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tlhIngan bom paq The Klingon poetry book Compiled, Edited and Designed by Thomas Sanalitro
This book is a work of fiction. names, characters, places and incidents are either products of the authors imagination or are used fictionously. any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead is entirely coincidental. An Original publication of Thomas Sanalitro Copyright Š 2012 by the Author Thomas Sanalitro Klingon translation copyright Š 2012 by Paramount pictures. STAR TREK is a registered Trademark of Paramount Pictures. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publishers. Printed in the U.K
A special thanks to David E. Howerton, The Klingon language institute, www. hol.kag.org and Marc Okrand for the help with translations with this book. Also a thank you to Paramount Picture for boldly going where none had gone before in commissioning the creation of the Klingon Language; thereby setting in motion something truly extraordinary and quite in keeping with the Star Trek Legacy. I dedicated this book to the memory of Gene Roddenberry for the joy his visions have given me over my life so far.
Content Introduction
Dogs of War
Tales of Legend
Blood & Honour
Warriors Passion
Introduction The Klingon Language as we know it today was first invented in 1984 by Dr Marc Okrand when he was hired by Paramount Pictures to develop the language for the movie Star Trek III: the search for Spock. He then continued its development and coached the actors for the Star Trek movies Star Trek V: The Final Frontier, Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country and then the TV Series Star Trek: The Next Generation. Since 1984 a Klingon Language Institute (KLI) has been set up and three books have been published already, The Klingon Dictionary, Klingon for the Galactic Traveller and The Klingon Hamlet. This book continues along the lines of The Klingon Hamlet book and is less about the workings of the language and more about the readings of Klingon poems in both Klingon and the English language, the main different between this book and all the previous books is that this book works with original Klingon writings done for the purpose of being in Klingon by Klingon Language speakers and lovers. I hope you enjoy the reading of this book as much as I have enjoyed writing and designing it.
Ha’DibaH’ noH Dogs of War
Dogs of War
Scent of life Blankness of soul surrounds like stifling fog filling every crevise with dull nothing even night in her eternities and hallow spaces has more to show than the blanknesses worship at her temple sniff deep the scent of life give softly at the doorway to the inner sanctum she will bless Then you’ll be allowed to see into nothings and find glowing breathing life.
In Klingon all words like “of and the” are presented with a symbol or Hyphenated down and then either added to the begining or end of the words.
Ha’DibaH’ noH
He’ yln pagh tlhuHmey DechtaH partla’ Huj’eng teb Hoch qojmey getlh paghmeH ram ‘ach,’a loghDajmey je chIm loghmey ghajmey law’ tay’ ‘ang nIHwI’pa’ paghmey ghomrI’quprIp wIchIrgh larghtlhuH He’ yIn nobtun lojmItvam tIj chIrgh wIquvmoH vaj tlhIHqanglah chaw’ta’ tIlegh paghmey je tu’ wewmey largh yIn
Yong tIhIngan Hoch mu’ “of ‘ej the” much’ boq Degh ngaj’ej jotlh ghIq ghap tuQmoH’ej wa’Dich ‘en’in mu’
Dogs of War
Shadowed cobwebs Dark the shadow falls entering the twisted realm of mind bleeding. Feeding on the questions which abide in corners of shadowed cobwebs that litter minds worried over things that still fill anger.
Klingon’s do not have words for hello or goodbye, they just start talking about the topic at hand and simply just leave the conversation
Ha’DibaH’ noH
QIb choS Hurgh choS pum ‘el qo’ yab Hagh je’ yu’ vaj ngaS QIb choS ‘e’ mach yabmey vorm ngep Doch ‘e’ tebQeh
tlhIngan’ ghajQo’ mu’meH hello ‘ej goodbye chaH neH tagh jatlh bop’e’ a’ghop neH’ej a’jaw
Dogs of War
Sweat and fear Fright filled afternoon slumber tossing in colored dreams calling it’s only in my mind. Not waking even though trying. When finally I come back, I’m soaked needing a bath ridding me sweat and fear. Remembering just feelings of anxiety and fright.
Klingon’s do not have words for hello or goodbye, they just start talking about the topic at hand and simply just leave the conversation
Ha’DibaH’ noH
ghIj ngoj ghIj tehmey pov Qong tlhe’ wov najma’ pong HIyab vembe’ ‘ach,’a nID ghorghbe’ jIH ghoS naDev jIH Dech hIQ neH Say’ neH Say’ jIH ghIj ngoj qawneH buS ghIj tuH loS
tlhIngan’ ghajQo’ mu’meH hello ‘ej goodbye chaH neH tagh jatlh bop’e’ a’ghop neH’ej a’jaw
lut’ Sub Tales of legend
Tales of legend
Elder Sign Sheltered in ruins looming on the edge watching the chaotic blasphemy at the core attempting to reach into any universe being repulsed by vary space at our core twisted into Elder sign masking our entire universe slowly changing a hope until even our small cosmos is an Elder sign.
Klingon insults are slightly different from what the Human race considers an insult. this is due to differences in the species, a common Klingon insult is “your mother has a smooth forehead�
lut’ Sub
qup qi’ yInvIS pIgh ba’taHnIS HeH bejwI’ ra’be’ naQmey ropSoQ botlh nID SIch chargh ‘u’ Dep jey loghmaj botlhma’ tlhe’wI’ qup qI’ jech Hoch ‘u’ma’ QIt choH tul moj ‘ach mach ‘u’maj qupqI’
tlhIngan mu’qaD loQ jaSvo’ nuq ‘Human segh qel ‘artIchvam pImmo’ yong mut ‘rap tlhIngan mu’qaDvom Hab SoSlI’ Quch
Tales of legend
Twisted escape Broken limbs sing with wind while night rules. No colors escape twisted greys ended smiles.
Klingons are a race of warriors who believe in honour. To be captured rather than killed in battle brings dishonor.
lut’ Sub
SiHvaSmey nargh ghar DeS jatlh bech SuSvIS ramvIS che’ pagh leghmeymIp nargh SIHvaSmey pagh chImHoch toy’
tlhIngan Segh’ Vajra’ HarwI’ yong batlh ‘yaH Qama latlh Dep ghoQ may’ej qem quvHa’ghach
Tales of legend
Agony Screams From this pit agony screams to include all that it can. Shaken still standing yelling at those not paying attention calling to darknesses masquerading as light. Barking into shadows that whisper things reeking of blasphemy obscenity and a few things even worse mentally vomiting in my ears.
According to their legends, Klingons slew their own gods
lut’ Sub
bep jachmey bav qojmeyvam bep jachmey ‘u’ nIHHoch Qam Huj jachcha’ qImbe’ pongmey Hurgh Qobpu’ ghoqwI’Dabo’ wovjech jach HurghQobpa’ net tunjatlh He’largh DI qob ‘ur mIgh veQ je Dochmey ‘ach,’a ‘arghral rop yabram nach wI’ vaj ei’wIj teS
May’ron tIQ lutchaj tlhIngan qhoQchaj Qun’op
Tales of legend
Generation To the smell of coffee adjust my sight visions of other worlds circles my eyes in wreathes of spirit smoke speaking into my soul legends and creatures holiness and sorrow trips across long dead futures the friends that come for each generation
The Klingon Language does not use punctuation, they do not use things like full stops, question marks, capital letters and line space. The Written language is just lines of words.
lut’ Sub
puq poH largh tlhutlh pugh lISwI’ puS HaSta qo’mey ghomey mInmeywI’ ‘engmey tlhuH tlhIch jatlhwI’ tlhuHwI’ wIchmey je Qoch quv je QoS leng SuqnI’ nup jup ghoS chaHvaD puq poH
tlhIngan Hol wI’ lo’be’ vI’ej Degh chaHQo’ lo’ Hutvagh parHa buy’mev ghel DoD Mon’ej tlhegh logh ghItlh’ Hol neH tlhegh mu’
Protection At the store far in back under corrugated tin an old woman sits surrounded by boxes of books on each box scribbled in crayon a possible subject. This matriarch sits deep in the protection of the page. Not knowing what I might find looking through boxes grimed by age every book with a scent elder dust and primal slime.
Death is depicted as a time for celebration, not grief.
Tales of legend
lut’ Sub
HemQan Qu’ ba’mey be’ Dech tep paqmey tep pong ghItlh ‘agh chaD ‘aplo’ mIllogh QIn‘el DuH De’ qanbe’ ba’mey HemQan paqmey Sovbe’ nuqjIH tu’ nej ghItlhmey ngo’ Hoch paq largh ten lam je lutlhnov
Hegh nej poHDI’vaD lopno’be ‘QI
‘Iw’ej batlh Blood & honour
Growth Growth of unmadness like a child from babe to adult, fighting to maintain sense of worth. Wanting the filling comradery seldom reaching the point which encompasses such blankness as becomes the insanity of insect minded masses
The equivalents to heaven and hell are called Sto-Vo-Kor and Gre’Thor.
Blood & Honour
‘Iw’ej batlh
paHlaw’ paHlaw’ chImQeH parHa’ puq ghu pIn’a’ jISuvchoHQo’ largh lo’laH naQ loDnI’pu’ SIch Sambe’ taybogh Dechyem pagh mojmey tlhIb yab chImyab ghom’a’
rapDI’ heaven’ej hellqoq suto’vo’qor’ej ghe’tor
Blood & Honour
Look at the emptiness Look at the emptiness A piece of my soul goes into every line. A blank page I see and need to fill with emotion and image myth and legend. Each word mixed with the blood of brow and the tears of sorrow and happiness. Trees and wind speak to me machines also even stars and unborn shapes future legends.
In Sto-Vo-Kor, battle and feasting can be eternally won and shared, while those sent to Gre’Thor are condemned to eternal torture.
‘Iw’ej batlh
nej chim pagh nej chIm pagh qama’ tlhuH Hoch tlhegh wIj pagh nav jIH legh je ‘ut teb Hot je cha’ wIch je wIch mu’ mIS ‘Iwvo’ nach je qabSIS ‘IQ je Quchvo’ Sormey je SuS jatlhwI’ jIH je mIqta’ ‘ach Hov je boghbe’ nem wIchmey
Suto’vo’gor may’ej ‘uQ’a’ DatvaD may’van’ej nugh bIHvIS Dach ghe’tor qIch DatvaD joy’
Blood & Honour
Sound of battle Frequent the sounds come here sending thrills through ears and groin
The Klingon’s spiritual leader is Kahless, a messianic figure who established early codes of honor and was the first Klingon emperor.
‘Iw’ej batlh
wab’ may’ pIj QIch je ghoS ngeH bong ngeHmey Qoy yaghmey
tlhIngan jatyIn DevwI’ qeylIS tIQ potLh nuv ‘Iv cher ‘eq ngoq batlh’ej wa’DIch tLhIngan VoDleH
SuvwI’ nong A Warriors passion
Warriors Passion
Torn edge Torn between pains, the gathering of my mind, seeing shadows move, which aren’t there. Hear the voices whispering along the edge of minds coming out of nowhere.
The Sword of Kahless, is depicted as a unique bat’leth (Klingon Sword) that serves as the Klingon equivalent of the Holy Grail.
SuvwI’ nong
tajpe’ yabmey tajpe’ joj ‘oy’wI’Daq boS yabwImey legh choSmeyDaq nuqDaq Hon e’be’ pa’ Qoy ghoghmey tun retlh HeH yabmey ghIH nuqDaqvIpbe’
qeylIS betleH nej neH wa’ bat’leth toy’vetlh tlhIngan rapDI’ Holy Grail
Warriors Passion
Eternities Black night gives special freedom to us coming escaping oppression of day into eternities which are harbored in the arms of mother night.
Targs were comparable in form to Terran boars but with spikes on their backs. Klingons kept domesticated targs as pets and livestock, and hunted wild targs for sport.
SuvwI’ nong
Deghqo’ naQmey qIj ram nobmey jIH tlhab le’ maH ghoSmey nargh ghol’eb jaj Deghqo’ naQmey ghaj moj tach DeSmey vIram
targh’ parHa’ tera’ boars ‘ach pob DuQwI’chaj Dub tlhIngan pol qeq targh Da Saj’ej Ha’DIbaH’ej chon ‘er targh QapVaD
Warriors Passion
Rough to skin From crusted darkness at the center of worship come songs of ill passion. Utterances of blasphemy hurled to the sky, shape twisted spaces. Spend low sounds in shaken silks colored chaos, rough to skin bred in pits transidental evil.
In English we use sentences to describe things like “to be cold” or “to be drunk” but in Klingon they have set single words for those same things so to be drunk is simple “chegh”
SuvwI’ nong
ghegh Dlr ghormo’ hurghlI’ botlh noDwI’ ghoS ngeH bong negHmey nong ra’ ropSoQ jach woD chalqu’ logh Dajmey teb Qeh tay’ QIch bIng ‘IH tunSutmey jaj naQmey ghegh DIr Sep bIghHa’ Hur ngeHbej mIgh
tera’ngan English malo’ mu’tlhegh Del Doch parHa’ bIrghap chegh ‘ach tlhIngan chaH ghaj vey wa’ mu’ vaD rap Doch vajmo’ chech’ nap chegh
Warriors Passion
A Warriors Dream Every shape and size any color will do. I love books they are friends for life. On sunny afternoons and on those days when rain and snow fall or when the fog is thick and too when I just want to sit they’re their. Dreaming of worlds far across time and space of mind and just.
Famous Klingon saying - “Perhaps today is a good day to die.”
SuvwI’ nong
SuvwI’ najma Dat je paqpu’ vay’ wovmey parHa’ jIH paqmey bang chaH Depmey ‘et yIn Hovvam pov jevam vaj Hu’ ghorgh SIS je peD pum joq ghorgh getlhpagh langbe’ eg je ghorgh chaH pa’vaj
najma’ qo’ Hop Suq poH je logh yeb je neH
noy tlhIngan jatlh’ Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam
Warriors Passion
Never forgiving Look at a blank page Never forgiving The blank page Lays there waiting Calling impatiently For the bits of soul The addicted writer Finds he must put upon each page Torn bleeding From the artists spirit Out of the depths With love and apathy as the writer must
While Klingons are a warrior race they still have a class system that is set into houses that act like Clans. They have a love for science and art.
SuvwI’ nong
not ‘etnobli’ nejlI’ qetlh nav not ‘etnoblI’ qetlh nav buD pa’ loSlI’ pongmey boHlI’ yIn Hommey tlhuH ‘ut ghItlhwI’ tu’meytaH ghItlh nav tlhutlh tlhuH chen tlhuH laghmey vamvo’ banvIS ej buD ghItlhwI’ taySuD
tlhInganvIS’ SuvwI’ mut lughaj segh pat ‘e’vey ‘el tuq ‘e’vang parHa’ tuq chaH ghaj bang mIllogh’ej QedvaD
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