Tsai Ying Ho - Portfolio 2017

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o bje c t d e si gn de sign s t rate g y

yin g

/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

ts a i

h o

Fro m Ta i p e i , Ta iwa n , ba s ed in Hon g Kon g.

t y h .cia oh e@ gma il.com +852 65086502

a b o u t Adventurous, inquisitive and ambitious, I am drawn towards the unknown and the unconventional. I enjoy working on interdisciplinary projects that incorporate ideas and expertise from different fields and create multi-sensory experiences.


m o r e a b o u t



english_advanced french_basic


Pro/ E


3D mod e l i ng & re nd e r i ng


Keyshot adob e creative suite

Ai Ps Id

ambiver t inquisitive ambitious straightfor ward adventurous


u re ser se a

featured skills


rc h co de n v ec e p lo t pm pr en ot t ot yp in 3D g m od el in ph g ot og ra ph gr y ap hi c de vi si de gn o ed it in g



m ovie s m us ic p s yc h o l o gy p ub l ic o b s e r vatio n n e w th in gs o l d s tuf f co f fe e h o p p in g volleyball running

e d u c a t i o n

e x h i b i t i o n s

2016-2017 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Master of Design - International Design and Business Management (ID&BM)

10/ 2015 “Rising Star” at Taiwan Designer’s Week

2011-2015 Mingchi University of Technology, Taiwan Bachelor of Art - Industrial Design

h o n o r s + a w a r d

i n t e r n s h i p 09/ 2013 - 09/ 2014 SEEDDESIGN Junior Designer

06/ 2012 - 09/ 2012 Institute for Information Industry Project Assistant

2017 Combi Design Award 2017, Japan Combi Maison 2015 Young Pin Award Finalist Prize in categories of Crafts Design and Product Design The Unexpected Blossom 2015 Yodex Satellite by Designsurfing, Taiwan The Unexpected Blossom 2015 Issue no.147 of DESIGN Magazine, Taiwan

(The Inspiration behind the “Young Designers’ Movement” -Finding Your Own Stage)

The Unexpected Blossom a c t i v i t i e s

2017 Design Management Academy 2017 HONG KONG Design team of Conference Attendee Engagement Innovation 2016 PolyU School of Design Ignite Innovation Program Material/ Infographic Designer 2015 Exhibition Executive Team Organizer/ Designer of Graduation Exhibition 2014/ 2015 Exhibition Executive Team Organizer/ Designer of End of Semester Exhibition 06/ 2015 Street Eats Workshop: design exploration into the tasty jungle of Taipei’s street markets Tutored by Ori Ben-Zvi, Maya Ben David 07/ 2015 07/ 2015

Grey Power Workshop (TPE): connecting different generations to create a positive impact on aging Tutored by Yoni Lefévre Sword in the Stone Workshop: creativity implement and market insight for designers Hosted by Taiwan Design Center


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

2007-2010 National Taipei University of Business (Extension Junior College), Taiwan Information Management

06/ 2015 YODEX (Young Designer’s Exhibition)

work selection ‘ D esign is the way I explo re t h e wo r ld. Wh en I’m explo r ing, I’m ha p py.’


2030 Futurism Visualization - Delphi D esigner

Tsai-Ying Ho

Ye a r

January, 2017


The PolyU School of Design (SD) - Ignite Innovation Program Team

Research Sponsor

UBS AG Wealth Management


This “Delphi Study” initiative signifies the continuation of Ignite innovation’s collaborative program, which was made possible through the partnership with a global industry leader in financial services, asset management, and investment banking. The main focus of this project was to develop a deeper understanding of the forward-looking perspectives that are relevant to the organization, the industry, market and consumer, and existing and emerging issues that may impact the futures of private banking and wealth management propositions (greater China) to the year 2030.

/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting / _2030 Futurism Visualization

In this very special collaboration experience, I was able to participate the design part of visualizing Delphi Study and turn it into a tangible form(book). From color scheme, visual elements, binding and printing methods to packaging, the design team worked seamlessly together while all these tasks were interesting but also full of challenges. Meanwhile, I was responsible for visualizing the research and designing an infographic (map). To have a fitting interpretation for the design, reading those data, charts, tables, and the report and necessary, and that was something I never tried before as a designer. 7

project sd5164 Te a m M embers

Tsai-Ying Ho, Nulee Choi, Shahrzad Mirjahani

Ye a r

November, 2016


Combi Co. Ltd, Japan

Project Coordinator

Prof. Benny Ding Leong

With more than 30 years of unflagging economic growth, the annual number of births in China has increased continuously since 2010. In 2014, the number of births in China had reached 16.87 million. On the other hand, with the recently announced ‘Two-child Policy’ by the Communist Party of China in 2016 January, an extra 15 million newborns population for China would be expected until 2021. Such expected increase in births also means a yearly USD 7 billion boost to economy. Hence, the potential growth of corresponding products and services for infants market in China would be tremendous. Conducted for the subject ‘SD5164 Lifestyles, Cultures and Innovation’, PolyU School of Design, the project was aiming at exploring the potential growth of the product/ service of baby stroller in mainland China. Playing a role as a ‘strategic innovation consultant’, we were required to carry out the following investigations and design process based on the given challenges within 6 weeks: -> Desk research/ field research -> Lifestyle probe/ interview -> Analysis & Insight Development -> Ideation -> Design concepts and solutions development Our team undertook this specific design challenge, and by using design thinking and human-centered design methods, we found two major challenges for Combi to extend their market in China and provided solutions for each aspect including user experience, brand perception, and product design. The project was selected as one of two winners among 9 groups, and currently in a discussion with Combi for further development.


Key Finding - Weak brand awareness


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

According to our interviewees, most of them did not know the fact that Combi is a baby stroller selling brand.

_ P r o j e c t S D 516 4

The idea of Combi & shopping mall collaboration came from the fact that Chinese people spend most of their free time at shopping malls with their families and babies. However, it is difficult for them to bring strollers to shopping malls especially when users want to use public transportation to reach there. So, our solution is using this opportunity to provide free service of using strollers in shopping malls. By doing that, Combi would give its potential customers a chance of trying strollers in a real experience and also it would help Combi to increase its brand awareness and brand recognition.



Key Finding - Weak brand image According to our interviewees, customer brand perception of Combi is far from its identity.

Combi Maison is not only a shop but also

delivers our target market a lifestyle experience. People easily forget simple advertisement or marketing events, but it is about the experience and providing helping opportunity for moms–which is Combi’s brand mission as well. Inspired by Ikea and Muji lifestyle stores, Combi Maison is a cafe/ restaurant which provides a baby-friendly space and enjoyable experience. Moms can hang out with friends effortlessly while they are taking care of babies. It also helps the brand concrete their image and get brand awareness by words of mouth.


3 / about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

Key Finding - Blind spot of product design Based on our cultural probe, we found that in most of the cases people do not use the folding baskets under strollers for storage very often. However, before they completely close their strollers, they actually have to take out those stuffs first. When users attempt to fold their strollers, it is unlikely to take out stuff when users are holding or taking care of babies. Common designs of storage bags nowadays, for example, snap buttons, velcro, strings, hooks, are not easy to remove.

Storage Basket/ Hand Bag


Material: cloth, magnet

whole look

attached point 1

attached point 2

attached point 3

_ P r o j e c t S D 516 4


With the goal of making it effortless and less time-consuming for users, the key concept is applying magnet into design. Users can remove the storage bag in one move by simply pulling it out.



Finalist Prize in categories of Crafts Design and Product Design, 2015 Young Pin Award

duation project:

The stereotype of mold could be damp, dark, old and usually brings negative feelings. However, what come along with the spread of mycelium are matching colors and textures.


The blossom’s arrival brings an unexpectes pattern. Also the existance of mold implies time and space, which shows vitality. Every piece of pattern from mold is uncopiable.

Through experiment, the attempt was to create a new form that seemly perform the features of mold, and furniture is the category of objects that we have physical contact in daily life.

D e s i gn e r

Tsai-Ying Ho, Meng-Chu Yao

Size Ye a r

280mm(W)*280mm(D)*520mm(H) March, 2015

/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting / _The Unexpected Blossom


m o t i v a t i o n Taiwan is a humid country where mold appears from time to time, and I’m always fascinated by its color, texture, and growth pattern. However, I also realized that for most of us it always gives a negative impression at the first sight. The beauty of mold worths a gaze, how can I invite people to appreciate those beautiful patterns with me?

p r o c e d u r e mold

collaborated with Environmental M ediation Lab, MCUT

research & study

species risks and safety

growing & purification

collecting samples



duration and growth rate growth pattern expand scale and distribution

If there is a way of seizing those beautiful encounters? / about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

/ collec tion of discover y from daily life /

material research & study

physical properties

design and prototyping

performance testing

_The Unexpected Blossom

e x p e r i m e n t f ac tors o f m o l d f il l ing and a d j u stm ent

e x a m i n i n g d e t a il p resent ing an d deter io rat io n

f i n a l

r e s u l t 17

To see if there was any certain growth pattern, each time as we transplanting a new plate, we drew and wrote down the simple distribution figure so that we can compare with the outcome.

m 2w1 m 2w2 m 2w3 m 2w4


d and elion I

d and elion II

d and elion IV

/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

_The Unexpected Blossom

ba n a n a I

ba n a n a II



c her r y

t ree sk in

old lens

b read

old b ook

sweet p ot ato

/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

_The Unexpected Blossom




/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting / _The Unexpected Blossom

We concluded the overall look from several sketches and prototypes. After that, we made the final edition of model to assure the shape and size are ideal. It was also for testing loading weight and stability.



/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

c h a l l e n g e s With the goal of throughly presenting every details of mold, remaining the colors and fiber completely was the biggest challenge for us. Every single factor could change the outcome of project so we had spent most of the time on this problem, although we believe there is still a room for improving. In addition, the design of stool itself was also a knotty part of the project. Due to the theme and topic, we attempted to make it simple, elegant, slim and delightful so that the pattern could be perfectly accentuated.

_The Unexpected Blossom


g r a p h i c d e s i g n _ p o s t e r A


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

_The Unexpected Blossom


g r a p h i c d e s i g n _ p o s t e r B


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

_The Unexpected Blossom


g r a p h i c d e s i g n _ p o s tc ard

f ront


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

_The Unexpected Blossom

b a c k


Every failure is a step of fulfilling imagination.

/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting / _The Unexpected Blossom


appendix We failed, but it’s ok!

The sketch is one of the original idea that we tried to grow mold directly on wood instead of plate, but it took a really long period of time and the pattern was not even clear and obvious. WE FAILED!

The pictures shows one of our experiment. Because mycelium was so tenuous that could be damaged easily during the casting process, we wanted to see whether liquid nitrogen could make it stronger. However, once the plate left the liquid nitrogen container, frost covered the surface because of water vapor in the air and temperature difference. Due to with no more advanced equipment could support the experiment, WE FAILED!


Tea culture has been a very popular lifestyle in Taiwan for years. Not only Chinese tea, Japanese tea and British tea are also the common options in daily life, we could find a teapot in almost


every family. Some people enjoy tea alone for relaxing and having a peaceful moment, some people share the amber liquid with others and having all kinds of conversations.

A teapot is always the center of the space and surrounded by people, and Afternoon Glow lights up the room and creates warm and delightful moments.

D e s i gn e r

Tsai-Ying Ho

Size Ye a r

150mm(W)*150mm(D)*230mm(H) January, 2013

/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting / _Afternoon Glow


Both the teapot and the holder are designed in a light, simple, and clear form. The teapot lid was made by cork to make the design more soft and unadorned.


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

The concept was to create an extra room for candlelight from the bottom of the teapot and the light could illuminate the color of tea more completely.

_Afternoon Glow



With the inner light of teapot, it portrays the image of sunshine / about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

in the afternoon. When the candle is lit up, it delivers a warm feeling as if sharing a sun with friends and family.

_Afternoon Glow


l o c a l c r a f t s


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

Glass craftsmanship used to be the local industry of Hsinchu, Taiwan, for over 70 years,

_Afternoon Glow

and now is part of the cultural heritage. Artisans in Hsinchu specialize in different kinds of techniques including mouth-blown glass, fused glass, glass sculpture, and so on. In this project, we worked with an experienced glass master, Liu,Rey-Dian, who is known for glass blowing.


“Once upon a time, there was a small village in the dark forest where all jolly and carefree animals live happily together. One day, a wicked witch passed by and said: ‘ From now on, you


have to trap travelers who come into the forest and they will be my food.’ All of them were so scared and couldn’t be more

helpless, but they were still reluctant to obey. The witch was furious and then put a spell on whoever stood out to fight the command. At last, those poor little animals were turned into different kinds of objects.�

D e s i gn e r

Tsai-Ying Ho


11cm(W)*20cm(D) 80cm(W)*190cm(D) June, 2013

Ye a r

/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting / _Shadow


The coaster series inclues dinosaur, ducky, rabbit, and pony. It could be used with any suitable tableware and makes it more playful and interesting.


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

u n d e r t h e s p e l l t-rex

pony rabbit ducky



The sneaky friend, little squirrel, turned out was turned into a carpet.


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /



In Asia, the majority of people get to live in quite small spaces. Putting on and taking off shoes, coats, bags, scarf, etc. are what people usually do when they leave or arrive. Dear Deer combines


the typical use of entryway chair and coat rack, therefore reduces the occupation of space and people can complete those moves altogether intuitively.

D e s i gn e r

Tsai-Ying Ho

Size Ye a r

45cm(W)*40cm(D)*157cm(H) Apirl, 2013

/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting / _Dear Deer



/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

_Dear Deer



/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

_Dear Deer



/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

_Dear Deer


phenomenon collecting Phonomenons, my brownie of ideas. N o t a p h o t o g r a p h e r, ye t a n e ye w i t n e s s.


s o c i o l o g y

| monopoly |


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

| the reader |


| identity |


| homeless, homies. |

| c ’e s t p i z z a , p a s s a l a d . |


n i g h t t i m e

/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

| signal bomb |

_Night time


q u i e t whimsy

| precocious |

| m’aider |


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting / | scented tea color scheme |

_Quiet Whimsy

| a cup of light |


i n t h e s o u t h

| a glance |


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

| miniature of population outflow |

_In the Southe

| like a boss |


| Q i n g -Ti a n s t . |

w h o m & w h e r e


/ about / work selection / phenomenon collecting /

| Cathy |


| Julie |


Ts a i -Yi n g H o



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