located at 2355 Carolina Country Club Road in Spartanburg, S.C. The day begins at 8 a.m. with coffee and pastries prior to the 9 a.m. registration at the club. Then a shotgun start will take place, so there is no need for individual players to set up a tee time. All teams will play in the Captain’s Choice, which leaves at 10 a.m. Lunch is provided at noon on the course. An awards and cocktails reception for the players will be held at the club from 5 - 7 p.m. The tournament is organized by Foothills Equestrian Nature Center in partnership with The Carolina Country Club and sponsors include Raymond James and Pacolet Milliken Enterprises, Inc. The entire entry fee will be 100-percent tax deductible since

sponsor’s donations will pay all the expenses. FENCE, located at 3381 Hunting Country Road in Tryon, is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing facilities and focus for education, recreation and preservation in nature studies and equestrian activities with the aim of enhancing these endeavors to enrich the quality of life for the community. It is set on 380 acres of hardwood forest, meadow and wetland. The entire property is protected by a conservation easement, so it will always be available for future generations. It serves some 65,000 people each year with programs in nature study, outdoor recreation and equestrian competition. It is governed by a volunteer board of directors working with a small salaried staff. During the school year, some 8,000 elementary and junior high school students join the Project FENCE natural history curriculum, both on the FENCE grounds and in their own classrooms. FENCE currently serves students in Buncombe, Henderson, Rutherford and Polk counties in

North Carolina and Greenville and Spartanburg counties in South Carolina. FENCE also provides facilities and classes in nature study for home-schooled children and for youth organizations like 4-H and the Boy and Girl Scouts. A complete list of activities for 2012 organized by FENCE can be found at www.fence.org/general/ general-events. To learn more visit www.fence.org and to learn about the location of the tournament visit www.thecarolinacountryclub.com – article submitted by Theron Farmer

(continued from page 26)

Harmon Fields in Tryon, Saluda School in Saluda, and Red Fox Country Club in Columbus. We also use the Landrum United Methodist Church gym and the O.P. Earle Elementary gym in Landrum for rainy and cold days. Our main base is the O.P. Earle tennis court in the winter months and Red Fox Country Club in the spring and summer.” Davenport said, “We emphasize hard work, listening and being respectful to others in the group, and to family members and our instructors. Sportsmanship is a key factor in the program.” Contact Davenport for more information at 864-415-8775 or davenportcb@windstream.net or visit www.CarolinaJuniorTennis.com for the spring/summer programs. – article submitted by Barbara Childs

B16 page


Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012

Freeman honored on 15th anniversary with Ingles Eric Freeman of Tr yon was presented with a gold “Certificate of Achievement” award in person from Robert Ingles II and James Lanning, president of Ingles’ Landrum supermarket. They surprised Eric on his March 13 anniversary upon completion of his 15th year of service and dedication to the store. For the previous 19 years, Freeman worked in Tryon for Cowan’s grocery store. He is known as a steadfast, loyal and popular. After hours, Eric gives his time as a public servant to the Tryon Fire Department, where he just received recognition for serving five years as a volunteer fireman. Freeman once was a Yankee, but he moved to Tryon in 1978 from Chagrin Falls, Ohio. (photo by B.K. Freeman)

Local events make this a special place to call home ***** L a n d r u m L o s e r s ***** Bodysculpture Fitness & Pilates Lose 20, 40, 60 or more! Join us in this 3 month program with like individuals needing help getting healthier & losing weight in a fun environment. Just like the show, We will offer 3 - 1—1/2 hour group training sessions per week in teams of 5 with a certified trainer, with a weekly weigh in for prizes for highest % lost. Proven results! No one gets voted off! We do it the old fashion way. Hard work & accountability! Let us help you with nutrition and a whole lifestyle change. Come be part of the fun!!!

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It never ceases amaze me how lovers. Many businesses will also many things there are to do in our be open for your enjoyment and area. Last Saturday was Super shopping. Still looking for something to Saturday in downtown Tryon. do? Pam Stone, WOW - if you who among othhaven’t had the Publisher’s er things writes a chance to visit Super Saturday Notebook hilarious column that we publish in Tryon you by Betty Ramsey each Friday, will are missing out emcee for the on a great time. Although the focus is on children fashion show and luncheon benthere was great fun to be had by efit at Spiegel Farm, in Campobello this Saturday. PJ’s Fashions all. The streets were filled with of Landrum is sponsoring the smiling children as dragons, jug- event and proceeds will benefit the glers and musicians entertained. O.P. Earle Elementary Reading is Countless volunteers and local Fundamental (RIF) program. For businesses put their time, money more information or tickets call and hard work into making the 864-457-3416. I could go on and on as there event a great success. I doubt that any of them expect recognition or are so many things to do and see here, but in the interest of space publicity but they deserve it. This weekend you can enjoy I’ll direct you to the community Heritage Days at Harmon Field in calendar for more fun things to Tryon, with a realistic Civil War do and see. Most of these events wouldn’t encampment along the Pacolet River. In the morning soldiers happen without all of the volunwill drill and discuss battle plans. teers who make it repetitive. Our Saturday evening there is the ever- hats are off to all who make our popular Tryon Gallery Trot from area such a special place to visit 5 – 8 p.m. which is open to all art and even better to call home.

Call 1-800-274-1400

A13 Friday, March 23, 2012



Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Shin splints: Tibial stress syndrome Now that warm weather’s sprint coach I can tell you, the here, more folks are outside, fastest runners(sprinters) are and enjoy walking, running, pigeon toed. Now that we know some of tennis, basketball, racquetball and hiking, among other foot the causes of shin splints, lets bearing activities. With all this, go over some preventions, and often comes that ole spring time treatments. Obviously prevention should malady “shin splints,” and if you’ve ever had them, you know be your main goal. First, if you how painful and aggravating have any physiological conditions with regard to your feet, they can be. visit your poShin splints diatrist. Make are generally Diet & Exercise you have described as by David Crocker sure good footwear. soreness that Remember, occurs in front of the lower leg. Although pain- you get what you pay for. Next, strengthen your leg ful, a shin splint isn’t usually an actual injury, but rather a “syn- muscles, but slowly. One exercise I recommend is to sit in a drome” or condition. So what is a shin splint any- chair with legs out straight. Point way? Shin splints (Tibial Stress toes away from you, and hold Syndrome) occur when one or for a few seconds, then pull toes several muscles (usually the toward you and hold, and repeat. Also, stretch your tendons. anterior tibialis) that attach to the shin bone are overworked, Tendons hold muscles to bones, and pull on the two lower leg and are much like leather in two bones, the tibula (shin bone) and ways. First, the more supple tendons are (stretched), the stronger the fibula. Shin splints are usually they can hold. Secondly, you can’t condition caused one of two ways. First is “overexertion,” like running tendons or leather in one sitting. on hard surfaces, exercising too You need to do it (stretch) day quickly after a long winter’s lay after day. For treatment of shin splints, off, poor shoe quality or running I recommend icing them (fifteen on uneven ground. The second cause of shin minutes at a time), several times splints is referred to as “biome- a day, elevation and rest. Wrapchanical” and can be a bit more ping you shins will also help. complicated to diagnose. These There are shin splint braces out causes have more to do with the there, but I’ve found that a 4’ Ace bandage works well. individual. Diet or exercise question? Everyone walks and runs differently. Some have a short gait Email me at dwcrocker77@ (stride), while other’s is long. gmail.com. Or visit fitness4yourMost everyone, while walking life.org. David Crocker of Lanor running touches their outside drum has been a nutritionist and heel down first, with their foot personal trainer for 26 years. He served as strength direcrotating inward to support them. Simply put, some feet turn in- tor of the Spartanburg Y.M.C.A., ward just enough (normal prona- head strength coach for the S.C. tion), but some turn in too much state champion girls gymnastic (over pronation), and some feet team , USC-Spartanburg basedon’t turn in enough (under ball team, Converse college pronation). Other biomechani- equestrian team, lead trainer to cal causes of shin splints can L.H. Fields modeling agency, be flat feet, walking or running and taught four semesters at with toes pointed outward (duck USC-Union. David Was also a feet), or toes pointed inward regular guest of the Pam Stone (pigeon toed). By the way, as a radio show.



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A14 page


Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012

Photonic Red Light Therapy demonstration evening April 18 Dianne Jenkins will present an information and demonstration evening on Photonic Red Light at Redgate Farm in Tryon on Wednesday, April 18 at 6 p.m. This evening will follow a five-day course, April 13-17, at the Biltmore Estate associated with the presentation. Photonic Red Light Therapy studies the

integration of traditional Chinese medicine practice with science using a modern and safe technology, Jenkins said. As Photonic Red Light Therapy is complementary to veterinary medicine and all other known therapies, the course attracts professional students, veterinarians, physical thera-

pists, human and equine massage therapists, chiropractors, farriers and dentists. Horse owners, trainers and horse caregivers who wish to broaden their skills to support equine health can also benefit from this demonstration. Students learn gait analysis, reading the equine body, strate-

gies for emergency first aid – shock, colic and bleeding control – and protocols for movement dysfunction and a number of systemic conditions. A guided externship/field work is then undertaken post course for certification. – article submitted by Dianne Jenkins

Saluda School A and A/B honor rolls and perfect attendance Saluda School A and A/B honor rolls and perfect attendance lists for the fourth six weeks of school A Honor Roll Third Grade: Aubrey Baumberger, Wylie Rauschenbach and Cecelia Thompson. Fourth Grade: Tana Harris and Anna McFadden. Fifth Grade: Sadie Allen and Judy Laughter.

A/B Honor Roll Third Grade: Grayson Bradley, Brandon Cantrell, Sabrina Craig, Alexia Farrell, Maylin Fletcher, Kaleb Johnson, Logan Johnson, Katie Mundy, Christian Netschylatilo, Drake Waggoner and Max Wagoner. Fourth Grade: Amberly Arkell, Parker Gooding, Hunter Justus, Isaac Kellar, Grace Lauer, Brandon Metcalf, Holly

Obermiller, Bret Snider, Trey Stanley and Madalyn Williams. Fifth Grade: Ceasar Bowser, Peyton Dill, Damien Kuettel, Zach Lambert, Georgia McCullough, Abigail Orlando and Blake Rackley. Perfect Attendance PreKindergarten: Paulino Cera-Gonzalez K i n d e rg a r t e n : F r a n c i s co Cera-Gonzalez, Maggie McCammon, Reagan Moss and Claire Thompson. First Grade: Hunter Cantrell, Allison Kennedy, Cameron Markel and Sydney Uhrich. Second Grade: Tyler Heatherly and Ashlyn Ramsey. Third Grade: Gray-

son Bradley, Alexia Farrell, Kaleb Markel, Tristan Morgan, Christian Netschytailo, Brittany Strickland, Cecelia Thompson and Samantha Wilcox. Fourth Grade: Jhoana CeraGonzalez, Jayden Culver, Alyssa Justus, Hunter Justus, Keith Martinez, Anna McFadden, Ashleigh Nonamaker, Holly Obermiller, Joshua Sester, Trey Stanley, Dylan Stepp and Ryan Thorsland. Fifth Grade: Brandon Boehler, Jackson Hanson, Judy Laughter, Georgia McCullough, Daniel Moss, Helena Netschytailo and Blake Rackley. - article submitted by Ronette Dill

Lanier Library holds spring book sale March 29 - 31

American Cuisine With A Twist

The Lanier Library will hold its spring book sale on Thursday, March 29, Friday, March 30 and Saturday, March 31 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. The sale is open to the public on Friday and Saturday (Thursday is for members only). In addition to a large number of books for all interests (fiction, reference, how-to, cooking, crafts and children’s), the sale includes several categories of CDs, DVDs, videotapes and puzzles. Although the library has received a large number of donated items for the sale in recent months, new donations

are still being accepted. The Lanier Library is a nonprofit organization supported by its members. It provides full library services for its members and holds regular cultural events and activities that are open to the general public. The library receives no funding from city, state or federal taxes and uses the proceeds from its spring and fall book sales to add new items to its collections. New members and visitors are always welcome. – article submitted by Frances Flynn

A15 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


The Encyclopedia Brittanica Dictionary Well, that’s sad. The Encyclopedia Brittanica, which has been published continuously since 1768, has rolled out its last print edition, succumbing to the electronic age. Critics pointed out that, like Kodak, the company turned a blind eye to the competition of the internet and ‘Wikipedia,’ and that it is no surprise only 8,000 units were sold last year, world-wide. But it’s sad, isn’t it? A gleaming set of Encyclopedia Brittanica graced the bookshelves of many well-to-do households down through the ages and were considered somewhat of a status symbol. Parents of lesser means, still wanting to assist the education of their children, displayed copies of ‘World Book,’ but it simply wasn’t as impressive. Rather like having a new Buick in the driveway instead of a Cadillac to show off to the neighbors. I have vivid memories of our own set, purchased by my father sometime in the early 1950s, and when I began leafing through them in the early 70s, even I realized how dated they were, but nearly daily, I stood on the couch to drag down a hefty volume, which pleased my father to no end. “You like reading, don’t you?” he said. “Mmmmm.” I replied, neglecting to point out that it was the same book I pulled out, in the ‘H - J’ section, because it had two pages of black and white photos depicting horse breeds and I couldn’t figure out why the sleek Shetland show pony presented looked nothing like the beloved but wooly creature with a passion for rolling in the mud that I kept in our back yard paddock. At the end of the set in our bookcase stood the bonus tome: ‘The Encyclopedia Brittanica Dictionary’ and to any person of the modern era, you have no idea of the frustration this brought to a child.

Today, like cashiers that have my mother from the kitchen. “Pneumonia! How do you to look up to the digital display above their registers to see how spell pneumonia?” “Look it up.” came that much change should be given back for a candy bar when given teeth-grindingly, frustrating, a dollar, or God forbid, a dollar reply. “How can I and two pennies, “I’m Just look it up if I any person can simply type in Saying...” don’t know how to spell it?” I a word and their by Pam Stone countered. trusted comput“I spent a er alerts them that they have spelled a word bloody fortune buying that incorrectly (although I must say set,” announced my father, that I’ve had to insist to my own walking through the den with Mac that, no, I have not mis- the newspaper, on his way to the spelled Brittanica. Trust me. It bathroom. “And I didn’t spend doesn’t matter how many times it so that you could be lazy and not look things up.” you underline it in red). “But how can I look it up,” But as a child this modern marvel was not available and I said slowly, deliberately, as my parents, having sunk a great if speaking to a foreigner, “if deal of money in these books I don’t know how to spell it?!” “Well,” replied my mother essentially washed their hands of any further educational as- rationally. “You’ll know how to spell it once you look it up, sistance. “Mom!” I called, hunched won’t you?” In exasperation, I pored over a homework assignment. “How do you spell pneumonia?” through the ‘N’ section and “What’s that, dear?” called found no mention of pneumo-

nia. “I can’t find the bloody word!” My mother, laying the table for dinner, poked her head through the doorway. “Stop swearing. I don’t know where you pick up such language!” “It’s another symptom of laziness!” yelled my father from the bathroom. “People who swear don’t have the intellectual capability or vocabulary to use an appropriate word to describe their feelings, so they swear instead!” “Well, I’m never going to be able to finish my homework or have a vocabulary...” I muttered. “You will if you want to go to that school dance tonight.” my mother threatened. “By the way, there won’t be any drugs there, will there?” “No.” “Good. But be careful. You never know; someone could try to slip marijuana in the punch.” I did, by the way, eventually finally find ‘pneumonia’ in the dictionary. But ‘quay’ took me forever.

Want to make your Doctor’s day? Honor your physician with a gift to the St. Luke’s Hospital Foundation.

March 30 is Doctors Day . . . Each year, we recognize our doctors, physician assistants and nurse practitioners for their community spirit, their healing talents and their selfless dedication to the art of medicine. This year, you can make your doctor feel really good with a contribution to St. Luke’s Hospital Foundation in his or her honor. Just like our physicians, all donations improve healthcare in our community. Please accept this tax-deductible gift in honor (or memory) of: ____________________________________________________________ ____$10





Please make your check payable to St. Luke’s Hospital Foundation, c/o Meshelle Colvin, Executive Director, 101 Hospital Drive, Columbus, NC 28722. If you prefer to make a donation over the phone, call 894-2693. All donors and physicians will be acknowledged. Visit www.slhfoundation.org for more information.


A16 page


Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012

Hikers on the PAC Hike to Chestnut Ridge Heritage Preserve March 16. From left to right: Mary Savard, Bobbie McNutt, Linda Watts, Annie Ewing, Toni Palmisino, Mara Smith, Ford Smith, Tryon Lindabury, Kathy Gross, Barbara Hall, Adel (the dog), Lois Torlina, Patsy Panther, Peggy Burke, Steve Habel and Elizabeth Habel. (photo submitted)

PAC hike visits Rainbow Falls March 30 Hikers are invited to join the Pacolet Area Conservancy (PAC) Friday, March 30 for the fourth hike of PAC’s Spring Hiking Series, a 5-mile excursion to Rainbow Falls. PAC Land Protection Specialist Pam Torlina will lead the hike from the trail head at Jones Gap State Park. It will be a strenuous hike, 2.5 miles out and 2.5 miles back. The trail starts out moderately, with a slight incline, and follows the Middle Saluda River for the first mile or so. Then, the trail begins a 1,000 foot ascent, over approximately 1.6 miles, to the base of the falls. Rainbow Falls is created by Cox Camp Creek which drops 100 feet over a steep wall of granitic gneiss. The view of the falls makes this strenuous hike worth the effort. If you are interested in attending the PAC hike at the Jones Gap State Park, contact the PAC office to sign up by phone at 828-8595060 or email landprotection@ pacolet.org. Please note that there is a park fee for this hike. Hikers

should be prepared to pay park admission. S.C. park passes are accepted. Hikers should wear appropriate clothing and footwear; bring a bag lunch and/or snack and plenty of water. Hikers are asked to bring any personal medication that they may require. Hikers should be prepared to return to the area by 3 p.m. at the latest. In case of inclement weather, contact the PAC office by 8:15 a.m. on the day of the hike to see if the hike will take place. Hikers will be meeting at the Gowensville Spinx (at the intersection of Hwy 14 and Hwy 11) at 8:30 a.m. to start the journey to Jones Gap State Park. If you cannot make this hike but would like to attend other hikes, watch the website page www.pacolet.org or go to PACs Facebook page for updates. The next hike is scheduled for April 13 at the Green River Game Lands. - article submitted by Pam Torlina

A17 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Book release event at The Book Shelf The Book Shelf will welcome ing demonstration. There will new author Linda also be juice and Martin, a native Want to go? cookies availof Polk County, with a book re- What: L i n d a M a r t i n able. Two library lease party Sat- book signing urday, March 24 When: March 24, 1 - 3 p.m. readings will also be held next from 1-3 p.m. week. One will The event will Where: The Book Shelf be March 27 at celebrate the re- in Tryon 10:30 a.m. at the lease of Martin’s new book, “The Summer of the Polk County Library and another March 30 at 10:30 a.m. at the Rabbits.” Martin will read her book for Saluda library. – article submitted kids and they can meet illustrator by Alivia Rochester Alice Feagan who will give a draw-

Scarifying and other natural remedies A neighbor and I were recently to breathe directly into the mouth discussing his need to do some of the affected person. The hives light scarifying (making slits to will be cured. Pains of Child Birthing. Place remove old thatch) in his lawn to encourage new spring growth. In an axe or a large knife underneath the course of our conversation, I the bed to cut the pain. Cuts and Scratches on the asked if he was familiar with the scarifying that our ancestors did Skin. Find a spider web, place it on the cut or scratch, and blow on it. on people. Menstrual and other Cramps. “No, what did they do, and Place your oldest pair of shoes unwhy?” he asked. If folks were believed to be suf- derneath the seat or bed, in upside fering from high blood pressure, down position. Long-lasting Headache. Tie an or from “bad blood” stagnating in areas of the body causing swell- old sock tightly around the head for several hours, ing and pain, a remove and very sharp knife Twice-told then burn it. would be passed Tales of the Earache. through a flame Blow tobacco and used to make Dark Corner smoke into the tiny slits in the by Dean Campbell ear, or place skin over the three or four swollen area. Blood would be drawn from drops of warm urine into it. Sour Stomach. Mix hot wathese open slits until the pressure was relieved or it was felt that a ter and baking soda in a cup and sufficient amount of “bad blood” drink it. Toothache. Put vanilla flavorhad been removed. “Folks had a lot of remedies ing on the tooth and surrounding in the old days that sound a little gum. Bladder or Kidney Infection. crazy to us today, didn’t they? I remember my grandma telling about Drink plenty of dandelion tea and them. Why don’t you include some lots of water. of them in your twice-told tales?” Jaundice. Drink lots of catnip he asked. tea. Especially good for newborn I use several in my The Dark babies. Corner—An Elusive to Exclusive Diarrhea. Drink blackberry Odyssey course, which I teach in juice. Furman University’s OLLI LearnCroup. Drink moonshine with ing Curriculum. Here’s a sampling: rock candy or honey. Cure for Hives. Find a person Chicken Pox. Take an oatmeal who has never seen his or her father bath twice a day.



A18 page


Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, March 23, 2012

Green flower earrings by Kim St. Jean. (photo submitted by Julia McIntyre)

Flower earrings by Kim St. Jean. (photo submitted by Julia McIntyre)

Torch fired enameling at TACS 

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Kim St. Jean will bring her “Torch Fired Enameling and So Much More” workshop back to the Tryon Arts and Crafts School (TACS) on April Fool’s Day weekend. The workshop will introduce students to the art of enameling with a torch. St. Jean, an award-winning artist, instructor and author, will teach students some of her favorite techniques, such as enameling metal without a kiln and cold connections. At the end of the workshop, students will walk away with several jewelry pieces they have designed and created themselves. St. Jean has been teaching jewelry classes for 13 years. She has been published in numerous magazines, appeared on several

beading/craft television programs and recently had her first book published, “Mixed Metal Mania.” St. Jean was also named one of the top 10 instructors in the country by the editors and readers of “Bead & Button” and “Beadstyle” magazines. The workshop will be held on Saturday, March 31, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. and Sunday, April 1, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Students should pack a lunch, as well as their twit hat (a large man’s handkerchief). All materials and tools will be supplied by Kim St. Jean; additional supplies and tools will be available for purchase during the weekend. Advance registration for all (Continued on page 37)

A19 Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Tryon daily bulleTin / The World’s smallesT daily neWspaper


Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


Exercises that can help ease arthritis pain Dear Savvy Senior, Can exercise help seniors with arthritis? I have osteoarthritis and have read that certain exercises can help ease the pain, but I don’t know where to start, and I certainly don’t want to make it any worse than it already is. What can you tell me? ~ Sedentary Sally Dear Sally, Lots of seniors who have arthritis believe that exercise will worsen their condition, but that’s not true. Study after study has shown that exercise is actually one of the best treatments for osteoarthritis. Proper and careful exercises can help reduce joint pain and stiffness, strengthen muscles around the joints and increase flexibility. It also helps manage other chronic conditions that are common among seniors with arthritis, such as diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Here are some tips to help you get moving. Exercises for Arthritis Determining exactly which types of exercises are best for you, depends on the form and severity of your arthritis, and which joints are involved. It’s best to work with your doctor or a physical therapist to help you develop an exercise program that works for you. The different types of exercises that are most often recommended to seniors with arthritis include: • Range-of-motion exercises: These are gentle stretching exercises that can relieve stiffness, as well as improve your ability to move your joints through their normal range of motion. These exercises should be done daily. • Strengthening exercise: Calisthenics, weight training and working with resistance bands are recommended (two or more days a week) to maintain and improve your muscle strength, which helps support and protect your joints. • Aerobic exercises: Low-

impact activities like walking, cycling, swimming or water aerobics are all recommended three to five times per week to help improve cardiovascular health, control weight, and improve your overall function. It’s also important to keep in mind that when you first start exercising, you need to go slow to give your body time to adjust. If you push yourself too hard you can aggravate your joint pain, however, some muscle soreness or joint achiness in the beginning is normal. To help you manage your pain start by warming up with some simple stretches or range of motion exercises for five to 10 minutes before you move on to strengthening or aerobic exercises. Another tip is to apply heat to the joints you’ll be working before you exercise, and use cold packs after exercising to reduce inflammation. If you’re experiencing a lot

of pain while you exercise, you may need to modify the frequency, duration, or intensity of your exercises until the pain improves. Or you may need to try a different activity – for example switching from walking to water aerobics. But it you’re having severe, sharp or constant pain, or large increases in swelling or your joints feel hot or red, you need to stop and see your doctor. Exercise Resources To help you exercise at home, there are a number arthritis exercise DVDs you can purchase to guide you through a wide variety of activities. Collage Video (collagevideo.com, 800-819-7111) sells several at prices ranging between $10 and $25, as does the Arthritis Foundation Store at afstore.org or 800-283-7800. Also see go4life.niapublications.org, a resource created by the National Institute on Aging

Savvy Senior

that offers a free exercise DVD and book that provides illustrated examples of exercises you can do to improve your condition. You can order your free copies online or by calling 800-222-2225. If you need some motivation or don’t like exercising alone, ask your doctor about exercise programs in your area for people with arthritis. Hospitals and clinics sometimes offer special programs, as do local health clubs and senior centers. The Arthritis Foundation also conducts exercise and aquatic programs for people with arthritis in many communities throughout the U.S. Contact your local branch (see arthritis. org/chaptermap.php, or call 800-283-7800 for contact information) to find out what may be available near you. Send your senior questions to: Savvy Senior, P.O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit SavvySenior.org. Jim Miller is a contributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Senior” book.

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Friday, March 23, 2012

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1x1.5 f 4/11 - 6/27 Guests at the opening reception for “Artists Among Us” at Upstairs Artspace. (photo by Keith Spencer)

Upstairs Artspace hosts ‘Spartanburg Spells ART!’ Edward Emory is an art historian and connoisseur, art gallery owner and charismatic civic booster. The Upstairs Artspace will host Emory’s informal talk, “Spartanburg Spells ART!” as part of its new exhibit, “Artists Among Us: 100 Faces of Art in Spartanburg.” The program is Tuesday, March 27 at 7 p.m. There is no charge. Emory will focus on Spar1x1.5 rich cultural history, tanburg’s its present-day reputation 5/23, W+f until 6/18 as a6/20 thriving artists’ community, f tfn and the positive impact of the arts on the region’s economy. He will outline how the Upstate

children some personal things outside of my estate plan? A. Yes, we have had clients be very creative in the ways they choose to communicate with their loved ones after they are gone. My own uncle left a very touching and inspirational0tfn5fri letter to - inDD - page 4 each of his sons. I have had clients leave detailed letThe Unitarian Universalist Fellowship will meet on Sunday, ters outlining their wishes March 25 at the Tryon Youth for future generations, their Center on Rt. 176 N. at 10:30 a.m. values and philosophy of This service will be devoted to the life. Several have even vidcreative side of the congregation. eotaped their messages to Various members of the TBUUF children and grandchildren. fellowship, who have special Many of these messages talents and interests in the arts, have been quite well done will share their talents with the and much appreciated by rest of us. the recipients. Selections from a sermon by Call (828) 696 1811 for Rev. Rowe entitled “Seeing” info on legal planning will be read, and the group will techniques. discuss how artists may see

of South Carolina and Western North Carolina can, together, be an arts destination for people from across the United States. An added interest for Tryon residents is Emory’s knowledge of the artists of the famous Tryon artists’ colony in the 1920s and 1930s. Many of these artists, such as Margaret Law and Josephine Sibley Couper, also lived in Spartanburg. Emory is the author of a coffee table book that inspired the Upstairs exhibit. Also called “Artists Among Us,” the book features double-page spreads for 100 artists showing a representa-

tive art work, the artist’s portrait and an artist’s statement. All but four of the artists are in the current show. The book is available for purchase at the gallery. Emory and his wife, Shannon, are owners and operators of Carolina Gallery in downtown Spartanburg. The Upstairs’ doors will open at 6:30 p.m. For more details, call 828-859-2828 or visit www. upstairsartspace.org. Gallery hours are Tuesday through Saturday, 12 to 6 p.m. and Sunday, 12 to 4 p.m. – article submitted by Upstairs Artspace

UU Fellowship holds ‘Creativity Service’ March 25



things in fresh and new ways and may often be willing to help others see things from a different perspective. Several members of the congregation have already volunteered to participate in the service. Annie Ewing and her female folk music group will provide music, artists Penny Kessler, Marie King, Katherine Smith and Christine Mariotti will show and talk about their paintings. Wood craftsman Grant Libramento will show and discuss his handmade

chairs. Others will read poetry and prose during the service. All of the congregation will have a 3-D project to complete by the end of the morning. This unusual service is open to the public and all are invited to share it with the artists on that day. After the service the culinary arts will be sampled with coffee and conversation. For information, call 828-8945776 or visit www.uutryonnc.org. – article submitted by Dan Dworkin

A21 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


A book review: Entertaining nonfiction, ‘Nothing Daunted’ In “Nothing Daunted, the Unexpected Education of Two Society Girls in the West,” the author, Dorothy Wickenden, has written an entertaining nonfiction book. Wickenden is on the faculty of the Writer’s Institute at CUNY’s Graduate Center, where she teaches a course on narrative nonfiction. This book illustrates that she is well qualified to teach such a class. Wickenden is the granddaughter of Dorothy Woodruff, one of two childhood friends who went west in 1916 to teach school in Elkhead, Colo. Dorothy and Rosamund Underwood regularly wrote letters home to their parents that tell of their trials, joys and adventures. It is these letters and scrapbooks left by the two women that form the foundation for “Nothing Daunted.” When Dorothy and Rosamond were hired, they were the first women of their generation from Auburn, N.Y. to have pay-

ing jobs. As “society girls,” they were bored with the parties and shopping that were their regular activities in Auburn. The book that was created from their letters reads like fiction. You’ll find yourself wanting to read from cover to cover to learn what happened during their time in this remote western town. If you are interested in reading “Nothing Daunted,” you’ll find it at the Lanier Library, located at 72 Chestnut Street in Tryon. If you are not a member of the Lanier Library and would like information on how to join, call 828-859-9535. The library’s website is www.lanierlib.org. The Lanier Library is open on Tuesday and Thursday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., on Wednesday and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and from 1 to 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoons. – article submitted by Robbie ter Kuile

Yoga classes at Stearns Gym, March 28 Yoga continues at Stearns Gym in Columbus with a new six-week session from March 28 – May 2, every Wednesday from 6-7 p.m. There is a small fee for the session. Elaina Prevett, a certi-

fied yoga instructor who has been teaching for 14 years, leads the all-levels class. For more information, call the instructor at 828-894-5176. - article submitted by Elaina Prevett


details and examples of projects are available on the TACS website, www.TryonArtsandCrafts. org. TACS is a nonprofit crafts school located at 373 Harmon Field Road in Tryon. - article submitted by Julia McIntyre

(continued from page 34)

workshops is required. For more information about the instructor or workshop, including tuition and supply costs, contact TACS at 828-859-8323 or tryonartsandcrafts@windstream.net. More

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Friday, March 23, 2012

As I sit at my desk, pen and pad at the ready, I think of the hectic last few weeks I’ve had. My lower back is acting up again and I have phone calls to answer which I’m not sure I have a solution for. I pose the question to myself, “Why are you doing this, Lennie?” He lay beneath a tree for a few days, visibly injured. Caring people bring food and water as his tail thumps with exciteBuck (photo submitted by Elaine Rizzo) ment, savoring human contact. I receive the call from the great folks at Buck’s Pizza in Tryon, stop in to visit Buck along with I would. They make me one of dear friends and great supporters. Buddy and leg and Tommy calls their fantastic meatball sandwichThey are heartbroken and con- me over to view the x-rays. “It’s es, which they know I love, then cerned as they relate the situation not good, Lennie,” he explains as hand me a few hundred dollars to me. I am overwhelmed with I see the severe split of his bone of their own money plus another cases and struggling with dimin- on his lower foreleg. “I could hundred they had raised. “God pin it,” Tommy bless you,” I exclaim, fighting ishing funds as goes on, “but it’s back tears of gratitude, “this will past cases flash Humane Society in a precarious go a long way to help with his bill before my mind. Special Cases area and I don’t at Landrum.” They promise to try I tell them, “find Leonard Rizzo think it would to raise more and I leave with my a way to get him hold.” “What’s food from heaven. I arrive home to Landrum vet the solution, Tommy?” I ask. and answer a few phone calls as and I’ll work something out.” With the help of Marie King, He lists procedures needed then I eat my sandwich, not realizing the little dynamo nicknamed adds, “they probably could do it how hungry I was for sometimes Mongoose and her husband Upstate but it will be expensive.” I forget to eat. I learn that Buck Steve, Cobra, you figure it out, Snowy flashes through my mind is scheduled to be operated on they bring him to the vets. I im- and I smile, “please send the x- next Tuesday at 11 a.m. It being mediately rush over to Landrum rays to Dr. Keith Allen and see if Friday, I quickly call F.H.S. to to meet this wonderful pit mix and when they could take him.” rearrange my schedule then take but I feel certain there is Pointer I then go back to the cages and the phone in with me to try and or Setter in there somewhere. He give Buck my customary kiss squeeze in an hour nap. Don’t is 53 pounds and estimated to be and promise. Then I call Kathy laugh, I’ll admit I’m getting old. A lot has happened on Buck’s 1 ½ years old. In honor of my Toomey, who manages my F.H.S. good friends we name him Buck. Lennie’s fund and explain what’s behalf since then and thus far it is clearwtr - page on.6 I ask if there’s enough all good. I promise I will fill you Besides his awesome looks, his going friendly and loving ways and he money in the fund to handle the in on this magnificent boy’s tale has already stolen every heart at case and Kathy assures me I can when things finalize. Before I conclude I will try to the clinic. It is obvious he’s been cover it. “Thanks Kathy, you’re struck by a vehicle; he has some the best.” “So are you,” she re- answer the question I posed to bruises but there is severe damage plies. I then contact Steve King, myself. I haven’t any doubt of to his right leg which he cannot (Marie is currently out of town) the love I receive from my family use. He is most certainly in pain and he agrees to register Buck as and friends but I am fallible and but you’d never know it by his a stray turned in at F.H.S., under I, like all of us, make mistakes actions. This fact never ceases to their name. He also agrees to now and then. I’ll say the wrong tear me up. I tearfully wrap my foster Buck for any recuperative thing or not do what’s expected of arms around him as he licks my time he may need when the time me and as is human nature, their face and pokes at me with his comes. I thank the big fella and love falters. I do what I do because I’ve injured leg for more attention. I ask him to send Marie my prayers learned that there are only two turn to Dr. Maiolo, “Do whatever for her ailing father. Next I head off to see Liz and entities that love me unconditionit is you can for him Tommy, I will Tyler at Buck’s Pizza to give them ally, my kids and my Lord. find a way to handle it.” Thanks for listening. The next day after work I the run down as I had promised

A23 Friday, March 23, 2012

Tryon Daily Bulletin  /  The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

High school students help with TFAC Super Saturday shows

During four sold-out performances by juggler Ivan Pecel and music funnyman Al Simmons at the Tryon Fine Arts Center on Super Saturday, TFAC Technical Director Jimm Brink had his high school crew working lights and sound in the control booth and handling backstage needs of the performers. Here the team celebrates at the end of a successful day: (front row) Brink, Tij D’oyen and Alexa Hughes; (back row) Maddie Yates, Jerreth Emory, Sara Seagle and Aaron Yates. (photo submitted by Connie Clark)

• Calendar (continued from page 2)

AAUW meets on the fourth Monday of each month at 1:30 p.m. at the Tryon Presbyterian Church fellowship hall. Lisa Alther will discuss her latest book, “Washed in the Blood.” Open to the public. Tryon Garden Club will offer a class in flowering and non-flowering plants (mosses and ferns) on Monday, March 26 from 1:30-3:30 p.m. Phil Nisbet, who has taught at Isothermal Community College and FENCE, will be the instructor. PCHS golf at Links of Tryon at 4 p.m. PCHS men’s tennis at Highland Tech at 4 p.m. Male Domestic Abuse Intervention Program, Mon-

days, 6 - 7:30 p.m., Steps to HOPE. 894-2340. Community policing meeting for Tryon area, Monday, March 2, 6:30 p.m. at the Tryon Fire Department. Landrum Library, free yoga classes. 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Limited to first 30 people. Thermal Belt Stamp Club, first and third Mondays of each month, 7:30 p.m., Tryon Federal Bank, Columbus. Visitors welcome. Alcoholics Anonymous, Mondays, 8 p.m., Columbus Presbyterian Church.


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Tuesdays, Ozone Drive and Hwy. 176, Saluda. Polk County Transportation Authority makes a regular trip to Hendersonville on the

first and third Tuesday of each month. 894-8203. Hospice of the Carolina Foothills, “We Care” is a weekly informal social group open to women coping with loss. The group meets at 9 a.m. at TJ’s Cafe in Tryon and is open to newcomers. For more information, contact Shannon Slater at 828-894-7000, 800-617-7132 or sslater@hocf.org. The Meeting Place Senior Center Tuesday activities include ceramics, 9:30 a.m.; art class, 10 a.m.; bingo or movie, 12:30 p.m. 828-894-0001. Please submit Curb Reporter items in writing at least two days prior to publication. Items must include a name and telephone number of a contact person. Items will be printed in order by date of event, as space allows.



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A24 Friday, March 23, 2012

The event of the year is almost here! The 66th Running of the

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