What’s Wrong, America? Pastor Marty Berglund Page 4
God@Work Page 23-24
Page 7
p. 13
ministry profile
planet 678
missions supplement
women’s ministry
god@work in the life of...
“Is this it?” — page 5
Pray. Give. Go. — pages 13-24
Children’s Ministry — pages 8-9
Upcoming Conference — page 26
Neon Night — page 10
Shawn and Abby Mosher — pages 30-31
Contents | September 2014 04 “what’s wrong, america?” Pastor Marty Berglund
08-09 ministry profile: Children’s Ministry
middle school ministry
“encouragement for the journey” Laurie Berglund
Grades 5-8
11 high school ministry Grades 9-12
07 sage builders
12 Adult small groups - Missions
13-24 missions supplement
25 men
Saturday: 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Nursery and Kids’ Bible Study (KBS) are provided during every service for babies through fourth graders. Ask a greeter for directions to classes.
30-31 god@work
The Friendship Class for teens and adults with special needs meets during the 9:00 a.m. service in Room B-10.
32 news & notes
Interpretation for the hearing impaired is available during the 11:00 a.m. worship service.
33 facts & figures
34-35 directory
Held after each worship service in Room A-08 next to the Sanctuary, Guest Receptions are for visitors and anyone else who would like to learn more about FAC and how to get connected.
New group begins on Jan. 13 | Room C-01 | 6:30 p.m.
No registration is necessary. Just join us!
You can register for Next Steps at www.myfac.org/register.
Next Steps is the place to get connected and learn more about FAC while exploring our values and beliefs based on faith in Jesus Christ. Dinner is included.
Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2016
Ministry Profile
Children’s Ministry As
2016 begins, we are carefully considering the changes that are ahead for our Children’s Ministry ― not only the physical changes of being in our new building, but also how to continue to build on our emphasis to lead each child to an understanding of who Jesus is and how much He loves them.
Warnesia Travasso, FAC’s new Children’s Ministry director, says, “In an era where the pressure to ‘be’ and ‘do’ bombards our kids at every turn, we want to be equipping, discipling, and reminding them that each one of them is made in God’s image.” She added, “At FAC, we want our kids to absorb Scripture and grow to love Jesus for who He is and for what He has done for them.” A study conducted in 2012 among young adults revealed that those who made decisions to follow Christ as children are the same young adults who have remained faithful Christians now. [“Hemorrhaging Faith”; see hemorrhagingfaith.com for more information.] “None of us wants our kids to walk away from Christ at any age,” said Warnesia. “We need to be people who have a Kingdom mindset and who look after ‘the least of these.’” (Matthew 25: 40) At FAC, we have a rich history of disciple-makers who have invested in the lives of children who are now adults and faithfully serving Christ at our church, in their communities, and around the world. Warnesia strongly believes children need discipleship both at home and in church. “We love kids, and we are excited about our future. As we continue exploring our “Kingdom Vision” as a body of Believers, what excites us as a Children’s Ministry staff is our church’s commitment to discipleship. “We do not seek to entertain, babysit, or offer childcare for the children at FAC. We are dedicated to growing followers of Christ. We want to equip parents in their
task as the primary disciple-makers who see their children grow to love God and change the world. This is the difference in discipleship. Discipleship equips our children as world-impactors!” Warnesia, along with Jane Beebe, Preschool Coordinator; Cathy Watson, Preschool Assistant; Julie Durdin, Elementary Coordinator; and Barbara Zieger, SNOW Ministries Coordinator, desire greatly to impact our families with the message of Christ. “We want to see kids come to Christ at any age, and we greatly believe that God has important things to say through this upcoming generation of leaders.” We already know that the world is trying hard to pull them away from God, family, church, and other healthy relationships. We are committed to engaging children through age-appropriate lessons and multiple intelligences, such as physical movement, auditory and visual stimuli, tactile learning, and more. We are also committed to relationship-building with the children’s peers and their leaders.
“Those who made decisions to follow Christ as children are the same young adults who have remained faithful Christians now.”
Connection | Newsletter
help needed in these areas:
- Prayer - SNOW Buddies - Security - Large group leading (Preschool & Elementary) impact of our new building
We know that our regular ministries as well as our children’s ministries are going to explode as our new building launches. Our nursery and preschool ministries will be located on the top floor in the new building (above the Sanctuary and the SNOW Ministries room). Our elementary ministry will remain in the old building. Since the ministry will be split between two buildings, we are strategizing regarding new security and safety procedures, along with a new check-in system. As part of our caring for children, we are configuring a system that is not only safe, but convenient for both parents and leaders.
On any given weekend, we minister on average to 380 children and have about 80 volunteers. As our ministry grows, we will need more people who are passionate about children to get involved! Consider the list on the right and pray about how you may be called to equip this next generation. • If you have any questions about the FAC Children’s Ministry or would like to help, contact Warnesia Travasso, warnesiat@ myfac.org, or 609-953-7333, x141.
- Friendship Class -Small group leading (Preschool & Elementary) - SNOW Den - Worship leading (Preschool & Elementary) - Kids’ Time In/aWaken -Administrative support -Games and/or crafts -Strategic development
Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2016
Because missions isn’t accomplished alone. “As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” (John 20:21) Jesus calls each of us to the mission of making disciples, that is, to share the Good News and help people grow as His disciples. But this isn’t accomplished alone. As Christ-followers, we carry out the mission together and are part of a multi-ethnic global movement of spreading the Gospel to the lost. This is our identity as disciples of Jesus. To remind ourselves of this, we are encouraging small groups at FAC this January to think about how they can pray, give, and go together when it comes to missions. Don’t miss the movement! Join a group today! Go to www.myfac.org/findagroup.
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
Missions 2016 | Pray. Give. Go.
In tro dUction At Fellowship Alliance Chapel we are blessed to gather every week with friends and family to worship God in songs and in the study of Scripture. We are walking with Jesus because somewhere along the line in our journey, someone told us about the love of God expressed through the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf. Praise God! We should worship Him with all of our hearts! But for some in the world, they will live and die having never worshiped the true God. There is no church on the corner gathering together to worship or share Christ’s love. The fact is, there are still 6000+ unreached people groups in the world that have never heard the name or the historical account of Jesus. There are children who, if given the opportunity to grow up in a loving environment, could hear about Jesus and live for His Kingdom but instead live in abject poverty or slavery. There are churches and Believers around the world who, if partnered with FAC, could further their mission, and a true partnership could shape us and them. That’s where the mission of the church comes in! Jesus instructed the church to go and make disciples of all the earth, teaching people what He taught, showing people His love, and welcoming them into the fellowship of Believers. (Matthew 28) Paul made it clear that people are saved when they believe in Jesus’ death and resurrection, but how “will they call on him in whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10) In 2016, we would like you to join us to “Pray, Give, and Go” to further the Gospel through missions work around the world. We are excited to be prioritizing our work in three ways and in four areas:
Evening of Prayer for Missions When: Sunday evening, Jan 10, at 6:00 Where: FAC Sanctuary What: Prayer primarily focused on our local, regional, and global missions efforts, the people involved, and the needs in each area; also short times of musical worship to help us approach God’s throne. Who: Several of our missionaries who are home will participate: Ben and Kristy Williams, Jonathan and Allyson Lampe, along with Pastor Jim Entwistle, our FAC missions coordinators, and Pastor Glenn Kantner.
At-risk children and youth
Least-reached people
Indigenous collaboration
South Asia (Philippines/India)
Southern Africa
West Virginia
To those of you who PRAY for FAC Missions, thank you so much! Your prayers continue to help further the Kingdom of Jesus here and around the world. To those of you who GIVE specifically to the FAC Missions Fund, thank you so much! We continue to grow and add new supported workers (see pg. 18 about Lampes), and to expand the work we do through our denomination (see pg. 16 about Rev. John Stumbo). To those of you who have supported or were part of GO-ing on a short-term trip, thank you so much! We continue to offer many ways for you to “Pray, Give, and Go” as an individual or as a small group. Check out myfac.org/missions for more information! ― Pastor Jim Entwistle and the Missions Advisory Team
“Missions exists because worship doesn’t.” (John Piper)
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
Finan ces As a member of the Missions Advisory Team, it is our responsibility to help create the budget and oversee the offerings that come into the Missions Fund. For the 2015 calendar year, we, based on the offerings of prior years, created a budget of $245,000. In 2015, FAC gave 48% of all Missions funds to the Christian & Missionary Alliance Great Commission Fund and CAMA, the development arm of the C&MA. When we give to those funds, we partner with Alliance workers who through medical outreaches, micro enterprise projects, community centers, and church planting shine the light of Jesus into the lives of those living in spiritual darkness. The Alliance is obeying Christ’s command to “make disciples of all nations.” At FAC, we challenge people to “hear God’s call and follow it.” To help finance these ventures, 35% of the 2015 budget went to our own “homegrown” missionaries. This allowed us to partner with multiple homegrown missionaries who are serving the Lord all over the world, in addition to doing a massive food project with over 100 volunteers, as well as the Journey church plant in Cherry Hill. The remainder of the budget has allowed us to develop and continue our partnerships that we have formed with Ukraine, Northern Iraq, and in Southern Africa through the FASA ministry. Finally, the Missions Advisory Team helps oversee the short-term missions trip funds that come in. As many of you know, we had nine short-term missions trips this year where members of the congregation were able to serve the Lord all over the globe in places such as Africa, Bolivia, Ukraine, West Virginia, and the Dominican Republic. So thank you, thank you for your consistent and sacrificial giving to the Missions Fund. We take great care to handle those finances responsibly and through the grid of a great policy we have in place. Due to the generosity of this church, literally thousands of people will have heard about the wonderful and saving grace they can have in Christ Jesus. If you would like to support our Missions efforts, please designate your offering specifically to the Missions Fund via your giving envelope or through the online giving process. Our hope and prayer is to increase the Missions Fund in 2016 so we can do more Kingdom work around the world! Thank you for joining us!
On behalf of the Missions Advisory Team, Jerry Braatz, Jr.
#FACLOVES >>> 15
Missions 2016 | Pray. Give. Go.
C&MA President
REV. JoH n StUmbo will be speaking at FAC - Jan. 9, 10 This is a great honor for FAC. We invited President Stumbo because he has an amazing story and a deep love for the lost and hurting, which is our number one core value. John is the 12th president of the US C&MA. Rev. Stumbo recently stated, “The hand of God is obviously on The Alliance. He raised up The Alliance to be one of His end-times families to bring the Gospel of Jesus to the least-reached places of the world through Spirit-filled, Bible-preaching, God-honoring, people-loving churches. I’m deeply honored ― and feel it a holy trust ― to lead this family at this time. Our work is not complete until Christ returns.” In the Nov/Dec 2015 AllianceLife magazine, Rev. Stumbo wrote an article about love entitled “We Will Love” and explains what a life of love as Christ followers looks like and what that means for our churches. Read it and get to know John’s heart for the world at www.cmalliance.org. This site is a fountain of information about our denomination. For instance, did you know: • T here are more than 500,000 worshipers, speaking 37 languages and dialects, in more than 2,000 Alliance churches each weekend? • T hat there are 700+ U.S. Alliance workers in more than 70 nations at this very moment? Please plan to attend on Sat., Jan. 9 or Sun., Jan. 10. Find out who we are and what we are doing in this world so desperately in need of a Savior! Twitter users can keep up with Rev. Stumbo at John_Stumbo_CMA. He also has many video blogs available online at www.cmalliance.org/president.
Rev. John Stumbo
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
Worl d
Minis tries
Dave & Lynn Hine When the Jesus Film Ministry completed the production of the film for us in the language of our most remote, forest-dwelling people group in the world’s second most populous nation, we knew that it would have a “great” impact on our church planting multiplication strategy. But “great” fails to capture the reality of the film’s impact. Astounding is more like it! Here’s a thumbnail sketch of what has happened so far in this dangerous, rather Gospel-resistant area: > 299 film showings to an audience total of 16,100 > 790 indicated decisions with 545 following through with public baptism > 44 worship centers (churches) with a total of 935 in average attendance > 85 disciple-making Bible studies with 690 in average weekly attendance The Lord alone deserves all the glory! From Nov. 2-10, our Philippines team leader, Rob Boswell, assisted in a multi-team evangelism and church-planting outreach to 23 communities. 8,960 heard the Gospel; 7000+ indicated decisions for Christ (follow up to verify decisions is now under way); 50 new Bible studies have begun which will then lead to new churches. Our first formal disciple-making and church-planting training sessions began in October in the challenging nation of Myanmar. A national leader has been appointed to develop the work there. Ministries in Asia’s largest country and in West Africa continue amidst local challenges in each nation. More than 35,000 have heard the Gospel through World Ministries’ direct participation this year. Many more have learned of Jesus this year through the thousands of churches that have been planted since our training ministry began. We can hardly believe all that is happening! Thank you so much for your partnership in prayer and giving! Lynn and I are most grateful for your support. Through the ebb and flow of the seasons and life’s circumstances, our personal ministry support has its own ebbs and flows. For that reason, we ask that you consider “year-end gifts” to help compensate for changes that life brings to our support level. We look forward to hearing from you and your families. Don’t hesitate to write! Contact information: Dave & Lynn Hine, dhhine@gmail.com, or 25234 Laurel Valley Road, Leesburg, FL 34748
Dave Hine
4.020 E
Missions 2016 | Pray. Give. Go.
Ukrain e Ben & Kristy Williams
We are looking for people interested in joining the FAC Ukraine team for 2016! The vision of the team is to better connect the Ukraine ministry with FAC and to provide additional support to the Williams and the Ukrainian nationals involved in their ministry. The team will help with missions trip development and execution, ministry and personal prayer, and overall support of the ministry in many creative ways. Please pray about joining the team and being a part of what God is doing in Ukraine. If you are interested, contact Andy Hall, hallaj29@gmail.com.
UPCOMING UKRAINE TRIP There is an upcoming trip tentatively planned for July 12 to 26. We will be working with Ben and Kristy’s team to minister to Ukrainian young people through sports, music, and English camps. This is an opportunity to work directly with Ben and Kristy and Ukrainian believers to help build their ministry and reach Ukraine for Christ! Partnership Coordinator is Andy Hall, hallaj29@gmail.com.
Leaving for South Asia, Feb. 2016
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Ben and Kristy will be here from Jan. 2 to 14! On Sun., Jan. 10, they will be doing an “open house” in the Chapel from 1:00 to 9:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity to meet or reconnect with the Williams and learn more about their ministry. At 1:00 and at 6:00 p.m., they will give a short presentation. All are invited and are welcome!
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Partnership Coordinator is Chris Kershaw, kershawch@yahoo.com. Ben and Kristy Williams
Fellowship Alliance Chapel morning coffee and Bible study. Lauren is starting to see that someone loves her unconditionally. In the second case, Jamie, another student, was on the JV softball team at her school. When Jamie lost her mom this past year, she was having a very tough time. She came on the camp trip and convinced a friend to come as well. Jenny had also just lost her mom the week before camp, and her Dad had turned to drinking. While these two girls have faced such tough loss this past year, they have also been presented with the love and hope of Jesus in the midst of all their hopelessness. We are praying that the seeds sewn in both of their lives will blossom.
Jeff & Julia Pearson
YoUng Life
41.320 N, 74.80 W
Jeff and Julia Pearson This past year was a very encouraging one and could be summed up as a year of victory accomplished totally by the Lord. We have been able to establish a presence of Young Life in the community and schools where we are reaching out. The Lord has provided divine opportunities to get involved in one of the schools where we are ministering. I am the assistant varsity guys’ soccer coach, and this has presented many opportunities to get plugged in with the guys on the team. I am inviting them out to YL as I earn the right to be heard by spending time on their turf and in their world. They are starting to ask questions, good questions, about what it is I do and about me personally. Julia and I were able to have almost the entire team over recently for chicken wings and a FIFA soccer video game tournament. We are working hard at rebuilding Young Life here in Montgomery County. This summer’s camp was put together by our fresh new team of leaders, and God blessed it so much! It was really encouraging to have a bus full of kids, many of whom had never heard the truth about Jesus, and many of whom had never experienced Young Life before. Our leaders did an awesome job connecting with the kids and walking them through their stories about the life-changing hope of the Gospel.
Since that camp, we have seen a dramatic change in the bonding of the YL group as a whole and the way the culture of YL is spreading through friends, schools, and the community. We had our first two big outreach events of this school year in October and have seen tons of new faces. We are praying and dreaming that the upstairs of the barn where we are meeting will be filled to the brim with kids who are eager to hear the Gospel. We are dreaming that as our core kids grow in their new faith in Christ that their hearts will be set on fire to reach their lost friends and families. We are praying for and pursuing new leaders from local colleges and churches and dreaming that our team could double in size and reach new schools. We are praying that our volunteers will be deeply impacted in their own walk with Christ and dreams for their futures by the way they see God move through them in their hard work of loving kids. Because of the funds given by FAC so generously, we are able to do so much. Your funds have helped us to meet our budget, and we are so grateful not to be in debt or in constant nerves of dipping below the line. Because of this, we are able to minister in excitement and are continually encouraged by the family at FAC that raised Julia and gave her such a heart for the lost. We are amazed at the way you continue to support us in this mission! Partnership Coordinator is Geoff Carleton, geoff.carleton@gmail.com
In two cases, we saw an immediate reaction to camp. Lauren, a student, has many struggles and a lot of baggage that comes with those struggles. One of our leaders, Maddy, has leaned into those struggles with Lauren – struggles and issues that would push most people away. Maddy loves her with the love of Christ and you can see the results as Lauren continues to come back. They have been getting together for weekly
Missions 2016 | Pray. Give. Go.
UPCOMING EVENTS Jan. 16 & 17: Missions will be the focus at all three weekend services! Friends of FASA Meeting: Sun., Jan. 24, at 12:30 in the Chapel. We’ll share a meal, fellowship, and hear about plans for 2016!
CONNECT WITH US! www.fasafac.com Instagram: fasa_fac Facebook: FASAfac Twitter: @facFASA Google +: fasafac Join the FASA group on The Hub (www.myfac.ccbchurch.com)!
SoUtHern Africa 27
23.670 S,
Since its inception in late 2013, the ministry of Fellowship Alliance Southern Africa (FASA) has exploded! In 2015 alone, there were five teams who travelled to South Africa, 38 people in all! FASA’s first intern, Jenn Dallow, lived and ministered in South Africa for six months. Dynamic relationships have been established in churches, in schools, and in the community of Lephalale, South Africa. The Lord has enabled people from FAC to lead, train, and serve countless children, youth, and adults in South Africa! Praise God! The FASA leadership team has spent a good deal of time in the latter half of 2015 praying and dreaming and planning for the future of FASA, and it’s amazingly exciting! God continues not only to expand this ministry, but also to refine its focus as well. What does this mean? Keep reading to catch a glimpse of the vision of FASA’s future!
REFINEMENT Since 2013, FASA team members have been involved in ministry in South Africa in many ways. We’ve conducted various leadership institutes, conferences, day rallies, and day camps. We’ve visited schools and orphanages. We’ve served alongside South Africans in feeding people in squatter villages and participating
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
The FASA leadership team believes this ministry is on the cusp of something amazing! While there are too many details to share in this article (we could fill the whole Connection!), we have been praying for God to show us His plan in three areas: people, property, and promotion. • People: We’re looking for people who are longing to be involved in God’s great missions adventure! We’re praying for people for short-term and long-term adventures. • Property: We are considering options for a ministry site in Lephalale, South Africa. • Promotion: What’s the most effective method of communication? Who does God want to use to build this team? As our ministry expands, FASA’s desire and need to communicate well expands, too. Please join us in praying for FASA, specifically in these areas! January is going to be a big month for FASA as God catapults our ministry into 2016! • Partnership Coordinators are Jim and Tammy Walter, jtwalter@me.com.
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in other ministries with the local church in Lephalale. With an eye on the future of this ministry, FASA is refocusing on its Vision Statement, which is “to impact the youth of Southern Africa for Christ so they can change the future of their countries.” With a renewed focus on youth, FASA will concentrate its efforts on ministering to and discipling youth through its school ministries, day and youth camps, and youth leadership development. There are many dreams and plans for expanding ministry to this age group, too, which will be revealed as they develop!
Missions Trip: Summer 2015 In partnership with World Vision, FAC sent a team of 21 people (6 families) to Philippi, West Virginia, in July 2015. The team led a Vacation Bible School program and took part in construction projects, which were focused on improving the living conditions for families in Barbour County. The team worked. What we lacked in construction expertise, God made up in conviction, love and everlasting friendships. The project focused on home repairs for Randall K., Sasha B., and Steven M., where we did roof repair, painting, home demolition, sheet rocking, and electrical work. These three individuals opened their homes with loving arms to biker gangs, drug addicts, and others in need of the Gospel message of hope. Although expertise was low, we were able to meet Randall, Sasha, and Steven’s needs. These needs far exceeded that of a couple of fresh coats of paint or a leak-free roof! God provided spiritual healing to both the family and to our team! Our team consisted of three special needs families and children ranging from six to seventeen years of age. The days were long and physically exhausting but very rewarding. No one wanted to say goodbye when the week was over, but we all walked away with a much stronger understanding of what it truly means to be a Christian! 2015 FAC participants included Chris and Lisa Corvo; Andie, Charles, Nicholas, and Christian Iannuzzelli; Shawn, Abby, and Rockie Mosher; Joel, Keshia, Malachi, and Khloi Sandidge; Thomas Whalen and Anna Whalen-Middleton; Chuck, Michele, Sam, Jonah, Bethany, and Emily Coco. Partnership Coordinator is Shawn Mosher, shawn.mosher@gmail.com.
Missions 2016 | Pray. Give. Go.
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Ed & Debbie Jurimas
THe PHilippin es
“It is just over three years since Debbie and I returned from the Philippines where we served as missionaries from FAC. Honestly, there is not a day goes by that we don’t thank God for the opportunity to have served in the Philippines. There were many difficulties and struggles during our six and a half years living on the other side of the world, but the memories we have are of the people we came to know and love,� says Ed Jurimas. About six months ago, Ross Ginn, one of their fellow missionaries they served with in the Philippines, contacted Ed and Debbie about an opportunity to help. This coming March, Ed and Debbie Jurimas, Doug Jones, Dave and Gail Michaud, Kirk DeAngelis, and Joe Miller will travel to the Philippines to help with repairs and upgrades on an existing missionary training center. This center is in need of some major work. By getting involved directly, they are able to raise awareness of the need; get the people of FAC involved; and, together, help our brothers and sisters in the Philippines. Upon their arrival in Manila, the team will connect with another missions team from Australia and travel to the missionary training center located in the province of Bataan, which is about a four-hour drive. This multi-national effort had its first missions team arrive in August and included fellow Believers from both coasts of Australia and New Zealand. Now, this March, the United States will be represented. If you would like to support the team financially, check out www.myfac.org/tripsupport. Partnership Coordinator is Ed Jurimas, edj@myfac.org.
Joe Miller, Ed and Debbie Jurimas, Dave and Gail Michaud, Doug Jones, Kirk DeAngelis
Ed and Debbie Jurimas
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
C&MA Mission Fiel d Jordan & Iraq Over the last decade, multiple FAC mission teams have traveled to the Middle East countries of Jordan and Iraq. Team members became friends with several local residents as well as the missions families. Some of those families have even visited us at FAC. With the high level of warring violence in multiple Middle East countries over the last 15 months, FAC missions has, of course, not scheduled any teams for Jordan or Iraq. However, all of our Middle East friends are still there fulfilling their commitment to serve Christ wherever He calls them to serve. They need our prayer support. God is busy in the Middle East using them to inform the local people seeking hope during a seemingly hopeless time about the gift of salvation available to them. Questions are being asked, and conversions are taking place. Prayers are requested for praise and also for protection. Mark and Kirsten C. and family are at the LIFE Center in Sulaymaniyah, Kurdistan, Iraq. They have visited FAC twice. Mark and Kirsten continue to run the LIFE Center, offering English classes to local residents. Yes, their three young children remain with them. Their current prayer request is for two families to answer God’s call to come open a LIFE Center in another Kurdish city 2½ hours from Sulaymaniyah. The city mayor welcomes a LIFE Center operation for English classes in his city. Pray also for the other LIFE Center staff members, Scott and Katie W. with their three children, and three other families/interns. Leigha and Eli R. serve Christ at the Fountain of Love Samaritan’s Purse facility in Shoresh, Kurdistan, Iraq. It is located about 40 miles west of Sulaymaniyah. Leigha is a member of FAC, and she answered God’s call to serve Him in Iraq. Their prayer request is for protection, wisdom, and guidance in the opportunities they are cultivating with persons asking questions and seeking, but still rooted in darkness. The first C&MA pastor for the International Church in Sulaymaniyah, Larry H. and his wife Barbara, visited FAC in 2014. Upon completing his two-year term in Iraq, they returned home to Florida where they prayed about what God wanted them to do next. Last month, Pastor Larry and Barbara left Florida to assist Syrian refugees in Mafraq, Jordan. Their service is to coordinate the more than 1,000 people who annually come as individuals or on short-to-midterm teams to assist with helping the displaced refugees. Pray for Larry and Barbara H., the visiting helpers, and the refugees. Rob and Jess B. run a LIFE Center-like facility in Aqaba, Jordan. About eight years ago, Pastor Jim Entwistle and family spent a year in Aqaba establishing this center. In the summer of 2014, when Missions Team #5 to Iraq was delayed for two days in Amman, Jordan, Rob and Jess in Aqaba had Team #5’s back during the delay. Pray for continued guidance for the Aqaba team. The LIFE Center in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, is there to provide support to the Baghdad Alliance Church. Pastor Joseph’s family and the congregation left Iraq at the end of last year. Pastor Joseph and a few church leaders have stayed in Baghdad to help the church community’s remaining residents. His prayer request is for Jesus to provide them protection and courage to trust Him. Pray daily for our friends in Middle East countries.
Missions 2016 | Pray. Give. Go.
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Two children per minute are being prepared for sexual exploitation. Two per minute, how can we even begin to comprehend that? If it is two children per minute, that means: 120 children per hour 2,880 children per day 20,160 children per week 624,960 per month 1,051,200 children per year 1,051,200 children lost each year to sexual exploitation and trafficking ― what do we do with this number? Do we ignore it? That would be an easy answer. Do we deny it? Possibly, but that, too, would be easy. Do we get overwhelmed by it? If our hearts are aligned with Christ, then we probably do become overwhelmed ― at
Remember Nhu
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first! Or do we decide that this is not right and feel a call to action? I pray that we move from overwhelmed to action! At FAC, we have been able to partner with Remember Nhu to do just that ― move to action to make an impact on this issue of child sex trafficking. Remember Nhu is dedicated to making a difference. They are laser-focused on cutting off the supply chain of children to this, the largest growing organized area of crime: sex trafficking of children. Carl Ralston, founder of Remember Nhu, says, “We believe the innocence of childhood is an inalienable right. Once lost, it can never be restored. Our children come to us before they are exposed to the horrors of the sex trade, and they mature into the happy, healthy young adults they were intended to be.”
Remember Nhu has 43 children’s homes in 10 countries with more than 1,000 children living safely. This past spring an FAC vision team was able to visit one of Remember Nhu’s sites in Santa Cruz, Bolivia. This trip allowed us to see the heart of Remember Nhu in action, on the ground, protecting the least of these ― those who have been relegated to no worth by the society around them, those who are sold for less than the cost of a bottle of water. As we move into 2016, we are planning on two more trips to Remember Nhu sites. If you felt your heart broken by 1,051,200 children a year being lost to sexual exploitation, would you please pray about joining us as we partner with Remember Nhu to make a difference in 2016. Point Person is Monika Tockstein, mtockstein@gmail.com.
Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2016
Walking in Grace Women’s Conference
Mar. 11 & 12 This conference is designed for women who want to understand who God created them to be and who He created the people in their life to be. It is for those who would like to embrace their God-given dream and not quit in the process of pursuing it ― even if it feels like it has drifted out of reach. The Walking in Grace two-day Women’s Conference will be held on Fri., Mar. 11, (7:00 p.m. To 10:00 p.m.) and Sat., Mar. 12 (9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.) Two gifted, fun-loving, speakers from Proverbs 31, Lisa Allen and Nicki Koziarz, will share three messages: •
Session 1 – “If the Shoe Fits, Wear It”
Session 2 – “The Rhythm of a Dream and Learning to Dance to It”
Session 3 – “Five Habits of the Woman Who Doesn’t Give Up”
To see further description of the sessions, go to myfac.org/women. “Reviving Your God-Given Dream” will be held at The Westin Mount Laurel Hotel, 555 Fellowship Road, in Mount Laurel. Coffee, tea, and water will be served throughout the weekend, as well as desserts on Friday evening and a hot lunch on Saturday. (Breakfast will not be served on Saturday morning.) We will share awesome worship, skits, fellowship, prizes, and prayer throughout the conference. The cost of the two-day conference is $129. Gift certificates to the conference are available. Scholarships are available for FAC women on a first-come, first-served basis, based on donations to the scholarship fund. A block of rooms at the Westin Hotel has been reserved for Fri., Mar. 11, for those who are interested. The special room rate is $127 with up to four women per room to share the cost. Contact the hotel to make a reservation, 856-778-7300. Mention FAC for the discounted price. Register online at myfac.org/women. Registration is open until Sun., Feb. 28. If you have questions, contact Lisa Russell, 609-519-7057, or Debbie Schneck, 609-953-7333, x125.
Fellowship Alliance Chapel | January 2016
NEWS & NOTES SNOW DEN SNOW Den provides a place for adults with special needs to connect to God and to friends. SNOW Den meets in the Sanctuary on select Friday nights from 7:00 to 9:00 for events such as bingo, karaoke, bowling, pizza, and so much more! This month, SNOW Den meets on Jan. 15. For more information, send an e-mail to snowden.fac@gmail.com.
CAN YOU HELP IN OUR CHILDREN’S MINISTRIES? We have openings in our Elementary Ministry for children in Grades 1-4. Open positions are for teachers, teachers’ assistants, and greeters. All materials are provided. No experience is necessary; serve every week or once a month to suit your schedule. If you would like to know more about how you can help, contact Julie Durdin, julie@myfac.org.
Soup to Soul The Service Projects Team is excited to be partnering with Seeds of Hope for another opportunity to connect to God’s work in Camden. We provide hot food, warm clothes, and the message of Christ’s love! The FAC Soup to Soul Ministry will be held on the second and fourth Saturdays of January, February and March. Volunteers are needed. Each night, we need six to eight people to set up, serve, and clean up from about 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. All of the supplies and food will be provided. Register at www.myfac.org/serve. If you have questions, contact Kristen Potter, kpotter831@gmail.com. This is a great project to do with your small group, miniChurch, or family members (ages 13 and older).
Chondra Babb sends this message to her FAC family: “On behalf of my sister Kecia Babb-Jordan and myself, I want to thank you for your outpouring of love, friendship, sympathy, and support in the death of our mom. While we are unable to respond ― as much as we would love to ― to each and every one of you, please know that we appreciate and covet every prayer and offering of condolences.”
Team members are currently providing transportation on a limited basis for those who don’t have the means or ability to drive to FAC. We are asking for your help to offer additional service to many more who are in need. We need volunteer drivers to help for just one service each month. There is a church vehicle or you can use your own. If you are interested in becoming part of the FAC Wheels team or if you need transportation to FAC for services/events, contact Jim Hogan at facwheels@ myfac.org or 609-953-7333, x306. Leave a message.
AFTER ALPHA For anyone who has completed Alpha, After Alpha is a great next step. After Alpha, “The Jesus Lifestyle,” starts on Tues., Jan. 19, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., and runs for nine weeks. In this study, Nicky Gumbel takes a closer look at “The Sermon on the Mount.” We encourage you and your friends from Alpha to attend After Alpha together. Register online for After Alpha at www.myfac.org/ALPHA , click on “After Alpha.”
Connection | Newsletter
General Fund
WHAT’S YOUR NEWS? Do you have an announcement that you would like to share with your church family? Please let us know! We would love to hear about births, engagements, weddings, graduations, and other personal news. Send up to 75 words to lynn@myfac.org. Deadline for the February newsletter is Jan. 5. Photos to accompany your announcement should be submitted in JPG format.
11.1 11.8 11.15 11.22 11.29
Total Year-to-Date
Missions Fund
11.1 11.8 11.15 11.22 11.29
Total Year-to-Date
$ $ $ $ $
64,706 64,706 64,706 64,706 64,706
65,669 62,119 76,819 54,329 52,022
$ 963 $ ( 2,587) $ 12,113 $ ( 10,377) $ ( 12,684)
$ 323,530 $ 3,100,905
$ 228,599 $ 2,560,639
$ ( 12,572) $ ( 229,308)
$ $ $ $ $
4,804 4,804 4,804 4,804 4,804
$ $ $ $ $
$ $
24,020 230,219
Benevolence Fund
11.1 11.8 11.15 11.22 11.29
$ $ $ $ $
4,508 $ ( 296) 3,545 $ ( 1,259) 5,195 $ 391 4,047 $ ( 757) 4,774 $ ( 30)
$ 22,069 $ 229,242 $ $ $ $ $
$ ( 1,951) $ ( 977)
2,789 2,983 3,096 2,348 2,364
Total $ 13,580 Year-to-Date $ 146,731
Building Fund 11.1 $ 24,884 11.8 $ 47,209 11.15 $ 58,781 11.22 $ 30,265 11.29 $ 27,015 Total $ 188,154 Year-to-Date $1,035,995 date
11.1 11.8 11.15 11.22 11.29
1731 1897 1870 1937 2061
82 333 86 339 147 379 90 370 67 273
2146 2322 2396 2397 2401
This report is based on a 12-month, evenly distributed budget. Actual expenses fluctuate throughout the budget year. We conduct regular financial reviews to determine whether ministry expenses need to be trimmed.
Our Vision We want people to hear God's call and follow it.
Our Mission We want to help people connect to God, to His people, and to His work.
Our Core Values Lost people matter to God. He wants them found. ~Luke 19:10 Prayer is the primary work of the people of God. ~Philippians 4:6,7 Everything we have belongs to God. We are only stewards. ~1 Chronicles 29:14 Knowing and obeying God’s Word is fundamental to all true success. ~Joshua 1:8 Without the empowering of the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish nothing. ~1 Corinthians 2:4,5
199 Church Road Medford, NJ 08055 | 609-953-7333 | w w w.my fac.org