Polk tables ridgeline work for UDO, page 8
Tryon Daily Bulletin
The World’s Smallest Daily Newspaper
Vol. 86/ No. 7
Tryon, N.C. 28782
Friday, February 8, 2013
Only 50 cents
Forum focused on tackling community’s health priorities Pearson’s Falls opened for the new year on Feb. 1. The winter hours are Monday thru Saturday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Gates close at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, noon - 5 p.m. Gates close at 4:15 p.m. Take advantage of the spring-like days recently to walk the trail and possibly see an artist creating work for “Four Seasons of Creativity Inspired by Pearson’s Falls.” News of this event happening in Tryon in August will be forthcoming.
Here’s a list of upcoming meetings and events for area nonprofit community and governmental organizations:
Getting Your Farm to Scale, Mountain BizWorks presents “Getting Your Farm to Scale” with guest speaker Lee Mink, founder of Leap Farm. He will discuss not growing too much or too little on Friday, Feb. 8 from 9 a.m. - noon at the Mill Spring Agriculture Center. Saluda Center, Friday events: (Continued on page 2)
Rutherford-Polk-McDowell health director Jimmy Hines speaks to a crowd of people at the Community Health Forum held Tuesday, Feb. 5 at the ICC-Polk Campus. See full story on page 4. (photo by Kathy Woodham)
Repealing MRPO against county’s comprehensive plan Commissioners approve statement of inconsistency by Leah Justice
Polk County’s new board of commissioners’ action of rescinding the former mountainside and ridgeline protection ordinance (MRPO) went against the county’s current comprehensive plan and
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required commissioners to approve a statement of inconsistency. During a meeting held Monday, Feb. 4, commissioners approved a (Continued on page 4)