Sidney Lanier Award Poetry Competition deadline Feb. 15, page 6
Tryon Daily Bulletin
The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper
Vol. 85 / No. 240
Tryon, N.C. 28782
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Only 50 cents
Tryon considers saddle for Morris advertising by Leah Justice
Saluda was designated as a NC “Small Town Main Street.” Monthly meetings with the STMS program director, Sherry Adams, are scheduled the third Tuesday of the month at 9 a.m. at the Saluda Library. Meetings are open to the public. The next meeting will be today, Jan. 15.
Here’s a list of upcoming meetings and events for area nonprofit community and governmental organizations:
Tryon officials are currently considering creating a saddle for Morris the Horse so that advertising signs placed on the statue do not harm it. Morris was recently rebuilt after a fundraising effort and the Morris committee asked town council during its November meeting not to allow advertising on the new statue for fear of damage. Committee members suggested that advertising be done with an easel near Morris instead. Tryon Town Manager Caitlin Martin said the planning board has heard ideas including placing a saw horse near Morris when signs are up, requiring advertisers to create their own stand-alone (Continued on page 4)
Polk County Mobile Recycling Unit, Tuesdays, Ozone Drive and Hwy. 176, Saluda. Polk County Transportation Authority, makes a regular trip to Hendersonville on the first and third Tuesday of each month. 894-8203. Green Creek Community Center, Zumba exercise class, Tuesdays and Thursdays 9 a.m. and 7 p.m., in gym. The Meeting Place Senior Center, beginner/intermediate (Continued on page 2)
Right: Tryon officials are currently debating whether or not to allow signs like this one advertising local events to be draped over Morris the Horse as they have been in the past. (photo by Samantha Hurst)
No upset bids against Jervey-Palmer building offer Polk begins closing procedures after $50k offer by Leah Justice
Polk County has found a new owner for the Jervey-Palmer building in Tryon. Commissioners met Jan. 7 and heard from interim county manager Marche Pittman that
the county received no upset bids following a $50,000 offer on the building. Daystar Enterprises Inc. made the offer prior to the December 3 (Continued on page 4)
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