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Upstairs Artspace presents Mountain Sculptors and The Nature of Abstraction, page 3

Tryon Daily Bulletin

The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Vol. 86 / No. 86

Tryon, N.C. 28782

Friday, May 31, 2013

Only 50 cents

Beef cattle, hay top crops in Polk

7,200 acres in preservation districts See full story on page 4.

page at www.tryonarts.org.

Applications for the Tryon Fine Arts Center’s Be Inspired Grants or B.I.G.s are due today, Friday,a May 31 for $500 grants to support educational projects involving the arts. If you have questions, contact the Tryon Fine Arts Center at 828859-8322 or visit the Arts in Education

••• Tryon Country Club rescheduled their annual Donald Hall Invitational golf tournament because of the big rainstorm in mid-May. They will gather in turn-of-the-century costumes on Saturday, June 1, at the club. The tournament opens with a shotgun start at 3 p.m.

Four arrested in Landrum on meth charges by Samantha Hurst

Four people were arrested on meth charges in the Greenville County area of Landrum Wednesday, May 29, according to Greenville County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Michael Hildebrand. Deputies responded to a dis-

turbance call from Oak Grove Rd. around 5 p.m. When deputies arrived at 322 Oak Grove Rd. they found four people inside a mobile home with a meth lab. Deputies arrested all four individuals (Continued on page 10)

Serving Polk County and Upper Spartanburg and Greenville Counties

FREE Health & Information Fair Saturday, June 1, 9 a.m. - noon

at Stearns Park, Columbus Call 894-2408 for more information!

Sponsored by: St. Luke’s Hospital & Polk Fit, Fresh and Friendly

2 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

STAFF Betty Ramsey, Publisher betty.ramsey@tryondailybulletin.com

Samantha Hurst, Editor samantha.hurst@tryondailybulletin.com

Leah Justice, Reporter leah.justice@tryondailybulletin.com

Gwen Ring, Design gwen.ring@tryondailybulletin.com

Lenette Sprouse, Marketing Consultant lenette.sprouse@tryondailybulletin.com

Harry Forsha, Marketing Consultant harry.forsha@tryondailybulletin.com

Kevin Powell, Marketing Consultant kevin.powell@tryondailybulletin.com

Jessy Taylor, Administrative Assistant jessy.taylor@tryondailybulletin.com

Tony Elder, Pressroom Manager tony.elder@tryondailybulletin.com

Jeff Allison, Printing Press/Distribution jeff.allison@tryondailybulletin.com

Jonathan Burrell, Pressroom Ethan Price, Pressroom

How To Reach Us Main number, classifieds and subscriptions: 828-859-9151 FAX: 828-859-5575 e-mail: news@tryondailybulletin.com Founded Jan. 31, 1928 by Seth M. Vining. (Consolidated with the Polk County News 1955) Betty Ramsey, Publisher THE TRYON DAILY BULLETIN (USPS 643-360) is published daily except Saturdays and Sundays for $60 per year by Tryon Newsmedia LLC, 16 N. Trade St., Tryon, NC 287826656. Periodicals postage paid at Tryon, North Carolina 28782. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Tryon Newsmedia LLC., 16 N Trade St., Tryon, NC 28782-6656. www.tryondailybulletin.com

Friday, May 31, 2013


Dig into Reading Summer Reading Program begins Friday, May 31, at the Landrum Library. Children, ages birth- rising fourth graders, will receive a goodie bag along with a reading record and list of special activities that will take place at the library during the months of June and July. The Nature of Abstraction and Mountain Sculptors at Upstairs Artspace Two exhibits open at Upstairs Artspace. Gallery hours: Tue.-Sat., 11 a.m.5 p.m. Contact: 828-859-2828 or visit www.upstairsartspace.org. Saluda Center, Friday events: chair exercise, Carol Beth Icard 9:30 a.m.; Trash Train, 10 a.m.; NA Meeting, 8 p.m. For more activities, email saludacenter@hotmail.com or visit www.saluda.com. The Meeting Place Senior Center Friday activities include movie matinee or drumming at 10 a.m. (every third Friday) and bingo or movie at 12:30 p.m. 828894-0001. Saluda Tailgate Market, every Friday, 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., until November. All items are grown or made in Polk County. American Legion Post 250, weekly bingo games, Fridays, 7 p.m., 43 Depot St., Tryon. Doors open 5:30 p.m. Smoke-free. Narcotics Anon. Saluda Senior Center, Friday, 8 p.m.


Green Creek Missionary Baptist Church will host its first

annual car, truck and motorcycle show June 1. The event opens with a fundraiser breakfast at 7:30 a.m., registration for the shows is from 8 a.m.-noon. The event will include awards for each division, door prizes, a cakewalk, a 50/50 drawing, children’s inflatables and a hot dog and hamburger lunch. A car will also be raffled. Info: 828-223-4311 or Pastor Twitty at 828-817-4398. The Nature of Abstraction at Upstairs Artspace Opening reception June 1, 5-8 p.m. Gallery hours: Tue.-Sat., 11 a.m.- 5 p.m. Contact: 828-859-2828 or visit www.upstairsartspace.org. Landrum Farmers’ Market meets on North Trade St. from 7-11 a.m. near the depot. For information, contact Joe Cunningham at 864-457-6585. Columbus Tailgate Market, every Saturday, 8 a.m. to noon, until November. All items are grown or made in Polk County. Democratic Women’s Big Country Breakfast Fundraiser Saturday, June 1 8-10:30 a.m. at the Democratic headquarters in Columbus. Blueberry pancakes, egg casserole, sausage, biscuits and all the fixings for a minimum donation. Everyone is welcome. 828-894-3219. Free Health and Information Fair, Saturday, June 1, 9 a.m. to noon at Stearns Park in Columbus. Call 828-894-2408 for more information. Gibson Pool will be opening at 4 p.m. and is a part of the Health Fair event. Green Creek Community Center Zumba class, Saturdays, 9 a.m. Book Lovers meet Saturday, June 1 at Lanier Library at 9:30 a.m. to discuss books they’ve enjoyed. Open to all book lovers. Join the fun! 828-859-9535.

LOCAL WEATHER Today: Partly cloudy, with 10 percent chance of rain. High 84, low 65.

Tomorrow: Partly cloudy, with 10 percent chance of rain. High 86, low 65.

Sunday’s weather: High 81, low 67, with a 30 percent Tonight’s Moon Phase: chance of rain. Monday’s weather: High 77, low 64, with a 50 percent chance of rain. Wednesday’s weather was: High 83, low 63, no rain.

Grassroots Art Project, holds art classes to benefit Lennie’s Fund and the Humane Society, Saturdays from 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. There is no fee for the class and all materials will be provided. Classes are held at the Holy Cross Episcopal Church on Melrose Ave. in Tryon. Call 828-899-0673 for more information. House of Flags Museum, open Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., 33 Gibson Street, Columbus. Polk County Historical Association Museum open Saturdays, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m., 60 Walker St., Columbus, lower level. Free. Everyday Roses by Paul Zimmerman book signing at The Book Shelf Saturday, June 1 at noon. Learn how to grow your own easy-care roses. The Book Shelf is located at 94 North Trade Street. Tryon. Info: 828-859-9304 or www.tryonbookshelf.com. Tryon Fine Arts Center, Oil painting class for teens with Margaret Curtis, Saturdays, noon - 3 p.m. Tryon Country Club Donald Ross Invitational The Donald Ross Invitational, a hickory club event, was postponed due to rain and will be played on Saturday, June 1 at 3 p.m. Thermal Belt Friendship Council picnic Thermal Belt Friendship Council picnic on Saturday, June 1 at Harmon Field Cabin and Pavilion from 4-8 p.m. Bring your family and your friends. All are welcome and there is no charge. Submit Curb Reporter items at least two days prior to publication. Items must include a name and telephone number. Items will be printed as space allows.

OBITUARIES William O. Fenner, II, p. 11 Mary Friga Seitzinger Sauvion, p. 11


Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


Upstairs Artspace presents Mountain Sculptors and The Nature of Abstraction Upstairs Artspace in Tryon an- be a survey of artistic productivity nounces the opening of two new moving from traditional sculpexhibits - Mountain Sculptors’ tural pieces to very contemporary Sculpture Exhibition, and The Na- forms. Mountain Sculptors, an inture of Abstraction, paintings by Carol Beth Icard - on Friday, May formal group of artists working in three dimen31. The public sions, aims to is invited to an enhance cominformal “Walk Want to go? munity awareand Talk” tour ness, underof Icard’s work What: Mountain standing, and at 4 p.m. on Sat- Sculptors’ appreciation of urday, June 1, and The Nature of contemporary followed by an Abstraction. sculpture, and opening recep- When: Sat., June 1 tion from 5-8 Where: Upstairs Artspace, e n h a n c e t h e technical and p.m. Tryon. aesthetic deThe Mounvelopment of tain Sculptors exhibit features pieces by 25 art- its members, all of whom are ists. Each submitted up to eight professionals working in western entries, and a select jury chose North Carolina and the surroundthe sculpture to be included in ing region. The Nature of Abstraction is the show. The work, which ranges from painted carved wood, alabas- an exhibit of Carol Beth Icard’s ter, steel and bronze to terracotta, paintings and oil sketches. This paper, clay and found objects, has work arose from hiking weekly no theme. Instead, it’s intended to with friends on the trails in the

Left: Joseph Race’s “Gibson.” Right: Jay Pfeil’s “Moon Song.” (photo submitted)

foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Experiencing lichen, exposed roots and the inevitable cycle of nature, Icard has documented forms, colors, textures, and lines in photographs and a group of oil sketches. Informed first by the experience, and then by the oil sketches, her paintings surface as natural gestures and intuitive choices of materials. A portion of

each of her sales will be donated to Pacolet Area Conservancy. The shows will remain on display through July 13. For more information, call 859-2828, visit www.upstairsartspace.org, or drop by the gallery at 49 S. Trade St., Tryon. The gallery is open Tuesdays through Saturdays, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. – article submitted by Harold Maass

4 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, May 31, 2013

Beef cattle, hay top crops in Polk aquaponics and many consumer Beef cattle is the top agriculture farmers, or farmers who grow business currently in Polk County large gardens and sell at the farmwith hay production being second, ers markets. County commissioner Keith according to the Polk County Holbert asked how the state defines Farmland Preservation Board. The county’s agriculture was a farm. Polk Soil and Water District discussed extensively during a Administrator Sandra Reid said a joint meeting earlier this month farmer has to produce a product with the Polk County Board of with certain amounts of quantity Commissioners, the Polk Soil and to qualify as a farm. “You can’t take in horses for Water District and the farmland sport and be a farm,” said Reid. preservation board. Soil and water district superviAgriculture officials also said sor and farmland the county currently has 7,200 “You can’t take in horses p r e s e r v a t i o n board member acres of land classified in the for sport and be a farm.” Dave Slater re-- Sandra Reid viewed the cost voluntary agrishare program culture district, between the state with 1,600 of those acres being in the enhanced and farmers. He said the state provoluntary agriculture district. vides funding to the districts with Landowners in the enhanced dis- the district working with farmers trict have agreed to restrict land to for certain projects. An example, Slater said, is developing a wateragricultural use for 10 years. Farmland preservation board ing system in fields where cattle chair Doug Harmon said in the graze in order to keep cattle out future he’d like to see more truck of streams. He said the state pays farming with produce being sold a greater amount if they are in a in Polk County. Harmon said there voluntary agriculture program, have not been any large producers with the state paying 90 percent of of produce in the county, but there qualifying projects if a farmer is in has been a lot of small producers the enhanced agriculture district. History of soil & water who have started as evidenced at district local farmers markets. The Polk County Soil & Water Polk County Commissioner Conservation District is a governChair Michael Gage asked if there have been any new and innovative ment entity dedicated to the proteccrops in Polk County. (Continued on page 6) Harmon said there are some

by Leah Justice

Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


6 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

• Top crops

been on the board for 25 years; vice-chair Frank Smith, who has been on the board 17 years; section, preservation and enhance- retary/treasurer Hubert McEntyre, ment of Polk’s natural resouces. who has served 53 years; Charles Soil and water districts and their Dean Edwards, with 31 years of governing boards were formed na- service; and Slater with 16 years tionwide based on legislation ap- of service. proved by congress following the Polk County provides funding devastating Dust Bowl and other for one full time administrator critical conservation problems of and one part time district technithe 1930s. cian. The state provides some “Because reimbursement nearly ¾ of for the district the continental “Because nearly ¾ of technician and a United States the continental United district conseri s p r i v a t e l y States is privately owned, vationist is fully owned, Confunded by the gress realized Congress realized that federal governthat only active, only active, voluntary ment. voluntary sup- support from landowners The county port from landalso provides owners would would guarantee the funding for opguarantee the success of conservation erational costs success of consuch as office work on private land.” servation work space, supplies, -- Dave Slater on private land,” telephone, postSlater said. age and travel. The partnerThe soil and water district office ship has been the backbone of is now located in the Mill Spring highly successful efforts over the Agricultural Center. past 75 years to address problems Conservation funding ranges across the state including soil per year to meet conservation erosion, flood damage and water needs. Over the past five years, the quality issues. Polk Soil and Water Conservation North Carolina has 96 soil District has brought in over $6 and water districts with more million. than 3,000 soil and water districts History of farmland nationwide. preservation board The districts are governed by a Polk’s farmland preservation five-member board of supervisors, board began in 2000 as a grassroots with three who are elected and two committee then called the agriappointed. Board members serve cultural economic development four-year terms. committee, formed to discuss the Polk’s current board includes (Continued on page 8) chairman Richard Smith, who has (continued from page 4)

We have a New York Direct Sales Connection!

Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


8 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

• Top crops (continued from page 6)

opportunity offered by state legislation (HB 607) to form agricultural preservation districts. Polk County commissioners approved the voluntary agricultural district preservation ordinance (VAD) in 2002 and appointed a farmland preservation board in 2003. The purpose of the VAD was to encourage the voluntary preservation and protection of farmland from non-farm development to help maintain the rural character of the county. In 2005, the addition of the enhanced voluntary agricultural district was signed into law, which encouraged farmland preservation boards to provide farmers the option of entering a 10-year irrevocable conservation agreement. In 2006, Polk County approved the Enhanced Voluntary Agricultural District (EVAD) ordinance. In December 2007, Polk County approved a countywide farmland protection plan. The county’s first agriculture economic development director was hired in August 2008. “There have been services provided to accommodate almost every citizen in the county, whether their interests are big farming, home gardens, community garden, landscape gardens, raising chickens, beef, buffalo or goats, processing their own meats, making their own cheese or ice cream, or venturing into new products for the area such as aquaponics,

Friday, May 31, 2013

herbs or hops,” states a presentation by Reid. “The outreach has been tremendous but there is much more that can and should still be accomplished.” Current farmland preservation board members include Harmon, Slater, Bruce Edwards, Bill Davis, Jeff Searcy and Evangelena Barber with one vacancy open. Advisors to the board are Polk County Cooperative Extension Director John Vining and county commissioner Ted Owens. History of the ag center The Polk County Soil & Water Conservation District accepted a donation of the old Mill Spring School, which came after the county hired its first agriculture economic development director Lynn Sprague. The response from the community to the restoration of the school was tremendous, with donations and volunteering. The soil and water district owns the building, but does not make any profit. All monies from rentals, the store and donations are used to pay operational expenses which include an operations director and a maintenance employee. Any extra funding is used for continued restoration of the building. Polk County recently began advertising for an interim agriculture economic development director after Sprague’s resignation recently. Commissioners agreed to replace and continue funding the position during the joint meeting and are proposing to fully fund the department in next year’s budget, which begins July 1.


Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

A FREE Health & Information Fair for Kids and their Families!

Saturday, June 1 9 am - noon Stearns Park Dental Puppet Show @ 10:30 a.m. FREE Health Screenings!

Columbus, NC

Give Blood with The Blood Connection!

Safe Child ID! Information!



Bounce House!

Tour the Ambulanc


See the Polk County Bookmobile! And More!

Kathy Woodh

Board Member Polk Fi t, Fresh and F

Sponsored by:

Phone (828) 894-2408

Rain Date: Saturday, June 8 Working Together for Wellness

E-mail kwoodham@saintlukeshos

10 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Jim T. Allison

• Meth

(continued from page 1)

including Jim T. Allison, 51, of 1794 Highway 11, Landrum;

Friday, May 31, 2013

Thomas G. Campbell

Karen Jenkins

Carl Collins

Thomas G. Campbell, 58, of 322 Oak Grove Road; Karen Jenkins, 42, of 230 Jamison Mill Road and Carl Collins, Jr., 65, of 210 Highway 20, Piedmont.

Each individual was charged with disposal of meth waste and manufacture, distribution of meth. As of Thursday afternoon all

were being held in Greenville County Detention Center. Allison’s and Jenkins’ bond is set at $15,000, Collins’ and Campbell’s bonds are set for $5,000 each.

Polk County Board of Commissioners June 3 agenda Editor’s note: The first five agenda items include the Call to order, invocation, pledge of allegiance, approval of minutes and approval of agenda. The Bulletin will print the Board of Commissioners agendas at the

editorial staff’s discretion prior to each meeting. Budget amendments – Sandra Hughes, finance director will present budget amendments. Foothills Humane Society (FHS) – David Pritchard, FHS

Board of Directors President, will be present to discuss the facility’s financial needs. BOC meeting dates – to set the regular board meeting dates fro July through December 2013.

Manager’s report – Jervey Palmer Building update. Volunteer boards for vote and for review. Citizen comments Commissioner comments Closed session


Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Letter to the Editor

William O. Fenner, II William O. Fenner, II passed away, May 28, 2013 at his home in Columbus. Born in Hartford, Conn., he was the son of the late Percy Lawrence Fenner and Isabella Hemp Fenner. Mr. Fenner was a veteran of the U.S. Navy and the U.S. Air Force. He graduated for N.C. State in 1958, the University of Pennsylvania in 1973, Rollins College, Yale University, Florida State University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Bemidji State College, Florida

Letter to the Editor

Mary Friga Seitzinger Sauvion Mary Friga Seitzinger Sauvion, 86, passed away Thursday, May 30, 2013 in White Oak Manor, Tryon. Born in St. Clair, Penn. on April 9, l927, she was the daughter of the late George and Mary Charnak Friga. She was the widow of Gabriel R. Sauvion who died in 2008. Mary is survived by two daughters, Maryann Wherry of Columbus and Elsa Beystrum of Caldwell, ID; a son Thomas R. Seitzinger, Jr. of Reading, PA; sister Anna Moylan of Caldwell ID and three grandchildren, Tara Wherry, Rebecca Beystrum and Benjamin Beystrum. She was

Institute of Technology and Florida Technological University. Mr. Fenner worked AT&T, Lakeview Junior High School, Florida Southern College and Walt Disney World. He enjoyed flying, golf, fishing, camping, chess, bridge and was a member of Spartan Spinners Square Dance and Senior Circle at Mary Black Hospital. Survivors include one brother, Donald Fenner of Colorado; his special friend of 15 years, Ann Moss of Spartanburg, S.C. At his request, no services will be held. An online guest register is available at www.mcfarlandfuneralchapel.com.



(for concert singers, instrumentalists and (for concert singers, instrumentalists and donors)

Monday, June 10, 2013 7:00 p.m June 10, 2013 7:00 p.m. Tryon Monday, Presbyterian Church

preceded in death by a son, George M. Seitzinger who died in 2011 and three sisters, Irene Friga, Margaret Tablack and Elizabeth Dobson. No local services are planned. Burial will be at the convenience of the family in St. Michaels’s Orthodox Church Cemetery, St. Clair, Penn. through James H. Evans Funeral Home, St. Clair, Penn. Memorials may be made to: The Polk County Library, 1289 West Mills Street, Columbus, NC 28722 or Hospice of the Carolina Foothills, 130 Forest Glen Dr., Columbus, N.C. 28722 or to your favorite charity. An on-line guest register may be signed at www.mcfarlandfuneralchapel.com McFarland Funeral Chapel, Tryon.

Tryon Presbyterian Church

(Required by law) (Required by law)

12 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Polk County District Court results In Polk County District Court held on Wednesday, May 22, 2013 with Judge Pete Knight presiding, 156 cases were heard. Some cases were continued, dismissed or sent to superior court. The following persons were convicted of a crime: Melissa A. Blackwell was convicted of speeding 65 mph in a 50 mph zone and 60 mph in a 45 mph zone. Blackwell was fined $50 and court costs. Elease Brooks was convicted of operating a vehicle with impaired equipment. Brooks was fined $40 and court costs. Roy Cano was convicted of speeding 74 mph in a 65 mph zone. Cano was fined $30 and court costs.

Jeffrey Allen Constance was convicted of speeding 106 mph in a 65 mph zone. Constance was fined $106 and court costs. Esteban Giugovaz was convicted of operating a vehicle with impaired equipment. Giugovaz was fined $40 and court costs. Court Jakob Paul Greenway was convicted of failure to reduce speed. Greenway was fined $25 and court costs. Aos Wisam Hazem was convicted of speeding 93 mph in a 65 mph zone. Hazem was fined $93 and court costs. Chad Richard Jackson was convicted of failure to comply with

community service, possession of methamphetamine and driving while license revoked. Jackson was sentenced to 24 hours in jail and two years of supervised probation for failure to comply with community service; two years supervised probation, a $75 fine and court costs for possession of methamphetamine and two years supervised proresults bation, a $75 fine and court costs for driving while license revoked. Jason Franklin Kempton was convicted of possession of methamphetamine. Kempton was sentenced to two years supervised probation, a $50 fine and court costs. David Alan Kuebler Jr. was convicted of speeding 74 mph in a 65 mph zone. Kuebler was fined $30

Friday, May 31, 2013

and court costs. Bobby Wayne Mauney Jr. was convicted of unsafe movement. Mauney was fined $30 and court costs. Jimmy Don Mikel was convicted of speeding 74 mph in a 65 mph zone. Mikel was fined $30 and court costs. Vitality Vital Pipenko was convicted of speeding 74 mph in a 65 mph zone. Pipenko was fined $30 and court costs. Jonathan Keith Poteat was convicted of possession of drug paraphernalia. Poteat was fined $75 and court costs. Jennifer Susan Wilson was convicted of possession of drug paraphernalia. Wilson was sentenced to one day in jail.

Polk County sheriff report accounts for more than 230 calls During the week from May 19 through May 26, 2013, the Polk County Sheriff’s Office answered 236 calls for service.

There were two arrests, 11 citations, three criminal papers served and 21 civil papers served. Officers assisted other agen-

cies seven times, completed 237 house checks, 296 church checks, 413 business checks, assisted the public 11 times and patrolled

5,913 miles. - information submitted by chief deputy Mike Wheeler


Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Family fun at spring health festival As is usual this time of year, and health providers to offer fun we have many events that vie and games, kids’ activities and for our time and attention – health screenings, even snacks! graduation and senior awards, Children can expect an up close little league soccer and sum- look and hands-on fun with a bounce castle, mer camps, the fire truck, Johnnyswim Caring for our an ambulance at Tryon Fine Community and bookmoArts Center or bile. We expect the latest movby Ken Shull the kids will enie in downtown joy the dental Tr y o n . O n e thing we certainly hope you puppet show (10:30 a.m.), the won’t miss is a full day of events drumming circle, and the chance intended to help you “Spring to practice fire safety with the Sunny View Fire Department’s Into A Healthy Summer!” With a big focus on chil- smoke house! “Spring Into A Healthy Sumdren, St. Luke’s Hospital and mer!” is truly Polk Fit, Fresh a community and Friendly effort so we are co-hosting Want to go? invite you to a community bring the entire event for the What: Spring Into e n t i r e f a m - a Healthy Summer family by Stearns Park Satily this Satur- When: June 1, 9 a.m. urday morning day, June 1. Where: Starts at It starts early Columbus Farmers to kick start Summer 2013. with the open- Market, Womack For ideas, suping of the Co- Building Parking port and inforlumbus Farm- Lot mation to help ers Market (8 you get healthy, a.m.-noon) and healthy cooking demonstra- come on by the fair. Our community event foltions near the courthouse, and ends late with a free swim and lows another, the annual Polk refreshments at Gibson Pool Relay for Life. To bring awareness and support for cancer care (4-6 p.m.). And in between (9 a.m.- and research, the relay starts at noon), you and your family can 6 p.m., Friday, May 31 at Polk enjoy the Health and Informa- County Middle School. In Polk County, we have lots tion Fair at Stearns Park in downtown Columbus. We are of opportunities – even though expecting about 30 different they compete for our time, it will community services, agencies be time well spent.



14 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, May 31, 2013

ICC June courses open for registration Isothermal Community College Polk Center in Columbus has announced its next round of classes. More In Class Writing, Instructor Brittany HamptonTokar. This course is a great fit for serious writers and for those who simply enjoy writing for fun. Each session includes writing exercises, time to share what is written in class and discussion. Mondays, June 3-17, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Spanish III, Instructor Doug Morris. The third eight-week session of “Spanish for Beginners.” This session will emphasize grammar, the placement of adjectives and object pronouns. Mondays, June 3 – July 29, 10 a.m.- noon. Beginning Stained Glass, Instructor Dot Pearce. Learn the basics of the copperfoil method of stained glass. Tuesdays, 6 -9 p.m., June 4 -25 or Thursdays, 9 a.m.– noon, June 6 - 27. A Year in Paris, Instructor Mary Jo Padgett. Hear from a recent Paris resident through discussion, Powerpoint presentation, handouts and memoirs – about “real life” behind the sidewalk cafes and tourist desti­nations. Wednesdays, June 5 – 26, 6-8 p.m. Advertising Copywriting: Get in touch with your inner Mad Man or Mad Woman, Instructor Darlene Cah. Whether you want fresh ideas to promote your business or you’re exploring a career in advertising, this

basic class will challenge you to write print ads for a variety of products and services. Open to business owners, graphic designers as well as aspiring copywriters and writers of all genres. Wednesdays, June 5 – 26, 6 – 7:30 p.m. Beginning Stained Glass, Instructor Dot Pearce. Learn the basics of the copperfoil method of stained glass. Tuesdays, June 4 – 25, 6 – 9 p.m. or Thurs, June 6 - 27, 9 a.m.–noon. Improv, Instructor Darlene Cah. Come explore, discover and nurture your creative spirit as we play in a friendly, supportive environment where there are no mistakes and acting foolish is encouraged! No theater or improv experience necessary. Thursdays, June 6 – 27, 6 – 7:30 p.m. Beginning Watercolor, Instructor Jeanne Parsons. Have you wanted to paint with water colors but didn’t know where to start? This class is for you! Join us for a fun time painting and discover the artist within. No experience is necessary. Mon: June 10 – July 29, 9 a.m. – 12 noon. Medication Aide, Instructor Rheta Merrell. This class prepares the student for the State of North Carolina certification test. Prerequisite: Nurse Aide I in good standing on North Carolina Registry; High School Diploma. Monday/Tuesday/Thursday: June 10, 11, 13, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. (Continued on page 15)

Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

• ICC courses (continued from page 14)

Computers-Past, Present and Beyond, Instructor Alicia Knighten. Learn about the history of computers, the Internet, technology and their impact on the world. Thurs: June 13, 12:30 – 4:30 p.m. Intermediate Excel, Instructor Brian Weatherley. Learn to create Excel spreadsheets with formulas and functions, how to use sorting and filing, add graphics and create and modify charts. Basic Microsoft Excel or equivalent is required. Mondays/Wednesdays: June 17 – July 17, 12:30 – 2:30 p.m. Writing Your Story, Instructor Brittany Hampton-Tokar. Whether you have a specific event in your life to get down on paper, or if you want to record the story of your life for family or for publication, this class will help you find a strong beginning, a fitting tone, and a clear, com-

pelling voice. Mondays, June 24 – July 15, 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) Gaming, Instructor Brian Weatherley. Learn problem solving, hand eye coordination, building an online character, development and progression, achievements, teamwork, socializing and much more. Mondays/Thursdays, June 24 – July 24, 6-8 p.m. Photoshop Elements II, Instructor Carolyn Michel. This class is geared to the student who has been using Photoshop Elements and would like to move on to more advanced techniques. Wednesdays, June 26 – July 31, 9 a.m. – noon. Class brochures are available at ICC Polk Center in Columbus and online at www.isothermal. edu/learnstuffpolk. Please call 828-894-3092 for more details on these and other classes being offered or to register. – article submitted by Kate Barkschat


PCHS Prom King and Queen

Jordan Brown and Karen Bame were named 2013 PCHS Prom King and Queen. To see more photos, visit www.tryondailybulletin.com (photo submitted)

16 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

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GARAGE SALES Carport Sale Sat. June 1st 9a to 2p at 121 McDonald St., Tryon. New Ceiling Fans & lights 8pc dining room set, household items, pots & pans, outdoor items, China Hutch, new collars, leashes, clothes and carri ers for dogs 1/2 off original price for Lennies Kids. GARAGE SALE FRI 5/31 & SAT 6/1 9AM - 2PM Household items Galore and tools. 40 Oak Ridge Circle, Columbus

Want to go on vacation & not worry about your furry friends? I will farm sit while you are away. 864-266-8964 or www.not myfarm. weebly.com “It’s not my farm, but I will treat it like it is."


HOME IMPROVEMENT SOLATUBE Daylighting System Innovations in Lighting (828) 894-8148 Columbus, NC Like Us On Facebook

cants need: Min. 1 Yr. Tractor Trailer experience. Less than 5 jobs last 3 yrs. Work history with refer ences. No accidents – last 5 yrs. Apply at www.shipTile Specialties truckservice.com. Or ConLarge selection come see tact Bill Bohnsack @ our new showroom at 800-968-8552. 202 E Mills Street or call (828) 894-7058




Country Bear Day School Hendersonville location. Childcare Teacher. Cre dentials preferred. High school diploma a must. Apply in person at the Columbus or Hendersonville location. 828-693-7888


Custom Cabinets

We wash homes, decks, roofs, exterior/interior of gutters, etc. Also seal or stain wood. Exc ref. Free Estimates. Call 828-894-3701. Saluda Construction: Grading, driveways, land clearing, underbrushing, additions, new homes, metal roofs, licensed, insured, bonded. G. Eargle 828- 243-4300


Roofs, renovations, siding, carpentry, decks, windows, screening. All Home Repairs. FREE Est. Home: (828) 859 - 5608. Cell: (828) 817 - 0436.

Countertops, Complete Kitchen & Bathroom Remodels. 28 yrs. exp. Free Est. Senior Discount.

JG’s: 864-316-3596, 578-4100, 292-0104

LAWN CARE FINE Cut Mulch Delivered for $14.00 per yard. Also have organic, clay free top soil, aged cow manure, gravel & other items. Everything can be picked up in your own truck also. 828-863-4453

Driveway Work. Call Robby 828-894-8705


Manual Woodworkers is looking for sewing machine operators for their Hendersonville and Spindale facilities. Great pay starting at $9.50 hr and up! Good benefits, full time positions. Also looking for sew technician and instructor. If interested in a great opportunity, call Carol Trainor at 828-692-7333. Do you have available jobs? Call 828.859.9151 to let others know about job opportunities at your business.


For a Fine Paint Job Call Dan Steiner Painting Reporting to BOD and officers, the Administrator Saturday June 1 High Quality - Low Prices REE ERVICE serves as executive re 8am to 1pm Professional Pressure Girls, boys and adult Washing, Gutter Cleaning, sponsible for advancing TR&HC’s mission and clothes (Ann Taylor, Bebe, TOTAL TREECARE, Minor Repairs. strategic direction. This Express), hunting gear, 828-817-0539 / 894-6183 BOBCAT SERVICE, position requires event household items, toys, SENIOR DISCOUNT planning skills, implemenSTUMP GRINDING ceiling fans/lights and JB TREES LLC tation, and evaluation of much more. RIVERS all operational aspects of 864 497-8511 155 Coastline Drive TR&HC. Non-profit experiELIVERY Inman SC ence preferred, fundraisOME TRUCK SERVICE, INC ing, PR, marketing, com Yard Sale. Sat 1st June, Forest City, NC Hiring….. munity relations, member9am-noon. 135 Markham MPROVEMENT The “Best” Regional Driv- ship, volunteer administraRd, Tryon. Office Space Available ers within a 300 mile ra- tion, and communications. in Historic Building dius of Charlotte /Forest Proficient in Microsoft Of250 to 600 sq ft spaces City, NC to support our fice, QuickBooks with RTS RAFTS $325 to $375 per month growth.Tenure Pay / In- working knowledge of FileMill Spring Agricultural centives. Home Weekmaker Pro. Flexible hours. Bead Knitting Class Center & Farm Store ends -some during week. Must be willing to work Kniticality in Saluda. Open Mon - Sat Well maintained trucks some weekends. Salaried Seating is featuring Local Food Great mgmt. & support position. Mail applications limited. Reserve yours Call 828-894-2281 or team. Stable & Quality to TR&HC, 6985 S. NC 9 now! Call 828-749-3640 www.polkcountyfarms.org Shipper Base. Drivers Hwy., Columbus NC come and stay… “A great 28722.









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Friday, May 31, 2013

The Tryon Daily Bulletin

Has an immediate need for a part-time ad assistant in our marketing department. We seek a team player who is well organized, dependable and trainable. Excellent customer service and strong computer skills are required. If you enjoy a fast paced environment and have a "can-do" attitude this may be the job for you. Please send your resume to betty.ramsey@tryon dailybulletin.com No phone calls, faxes or walk-ins, please, qualified applicants will be contacted directly.

HELP WANTED RESTAURANT Now Hiring: Cooks and Wait staff for newly opened Harvest House Restaurant. Call between 10am-4pm Wed-Sat. 864-457-2823

Selling your home? Advertise here and sell it faster. Call Classifieds at 828.859.9151.

TRADES, CRAFTS & SKILLS James Tool Machine & Engineering, Inc. is seeking qualified employees for both our Columbus & Morganton, North Carolina Plants. James Tools offers competitive pay and benefits. We are looking for a min. 5+ years experience in the following positions.

* Toolmaker * CNC Machinist * Prototrack Mill/ Lathe Machinist To be considered for an interview you must submit your resume to pcook@jamestool.com or jobs@jamestool.com You can also fax your resume to 828-584-8779. Interviews will only be given to those who are qualified. EOE

Autumn Care of Saluda Is looking for the following positions. 7a.m to 3p.m RN Shift Supervisor Please contact Tisha Davis @ 828-749-2261 Hospice of the Carolina Foothills has the following openings: -FT Weekend Adm Nurse -FT On-Call RN (several positions) -FT Weekend On-Call Nurse -PT Chaplain -PT Cashier (Thrift Barn) -PRN RN and PRN CNA (Home Care) To apply, please visit our website at: www.hocf.org EOE

REAL ESTATE Multi-Use Rental Property Flexible Space, AC & Gas. 3 Phase Power avail., 3,600 sq. ft., 2 small offices, & storage space. Parking. Lease negotiable, will consider partial lease. 336.510.9858 or 828.894.2665 gvgaal@gmail.com

CABINS FORECLOSURE - NC With mtn view. 2.75 acres driveway & easy financing $9,500. Also a cabin on 1.53 acres w/ new well & septic $62,500 ez to finish. Call 828-286-1666

Registered Nurse Dialysis Clinic, Inc. is one of the largest non-profit dialysis providers serving 200 plus clinics throughout the United OUSES FOR States. Our sole reason for existence is to meet ALE our individual patient’s needs. A position is avail ONE TIME able in our Landrum area SPECIAL OFFER! out-patient clinic. No ex Our best selling perience required. Excel3 bd / 2 ba singlewide lent benefits package and with designer decor competitive salary. IntenPlease call 828-684-4874 sive training program; team approach; open Mon-Sat and closed on OUSES FOR Sunday. DCI is a ENT non-profit organization. Send or fax resumes to: HOUSE FOR RENT TRYON Dialysis Clinic, Inc. 2BDRM/ 2.5BA, 2 decks 110E. Asbury Drive with mountian views. In Landrum, SC 29356 town, quiet street, Fax: 864-457-3829 $850/mo plus utilities & Attn: Facility Nurse security deposit. Call Manager Wim Woody, Broker 828 817-4443 Raise your



hand if you want your business to make LESS money next year.

We didn’t think you would. Do you need to successfully market on a tight budget? Classifieds has customizable programs available to fit any budget.

DON’T WAIT! Call TODAY 828.859.9151



MOBILE HOME RENTALS FOR RENT IN GREEN CREEK: 2 BR, 2 BA, nice mobile home on 1/2 acre lot. Garbage, grass mowing & water included. $550/m. No pets. Call 828-899-4905

Selling your home? Advertise here and sell it faster. Call Classifieds at 828.859.9151.


Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Buy, Sell, Trade, Work … With Your Neighbors! APARTMENTS

1 bd barn apartment. Private location on small horse farm. Only 3 miles from Tryon and Landrum. $650/mo. Call 828-817-6119

Put your ad here call 828.859.9151

PAPA JOHN’S PIZZA Better Ingredients. Better Pizza. Order at papajohns.com or call 864-457-3005

For Sale Condo Melrose Ave Tryon $45,000 Call 828 899-0701

Green Creek duplex , 2BR/ 1BA. Bright, spacious in a quiet, secure & convenient location. $600/ mo. Thousand Pines Co. 828-859-5858.

Look in our classifieds section and learn of great deals for you and your family.

Myrtle Beach

BOATS & SUPPLIES 2001 Chaparral

200 LE Ski boat, Merc Cruiser. 5.0 Liter End Board motor. 20 ft long, with all aluminum trailer. Tandum axle. Real nice. $15,000.00 Call “Picnics are fun at” 828-243-3967 Parker-Binns Vineyard 7382 Highway 108 E Mill Spring, NC ANTED O (828) 894-0154 Like Us On Facebook UY EHICLES



Offices and possible retail space available in downtown Columbus. Ample parking and one of the highest daily traffic counts in Polk County. Particularly interested in computer related business and willing to trade portions of rent in exchange for services. 828 817-1068



Cheap running cars and junk cars. Up to $1000.00. Come to your location. FAST SERVICE. Dachshund AKC Puppies (828) 289 - 4938 available. Miniature. CH sired. Two girls and a boy. Wirehaired and smooth. OTORCYCLES davarner1@gmail.com 828-713-1509 S




EQUIPMENT FOR SALE Reading machine for vision impaired. Model CCTV 14" color RB-1. Good condition. $300. 828-859-5514.





For Sale 1942 GMC Tuck All OEM . Serious inquiries only 1- 828-749-3721

.51 acres, more or less, as shown on Polk County Tax Map T8, Parcels F4 and further described in Deed Book 232 Page 623 and recorded in the Polk County Registry. Execution will be issued on the Judgment, and the property will be sold as provided by law. The tax lien, including interests and cost, may be paid before the judgment is docketed and at any time thereafter as allowed by law. This notice was prepared on May 24, 2013.

and corporations having claims against the Estate of Isaac A. Speights, Jr. to present them to the undersigned Executor representing the Estate.

MISCELLANEOUS For Sale 1 Grave Plot at Polk Memorial Gardens $800. 859-6754



For Rent Condo Melrose Ave Tryon all utilities included $650 Call 828 899-0701

Looking for a home?


Spacious 3br/2bath condo in the heart of Myrtle Beach, 1 block off the ocean. Newly remodeled condo with 2 private balconies with Ocean, skywheel, and Boulevard Views- Still available 4th of July and Bike Week. Contact Misty @ Atlantis802@yahoo.com or 843-267-8085

Downtown Tryon, Elegant 2BR/1BA Duplex (1000 sf) on Pacolet St. New kitchen, new bath and wood flrs. Front/Side porches. $650. 828-894-2029

Private Neighborhood, Great view, Upstairs 2 BDRM Artist studio. Bathroom. Shared kitchen, plus washer/dryer separate entrance $450 plus deposit more details call 828 817-9205




FOR SALE: 2005 Harley Davidson Dyna Low Rider. New wide front end with drag bars, 21” tire, saddle bag. New ex haust, battery and headlights. 3,792 actual miles. Kept covered and inside. $15,000.00 or best offer. 828 625-0750 after 5pm.


Hay For Sale: Buy local! Fescue / Orchard Grass / Furniture for Sale. Clover Mix. 1st, 2nd & 3rd 2005 Silver Limited Edition New & Vintage. Landrum Rialta RV 88,000 miles cutting. Square bales Antiques & Furniture Co. $4-$5.50 Fox Knoll Farm. 22’ long 18mpg Great 221 E. Rutherford St, Lan condition. $35,900 Peniel Road drum. 864-457-4000 call 864 468-4455 828-894-5809

DB Let T d Ads sie you! s a l C for k r o w

LEGALS LEGAL NOTICE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF POLK IN THE GENERAL COURT OF JUSTICE DISTRICT COURT DIVISION NOTICE OF THE DOCKETING OF THE JUDGMENT. TOWN OF TRYON & POLK COUNTY Plaintiffs, Vs OTIS VERNON Defendant Pursuant to the requirements of General Statute 105-375, notice is hereby given to Otis Vernon, as Listing Taxpayer and current owner, that a judgment of foreclosure will be docketed against the property described below June 16, 2013 that property containing

Pamela B. Justice Town of Tryon Tax Collector Tryon Daily Bulletin May 31 and June 7, 2013

All claims against said Estate should be presented on or before August 8, 2013, or this Notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. Persons indebted to the Estate will please make immediate settlement to the Estate. This the 4th day of May, 2013. Paul Hamilton Speights, Sr. Executor of the Estate 2431 Pristine View Road Charleston, SC 29414


Coiner, Harrelson & Shelton, P.A. Edward L. Harrelson Attorney for the Estate 136 S. King Street, Suite F Hendersonville, NC 28792 (828) 698-2345


Tryon Daily Bulletin May 10, 17, 24 and 31, 2013

Having qualified as Executor of the Estate of Isaac A. Speights, Jr., Deceased, lately of the County of Polk, State of North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms

Selling your home? Advertise here and sell it faster. Call Classifieds at 828.859.9151.



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18 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, May 31, 2013

St. Luke’s Hospital honors volunteers for service

1605 Asheville Highway, Hendersonville, NC 28791

(828) 692-1399 All Inclusive Luxury Touring for Retirees

ENGLAND & SCOTLAND September 18-29 12 days to explore the best of the British Isles from Glasgow to Edinburgh, coastal Wales to the Lake District and the Cotswolds.

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One of the unique services provided by St. Luke’s volunteers is the Print Shop, which was created in 1978 after the St. Luke’s Hospital administrator asked for a volunteer to make copies (approximately 32,000 copies were needed each month). Today, the ambitious group of volunteers in the Print Shop contribute to the hospital by operating the in-house print shop for forms, business cards, training materials and many other printed materials. St. Luke’s Hospital recently honored volunteers with a luncheon. Honored for 2,000 hours of service were Anne Laubengeiger and Connie Smith (pictured at bottom), for 2,250 hours of service were Mary Martlock and Kathy Wells (pictured at top) and honored for 2,750 hours of service was Jan Greene. (photos submitted by Jennifer Wilson)

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Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Bowl & Brass Pitcher, 16 x 20, oil on canvas. (photo submitted)

‘Objective Beauty’ opening June 8 Skyuka Fine Art is pleased to announce its next exhibit “Objective Beauty,” featuring the recent works of nationally known Greensboro. artist Cecelia Cox. Cox is an accomplished artist who creates works of painterly realism. Originally having extensive experience in portraiture and figurative art, she is now most known for her evocative still lives and floral pieces. She is an associate member of Oil Painters of America and American Women Artists. Her works are in many private and public collections and her paintings have been juried into several prestigious national exhibits, including Oil Painters of America and Salon International. Cox studied art at Mississippi University for Women and the Atlanta College of Art. She continues her art study with workshops and classes given by well-known artist/ instructors, most notably Jim Aplin, Daniel Greene, Marc Hanson,

Janice Yow Hindes, Robert Liberace, Scott Burdick, Susan Lyon and Sherrie McGraw. Cox will be present at Skyuka Fine Art during the opening reception to answer any questions and to discuss her work. Skyuka is proud to share this exceptional artist’s work with Tryon. The opening reception coordinates with the Tryon Gallery Trot on June 8 from 5-8 p.m. where 15 businesses and organizations participate with opening art receptions, new exhibits and demonstrations. Entertainment provided by grants from the Polk County Community Foundation to include: Phil & Gaye Johnson will perform live in the center of town with free horse drawn carriage rides up and down Trade St., and live street performer “Jugglin’ Kevin.” Join Tryon for this arts centered family fun night. – article submitted by Kim Nelson



20 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, May 31, 2013

Peppers pack powerful health punch Well, now warmer weather’s pers help reduce inflammation like here and many folks, including my- that found in asthma and arthritis. The heat from spicy peppers self, have planted vegetable gardens. Today, I’d like to share infor- comes from a compound called mation on one of my favorites … capsaicin which actually acts on the mouths pain receptors, not taste peppers. There are literally thousands of buds. Heat from spicy peppers can types and varieties. Peppers come measured on the Scoville pepper in a wide range of sizes, flavors and heat chart. Mildest hot peppers are colors. Some pepper plants can be pimento, pepperoncini and banana tiny, while others can reach almost peppers (100-900 units), jalapeno peppers (3,500-8,000 units), Haba10 feet. Peppers are actually fruits, not nero peppers (1,000,000-350,000 vegetables, but whether spicy or units), Bhut Jolokia chile peppers sweet they provide many healthful (855,000-1,463,700), and the hottest rating in heat benefits. Peppers are Trinicontain comDiet & Exercise units dad Moruga pounds called phytochemicals, by David Crocker scorpion peppers and law enwhich help proforcement grade tect our bodies from free radical damage. Each pepper spray, both at 1,500,000color of pepper is associated with 2,000,000 units. Capsaicin has been shown to its individual family of phytochemicals. Peppers are nutrient-dense and reduce blood cholesterol and tririch sources of vitamins A and C. glycerides, help boost immunity, In fact, just one cup provides more and yes, believe it or not, reduce than 100 percent of the daily need risk of stomach ulcers. It was once believed hot pepper caused or at for these nutrients. Peppers are low in calories and least aggravated this condition, but rich in water, so they’re great for capsaicin actually kills bacteria in those trying to lose weight. Red pep- the stomach that can cause ulcers. pers contain lycopene, a carotenoid Hot peppers are great for weight many health experts believe helps loss too, because they increase the prevent cancers of the prostate, body’s heat production and oxygen bladder, cervix and pancreas. Beta- consumption, thereby burning more cryptoxanthin, another carotenoid calories. Capsaicin found in hot peppers found in red pepper, shows much promise in preventing lung cancer. also helps the body’s release of They contain vitamin K (if you’re endorphins, which act as neurotranson blood thinning medication con- mitters produced by the pituitary sult your doctor before consuming gland in the brain. Endorphins are vitamin K-rich foods), which helps (Continued on page 21) promote proper blood clotting. Pep-

Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Connor Alan Noland graduates from basic training Air Force Airman Connor Alan Noland graduated from basic military training in Honor Flight at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas on May 17. Honor Flight is the highest honor that a flight can achieve and is based on all of the evaluations made during BMT; only one flight will be recognized as the best of the best. The airman completed an in-

tensive eight-week program that included training in military discipline and studies, Air Force core values, physical fitness and basic warfare principals and skills. Airman Noland is the son of Mark and Debbie Noland of Campobello and grandson of Teri Hulzenga of Tryon, Fred and Nena Greene of Powder Springs, Ga. and Harold and Barbara Noland of Louisville, Ky.

Noland is now attending technical school at Keesler Air Force Base in Biloxi, Miss. He is a 2012 Air Force Airman g r a d u a t e o f Connor Alan Noland Landrum High School. - article submitted by Teri Hulzenga

• Diet & Exercise

carotene, which helps fight cancers. So, whether you enjoy sweet or spicy, give peppers a try and reap the healthful benefits. By the way, for those of you who grow peppers, I learned an interesting fact from a client who is a master gardener. Hot peppers only become hot once the weather gets hot. Diet or Exercise question? Email me at dwcrocker77@gmail.com or visit fitness4yourlife.org. David Crocker of Landrum has been a nutritionist and master personal

trainer for 26 years. He served as strength director of the Spartanburg Y.M.C.A., head strength coach for the USC-Spartanburg baseball team, S.C state champion girls gymnastic team, and the Converse college equestrian team. He has been a water safety consultant to the United States Marine Corps., lead trainer to L.H. Fields modeling agency, and taught four semesters at USC-Union. Crocker was also a regular guest of the Pam Stone radio show.

(continued from page 20)

similar to morphine and help reduce pain, depression and help the body heal from sickness or injury. Unlike morphine, though, endorphins don’t lead to addiction or dependence. In addition, peppers contain vitamin B6, which is vital for essential chemical reactions in our bodies, compounds lutein and zeaxanthin, which slow the development of eye disease, and beta-


22 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper Friday, March 8, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper



Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013 page

Tryon Daily Bulletin / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Archery Club wraps up first session At left, Rick Burney takes aim.

The Green Creek Archery Club Junior Olympic Archery Development (JOAD) program just finished their first session at the Green Creek Community Center with a tournament for the members to show their skill and earn awards. JOAD offers both recurve and compound archers the opportunity to learn range safety and proper shooting technique in an environment that also fosters focus, increased selfconfidence, and team building skills. JOAD is open to any youth archer aged 8 to 20 and is designed to grow with the youth archer. Introductory JOAD

classes teach the fundamentals of proper shooting form; as the young archer develops, they will learn more advanced techniques. The sessions are held on Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. on the range set up on the ball field behind the Green Creek Community Center and run for six weeks. The next session will start on June 13. Anyone interested in joining the fun is encouraged to come out then, or call Steve Burney at Medicap Pharmacy 828-8946112 for more information. – article submitted by Steve Burney

At right, Archery members, left to right, is Rick Burney, Josh Streacker and Phil Burney display their awards. Rick shoots a compound bow, Josh shoots barebow recurve and Phil shoots Olympic recurve.


Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper


Pacolet Area Conservancy annual walk and 5k run deemed successful PAC held its ninth annual PACWalk and third annual PACRun 5K Trail Run for Preservation at Tryon Estates in Columbus on May 4. PAC appreciates Tryon Estates for hosting the event again this year. “As always, thank you to the community for your support of PAC and our mission of “Saving the Places You Love,” said PAC executive director Mary Walter. Blake Butler came in first place in the 5K Run, Ella Dockendorf took second and Lori Geddings took third. In the PACRun, there was a good turnout despite the unusually cold weather. The Tryon Kiwanis Club was the first group to finish. Carroll Rogers was the oldest to participate. He is 100 years young. Larry Poe led the walk. – article submitted by Mary Walter

Larry Poe. (photo submitted by Mary Walter)

24 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, May 31, 2013

Marriage signs irritate

Tryon Hearing Center

Free Hearing Test... Always

Jim Wiprut, H.I.S

“Honestly,” I remarked to Paul variety, in the fridge, “Because all while putting away groceries (oh, I ever hear, and I mean, ever hear, alright, a six pack) after a trip to from women, is how unromantic the store, “whatever happened to and unthoughtful men are. So I southern hospitality? All I did was would think, if anything, reading tell the cashier I had correct change that kind of romantic declaration of love would give everyone the and she nearly bit my head off.” “That happened to me, too.” warm fuzzies.” “Typical.” I chided. “Typical Paul replied, looking up. “Yesterday I asked a waitress in town guy kind of thought. But here’s the if she wouldn’t mind putting deal: while our White Knight has hammered in all my salad dressing on the side “I’m Just those signs, he wrote her and you would Saying…” never name, did he? have thought I’d He never wrote, asked her to give by Pam Stone “Will you marry me her first-born me, Melissa? Or child. Wonder Amy? Or Bertha?” what’s going on?” “Very few people marry a Ber“It’s those marriage signs!” I cried, infused with a bolt of bril- tha,” Paul countered. Dismissing his point with a liance. That’s what it’s all about.” “What marriage signs?” Paul wave of my hand, I continued. “So you’ve got all these single wanted to know. It seems there was a romantic women, driving home from work, sort of fellow who staked a line exiting off 26 and meandering of neon-green poster board signs, into town, all reading these signs beginning at the exit ramp of I-26, and potentially assuming the signs and running straight through town are about them. They’re thinkthat, when passed by car (or far ing, “Holy Cow, after four years, more slowly and confusedly, on Buford’s finally popping the quesfoot), created the question, word tion!” And they get all excited, call by word, on sign by sign: “Will their girlfriends, start working on their guest list and who they want You Marry Me?” “The marriage signs,” I re- for bridesmaids, and then they peated. “It’s irritated a whole lot find out it wasn’t their boyfriend who put out the signs, after all. I of women around here.” “How do you figure that?” Paul mean, how devastating. No wonder asked, squashing a perfectly good they’re all cranky today. Typical loaf of bread to make sure his of you guys not to follow through Heineken was nestled comfortably on detail.” on the middle rack and nowhere near my unsophisticated, domestic, (Continued on page 25)


Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Women’s Club of Saluda announces academic scholarship recipients The Women’s Club of Saluda (SWC) has been awarding academic scholarships to Saluda students for a number of years. Available for high school seniors, continuing undergraduate and graduate students and non- traditional returning students, awards have been made in all these categories. This year the club raised $2,000 and made two $1,000 awards. One goes to Caleb Parsons of Polk County High School and one to Ashley Fletcher of East Henderson High School. The scholarship committee had a par-

• I’m Just Saying (continued from page 24)

Paul, satisfied with the storage of his adult beverage, turned from the fridge and leaned against the kitchen counter. “And typical of you, as a woman, to run off, half-cocked and not think things through.”

ticularly difficult decision this year because the high quality of applicants. Applicants are expected to provide grade transcripts, letters of recommendation and essays. The essays give the committee knowledge of the candidates’ objectives, motivations, influencing factors, and decision making skills. The candidates listed a variety of activities - academics and sports, community volunteerism, participation in the arts and music. These achievements can be attributed to the quality of education in Polk

“Oh, really?” I asked, smiling and folding my arms. The terriers felt the tension rising and trotted down the hallway to the guest room. “Really.” Paul replied. “How do you know it was a man that made those signs, huh? How do you know it wasn’t a woman? Women ask men to marry them.”

and Henderson counties. Polk County High School and East Henderson High School were bronze metal winners in the US News and World Report group of outstanding schools in 2013. This year SWC will host a scholarship fund raiser at the Saluda Center on June 22 from 5:30 - 9 p.m. The theme will be a WWII canteen with music and celebrities of the 1940s. Tickets are available from SWC members or Macon Bank and Thompson’s Store. - article submitted

“Because,” I said, grasping at straws but not yet conceding defeat, “no woman would be seen dead hammering in ‘will you marry me’ signs. It would make them look way too desperate.” “And then there’s another way to look at this, too,” said Paul, triumphantly at seeing his verbal check mate come to fruition. “It

Caleb Parsons

Ashley Fletcher

may have been a man proposing to a man, or a woman proposing to a woman.” “Oh, whatever!” I retorted, realizing defeat was imminent. “All I know is those signs have irritated every single woman in town.” Departing the OK corral, Paul muttered under his breath, “And a lot of innocent guys, too.”

26 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Battles won, battles lost

O’Neal laNdscapiNg Lawn Maintenance

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During the week good friends Editors note: This column is a follow up to the below column called about their old girl who entitled “A Lesson Learned,” had pancreititus, could I help? Unfortunately which ran, Nov. another tumor 19, 2010. Humane Society was found and It was a hecSpecial Cases she couldn’t be tic week leadLeonard Rizzo saved. ing up to my When I had gala; it seems Hadley sent to I have animals under my purview everywhere. Landrum vet I also sent Beulah. I’m working with excellent The next day I learned that Beupeople on their behalf – vets, res- lah’s body was full of poisons cues, fosters kennels and even a and she succumbed at 7 a.m. trip to Dr. Allen at Upstate came Believe me, there are stories in into play. Lots of tales mixed in each of these cases. For the past few months I’ve among them that may be told at been helping the Laughter’s a later date.

Friday, May 31, 2013

who have my dear little friend Patches. Patches had developed a disease similar to Cushions in humans. Patches taught a family and a whole community the kind of love this breed possesses. Many hearts were broken when she lost her battle. “It’s like I lost a family member,” Gary stated. Lord knows I understand the feeling. Patches was very young and somehow I feel the Good Lord sent her here to serve a purpose and when she served it, He wanted her back. I am having the original story “A lesson learned” reprinted; perhaps you all will see it as I do. Thanks for listening.

A lesson learned I’m quietly sitting in my favorite chair with a book in my lap and a pen and pad on the table beside me. Part of me is reading, part of me is praying, as I occasionally jot down a thought or two that comes to mind. I’m currently juggling too many dogs and I’m having problems following their progress and placing them. My funds are low but a fundraiser is coming up and I’ll be all right for a while. Things always work out because I have so many wonderful people assisting me, but at the moment my lower back is acting up

again and I’m feeling sorry for myself. The phone rings and I send a silent prayer, “Please let it be for Elaine.” My wife brings me the phone, “It’s Judy Davis – she needs to speak with you.” Judy is a straightforward, no nonsense person that I hold in high esteem. She knows and loves animals and would not be calling me with something frivolous. “Hi, Judy, dear, what can I do for you?” She tells me of a little female pit bull that has been roaming near her property;

she crawled under barbed wire and scratched her head and backside. “The Humane Society is full and I can’t find her owner,” she went on. “Is she all right?” I ask. “She’s beautiful, Lennie, and so sweet but she has some sort of rash on her underside. I can’t afford her right now – can you help?” “Take her down to Landrum vet in the morning and tell them to bill Lennie’s fund. I’ll call and confirm it and stop by to see her tomorrow after work.” (Continued on page 27)

Wash and Susie Burrell family reunion June 2 The Wash and Susie Burrell family reunion will take place on June 2 at the log cabin at Harmon Field. Lunch starts at 12:30 p.m. - article submitted by Barbara Lord Read more online at www.tryondailybulletin.com


Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

• Special Cases (continued from page 26)

“Thanks, Lennie, for this and all you do.” “One more thing, dear. I’m overloaded at the moment – I’ll see to all her needs but I’m going to leave her in your name. Please help in any way you can, especially in finding her a home.” Elaine takes the phone with a big smile on her face. “What’s so funny?” I ask. “Nothing,” she replies, walking away, shaking her head. This makes me smile – my dear wife knows me better than I know myself. The next day after work I head up to Dogwood Farms to check on Cosmo, Caruso and Falcon, three big beauties being cared for there. Josh is a valued lifeline who does wonders with these animals. I next head over to Landrum vet to look in on Tiny, who is

now being trained by Kayla Parrish and Leo, one of my heartworm kids who’s being held until room opens up back at F.H.S. After checking these two I head towards the pit bull Judy brought in earlier. I’m a bit weary and my heart isn’t in it. I’ve a few more stops to make and then I want to head home for a shower and a nap. Dr. Raines tells me she has hookworm and they believe the rash is an allergy. Both she and Elaine, her staff leader, follow me to her cage. I view this beautiful little girl who is all white with brown patches. She looks up at me with soulful eyes and her tail thumping. I open the cage and sit in with her as Elaine and Donna look on. “How far do you want us to go with her?” Elaine asks. “Give her whatever she needs,” I reply, knowing these two ladies will do just that and keep my fees as low as possible.

I pull a leash from my pocket and take her outside for a walk. Except for stopping to relieve herself, she walks glued to my leg. I bring her inside and sit down, intending to give her some love and assurance. She proceeds to lay her head in my lap and looks up at me with all the hope, love and trust she could muster. Immediately all the weariness and doubt wash away from me and the flood gates open as tears fall uncontrollably down my cheeks. “I get the message, Lord,” I pray. “Who am I to look at anyone of Your beautiful creatures and think it’s just another dog that I may or may not have time for. Where would we be if You treated us in such a manner? Please forgive me, Lord, I have faith that You’ll help me find a way as You always do.” This sweet girl is approximately one year old and they have named her Trixie, though I prefer Patches. On second

Patches (photo submitted)

thought I believe I know who sent her to me and why – perhaps the name Angel is more appropriate. Thanks for listening.

28 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, May 31, 2013

‘Perceptions’ at Chapman Rodney Howell

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The Artists’ Guild of Spartan- She has also taken art workshops/ burg will host “Perceptions” by classes with Patricia Cole-Ferullo, artists Bonnie Bardos of Saluda Dale McEntire, Mike LaLone, and Nathan Galloway during the Lalage Warrington, Libby Johnmonth of June at Chapman Cul- son at Arrowmont Craft School in Gatlinburg, and Mike Stiler tural Center. on Monhegan The exhibit Island, Maine. runs June 1–28 She often inand is open to Want to go? corporates versthe public at no es of her poetry charge Mon- What: “Perceptions” or phrases in day–Saturday, exhibit her paintings, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., When: June 1-28 which have and Sunday, 1-5 Where: Chapman been in juried p.m. Cultural shows throughA reception Center out the region. will be held on Currently, her Thursday, June 20, during the city’s monthly “Esto Perpetua” landscape series ArtWalk, in the Guild Gallery, is represented by Patricia Carlisle Fine Art, Canyon Road in 5–7 p.m. Born on Ketchikan Island, Santa Fe, NM. And her work has Alaska, Bardos grew up in North been featured in “Studio Visit” Carolina and attended Wingate magazine. Paintings and sculpture College in Wingate, N.C., where have been featured at galleries and she took courses in watercolor, (Continued on page 29) pen/ink drawing and oil painting.


Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

• ‘Perceptions’ (continued from page 28)

shows in North and South Carolina, and New Mexico, including several exhibits at the non-profit contemporary art gallery, Upstairs Artspace. Bardos’s “Art House” studio is based in an 1895 Victorian house that was built by the first mayor of Saluda. It is open to the public for the popular Art Trek Tryon open studio weekend. Working in oils or acrylic, as well as other mediums – including sculpture for many years – her reoccurring themes are nature/landscapes, women, birds and abstraction. Jungian symbolism is often featured in her paintings. “The Journey Home” series features landscapes and lone boats, and is based on ancient Asian poetry. One on-going series of landscapes is called “Esto Perpetua”: Latin for “It is forever”… symbolic of the artist’s view of nature’s sacredness and fortitude. Part of the proceeds from the “Esto Perpetua” series is donated to the Saluda Community Land Trust (SCLT), which is a non-profit organization. She also received a Regional Artist Grant toward the “Esto Perpetua” series in 2010, and another RAPG grant

Letter to the Editor

A tribute to the fallen, running a little late

To the editor: Each year on Memorial Day I get to Memorial Park early in the morning before the festivities begin. It’s usually a short visit, maybe 10 or 15 minutes where I’ll walk around and quietly whisper prayers of gratitude. This year on the Sunday before, I held the annual gala for Lennie’s Kids and as a result I was up a little late. I got a late start in the morning and had to tie up a few loose ends from the night before, thus because of running a little late I missed my annual visit. I have a cousin who is a Vietnam vet and he hates this holiday

Bonnie Bardos’ “Esto Perpetua” series.

in 2012-13. “Art, like writing and poetry,” Bardos said. “For me it is an expression of the soul… the deepest self, where time and place do not matter. I am on a higher plane when creating. There is intense spirit and energy in my hands. Often I do not know where I will take my creation. I am influenced by color, by thought, by the natural world around us, and see nature as

because it brings back memories he’d rather forget. He shuts himself in for this weekend and avoids everyone and everything. He called and said, “I have something for your kids, please pick it up after the holiday.” I made my way to Ingles and picked up a rotisserie chicken and some fresh donuts, both his favorites. I had some great treats for his dog Biff and Max, his doggie houseguest. Ignoring his request, I went over to visit, he would not be alone this Memorial Day. It was a great visit in which we spoke mostly about my kids, some he’d helped in the past. After a while I looked at my watch, “Darn it Ted I have to get to the memorial, I’m running a little late.” He laughed, handed me a check and just said, “Thanks.” Heads nodded in recognition

intensely spiritual and symbolic. Always, I endeavor in my work to speak the unknown, to convey the unseen. My work is based on intuition, and what feeling I am attuned to at the moment. I feel the world intensely, both the ‘outer’ world, and most of all, the natural world: which is deeply connected to my inner world.” – article submitted by Steve Wong

as I took my place in the crowd. I know and admire all the Honor Guard along with many other onlookers. As always the tribute is moving and beautiful with a deep reverence offered to our fallen. Afterwards I greeted many old friends as I headed back to my car. I left to handle a few more errands in town and returned an hour later to a quiet and empty Memorial Park. I walked silently past all the markers and began to pray, “I’m sorry I’m a little late this year Lord, I’ll try not to let it happen again. I know You’ve embraced all our brave men and women who have sacrificed their lives for love of country. Sad to say, more will come for freedom is not free. Be prepared Lord for all too often, many will be getting to You just a little bit early.” – Leonard Rizzo, Columbus

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30 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

Friday, May 31, 2013

Beekeepers debate shrinking bee population On May 16, about 18 local beekeepers met at the Crystal Creek Center in Mill Spring to discuss the alarming decline in honeybee hives worldwide, with specific focus on the state of beedom in the foothills. The number of years of beekeeping range from one to 30, with an average of seven. The fraction of hives lost since last year ran from zero to 100 percent, with an average of 44 percent, which is severe. After I dominated way too much of the discussion with a slide presentation of possible causes for the so-called Colony Collapse Disorder (sorry about that – we’ll do more discussion next time), the participants were surveyed, and here are the results of what they thought, in descending order of what is most likely: Genetic homogeneity of queens: 43 percent. Most of the queen bees purchased commercially in the area come from a restricted number of bloodlines. The thought is that there may be some weaknesses emerging coming from the lack of hybrid crossbreeding vitality. Chemotoxicity: 38 percent. The new neonicotinoid pesticides are very toxic to bees, and some think they cause central-nervoussystem damage to the bees, causing them to be unable to navigate home correctly. While there is not much commercial spraying in the area, this class of pesticide is in wide use now, even by homeowners and gardeners, and some beekeepers

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use pesticides to control varroa mites. One study showed that the suspected residues of neonicotinoid pesticides in high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) fed to bees by commercial beekeepers can cause honeybee hives to collapse. Neonicotinoid pesticides include acetamiprid, thiamethoxam, and imidacloprid, which is in local use to control fire ants. One attendee, whose neighbor treated for fire ants, lost 100 percent of her hives. Varroa mites and assorted other infestations: 24 percent. Nosema cerinae is a new variety of the nosema fungus, introduced in the U.S. in the mid-1990s. It was associated with worker die-off in the field. Multiple causes acting together: 16 percent Bt toxin in GMO pollen: 15 percent, and Bt toxin in GMO beet sugar: 15 percent. Since the advent of GMO crops, the insecticidal toxin Bt has been bred into many common crops, including almost all sugar beets. High fructose corn syrup, HFCS, is processed from the juice of corn stalks, and contains Bt. Feeding honeybees sugar water containing sugar from sugar beets or HFCS can be expected to be hazardous to honey bees. RNA viruses: 13 percent. Several RNA viruses have been found to occur almost exclusively in hives that have collapsed. These same hives typically have nosema cerinae present. The RNA viruses (Continued on page 31)

Friday, May 31, 2013 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

2013 Rotary scholarship winners

Samantha Walker, left, and Savannah Marino, right, are pictured with Rotarian Paul Sutherland. These outstanding Polk High seniors are two of the winners of the Rotary Club of Tryon Interact Club four scholarships for 2013. Marino was the winner of the Gordon A. Threlfall named scholarship. It was named to honor Club President Gordon Threlfall. (photo submitted by Paul Sutherland)

especially indiscriminate use of neonicotinoid pesticides, the spread (continued from page 30) of nocema cerenae fungus in asmay be a downstream consequent sociation with GMO-related RNA of genetic manipulation to intro- viruses, together with ever-greater duce Bt or Roundup resistance in RF interference from cell-phone towers, with crops. widespread BtStarvation: laden pollen 11 percent when Want to go? and a declining workers fail to What: Carolina Foothills robustness of return, the hive Beekeepers the queen lines. does starve, but meeting In other words, one would exno clear single pect dead bees, When: June 13 cause. not missing bees, Where: Pine Crest Inn, The next in the hives. Tryon. meeting of the NavigationCarolina Footal interference from cell-phone signals: 10 per- hills Beekeepers will be on Thurscent. The video on radio frequency day, June 13 at Pine Crest Inn in (RF) health effects on honeybees Tryon at 7 p.m. Officers will be and humans is at tinyurl.com/RF- selected. – Brian Crissey, documentary. Mill Spring My best guess: multiple causes,

• Beekeepers

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version of the origin says Abner was swimming to Florida from Cuba as a child and as he lagged behind the group, they called with desperate encouragement saying, “Swim, Johnny, swim!” Another account of the name says it’s a line they liked from the movie Jaws, as one character encouraged another to escape a deadly shark attack calling, “Swim, Johnny, swim!” No matter what the reason for the unique name, they command my attention and after my first viewing of one of their music videos, I was won over by their engaging and harmonious sound as well as their powerful chemistry.

Want to go? What: JOHNNYSWIM When: June 1, 8 p.m. Where: Tryon Fine Arts Center JOHNNYSWIM, sponsored by Pine Crest Inn, will perform at Tryon Fine Arts Center on Saturday, June 1 at 8 p.m. General admission tickets are available by calling the box office or online at www.tryonarts.org. – article submitted by Marianne Carruth

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The first time I said the name, I was careful to take time to figure it out. Then after I researched, listened to the band, surfed the Internet gleaning tidbits of information about this new married musical duo, I said the name with authority – like I had been saying it all my life. Then all of the sudden I said again, “What? Why all the capital letters, and just what in the world does JOHNNYSWIM mean?” I’m not going to get a straight answer from the handsome couple, Abner Ramirez and his wife (Donna Summer’s daughter) Amanda, performing under that name. One

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What does JOHNNYSWIM mean?

Cover up…

Amanda and Abner Ramirez (photo submitted)

Friday, May 31, 2013

Cover up…

32 Tryon Daily Bulletin  / The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper

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