Being the Church
Pastor Marty . . . . . . . . . . 4
Ministry Profile Drama . . . . . . . . . . 1 7
God@Work in the Life of...
Joylyn Davis . . . . . . . . . . 1 9
6 New to FAC?
7 Middle School Ministries
8 High School Ministry
10 Alpha Course
11 Hope Garden
12-13 Reports on Missions
14-15 Women@FAC
16 Men@FAC
20 Support Groups@FAC
21 Facts & Figures
22-23 Ministry Directory
Easter Services
Saturday, April 19 4:30 p.m. & 6:00 p.m.
Sunday, April 20 8:30, 10:00, & 11:30 a.m.
“Being the Church,” Pastor Marty Berglund
“Encouragement for the Journey,” Laurie Berglund
Meet Our New Staff Member Nick Mendillo
17 18 19
Ministry Profile: Drama
Spotlight on FAC Volunteers
God@Work in the Life of...
Joylyn Davis
Being The Church Dear Church Family, Well, spring is finally here after a long, cold, and snowy winter. For us that means the building project that has been frozen and snowed under can get underway again. So crews will be working on the site again finishing our new parking lot and entrance onto Route 541. Then we should, by God’s grace, be able to start tearing up our present parking lot to begin our new building. So what should we be doing as a church until that new building is up? To me, the answer to that question is very clear, and it’s the same answer I’ve felt so strongly every time our church has gone through a time of transition over the past thirty years. The answer is, we need to concentrate on being the Church. I didn’t say having church or going to church; I said, being Church. You and I as Believers in Christ are collectively called the Church by none other than God Himself. Church is His creation, not ours, and it is set up by Him to represent Jesus Christ on earth until He returns. For us as Believers to not identify ourselves as His Church and to live as His Church is to live in denial as to how God sees us. To accept and embrace the God-given model of Church is to live in the reality of God’s will for our lives and to enjoy the riches of His plan for us. That’s right, God has rich plans for His Church now and in the future. To experience these plans of God for our lives, we need to fixate on being His Church. So what does that look like for regular people? Let me list a few ways we can be the Church: 1.
We intentionally make room in our daily life to pray to God and listen to Him speak to us through His Word and His working in our lives.
We make room in our lives for other members of His Church. The Christian life was never meant to be lived solo and when people try, they most often fail. That’s because God designed us to grow, enjoy, and find fulfillment in His body of Believers.
We seek to minister to others in the body of Christ (the Church.) Many come to church but often miss out on the true joy and fun of being together because they never reach the point of putting themselves in a place to serve others. It’s amazing how much joy and satisfaction one can find by focusing on what we are supposed to be as Christians — servants of God to others.
My hope and prayer for you and all those who attend FAC is that in this time of transition to our new building, we will put our attention not on buildings and programs — as important as they are. But instead, our focus will be on being His Church with each other and to our community. I love the Church because I love the Lord. Plus, I love you because you are part of the Church God has called us to be as a part of this community. I can guarantee you that God’s will for your life as a Believer is to be His Church. To miss that is to miss the greatest blessings God has for you on this earth because to miss that is to miss your true identity in Christ. Welcome to Doug Bazigian (Mary, and Amanda), our newest elder at FAC. The Elders of FAC are true overseers of the flock as 1 Timothy 3:1 instructs them to be. Plus they will give an account to God someday for how well they fulfilled their role. It’s a very responsible role and in a church our size, a huge responsibility. So please pray for them, and in any way you can, please help them shepherd our church through the staff, the building, the camp, and our future. These are great men who have volunteered their time and energy to serve the Lord in this way. Thank you for your love and prayers for them.
Love never fails,
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
Encouragement for the
dear friend recently made an observation that has really given me something to ponder. She was talking about the excitement of watching the younger generation at FAC take leadership and ownership in our church family. God is raising up some amazing leaders, and she was celebrating that. But she was also noticing how the technology that accompanies this next generation — Facebook, Twitter, Instagrams, and all — can cause the older generations to struggle with feelings of having outlived their usefulness. Her thoughts caught my attention because I’ve struggled with those feelings myself. I don’t consider myself that old! But I have chosen not to have a Facebook page; I’m not really interested in twittering; and I haven’t tried instagramming yet (is that even a word?!). Because those are the chosen methods of communication for the up-and-coming ones, I can definitely feel disconnected and a wee bit useless some days. So I’m guessing there are lots of others in the church family — my age and older — who might be feeling some of those same things. My friend posed these two questions which I think need to be answered by all of us together:
How do we become the church of tomorrow without casting aside the people who have made the church what it is today?
And what’s the balance between gearing up to reach the younger age groups without alienating or showing disrespect to the older ones in our family?
I think those are really important questions. I love this church, and part of what makes it so special is the wide range of ages represented in our family. That’s a sign of a healthy church. We wouldn’t be where we are without the generation of faithful, committed ones that have laid the foundation for FAC. But we won’t survive into the future without the exciting, visionary leadership of the next generation. So how can we live together in a way that honors all the parts of our family?
Laurie Berglund
My friend didn’t have all the answers to her questions — neither do I. But I know I would love to see us grow in understanding this so our FAC family can become a stronger and healthier place because of it. Young or old — I’d love to know your thoughts about it! Send me an e-mail,, or an old-fashioned letter! (FAC, 199 Church Rd., Medford, NJ, 08055, Attn: Laurie Berglund)
April 2014 | Connection 5
WELCOME Guest Reception Whether you are new to our church or have been visiting for some time, our Guest Receptions are great ways to find out about FAC. Receptions this month will be held after each worship service on Apr. 12/13 and 26/27 in Room A-08. You are invited to join us! If you have questions, contact Intern Pastor Luke Fraser, 609-953-7333, x112, or
next steps After attending a Reception, explore the beliefs, values, and practices of our church in a small group, conversational setting. Discover what our church is all about and ask questions while getting a taste of what a miniChurch is like. During the month of April, Next Steps will meet on Sunday evenings, 6:00 p.m., Apr. 6, 13, and 27, at 184 Church Road, Medford. This group will help you get connected. It will also help you to begin to feel more at home as you build relationships. For more information about Next Steps, contact Pastor Glenn Kantner, 609-953-7333, x106, or
Why miniChurch? In our miniChurches we want to help people hear God’s call and follow it. God speaks. We follow. Being in a miniChurch is to join others in connecting to God (transformation), God’s people (community), and God’s work (mission). This is the picture of the early Church in Acts, and this is the picture put before us. “Being the church” involves doing life together, and the miniChurch life is joining others for transformation, community, and mission. This is miniChurch.
What happens in a miniChurch? MiniChurch participants study God’s Word together and practice the New Testament “one anothers.” They also meet at other times to share Jesus in their neighborhood or in another ministry venue.
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
Basically, miniChurch members follow Jesus together. This is where transformation happens — in fellowship with one another. To find out more about FAC miniChurches and how to join one, go to
Interested in serving with miniChurches? We’re always looking for volunteers who can commit to being available to help with events and launches that pertain to miniChurches and other small groups. This could involve set up, decorating, hospitality, etc. If you have a passion to help people get involved with miniChurches and would love to volunteer in this way, contact Pastor Dave at or 609-953-7333, x105.
MIDDLE SCHOOL Pray for Our Retreat! April 11-13
Please be praying for the students who are going on the annual Spring Retreat, April 11-13. Pray that God will work in the life of every student who attends, As we look at the Life of Christ and the example of leadership that He led, we will be challenged to live His type of leadership.
Summer Plug Planet 678 and Level 5 will be meeting on Tuesday nights in the summer from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Our kick-off night will be on June 24! We hope to see you all there! The summer calendar will be coming out soon. You can get one in the Welcome Center. Prepare yourself for a crazy, awesome summer!
How Do I Follow What You Are Teaching? If you are interested in what was taught at youth group or if you would like to follow up with some of the discussion questions with your children, please go to
Please pick up a Middle School Ministry Calendar in the Welcome Center. If you have questions, contact the middle school staff: Eddie Jurimas, Russ Batten,
[For Grades 5 – 8] Sunday Night
Youth Groups Level 5 for Grade 5 Planet 678 for Grades 6-8
Upcoming Dates for Youth Groups: Apr. 6, 27, and May 4 (last one before the summer program begins) Time: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.
Level 5
Crazy Game Night
Grapple is a Sunday morning lesson for students in Grades 5 to 7. Location: FAC Red Barn; students must be dropped off at the Barn before services Times: 9:00 and 11:00 a.m., during worship services
April 11
Note: Grapple will not be held on Apr. 13 or 20.
It’s free, and there will be drinks and snacks!
5:00 to 8:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary This event is for fifth graders only! Come for a radical, wild, energizing, and crazy awesome evening of fun!
Location: Medford Memorial Middle School, 55 Mill St., Medford
April 2014 | Connection 7
HIGH SCHOOL Youth Impact Would you like to volunteer with Youth Impact?
Our high school ministry is looking for volunteers to work on Monday nights during Insight. We have large group meetings, small groups (called 20/20 groups), and various retreats and events throughout the course of the year. If you are interested in helping, contact Pastor Mike Williams,, 609-953-7333, x108.
Stay Connected to the High School Ministry
Looking for ways to connect to what is happening with the high school ministry? Check out these options to stay up to date: 1. Go to and join the high school students group and/or the high school parents group. 2. Sign up for text updates by going to; click on the high school page. 3. Join the Youth Impact Facebook page. Search for Youth Impact; click the “like” button.
[For Grades 9 - 12]
Upcoming Impact Events We have a lot of great things coming up this summer. Here are a few of those events: Baccalaureate service for graduating seniors and their families — Sunday evening, May 18 Welcome party for graduating eighth graders — Date to be determined
Insight kick-off for the summer — June 23
Make sure you don’t miss out on all the awesome things we have going on! Look for more information in the May issue of the Connecting Guide.
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
S T N EVE April Calendar April 7: Insight at FAC, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. April 14: Insight at FAC, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. April 21: No Insight (spring break) April 28: Insight at FAC, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
New Staff Member: Nick Mendillo
When did you begin working at the church?
I began my new position in the middle of January. I have also worked at FAC in the past as an intern.
What is your position and what does that entail?
I am working with the youth department, focused on the high school ministry. I’ll be around to all of the different children’s and youth ministries, but my primary focus is on high school. I am also involved with student-led worship teams.
What is the most important thing to you about your job? I love the time I get to spend with the kids, especially through the worship teams. When I was attending Insight during my high school years, I participated in the worship team, and it was the best thing for me. I ended up going to Cedarville University for Worship and Youth Ministries. I love the fact that I’m now able to help co-lead the high school worship team. I hope to impact students in the same way I was impacted.
What do you hope to accomplish through your position? Much of what I hope to accomplish is related to
my philosophy of worship. I want to help the students come to a realization that worship is much deeper than music or songs. It’s a lifestyle, and it should be reflected in all we say and do. I believe that if we understand more deeply what worship really is, we will see huge changes in not just our lives and our students’ lives, but also the lives of the people that the students influence.
Where are you from? Where did you go to school? I’m from Medford, and I’ve attended FAC since I was about six years old. I attended Cedarville University and graduated with three degrees: Worship Ministry, Youth Ministry, and Christian Education.
When did you accept Christ as your Savior and what were the circumstances? I look at salvation in my life as
much more of a progressive thing than many others probably do. I can tell you that I prayed to accept Christ when I was very young (probably six or seven years old) when I was scared watching a movie. My dad talked to me then about asking Jesus into my heart. I would say that did, in fact, start the salvation process, so to speak. But I would also say that moment hardly defines who I am today. Throughout my life, I have seen God at work in many different places and through many different people. Whether
it was the youth retreat entitled Student Life that I went on the summer before my sophomore year in high school where God identified several idols in my life or the direction-defining meetings with Pastor Erik Vagen over a cup of coffee at Starbucks or the professor I had who helped redefine the way I looked at my life and ministry or even the conversations I have with my fiancé about sermons, readings, or talks, God has brought me to a place where I feel as confident as can be that Christ is my Savior, and that He has made me who I am today.
Tell us about your family.
My family has attended FAC for a long time. My parents are Jim and Toni Mendillo. I have a brother, Sam, and a sister, Jamie. I am engaged to Megan Brewer (see picture). I met Megan during my time at Cedarville. She will be graduating in early May with a degree in nursing, and we will be married on May 24!
Tell us some of your favorite things: Movie: Lord of the Rings Trilogy
Food: Corned beef and potatoes Memory: Memories of times going camping with my dad. Vacation spot: Boothbay Harbor, Maine Verse: Luke 10:25-37, Parable of the Good Samaritan
April 2014 | Connection 9
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What is Alpha
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Alpha is a great place to bring a searching friend, co-worker, or neighbor!
What is Alpha?
Alpha is a safe place that welcomes everyone to explore God and what they believe.
Who should come?
People who want to investigate Christianity and who want to move past religion and explore what it means to have a personal relationship with God should attend Alpha. We encourage FAC members to bring others to Alpha. At Alpha, they will be introduced to who God is in a safe, fun, and welcoming setting.
What happens at Alpha? • We serve a great catered dinner and enjoy getting to know “friends at the table.” • The entire group listens to a talk about a specific topic. • We break into small table groups to discuss the topic and explore questions.
What are the weekly topics? •Who is Jesus and why did He die? •How can we have faith? •Why and how do I pray? •Why and how should I read the Bible? •How does God guide us?
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
Where, When and How much? • Alpha meets in the Sanctuary in a comfortable round table setting on Wednesday evenings, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. • The next 9-week session begins on Wed., Apr. 30. •Alpha is FREE!
How do I sign up or get more information? Stop by the Welcome Center Desk and look for an Alpha team member after services or register online at
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HOPE Garden
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After a wonderful first year that saw donations of many pounds of vegetables and herbs to the Benevolent Care Center, the HOPE Garden team is beginning to think thoughts of spring!
It is easy to help! Just place non-perishable food and cleaning supplies in the Food Pantry boxes in the hallways leading to the Sanctuary. Here is a list of suggested items for donation:
Thank you and please pray for a bountiful harvest again this year.
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Our Food Pantry
Starting Up Again
If you are interested, contact either Frank or Trini Mandy:,
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The Food Pantry serves those in our area who are experiencing difficult times. Your donations make a difference to them and serve as an opportunity to show that God loves them.
Volunteers are needed and will be welcomed. We hope to see familiar faces from last year and new faces of those who will want to help with planting, tilling, watering, and harvesting produce for those in need.
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• Peanut butter
• Canned chicken
• Jelly
• Instant mashed potatoes
• Cereal
• Rice
• Pasta
• Stuffing
• Spaghetti sauce
• Soup
• Canned fruit
• Bath and cleaning products
• Canned vegetables • Tuna
• Any other non-perishable items
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat…. Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.” [Matt. 25: 35, 40]
April 2014 | Connection 11
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
Churches are in need of people who can provide spiritual leadership to others and help pave the way to maturity in Christ. The third is to work with the local pastors to provide support and encouragement in a reciprocal relationship. The local pastors are lacking a network of fellowship and accountability with other leaders. Finally, we are excited about the impact this ministry can have on our own FAC members by providing an international ministry opportunity. If you’ve been on a short-term missions trip, you know first hand the significance that experience can have in your own life. If you haven’t had that experience, then you will have to see for yourself what God has in store for you. As FASA continues to grow and as God leads us into the future, we want to remain consistent in fulfilling its purpose through building relationships and educating leaders. John 4:23-24 says that we must “worship in Spirit and in Truth.” Spirit can be manifested through relationships; Truth can be implemented through education. Both are necessary for completeness. Spirit alone leads to shallowness and Truth alone leads to harshness. The best disciples have passion (Spirit) and stability (Truth). The education (Truth) piece has been provided by our own Kurt Jarvis. He has developed The FASA Leadership Institute course in conjunction with his Bible Storying technique that has been used worldwide with people of all ages. The FASA Leadership Institute consists of 12 training modules that will be presented at different points throughout the year. We will depend on local pastors to identify those with leadership potential in their congregations to be recommended for this program. These people will be able to complete the modules as we offer them throughout the year with the goal of receiving a certificate of accomplishment when all 12 modules have been completed. We are excited to present this for the first time in April 2014.
Missions: South Africa South Africa is a country whose people were stripped of their dignity and value by the government instituted Apartheid system that legalized racial segregation, discrimination, and prejudice. Although Apartheid ended in 1997, the effects are still evident in even the youngest generation. The ongoing repercussions of this evil system are widespread mistrust, fear, and prejudice. Clearly the only answer to heal this brokenness is Jesus Christ. Fellowship Alliance Southern Africa (FASA) is a ministry of FAC whose mission is to impact the youth of Southern Africa for Christ so they can change the future of their country. There are four objectives that we would like to accomplish through this ministry: The first is to present Biblical principles to the youth of SA. They need to hear of the One who can bring them hope and heal their land. The second is to develop South African leaders who will join us in the operations of the ministry and support their local church.
While curriculum is important as the Truth component we must include the Spirit component. One way to implement that is through relationships. The goal is to build relationships with selected youth, potential leaders, and the local pastor. With the advent of free international communication vehicles such as Skype and Whatsapp, it is easier than ever to keep in contact with the people we’re ministering to on a regular basis. It seems unbelievable that we would be able to use our experiences and gifts to mentor a young person halfway around the world, but that’s the kind of on-going relationship we desire. The goal is to send three to four teams a year to South Africa to implement the FASA Leadership Institute as well as to present rallies at local schools to reach the children for Christ. If you never thought you’d see Africa, think again! The door of opportunity is wide open and FAC is eager to send workers into the “fields that are white unto harvest”! If you’d like to get involved, please contact Jim or Tammy Walter on The Hub or at
April 2014 | Connection 13
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Fresh Hope | May 4 A ministry for Single Moms
The children meet in the Family Room in the main building of the church. After dinner, they attend the children’s and youth programs available through FAC, including Kingdom Kids’ Clubs, Level 5, and Planet 678. Childcare is provided for children who are too young to participate. Please register yourself and your children prior to the meetings: There is no cost to attend.
Fresh Hope is a place where single moms can connect to God’s love through friendships, encouragement, and support. All single moms are invited to attend Fresh Hope on May 4 from 5:00 to 8:00 in the Red Barn for dinner, teaching, fun, and encouragement. The Food Pantry and the Fresh Hope Clothes Closet are open in the FAC Benevolent Center from 3:45 to 4:45. Dinner is provided for the moms and their children and is served at 5:00.
Deepening Groups What is a Deepening Group? Who is a Deepening Group for? Perhaps a Deepening Small Group is just what you’ve been looking for at FAC. A Deepening Group is a small group but a small group with deep intentionality. Deepening Groups are different because they go — deeper! A Deepening Group provides a consistent, accepting, long-term community where participants have the opportunity for open and honest sharing. In this kind of community all your life is relevant and important to you and to the group. In a Deepening Group you will grow deeper in your relationship with God, yourself, the group, and the world around you. In deeper ways, you’ll put your faith in God who is generous, self-sacrificing, and transforming. You’ll learn that a good and beautiful life — a life worth living — consists of learning to live without anger and lust and learning to bless those who curse us. You’ll become part of a good and beautiful community — a hopeful, serving, and reconciling community. In Deepening Groups we begin to heal and change our narratives about God, ourselves, and the world around us so that real and lasting change into the likeness of Christ really happens. If you are not part of a community like this, a Deepening group could be the answer for you. New Deepening groups are starting soon. For more information about a Deepening Group, contact Carol Batten,, or Lisa Kletkewicz,
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
If you have questions, call Debbie Schneck, 609-953-7333, x125.
Wed., April 2
Drop off:
5:30 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Clothing, sizes Newborn to 14/16 Children’s equipment Toys
All items are FREE! Please note: Children will not be permitted to attend. No exception!
Here's how it works:
• Donations may be dropped off at the designated door to the
Sanctuary between 5:30 and 7:15 p.m. It is very helpful if donations are sorted by size and gender.
Center until the doors open for shopping.
your bargains or a truck if you are in need of large items, such as a crib.
• After donations are delivered, you may wait in the Welcome • You may just drop, just shop, or do both! • You may want to bring your own shopping bag to carry home • All remaining items are donated to charity.
Hope you can make it. You won't want to miss the Exchange! Questions? Contact Debbie Schneck, 609-953-7333, x125, or
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INTRODUCING FAITHFULLY FIT A New Health and Wellness Ministry Beginning May 1 Our new women’s ministry, Faithfully Fit, will be a 12-week course that emphasizes balance in four essential areas: emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical. The program upon which Faithfully Fit is based is known as First Place 4 Health, which, since 1981, has been providing faith-based health and weight management instruction and support to small church groups. Throughout the studies, members will be encouraged to adopt practical disciplines. These include regular attendance and fellowship (emotional); prayer, Scripture reading, and Bible study (spiritual); Scripture memory and food records (mental); and good food choices and exercise (physical). Faithfully Fit will encourage a lifestyle change that promotes balance. Although weight management may be the motivation to join a program like this, the focus will not just be on the body. This is a crucial difference between Faithfully Fit and other programs. By applying disciplines that affect the whole person, participants will not only experience physical health, but will also achieve the balanced life that God intends for us to have. Groups will meet weekly for 12 sessions at FAC on Thursday mornings, from 9:00 to 10:30, beginning May 1. The first meeting will be an introduction to the program, explaining what it is about and answering questions. Faithfully Fit leaders, Shelley Summerville and Molly Mongulla, are excited to be able to share their passion for a balanced life and to help participants become all that God wants them to be. They say, “Our shared passion for fitness and nutrition has created a mutual desire to empower others to take charge of their health. Embracing this desire, we became certified as Group and Personal Fitness Trainers and Weight Management/ Nutrition Consultants. Feeling called to help others achieve balance in their lives focusing on emotional, mental, physical and spiritual components, we have teamed up to start a health and wellness ministry entitled Faithfully Fit. Our goal for the program is to use the gifts God has given us for His glory.” If you have questions, Shelley and Molly would be happy to hear from you,;
April 2014 | Connection 15
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Velocity Groups To the Men of FAC
As a leader and as a man, I’m not too afraid to take on the risk of failure, especially if there is a clear upside. With that in mind, I want to let you know of a pilot program for men’s small groups that we will be launching in the very near future here at FAC. We are calling them Velocity Groups and they will be the first of their kind for men here. Please note that this is only a test. If it works, great. If it fails, then we’ve learned a lot.
Some perspective: Let’s say that a guy named Tom moves next to a Catalyst Men’s Group leader named Pete. Tom doesn’t know the Lord but becomes a good friend of Pete, and, like all good friends, Pete shares his life with Tom. For a year Tom hears about Pete’s group and finally works up the nerve to ask Pete if he can join the group. Even though Pete’s the leader, the style and scope of Catalyst Men’s Groups force him to say, “Sorry, Tom, but we have a closed group. We started a year ago, and no one is allowed to join us. Our next groups form in mid-March. You’ll be able to join a group then.” And the giant risk Tom took forces him to walk slowly home with his hands buried deep in his pockets wondering if he’ll ever take a risk like that again. With that gap in mind, we decided to launch some open groups where men will be able to invite their friends to join at any time. Velocity Groups will give FAC men an easy landing place where they can engage in building men who build other men. Yours in the fight, Erik Rebstock Groups are forming now for random times and locations. Contact Pastor Erik Rebstock for details,
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
facWILD Upcoming Events ▶ May 2, 3, 4: Harpers Ferry, WV Camp, fish, hike, paddle; open to all men and boys, ages 8 and up ▶ July 25, 26, 27: Rafting Trip on the Youghiogheny River, Western PA Class 3+ rapids, guide-in-raft trip for all men, dads, sons and daughters, ages 12 and up Contact Rodney Sager for details,
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Ministry Profile therefore glorify God. Kingdom Players’ purpose is to spread the Gospel through the medium of drama for the glory and honor of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.”
Kingdom Players
reative expression is an important part of our spiritual journey. We serve a loving God who has given each of us the ability to create. The gift of creativity can be found in writing, painting, sculpting, dancing, singing, and so much more.
“Human beings were made in God’s image,” shares Nancy Ellis, leader of FAC’s Kingdom Players. “The arts are a way of expressing God’s image — His variety in form and beauty as well as His heart of wisdom and understanding. We are meant to worship the Lord with our hearts and minds and souls. The act of creating makes our praise visible.” Nancy’s passion is to see drama used as a means for presenting God's truth in creative, entertaining, and enriching ways. “In a church as large as FAC, I'm sure there are many adults who used to perform in school or who might like to just give it a try!” she adds. “We are hoping to present several short scenes throughout the year, based on the Bible and/or contemporary life struggles.”
With a background in English literature and theater arts, Nancy desires to use the gifts and experiences God gave her to help our FAC family. Her experiences include teaching in the Department of Theater at Rutgers University, Camden, for more than twenty years and performing regionally on stage and on camera for commercial work in television and film. “I see my role as a catalyst in revitalizing the drama ministry here at FAC,” explains Nancy. “So many creative possibilities lie ahead.” Currently, there are about 15 volunteers who are interested in participating in Kingdom Players. Annie DeVaro, one of the volunteers, believes drama is a way of portraying God's messages in a visual medium that can help reach people who may not normally be in His word. She considers the performing arts as a way to connect people to God’s message for their lives. Annie shares, “I’m looking forward to Kingdom Players portraying God's Word through different stories and activities that will touch people's hearts, bring them into closer relationship with the Lord, and
Another volunteer, Kira Fisher, is very excited to have the chance to fuse together two things she loves: theatre and the church. “I’ve been in 12 shows and have been serving in the church since I was in elementary school,” Kira explains. “This will be the first time I can use the talents God has given me to do both. I think the drama ministry really gives the congregation a chance to relate to the messages in a more personal way. We have been practicing scenes that are very relatable to people in today's world, and I believe that we have the opportunity to reach many people through our performing. I can't wait to see how God will use all of our group members to touch the hearts of others for Christ!” Nancy, Annie, Kira, and the rest of the Kingdom Players have a passion for communicating the love and Gospel of Jesus Christ in unique and creative ways. “Some people learn best by hearing; others by seeing; and still others by doing. The performing arts are another mode of learning,” adds Nancy. For Easter, Nancy and the volunteers are looking forward to a stick drama that they will perform to a beautiful song called "Arise.” The lyrics and movements with the rods will powerfully present the story of Christ. As Kingdom Players begin rehearsing for this special performance, they are encouraged and inspired by their ministry verse: "Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace given you when Jesus Christ is revealed."(I Peter 1:13) If you have any questions or are interested in participating in FAC’s drama ministry, contact Nancy Ellis on The HUB; through email at; or by phone, 856-397-6134.
April 2014 | Connection 17
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CHARLOTTE DAVIS Fresh Hope Ministry
Charlotte Davis has been involved with the Fresh Hope ministry from the very beginning.
“The name “Fresh Hope” was based on the concept of offering fresh hope to single moms,” Charlotte said. “I got involved when it started. I attended the first meeting, talking about the positions available.”
Starting out as part of the hospitality team and now serving as hospitality coordinator, Charlotte has had the experience of being a single mother and feels that Fresh Hope is able to create a safe and fun environment, while also providing encouragement and resources for single moms. At each meeting, the moms are able to take advantage of the Food and Clothing Pantry and to enjoy a meal provided by the church. Childcare is also provided. “The moms can be a part of this ministry and not have to worry about their children,” Charlotte said. This year, a different speaker shares her testimony at each meeting. The first verse focused on for this year was Jeremiah 29:11, which Charlotte feels really explains the meaning of the Fresh Hope ministry: “The hope for the future — that’s what this ministry is to our mom’s,” Charlotte said. “The moms encourage each other and are growing in the Lord.”
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
Youth Impact High School Ministry
After moving here in 2006 and seeing her husband’s involvement with the high school ministry, Courtney Gager decided she also wanted to get involved as a volunteer and became a leader in 2007.
For Lisa Kletkewicz, taking on leadership roles has always been a part of her life. Over time, however, she began to realize that part of being a leader was knowing how to be a follower.
“It seemed like a cool opportunity to serve God,” Courtney said.
“Before, it felt normal for me to serve and volunteer, but God put me through a training to learn how to be a follower,”
The high school ministry holds both small group and large group meetings. The small groups are currently working through six-week sessions focused on topics of interest to the students. Courtney’s small group has about ten students and is focusing on the topic of engagement. “The topic is about the message that the world gives, particularly through the media. We discuss how to approach those messages from a Godly perspective and how to protect our hearts, and engage with the world in a Godly way,” Courtney said. “It has been cool to see how the kids have been interacting with each other.” Anyone is able to volunteer and commitments can be flexible — whether it’s leading a small group for six weeks or volunteering for more long-term involvement. “You really don’t have to have any qualifications besides knowing Jesus,” Courtney said. “You
never know how God can use you to relate to a teen. All you really need is willingness.”
Lisa said. “Serving
came as an outflow of a humbling process that God invited me into.”
Lisa now serves as a leader for the Deepening Groups that are part of the Women’s ministry at FAC. “Deepening Groups have a beginning but do not have an end,” Lisa said. “The goal is to provide a safe community to share true experiences, keeping God at the center so that transformation is possible.” From within this community, Lisa feels the goal is to help people find their purpose, which focuses on having a relationship with God. For her, the most important part in serving is to learn how to better serve her relationship with God. “If you’re truly serving, the greatest value you will get is learning the difference between who you are and what you do.”
God@Work … In the Life of . . . . .
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his last year has brought Joylyn and John Davis and their daughter, Stella Rose, age 7, closer to God than they had ever imagined they would be. And they believe the best is yet to come!
Married in 2004, they started attending FAC in 2003 at the suggestion of John’s sister. Then John got involved in the Men’s Ministry. Joy remembers, “Both John and his father got very active in the Men’s Ministry. That’s where things started to really take off for us. John went to Gabon, Africa, with a missions team two years ago. That’s when I started to see the change. He got very close to the guys on that trip. They became like brothers and are still very close.”
When John took off in the men’s ministry, Joylyn followed his lead: “I had already given my life to Christ, but it still wasn’t the relationship I wanted,” Joylyn recalls. “We did Alpha, then a marriage enrichment class, and then Good $ense.” In the dark of night on July 5, 2013, Joylyn got the phone call that changed their lives. “John was in a very, very bad motorcycle accident just a couple blocks from our home. He had punctured one lung, broken several ribs, broken his clavicle, and severely fractured his left foot. A friend from FAC had found John and called me. I followed the ambulance to Cooper Hospital. I kind of knew he was okay, but I was really, really, scared. It took hours before they would let me go back to John, even though I kept pleading, ‘I’m a nurse. I used to do trauma. Please let me go back!’ Sitting in that ER waiting room was just horrible, but I knew God was with me.” Bad things didn’t end there for Joylyn and John. After working all that day and being with John all that night, Joy drove home. “About a
block away from the house, I fell asleep at the wheel and went head first into a tree. I was okay except for some burns from the air bags exploding. Then two weeks later, I lost my job. The hits kept coming. Two months after that, I broke my foot!” John says, “Everything taken together looked bad, but God turned it all around. We were home all the time together, which was very rare. I had been working two jobs, and Joy worked like a nut. Now we were basically down and out. But God pulled us together. He slowed us down. We started to delve into the Word more because we had the time. Joy would post Bible verses around the house. We did everything together. We just got closer and closer to what we really should be.” “I definitely had some dark days,” says Joy, “but the days that I turned to God were the days I was lifted up. I’d sit quietly and focus on the presence of God. Once I quieted my mind, I’d pray silently. I do this daily and words can’t describe how something so simple can be so profound. We are told in the Bible to be ‘silent before the Lord.’ I feel so blessed to have found God in stillness. I have found so much incredible strength, and I feel like I am just at the precipice. Like this is nothing yet. The things that happened were ‘too coincidental’ not to be God. For example, when we started to worry about money because neither of us was working, somehow money would show up. These are not coincidences. This was God. “It’s easy to find amazing grace during the good times. But often when you are in your darkest hours, you don’t feel blessed. Once I did really see that there is so much good that can come out of a bad or difficult experience, well, that was probably one of the greatest lessons. I never really got that before. I get it now!” (Look for John’s story in the June issue of the Connection.)
April 2014 | Connection 19
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marriage coaches ministry begins We have a Marriage Coaches Ministry with Christian couples who have been trained to help other couples who want to improve their marriages, believe their marriages have grown stale, or want to grow as a couple in their relationship in a Christian marriage. The primary goal of the Marriage Coaches ministry is to help equip couples to grow in a healthy, God-honoring marriage by exploring strength and growth areas and developing caring relationships by sharing their own life experiences Couples who are interested in becoming coaches and couples who would like to have a coach should contact Pastor Brent Brendle,, or 609-953-7333, x129, for more information and an application.
coming events We will soon launch several new ministries. First, a group for women struggling with addictions. Second, a group for men struggling with addictions. These recovery ministries will be meeting off-site. We are also planning a series of marriage seminars for later this year. If you are interested in helping with any of those ministries, contact Pastor Brent Brendle,, or 609-953-7333, x129, for more information and an application.
support groups currently offered are: Helping Hand Grief Support For adults who need support in their grieving
Through love, compassion, and understanding, people who have experienced grief seek to support others who are grieving. We offer encouragement, counseling, and education about the grieving process. Mondays, 7:00 p.m. In the Chapel
Living through Suicide Support Group For those grieving loss through suicide
This support group offers help to those who have suffered loss as a result of suicide of a loved one. Mondays, 7:00-9:00 p.m. In the Chapel
Every Tuesday, 6:30 a.m. At Cracker Barrel Restaurant, Rt. 73 South, Mt. Laurel
with God who transforms us and makes us whole; and to renew our lives and be reconciled with God, ourselves, loved ones, and His family.
Relationship Recovery Support Group
Tuesdays, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. In the Red Barn, which is around the corner from FAC on Hwy. 541
For those who are currently going through the crisis of a failed marriage or relationship
Special care is given to those who are in the beginning stages of separation or divorce as well as to those who still suffer with issues holding them back from a full recovery. This process can become a blessing if it brings you closer to God. Improving your relationship with God is the key to recovery and also gives the improved opportunity for healthier future relationships. Wednesdays, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. In the Red Barn, which is around the corner from FAC on Hwy. 541
Path to Purity
For men struggling with sexual sin
Serenity Support Group
Path to Purity is structured to assist men who are struggling to live a sexually pure life. We help them choose a new path through sharing, encouragement, and accountability. For more information, call 609-953-7333, x311 (leave a message), or send an e-mail to
For those with loved ones with substance abuse issues
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
Based on the teaching of God’s Word, we desire to provide a fellowship of encouragement and hope in understanding our boundaries, responsibilities, and limitations; to grow in our experience
SNOW Den (Special Needs Outreach & Witness) For ages 18 and up
SNOW Den encourages young adults with disabilities and their families by providing activities, Bible studies, special events, friendship, and support. First and third Fridays, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. In the Sanctuary For further information about SNOW Den, contact Leah Bronczyk, 609-953-7333, x304 (leave a message), or
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General Fund
2.2 2.9 2.16
$ 59,615 $ 59,615 $ 59,615
$ 71,474 $ 54,865 $ 68,264 $ 52,939
$ 11,859 $ ( 4,750) $ 8,649 $ ( 6,676)
$ 238,460 $ 476,920
$ 247,542 $ 498,812
$ 9,082 $ 21,892
$ $ $ $
$ $ $ $
$ ( 29) $ 1,162 $ 479 $ ( 209)
$ 59,615
Total Year-to-Date
Missions Fund
2.2 2.9 2.16 2.23
Total Year-to-Date
Benevolence Fund
4,327 4,327 4,327 4,327
$ 17,308 $ 34,616
2.2 2.9 2.16 2.23
4,298 5,489 4,806 4,118
$ 18,711 $ 34,861
$ $ $ $
$ 1,403 $ 245
1,759 5,942 1,613 2,234
Total $ 11,548 Year-to-Date $ 21,707
Building Fund
2.2 2.9 2.16 2.23
$ $ $ $
30,943 16,240 16,838 19,513
Total $ 83,534 Year-to-Date $ 187,508
Weekend Service Attendance
2.2 2.9 2.16 2.23
1994 1904 1885 1800
101 87 134 81
419 412 462 446
2514 2403 2481 2327
April 2014 | Connection 21
MINISTRIES DIRECTORY / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / Pastor Nick Simpson 609-953-7333, x110
• Bonnie Jamison 609-654-8029 • Peter & Barbara Jaskolowski 609-618-0935
Rob Preim
Ushers & Greeters
Worship Services
Musical Director 609-953-7333
Jerry Braatz, Sr.
Choir Director 609-268-8656
CD & DVD Duplication Bill and Cathy Kamps 856-596-8408
For All Adults Alpha
Exploring the meaning of life Pastor Jim Entwistle 609-953-7333, x131
Free & Fifty
For 50 and older Ed Brokhoff 609-261-3059
For Retired Adults Rev. Glenn Kantner 609-953-7333, x106
Small groups meeting in homes Rev. Dave Krilov 609-953-7333, x105
Next Steps
Explore FAC beliefs and values Rev. Glenn Kantner 609-953-7333, x106
Partners in Prayer Rev. Glenn Kantner 609-953-7333, x106 22
Fellowship Alliance Chapel
Intern Pastor Luke Fraser 609-953-7333, x112
Young Adults
For ages 18 to 24 Intern Pastor Luke Fraser 609-953-7333, x112
For Men Band of Brothers
Men's Breakfast Pastor Erik Rebstock 609-953-7333, x116
Catalyst Men's Groups Pastor Erik Rebstock 609-953-7333, x116
For Women
Outdoor Adventure Rodney Sager 856-924-4631
Women’s Ministry Leader
Velocity Men’s Groups
Carol Batten 609-953-7333, x109
Women's Assistant Debbie Schneck 609-953-7333, x125
Deepening Groups
• Carol Batten 609-953-7333, x109 • Lisa Kletkewicz H: 856-439-9156 C: 856-220-7054
Fresh Hope
Single mothers Debbie Schneck 609-953-7333, x125
Heart to Heart Bible Studies for Women
609-953-7333, x116
Support Groups Pastoral Care
Pastor Brent Brendle 609-953-7333, x129
Career Hub
Support for men and women in career transition Pastor Brent Brendle 609-953-7333, x129
Helping Hand Grief Support
Support for those who have suffered loss Wanda and George Stein 609-953-7333, x309
Living through Suicide
Monika Tockstein 609-268-1238
Support for those who have suffered loss through suicide Wanda and George Stein 609-953-7333, x309
Mom's Time Out
Marriage Coaches
Mothers and their preschoolers Michele Fleckenstein 609-288-6768
Support for those who want to improve their marriages Pastor Brent Brendle 609-953-7333, x129
Path to Purity
Men learning to live sexually pure lives 609-953-7333, x311
Relationship Recovery
Support for newly separated and divorced Susan McGann
Serenity Support Group For loved ones of those with substance abuse issues Joyce Gilmore
Special Needs Outreach & Witness Leah Bronczyk 609-953-7333, x304
Benevolent Center Financial and practical help for those in need 609-975-9741
Care & Comfort
Meals and visitation in times of illness and loss Denise Richards 609-953-7333, x310
Crew 318
Helping hands and repairs Joe Pagano
Food Pantry
Darlene Taylor
Good $ense
Managing Financial Resources Phil Morgan
Intake Representatives Tracy Cossabone
////////////////////////////// Missions & Outreach Pastor Jim Entwistle 609-953-7333, x131
Angel Tree
Dave and Judi Shoemaker 609-706-3294
Missions Trips
Doug Bazigian
Service Projects
Tracy LaRosa
Children & Youth Rev. Erik Jarvis
609-953-7333, x118
Jeremy McAlack
• Rev. Erik Jarvis 609-953-7333, x118 • Eddie Jurimas Middle School Intern 609-953-7333, x104 • Russ Batten Level 5 Intern 609-953-7333, x134
Preschool Ministry
Infants through kindergarten • Jane Beebe 609-953-7333, x101 • Cathy Watson, Assistant 609-953-7333, x117
SNOW (Special Needs Outreach & Witness) Barbara Zieger 856-912-5814
Youth Intern
Other Ministries
Nick Mendillo
Youth Intern
Jerry Braatz 609-714-4035
Elementary Ministry
Cookie Ministry
(Grades 1-4) Rev. Erik Jarvis 609-953-7333, x118
High School Ministry (Grades 9-12) Trip Hotline: 609-953-7333, x410 Rev. Mike Williams 609-953-7333, x108
Kingdom Kids Julie Durdin 609-714-2211
Middle School Ministry (Grades 5-8) Trip Hotline: 609-953-7333, x678
Camp FAC
Cindy Leek 609-268-9301
Ed & Deb Jurimas 609-953-7333, x127 & x119;
Lay Counseling
Brent Brendle 609-953-7333, x129
Susan Gibbs 856-904-3214
Peacemaker/Mediation Ken Walker 856-719-0292
Risk Management Team Ensuring safety and security Rev. Erik Jarvis 609-953-7333, x118
Support Team Chris Rose
Office Manager 609-953-7333, x135
Administrative Assistants • Joanne Horner 609-953-7333, x111 • Tess Scaffidi 609-953-7333, x126 • Mari Lynne Snyder Registrations 609-953-7333, x115
Senior Pastor Marty Berglund Executive Pastor Brian Snyder Executive Pastor of Ministries Don Hay 199 Church Rd. Medford, NJ 08055 Tel: 609-953-7333
Worship Services: Saturday, 6:00 p.m. Sunday, 9:00 &11:00 a.m.
Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs., 8:00 to 5:00 Web site: E-mail:
Donna Beridon 609-953-7333, x103 Ed Jurimas Facilities Operations Manager 609-953-7333, x127 • Rob Eiler • Richie Jacobs • Ryan O'Rourke • Chris Rymarz
Pam Metz-DePasquale 609-953-7333, x100
Deb Jurimas 609-953-7333, x119
Scott Urwiler Maintenance and IT Supervisor 609-953-7333, x113
Elders: Rev. Marty Berglund, Bill Adams, Doug Bazigian, Jack Hibbard, Ryan King, Chuck Pederson, Bryan Russell FAC Camp 110 Sycamore Ave. Marlton, NJ 08053 Daughter Churches: Loving Grace Alliance Church Pastor Jim Hoffecker 856-796-3495 Grace Alliance Chapel Pastor Paul Zazzo 609-387-4001
Wedding & Funeral Coordinator Robin Leeds 609-953-7333, x402
April 2014 | Connection 23
Our Vision We want people to hear God's call and follow it.
Our Mission We want to help people connect to God, to His people, and to His work.
Our Core Values Lost people matter to God. He wants them found. ~Luke 19:10 Prayer is the primary work of the people of God. ~Philippians 4:6,7 Everything we have belongs to God. We are only stewards. ~1 Chronicles 29:14 Knowing and obeying God's Word is fundamental to all true success. ~Joshua 1:8 Without the empowering of the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish nothing. ~1 Corinthians 2:4,5
1 9 9 C h u rc h Roa d Medford, NJ 08055 | 609.953.7333 | www.myfa c .or g