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Do It Yourself Messiah Dec. 13, page 14

Tryon Daily Bulletin

The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Vol. 85 / No. 179

Tryon, N.C. 28782

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Only 50 cents

A Columbus Christmas

The Foothills Cooperative Youth Theater will present a showing of the classic film “Sound of Music” on Saturday, Dec. 15, at 8 p.m. at the Tryon Congregational Church. Admission is free, but donations are accepted. The group will also sell refreshments to raise money for a community youth musical in the summer of 2013. Info: fcytheater.wordpress.com.

Here’s a list of upcoming meetings and events for area nonprofit community and governmental organizations:


Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Tuesdays, Ozone Drive and Hwy. 176, Saluda. Green Creek Community Center, Zumba exercise class, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m. and 7 p.m., in gym. The Meeting Place Senior Center, beginner/intermediate pilates, 8:30 a.m.; ceramics, 9:30 a.m.; devotions and art class, 10 a.m.; Let’s move... (Continued on page 2)

Carolina Foothills Chamber of Commerce decked out a float with their Blue Ridge Barbecue Festival pig and a group of jolly members. (photo by Leah Justice)

Murder suspect arrested for breaking and entering by Leah Justice

After bonding out of jail in Henderson County on murder charges, a Saluda man was arrested by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office last week suspected of breaking and entering a Saluda Township residence. Polk County Sheriff Donald Hill said on Dec. 7 deputies were dispatched to a breaking and entering in progress along Laurel

Drive in Saluda. Upon arrival deputies found Brandon Cody Lee Case and Amanda Maybin on the property. Case, 24, of 709 Laurel Drive, Saluda was arrested and charged with felony breaking and/or entering and felony larceny, according to sheriff reports. Maybin was charged with aid and abet larceny, according (Continued on page 4)

Serving Polk County and Upper Spartanburg and Greenville Counties

Brandon Case

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