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Appointments • April 2011 • p. 48

Steeplechase participants: Susan Kocher, Amanda Bilharz and others

A monthly publication of The Tryon Daily Bulletin

View a map of the Steeplechase course and check out the schedule of events

Spotlight on local equestrians: Sophie Clifton, Michelle Williams and Jeanne Ahrenholz

"Saddle-up" is the title of the artwork created by artist Danielle Lloyd for the 65th running of the Block House Steeplechase. The 65th Block House Steeplechase will take place Saturday, April 23 at FENCE. The event is hosted each year by the Tryon Riding & Hunt Club. See page 3 for more Steeplechase history.

65th Block House Steeplechase The Hoofbeats of the Carolina Foothills


April 2011

F R E E Volume 5 Issue 7

A24 A12


A b o v e : Fo r m e r S t e e p l e c h a s e chair man Chuck Ross died in December 2010. Right: Ross as an out-rider at the Old Block House races before the FENCE course was built and the races moved there. (photo submitted)

Ross' legacy lives on through Steeplechase by Barbara Childs

Chuck Ross rode horses all his life, learning to ride as a child on his father’s polo ponies. During his Army career he rode whenever possible. He competed avidly in horse shows, and became interested in combined training when it was first introduced to the United States. Ross was also an avid fox hunter. Chuck and Betty Ross arrived in Tryon in fall of 1974 because the fox hunting and eventing opportunities here were vast. They both began volunteering at the TR&HC events. Chuck attended the first steeplechase in Tryon in 1975, and he never missed a race thereafter. Ross became co-chairman of the steeplechase with Jarrett Schmid when the races were still held at the old Block

House. The move from Block House to Fence was a big event. The course was completed at Fence when Ross was president of TR&HC, and the move to the new course was anxiously awaited. Would the spectators come and more importantly, would the trainers bring their horses to an unknown new course? These were considerations that were on Ross’ mind at that time, according to his wife Betty. Ross and Jarrett attended the races in Camden, SC and knew most of the trainers and owners. This was a PR thing for the Block House, and it afforded the opportunity to assure that many trainers would support the new course here. And of course, the spectators did come! Ross loved the courage, capabilities and beauty of the

“In 2010, the final race he attended, he was out the day before the race checking jumps and walking the course to be sure all was perfect for the horses and jockeys.” horses, his wife said. He admired the skill and appreciated the knowledge of the jockeys and the men who trained them. Ross was most concerned about providing a safe and rideable course at the steeplechase. He spent hours checking the condition of the course with

mud, reseeding of grass and was the ground dry, soft, high, deep. The high grass would provide good cushioning on a dry day, but if wet it would be slippery and cause some safety issues. The height of the grass was always important to him on race day. After the first race day at FENCE, Ross felt the course was too fast. He received approval from the National Steeplechase Association (of which he was a senior member) to lengthen the races. This would slow the pace of each race because the jockeys would want to conserve the horses for longer distances. Ross knew he accomplished his purpose for safer racing. Ross was chairman of the race for at least one year after Jarrett Schmid. Then he asked

she enjoys trail riding and hunter force to restore the mobility and pacing with her Quarter Horse, agility of the segment, Reynolds and she hopes to foxhunt him added. next year. Reynolds was born and raised “I have owned the 3–year–old in the Unionville, Penn. – the gelding since he was 4–months– only horsey person in the family. old,” she said. “I have enjoyed “I found a lesson barn to work raising a youngster. We competed at, and went there in all my free in the Future Event Horse Series time to work in exchange for ridwhen he was 2 to expose him to ing time. I tried unsuccessfully to traveling and showing. I would convince my parents to get me like to event him in the future.” one of the many “free” horses Reynolds initially attended that came available,” she said. the animal chiropractic course “They never consented-smart to help horses with lameness folks! Instead, I learned a ton problems, chronic pain and train- by riding all types of horses and ing issues. being exposed to many different She was seektrainers and ideas, ing to add a difwhich included Spotlight ferent perspective dressage, eventing for her diagnosis and fox hunting. I on Local and treatment of was also a memsoundness and per- Equestrians ber of the Brandyformance issues. wine Hounds Pony “While this Club,” she said. is a huge part of chiropractic, “My favorite horse growing there are benefits for horses with up was Melvin. He was a bay chronic medical conditions, thoroughbred that I rode and especially after surgery, during cared for. The owner allowed hospitalization, and lay-up,” she me to ride and treat him as my said. “This course was a wonder- own horse. We went galloping ful and intense study of anatomy, and leaping and jumping all over neurology, biomechanics, as well the Chester County countryside, as chiropractic technique and and he was the first horse that I philosophy. There are so many experienced a deep bond with in applications for chiropractic to my partnering.” improve the lives of my patients. Reynolds played rugby at the I have also enjoyed adjusting UC Santa Cruz and rode on the dogs, cats, camelids and even equestrian team at Penn State goats!” where she went to the nationals. Chiropractic care, Reynolds She graduated from vet school said, focuses on the central ner- at Texas A&M and wrote a grant vous system, which is the control to complete a project on goats center for the body. The firing of and human health in Malawi, nerves control muscle and organ Africa. She spent six weeks there function and even behavior. and then traveled to Brazil and Chiropractic philosophy is Mexico on veterinary trips. based on the belief that if a segHer post-graduate year was ment of the spine or joint is not spent at an equine hospital in moving through its normal range New Jersey – the BW Furlong of motion, then the nerves do nor and Associates. There she worked fire properly, and the body cannot on FEI level 3-day events and function to its full potential. then spent part of the winter in Diminished joint function Ocala and Wellington, Fla. where happens to all living beings she began working on alpacas. through repetitive stress injuAway from the hospital and ries, activities of daily living or horses Dr. Reynolds enjoys hikthrough acute trauma, she said. ing with her dogs, live music, A chiropractic exam finds brewing beer and exploring. All these areas of reduced motion and are shared with her best friend adjusts them with a very specific and husband James.

Reynolds uses chiropractic methods to help ease discomfort in animals. She believes these applications can improve their lives. Reynolds received a grant during vetinary school that allowed her to study and complete a project on goats in Malawi, Africa. (photo submitted).

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 37

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 12

Noon–1 p.m. On course: Old Tryon Foot Beagles 11:30 a.m. Hat contest Categories include most unusual, funniest, most appropriate, children's division (12 & under): funniest and most appropriate 11 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Stick Horse Races 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Tailgate contest Categories include most elegant, best country, most unusual and judge's pick

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 6

2 p.m. Horses "Go to the Post" for the BMW Performance Center & 1:30 p.m. Horses enter paddock for first race 1:15 p.m. Hendersonville Mounted Patrol Unit Green Creek Hounds Carolina Carriage Club Tuckaway Farm Paso Fino Training Center Blessing of the Day by Rev. Michael Doty Release of Doves by LJ Myers Professional White Dove Release

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 43

5:30 p.m. Gates close 4 p.m. Horses "Go to the Post" for The Foxhunters' Cup 3:30 p.m. Horses "Go to the Post" for The Carolina First Block House race 3 p.m. Horses "Go to the Post" for the Green Creek Equestrian park race 2:30 p.m. Horses "Go to the Post" for Cannon Harmon Memorial Race HendrickCards.com race

65th Block House Steeplechase Schedule of events A6

“I clean 30 stalls before I’ve seen some pretty good 9am...what can you do?” read stickers in my life. the bumper Once in Los sticker on the Angeles on rear of truck in Collected the back of a front of me on pricey BMW Work I-26. I spotted, I chuckled “If you can’t by Pam Stone with empathy smell the horse as other drivsh**, you’re ers whizzed past and either ig- too far away from the country.” nored the statement or frowned That was a startling declarain confusion, probably thinking tion for a German high-pow‘stalls’ referred to market stalls ered vehicle as, generally, most at a flea market, or, even worse, stickers in the region read, a public bathroom. “Clinton/Gore” or “Visualize

Stickin’ to the truth

whirled peas.” There’s probably good money to be made in the production of horse-related bumper stickers. Frankly, I think equestrians are funnier than any other sport. When was the last time you read a bumper sticker that had anything amusing to say about tennis or bowling? Horses are a niche-market, to be sure, but we’re a boisterous lot who don’t mind letting the world know how proud (“Cowboy Up!”) or how broke (“My other car is a horse”) we are.

There’s even a few rather crude ones floating around: “My Horse Bucked Off Your Honor Student” and my favorite, “One Mucking Day After Another.” Inspired by such wit I’ve come up with a few ideas for stickers of my own that might help out with the feed and vet bills: “ O p t i m i s m : We a r i n g A White T-shirt To The Barn” “Attention thieves: HorseOwning Driver Has No Money” And of course, because I’m a Dressage Queen: “Caution: Driver Makes Frequent Half-Halts.”

A19 A18


RVPC riders attain upratings

Hats off to these hats

The River Valley Pony Club is pleased to announce the uprating of seven of its members. The Club Level Rating was held at Long Shadows Farm, owned by Michael and Helen Elizabeth Atkins of Campobello, S.C. The Ratings Examiner was Eliza Culbertson. The following River Valley Pony Club members achieved their new rating level: - Kate Price from Unrated to D1 - Lorilei Richardson from Unrated to D1 - Hunter Metcalf from D2 to D3 HM - Allie Cockman from D2 to D3 HM / Flat - Emma Hay from D2 to D3 - Sammie Haase from D3 to C1 HM - Katy Hay from D3 to C1 To earn these ratings, these members passed examinations that tested horsemanship knowledge, riding on the flat and over fences, stadium and in the open. Each of the Pony Club rating levels is more difficult than

RVPC member Allie Cockman. (photo submitted)

the preceding one, and requires Pony Club members to learn more about horses and their care and to become increasingly accomplished riders and teachers of riding and horse care to younger members. The top rating, ‘A,’ is reached by fewer than one in 300 and denotes throughout the international horse industry a highly competent and knowledgeable horseperson. The District Commissioner (DC) of The River Valley Pony Club is Robert Williams of Tryon, N.C. The Joint DC is

Helen Firby of Tryon, NC. Board Members include Tracey Daniels of Tryon, NC; Dawn Dingwell of Campobello, S.C.; Ken Just of of Pickens, S.C.; Kristen Billiu of Landrum, S.C.; Vicki DePalma of Landrum, S.C. and Dana Kind of Columbus, N.C. Along with an emphasis on helping its members learn to ride and care for horses, Pony Club promotes teamwork, a sense of responsibility, safety, good moral judgment and selfconfidence. Approximately 12,000 mem-

bers of USPC in 625 clubs throughout the country. Along with an emphasis on helping its members learn to ride and care for horses, Pony Club promotes teamwork, a sense of responsibility, safety, good moral judgment and self-confidence. To learn more about River Valley Pony Club or to visit an upcoming Pony Club meeting, please visit River Valley Pony Club’s website at www. RiverValleyPC.org or contact Robert Williams at robert@ hayloftfarm.com. – article submitted

Locals and visitors alike truly catch the spirit of the annual Steeplechase hat contest. Contestants don everything from elaborately themed hats to elegant accessory pieces and whimsical kids hats. Contestants are encouraged to go after awards for the most unusual, funniest and most appropriate in the adults' division and then funniest and most appropriate in the kids' division. The hat contest will be held at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, April 23. (Photos by Erik Olsen)

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 42

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 7

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 44


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The Tryon Riding and Hunt Club, founded in 1925, promoted horseback rides, picnics, maintained hundreds of miles of riding trails, hosted equestrian shows and events and was building an organization to lead in the preservation of the life inspired by the area. The most prestigious event in the club’s annual program is the Block House Steeplechase Races held each spring on the grounds of the Foothills Equestrian Nature Center. Carter P. Brown started the first Steeplechase in 1946 at Harmon Field. There was a single race with a tin cup filled with money, and that was the prize for the winner. Today the prize money exceeds more than $65,000 for four sanctioned races. The races are nationally recognized with the National Steeplechase Asby Barbara Childs

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 5

sociation. Attendance now approximates 18-22,000 with reservations received from all over the southeast. Due to the tremendous and ongoing efforts of the Tryon Riding and Hunt Club, the surrounding countryside has been nationally recognized for carrying forth the traditions of fine horsemanship. Tryon is one of the most prominent equestrian centers of the Southeast United States. The day of the Block House Steeplechase begins with setting up parking spots and the tailgate (this is a logistic wonder with 80 people helping all at one time). Unloading the food, you’d think a deli was being set up as everyone brings his or her favorite snacks and beverages. After the hat contest, it’s time for food, the parade of carriages, more food and drinks, running of the hounds, more food and after

lunch the races begin. The races normally include six to 10 entries prepared to run the one-mile track along the sides of the hills and a valley. There’s not a bad parking spot on the place and one can view 80 percent of the race from any parking location. Sometimes when the horses come within a few feet of the fence, you can feel the earth vibrate from the pounding of the hoofs on the grass track. The horses hurdle the jumps and obstacles and try not to be distracted by the increasing number of people and the roar of the crowd. Each race is only a few minutes, but the excitement and thrilling horserace in that short time rewards every effort getting ready for this special day at the races. As the last race ends and people start to return to their original gathering place, they wonder where the day went, and

Continued on p. 22 The first recorded steeplechase took place in Ireland in 1752 in County Cork. A horseman named O’Callaghan and his friend Edmund Blake engaged in a racing match covering 4 1/2 miles from Buttevant Church to St. Mary’s Church in Doneraile. Church steeples were the by Barbara Childs

World history of Steeplechase racing begin scheming for next year’s tailgate theme and hats of course! The result is a full feast of fun that passes in a few hours. Tryon Riding and Hunt Club preserves this rich tradition and like the “rites of spring� it will continue every year.

Block House Steeplechase history Spectators watch as horses round the track during a previous Steeplechase race. (photo submitted)

Erik Olsen. (photo submitted)

2. Education, background and experience: After graduating from high school in Wilmington, N.C. I took a job at a small AM radio station as a weekend disc jokey. From there I was offered a job as news photographer at a Wilmington ABC News TV

1. When and where were you born and raised? Born and raised in Darmstadt, Germany on Feb. 24, 1960, the youngest of four children. Relocated to Wilmington, N.C. in 1977. by Barbara Childs

4. How did you come to your career as a professional photographer? After moving to the Foothills of NC, I saw an incredstation in 1989. 3. What led you to this area, and what do you enjoy most about living in the foothills and near a horse community? In 1996 I moved to Asheville, N.C. to work for the ABC affiliated TV station until 1999. Changed careers and took a position as a car salesman at a Ford dealership in Hendersonville, N.C.

Photographer Erik Olsen up close A20




A Bridle Affair

B O N N I E L I N G E R F E LT Country Homes & Fine Equestrian Properties

by Barbara Childs

Cornee Yountz and Etchy started entering the tailgate contest somewhere in the mid ’90s. Through the years Cornee remembers what great fun it all was! “We had an art gallery called “Morrisart," then “Our Rite of Spring," followed by “The Galloping Gourmets,� “Tailgate with Friends� (they were big black ants), a Star Wars theme, “May the Horse Be with You� and Southern hospitality, “Y’all Come and Ride On In� with the Stall Magnolias! The group consisted of around 80 people, said Yountz. Folks and a lot of friends joined them from all over the states. Charleston, Atlanta, Statesville, N.C., and of course, many friends and family from the Lake Lure area where the Yountz’s have a weekend getaway. “We even had folks from Boston join us, Connecticut and California, too over the years. Around 15 years ago my mom’s relatives and our cousins started coming in from Charleston, SC, and it turned into a small family reunion as well,� Yountz said. The hats this year for the hat contest will be made and decorated around The Bridle Affair

Tailgating festivities: Saturday, April 23 Cornee and Etchy's 2010 tailgate theme: “A Bridle Affair.� Past themes: "May the horse be with you," "Our Rite of Spring" and "Morrisart."

theme. Be looking for all hats at the tailgating and Steeplechase this spring. It’s time to get out your old wedding dress, tuxedos, or tuxedo T-shirts and plan for the races! Meeting sharp at 9:15 a.m. at the Ingles Supermarket will help you get items that you may need and use the last real bathrooms until the return at Ingles by 6 p.m. Entering the gates at 10 a.m., be prepared to set up booths and decorate with bloody mary’s and screwdrivers in hand. Then it’s off to the hat contest at 11 a.m. The running of the hounds and carriages is at 12:30 p.m. The races start at 2 p.m. If you plan to attend it is imperative that you go to www.etchy.


Saddle store job alters fashionista's career path by Barbara Childs

Jeanne Ahrenholz majored in fashion merchandising at the University of Minnesota and dreamt about having a fashion store someday. While attending college she worked in a saddle shop. After graduating she was having trouble finding just the right job and ended up purchasing the inventory of the store she was working at for 15 cents on the dollar. Her original plan was to have a liquidation sale and then continue with her fashion career. Her father talked her into renting a store for six months to see what would happen. Well, the saddle shop ended up as the perfect career for Jeanne. â€œI started out with 1,600 square feet and moved a couple of times ending up with 6,000 square feet of store space and nine employees,â€? Ahrenholz said. “I carried all price points of English and Western saddles. It was called Calamity Jeanne’s Saddle Shop. After 18 years, I was tired of working 60 hours a week with no time to ride. I found someone to buy the store who paid me what it was worth. I bought a great FEI level dressage horse named Wonderful and had fun riding and showing him. I won the ABIG/USDF Region 4 championships with him at the Prix St. Georges levels as well as Intermediare 1, and I also won the Area 4 Novice Eventing Championship on High Tide, my field hunter. I became the USDF Region 4 Director for six years, which was a great experience.â€? During the time that Ahrenholz owned her store she became frustrated selling saddles and trying to guess if they fit the customers’ horses properly. “I learned all I could from my saddle vendors though most of them didn’t know much. I also

had a series of horses that were difficult to fit. After selling the store friends and former customers kept asking me for help with their saddles. I took the overseas course from the Master Saddlers in England and then the follow up course on flocking. Albion Saddlemakers wanted me to represent them and gave me a great amount of training here and in England. I’ve trained with world equestrian brands who import Amerigo saddles and also with Prestige people. It’s now been 20 years since I’ve had the store, and I have a 14 foot trailer full of demo saddles that I bring to clients.â€? “The special thing about my saddle fitting service is that though the owner is writing the check, it’s really the horse I am working for. The welfare and comfort of the horse is the most important thing for me. Many fitters do a static fitting, but I believe that to analyze the fit properly I need to see the horse move in the saddle.â€? Currently Ahrenholz has four horses. Toyon is a 17–year–old Trakehner who has been trained to Grand Prix, and he is her schoolmaster. He was lame for three years and with his hoof radiographs he should be buried deep in the ground. After a couple of years of rebuilding his hoof with natural hoof people, he now has the right shoes and is busy educating Ahrenholz with brilliant and happy soundness. Paxton is an Appendix Quarter Horse and he is her field hunter. He has had anxiety problems with ulcers and allergies so Ahrenholz has not been able to hunt him as regularly as she would like. Rosa Rot is an 8-year-old

Jeanne Ahrenholz spent the first part of her career seling saddles, which kept her from spending much time in the saddle herself. After 14 years, Ahrenholz sold her store and hopes to eventually move to her Landrum farm full-time from Minnesota. (photo submitted).

Hanorverian mare. She is a big fancy mover who has difficulty handing herself at the canter.She has just returned from training with J.P. Giacomini, and she is ready to show. Heartsong is a nine year old Percheron x Thoroughbred who was a PMU foal. She has some challenges and is my project horse, but improving all the time. I am learning a ton about management, health, nutrition from these horses in

the last few years as they become better suited to their work and restored to soundness.â€? “As a rider my goal is getting a USDF gold medal, though the underlying goal is just to learn to ride well and knowledgeable. As a saddle fitter, my goal is happy comfortable horses.â€? Ahrenholz was first introduced to horses and ponies as (Continued on page 46)

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 41

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 8

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 11

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 38 + + +

Spirit restored

Michelle Williams’ journey with horses has been a courageous and noble one. By the time Michelle was 3, her parents knew something was different about her. She spoke in by Barbara Childs

sentences later than most people her age even though she had outgrown the growth graph at the pediatrician’s office. Michelle’s speaking abilities were unclear and she suffered from numerous ear infections.

Michelle Williams spends quality time with her horse Spirit. Williams believes riding helped her through difficulties in school and life related to dyslexia. The now early education major said the responsibilities and discipline associated with a riding lifestyle focused her mind and put her at ease. (photo submitted)

night’s health began to fail, but his interest in Tryon and the training center continued. He bought a small house on Godshaw Hill to live out his retirement here. He sold many of his horses at Hialeah and turned several over to his nephew who was running the business at Lincoln Downs in New England. McKnight died in 1957 and his final wishes were to be buried on his race track. Agrarian–U won in just the Agrarian–U finished second at Churchhill Downs -- his first race. When: John (Jack) McKnight moved to America in 1923 from Ireland. He began training horses in Tryon by 1928.

He also requested that Agrarian-U live out the rest of his days in the lush green pastures at his friend Lee Cowan’s Gone Away Farm (now Finally Farm). Upon Agrarian–U’s death he was buried next to McKnight at Harmon Field. Perhaps on your next stroll you will pause for a moment to reflect upon one of the most exceptional horsemen and horses of their day. In 1952, Agrarian–U joined an exclusive fraternity of horses at the time, winning his 50th race. In total, Agrarian–U won more than $200,000 in his racing career. second race of his career.

Agrarian–U and McKnight's lives and accomplishments





March-June 2011 3/25-27: USPC Dressage Rally sponsored by the River Valley Pony Club at FENCE. Info: Amy Moore via e-mail at scmooreclan@yahoo. com. 4/1-4/3: USEA (United States Eventing Association) Horse Trial at FENCE. Registration runs from Feb. 15-March 15. Send entries to Juli Hearn, j_hearn@bellsouth. net. Info: (803) 642-1276. 4/3: Tryon Hounds Spring Hunter Pace & Trail Ride. Info: wchpace.org. 4/9: Foothills Riding Club Schooling Dressage and Combined Test at FENCE. Info: Margo Savage (828) 863-4924. 4/9-10: Progressive Show Jumping, Harmon Field. Info: brhja.com. 4/9-10: Robin Groves Clinic -Sherwin Lindsey Arena, Landrum. There will be an open and close date. Info: Barbara Madill 828894-2437 or madill@windstream. net. 4/16: Cross Country Schooling at FENCE. Info: Margo Savage (828) 863-4924. 4/16: SE Children’s Home Benefit Hunter Pace & Trail Ride. Bob &

Leslie Scott, 864-877-9392. 4/23: 65th Block House Steeplechase at FENCE. 4/30: Dressage at FENCE. Info: FENCE 828-859-9021 also listed at www.CarolinaDressage.com. 4/30 - 5/1: Paul Belasik Dressage Clinic at Blue Moon Farm & Training Center in Columbus. Info: 828-863-4756 or via e-mail at sophie@montana. net. 5/6-8: BRHJA Mothers’ Day Show, Harmon Field. Info: brhja. com. 5/7: Foothills Riding Club Horse Trials at FENCE. Info: Margo Savage 828-863-4924 or www.foothillsridingclub.com.

Samantha Hurst, editor 828-859-2737 x 110 Nick Holmberg, marketing consultant 828-859-2737 x 114

5/20-22: Progressive Show Jumping at FENCE. Info: Rick Cram 803-649-3505 or visit psjshows.com.

Harmon Hopefuls open up show season

5/29: River Valley Pony Club Hunter Pace & Trail Ride. Info:

Harmon Hopefuls held their first two horse shows at Harmon Field Feb. 20-21 and March 13-14. These are a few photos from those events. The next regularly scheduled Harmon Hopeful event is April 24-25. (photos by Erik Olsen)

Dana Kind, 828-863-1359, or Kristen Billiu, 714-235-8326.

5/14-15: Foothills Equestrian Events Dressage Show at FENCE. Info: Alicia Henderson 828-6741885.

6/2-5: Tryon Riding and Hunt Club $5,000 Charity Jumper. Info: 828-859-6109 or visit www. trhcevents.com.

5/14: FRC Cross Country Schooling at FENCE. Info: Margo Savage 828-863-4924 or visit www.foothillsridingclub.com.

6/8-12: Tryon Riding & Hunt Club Charity Horse Show at FENCE. Info: 828-859-6109 or visit www.trhcevents.com.

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 2

The Hoofbeats of the Carolina Foothills

5/28-29: Carriage Club Show at FENCE. Info: Sandy Donovan 901-218-0613 or sandydonovan@ gmail.com.

5/7: Big Brothers / Big Sisters Benefit Hunter Pace & Trail Ride. Info: wchpace.org.

To reach us regarding: • News items, contact Samantha Hurst, (828) 859-2737 ext. 110, e-mail samantha. hurst@tryondailybulletin.com; or Barbara Childs, barbarachilds01@gmail. com; FAX to (828) 859-5575. • Advertising, billing or distribution inquiries, please call Nick Holmberg at the Tryon Daily Bulletin, (828) 859-


5/26-29: Tryon Summer Premier Horse Show, A rated, at Harmon Field.

6/2-5: Tryon Summer Classic at FENCE. Info: JP Godard 803-643-5698 or visit www. equuisevents.com.

Make your “Appointments!”


5/15: Steps to HOPE Benefit Hunter Pace & Trail Ride. Info: wchpace.org.

Showcasing Local Horsepeople

9151. Appointments is distributed on the fourth Thursday of every month (subject to change) in every homedelivered and newsstand copy of The Tryon Daily Bulletin. You can also find them for free each month, as long as they last,  in tourism and equestrian businesses throughout the area. Appointments is a monthly publication of The Tryon Daily Bulletin Inc., 16 N. Trade Street, Tryon, N.C. 28782.

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 47

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 10

was a lot of money in those days. One of the most memorable racing photos shows him winning a near four horse dead heat at Suffolk Downs by a nose. The reward is the premium of understanding. McKnight and Agrarian-U communicated with each other in a wordless language only they could understand. He was a horse-whisperer long before horse-whispering became popular. People might be baffled by the horse and human rapport but the records of Eastern tracks from Hialeah to Suffolk Downs prove conclusively that it exists. For McKnight Agrarian-U ran like Seabiscuit, but for any other owner he ran like a milkman’s nag. Horse and man parted company briefly in 1951 when the aging gelding was claimed in a claiming race for $6,500. The horse dropped back to a long–shot for his new owner and

McKnight was able to buy him back for $6,000. He was claimed once again and couldn’t win for that owner either. McKnight bought him back again and with the insight into the workings of Agrarian-U’s psyche the medicine worked. He kept on winning for McKnight and in 1952, joined one of the exclusive fraternities at that time, winning his 50th race. Only five horses from 1900 to 1952 belonged to that charmed circle. Another was Blenweed also owned by McKnight. Blenweed was an outlaw, discarded by the Calumet Foundation, that only McKnight could handle. McKnight had many winning horses. Another was Bolero U who tied the world’s record in 1957 for juvenile horses at Gulfstream Park. All of these famous race horses were trained right here in Tryon at Harmon Field. In the late 1950s Jack McK-

McKnight's Agrarian–U after his 50th win received this framed photo collage. (photo submitted)

Agrarian-U gallops into history

Her kindergarten year was dif- was a large motor skill learner. ficult, and she could barely re- She learned to sound out a word member the alphabet symbols by tapping the syllables on the that went with sounds. table. It follows then that you use It was then that Michelle was large motor skills to ride horses. diagnosed with dyslexia, a learn- The riding was a tool Michelle ing disability characterized by learned in this equine area so problems in expressive or recep- much more rapidly than any of tive oral and written language her educational skills. skills. Michelle enjoys being around The Camperdown Academy in horses because they don’t judge Greer, SC was the school she was you, and they are not mean to placed in for her special needs. you. Horses have always made Since Michelle was overly orga- her feel good about herself. The nized, her dyslexia became better horses were Michelle’s escape to handle with methods of strong when days seemed dark and the work ethics and a will to succeed world was impossible. Winno matter what. ning ribbons and At the end of placing at horse Spotlight her eighth-grade shows helped her year at Camperself confidence imon Local down, she was mensely. When awarded Student Equestrians Michelle was a of the Year. She youngster she rewent on to Blue members the little Ridge High School and finished cross rail courses she was made her senior year through home to jump with her horse, and that school. was a time when she could not Just recently, she was re- memorize basic words. She cruited by Sally Frick of Motlow considered horses her friends Equestrian Center to try out for a and recalls talking to them while new riding team. she was tacking them up. When Michelle now attends North Michelle is on the back of a horse Greenville College and is major- riding and schooling she doesn’t ing in early education. She is liv- think about anything else and her ing proof that living with severe dyslexia disappears. dyslexia is not all that bad. With “Horses have given me self the support of family and friends, confidence, responsibility, love, Michelle says, “never, never give patience,a sense of humor, peaceup on your dreams and goals.” fulness and good friendships," The horses in Michelle’s life Michelle said. "On a horse, the have been a great healing help rhythm of their feet helps my in her journey through life. At memory and keeps me peaceCamperdown she discovered she ful. Horses have taught me self

discipline, exercise and stress relief. Another important factor in riding is that everything is done in sequence. You groom the horse, pick its feet, saddle and go ride. This has helped my dyslexia tremendously because reading is all order sequencing.” Michelle’s riding experiences have been limited. She was not able to attend Pony Club and she has shown in one A rated show. Far more important than this are the lessons she has learned from horses, and how such a noble and simple creature can do so much for the soul of a person. “Believe me whatever cross you carry and with it you love horses, they will help you carry that cross wherever you go in

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life,” she said. Michelle’s first horse in life was Spirit. He has been with her since he was five, and now he is 13. The first time she went to a horse show with him he got scared of a paint horse at the show. Michelle’s first memories of riding include fun, hard work at Five Joker’s Farm owned by Estela Lindsey. “We would clean the barn and we all got the privilege of riding and jumping lessons. In the summer we camped for a whole week and even had a mock horse show at the end of the week. We would load the horses on the trailer and go around the block

Williams found an escape from daily frustrations of life through riding her horse Spirit who she got eight years ago. Here she works with trainer Robert Zandvroot. (photo submitted).



The horse world is such a wonderful and varied place. So much to learn, so much to see and so much to do. With all the directions that one can explore there are bound to be questions that pop up. Big burning questions, little niggling questions, funny questions, serious questions, questions that make you say "hmmmmm." My goal to is to help you with any manner of these questions as best I can. My name is Beth Collins. I am a certified John Lyons trainer, a dressage enthusiast, a seat clinician and a passionate horse lover.

The Equestrian Trotters, extends an invitation to come join our local team for a tremendous experience to help end breast cancer – the Susan Komen 3-Day Cancer Walk. Walking 60 miles in three days is the goal. The Equestrian Trotters are walking in Tampa, Fla. on Oct. 28-30. The walk raise funds for the cure and encourages greater breast cancer vigilance. The 2.5 million breast cancer survivors are the largest group of cancer survivors in the United States and they are a living testament to the progress made in research and advanced effective treatments for the cure. Early detection and medical care are of the utmost importance. Every woman deserves a mammogram and access to a spectrum of breast cancer options regardless of her financial status. Training and support are offered after you register. Walkers receive an informative Walker Handbook and coaches are available to give you training and support. Websites contain walk schedules, a virtual personal trainer,

shoe selection advice, health and nutrition tips and other valuable tools. Volunteers are needed as crew members which entails attending the entire event in a service capacity. If you are unable to be there in person you can be a tax deductible donator. Net proceeds from the Susan G. Komen 3-Day for the Cure fund are used in global breast cancer research and local community programs supporting education, screening and treatment. For more information about Komen for the Cure, breast health or breast cancer, visit www. Komen.org or call 1-877 GO KOMEN. For those wanting a closer location, there is a cancer walk available in Atlanta, GA on Oct. 21-23. They can sign up for that one or come to the Tampa, FL one. Checks can be made out to Susan Komen 3-Day Cancer walked and mailed to Joy Baker. For more info locally, contact:Joy Baker - team captain for The Equestrian Trotters, at 828-817-0315 or by email at apchirovet@aol.com. –article submitted

• Ahrenholz

raced down gravel roads, and system made sense to me and I swam in the creek. Finally I began applying the principles went to a small horse show. to the other disciplines I was When the judge talked to me riding. I soon became addicted after the Western Horseman- and have been consumed by ship class he said I would have dressage ever since, with time won the class if I knew my off for foxhunting and a little leads. I asked him what a lead novice eventing thrown in, too.” was. My Dad decided I should Ahrenholz lives here 6 take some lessons. Then it was months of the year from Notime to show in any class they vember through April. would let me in-barrels, poles, "I just can’t handle the MinWestern pleasure, even tandem nesota winters anymore. And bareback. when summer comes there are "Getting a little older, I hoards of mosquitoes. Minwanted to try English and the nesota is not a horse friendly Morgan breed looked like a place to live. When I looked versatile choice. So I showed for a horse paradise, I found the Morgan circuit in Western, Tryon. Luckily my husband was Saddleseat, and driving. It was also attracted to the area. He’s when I heard about dressage at still working as a burn surgeon this time that I became interest- in Minnesota and we’ll come ed in its discipline. The training down here full time when he Appointments • April 2011 • p. 46

retires. We have 47 acres in the Landrum area that has a barn with two apartments. We’re in the process of putting up a covered arena and we’ll build a house when we sell our farm in Minnesota. What I like here is the moderate climate, the natural beauty, the horse community and the friendly unassuming people I have met. Of course if you foxhunt, you have family anywhere.” When away from the horses, Ahrenholz enjoys reading and she would like to start or join a book club. She also enjoys her dogs, a Berenese Mountain Dog and a Welsh Corgi. She’s starting a training class with the Berenese puppy.

(continued from page 41)

a youngster while visiting her cousins in Minneapolis, Minn. They took her to a nearby pony farm to ride and she has been hooked ever since. On her eleventh birthday her dream of owning a horse of her own came true. Her father got tired of taking her to the boarding barn to ride everyday and the family moved to a hobby farm. Her childhood there was idyllic. Most of the children there owned ponies and horses so they would all spend the day riding. “We stopped at the Dairy Queen for lunch and fed our horses ice cream cones, then

I would like to hear from all of you on any subject that relates to our favored creature, the horse. Want to know who invented the trough heater, how to teach a proper leg yield, what type of supplement would benefit your jittery mount? What is a tolt any way? Why does my horse buck into his canter, How do I teach my horse x, y or z? Please send all manner of questions to loneroanfarm@ yahoo.com and I will do my best to write an witty and informative response. Happy horsey day!

second in his first race. A week later, in a field of maidens, Agrarian–U romped to an easy victory. His third time out he won again. Believing he had a wonder horse, McKnight entered him in a $5,000 handicap. Agrarian-U broke fast and got out ahead of the rest. A second horse moved up and they both moved away from the field. Coming down the homestretch the two fought it out neck and neck. Almost at the finish line both horses stumbled. Agrarian-U went down so hard he pitched his jockey off. Then he bounded up and crossed the finish line first, but, of course, it didn’t count because he had lost his jockey. The next years saw AgrarianU steadily improving his stature and his winnings. McKnight had bought him for $525 and by the end of his racing career he had won more than $200,000. That


Join up with Equestrian Trotters

Launching new column from trainer Beth Collins

by Carol Cowan For all the walkers, joggers and visitors, yes, there really is a horse and there really is a man buried at Harmon Field. The graves are located on the former race track between the tennis courts and the Tryon Arts & Crafts building. John (Jack) Livingston McKnight came to America in 1923. He was a native of Newry, County Armagh, Ireland. As a youth in Ireland, McKnight rode in steeplechase races and learned the art of horse training from his father. After service in World War I, he traveled to Canada, then crossed the border to take a job handling the hunters and polo ponies belonging to the society sportsmen of the exclusive Grosse Point Country Club in Detroit, Mich. He came to Tryon in 1928 and began training his own horses. He found the climate best suited for training his horses, horses that put McKnight among the 10 top racing makers in the nation. The original stable was directly across from the rock entrance to Harmon Field where the caretaker’s house was built. He later built a smaller, more modern stable on the racetrack where the arts building and the former middle school are now. A short, stocky, florid-faced man, McKnight had a strong prominent nose and keen eyes behind horn-rimmed glasses. He was a shrewd, very highly respected man. McKnight knew just what he wanted when he went to the Kentucky sales in 1943. He wanted Agrarian-U, who was a colt sired by Agrarian who finished third in the 1934 Kentucky Derby. McKnigth spent a year training his colt. When the colt was a 2– year–old McKnight took him to Churchill Downs. Agrarian-U justified his faith in him finishing

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 39

A22 6/17-19: FENCE Schooling Horse Trials at FENCE. Info: FENCE 828-859-9021 or e-mail horseshow@FENCE. org. 6/17-19: Harmon Classics Summer Challenge, Harmon Field. Info: brhja.com. 6/25-26: NCDCTA Dressage Show at FENCE. Info: Sandy Donovan 901-218-0613 or sandydonovan@ gmail.com. 7/6-10: Tryon Riding & Hunt Club Charity Horse Show II, A rated, at FENCE. Info: 828859-6109 or visit www. trhcevents.com. 7/14-17: Tryon Riding & Hunt Club Charity Horse Show III, A rated, at FENCE. Info: 828-859-6109 or visit www.trhcevents.com. 7/17: FENCE Cross Country Schooling at FENCE. Info: FENCE 828-859-9021 or HorseShow@FENCE.org.

7/23-24: FRC Schooling Dressage & Stadium at FENCE. Info: Margo Savage 828-863-4924. 7/23-24: Tryon Riding and Hunt Club Junior Amateur Horse Show, A rated, at Harmon Field. Info: 828-859-6109 or visit www.trhcevents.com. 7/29 – 8/1: Rick Quinn Horsemanship Clinic at FENCE. Info: Dottie Davis 828-8914372 or via e-mail at Larryanddottie1@ bellsouth.net. 8/5-8/7: Progressive Show Jumping at FENCE. Info: Rick Cram 803-649-3505 or visit www.psjshows.com. 8/19-21: BRHJA Summer’s End Show, Harmon Field. Info: brhja.com. 8/27: Tryon Riding & Hunt Club Horse Trials at FENCE. Info: 828859-6109 or visit www. trhcevent.com.

Decorating, gardening and entertaining workshops set Cottages & Gardens English Country Cottages and Gardens: A Design Workshop will be held on Saturday, March 26 at 11 a.m. at Derbyshire, an Englishinspired residential community in Columbus. English Cottage Decorating, the interior design portion of the workshop, will be lead by Gillian Drummond of Drummond House Interiors in Tryon. English Cottage Gardening will be lead by Linda Cobb, a master gardener from Spartanburg, SC. A luncheon for all participants will be held after the first portion of Hats & Horses Make plans to attend It's All About the Hat, a creative evening benefiting Blue Ridge School of Equestrian Arts. The event will be held Tuesday, April 12 from 6-9 p.m. at Chateau du Cheval at Spiegel Farm. The evening will include demonstrations from guest culinary experts Mariah Morrissey, currently with Stone Soup, and Michael Pelkey, internationally-known designer and chef. The two will give you tips on how to create a menu to entice any guest. Wine tasting and steeplechase items are included. Lydia Juenger, director of education at Blue Ridge School of Equestrian Arts will also give a

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 3

Want to go? When: Saturday, March 26 at 11 a.m. Where: Derbyshire in Columbus Call Jennifer Dennis at 828863-2660 or email at Jennifer@DerbyshireNC.com the workshop.Following the design workshop, Derbyshire will host a dessert reception at the Wisteria Cottage.

Want to go? When: Tuesday, April 12 at 6 p.m. Where: Chateau du Cheval at Spiegel Farm Reservations required, call 864-381-9715 short talk on steeplechase origins and its Tryon history, course set up and rules and how to read the program, examine the horses and pick a winner. Create a steeplechase chapeau with the help of Sue Spiegel. Bring your own hat and tools, instruction and trimmings will be provided.

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 45


Equine Primary Care Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Therapy Reproductive Management


Thann R. Boyum, D.V.M.

6. What are your special interests and hobbies away from the cameras? When I’m not glued bepractice to get really good at it, but I don’t mind sharing my experience with others. I have plans to hold various clinics and workshops to help folks with their equine photography.

Thann Boy

7. What do you value most in life? My family and friends and the ability to do the things I enjoy and make a living doing them. hind a camera, I enjoy fox hunting, trail riding, taking riding lessons, good food, live music and spending time with friends.


A16 • Williams

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with friends at the barn, and am thankful for all who have helped “On a horse, the rhythm me with my riding, especially of their feet helps my Pepper Oliver, Estela and Chrismemory and keeps me tina Lindsey, Katie Maxwell and peaceful.” Jen Holmes.” -- Michelle Williams Another horse in the Williams' family is Spirit. He is a liver chestnut quarter ends up having more control horse, and Michelle loves when over the movements. Away from the barn and she visits him. He gets excited and pac- horses, Michelle loves football. She is a big Ohio es his stall and State University. Spotlight then stares at her. fan. Jasper is another on Local The more she family horses. He is a ma- Equestrians knows about football than most hogany bay who girls, the more she thinks other horses are chew toys. It has been enjoys discussing sports with said by her trainer that he would the guys. She also enjoys reading books now. skin a goat. Dyslexia caused a struggle The horses that Michelle rides now have been well with this skill in the past, and schooled in dressage, and she she never enjoyed sitting down is learning to ride from her seat. with a book to read. Now it is easier because Michelle has learned that riding from her seat allows the software has reinforced multihorse to listen to her, and she sensory reading with seeing

Block House Steeplechase map

younger version of Jim Meads, a world famous fox hunting photographer who has photographed more than 500 unique fox hunts worldwide over the past 60 plus years. I enjoy socializing with the members of the fox hunts and also like to travel to other hunt clubs around the country. For the shows, I love the small local horse shows, it gives me a chance to be more “one on one” with everyone at the show, which allows me to provide a much better service. I believe the small local schooling shows deserve a professional photographer just as much as the big double A shows. Horses are such beautiful creatures and I love photographing them... it takes some

A21 and then pretend we arrived at the showgrounds. Then we would take care of ou horses, and even get dressed in show jackets. Next we had arts and crafts, lunch and listening to different speakers who would talk about braiding, trimming hooves and horse care. We even did field trips to the local tack shops.” Michelle enjoys jumping, dressage, cross-country, and trail riding with her horse Shamrock, a white Irish Draft horse who turns his head sideways to give kisses and loves to jump BIG. She currently trains with Trayce Doubek at Suncatcher Farms in Green Creek. Trayce graduated with a major in early education and a minor in learning disabilities. “It has been wonderful working with her. I enjoy hanging out

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 4

5. What are your special interests in horse photography? Shooting fox hunting gives me the chance to be outdoors, seeing the beautiful countryside or perhaps the chance to view the fox. I often am referred to as a ible opportunity and need in equine photography and videography. Having the experience as a photojournalist in television news and having always loved photography as a hobby, I began my professional career as an equine/special event photographer in 2003. I also offer sale videos for horses in all disciplines and video DVDs for various riding clinics/lessons.

A4 Spirit, Michelle Williams and her mother. (photo submitted).

the word highlighted and then hearing it read aloud. Her goals after college are to continue riding and compete at higher rated shows and also to ride horses for other people. She would also like to volunteer some of her time to help others with horses based charities.

com(steeplechase 2011). Once you have signed up to attend, everything is based on nametags, chicken, appetizers, etc. The tailgating theme is “A Bridle Affair,” so the colors are anything bridal, with the basic palette colors of hot orange, hot pink netting, green netting, black, beige, light pink and white. Any bridal decorations will be welcomed around the tent. Bring your wedding veil if you still have it. The tailgate will be formal so plan to bring your food with a silver or glass serving dish. If you’re brave and daring, wear anything bridal...even your wedding dress! Wear a tuxedo or tuxedo tee shirt as anything bridal goes. Please bring lawn chairs. Tables and cloths will be provided.

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 40

Top: Cornee Yountz and Etchy's tailgating crew at the 2010 Steeplechase. Above: One reveler dons a statuesque hat with a tall black stallion atop a mound of red roses. (photo submitted)

Appointments • April 2011 • p. 9

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