Your Skin is My Canvas: A Book about Tattoo Artist

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Desktop Desktop Publishing Publishing Final Final Project Project by Tasya by Tasya Gusti Gusti Darmawan Darmawan Copyright Copyright2020 2020 by Tsada by Tsada Publishing Publishing Group, Group, Inc.Inc. All rights All rights reserved. reserved. No part No part of this of this book book maymay be be reproduced reproduced in any in any formform without without permission permission in writing. in writing.









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Tattoos Tattoos areare always always associated associated with with crime, crime, many many criminals criminals useuse tattoo tattoo on on their their bodies bodies as symbol as symbol of their of their courage courage andand virility. virility. TheThe mass mass media media make make people people associate associate someone someone who who hashas tattoo tattoo is aiscriminal. a criminal. HowHowever, ever, thethe world world of tattooing of tattooing does does notnot increased. increased. There There areare many many propro tattoo tattoo artists artists who who earn earn their their living living by painting by painting on on somebody’s somebody’s skin. skin.

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TheThe world world of tattooing of tattooing does does not not increased. increased. There There are are many many professionals professionals tattooers tattooers whowho earnearn theirtheir living living by painting by painting on on somebody’s somebody’s skinskin using using needle needle andand They They have have been been re- respected spected in certain in certain cultures cultures andand looked looked down down upon upon or feared or feared in in others. others. Throughout Throughout the the centucenturies,ries, theythey have have worked worked at the at the request request of kings, of kings, nobility, nobility, andand celebrities, celebrities, as well as well as thieves as thieves andand other other scoundrels. scoundrels. Many Many tattoo tattoo artists artists are are selfself employed employed andand theirtheir salaries salaries depend depend on on re- rethe the amount amount of trade of trade theythey ceive. ceive. Becoming Becoming a tattoo a tattoo artist artist takes takes a much a much longer longer comcommitment. mitment. Artists Artists today today spend spend years years learning learning theirtheir trade trade be- beforefore theythey even even begin begin to tattoo to tattoo other other people. people. They They study study art art andand artistic artistic techniques. techniques. They They alsoalso learn learn disease disease protection protection andand howhow to keep to keep theirtheir client client or or customers customers healthy healthy andand safe. safe. AndAnd it ofitcourse of course takes takes a much a much longer longer commitment. commitment.

Tattoo artists are are a direct link link Tattoo artists a direct to one of humanity’s oldest art art to one of humanity’s oldest forms. They taketake many forms, forms. They many forms, fromfrom simple names or numbers simple names or numbers to elaborate designs or reproto elaborate designs or reproductions of famous artwork. ductions of famous artwork. Religious symbols, cultural Religious symbols, cultural icons, memorials to loved icons, andand memorials to loved ones all common designs. ones are are all common designs. Today, popularity is aon a Today, theirtheir popularity is on meteoric for the meteoric riserise andand yet,yet, for the most part, remain anonymost part, theythey remain anonymous, don’t want to seen. be seen. mous, don’t want to be Their artseen is seen every Their art is every dayday in in studios galleries, studios andand galleries, andand on on peoliving canvases, namely living canvases, namely peobodies, around globe ple’sple’s bodies, around the the globe is forever. They tattoo is forever. They are are tattoo artists, or tattooists. artists, or tattooists.

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TheThe tattoo tattoo artist artist is a is unique, a unique, hardworking hardworking individual. individual. Yet Yet for for a long a long time, time, tattooists tattooists havehave gotten gotten strange strange reactions reactions when when theythey havehave toldtold others others about about theirtheir job.job. There There are are a couple a couple of reasons of reasons for this. for this. In the In the past, past, body body art could art could mostly mostly be found be found on people: on people: slaves, slaves, criminals, criminals, sailors, sailors, circus circus performers, performers, or or gang gang members. members. In other In other words, words, tattoos, tattoos, andand tattoo tattoo artists, artists, hadhad been been mostly mostly associated associated withwith people people whowho weren’t weren’t partpart of mainstream of mainstream society. society. But But thankfully, thankfully, that’s that’s not not the the casecase anymore. anymore. Tattooing Tattooing is is gaining gaining in popularity in popularity andand is is better better understood understood thanthan everever everever before. before. People People fromfrom all all walks walks of life of are life are discovering discovering the the joy and joy and fun fun to be to found be found in in body body art, art, andand theythey havehave tattoo tattoo artists artists to thank to thank for that. for that. TheThe artistic artistic aspect aspect of the of the job job is is foreign foreign to ato lota of lotpeople. of people. They They follow follow safety safety standards standards andand guidelines guidelines thatthat would would havehave been been impossible impossible to meet to meet just just decades decades years years ago.ago. LikeLike others others whowho create create art for art afor living. a living.

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Tattooists Tattooists do not do not keep keep regular regular or somebody or somebody whowho has has to to punch punch a time a time card. card. Also, Also, theirtheir income income is frequently is frequently unsteady, unsteady, varying varying fromfrom week week to week, to week, month month in and in and month month out.out. Tattoo Tattoo artists artists are are responsible responsible for for maintaining maintaining a safe a safe andand clean clean work work environment, environment, including including donning donning gloves gloves when when contact contact withwith broken broken skinskin is possible, is possible, sterilizing sterilizing single-use single-use tattoo tattoo equipment equipment andand tools tools using using an an autoclave autoclave afterafter each each tattoo tattoo application application andand ensuring ensuring thatthat all work all work surfaces surfaces are are properly properly disinfected disinfected to avoid to avoid the the spread spread viruses viruses such such of blood-borne of blood-borne as hepatitis, as hepatitis, HIV HIV andand other other infectious infectious diseases. diseases.

TheThe world world of tattooing of tattooing does does not not increased. increased. There There are are many many professionals professionals tattooers tattooers whowho earnearn theirtheir living living by painting by painting on on somebody’s somebody’s skinskin using using needle needle andand ink. ink. They They havehave been been re- respected spected in certain in certain cultures cultures andand looked looked down down upon upon or feared or feared in in others. others. Throughout Throughout the the centucenturies,ries, theythey havehave worked worked at the at the request request of kings, of kings, nobility, nobility, andand celebrities, celebrities, as well as well as thieves as thieves andand other other scoundrels. scoundrels. Many Many tattoo tattoo artists artists are are self self employed employed andand theirtheir salaries salaries depend depend on on the the amount amount of trade of trade theythey re- receive. ceive. Becoming Becoming a tattoo a tattoo artist artist takes takes a much a much longer longer comcommitment. mitment. Artists Artists today today spend spend years years learning learning theirtheir trade trade be- beforefore theythey eveneven begin begin to tattoo to tattoo other other people. people. They They study study art art andand artistic artistic techniques. techniques. They They alsoalso learn learn disease disease protection protection andand howhow to keep to keep theirtheir client client or or customers customers healthy healthy andand safe. safe. AndAnd it ofitcourse of course takes takes a much a much longer longer commitment. commitment.

Tattoo Tattoo artists artists are are a direct a direct link link to one to one of humanity’s of humanity’s oldest oldest art art forms. forms. They They taketake many many forms, forms, fromfrom simple simple names names or numbers or numbers to elaborate to elaborate designs designs or reproor reproductions ductions of famous of famous artwork. artwork. Religious Religious symbols, symbols, cultural cultural icons, icons, andand memorials memorials to loved to loved ones ones are are all common all common designs. designs. Today, Today, theirtheir popularity popularity is on is aon a meteoric meteoric riserise andand yet,yet, for the for the most most part,part, theythey remain remain anonyanonymous, mous, don’t don’t want want to be to seen. be seen. Their Their art is artseen is seen every every dayday in in studios studios andand galleries, galleries, andand on on living living canvases, canvases, namely namely peopeople’sple’s bodies, bodies, around around the the globe globe is forever. is forever. They They are are tattoo tattoo artists, artists, or tattooists. or tattooists.

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Tattooing Tattooing is anis interesting an interesting mix mix of art of and art and cosmetic cosmetic surgery. surgery. It It requires requires creativity, creativity, precision, precision, a a steady steady hand, hand, andand patience. patience. Es- Essentially, sentially, tattoo tattoo artists artists inject inject ink ink intointo a person’s a person’s skinskin in patterns in patterns thatthat create create pictures pictures on the on the cli- client’s ent’s body. body. Using Using needles, needles, theythey make make a series a series of pricks of pricks under under the the skinskin that,that, when when grouped grouped together, together, make make solid solid lineslines andand shades shades of color. of color. A tattoo A tattoo artist artist will will create create a one-of-a-kind, a one-of-a-kind, or or custom, custom, design design for one for one cus-customer tomer or group or group of customers. of customers. Custom Custom designs designs are are completely completely original original andand often often complex, complex, showing showing lotslots of detail of detail andand covering covering a larger a larger portion portion of the of the

Tattoo Tattoo artist artist maymay specialize specialize in in oneone of two of two kinds kinds of tattooing. of tattooing. T T small small designs designs thatthat are are quick quick andand relatively relatively easyeasy to draw, to draw,

staystay abreast abreast of the of the latest latest tat- tattoo too trend. trend. Tattoo Tattoo artists artists use use theirtheir artistic artistic skills skills to advise to advise clients clients on size, on size, color, color, design design andand placement placement of their of their body body art. art. Usually, Usually, these these are are common common designs designs thatthat lotslots of people of people request, request, such such as aas skull a skull or aor a - too too specialty specialty is called is called custom custom design. design. Tattoo Tattoo artists artists express express themselves themselves through through theirtheir art, art, creating creating beautiful beautiful designs designs fromfrom the the inner inner depths depths of their of their typetype of design of design is typically is typically done done imaginations. imaginations. Their Their main main job job is is by aby master a master tattoo tattoo artist. artist. WhoWho to help to help clients clients express express themthemhas has been been in the in the business business a long a long selves. selves. They They consult consult withwith the the timetime andand has has lotslots of experience of experience customer, customer, asking asking questions, questions, under under his or hisher or her belt.belt. DependDepend- based based on the on the person’s person’s interintering ing on their on their levellevel of talent, of talent, ests, ests, suggesting suggesting designs. designs.

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Tattoos Tattoos are are scratches, scratches, design, design, image, image, or symbol or symbol thatthat is made is made on humans on humans skinskin permanently. permanently. TheThe making making of aofpermanent a permanent image image on the on the body body outlines outlines is done is done in 2inways: 2 ways: scratching scratching the the surface surface of the of the skinskin withwith a a sharp sharp object, object, andand perforate perforate the the surface surface of the of the skinskin withwith images images thenthen the the ink is inkinserted is inserted intointo the the surface surface of the of the Tattooing Tattooing has has a long a long history history thatthat spans spans many many centuries centuries andand cultures, cultures,

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Archaeologists Archaeologists havehave found found evidence evidence of tattooing of tattooing dating dating back back as far as as far4,000 as 4,000 BCEBCE in in art adorning art adorning Ancient Ancient EgypEgyptiantian tombs. tombs. Evidence Evidence justjust as as old old has has been been discovered discovered in in Romania. Romania. Tattooing Tattooing instruinstruments ments such such as clay as clay ink pots ink pots andand bone bone needles needles havehave been been found found at sites at sites throughout throughout Europe, Europe, andand some some of those of those artifacts artifacts are are at least at least havehave aged aged 10.000 10.000 years years old.old.

No one No one knows knows for sure for sure howhow the the practice practice of tattooing of tattooing got got started. started. Michele Michele Delio, Delio, author author of Tattoo: of Tattoo: TheThe Exotic Exotic Art of Art of SkinSkin Decoration, Decoration, imagines imagines thatthat got got intointo wounds wounds andand under under the the skinskin of prehistoric of prehistoric cavemen, cavemen, whowho liked liked the the wayway it looked it looked andand started started doing doing it onit puron purpose. pose. HowHow tattooing tattooing started started remains remains a mystery—we a mystery—we cancan guess guess thatthat tattooing tattooing began began at least at least by 3300 by 3300 BCE. BCE. ThatThat is is howhow far back far back anthropologists anthropologists have have dated dated an iceman an iceman theythey named named Otzi,Otzi, whowho waswas discovdiscoveredered in the in the AlpsAlps between between

Austria Austria andand ItalyItaly in 1991. in 1991. Otzi’s Otzi’s skinskin preserved preserved because because of the of the ice, ice, hadhad tattoo tattoo stripes stripes on the on the rightright ankle ankle andand lower lower back, back, andand the the a cross a cross behind behind the the left left knee. knee. Additional Additional evi-evidence dence of prehistoric of prehistoric tattooing tattooing has has been been found found in the in the SiberiSiberian mountains, an mountains, nearnear Russia’s Russia’s border border withwith China. China. ResearchResearchers ers found found tattooed tattooed mummies mummies of aofgroup a group of warriors: of warriors: PazyPazyryk.ryk. A Pazyryk A Pazyryk chief chief discovdiscovin the in the 1920s, 1920s, hadhad nu- nueredered merous merous beasts beasts drawn drawn on his on his body body andand alsoalso hadhad similar similar so so many many mythical mythical creatures creatures has has tattooed tattooed on her on her arm.arm.

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Early Early tattoos tattoos have have been been dis-discovered covered on the on the mummies mummies of of Egyptian Egyptian kings kings andand priests. priests. Because Because theythey hadhad alliances alliances withwith other other empires, empires, the the EgypEgyptians tians were were ableable to spread to spread the the practice practice of tattooing of tattooing to to nations: nations: Crete, Crete, Greece, Greece, Per-Persia, sia, andand Arabia. Arabia. Researchers Researchers believe believe tattooing tattooing traveled traveled to to Southeast Southeast AsiaAsia andand became became partpart of Japanese of Japanese culture. culture. In In ancient ancient Japanese Japanese tombs, tombs, researchers researchers have have found found small small clayclay statues statues withwith painted painted or or engraved engraved faces. faces. These These marks marks represent represent tattooing. tattooing. No writNo written ten evidence evidence of tattooing of tattooing in in Japan, Japan, untiluntil Chinese Chinese historic historic journals journals mention mention it around it around 300300 CE.CE. Tattooing Tattooing hashas hadhad a long a long history history of attracting of attracting some some pretty pretty rough rough customers. customers. In olden In olden days, days, pirates pirates andand

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civilized civilized folks folks by their by their tattoos. tattoos. Hundreds Hundreds of years of years later, later, mo-motorcycle torcycle riders, riders, prison prison inmates, inmates, andand members members of street of street gangs gangs made made a point a point of getting of getting tat-tattooed tooed as aassign a sign to show to show theirtheir dedication dedication andand loyalty loyalty to each to each other. other. Since Since tattooing tattooing is painis painful, ful, getting getting body body art also art also hashas served served as permanent as permanent proof proof of how of how strong strong someone someone is. is. Because Because theythey dealdeal withwith andand frequently frequently hang hang out out withwith these these types types of clients, of clients, tattoo tattoo artists artists have have earned earned a reputation a reputation for for being being justjust as tough. as tough. In the In the movies movies andand on television, on television, theythey are are often often shown shown as scary as scary men. men.

A neb A neb whowho dressed dressed in black in black andand wearing wearing leather, leather, artwork artwork covering covering much much of their of their While While there there are are menmen (and(and these these

Tattoos Tattoos are an are an ancient ancient form form of of art appearing art appearing in in various various cultures cultures throughout throughout history. history. In ancient In ancient cultures cultures suchsuch as Greece as Greece and Rome and Rome the the tattoo tattoo was worn was worn as a as cultic a cultic symbol symbol dedicating dedicating 1 to a1 to a certain certain god god

description, description, at least at least as far as as far as theirtheir appearance, appearance, tattoo tattoo artists artists aren’t aren’t necessarily necessarily frightening, frightening, andand uncivilized uncivilized individuals. individuals. It It would would be more be more accurate accurate to to describe describe them them as nonconformas nonconformists,ists, which which means means theythey like like to to live live life on life their on their ownown terms terms andand in ainnota notso-typical so-typical manner. manner. Tattoo Tattoo artists artists are are not not justjust non-nonconformists conformists in their in their appearance appearance andand beliefs, beliefs, however. however. They They are are alsoalso drawn drawn to an to extraordinary an extraordinary

timetime or another, or another, most most tattooists tattooists havehave felt felt as ifastattoo if tattoo artistry artistry is is what what theythey were were meant meant to do. to do. For For them, them, tattooing tattooing is more is more thanthan justjust a job. a job. It isIta iscalling, a calling, where where a little a little voice voice inside inside them them tellstells them them thatthat thisthis is the is the right, right, the the onlyonly job job for them. for them.

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TheThe watercolor watercolor style style is currently is currently in vogue. in vogue. It’s It’s in in extremely extremely highhigh demand demand by the by the most most recent recent generagenerationtion of tattoo of tattoo enthusiasts, enthusiasts, whowho seem seem to be to looking be looking for something for something newnew to match to match the the newnew millennium. millennium. It It looks looks likelike what what it sounds it sounds like,like, as ifasrendered if rendered withwith a brush a brush dabbled dabbled in watery in watery pastels. pastels. However, However, looks looks cancan be deceiving, be deceiving, while while it’s it’s easyeasy to create to create thisthis aesthetic aesthetic when when working working withwith actual actual watercolors watercolors on on paper paper or canvas, or canvas, doing doing it with it with ink ink on the on the human human body body is not is not easyeasy as itaslooks, it looks, andand no simple no simple feat.feat.

It’s It’s in extremely in extremely highhigh demand demand by the by the most most recent recent gen-generation eration of tattoo of tattoo enthusiasts, enthusiasts, whowho seem seem to be to looking be looking for modern for modern tattoo tattoo types types to match to match the the newnew millennium. millennium. Watercolour Watercolour tattoos tattoos mimic mimic streaks streaks or spots or spots of colour of colour similar similar to splashing to splashing paint paint on aoncanvas. a canvas. Often Often the the tattoo tattoo might might be realistic be realistic or or mainly mainly line-work, line-work, andand the the watercolour watercolour effect effect might might be added be added in the in the backbackground ground or around or around the the tattoo tattoo as an as addition. an addition. Watercolour Watercolour tattoos tattoos are are coupled coupled withwith many many colors, colors, themes themes of nature, of nature, animals animals andand flowers. flowers. They They maymay alsoalso be be combined combined withwith line-work. line-work. Remarkable Remarkable in beauty in beauty andand elegance, elegance, along along withwith the the natural, natural, watercolor watercolor tattoos tattoos are are a trend a trend not not likely likely to end to end any any timetime soon. soon.


Though Though classic classic realism realism has has been been a part a part of the of the finefine art since art since as far as back far back as the as the Renaissance, Renaissance, it only it only found found its way its way to to the the world world of tattoos of tattoos recently, recently, cropping cropping up around up around the the latter latter halfhalf of the of the 20th20th century. century. Usually Usually represented represented by porby portraits traits or true or true to life to life scenes/landscapes scenes/landscapes

Realism Realism tattoos tattoos looklook like like photos photos embedded embedded on skin. on skin. TheThe artists artists whowho specialise specialise in realism in realism tattoos tattoos are are highly highly talented talented withwith significant significant manual manual dexterity dexterity andand eye eye for detail. for detail. These These tattoos tattoos can can looklook more more truetrue to to life life whith whith longer longer other other tattoo tattoo styles. styles.


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TheThe traditional traditional style, style, alsoalso called called old old school school tattoo tattoo style, style, American American tra- traditional ditional tattoo tattoo style, style, classic classic tattoo tattoo stylestyle or Western or Western traditional traditional tattoo tattoo style, style, is known is known for its forbold its bold lines, lines, bright bright colors, colors, andand iconic iconic designs designs like like roses, roses, anchors, anchors, andand gorgeous gorgeous ladylady heads. heads. WithWith heavy heavy hitters hitters in in the the history history of Traditional of Traditional like like Sailor Sailor Jerry, Jerry, DonDon Ed Hardy, Ed Hardy, BertBert Grimm, Grimm, andand LyleLyle Tuttle, Tuttle, thisthis stylestyle of tattooof tattooing ing is one is one of the of the most most well-known well-known andand beloved beloved aesthetics aesthetics within within the the tattoo tattoo community community thanthan the the others. others. They’re They’re gorgeous gorgeous fromfrom the the get get go, go, ageage beautifully, beautifully, andand alsoalso filled filled withwith the the history history of tattooing of tattooing itself. itself.

As for As the for the actual actual visual visual stylestyle of of Traditional Traditional tattooing, tattooing, the the boldbold black black lineslines andand use use of pigment of pigment all have all have rather rather rational rational uses. uses. TheThe illustrative illustrative looklook maymay havehave originated originated withwith Eu-- Eu-ropean ropean designs, designs, but but the the boldbold black black lineslines were were perhaps perhaps a technique a technique taken taken fromfrom the the triedtried andand truetrue methmeth- odsods of tribal of tribal tattooists, tattooists, whether whether belonging belonging to Polynesian to Polynesian or Native or Native American American peoples. peoples. For For centuries, centuries, carbon carbon based based ink has ink has proven proven ageage incredibly incredibly well,well, not not onlyonly holding holding its its shape shape for ages, for ages, but but alsoalso in aiding in aiding the the clarity clarity of aof design. a design. TheThe vividvivid tones tones Traditional Traditional tattooists tattooists used used were were alsoalso tied,tied, mainly, mainly, to what to what waswas available available when when pigments pigments used used for for skinskin quality quality advancement. advancement.


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Tribal Tribal tattoos tattoos are are the the oldest oldest in the in the world, world, dat-dating ing back back thousands thousands of of years. years. ThisThis style style should should actually actually be thought be thought of as of as multiple multiple styles styles or more or more so different so different traditions traditions of of tattooing tattooing from from aboriginal aboriginal communities communities all around all around the the globe. globe. These These diverse diverse andand beautiful beautiful styles styles are are frequently frequently referred referred to to under under the the umbrella umbrella termterm “tribal,” “tribal,” but but to the to the trained trained eye,eye, Polynesian Polynesian body body art art is distinctive is distinctive from from Mar-Marquesan quesan or Maori or Maori tattoos, tattoos, are are different different from from those those justjust likelike tattoos tattoos on Inupon Inup- found found on Berber on Berber women. women. iaq iaq matriarchs’ matriarchs’ faces faces Because Because tribal tribal tattooing tattooing


covers covers many many cultures cultures andand histories, histories, there there are are many many different different styles styles thatthat have have emerged, emerged, andand many many differdifferent ent artists artists whowho continue continue thisthis ancient ancient tradition. tradition. LikeLike most most cultural cultural artworks, artworks, it it is important is important to know to know the the history history of the of the tribe. tribe. HowHowever, ever, thankfully, thankfully, there there are are always always highly highly skilled skilled andand knowledgeable knowledgeable artisans artisans to to helphelp youyou along along the the way.way.

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Don’t Don’t let the let the name name foolfool you,you, newnew school school isn’tisn’t really really all that all that newnew anymore. anymore. It rose It rose to promto prominence inence in the in the weirdness weirdness thatthat waswas the the latelate ‘80s‘80s andand early early ‘90s,‘90s, but but lately lately it has it has waned waned in popuin popularity. larity. ThisThis is probably is probably because because it was it was veryvery much much a product a product of of its time, its time, featuring featuring a highly a highly ani-animated mated aesthetic aesthetic thatthat takes takes af- after popular ter popular entertainment entertainment from from thatthat period period in American in American history. history. TheThe style style is cartoonish is cartoonish andand wacky, wacky, featuring featuring caricatures caricatures andand other other exaggerated exaggerated figures. figures. There There hashas often often been been a division a division between between American American Traditional Traditional artists artists andand NewNew School School artists. artists. TheThe rules, rules, techniques, techniques, andand me-mediums diums of tattooists of tattooists is usually is usually closely closely guarded guarded information. information.

Beside Beside it wasn’t it wasn’t onlyonly the the de- demand mand for new for new designs designs via via customers, customers, it was it was alsoalso a hope a hope of some of some artists artists to progress to progress andand share share newnew concepts concepts andand modes modes of working; of working; to work to work out-outsideside the the rules. rules. WithWith the the inveninventiontion andand public public integration integration of of the the internet, internet, thisthis progression progression waswas made made easier. easier. Traditional Traditional American American tattooing tattooing waswas blown blown open open withwith the the stylings stylings of Neo of Neo Trad, Trad, NewNew School, School, andand about about many many other other different different styles styles & & takes takes on this on this ancient ancient artform. artform.


TheThe traditional traditional Japanese Japanese style, style, akaaka Irezumi, Irezumi, origioriginated nated during during the the EdoEdo period period (1603-1868) (1603-1868) alongside alongside ukiyo ukiyo woodblock woodblock prints prints thatthat were were popular popular at the at the time. time. TheThe icons icons found found in this in this time-tested time-tested genre genre of of tattooed tattooed heroes heroes from from the the Suikoden Suikoden andand mythologmythological ical creatures creatures likelike dragons, dragons, kirins, kirins, andand phoenixes. phoenixes. In short, In short, every every tattoo tattoo done done in this in this style style tellstells a story a story about about Japans Japans richrich past, past, andand beyond beyond theirtheir dramatdramatic smoke ic smoke andand wave wave filled filled appearance, appearance, thisthis is what is what makes makes Irezumi Irezumi tattoo tattoo masterpieces masterpieces so powerful. so powerful.

Japanese Japanese tattooing tattooing is an is incredibly an incredibly important important cultural cultural art form art form thatthat needs needs to be to preserved, be preserved, supported, supported, andand cultivated cultivated withwith understanding understanding andand respect. respect. It’s It’s beauty beauty lieslies within within the the vastvast historical historical andand symbolic symbolic aspects aspects thatthat make make it isitsuch is such an awe an awe inspiring inspiring artists artists outlet. outlet. From From brightly brightly colored colored kimono, kimono, water water lilies lilies of the of the floating floating world, world, Buddhist Buddhist deities, deities, andand compellcompelling,ing, dynamic dynamic dragons dragons of ancient of ancient folklore, folklore, Irezumi Irezumi is one is one of the of the foundations foundations of modern of modern tattooing tattooing worth worth complete complete admiration. admiration. Ukiyo-e, Ukiyo-e, translates translates to Picto Pictures tures of the of the Floating Floating World, World, are are the the most most wellknown wellknown art form art form from from Japan Japan to the to the Western. Western. It’s It’s veryvery particular, particular, theythey were were created created withwith blocks blocks of wood. of wood.



BLACKWORK BLACKWORK Stylistically Stylistically speaking, speaking, blackwork blackwork is aisvery a very broad broad categorical categorical term. term. It It applies applies almost almost any any body body art that’s art that’s created created using using solely solely black black ink,ink, but but as you as you cancan imagine, imagine, a lota can lot can be done be done withwith thisthis versatile versatile andand strikstriking ing color. color. Looking Looking through through blackwork blackwork artists artists portfolios, portfolios, you’ll you’ll seesee all all kinds kinds of tattoo of tattoo types types from from ancient ancient sacred sacred geometry geometry to modern to modern ab- abstract stract ornamental ornamental designs designs to extremely to extremely detailed detailed illustrative illustrative pieces. pieces. It isIthands is hands down down the the style style where where the the most most experimentation experimentation is curis currently rently occurring occurring in the in the industry, industry, andand some some of the of the work work being being pro-produced duced today today is absolutely is absolutely mind-blowing. mind-blowing. Blackwork Blackwork is originally is originally derived derived from from the the original original tribal tribal tattoos, tattoos, made made of thick of thick andand boldbold black black lines lines in ainvariety a variety of geometric of geometric shapes. shapes. But But artists artists continue continue to upto upto new to new levels, levels, incorporating incorporating patterns patterns andand imagery. imagery. grade grade thisthis genre genre From From all sorts all sorts of sources, of sources, turns turns intointo mesmerizing mesmerizing pieces pieces swirling swirling in different in different forms forms around around the the body. body. Blackwork Blackwork is pushing is pushing dotwork dotwork andand linework linework to their to their extreme, extreme, withwith massive massive black black tint tint areas, areas, complex complex geometrical geometrical andand symsymmetrical metrical patterns patterns influenced influenced by Polynesian by Polynesian tattoos tattoos andand graphic graphic art. art. It focuses It focuses on the on the designand designand standing standing out,out, mostly mostly ornamental, ornamental, rather rather thanthan the the meaning meaning or realism. or realism. ThisThis particular particular mode mode of tattooing of tattooing is adaptable is adaptable to design. to design. 2323

NeoNeo traditional, traditional, as the as the name name implies, implies, is an is evolution an evolution of of the the traditional traditional style. style. It features It features the the corecore properties properties of its of its predecessor, predecessor, likelike pronounced pronounced linework linework andand extremely extremely vi- vibrant brant colors colors but but it also it also hashas an illustrative an illustrative quality quality to it.toThis it. This is because is because NeoNeo traditional traditional artists artists are are highly highly influenced influenced by by Art Art Nouveau Nouveau andand Art Art Deco Deco aesthetics. aesthetics. TheThe main main difference difference between between traditional traditional tattoos tattoos andand neoneo traditional traditional tattoos tattoos is that is that neoneo traditional traditional tattoos tattoos of- often ten have have a broader a broader color color palette palette andand a broader a broader range range of of motifs. motifs. Pieces Pieces done done in this in this style style are are known known for their for their lush, lush, decorative decorative details details as well as well as the as the useuse of natural of natural imagery imagery such such as florals as florals andand animals. animals. thisthis particular particular style style blends blends the the techniques techniques of Traditional of Traditional American American tattooing tattooing withwith a a richrich history history of arts of arts andand crafts. crafts. TheThe firstfirst historical historical artistic artistic movement movement apparent apparent in the in the NeoNeo TradTrad style style is Art is Art Nouveau. Nouveau. OneOne of the of the apparent apparent in the in the NeoNeo Traditional Traditional style style is Art is Art NouNouveau. veau. But But to understand to understand Art Art Nouveau, Nouveau, oneone must must firstfirst underunderstand stand the the context context andand symbolism symbolism behind behind thatthat which which sparked sparked the the movement movement to flourish. to flourish. TheThe floating floating world world waswas intent intent on on protecting protecting andand preserving preserving theirtheir culture culture which, which, duedue to presto pressuresure from from outside outside forces, forces, waswas being being greatly greatly threatened. threatened. HowHowever, ever, in 1862, in 1862, fortyforty Japanese Japanese officials officials were were sentsent to Europe to Europe to to discuss discuss the the opening opening of Japan’s of Japan’s to be to closing be closing guarded guarded gates. gates.





As in Asany in any profession, profession, being being formed formed is essential is essential to learn to learn basic basic skills skills thatthat encourage encourage youryour growth growth as an as artist. an artist. Be-Being ing always always updated updated in terms in terms of procedures, of procedures, techniques techniques andand alsoalso materials, materials, is one is one of the of the bases bases of the of the success success of the of the tattoo tattoo artist’s artist’s business. business. While While it’s tempting it’s tempting to want to want to jump to jump in with in with bothboth feetfeet to try to atrylittle a little of everything of everything at once, at once, tattootattooing ing is like is like any any other other art form. art form. Tattooist Tattooist need need to learn to learn basic basic skills skills fromfrom the the veryvery beginning, beginning, andand then, then, theythey need need to build to build on them on them as their as their abilities abilities andand

When When we talk we talk about about tattoo tattoo techniques, techniques, the the possibilities possibilities ateendless ateendless constant constant innovainnovation.tion. TheThe most most current current ones ones in- involve volve adding adding luminosity luminosity to the to the tattoo tattoo thatthat theythey make make or adding or adding textures textures to it.toThis it. This chapter chapter is is about about the the twotwo most most common common tattoo tattoo techniques techniques such such as as Basic Basic Art Technique Art Technique andand Pro-Procedural cedural Technique. Technique. There There is no is no shortage shortage of hints, of hints, tattoo tattoo tips,tips, andand tattoo tattoo techniques techniques thatthat tat- tattoo too artists artists use use to perfect to perfect theirtheir skills skills andand hone hone theirtheir craft. craft. Each Each professional professional tattoo tattoo artist artist youyou come come across across will will likely likely have have his his or her or her ownown wayway of doing of doing it. it. 2828

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technique technique used used to create to create a basic a basic shape shape on skin. on skin. Usually Usually done done withwith a round a round group group of needles, of needles, lineslines cancan varyvary fromfrom veryvery thinthin to quite to quite thick. thick. Sometimes, Sometimes, tattoo tattoo artists artists choose choose to “build to “build up” up” lineslines by using by using multimultiple ple passes passes veryvery close close together together to to make make a thicker a thicker line.line. While While lining lining is is certainly certainly a basic a basic tattooing tattooing skill,skill, it it is also is also a very a very important important Even Even lineslines are are necessary necessary for aforsmooth, a smooth, professional professional tattoo. tattoo. They They alsoalso givegive Lining Lining doesn’t doesn’t onlyonly have have to be to done be done withwith black black ink, ink, like like the the outline outline in ain a coloring coloring book. book. YouYou cancan alsoalso use use a particular a particular areaarea of aofdesign. a design.


2.2. SHADING SHADING is one is one of the of the

3.3. COLORING COLORING is the is the termterm

things things thatthat cancan really really make make a tata tattoo too artist. artist. Someone Someone whowho is good is good at shading at shading creates creates images images thatthat havehave depth depth andand are are interesting interesting to to looklook at the at the tattoo tattoo result. result.

design design withwith color. color. ThisThis maymay or or maymay not not include include using using black black ink, ink, although although some some artists artists referrefer to all toblank all blank ink work ink work as ‘shadas ‘shad-

Shading Shading is usually is usually done done withwith

youyou want want withwith youryour coloring, coloring, youyou maymay choose choose fromfrom a variety a variety of techniques. of techniques. Sometimes Sometimes youyou maymay choose choose to use to use a series a series of of

techniques techniques youyou cancan use use to creto create ate darker darker or lighter or lighter shadows. shadows. For For example, example, youyou cancan startstart withwith heavier heavier pressure pressure at the at the beginning beginning in ainspace. a space. In other In other cases, cases, youyou of aofstroke, a stroke, lightening lightening youryour touch touch maymay choose choose to sweep to sweep the the nee-needle dle across across the the skinskin withwith varying varying at the at the endend of the of the stroke. stroke. There There pressure pressure to create to create more more of aof a are are other other methods methods for creating for creating a lighter a lighter shade. shade. Some Some artists artists will will Coloring Coloring is usually is usually done done fromfrom addadd white white to black to black to make to make a a darkest darkest to lightest, to lightest, rather rather thanthan custom custom gray. gray. Others Others choose choose to to working working fromfrom oneone sideside of the of the theirtheir black. black. TheThe shade shade matters, matters, tattoo tattoo to the to the other. other. ThisThis is done is done but but so does so does the the artist’s artist’s underunderfor aforcouple a couple of reasons. of reasons. First, First, standing standing of how of how lightlight fallsfalls andand thisthis keeps keeps the the darker darker colors colors howhow to translate to translate intointo a tattoo. a tattoo. fromfrom accidentally accidentally mixing mixing withwith the the lighter lighter ones. ones. TheThe needles, needles, tube, tube, andand tipstips will will have have to be to be cleaned cleaned between between colors. colors. TheThe coloring coloring requires requires special special skills skills of your of your tattoo tattoo design design withwith color. color. Various Various techniques techniques are are used used to create to create darkdark andand lightlight colors. colors.

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4.4. LETTERING. LETTERING. Many Many peopeople ple are are interested interested in tattoos in tattoos thatthat include include words, words, so being so being skilled skilled at lettering at lettering cancan be abemajor a major bo- bonusnus for afortattoo a tattoo artist. artist. Trends Trends change, change, but but something something thatthat seems seems to remain to remain fairly fairly constant constant is the is the desire desire to include to include names names or quotations or quotations intointo tattoos. tattoos. Cre-Creating ating nicenice tattoos tattoos thatthat lettering lettering requires requires youyou to understand to understand concepts concepts such such as the as the A spacA spacing ing required required to lay to words lay words out out in in an attractive an attractive way,way, like like the the formform andand function function of the of the letters letters themthemselves. selves. A word A word to the to the wisewise when when it comes it comes to lettering: to lettering: use use a a dictionary! dictionary! TooToo many many times, times, someone someone leaves leaves a tattoo a tattoo shop shop thrilled thrilled withwith theirtheir newnew ink is ink is spelled spelled wrong. wrong.


TheThe techniques techniques used used to tattoo to tattoo our our bodies bodies have have gone gone a long a long wayway in the in the pastpast 5.000 5.000 years. years. TattooTattooing ing techniques techniques used used by ancient by ancient tribal tribal cultures cultures were were often often car-carriedried out out by abyprocess a process known known as as scratching, scratching, cutting cutting or branding or branding of designs of designs intointo the the skin,skin, andand thenthen applying applying primitive primitive ink, ink, made made fromfrom ashes ashes andand other other local local minerals, minerals, which which waswas rubbed rubbed intointo the the open open wounds. wounds. Some Some tribes tribes used used primprimitiveitive tools tools such such as pointed as pointed sticks sticks or sharp or sharp animal animal bones bones which which were were used used to ‘hand-tap’ to ‘hand-tap’ the the ink into ink into the the TheThe Japanese Japanese used used a hand-injecting a hand-injecting technique technique known known as Tebori, as Tebori, which which used used tools tools made made of sharp of sharp bamboo. bamboo.


Traditional Traditional Hawaiian Hawaiian tattoos tattoos are are created created using using hand hand carved carved bone bone or tusk. or tusk. Needles Needles (tools (tools for makfor making ing holes) holes) fashioned fashioned in clay in clay were were alsoalso employed employed by many by many tribes. tribes. All these All these ancient ancient tribal tribal processprocesses have es have twotwo things things in common. in common. Firstly, Firstly, the the tattooing tattooing process process tooktook an inordinately an inordinately longlong timetime to to complete, complete, as the as the ink was ink was iin- iinerted erted oneone ‘tap’‘tap’ or one or one chiseled chiseled ‘gouge’ ‘gouge’ at aattime. a time. Secondly, Secondly, the the process process waswas extremely extremely painful painful for the for the clients, clients, or so or called so called re- recipient. cipient. Traditional Traditional tattoo tattoo techtechuse use any any machine. machine. nique nique doesn’t doesn’t

In ancient In ancient times, times, tattoos tattoos were were made made using using long, long, sharp sharp orange orange three three thorns. thorns. datedate back back to ancient to ancient civilizacivilizations, tions, the the reasons reasons behind behind the the newly-seen newly-seen skinskin tattoos tattoos are are NowNow the the needle needle has has become become a a subtitute subtitute for the for the thorns thorns of the of the orange orange tree.tree. People People nowadays nowadays usually usually call call it stick it stick andand poke. poke. TheThe mechanincal mechanincal tattooing tattooing tec-technique hnique is a istattooing a tattooing process process by using by using a tattoo a tattoo machine machine con-consisting sisting of several of several parts. parts.


Although Although the the traditional traditional Jap-Japanese anese andand Hawaiian Hawaiian hand hand tap tap methods methods cancan still still be found be found in in use use today, today, for the for the tattoo tattoo world world at large, at large, tattoo tattoo processes processes andand techniques techniques havehave changed changed sig-sig- tury.tury. TheThe forerunner forerunner of today’s of today’s electric electric tattoo tattoo machines machines waswas invented invented in 1891 in 1891 in London in London by by Samuel Samuel O’Reilly O’Reilly when when he modhe modprinter, printer, which which waswas an engraving an engraving machine, machine, invented invented by Thomas by Thomas Edison Edison to engrave to engrave hardhard surfacsurfaces. O’Reilly es. O’Reilly adapted adapted the the AmeriAmerican’s can’s machine machine by changing by changing the the rotary-driven rotary-driven electromagnetic electromagnetic oscillating oscillating unitunit to drive to drive a tattoo a tattoo needle. needle. ThisThis used used a single a single elecelectric tric coil,coil, andand thenthen in 1899, in 1899, an- another other Englishman, Englishman, Alfred Alfred Charles Charles machine machine which which is the is the machines. machines.


Later Later variations, variations, using using the the same same engineering engineering principles, principles, were were developed developed by two by two German German Tattoo Tattoo artists, artists, Horst Horst Heinrich Heinrich Streckenbach Streckenbach andand Manfred Manfred Kohrs, Kohrs, in the in the 1970’s. 1970’s. These These daysdays there there are are essentially essentially twotwo types types of motor of motor used used to drive to drive the the nee-needle,dle, namely, namely, the the rotary rotary machine, machine, which which has has a rotating a rotating circular circular bar bar thatthat moves moves the the needle needle up and up and down; down; andand the the magnetized magnetized coil coil machine, machine, which which is operated is operated by by a foot a foot pedal pedal thatthat sends sends direct direct current current to the to the needle. needle. electric electric TheThe modern modern dayday tattoo tattoo machine machine delivers delivers ink to inkthe to the skinskin by way by way of of needle(s) needle(s) thatthat are are attached attached to ato a metal metal bar bar attached attached to an to oscilan oscillating lating unit.unit. ThisThis unitunit drives drives the the needle(s) needle(s) in and in and out out of the of the skinskin at between at between 50 to 50150 to 150 times times per per second. second. There There cancan be between be between 3 to325 to ‘ends’ 25 ‘ends’ to ato needle. a needle.

Fewer Fewer ‘ends’ ‘ends’ are are used used for outlinfor outlining,ing, andand more more ‘ends’ ‘ends’ for shading for shading or coloring. or coloring. So basically, So basically, modern modern tattoo tattoo machines machines consist consist of an of an electric electric motor, motor, a foot a foot pedal pedal simisimilar to larthose to those on sewing on sewing machines, machines, a tube a tube system system to draw to draw the the ink ink andand a needle a needle withwith a variable a variable number number of ‘ends’ of ‘ends’ thatthat cancan deliver deliver high-speed, high-speed, relatively relatively painless painless punctures punctures to the to the recipient’s recipient’s In modern In modern studios, studios, such such as All as All DayDay Tattoo, Tattoo, the the tattoo tattoo machines machines are are the the latest latest state state of the of the art art models models andand the the needles needles are are used used onlyonly once once andand come come individually individually sealed sealed in sterile in sterile packaging. packaging. TheThe tattoo tattoo artist artist thoroughly thoroughly washes washes his hands his hands andand usesuses gloves gloves at all at all times times for the for the sakesake of hygine. of hygine. Af- After use, ter use, the the needles needles are are disposed disposed of hygienically of hygienically andand all the all the tattoo tattoo equipment equipment is properly is properly sterilized sterilized in an in autoclave an autoclave unit.unit.

Resistance Resistance cancan be abe factor a factor if if using using larger larger groups groups of needles of needles but but tends tends to be to negligible be negligible when when an appropriate an appropriate machine machine set set up up is used. is used. Power Power andand depth depth of of will will depend depend on the on the penetration penetration individual individual machine machine andand its opits operator’s erator’s preferences. preferences. TheThe tattoo tattoo artist artist washes washes his hands his hands andand usesuses gloves. gloves. Modern Modern tattooing tattooing is done is done a various a various angles angles to the to the skinskin dependent dependent on the on the required required results. results. Lining Lining a tattoo a tattoo generally generally happens happens at ninety at ninety degrees degrees to to the the skinskin andand coloring coloring andand shade shade at lower, at lower, more more acute acute angles. angles. TheThe pigment pigment is retained is retained in ain cone a cone shaped shaped reservoir reservoir at the at the tip of tip of the the tubetube andand is deposited is deposited via via a combination a combination of injection of injection (the(the needle needle pushes pushes ink into ink into the the holehole it’s making) it’s making) andand suction suction (the(the ink ink is drawn is drawn intointo the the holehole as the as the needle needle is withdrawn). is withdrawn).


THE THEINK INKTHAT THAT TATTOO TATTOOARTISTS ARTISTSUSE USE These These days, days, most most tattoo tattoo artists artists buybuy theirtheir ink from ink from ink manufacink manufacturing turing companies companies thatthat create create theirtheir inksinks by using by using theirtheir own, own, often often secret secret formulas. formulas. InksInks used used by less by less reputable reputable studios studios maymay be bought be bought fromfrom dubious dubious sourcsources, es, andand cancan sometimes sometimes contain contain harmful harmful elements. elements. Substandard Substandard ink, ink, often often made made in China, in China, cancan occasionally occasionally leadlead to serious to serious sideside Tattoo Tattoo in Bangkok, in Bangkok, we only we only use use the the highest highest quality quality inks,inks, which which branded branded tattoo tattoo ink suppliers ink suppliers in in the the USA. USA. We We onlyonly everever use use an ink an ink once once andand if you if you would would like like to pay to pay a visit a visit to our to our studio studio we can we can show show youyou the the inksinks we use we use andand helphelp youyou choose choose the the colors colors before before we we commence commence youryour tattoo. tattoo. In the In the 1980s 1980s there there were were 12 basic 12 basic colors colors for tattoo for tattoo artists artists andand dilute. dilute.


Most Most tattoo tattoo inksinks technically technically ar- aren’ten’t inks,inks, theythey are are composed composed of of pigments pigments thatthat are are suspended suspended in in a carrier a carrier solution. solution. TheThe pigment pigment provides provides the the tattoo tattoo its colour, its colour, andand the the carrier’s carrier’s function function is tois to suspensuspendisinfect disinfect the the pigment pigment sionsion andand provide provide an easy an easy appliapplication cation to the to the TheThe carrier carrier maymay be composed be composed of aofsingle a single substance substance or aormixture a mixture of subof substances. stances.

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HOW HOW TO TO PRACT PRAC Tie Tie upup a battery a battery onon your your drawing drawing pen. pen.

Learn Learn to to drow drow in in round round surfaces, surfaces, ex: ex: a bottle. a bottle.

Buy Buy anan inexpen inexpe tattoo tattoo machine. machin

It It will will bebe easier easier forfor you you toto learn learn how how toto draw draw tattoos tattoos than than if if you you were were starting starting from from scratch. scratch. Here Here are are a few a few tattoo tattoo drawing drawing tips tips you you can can easily easily practice practice atat home. home.


ve sive .

Practice Practice tattooing tattooing onon Banana Banana oror orange orange skin. skin.



Tattoo Tattoo is aispermanent a permanent kind kind of body of body TheThe tattoo tattoo design design is made is made by puncturing by puncturing thethe human human skinskin with with needles needles andand injecting injecting ink,ink, dyes, dyes, pigments pigments intointo thethe deep deep layer layer of the of the skin. skin. That That what what makes makes tattoo tattoo procedure procedure between between Tattoo Tattoo artist artist andand clients clients areare very very important. important.


PREPARATION PREPARATION STAGE STAGE OFOF TATTOO TATTOO ARTIST ARTIST TheThe Artist Artist should should be in beain a the the Artist Artist happen happen to be to not be not healthy healthy or sick, or sick, it’s better it’s better to to postponed postponed andand reschedule reschedule the the Tattoo Tattoo Procedure Procedure to reduce to reduce the the risk risk of desease of desease transmistransmissionsion to clients to clients andand contamcontaminating inating the the workplace. workplace. If the If the Artist Artist have have a cough/cold, a cough/cold, the the Artist Artist could could alsoalso wear wear a disa disposable posable mask. mask. TheThe Artist Artist have have to makesure to makesure thatthat the the clothes clothes is clean is clean andand dry.dry. It’s better It’s better to use to use disposable disposable aprons aprons or or those those thatthat cancan be washed be washed withwith the the provision provision of itofmust it must be be replaced replaced for each for each client. client. TheThe Tattoo Tattoo Artist Artist thenthen have have to take to take leave leave the the room room incase incase theythey want want to goin to goin to toilet to toilet while while tattoing. tattoing. TheThe Artist Artist have have to to wear wear clean clean clothes. clothes. Also, Also, Put Put on gloves. on gloves. Sanitize Sanitize the the tattoo, tattoo, all surfaces all surfaces withwith which which you’ll you’ll come come intointo contact contact through. through.

Everything Everything thatthat will will be touched be touched or or could could be touched be touched should should be sanbe sanitized. itized. Put Put on gloves on gloves andand set set up up equipment equipment such such as ointment, as ointment, ink ink caps, caps, needles, needles, tubes, tubes, inks,inks, andand other other essentials essentials tools. tools. Check Check ex- expiration piration dates dates on every on every applicable applicable items. items. Remove Remove andand dispose dispose of of gloves, gloves, clean clean andand wash wash hands hands up up to the to the elbow elbow withwith soap soap andand wa-water for ter afor minimum a minimum of 15 of seconds. 15 seconds. 4646

before before anything anything else,else, clean clean the the table table andand chairs chairs (all of (allthe of the sur-surfaces faces used used during during the the session) session) by disinfecting by disinfecting them. them. They They dontdont forget forget the the clipclip cordcord andand machinmachinery.ery. StepStep twotwo is toiswrap to wrap everyeverything thing withwith plastic plastic thatthat risksrisks being being touched touched during during the the work. work. What What youyou need need to understand to understand herehere is is thatthat if you if you don’t don’t do this, do this, sooner sooner or later, or later, cross-contamination cross-contamination will will be inevitable be inevitable andand will will leadlead to bacteria to bacteria spreading. spreading. Thus, Thus, the the basic basic rulerule is that is that anything anything thatthat maymay be touched be touched during during the the ses-sessionsion must must have have a protective a protective barrbarr ier of ierthe of the disposable disposable kindkind thatthat should’ve should’ve be thrown be thrown away away rafter. rafter.

To eliminate To eliminate possible possible contamicontamination, nation, most most tattoo tattoo materials, materials, including including the the inks,inks, the the ink cups, ink cups, the the gloves gloves andand the the needles, needles, are are for single for single use use only.only. Most Most of the of the single-use single-use items items arrive arrive in sterile in sterile packaging. packaging. TheThe artist artist opens opens the the packages packages in front in front of the of the customcustomer right er right before before beginning beginning work. work. the the Reusable Reusable materials, materials, includes includes needle needle bar bar andand tube, tube, are are sterilsterilizedized before before each each use.use. TheThe onlyonly acceptable acceptable sterilization sterilization method method is some is some autoclave, autoclave, which which is a ismaa machine chine thatthat usesuses heat, heat, steam steam andand pressured pressured it. You it. You maymay have have seen. seen. 4747

Before Before sterilizing sterilizing the the equipequipment, ment, the the artist artist cleans cleans every every itemitem andand places places it initainspecial a special pouch. pouch. TheThe pouch pouch has has an indian indicator cator stripstrip thatthat changes changes color color when when the the items items inside inside are are ster-sterile. The ile. The areaarea getting getting tattooed tattooed should should be shaved be shaved clean clean of any of any body body hairhair andand I personally I personally spray spray the the areaarea andand the the single single use use disposable disposable razor razor withwith the the same same Green Green Soap Soap I use I use during during the the tattoo tattoo process. process. After After the the areaarea is free is free of body of body hairhair I use I use either either Sterile Sterile Lubricating Lubricating JellyJelly or lightor lightly spray ly spray on Dettol on Dettol #16#16 which which is is a antiseptic a antiseptic spray spray thatthat cancan be be used used for stencil for stencil applications. applications.

SlapSlap on the on the stencil, stencil, theythey ask ask the the client client if they if they like like where where it is it is andand if they’re if they’re ok with, ok with, startstart the the outside outside process. process. People People shoushoudeodorant deodorant ld know ld know thatthat using using sticks sticks for stencil for stencil applications applications is a isvery a very dangerous dangerous practice practice simply simply because because the the deodorant deodorant sticks sticks usually usually get get reused reused on on other other people people andand youyou cancan get get knicked knicked by being by being shaved shaved andand all italltakes it takes is a isunseen a unseen dropdrop of of blood blood to spread to spread Hepatitis Hepatitis andand HIV/Aids. HIV/Aids. They They don’t don’t use use lotion lotion or creams or creams of any of any kindkind the the same same dayday the the client client getting getting tattooed tattooed it makes it makes a little a little more more harder harder to to put put on and on and keep keep a good a good stenstencil. Aside cil. Aside fromfrom this,this, there there are are a a number number of things of things thatthat should should be be done done when when preparing preparing to tattoo to tattoo which which are are alsoalso veryvery important. important. 4848

PREPARATION PREPARATION STAGE STAGE OF OF CLIENTS CLIENTS Getting Getting a tattoo a tattoo cancan be abe a nerve-wracking nerve-wracking experience experience for the for the person person going going under under the the needle, needle, but but theythey aren’t aren’t the the onlyonly ones ones whowho cancan feelfeel the the sting sting of aof poor a poor tattoo tattoo experiexperience. ence. Tattoo Tattoo artists artists cancan oftenoftentimes times be frustrated be frustrated by inconby inconsiderate siderate or clueless or clueless clients clients whowho make make the the process process of getof gettingting a tattoo a tattoo harder harder for both for both parties. parties. HereHere are are a few a few things things thatthat tattoo tattoo artists artists wished wished youyou prepate prepate before before youyou get get tattoo. tattoo.


First, First, staystay healthy. healthy. Hydrate Hydrate yourself.Beyourself.Beforefore youyou go to goget to get tattooed, tattooed, make make suresure thatthat youyou are are wellwell hydrated. hydrated. Drink Drink lotslots of water of water for the for the 24 hours 24 hours before before youryour tattoo, tattoo, avoid avoid dehydrating dehydrating yourself. yourself. HowHow much much water water youyou need need to drink to drink to be to be body. body. Making Making tattoo tattoo application application easier easier thanthan it would it would be on be dehydrated on dehydrated

Good Good hand hand hygiene hygiene is extremely is extremely importimportant.ant. By washing By washing hands hands withwith soap soap andand


Disinfection Disinfection of the of the hands hands is more is more ef- effective fective in reducing in reducing microorganisms microorganisms andand maymay therefore therefore be appropriate be appropriate to perform to perform often, often, especially especially at jobs at jobs where where the the risk risk of infection of infection is greater is greater during during dailydaily treattreatment ment routines routines (tattooing). (tattooing). Hand Hand sanitizer sanitizer does does not not have have to be to preceded be preceded by washby washing ing hands hands thatthat are are not not visibly visibly dirty. dirty. HowHowcleaned cleaned withwith soap soap andand water water andand thenthen withwith hand hand sanitizer. sanitizer. Never Never touch touch the the contaminated contaminated goods goods or the or the newly newly tat- tattooed tooed skinskin without without gloves. gloves. AndAnd should should be wrapped be wrapped in plastic in plastic so itsohas it has no dirt. no dirt.




Make Make suresure thatthat everyone everyone working working the the studio studio on aon daily a daily basis basis underunderstands stands the the risksrisks andand consequences consequences of cross-contamination. of cross-contamination. EveryEverybody body working working in ain tattoo a tattoo shop shop is a is a risk risk factor, factor, so it’s so crucial it’s crucial thatthat any any person person working working in the in the shop shop envienvironment ronment has has the the required. required. RegardRegarding ing blood blood pathogens pathogens andand cross cross contamination, contamination, A special A special standard standard regarding regarding the the hygiene hygiene procedure procedure for many for many client client is more is more preferable. preferable.



TATTOO TATTOO MAKING MAKING PROCEDURE PROCEDURE OnceOnce the tattoo the tattoo artistartist has prehas preparedpared all the allinks the and inks tattoo and tattoo machine machine for the fortattoo the tattoo they they will will applyapply ointment ointment to thetoclient the client skin skin to help to help with the withtattoo the tattoo design design process process and to and make to make it more it more comfortable. comfortable. The tattoo The tattoo artistartist of theoftattoo the tattoo from from the tattoo the tattoo stencil. stencil. After After the linework the linework is is tattooed, tattooed, the tattoo the tattoo artistartist will will start start to color to color and shade and shade tattootattoo design design to give to it give theitdetail the detail in thein the design. design. The total The total time time for getfor getting ating tattoo a tattoo will be willdependent be dependent on the onsize the and size intricacies and intricacies of of the tattoo the tattoo design. design. Sometimes Sometimes with large with large designs, designs, multiple multiple sittings sittings at theattattoo the tattoo shopshop are are required. required. OnceOnce the tattoo the tattoo pro- process cess is completed, is completed, the tattoo the tattoo artistartist will clean will clean the tattoo, the tattoo, applyapply ointment ointment to protect to protect the tattoo the tattoo design design and aand bandage a bandage can be can be placed placed over over the tattoo the tattoo to proto protect it. tect Alternatively, it. Alternatively, it is often it is often betterbetter to allow to allow moremore 5 minutes. 5 minutes.

tattootattoo is completed, is completed, pat itpat dryit dry then then applyapply somesome aftercare aftercare cream cream without without bandaging bandaging the area the area at all. After After donedone tattooing, tattooing, it is importit is important toant care to care for it.for The it. tattoo The tattoo artistartist will give will the giveclient the client instructions instructions on on how to how take to take care care of theoftattoo the tattoo to to protect protect the design the design and to and make to make sure sure you don’t you don’t get an get infection. an infection. ThereThere will be willanbe urge an urge to itch to the itch the tattooed tattooed area area as it began as it began heals.heals. 51 51

The area The area to betoinked be inked is rubbed is rubbed downdown with a with cleaning a cleaning solution solution (usually (usually rubbing rubbing alcohol). alcohol). If If the area the area is hairy, is hairy, the tattoothe tattooist will istshave will shave a patch a patch of skin of skin a little a bigger little bigger than than the size the of size of the design. the design. MakeMake sure sure that the that the tattooist tattooist shaves shaves you with you a with new, a new, disposable disposable razor.razor. The tattoo The tattoo placement placement of theoftransfer the transfer on on your your skin. skin. The skin The is skin someis sometimestimes moistened moistened with a with scream a scream or a swab or a swab of roll-on of roll-on deodorant, deodorant, whichwhich makes makes the transfer the transfer standstand out more out more clearly clearly from from the skin. the skin. The reverse-image The reverse-image transfer transfer is is then then pressed pressed and applied and applied to theto the skin just skin for justa for couple a couple minutes. minutes. You’dYou’d see asee bluish a bluish outline outline after.after.

The tattoo The tattoo artistartist will wipe will wipe awayaway any remaining any remaining bluishbluish marks marks created created by the byapplication the application of of the transfer. the transfer. After After the outline the outline is complete is complete the tattooist the tattooist will will add shading add shading and color. and color. You You will probably will probably get aget chance a chance to to take take a breather a breather as the astattooist the tattooist changes changes needles needles on the onmathe machine. chine. ColorColor inkinginking can be canunbe unsensation sensation than than blackblack outlining. outlining. as sitting as sitting through through the process the process of creating of creating the black the black and white and white outline outline of theoftattoo. the tattoo. How How long long the process the process takestakes depends depends on on how large how large the design the design is and is and how many how many colors colors it takes it takes cre- credesigns designs may take may take a number a number of of visitsvisits to complete to complete the tattoo. the tattoo. 52 52

U ED ED OC OC PR NG NGPR MAKI OO OOMAKI TTTT TA TA After After tattoing, tattoing, process process is over, is over, the the tattoo tattoo artist artist hadhad to remove to remove andand dispose dispose of gloves. of gloves. Wash Wash hand hand for aforminimum a minimum of 15 of sec15 seconds onds andand put put on new on new gloves. gloves. in trash in trash andand thenthen taketake cover cover Place Place needles needles in sharps in sharps con-container. tainer. Throw Throw disposable disposable tubes tubes in trash. in trash. All tubes All tubes andand needle needle barsbars thatthat are are not not disposable disposable shallshall be physically be physically cleaned cleaned withwith a detergent a detergent according according to manto manufacturers’ ufacturers’ recommendations recommendations andand thenthen steam-sterilized steam-sterilized or or dry-heat dry-heat sterilized. sterilized.

Tattoo Tattoo artist artist will will startstart to color to color andand shade shade youryour tattoo tattoo design design to give to give it the it the detail detail in the in the de- design. sign. TheThe totaltotal timetime for getting for getting a a tattoo tattoo will will be dependent be dependent on the on the sizesize andand intricacies intricacies of the of the tattoo tattoo design. design. Sometimes Sometimes withwith large large designs, designs, multiple multiple sittings sittings at the at the tattoo tattoo shop shop are are required. required. Once Once the the tattoo tattoo process process is completis completed, ed, youryour tattoo tattoo artist artist will will clean clean the the tattoo, tattoo, apply apply ointment ointment to to protect protect the the tattoo tattoo design design andand a bandage a bandage cancan be placed be placed overover the the tattoo tattoo to protect to protect it. Alterit. Alternatively, natively, it is itoften is often better better to to allow allow 5 minutes 5 minutes for the for the skinskin completed, completed, pat pat it dry it dry thenthen apply apply some some aftercare aftercare cream cream without without bandaging bandaging the the areaarea at all. at And all. And afterit afterit is important is important to care to care of it.of it. 5353

EE R UR TheThe tattoo tattoo artist artist will will givegive client client instructions instructions on how on how youyou should should taketake carecare of your of your tattoo tattoo to prot to prot ect ect the the design design andand alsoalso to make to make suresure youyou don’t don’t get get an infection. an infection. There There will will be an be urge an urge to itch to itch the the tattooed tattooed areaarea as itasheals. it heals. AsteAste mpting mpting as itascan it can be to beremove to remove the the protect protect cover cover to look to look at the at the tattoo, tattoo, the the bandage bandage or plastic or plastic wrap wrap should should staystay on for on atleast for atleast a few a few hours hours afterafter the the process. process. TheThe length length of time of time will will depend depend on the on the sizesize andand location location of the of the days, days, the the tattooed tattooed on skin on skin maymay feelfeel warm warm to the to the touch touch andand alsoalso have have reddish reddish appearance. appearance. ThisThis covering covering protects protects the the open open skinskin fromfrom bacteria, bacteria, the the sunlight, sunlight, andand fromfrom rubbing rubbing against against clothing. clothing. If If client client have have any any questions questions afterafter geting geting theirtheir tattoo, tattoo, the the tattoo tattoo artist artist will will be more be more thanthan happy happy to answer to answer any any questions. questions.

Tattoos Tattoos usually usually taketake about about 2 2 weeks weeks to heal. to heal. Even Even afterafter it’s fully it’s fully healed, healed, the the client client should should wear wear a sunscreen. a sunscreen. ThisThis not not onlyonly pro-protects tects youryour skin,skin, but but cancan helphelp keep keep the the tattoo tattoo fromfrom fading fading Once Once youyou know know what what to expect, to expect, getting getting a a tattoo tattoo is not is not such such a scary a scary pro-process. cess. It may It may alsoalso helphelp to get to get to to know know youryour tattoo tattoo artist artist as they as they will will make make youyou feelfeel comfortable comfortable about about the the entire entire tattoo tattoo process. process. 5454




Now, Now, tattoos tattoos adorn adorn the the skinskin of around of around 40%40% of all of Americans all Americans between between the the ages ages of 26 of and 26 and 40. 40. It isItno is surprise no surprise to see to see them them on our on our bosses bosses or our or our school school teachers. teachers. Tattoos Tattoos are are nownow seen seen as aasform a form of expression of expression thatthat is as is valid as valid as pierced as pierced earsears or hairor hairstyle. style. JustJust likelike pierced pierced earsears andand haisr, haisr, certain certain tattoos tattoos cancan stillstill cause cause an alarm, an alarm, but but theythey are are far less far less likely likely to inspire to inspire a startled a startled gasp gasp thanthan theythey once once were. were. 5757



To inspire To inspire a startled a startled gasp gasp thanthan theythey once once were. were. What What is truly is truly - tures tures viewview tattoos tattoos around around the the world. world. While While in America, in America, theythey have have some some complicated complicated history history withwith them, them, in many in many cultures cultures theythey are are seen seen as aassymbol a symbol of purity. of purity. They They cancan be aberite a rite of passage, of passage, ensuring ensuring societal societal acceptance. acceptance. They They maymay be the be the onlyonly means means of of being being viewed viewed as beautiful. as beautiful. AndAnd also, also, theythey maymay alsoalso represent represent a religious a religious ritual. ritual. Tattoo Tattoo culture culture around around the the world world holds holds plenty plenty of of so many so many surprises surprises for those for those whowho have have grown grown up with up with some some people people in the in the American American interpretation. interpretation.

Tattoo Tattoo is considered is considered as aaskind a kind of of body body art, art, which which is popular is popular be- because cause it makes it makes a person a person feelfeel dif- different, ferent, attractive, attractive, or special. or special. Tat-Tattoo too cancan be reminded be reminded of aofturning a turning point point in their in their life through life through tattoos. tattoos. OneOne especially especially touching touching example example of this of this is the is the 9/119/11 attack. attack. Many Many have have stated stated thatthat thatthat particularly particularly happening happening inspired inspired them them to get to get a special a special patriotic patriotic tattoo. tattoo. To be To be partpart of aofgroup a group andand accepted accepted by by one’s one’s friends friends or peers, or peers, cancan have have - sonson does. does. YouYou cancan wear wear tattoo. tattoo. Here Here is how is how tattoos tattoos are are viewed viewed



Japan Japan hashas hadhad a complicated a complicated history history withwith tattoos. tattoos. Anyone Anyone whowho hashas visited visited the the island island nation nation hashas likely likely seen seen the the “no “no tattoos tattoos allowed” allowed” signs signs at public at public bathing bathing facilities, facilities, saunas, saunas, gyms gyms andand in many in many more more places. places. As itAsturns it turns out,out, a a large large partpart of Japan’s of Japan’s aversion aversion to tattoos to tattoos is thanks is thanks to to the the yakuza, yakuza, or the or the Japanese Japanese mafia. mafia. Traditional Traditional Japanese Japanese tattooing tattooing is known is known as irezumi. as irezumi. TheThe complexity complexity of the of the Japanese Japanese relationship relationship withwith tattoos tattoos begins begins in the in the 1600s. 1600s. 61 61

When When the the government government enacted enacted a policy a policy thatthat all criminals all criminals must must be tattooed—an be tattooed—an act act known known as as - cultcult for them for them to gain to gain acceptance acceptance again again in society. in society. ThisThis policy policy of of branding branding endured endured for over for over 200200 years. years. TheThe yakuza’s yakuza’s tattoo tattoo cul-cultureture formed formed as aasprotest a protest against against bokkei. bokkei. TheThe fullbody fullbody tattoo tattoo waswas a a creation creation of the of the yakuza yakuza andand con-continues tinues to be to popular be popular to this to this Even Even today, today, though though fewer fewer yakuza yakuza members members get get tattoos tattoos so as soto asbe to be ableable to go to unnoticed go unnoticed in society, in society, the the process process is still is still seen seen as aasrite a rite of passage. of passage. Casting Casting the the group’s group’s obvious obvious unsavory unsavory nature nature aside. aside.

TheThe perception perception gapgap between between an an international international viewers viewers of irezumi of irezumi andand those those of aofJapanese a Japanese people people dates dates back back more more thanthan 150150 years, years, on Japanese on Japanese tattoos. tattoos. Since Since thatthat time, time, however, however, Japanese Japanese tattootattoocounterparts counterparts in remarkable in remarkable ways, ways, andand vicevice versa. versa. On one On one or more or more occasion, occasion, it might it might alsoalso be argube arguhas has helped helped rescue rescue Japanese Japanese tattooing tattooing fromfrom near-extinction near-extinction For For a moment, a moment, theirtheir tattoos tattoos are are remarkable. remarkable. Japanese Japanese tradition tradition andand storytelling, storytelling, theythey include include staples staples dragon, dragon, phoenix, phoenix, etc.etc. 6262


Tattoos Tattoos in the in the United United States States cancan divided divided intointo 2 epochs 2 epochs likelike tattoos tattoos in precolonial in precolonial Native Native American American culture, culture, andand those those in other in other contemporary contemporary American American culture. culture. Perhaps, Perhaps, the the most most popularized popularized instance instance Native Native American American tattoos tattoos entering entering the the minds minds of the of the British British cancan be found be found in the in the trip trip of 4ofMohawk 4 Mohawk menmen to London to London in the in the early early 1700s. 1700s. These These many many menmen tattooed tattooed across across theirtheir chests, chests, faces faces andand arms, arms, andand the the fervor fervor theythey created created in London in London cancan hardly hardly overstated. overstated. 6363

People People were were enraptured enraptured by the by the tattoos tattoos andand the the menmen themselves. themselves. It served It served as aas microcosm a microcosm of of Western Western views views of natives of natives peo-people ple at once at once admired admired the the menmen as as noble noble while while scorning scorning them them as as savages.In savages.In any any event, event, tattoos tattoos were were common common among among tribes tribes in America. in America. They They were were created created using using sharpened sharpened instruments instruments like like needles needles andand bones bones to prick to prick the the skin,skin, thenthen by rubbing by rubbing darkdark sootsoot intointo the the open open wound. wound. Tat-Tattoostoos were were a means a means of celebratof celebrating ing achievements achievements in life in and life and in in warfare. warfare. In the In the modern modern United United States, States, tattoos tattoos were were once once seen seen

AndAnd motorcyclists motorcyclists too.too. However, However, perhaps perhaps aided aided by the by the television television show show Miami Miami Ink,Ink, tattoos tattoos have have become become widespread widespread andand popular popular among among young young people. people. ThisThis show show served served to show to show the the glamour glamour andand artistry artistry involved involved in tattooing. in tattooing. It It shifted shifted the the public public perception perception of of tattoo tattoo parlors parlors as cool as cool places places to to work work andand to be. to be. ThisThis trend trend con-continues tinues to evolve to evolve today. today. Some Some out out of the of the city,city, while while some some justjust worked worked out out of their of their apartments apartments untiluntil Mayor Mayor Rudolph Rudolph Giuliani Giuliani lifted lifted the the banban in 1997. in 1997. AndAnd since since then, then, history history continues continues to evolve, to evolve, tattoos tattoos gotten gotten more more common. common. 6464


China’s China’s relationship relationship withwith tattoos tattoos dates dates back back several several millennia. millennia. Known Known as ci asshen ci shen in in Mandarin, Mandarin, it has it has hadhad a complicated a complicated history, history, it isit is usually usually seen seen as aasdistasteful a distasteful degradation degradation of the of the body. body. In classic In classic Chinese Chinese novel novel Water Water Margin, Margin, 12th12th century century bandits bandits are are described described as being as being tattooed, tattooed, withwith three three of them of them even even sporting sporting full-body full-body tattoos. tattoos. Perhaps Perhaps the the best-known best-known tattoo tattoo story story involves involves Yueh Yueh Fei Fei of the of the South South Song Song Dynasty. Dynasty. In aInbattle a battle withwith enemies enemies to the to the north. north. 6565

Chinese Chinese tattoos tattoos have have become become a raging a raging phenomenon phenomenon among among tattoo tattoo enthusiasts enthusiasts of the of the westwest-

TheThe most most famous famous tattoo tattoo in Chiin Chinese nese history history comes comes fromfrom the the leg-legendend of the of the Chinese Chinese general general Yueh Yueh Fei.Fei. Yueh Yueh Fei Fei served served the the South South beautiful beautiful characters characters withwith a sense a sense Song Song Dynasty. Dynasty. During During battle battle withwith of the of the exotic exotic andand often often much much northern northern enemies enemies the the Field Field Mar-Mardeeper deeper meaning meaning thanthan thatthat which which shallshall betrayed betrayed the the South South Song. Song. lies lies on the on the surface. surface. Tattooing Tattooing in in If you If you are are planning planning on getting on getting a a China China is called is called Ci Shen Ci Shen (Or (Or WenWen Chinese Chinese tattoo, tattoo, or even or even multimultiShen), Shen), a term a term thatthat means means literally literally ple ple Chinese Chinese tattoos, tattoos, youyou should should “puncture “puncture the the body.” body.” Although Although make make suresure thatthat youryour tattoo tattoo is is the the art has art has been been known known in Chiin Chiwhat what youyou think think it is.itChinese is. Chinese tat- tatna for na ages, for ages, it has it has for the for the most most toostoos cancan be beautiful be beautiful andand powpowpartpart been been an uncommon an uncommon pracpracerfulerful tattoos, tattoos, but but youyou should should do do tice.tice. Throughout Throughout Chinese Chinese history history thorough thorough research research before before getting getting tattooing tattooing has has been been seen seen as aas a any any Chinese Chinese tattoo tattoo put put on your on your defamation defamation of the of the human human body, body, body. body. It is,Itafter is, after all, going all, going to be to be something something thatthat is undesirable. is undesirable. withwith youyou the the restrest of your of your life. life. 6666


TheThe Maori Maori people people of New of New Zea-Zealandland have have a rich a rich history history of tatof tattoos. toos. Originally Originally thought thought to have to have reached reached the the Maori Maori via east via east Polynesia, Polynesia, tattooing tattooing became became an integral an integral partpart of their of their culture. culture. Because Because the the Maori Maori considered considered the the head head to be to body’s be body’s most most sa- sacredcred part,part, theythey focused focused heavily heavily If a IfMaori a Maori waswas on facial on facial tattoos. tattoos. highly highly ranked, ranked, it was it was certain certain thatthat the the person person would would be tattooed. be tattooed. Similarly, Similarly, anyone anyone without without status status would would likely likely have have no tattoos. no tattoos. TheThe practice practice of tattooing of tattooing started started at at puberty. puberty. A sacred A sacred ritual, ritual, it took it took place place as part as part of aofreligious a religious pracpractice.tice. Tattoos Tattoos made made attractive attractive to. to. 6767

Warriors Warriors andand women women more more at- attractive tractive to fearsome to fearsome to oppoto opponents. nents. DueDue to the to the rudimentary rudimentary andand painful painful nature nature of the of the tat- tattooing tooing process, process, a person a person would would often often be rendered be rendered bedridden bedridden for for many many days days while while the the swelling swelling reduced reduced andand the the tattoo tattoo wounds wounds healed.The healed.The fascinating fascinating factfact herehere is that, is that, while while tattoos tattoos are are often often seen seen as rebellious as rebellious in western in western culture, culture, in Maori in Maori culture culture theythey were were expected. expected. To refuse To refuse to be to be tattooed tattooed waswas the the rebellious rebellious act.act. TheThe NewNew Zealand Zealand government government banned banned Maori Maori tattoos tattoos in 1907 in 1907 withwith the the Tohunga Tohunga Suppression Suppression Act,Act, replace replace traditional traditional Maori. Maori. - -



Buddhist Buddhist culture culture is more is more popupopularlylarly linked linked withwith Mandala Mandala tattoos tattoos beautiful, beautiful, ornate ornate tattoos tattoos thatthat depict depict the the eternity eternity andand cyclical cyclical nature nature of the of the universe. universe. NotNot onlyonly are are these these tattoos tattoos unique unique to Budto Buddhism, dhism, theythey are are are alsoalso unique unique to each to each person. person. TheThe ThaiThai name name for such for such tattoos tattoos is Sak is Sak Yant. Yant. In In essence, essence, it involves it involves tattooing tattooing sacred, sacred, geometricals geometricals patterns patterns andand designs designs on one’s on one’s Dif-DifSakSak YantYant tattoos tattoos overover the the cen-centuries. turies. TheThe patterns patterns inscribed inscribed by by Brahmin Brahmin holyholy menmen in India in India greatgreatin aincountry a country named named of Thailand. of Thailand. 6969

Nowadays Nowadays in Thailand, in Thailand, many many people people believe believe in the in the existence existence of benevolent of benevolent or malevolent or malevolent forces. forces. SakSak YantYant Tattoos Tattoos are are religious religious meanings. meanings. While While theythey sometimes sometimes depict depict Hindu Hindu gods gods such such as Ganesha. as Ganesha. Following Following these these beliefs, beliefs, magic magic spells spells have have been been developed developed to interact to interact withwith such such forces. forces. These These spells spells cancan taketake the the formform of magic of magic tattoos. tattoos. These, These, tattoos tattoos are are known known as Sak as Sak YantYant tattoos tattoos or Roi or Roi SakSak Tattoos. Tattoos. Their Their meaning meaning comes comes the the mantra mantra or kata or kata (described (described as magical as magical formulas) formulas) andand are are represented represented by by



InuitInuit facial facial tattoos tattoos have have a dark a dark andand beautiful beautiful history history among among the the people people of northern of northern Canada Canada andand Greenland. Greenland. A mask A mask found found on the on the remote remote arctic arctic Devon Devon Island Island dates dates back back 3500 3500 years years andand shows shows fac-facial tattoos ial tattoos similar similar to those to those on on natives natives in modern-day in modern-day Nunavut. Nunavut. In fact, In fact, many many of the of the characterischaracteristics tics of these of these facials facials tattoos, tattoos, theirtheir lineslines fromfrom lip to lipchin, to chin, theirtheir arrowarrowheads heads on their on their cheeks cheeks andand theirtheir converging converging forehead forehead lines, lines, cancan be found be found in native in native arctic arctic peoples peoples around around the the globe. globe. TheThe unfortuunfortunatenate story story in the in the North North American American Arctic, Arctic, is that is that facial facial tattoos tattoos were were forbidden forbidden in twentieth in twentieth century. century. 71 71

As is Astoo is too often often the the case case in nain native tive histories, histories, facial facial tattoos tattoos were were seen seen as aasnative a native custom custom thatthat needed needed to be to suppressed. be suppressed. WithWith it, the it, the customs customs andand culture culture of the of the might might alsoalso be suppressed, be suppressed, allow allow lowing lowing the the government government to be to one be one stepstep closer closer to atoculturally a culturally united united nation. nation. TheThe practice practice waswas largely largely of age of age andand a readiness a readiness for marfor marriage, riage, in which in which she she hadhad mastered mastered skills. skills. There There is a is happy a happy ending ending to to thisthis story, story, however: however: facial facial tattoos tattoos have have reemerged reemerged in the in the Arctic. Arctic. Women Women looking looking to honor to honor theirtheir culture culture andand history history have have begun begun taking taking facial facial tattoos tattoos on again. on again.


INDIAN INDIANTATTOOS TATTOOS Tattooing Tattooing has has been been common common for for many many centuries centuries in tribes in tribes scatscattered tered across across the the vastness vastness of the of the Indian Indian subcontinent. subcontinent. TheThe tribes tribes would would viewview the the tattoos tattoos as unas unstealable stealable jewelry, jewelry, or as oraasmeans a means to make to make young young women women seem seem unattractive unattractive to neighboring to neighboring tribes tribes whowho might might otherwise otherwise steal steal them. them. In the In the northeast, northeast, headhunters headhunters would would bearbear facial facial tattoos tattoos thatthat recounted recounted howhow many many liveslives theythey hadhad taken. taken. In the In the intoxicating intoxicating heatheat of southern of southern India, India, permapermanentnent tattoos tattoos have have longlong been been a a tradition. tradition. Referred Referred to as topachaas pachakutharathu, kutharathu, theythey onlyonly ceased ceased being being popular popular around around year1980. year1980. TheThe tattoo tattoo artists artists would would travel. travel.


Creating Creating tattoos tattoos labyrinth labyrinth like like snares snares on and on and people’s people’s bodies bodies evil.evil. TheThe Indian Indian subcontinent subcontinent is is home home to such to such a long a long andand comcomplexplex history history of inhabitants of inhabitants thatthat it is itsois impossible so impossible to recount to recount all all the the tattoo tattoo traditions traditions present. present. In In some some cultures, cultures, tattoos tattoos were were a a means means of marking of marking those those in lower in lower castes castes as to askeep to keep them them down down in society. in society. Today, Today, tattoos tattoos have have begun begun to take to take a similar a similar formform as as in western in western culture, culture, withwith young young people people getting getting them them as aasfashion a fashion statement. statement. ThisThis represents represents the the opportunity opportunity for Indians for Indians to keep to keep theirtheir histories histories alivealive in body in body art art while while moving moving intointo the the country. country.



AFRICAN AFRICANTATTOOS TATTOOS Africa Africa hashas oneone of the of the oldest oldest histories histories withwith tattoos tattoos anywhere anywhere in the in the world. world. From From an Egyptian an Egyptian mummy mummy found found withwith a tattoo a tattoo dating dating to near to near 2000 2000 BCEBCE to an to an example example found found in Libya, in Libya, Africa Africa

In sub-Saharan In sub-Saharan Africa, Africa, there there is is a unique a unique practice practice of tattooing of tattooing

which which is aisgift a gift from from Allah. Allah.

social social status status of the of the person. person.

tissue tissue forms forms overover the the wound wound andand the the shape shape remains. remains. Though Though dangerous dangerous duedue to the to the riskrisk of of infection, infection, these these scars scars were were used used While While the the Egyptian Egyptian tattoos tattoos are are - believed believed to have to have symbolized symbolized lar process lar process called called cicatrization cicatrization things things like like fertility fertility andand worship worship of of is widely is widely used. used. TheThe artist artist cutscuts the the gods, gods, theythey have have other other meanmean- the the skinskin deeply deeply andand thenthen rubsrubs ingsings in other in other parts parts of Africa. of Africa. sootsoot or ash or ash intointo the the wound. wound. TheThe North North Africa Africa hashas largely largely seen seen sootsoot or ash or ash causes causes the the skinskin overover tattooing tattooing as taboo as taboo duedue to its to its the the wound wound to protrude to protrude upward. upward. Normal Normal tattoos tattoos have have alsoalso gained gained history. history. Tattoos Tattoos are are seen seen as akin as akin popularity. popularity. In many In many tribes, tribes, the the





Tattoo Tattoo artists artists usually usually work work fromfrom out out withwith books books of designs, of designs, all all the the equipment equipment necessary necessary andand dedicated dedicated work work andand preparapreparationtion spaces. spaces. Ink Ink pens pens have have to to be sterilised be sterilised dailydaily andand afterafter each each use;use; a variety a variety of coloured of coloured

Tattoo Tattoo studios studios must must be regisbe registered tered withwith theirtheir locallocal council. council. Hours Hours of work of work are are usually usually 9–69–6 or later or later on some on some days. days. A sixA sixdayday week week is common, is common, working working Saturdays Saturdays andand often often Sundays. Sundays. Each Each session session withwith a client a client lastslasts between between oneone andand three three hours hours depending depending on the on the job job in hand. in hand.

DueDue to the to the permanent permanent nature nature of tattoos, of tattoos, a single a single session session re- requires quires intense intense concentration concentration so so the the job job cancan be mentally be mentally tiring. tiring. TheThe artistic artistic nature nature of the of the job,job, the the variety variety tic nature tic nature of the of the job,job, the the varietytic varietytic nature, nature, of people of people thatthat oneone comes comes intointo contact contact withwith andand the the constant constant challenge challenge of creof creation ation make make being being a tattoo a tattoo artist artist a rewarding a rewarding job.job. However, However, hours hours are are longlong andand mistakes mistakes are are out out of of the the question, question, so itsois ita is demanda demanding ing job job andand by no by means no means an easy an easy career career path. path. Most Most tattoo tattoo artists artists are are male male but but withwith an increasing an increasing number number of women of women sporting sporting tat- tattoostoos andand becoming becoming interested interested in in them, them, thisthis is changing. is changing.


A tattoo A tattoo artist artist trains trains by becomby becoming ing an apprentice. an apprentice. ThisThis usually usually takes takes between between 2 and 2 and 3 years. 3 years. TheThe onlyonly wayway to do to this do this is byis apby approaching proaching a working a working tattoo tattoo artist artist andand applying applying for the for the position. position. YouYou will will expected expected to buy to buy youryour ownown equipment equipment andand sterilising sterilising kit and kit and will will not not be paid be paid for the for the apprenticeship. apprenticeship. Expect Expect to work to work around around 6 hours 6 hours a day a day for 6fordays 6 days a week. a week. Over Over time, time, greater greater re- responsibility sponsibility will will be awarded, be awarded, untiluntil youyou cancan tattoo tattoo unsuperunsupervised. vised. Once Once enough enough work work ex- experience perience has has been been amassed, amassed, a licence a licence to practise to practise must must be be obtained obtained fromfrom the the local local council. council. TheThe catch catch is that is that youyou must must be be working working andand havehave experience. experience.

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AndAnd youyou havehave to obtain to obtain oneone to to work. work. ThatThat is why is why the the apprenapprenticeship ticeship is necessary. is necessary. Working Working without without a licence a licence incurs incurs a heavy a heavy penalty. penalty. Once Once the the apprenticeapprenticeshipship period period is over is over youyou work work on on simple simple designs, designs, moving moving to more to more complex complex work work as your as your experiexperience ence progresses. progresses. Most Most profesprofessionals sionals in the in the industry industry state state thatthat a tattoo a tattoo artist artist is only is only fullyfully qualiqualitimetime working working experience. experience. Tattoo Tattoo artists artists should should havehave some some ethics. ethics. Whether Whether it’s simply it’s simply not not tattooing tattooing an underage an underage child child without without theirtheir parents parents consent, consent, or choosing or choosing not not to tattoo to tattoo something something on aonclient a client andand youyou know know they’ll they’ll regret regret it. it.

Tattooing Tattooing is a iscyclical a cyclical business. business. YouYou will will havehave weeks weeks where where youyou make make no money no money or less or less money money thanthan usual; usual; youyou will will havehave weeks weeks where where youyou make make double double youryour normal normal Since Since tattooing tattooing is is based based entirely entirely on client on client whim whim having having a good a good client client base base is is essential essential to keep to keep the the money money

As you As you cancan see,see, tattoo tattoo artists artists havehave a lota to lotget to get done done during during theirtheir Unfortunately, Unfortunately, theythey can’t can’t justjust spend spend the the entire entire dayday tattooing tattooing andand drawing, drawing, as much as much as most as most of them of them might might wishwish thatthat theythey could. could. Tattoo Tattoo artists artists will will usually usually spend spend a good a good portion portion of of theirtheir dayday answering answering messages messages fromfrom clients clients andand booking booking peopeople ple in toinget to get a tattoo. a tattoo. There There are are

make make up aupsuccessful a successful tattoo tattoo balance balance youryour books books enough enough to to artist, artist, ranging ranging fromfrom business business keep keep money money back? back? NotNot to mento menmanagement management to social to social media media tiontion having having to pay to pay taxes taxes yourself yourself marketing marketing skills. skills. Try Try looking looking intointo out out of your of your paycheck. paycheck. AdditionAdditiongaining gaining other other skills skills like like social social ally,ally, some some artists artists maymay work work as as media media marketing marketing or digital or digital design design illustrators illustrators or on or sites on sites like like EtsyEtsy if you’re. if you’re. ThisThis is an is incredibly an incredibly or Redbubble, or Redbubble, so they so they maymay draw draw saturated saturated market, market, so any so any skills skills for other, for other, non-tattooing non-tattooing purposes purposes thatthat youyou cancan grabgrab will will helphelp to set to set on during on during theirtheir dayday by day by day too.too. youyou apart apart fromfrom the the competition. competition.



1. 1.

Cleaning Cleaning and and sterilising sterilising tattoo tattoo equipment equipment and and work work areas. areas.

2. 2.

Devising Devising new new designs designs in in spare spare time. time.

3. 3.

Keeping Keeping upup to to date date with with thethe latest latest fashions fashions in in thethe world world of of tattoos. tattoos.

4. 4.

Meeting Meeting clients clients to to discuss discuss their their desires. desires.

5. 5.

Applying Applying a pre-made a pre-made or or bespoke bespoke designs designs to to clients’ clients’ skin. skin.

6. 6.

Keeping Keeping upup to to date date with with thethe latest latest health health and and safety safety procedures. procedures.



Getting Getting a tattoo a tattoo is a isbig a big commitcommitment. ment. Tattoo Tattoo artists, artists, friends, friends, or or people, people, in general, in general, will will urgeurge youyou to sit to on sit your on your decision decision of getting of getting a tattoo. a tattoo. Unlike Unlike a new a new hairdo hairdo or or permanent. permanent. It’s not It’s not something something youyou get get to erase to erase or change or change when when youyou feelfeel like like it. So it. before So before youyou decide decide to get to get one,one, think think hardhard andand longlong about about howhow much much you’re you’re willing willing to spend to spend on it. onIt’s it. betIt’s better to terhave to have a list a of listthe of the things things youyou should should consider consider in deciding in deciding whether whether or not or not you’ll you’ll get get a tata tattoo.too. It’s not It’s not as simple as simple as wanting as wanting it because it because a tattoo a tattoo is a isbig a big comcommitment mitment bothboth to your to your wallet wallet andand alsoalso to your to your ownown body body youyou have. have.

by abylota of lotfactors. of factors. Tattoo Tattoo art-artists ists set set theirtheir prices prices according according to to theirtheir skills, skills, quality quality of work, of work, andand experience. experience. YouYou should should avoid avoid cheap cheap artists artists because because theythey maymay be lacking be lacking the the necessary necessary skills skills andand experience. experience. It isItbetter is better to to a quality a quality service service fromfrom an expean experienced rienced tattoo tattoo artist artist instead instead of of haggling haggling overover the the prices. prices. It isIt is important important for you for you to consider to consider thisthis because because youyou will will endend up up wearing wearing the the tattoo tattoo for life. for life. There There are are many many factors factors thatthat determine determine the the costcost of aoftattoo; a tattoo; Tattoo Tattoo size, size, tattoo tattoo design, design, tattoo tattoo location, location, what what tattoo tattoo shop, shop, andand others. others.




TheThe size size of the of the tattoo tattoo hashas biggest biggest impact impact on on thethe cost cost of aoftattoo a tattoo for for tattoo tattoo artist. artist. TheThe time time needed needed for for even even thethe smallest smallest tattoo tattoo is is about about 45 45 minutes. minutes. Even Even though though thethe tattoo tattoo is small, is small, thethe artist artist stillstill needs needs to set to set up up their their station, station, getget their their machine machine ready, ready, getget their their inks inks ready, ready, getget your your design design ready, ready, etc.etc. As As thethe tattoo tattoo becomes becomes larger larger thethe time time for for de-design sign andand atually atually being being tattooed tattooed is increase, is increase, in turn in turn increase increase thethe cost cost of the of the tattoo. tattoo.




A tattoo A tattoo thatthat hashas a one a one color color is less is less expenexpensivesive compared compared to atomore a more colored colored one. one. This This is because is because a colored a colored tattoo tattoo requires requires more more detail detail andand thethe more more detailed detailed it isit the is the more more time time it will it will take, take, andand since since charges charges go go by by hourly hourly for for people people who who areare looking looking to not to not spending spending more more on on tattoos tattoos may may go go for for a sina singlegle colored colored oneone or one or one thatthat does does notnot have have much much details. details. TheThe more more colors colors youyou willwill use, use, thethe more more expensive expensive your your tattoo tattoo willwill



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A flash A flash tattoo tattoo is an is an exclusive exclusive tattoo tattoo done done by by ourour world world class class tattoo tattoo artists. artists. They They areare designs designs thatthat they they already already have have created. created. This This means means client client willwill getget an an exclusive exclusive tattoo tattoo de-design sign at aatgreat a great price price because because it isit premade is premade andand thethe tattoo tattoo artist artist really really wants wants to tattoo to tattoo it. That it. That is what is what makes makes flash flash tattoos tattoos so so aweawesome. some. Great Great oneone of aofkind a kind tattoo tattoo art,art, andand a a great great cost. cost. TheThe artists artists cancan create create anyany cuscustomize tomize tattoo tattoo thatthat client client want want from from scratch. scratch.


4. 4.TATTOO TATTOODESIGN DESIGN A life A life likelike portrait portrait tattoo tattoo is going is going to cost to cost more more than than a simple a simple skull skull andand crossbones crossbones tattoo. tattoo. TheThe reason reason again again is the is the time time it it takes takes to do to do thethe tattoo. tattoo. With With design, design, thethe tattoo tattoo cancan either either be be simsimpleple likelike cheap cheap costing costing or itorcan it can be be complex complex meaning meaning more more ex-expensive pensive because because thethe more more complex complex a tattoo a tattoo is the is the more more time time an an artisan artisan willwill take take on on a perfect a perfect in the in the tattoo. tattoo. Also Also designing designing one’s one’s own own original original creation creation willwill take take time time as as thethe artist artist willwill be be more more andand more more precise precise andand detail detail compared compared to just to just a simple. a simple.



5.5.TATTOO TATTOOSHOP SHOP TheThe cost cost of aoftattoo a tattoo willwill depend depend on on thethe skill skill of the of the artisan. artisan. Many Many professional professional artisans artisans usually usually charge charge perper hour hour perwork. perwork. With With this, this, oneone is guaranteed is guaranteed a good a good quality quality professional professional work. work. Aside Aside from from thethe artist artist himself, himself, thethe geographic geographic location location of aoftattoo a tattoo studio studio af- affects fects thethe price price of the of the tattoo. tattoo. A tattoo A tattoo studio studio located located in the in the rural rural areas areas willwill definitely definitely charge charge less less than than a tattoo a tattoo studio studio in the in the main main cities. cities. This This is because is because a lot a lot of other of other costs costs areare included included in the in the tattoo tattoo price. price. There’s There’s rent, rent, electricity, electricity, andand overhead overhead thatthat thethe tat tat tootoo studio studio willwill have have to account to account for.main for.main cities. cities. This This is because is because a lot a lot other other costs costs included included in the in the tattoo’s tattoo’s price. price.



6.6.TATTOO TATTOOPLACE PLACE Location Location also also hashas a large a large impact impact on on thethe cost cost of aoftattoo. a tattoo. Tattoo Tattoo on on thethe face face of aofshoulder a shoulder areare a lot a lot easier easier andand less less time time consumconsuminging than than doing doing a tattoo a tattoo on on a finger a finger or neck. or neck. Plus, Plus, tattoos tattoos in some in some locations locations requie requie more more touch touch upsups than than thethe average average tattoo. tattoo. JustJust likelike every every other other aspects, aspects, it affects it affects thethe price price of aoftattoo, a tattoo, tattoo tattoo locations locations thatthat a difficult a difficult andand increase increase thethe time time it takes it takes to do to do thethe tattoo, tattoo, willwill in turn in turn increase increase thethe cost cost of the of the tattoo. tattoo. On On thethe other other hand, hand, thethe more more muscular muscular parts parts areare less less sensitive sensitive so so putting putting a a tattoo tattoo on on your your shoulder, shoulder, thighs, thighs, arms, arms, andand buttocks buttocks willwill be be cost cost less. less. Sensitive Sensitive parts parts have have a lot a lot of nerves. of nerves.



Location Location also also hashas a large a large impact impact on on thethe cost cost of aoftattoo. a tattoo. Tattoo Tatto

on on thethe face face of aofshoulder a shoulder areare a lot a lot easier easier andand less less time time consumconsu

inging than doing a tattoo on on a finger or neck. Plus, tattoos in some than doing a tattoo a finger or neck. Plus, tattoos in so

locations requie more touch upsups than thethe average tattoo. Just locations requie more touch than average tattoo. Just likelike every other aspects, it affects thethe price of aoftattoo, tattoo every other aspects, it affects price a tattoo, tattoo

locations thatthat a difficult andand increase thethe time it takes to do theth locations a difficult increase time it takes to do

tattoo, willwill in turn increase thethe cost of the tattoo. OnOn thethe other tattoo, in turn increase cost of the tattoo. other

hand, thethe more muscular parts areare less sensitive so so putting a a hand, more muscular parts less sensitive putting tattoo on on your shoulder, thighs, arms, andand buttocks willwill be be tattoo your shoulder, thighs, arms, buttocks cost less. Sensitive parts have a lot of nerves. cost less. Sensitive parts have a lot of nerves.


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