Connection | Fellowship Alliance Chapel

Page 1

You Can Share

Pastor Marty Berglund Page 4

Treasure qWest Page 12

C A F p Cam


Page 8

God@Work Page 26



7 28




Held after each worship service in Room A-08 next to the Sanctuary, Guest Receptions are for visitors and anyone else who would like to learn more about FAC and how to get connected.

Begins Sun., July 26, following the 11:00 service | Room A-09

No registration is necessary, Just join us!

If you are new to FAC, have questions about our beliefs and values or would like to get more connected, Next Steps is a series of three informal meetings in a small group, conversational setting that can help you understand who we are and how to get more involved. Join us on Sun., July 26, for the first meeting in the series. Lunch will be provided. Please register at Contact Pastor Glenn Kantner for more information,


5 Marriage Conference 2015

18 Good $ense Financial Ministry

25 Missions Trip to Ukraine

7 Summer Barbecue

JOY Retirement-aged Adults

28 You Can Help!

Host a Plug-in group

19 Women@FAC

29 Facts & Figures

14 Middle School Ministry Grades 5-8

22 Men@FAC

30 Directory

16 High School Ministry Grades 9-12

23 Missions Trip to South Africa

Saturday: 6:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Nursery and Kids’ Bible Study (KBS) are provided during every service for babies through fourth graders. Ask a greeter for directions to classes. The Friendship Class for teens and adults with special needs meets during the 9:00 a.m. service in Room B-10. Interpretation for the hearing impaired is available during the 11:00 a.m. worship service.




Congratula tions to ou r 17

FEATURES 4 “You Can Share” Pastor Marty Berglund 6 “Encouragement for the Journey” Laurie Berglund 8 Ministry Profile: Camp FAC 12 Treasure qWest for Children 26 God@Work In the Life of Shelley Summerville



Fellowship Alliance Chapel | Connection

YOU CAN SHARE Dear Church Family, I was just looking at the news on my iPad. Topics were Presidential candidates, an election in Turkey, and a police officer who was rough with a person he arrested. More Christians were slaughtered in the Middle East. Isis terrorists threats made the news, too, but the big story was of convicted murderers who escaped from a jail in New York. I am writing this letter in the morning after my time of studying my Bible and prayer and after doing some exercises. I took a walk with Laurie, and we stopped to talk to a neighbor. I’m hoping that sometime I will be able to share Christ with Him. You see, throughout the years of living in our neighborhood, I’ve been able to see more than 20 people come to Christ, but I haven’t seen anyone from my neighborhood trust Christ for several years now. Even though I brought one neighbor to Alpha, he still didn’t turn to the Lord. So even though things are going quite well for me, I feel sad. Watching the news, makes me aware of the pain so many in our world are suffering. I also see the moral decline of our country, and I am quite certain no politician can change it. More than ever, what we need is for the Christians in America to share their faith with those who still don’t know of our Savior. The despair and hopelessness around us is actually a great opportunity to tell others of God’s love and plan for this world and of the hope for those who turn to Christ. So I wrote this little note to you today to plead with you to tell someone about Jesus. The need is desperate for them and for our culture. The only hope I see left for our culture is through revival. It’s happened in the past in the Great Reformation and in the first and second Great Awakenings, as well as through many smaller revivals where mass numbers of people turned to Christ, but it only happens when God’s people tell others of His life-changing power and offer it to them. This is how you and I are to change the world. Have you ever led another person to Jesus? The joy of doing it is unbelievably great. Take a chance and simply tell someone about how you became a Christian. Go ahead and trust God for the results. Share Christ ― that’s what Christians are supposed to do. It’s actually quite easy. I began sharing Christ with others only weeks after becoming a Christian.

Love never fails, Make friends with Pastor Marty Berglund

Pastor Marty Berglund Senior Pastor


Newsletter | July 2015




july 8, 15, 22, 29 | 7:00 to 9:30 |fac sanctuary Whether your marriage is on the rocks or doing just fine, you won’t want to miss this annual event. Using Andy Stanley’s “iMarriage” series, we will gain a fresh perspective on how to transform our marriage expectations. We will also be presenting panel discussions, hosting local marriage professionals, and providing other fun, yet informative and helpful tools and resources. Time is 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Cost is $60.00 per couple, with babysitting also available at an additional, nominal cost. Space is limited so register early, If you have any questions, call 609-953-7333, x124, or send an e-mail to Julie Durdin,


Fellowship Alliance Chapel | Connection

Encouragement for the

“ really connect to God, we all need a piece of a story, something real and full of life and blood and breath and heartache...”


My daughter texted me some pages the other day out of a book she was reading, Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist, because she knew the words would be music to my ears. I am a story girl. I love to read stories, listen to stories, tell stories, and help other people tell their stories. So she knew this author’s ideas would pique my interest. As I read, I felt like the author had put to words so much of what I feel and why I love doing God@Work stories with and for my FAC family. Following are some of her words combined with my thoughts. The author says that in order to really connect to God, we all need a piece of a story, something real and full of life and blood and breath and heartache, something way more than an idea, something that someone has lived through, a piece of wisdom earned the hard way. That’s why the Bible is full of stories. And that’s why telling our stories is so important. When we, any of us who have been transformed by Christ, tell our own stories, we’re telling the story of who God is. We’re telling how His character has impacted our lives. Your life is a story about who God is and what He does in a human heart. And we all need to hear that.


The big story about God is actually being told through our little stories, and by sharing our lives, not just our sermons, we’re telling God’s story in as reverent and divine ways as it has ever been told. Preaching is important, for sure! But it can’t be the only way we allow God’s story to be told in our midst. Pastors can preach and leaders can lead, but there is one thing they can never do. They cannot tell your story. Only you can tell your story. There’s nothing small or inconsequential about our stories. There is, in fact, nothing bigger. And when we tell the truth about our lives – the broken parts, the secret parts, the beautiful parts – then the Gospel comes to life, an actual story about redemption, instead of abstraction and theory and ideas. If you have been transformed by the grace of God, then you have within you all you need to tell your own story. It’s important. Your story must be told because it’s a part of the big story of your Father, and there’s no bigger story than that. If you sense God nudging you to do some story-telling, I’d love to hear about it! Contact me at

Newsletter | July 2015



Backyard BBQ why should i do this? Jesus says in John 20:21, “As the Father has sent me, I also send you.” This call is to every follower of Christ. He sends us into our world and neighborhoods to share the love and truth of Christ. It all starts with building relationships.

who should do this? Anyone with the ability to host a party. If you cannot host it, invite some friends or your small group to join you and host it at their place!

when should i do this? Any time during July or August. Put it on your calendar and start inviting people! You can invite them by word-of-mouth or even use an E-vite! (

do i need to inform the church that i’m doing this? We would love to encourage you and hear from you about how your BBQ goes. Feel

free to sign up in the Welcome Center at the BBQ display this month or early August to let us know you’re hosting a BBQ. We will be giving away some prizes to people who host a BBQ!

do i need to talk to people about jesus at the bbq? The point of these BBQ’s is to build relationships with people and to love them like Jesus does. Pray that God would open the door for you to share the story of what Jesus has done in your life. Whether that happens at the BBQ or years later is up to the Spirit of God at work in you and in your neighbors. Don’t overthink it!

need more suggestions or encouragement on how to host a bbq or share your story? Stop at the BBQ display in the Welcome Center, and a member of the Outreach Team would love to help you.

INFORMATIONAL MEETING july 19, 9:00 a.m. in the red barn Interested in hosting a small group for 12 weeks? If you sense God’s call to help others in their walk with Jesus in a relational environment, hosting a Plug-in small group may be for you!


1 Fellowship Alliance Chapel | Connection


C A F p Cam In February 2011, it was announced to our congregation that a camp was donated to FAC. Since then, a tremendous amount of progress has been made to restore the facility and use it to bring people closer to God and others. continued on page 10


Newsletter | July 2015


Fellowship Alliance Chapel | Newsletter


ost of the facility had fallen into a state of disrepair and needed extensive refurbishment to be usable again,” said Pastor Erik Jarvis. “Over 20 truckloads of white sand were brought in to restore the beaches, and many overgrown areas of trees and brush were cleared to make room for parking and picnic areas. Almost every building has undergone some type of rebuilding, including new roofing materials, walls, paint, and other structural pieces.” Pastor Erik’s role at Camp FAC involves planning for the future of the camp and working closely with the Evesham Township building inspector, fire marshal, and county health Inspector to keep the facility up to code and safe for guests. “Through community days, baptisms, Sunday services, and guest rentals at

The list can go on and on with so many others who are truly the backbone of the ministry.” Jerry Braatz is one of our members who first served at the camp three years ago as a lifeguard. During one of the last lifeguard shifts of the season, Jerry and Pastor Erik began to discuss how the camp could increase effectiveness and how to add to the operational efficiency. Later, Pastor Erik and Pastor Brian Snyder asked Jerry to pray and consider taking the lead in implementing some of the ideas. Jerry accepted the job and gained a new role with responsibilities in the scheduling and overseeing of all the events at the camp. “Last year we had 140 different events held at Camp FAC,” Jerry explained. “Some of those events were days that we opened to the community. We held 12 church

Pastor Brian Snyder is also thankful the camp is being used to share the Gospel. Brian said, “The camp started Sunday services in 2014 with a hope to see people from the community, who may not come to a church, try it out and meet Jesus. Last year, God provided 12 rain-free Sundays for services at Camp FAC. During one of those services, we had the privilege of seeing a young man who was trapped by alcohol give his life to Christ and go on to get sober and become productive. We also had fathers participate in baptizing their sons. The stories go on and on about what God did. I can’t wait to see what He does this year at the camp.” Rich Kotecki currently coordinates the Camp FAC summer worship services. This includes working with many volunteers to coordinate baptisms, children’s Bible time, music, offerings, parking, preaching,

“Through community days, baptisms, Sunday services, and guest rentals at the camp, many people are exposed to God’s love.” the camp, many people are exposed to God’s love,” Erik shared. “God’s love is demonstrated through our volunteers and members who interact with the various groups as they enjoy the facility.” In fact, numerous members of FAC have been involved in the development of the ministry through the years. Pastor Erik Jarvis remembers some very critical contributions. “Julie Durdin stepped in and led the camp over the course of two summers and greatly expanded the volunteer base, guest services, and exposure in the community,” said Erik. “Then Ed Londres and Bob Lee were instrumental in the land assessment and determining the actual landmarks and survey points. In addition, Christina Dutcher has been taking care of the plants, flowers, and grounds every year. Rich Jacobs, Dave Ashmen, and Jonathan Kirby have been behind the completion of many facility projects. Joy Jarvis and Corey Fisher also have been the all-star head lifeguards contributing more than 1000 hours on the lifeguard stands and coordinating the guard schedule.


services, and we had 46 events in which we rented our facility to other churches for baptisms/picnics. The camp was also used by almost every FAC ministry group, and last summer we had more than 500 people attend FAC’s Baptism and Church Picnic.” Jerry added, “This year FAC’s Baptism and Church Picnic will be held on July 19 at 2:00 p.m. We also have FAC Friends and Family Days on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., which allows our church family to get together and also introduce our family and friends to FAC. On Fridays we are open to the community from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Everyone is welcome.” Volunteers from the congregation act as hosts on Thursdays and Fridays. “The hosts give information about our church and are willing to answer any questions that people might have about who we are and why we do what we do,” said Jerry. “The camp is a very laid-back, non-threatening environment which is perfect for someone who might not be willing to step foot into a church building.”

refreshments, and sound set up. Rich is also involved in planning future Camp FAC ministries and preparing the groundwork for the many exciting things God will be doing. Rich shared, “I first became involved at Camp FAC with clearing brush and parking cars at large events. I became more involved last summer when Brian invited me to preach at the Camp FAC summer worship services. I had been praying for expanded teaching and preaching opportunities and readily accepted Brian’s invitation.” Rich loves how the camp uses several approaches to bringing people closer to God. He believes the community days expose people who may not know God or attend church regularly to experience His goodness and love in a non-threatening, Christian environment. Then he thinks the FAC Friends and Family Days provide church family members with a refreshing time of fellowship, peace, and shelter away from the hectic pace of everyday life. Rich added, “The Sunday worship services

Connection | July 2015

at the camp bring people closer to God through the hearing of His Word in a spectacular outdoor setting that leaves a lasting spiritual impact. Camp FAC also brings people together through the stunning visual impact of its outdoor setting and the caring ministry of its many volunteers. Together, they loudly proclaim a gracious God who loves us and provides for our every need.” Warren Hopely would agree with Rich. Warren has been involved in Camp FAC since 2011 and enjoys helping with any maintenance or constructions needs. Warren and his wife Kathryn have also been serving in FAC’s children’s ministry since 2000. “Camp FAC is a beautiful and Godly place for boys and girls to hang out,” he said. “There are so many things for kids to do at the camp, such as volleyball, tetherball, horseshoes, canoeing, and swimming. That’s what motivates me to serve in any way I can at the camp.” Each year Warren enjoys improving the camp and making it look nicer and fresher. He added, “I’ve helped with renovations with the buildings, cleaning up debris, and adding new beach sand. I enjoy seeing the progress and how God uses the camp. My sister-in-law’s husband got baptized in the lake, and it’s amazing that there were 140 bookings for events at the camp last summer!” Pastor Erik Jarvis, Pastor Brian Snyder, Jerry Braatz, Rich Kotecki, and Warren Hopely would all greatly appreciate prayer for the ministries at Camp FAC. Please pray for the guests to be able to see Christ in the ministry team and camp atmosphere. In addition, pray for the future planning of the camp and a safe summer season. • ___________________________________ For questions or more information about Camp FAC, contact Jerry Braatz,, or 609-714-4035. If you'd like to donate your time, equipment, or finances to Camp FAC, contact Pastor Brian Snyder,, or Pastor Erik Jarvis,



Fellowship Alliance Chapel | Connection

TREASURE qWEST Yee-haw! The children’s ministry is taking over the Sanctuary with Treasure qWest, a Wild West adventure. The fun is fixin’ to start at 6:30 p.m. so round up yer little dogies and head on over to church before sunset! The Children’s Ministry staff is working hard with a set-design team to turn the Sanctuary into an old western town. Along with the furnishings of the Wild West, there will be a hoedown band, entertainers, ranch hands, sheriffs, and townspeople. Preschool Director Jane Beebe is excited to develop the Wild West theme: “It brings a real sense of adventure and unpredictability to the program. With villains and deputies running around, just about anything could happen!” Along with planning and building the town, the ministry is developing a unique curriculum to meet the needs of the children from this area. At Treasure qWest, kids will learn more about the Bible and how to use it. They may even dodge tumbleweeds or


hog-tie a varmint along the way. This will be a very active and fun-filled event! Jane explains, “With the adventure, we’ll have the opportunity for children to focus on learning the books of the Bible and key Scripture verses through Bible lessons, songs, and projects in a way that will be exciting and engaging. We also wanted to create a suspense-filled adventure where children could participate in a live production and engage in the adventure all while learning foundational truths about the Bible.”

lots of volunteers are needed for treasure qwest “Wanted” posters have been dispersed throughout the building. No, they’re not hunting down Billy the Kid or Doc Holliday, but you! The team is in need of volunteers. Help is always appreciated with the design and various features that will go into production. “While there is a great planning team in place that is very enthusiastic about putting together something really special with this program, there’s always room for more!” Jane encourages church family and friends to volunteer, “Whether you can be a greeter

Newsletter | July 2015

A WILD WEST ADVENTURE FOR CHILDREN! AUG. 11, 12, 13; 6:30 TO 8:45 P.M. at the door or an actor or actress in the production or a much-needed helper, we’d love for you to join the crew!” It is our hope to provide as many opportunities as possible for people to get involved. Treasure qWest is the first-ever mid-week evening program for Children’s Ministry. One of the goals is to enable families to help and participate around hectic summer schedules. “What a great way to support your church family and the next generation!” The Children’s Ministry staff is excited to see the church family “step in and become the sheriff, the many deputies, ranch hands, townspeople, western hoedown band, puppeteers or just actively involved in challenging children to learn to love the Real Treasure.” But more than anything, “it will be exciting to see how God uses this in the lives of the children and families.”

more information • Designed for children ages four through entering Grade 4. • Register as soon as possible at registerchildren. • Cost is $10 per child with a maximum of $20 per family. • The ministry is hoping to provide cowboy hats, but children are encouraged to “rustle up some western wear!” Grab an ice-cold sarsaparilla and saddle-up for Treasure qWest! Whoopie-ti-yi-yo! It’s going to be fun!

to volunteer To volunteer, contact Jane Beebe, or 609-953-7333, x101. In addition to opportunities already mentioned, we need help overseeing crafts, making costumes, guiding groups of children, organizing games, assisting with administrative tasks, and leading snack time at the “Watering Hole”! •




Calendar BIG Important Dates for This Summer!

July 5, 12, & 26 Summer youth group at FAC Sundays, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. - Level 5 will meet in the Chapel. - Planet 678 will meet in the Sanctuary. No registration, no cost! Just show up!

July 27 to 30 Level 5 Epic Summer Camp For Grade 5 Cost: $45.00

Aug. 9 to 12 Summer Escape Retreat For Grades 6-8 $235 (early registration through July 12)


MIDDLE SCHOOL MINISTRY It is our genuine desire to make our programs and events a place where students will know that they are loved by Christ and accepted for who they are. This summer, we have a lot of things planned to help middle school students connect to God, His people, and His work! If God has placed compassion and love for youth ministry on your heart, we would love to plug you in to our Middle School Ministries! God is working in the lives of our students in this extremely crucial and pivotal time of their lives. Please consider and pray about being a part of changing students’ lives. Contact us for more details! Pastor Eddie Jurimas and Russ Batten |



FOR GRADES 6, 7, 8



For Grade 5 | July 27 to 30 Cost: $45.00 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. This summer camp will be located at Camp FAC and will feature games, activities, challenges, great food, and Biblical learning. If you are going into fifth grade, you will not want to miss this week that is packed full of adventure! Contact Russ Batten for more details,


RETREAT For Grades 6-8 | Aug. 9-12

$235 (early registration through July 12)

For our annual summer retreat, we will be going to Black Rock Retreat Center in Quarryville, PA, for three nights and four days where we will build lasting relationships with one another. We will stay up late playing crazy games, and we will be challenged in our spiritual walk. This is a great, not-to-bemissed opportunity! As of July 13, cost will go up to $250. Note: For your planning purposes, our next retreat will be in April of 2016. We will not be having our Black Ice Winter Retreat this year. Contact Eddie Jurimas for more details, Register for all of these events at





Pictures from this year's Freshmen Welcome!



Social Media

Calendar Upcoming Events

Don't forget to follow us on social media for more updates! Instagram & Twitter: @FACyouthimpact

Monday Nights, Insight To register online for events requiring registration, go to


Congratula tions to ou r

7:00 to 9:00 p.m. Sanctuary at FAC Register online.

Tuesday Night Bible Study 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. At the Mendillos’ House (8 Georgia Trail, Medford) Register online.

Wed., July 8 Paintball | 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Register online.

Wed., July 15 Service Projects (to be determined) Register online.

Wed., July 22 Beach Day | Ocean City, NJ 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Register online.

Wed., July 29 Kyler Bradley College Graduate

Parents: Mike and Dewyne Bradley School: High Point University, NC Degree: BSBA in Business and Human Resources

Pool Party At the Leeds’ House (6 Buttonwood Court, Lumberton)



Fellowship Alliance Chapel | Connection

because every financial decision is a spiritual decision

“Should I tithe or pay off my debt?” “How can my spouse and I stop arguing about our money?” “If I have wealth, am I a bad Christian?” Is God calling you to serve as a Good $ense counselor? Contact Chuck,

Ever find yourself asking questions like these? FAC’s Good $ense ministry can help you find answers. Trained counselors can help you learn God’s principles about money, apply them to your own financial life, and experience the peace and freedom that He promises. To set up one-time or ongoing counseling, contact Chuck Riley,

JOY for retirement-aged adults Many of you have seen the movie, Unbroken. Join us on Aug. 27 when we will be telling the rest of the story in the movie, Captured by Grace, in which Louis Zamperini tells his story in his own words. For more information about JOY, contact Pastor Glenn Kantner, 609-953-7333, x106.

join us for two special summer events


JOY celebrated the 90th birthday of Daisy Ellis! What a great day it was for a great lady!

dessert social and game day

ice cream social and movie day

July 23, 1:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary As we did last year, the youth of FAC will be participating in this special day. (Lunch will not be served.)

Aug. 27, 1:00 p.m., in the Sanctuary Ice cream social and movie day (Lunch will not be served.)


Newsletter | July 2015

CAMP FAC special days for mom’s time out and fresh hope The north side of the camp has been reserved for two Thursdays for the women of Mom’s Time Out (MTO) and Fresh Hope and their families and friends: • July 30: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for MTO; 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for Fresh Hope

Camp FAC is has a great beach, surrounded by lovely trees. There are clean bathrooms, picnic tables, and play areas. We hope to see you at Camp FAC this summer! If you have questions, call Debbie Schneck, 609-953-7333, x125, or

• Aug. 27: 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for MTO; 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. for Fresh Hope

FRESH HOPE FOOD PANTRY & CLOTHES CLOSET summer dates The Fresh Hope team and the Benevolence Center are working together and are happy to announce that the doors of the Food Pantry and the Clothes Closet will be open to all Fresh Hope moms on Sun., July 19, and Sun., Aug. 16, from 10:15 a.m. to 12:45 p.m.

MOM’S TIME OUT registration for fall The Mom’s Time Out leaders are planning another great semester of programs to encourage moms in their very important role as mothers. All women with children, babies through eighth graders, are invited to attend. The dates for the fall semester are Sept. 17; Oct. 1, 15, and 29; Nov. 12 and 19, and Dec. 3. Time is 9:15 to 11:15 a.m. The cost to attend is $55, and childcare is provided through our Children’s Ministry, Kid’s Time In. To register, go to Registration deadline is Tues., Sept. 8. If you have questions, contact Debbie Schneck, 609-953-7333, x125.

DEEPENING GROUPS A Deepening Group offers an accepting, long-term, safe community that allows its members the freedom for open and honest sharing. If you have been led to seek a group that will encourage and challenge you to become the person God created you to be and if you desire to support and serve others to help them become all that God intended them to be and if you are driven to pursue your place and purpose in the Kingdom of God, a Deepening Group is designed to offer all of that and more.

To maximize this experience, your commitment to meeting on an ongoing, regular basis is necessary. To start the process of joining a Deepening Group, go to and complete the Deepening Group Participant Interest Form. Once your form is submitted, you will be contacted by a group facilitator and matched with a group. Deepening Groups are formed as facilitators become available, which may take up to three months. If you have questions, contact Carol Batten,



Fellowship Alliance Chapel | Connection

HEART TO HEART BIBLE STUDIES TUESDAY MORNINGS AND EVENINGS BEGINNING SEPT. 22 9:15 TO 11:15 A.M. AND 7:00 TO 9:00 P.M. EARLY-BIRD REGISTRATION DEADLINE: TUES., SEPT. 1 Each Heart to Heart class is designed to help women grow closer to Christ while being equipped and empowered to serve in His Kingdom. All of the studies include teaching, interaction, and small group discussions. Service opportunities are also available throughout the semester. True Treasures, a Children’s Ministry program, is available for children, newborns through kindergartners, during the morning classes, and childcare is available during the evening classes for children infants through fifth graders. Childcare cost: morning classes, no cost; evening classes, no cost for infants through kindergartners, $30 per child in Grades 1-5 or $50 per family. Contact Debbie Schneck, 609-953-7333, x125 to request a scholarship. To register, go to Please note: Class fees are for early-bird registration. After Sept. 1, fees increase by $10.

ADVENTURE THROUGH THE BIBLE daniel, lives of integrity; words of prophecy, by beth moore AM and PM

Homework: 5 days a week, 45 minutes per Just as the prophet Daniel faced unbelievable pressure to day compromise his faith in a hostile nation and was constantly confronted by temptations and threats, today's believers Cost: $30 face similar trials. This study deals not only with Daniel's life as he faced the kind of pressures and temptations Christians encounter today, but also explores thrilling prophecies from the time of Daniel to the second coming of Christ. Following Daniel's example, we will learn how to develop enduring integrity in an enticing world. Daniel will meet for five additional weeks after the New Year, Jan. 5 through Jan. 26.

the book of hebrews Homework: 5 days a week, 20 to 30 minutes per day Cost: $25


AM only Do you want to know Jesus more and better understand who He is and the work He has done? Does your faith need a boost? Join us for this 10week, teacher-led class as we study the book of Hebrews and learn from God and each other.

Newsletter | July 2015

HOPE AND HEALING freefall to fly, by rebekah lyons PM only When your burdens and gifts collide, you discover what God uniquely created you to do. Take a leap of faith and surrender to Him and His plans. Sometimes it takes a freefall to discover that we can fly into a breathtaking journey toward a life of meaning. This is an 8-week study. Homework: 5 days a week, 15 minutes per day Cost: $25

TODAY'S CHRISTIAN WOMAN stronger, by angela thomas PM only Stronger is an 8-week, DVD study that will help you realize you do not have to live in weakness. God is stronger than anything you will ever face, including your struggles, bad news, attitudes, and your overwhelming life. This study is packed with Scripture to equip us to be the strong women God intended us to be. Homework: 5 days a week, 20 minutes per day Cost: $25

breathe: making room for sabbath, by priscilla shirer Homework: Journaling, 5 days per week, 15 minutes per day Cost: $25

AM and PM Breathe: Making Room for Sabbath is a 6-week, DVD study. Taking time to stop and cease from all the activities and busyness probably seems impossible. If you are weary, worn out, and exhausted, this study and the concept of Sabbath will change you.

faithfully fit – a health & wellness ministry Cost is $25, which includes book and all class materials. Please note: Class costs given below are for “early birds” who register in July and August. In September, costs for each class will increase by $10.

AM and PM Good health doesn’t start with healthy eating and regular exercise. The balanced life so many people long for, which includes good nutrition and physical fitness, begins with a change of heart and a transformed mind through learning how God desires for us to care for our bodies. Using the book Motivated to Wellness, this 12-week class will help you discover hope and motivation that will sustain you through a lifetime of fitness and good health. Please note: This is not an exercise class. However, some members do meet before or after class to walk and share together. Registration is open continuously as we want this class available to you as you need it.



Fellowship Alliance Chapel | Connection

SAVE THE DATE Men’s Pig Roast Sunday, Oct. 18, at Camp FAC, 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Start spreading the word about this super-charged event for men

RESCUED In the right groups, you’ll hear a couple letters and a number tossed about as a rite of passage. “He was in TP2” or “I was in TP12” or “TP1’s retreat was in canvas bunkhouses at Camp Ockinickon.” (I was actually there for that one, as were a couple of our current elders. Good times, good times!) These guys earned the monikers and the privilege to stand before their peers at the men’s conference. They learned a few other things as well: how to be a part of a community for three years; how to study the Bible and apply it to daily life; how to fight for a brother’s family. Hundreds of men are in-process or have worked their way through the Catalyst Men’s Groups and into the Timothy Project at FAC. It is a powerful endeavor. One Saturday in May, Timothy Project Generation 15 (TP15) spent a day at the Atlantic City Rescue Mission serving people who are often seen as just another piece of trash on the streets. The Timothy Project men didn’t see it that way as they served food, bussed tables, and roamed from man to man asking them how they could be prayed for and then placing a hand on their shoulder and praying for them. As I listened to the men of TP15 last night telling stories about the men, I began to wonder who was being rescued at the mission. Was it the people on the street getting a


free meal or was it the men of FAC learning about the compassion of Jesus? And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up. And as was his custom, he went to the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and he stood up to read. And the scroll of the prophet Isaiah was given to him. He unrolled the scroll and found the place where it was written, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor.” And he rolled up the scroll and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all in the synagogue were fixed on him. And he began to say to them, “Today this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing.” (Luke 4:16-21 ESV) Bonds were clearly broken on Saturday. And men who were set free had no idea they had been captured. Serving does that to us.

Yours in the fight to build men who build men, Pastor Erik Rebstock Men's Pastor

Newsletter | July 2015


(Left to right) Noelle Roberts, Macey Roberts, Madison Morgan, Char Renne, Beth Hackett, Gail Morgan, Christian Morgan, Suzzanne Kim Chung , Michaela Lembeck, Phil Morgan, Joy Jarvis, Alison Funk, Chris Kershaw, Cassie Jarvis, Tammy Walter, Jim Walter


July 10, FASA’s fourth team will be heading to South Africa! With 17 team members, it’s FASA’s largest team yet! This team will be leading a week-long day camp program for the children of Lephalale.

here’s what the team members have to say about the trip. What is it about the FASA Day Camp missions adventure that appeals to you? Michaela: I absolutely love children. My heart breaks when I think of children not knowing how loved they are by the Father, not knowing that there is Someone to hope in. I cannot wait to love on these children! Tammy: This is a great ministry to vulnerable children who need to know they are valued and that Jesus loves them. Some of these children have no parents and barely have anyone to care for them, let alone

nurture them and share the hope they can have in a loving God. We are going to fill that void! Char: The kids, the kids, and the kids! Did I say the kids? I am so thrilled to be able to go and love on all these amazing children and share Jesus with them. Just to see their smiling faces and to hug them ― that’s all I needed to know! Chris: What appeals to me is being a witness to God’s work. I always pray about how I can have some type of positive impact on the world, and I strongly feel like God put this trip in front of me to do just that through His strength and courage. Suzzanne: I absolutely loved being with the children on my last trip. It was life-changing to see the precious faces of these children who hug you like you are their best buddy! It was as if time stopped as I was witnessing hundreds of children being captivated by the Gospel. continued on page 24


Fellowship Alliance Chapel | Connection

Montana: “Whoever receives one such child in my name receives me, and whoever receives me, receives not me but him who sent me.” (Mark 9:37) There

preschooler's the verse "Go and make disciples of all nations." Matthew 28:19. We always encourage them not to keep the "good news" to themselves, but to go

pray God would use me to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ already in South Africa.

I pray the Lord would use me to bring hope and light where there may be despair is nothing more rewarding than having the opportunity to introduce children to Jesus. Watching them develop a faith of their own challenges us as adults to be more childlike in our own faith, trusting that God is who He says He is and He will not fail us! What are you hoping to see God do while you're in South Africa? Joy: I am hoping to see God change lives. I am hoping and praying that the children realize and believe that they are truly loved and valued by an incredible God who has an amazing plan for their lives. Beth: Show His radical love and purpose to those we meet and serve, and create relationships with brothers and sisters in SA that thrive in spite of the distance between us when we return home. Montana: This July group could not have been more perfectly chosen by the Lord so I am so excited to see what He does through us! Madison: That He will help me grow closer to Him through the kids. Suzzanne: I am hoping to see the hope of Jesus Christ bring comfort, joy, peace, and healing to a child's life. What are you super excited about? Gail: I have served in Children's Ministry for many years, and I am super excited to take the things I have learned and use them to serve and minister to the children in South Africa for His glory. Recently we taught the Kids’ Bible School


and tell others. I believe God is telling me, "Gail, just don't speak it to them, now do it and show them by your example.” I am excited to have this opportunity to love on these children and also serve with my family and our great team! I know I will learn a lot about God and myself from these children through this whole process! Cassie: Hugging and being with the kids! I want to work with the kids and tell them about Jesus. Noelle: I’m looking forward to being stretched and challenged and seeing God at work within the entire team. Madison: Hanging out with the kids and just being there! Christian: I am excited to go to a new country and learn about their culture. I am also excited to help them and talk to them about God. In what way do you hope God will use you? Joy: I hope that God will use me to make kids feel loved and important ― because they are ― and to draw them closer to Him. Beth: To show that I am weak, but God is strong. To show the joy I have because of my relationship with Jesus. Phil: I pray the Lord would use me to bring hope and light where there may be despair and to let the lost know that they have a heavenly Father who loves them and will never forsake them. I also

Chris: I hope God uses me to reach others. I am not looking for any personal satisfaction during this trip; I am just hoping that I can boldly use the gifts God has given me to have some type of positive impact in Lephalale. How do you know you're supposed to go on this trip? Michaela: I originally was going on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic; however, some things came up, and I just didn't feel like I could go. I felt far from God. But in the next few weeks, God began calling me closer to Himself. In church one weekend, my dad pointed out that FAC was sending five teams to Africa this year. I have always wanted to serve the Lord in Africa so I decided I would go to Africa next year because I thought I had to be 18, and I am only 17. But people started reaching out to me and encouraging me to learn more about the trip. I found out that I could go to Africa now so I applied. I talked to Joy Jarvis and she said the team was almost full, but I hoped and prayed that it would be God’s will for me to go. And it was because here I am now, going to Africa! Cassie: Because I had the opportunity! I didn’t think I was going to get to go again! Phil: In 2013, I went on my first ever missions trip to Africa with FAC. We were several weeks out from leaving when the trip was cancelled. I was really upset. God had different plans for us. He sent us to Iraq ― not exactly where I wanted to go, but it was what God wanted, and it was a blessing, and I feel God may call

Newsletter | July 2015

me back there someday. However, the original desire that God gave me to go to Africa never left me. When my wife came home and asked how I felt about taking our entire family to South Africa, I had concerns about my family's safety and about the affordability of us all going. Through much prayer and family discussion, God removed the worries, and we are now going as a family to serve the Lord ― very exciting!

Entwistle told me, “I had a dream that you went to Africa to photograph the children!” I laughed. Little did I know a seed had been planted and started to take root last summer. I knew I wanted to go to South Africa and that God wanted me to go because I couldn’t shake it! When the opportunity opened up for my daughter, Macey, and I to attend this particular week, we knew it was confirmation for us to go.

Christian: I know I am supposed to go on this trip because I like talking to people about their experiences and helping them.

Macey: I knew I was supposed to go on this trip because after my dad went to Gabon a few years ago, he kept asking me “Would you want to go to Africa some day?” I responded, "Of course!" When my mom told me she was going to turn in an application, I wanted to go. I sat her down and I said, “I would do anything to go on this trip, and I think that I should turn in an application. If it is God’s will, then He will make it happen.” I turned in an application, thinking and praying about it each day, and when Joy told my mom that there was a spot on the team, I was overjoyed!

Char: I found a passport that has been lost for more than years. I asked (more like challenged) God that if He wanted me to go to SA He was going to have to find my passport! Well, guess what ― He did! Noelle: This is my first missions trip, and I’m extremely excited for it. My husband, Brian, went to Gabon several years ago for missions. I remember telling people then, “I’d never be able to do that! It’s too far out of my comfort zone!” Jessica

_________________________________ As you can see, this is a big team with some big hopes and expectations! Our God is even bigger, so please be praying that He meets and exceeds this teams desires for this trip! The team has asked that you pray for boldness, safety, joy, fearlessness, good health, stamina, flexibility, eternal impact, cultural awareness, filling of the Holy Spirit, prepared hearts, and transformed hearts and minds. It's Our First Missions Trip Ever! Michaela, Char, Chris, Noelle, Macey, Gail, Christian, Madison, Montana, Alison It's My First Missions Trip with FASA Phil We're Going Back! Jim, Tammy, Joy, Cassie, Suzzanne, Beth

friends of fasa meeting You are invited to join the team members on Sun., Aug. 2, at 12:30 p.m., in the Chapel, to hear all about their trip! •



“You have multiplied, O LORD my God, your wondrous deeds and your thoughts toward us; none can compare with you! I will proclaim and tell of them, yet they are more than can be told.” (Psalm 40:5) When thinking about this year’s Ukraine missions trip, I can’t help but think of Gideon as he was about to go against the Midianites. Gideon started with 32,000 men and God told him that there were too many. In Judges 7, we read that God begins narrowing down the number until Gideon was left with 300 men. With only 300 men, Gideon defeated the Midianites because of God’s power.

prayer requests • For God to receive all glory • That the Grapevine church and our team may be bold in sharing our faith • That hearts would be open and receptive to the Gospel • For safety in travel

I love reading Judges 7 because it reminds me how powerful God is and that the glory belongs to God. Each missions team assembled is no surprise to God. This year’s team is a reminder that it is not about the size of the team, but Who is behind the team. We ask that you pray boldly with us as we go to Ukraine. We will be gone from July 15 to 29, serving with Ben and Kristy Williams at an evangelistic English camp. This English Camp is with a church from L’viv, Grapevine Church. FAC started serving with Grapevine four years ago, and it has been an honor serving with these passionate individuals. • Pictured from left: Dan Margulis, Stephanie Brant, and Matt Reithmeier


Fellowship Alliance Chapel | Connection


Kevin, Shelley, Hayley, Ashley, Lauren

how did god speak into your life to draw you to himself?

significance became very real. Over the next few years, I sought God daily and began to purge things out of our life. In the past, we thought these “things” brought us happiness, but God showed us how they were a drain on our time. He continued to call me out of my comfort zone and teach me about unconditional faith to remove static out of my life and to listen to His voice. I truly surrendered to His call and trusted enough to leave all the security and success I’d built in NJ. While the path remains unclear in NC, I do have a very clear mind and open heart. The impact that my family will see in my faith by taking risks for God could change generations. I am pursuing a legacy and desire to be completely authentic with my faith, to point those around me to Christ, and to develop leaders.

Kevin: Several years ago, I followed God’s call and traveled to Gabon, Africa. It was there God changed my perspective. My path to pursuing success versus

Shelley: I have been a “follower” of Proverbs 31, a women’s ministry, for 15 years. They courageously share their struggles and how God meets them in

what was your relationship with god like before this story began to unfold? Over the past 11 years, we’ve had the opportunity to see prayers answered, to be part of numerous ministries, to travel to foreign countries on mission trips, to speak into many peoples’ lives and to have them speak into ours. God has drawn us closer to Him as a family, and our desire to serve Him and share Him with others has strengthened. As we prepare to follow God’s call to Charlotte, NC, we rest in truth that His voice has been clearer than ever in our lives.


Newsletter | July 2015

When Kevin sold times of trial via daily e-mail devotions, speaking events and writing books. I was given opportunities to collaborate with Proverbs 31 (P31), and when I visited them in NC, I instantly fell in love with Charlotte! When I told Kevin I wanted to move there, he replied “No way. Too far from the ocean.” It became evident that God was doing something in our family too. We sought God even more and began to purge. When Kevin sold our boat, I knew something was up! The more we sold, the more free we felt ― not burdened by worldly things. God was teaching us something. I recall sitting our girls down last July and telling them to listen carefully. I explained God was doing something big in our lives. I wanted them to remember that moment. One month later, Kevin and I were invited to visit the P31 office for a donor event. The weekend was a whirlwind, and our heads were spinning when it was time to head home. At the airport, God convicted both of our hearts: it was time to uproot our family. God was calling us to Charlotte. We didn’t know why but knew that if we trusted God, He would provide. Our planning began. I thought I’d need go back to work full time while Kevin worked to secure a job in NC. It would require us to sell everything and start a new life ― a future unknown to us but not to the Lord. We literally opened our hands and gave everything to the Lord. It was all His to begin with. Turns out His plan was better. God has blessed us beyond what we ever expected. Kevin’s exact position in NJ opened in Charlotte! He started that job on June 1. We found our dream home while it wasn’t even on the market and purchased it for $200k under asking price! Our home sold in one day for asking price. The owners allowed us to rent back from them. The company paid our realtor and moving fees. God brought four new women leaders to the Faithfully Fit ministry. My dream of a Health and Wellness ministry will continue at FAC. Best of all, our three girls are on board with the move! Our moment of confirmation arrived when our 14-yearold wrote us a precious letter informing us that our obedience to God hadn’t gone unnoticed. Having our children see faith in action is the best gift we could give them. We wanted to be obedient ― regardless of the cost. Like his promise in Ephesians 3:20-21, “Now to Him who is able to do

immeasurably more that all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!”

our boat, I knew

what has been the hardest aspect of following god’s call to charlotte?

The more we sold,

We will miss so many people terribly. FAC has been the closest thing to family we could ever have here. The connections we have with people, the history, the love and support ― we have been so blessed.

felt not burdened

what has encouraged you the most as the move approaches? The peace that we feel is overwhelming. God has continued to remove obstacles and confirm our decision through devotions, Scripture, and sermons. His faithfulness has amazed us as we watch Him literally lay out the path in front of us. We are all at peace knowing we are at the safest place in the world ― the center of God’s will.

have you found a new church? Not yet, but we’re in the Bible belt and have many options!

is there a way to stay in touch with you? We’d love that! Facebook: Shelley Delano Summerville. E-mail:; Blog:

do you have any parting words for your fac family? A huge thank you to FAC for the impact it has made on our family over the years. We’re eternally grateful for the welcome we received, the friendships we have made, and the Biblical teaching we have learned. Our ability to hear God’s call and to follow it is directly attributed to what

something was up! the more free we by worldly things. God was teaching us something. has been preached for so many years. We would appreciate prayers to be able to identify a new home church that is perfect for our family and to be able to quickly establish ourselves in a Christian community. We’d also appreciate prayers to be selective on what we commit ourselves to. We want to make sure we say yes to the right things. We still don’t know why God has called us to Charlotte, but pray that as He makes that clear to us, we will continue to be obedient and trust Him. We want our life to show a passion for the Lord and impact others. Our desire is to leave a legacy that shows our love for the Lord. Kevin repeatedly claims that he wants “to pursue significance over success.” This world will never buy us happiness. There is only one true way to complete and lasting joy and that is completely abandoning yourself to the Lord and His plans for your life. My life verse continues to prove true, Jeremiah 29:11, “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

Thank you all for the prayers and support over the years. If you’re ever in the Charlotte area, please let us know. We would love to have visitors!


Fellowship Alliance Chapel | Connection

< YOU CAN HELP! > BACKPACK DRIVE continuing through this month While it can seem simple, a backpack filled with supplies provides students with items they need to be prepared for their classes. For families in need, providing their children with a backpack and supplies can be difficult. Seeing this need in our communities and feeling passionate about God’s call to show His love to those in need, the FAC Service Projects team is holding a backpack drive this summer. Throughout the past few weeks, the team members have been contacting schools in our area to put together a list of supplies along with the number of children in their district who would benefit from a backpack filled with school supplies. There is a board in the Welcome Center with lists of supplies and backpacks that schools have requested. Stop by and pick up a list of supplies, a backpack, or both, and then purchase those items. Then drop the backpacks and supplies off any time at FAC in the wooden bin marked “Backpack Drive.” Members of the Service Projects team will deliver them to the schools where they will be picked up by the children. For the entire supply and backpack list go to If you have questions, contact Peggy Dennison,

• Peanut butter • Jelly

OUR FOOD PANTRY The Food Pantry serves those in our area who are experiencing difficult times. Your donations make a difference to them and serve as an opportunity to show that God loves them. It is easy to help! Just place non-perishable food and cleaning supplies in the Food Pantry boxes in the hallways leading to the Sanctuary. Here is a list of suggested items for donation.

• Cereal • Pasta • Spaghetti sauce • Canned fruit • Canned vegetables • Tuna • Canned chicken


• Instant mashed potatoes

providing transportation to fac

• Rice

There are people who would like to be a part of our church family, but they can’t because they don’t have transportation to and from the church.

• Stuffing

We can fix this, and we’re forming a team of people who are willing to provide rides to and from the church for one or two days a month. If you would like to join the team, please contact Jim Hogan to discuss what would work for you: 609-235-6550, or


• Soup • Bath and cleaning products • Any other non-perishable item

Newsletter | July 2015



General Fund

5.3 5.10 5.17 5.24 5.31 Total Year-to-Date

Missions Fund

5.3 5.10 5.17 5.24 5.31

Total Year-to-Date


$ $ $ $ $

64,706 64,706 64,706 64,706 64,706


$ $ $ $ $

58,937 63,567 60,003 42,397 71,758


$( $( $( $( $

5,769) 1,149) 4,703) 22,309) 7,052

$ 323,529 $ 1,418,552

$ 296,652 $ 1,348,633

$( 26,877) $( 69,919)

$ $ $ $ $

4,804 4,804 4,804 4,804 4,804

$ $ $ $ $

$ 588 $( 2) $( 397) $( 1,499) $ 318

$ $

24,020 105,317

5,392 4,802 4,407 3,305 5,122

$ 23,028 $ 105,419

$( $

992) 102

Benevolence Fund 5.3 5.10 5.17 5.24 5.31

$ $ $ $ $

2,484 4,305 3,161 2,375 2,691

Total Year-to-Date

$ $

15,016 70,155

Building Fund 5,3 5.10 5.17 5.24 5.31 Total Year-to-Date

$ $ $ $ $

24,758 22,091 16,722 10,026 24,171

$ $

97,768 474,494


For All Adults Alpha

Explore the meaning of life Dave and Judi Shoemaker 609-706-3294

Free & Fifty

Ages 50 and older Ed Brokhoff 609-261-3059

Guest Services

Doug Bazigian, x128


For retirement-aged adults Rev. Glenn Kantner, x106


Rev. Dave Krilov, x105

Next Steps

Explore FAC beliefs and values Rev. Glenn Kantner, x106

Ushers & Greeters Doug Bazigian, x128

Young Adults, 18-24 Kyle Bahm, x136

Fresh Hope

Elementary Ministry


Heart to Heart Bible Studies

High School Ministry


For single moms Marcy Hutchinson

Monika Tockstein 609-268-1238

Grades 9-12 Trip hotline, x410 Rev. Mike Williams, x108

Mom’s Time Out

Kingdom Kids

For moms of babies through eighth graders Michele Fleckenstein 609-654-2796

Walking in Grace Special events Lisa Russell 609-519-7057

For Men Band of Brothers

Men’s Breakfast Michael More’

Catalyst Men’s Groups Pastor Erik Rebstock, x116


For Women

Outdoor adventures Rodney Sager 856-924-4631

Women’s Ministry Leader

Velocity Men’s Groups

Carol Batten, x109

Women’s Assistant Debbie Schneck, x125

Deepening Groups Carol Batten, x109


Grades 1-4 Rev. Erik Jarvis, x118

Pastor Erik Rebstock, x116

Julie Durdin, x124

Middle School Ministry

Ensuring safety and security Chris Rose, x135


Preschool Ministry

Choir director 609-268-8656

Infants through kindergartners • Jane Beebe, x101 • Cathy Watson, x117


Special Needs Outreach & Witness Barbara Zieger 856-912-5814

Rob Preim

Musical director

Jerry Braatz, Sr.

CD & DVD Duplication Bill and Cathy Kamps 856-596-8408

Support Groups Pastoral Care

Other Ministries

Pastor Brent Brendle, x129

Camp FAC

Career Hub

Jerry Braatz 609-714-4035


Rev. Erik Jarvis, x118

Lay Counseling

Pat Vickery, x132

Risk Management Team

Pastor Nick Simpson, x110

Children & Youth

Youth Assistant

Ken Walker 856-719-0292

(Grades 5-8) Trip hotline, x678 • Pastor Eddie Jurimas, x104 • Russ Batten, x134 Level 5 Intern

Ed & Deb Jurimas, x127; x119;

Susan Gibbs 856-904-3214

Pastor Brent Brendle, x129

Career Counseling Appointments, x107

Christian Men’s Recovery Group

Pastor Brent Brendle, x129

Christian Women’s Recovery Group

Pastor Brent Brendle, x129

Helping Hand Grief Support

For those who have suffered loss Wanda and George Stein, x309

Living through Suicide

For those who have suffered loss through suicide Wanda and George Stein, x309

Marriage Coaches

Crew 318

Assistance and repairs Joe Pagano x318

Food Pantry

Darlene Taylor

Fresh Hope Auto Mark McGuigan


Donna Beridon, x103


Ed Jurimas, x127 Facilities operations manager • Ed Brokhoff • Rob Eiler • Richie Jacobs • Ryan O’Rourke • Chris Rymarz

For those who want to improve their marriages Pastor Brent Brendle, x129

Good $ense

Managing financial resources Chuck Riley

Funeral Coordinator

Path to Purity

Hope Garden


Frank Mandy

Deb Jurimas, x119

Intake Representatives


Tracy Cossabone

Scott Urwiler, x113 Maintenance and IT supervisor

Missions & Outreach

Wedding Coordinator

Men learning to live sexually pure lives 609-953-7333, x311

Pre-marriage Support Group

Pastor Brent Brendle, x129

Relationship Recovery

For newly separated/divorced Susan McGann

Serenity Support Group For loved ones of those with substance abuse issues Joyce Gilmore


Special Needs Outreach & Witness Leah Bronczyk, x304

Benevolence Ministry Help for those in need 609-975-9741

Care & Comfort

Meals/visitation Denise Richards, x310

Pastor Jim Entwistle, x131

Jocelyn Stainback, x402

Jocelyn Stainback, x402

Senior Pastor Marty Berglund Executive Pastor Brian Snyder Executive Pastor of Ministries Don Hay 199 Church Road Medford, NJ 08055 Tel: 609-953-7333 Worship Services Saturday, 6:00 p.m. Sunday, 9:00 &11:00 a.m. Office Hours Mon.-Thurs., 8:00 to 5:00 Website: E-mail:

Angel Tree

Dave and Judi Shoemaker 609-706-3294

Missions Trips

Pastor Jim Entwistle, x131

Service Projects

Tracy LaRosa

Support Team Chris Rose, x135

Office Manager

Administrative Assistants • Lauren Brown, x107 • Joanne Horner, x111 • Tess Scaffidi, x126 • Mari Lynne Snyder, x115

Elders: Rev. Marty Berglund, Bill Adams, Jody Adams, Jack Hibbard, Ryan King, Bryan Russell Camp FAC 110 Sycamore Avenue Marlton, NJ 08053 The Connection

Designer: Tess Scaffidi Editor: Lynn Guise Writers God@Work: Laurie Berglund, Sherri Bolognone, Donna Thomas Ministry Profiles: Danielle Street Volunteer Profiles: Danielle Reed Please submit family announcements and suggestions for volunteer profiles to


Our Vision We want people to hear God's call and follow it.

Our Mission We want to help people connect to God, to His people, and to His work.

Our Core Values Lost people matter to God. He wants them found. Prayer is the primary work of the people of God.

~Luke 19:10

~Philippians 4:6,7

Everything we have belongs to God. We are only stewards.

~1 Chronicles 29:14

Knowing and obeying God's Word is fundamental to all true success.

~Joshua 1:8

Without the empowering of the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish nothing.

~1 Corinthians 2:4,5

199 Church Road Medford, NJ 08055 | 609-953-7333 | w w

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