'13 Portfolio #01

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Design Portfolio - Since 2009 - 2013 - Non - meaningful


To take a balance between design and things around, there are no right or wrong yet have their own (standard/law/ peace). Designers are always in a dilemma between adjustment or reorganize; conflict or standardization; alive or dead ( safe or unsafe). They have a mighty job to find a balance between the chaos. Pursuing a way that does not go against oneself and the insistent in the rules of design itself. Connect all the thoughts into design by carefully observation and diversity of our thoughts. Presenting a design rules which created by ourselves without violating.

Y (0, 40 ,0)

catalog X ( 130,0,0)

-Visual Design - Love letter

- Bine

- Justice

- Rain stop

- Tanaka Sasaki

- Long Day & Exhibition

- Need

- Diemoon

- Tokyo traveling information

- Far from city

- SATY OR LEAVE &   Douliou Taiping Old Street

- Hippocampus

- Symphony NO.4 -

- Foolish generation - My best friend

Naughty boy

-Poster Design -

Surmount & The wide

- Black-Bull magazine



- Lost in lust

-Layout Design - X’mas Card

- Department of Joumalism

- The eternal legend

- The poem of missing summer

- Self-observation

- Business Card

- The summer magazine

-Case & Project Design

Z (0,0,130)


- Delicious

- Native John

- Shopping Ethology

- Angle Hair Salon

- Market For Artist

About me -

Tseng Kuo Chun 「你要做一些不喜歡的事情去支持你喜歡的事情。」

Sometimes You need to do something you don't like to support what you like.

Tseng Kuo Chun Tseng Kuo Chun

Taiwan, Tainan Taiwan, Major inTainan visual communication design Major in Visual Communication Design Illustration Illustration Photography Photography Plane design Layout design

Ordinary person , Ordinary person , Hysteria, Hysteria, Hating kidding, Hating kidding, No Noideas, ideas, Strange, Strange, Anxious, Anxious, Freaky. Freaky. A little eccentric.

A little eccentric.

曾國展 「X = Never better」

台灣,台南 主修視覺傳達設計系 插畫 攝影 平面設計 普通人, 歇斯底里, 討厭玩笑, 沒有想法, 奇怪, 焦慮, 怪胎。 有點孤僻。

永遠不完美才是追求完美的第一守則,要把自己的心 態永遠調適在不完美的狀態才能擁有追求完美的前 提,凡事沒有一定只有不可能中創造另一種可能才是 對生活與人生的突破與體現,存在於不安穩之中追求 和諧的平穩,不需要精彩的人生但求波折豐富的人 生。 Never perfect is the pursuit of of thethe perfect first Code of Never perfect is the pursuit perfect first Practice, their own mentality adjustment in Code to of put Practice, to put their forever own mentality theforever perfectadjustment state to be able to perfect have thestate perfect premise, in the to be everything is not only impossible able to have thenecessarily perfect premise, everythingtoiscreate another possibility is life and lifebreakthrough not necessarily only impossible to create and reflects the possibility presence ofis the steady pursuit of another life less andsecure lifebreakthrough harmony, does not a wonderful but for the and reflects the require presence of the lesslifesecure twists and pursuit turns a rich life. steady of harmony, does not require a wonderful life but for the twists and turns a rich life.

Visual Design - Love letter - Justice - Tanaka Sasaki - Need - Tokyo traveling information - SATY OR LEAVE &   Douliou Taiping Old Street - Symphony NO.4 - Naughty boy - Bine - Rain stop - Long Day & Exhibition - Diemoon - Far from city - Hippocampus - Foolish generation - My best friend

春光乍現 / Portfolio Tseng Kuo-Chun |Since 2010 - 2013 「靈感是抽象零散而短暫飄渺的名詞,而我們藉由設計的語彙重新組織傳達。」 設計相對於各類事物的平衡值,沒有對錯之分卻有一定秩序,設計師遊走在調配與重組之間、衝突與規矩之間、安全與不安全之間、在一切不失衡的狀況下拼湊出最穩定的 狀態。追求不違背自己對於設計本身的堅持與法則;藉由敏銳的觀感將所接收到的一切適當融入設計。 在無違合之中塑造出屬於自身的設計準則。

"Inspiration is a noun that is abstract, scattered, brief, and it fluttered. We gave them a design norm by re-organizing and inseparable communication. To take a balance between design and things around, there are no right or wrong yet have their own law. Designers are always in a dilemma between adjustment or reorganize; conflict or standardization; safe or unsafe. They have a mighty job to find a balance between the chaos. Pursuing a way that does not go against oneself and the insistent in the rules of design itself. Connect all the thoughts into design by carefully observation and diversity of our thoughts. Presenting a design rules which created by ourselves without violating. (Traslatiom by Amy Yang)

Somewhere I have never travelled Somewhere i have never traveled,gladly beyond any experience,your eyes have their silence: in your most frail gesture are things which enclose me, or which i cannot touch because they are too near. Your slightest look easily will unclose me though i have closed myself as fingers,you open always petal by petal myself as Spring opens (touching skillfully,mysteriously)her first rose , or if your wish be to close me,i and my life will shut very beautifully,suddenly, as when the heart of this flower imagines the snow carefully everywhere descending; nothing which we are to perceive in this world equals. The power of your intense fragility:whose texturecompels me with the colour of its countries,rendering death and forever with each breathing.(I do not know what is is about you that closes and opens; only something in me understands the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses) Nobody,not even the rain,has such small hands. --E.E.Cummings(1894-1962)

Love letter Design project : Visual / Poster / B ook design Poster Siz e : 5 0 0 x 5 0 0 mm B ook Siz e : 1 3 0 x 2 1 0 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo- Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo- Chun Content - Tseng Kuo- Chun

Justice The difference is that fair justice and other ethical values is deemed necessary and overwhelmingly important: fairness and justice may be considered and goodwill, love, kindness, generosity, compassion, and more important, although these are important, but they are not so much necessaryas it is the additional value, but we need to know more than this: we need to know what fairness and justice, rather than just what it is not, this problem has been the answer presented. Fairness and justice, regardless of the semantic or concept, all with the concept of the defense in close contact: a belief and behavior hold and asked the decisive reason, therefore, try to understand fairness and justice usually is to try to find justified - fairness and justice source or basis of - to prove (or disprove) its overwhelming importance. Typography Design project : Typography design Chinese Character design Typography - Tseng Kuo-Chun

安全性のヒント 此為概念說明文字,關於AV超人天才佐佐木的非人體高潮初體驗教學。 介於安全性的考量下請各位讀者審慎練習與使用圖片中所教學的各個手 勢,為了確保各位在行動過程中減少不必要的摩擦(一定會有摩擦,另指 過度使用造成的不確定性傷害而言),因此以下之安全守則請讀者仔細閱 讀,凡購買天才的佐佐木初體驗-教學實戰手冊一本者,即贈送佐佐木限 量猥鎖帆布袋一枚,是您情趣購物時的好夥伴之一。 以下為七大安全教學守則:

• • • • • • •

使用過程中若出現雙方身體不適請立即停止動作,盡速就寢。 請勿將本書內動作行使於光天化日之下或單獨展露於異性友人之間。 請勿將本書內容使用於人體上以免引起旁人之不正常反應。 本書適合閱讀時間為白天,若需練習,請在練習時請將喇叭音量調至 最大以免人聲影響附近鄰居休眠。 本書內容之動作每日三次,一次以二到三十分鐘為佳,地點隨意。 使用本書內容之行為時請認真投入感情否則無法達到最佳高潮效果。 本書內容與金庸小說中虛構之武學秘籍無直接性關係。

練習完畢後 請將場地復原並將所消耗之一次性產品,如衛生紙、濕紙巾等垃圾包好 清理乾淨,請勿將任何於過程中產出之非預期性之異物留於原地,為了 尊重別人請保持環境的清潔,謝謝合作。

Safety precautions This is the concept of explanatory text, early experience teaching non-human climax AV superhuman genius Sasaki.

. ile




t no y do m ,I of sy t ea on Un in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

d an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to e re exc da yes e

た い

ら ず

Careful practice and teaching gestures picture please readers between security considerations, in order to ensure that you have a course of action to reduce unnecessary friction (there will be friction, and the other refers to the excessive use of the uncertainty caused by injuryIntroduction), so the following safety code reader read carefully, the purchase of genius the Sasaki early experience - teaching combat manual one, that is, a rustic lock canvas bag gift Sasaki limited, is a good partner of one of your fun shopping. The following seven security teaching the Code: process sides of the body does not immediately stop the • Useing action as soon as possible bedtime. not book action exercised in broad daylight or in a separate • Do story unfolds between heterosexual friends.

. ile Sm ur yo d an ht ig le ra app e

st ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea on Un in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

. ile Sm ur yo d an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do f m ,I o sy t ea on Un in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

た い

best orgasm effect.

content and Jin Yong's novels, fictional martial Cheats no • Book direct relationship.

. ile Sm ur yo d an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I t of sy ea on Un in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

. ile Sm ur yo d an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea fron n U in tly, ing uie h Q vert e

ら t no y do m ,I of sy t ea on Un in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

. ile Sm ur yo d an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to e re exc da yes e

な い

. ile Sm ur yo d an le ht ig ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of asy ont e Un in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

Recover your venue and consumed disposable products, such as toilet paper, wet paper towels, garbage bags good clean Do not use any process outputs unexpected foreign objects are left in place, keeping the environment in order to respect othersclean, thank you.

After Practicing

behavior of the content of this book, please seriously • The emotionally involved otherwise it is impossible to achieve the

S ur yo d an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea fron n U in tly, ing uie h Q vert e

ら ず

Maximum in order to avoid vocal affect nearby neighbors Sleep.

content of the action of this book three times a day, it is • The allow to two to thirty minutes random everywhere.

book is suitable for reading time during the day For • The practice, set the speaker volume to the practice

not book content to others so as not to cause the abnormal • Do reaction in the human body.

Tanaka Sasaki Death of nother person passing.

This is the concept of explanatory text, early experience teaching non-human climax AV superhuman genius Sasaki.

!! ※ 人体内で使用禁止 Prohibited use in the human body !!













Tanaka Sasaki Design project : Visual / Poster / Product design Size : 420 x 594 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo-Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo-Chun

Portfolio - Tseng Kuo-Chun

Two thousand and eleven, December 25. That afternoon, Xu Xu's guidelines in the sun, we walked along the same route down the mountain, winding mountain road lengthy people tired, one in which to Fencihu fork trail we stopped, which is today the sun is most intense moment, on the slopes of a tea garden, the sun shines on the green leaves to any warmth to the freezing cold of the earth, this afternoon is disseminated in this sun, press the shutter the moment, I can not see glare fuzzy you to do something like a dream, waiting for eye Reply sight, waiting for a short wake. Down the mountain home is already evening seven plains chilly enough to cause the chills, but not more than the low temperature in the morning. Very tired, but the temperature of the patch of light but that brought me back to the deepest heart.

Layout / photography / writings












dont know Ending this is so clear-cut. But also how it can not be bitter.

Thank you.





Photography - Tseng Kuo-Chun Model - Weiting Zhou

And I wandering alone in the blue moonlight tonight along circuitous emotional turn to sleep, I am neither alone nor there will be excess pain, how strong to hold back in front of a whole slice of fuzzy,

G Need

H #04


Ever ything but you.

#04 Need

Photography - Tseng Kuo-Chun Model - Weiting Zhou

And I wandering alone in the blue moonlight tonight along circuitous emotional turn to sleep, I am neither alone nor there will be excess pain, how strong to hold back in front of a whole slice of fuzzy, let each otherthe excess emotional wanton publicity, only carefully Widespread broken mess. Ending this is so clear-cut. But also how it can not be bitter.

That afternoon, Xu Xu's guidelines in the sun, we walked along the same route down the mountain, winding mountain road lengthy people tired, one in which to Fencihu fork trail we stopped, which is today the sun is most intense moment, on the slopes of a tea garden, the sun shines on the green leaves to any warmth to the freezing cold of the earth, this afternoon is disseminated in this sun, press the shutter the moment, I can not see glare fuzzy you to do something like a dream, waiting for eye Reply sight, waiting for a short wake. Down the mountain home is already evening seven plains chilly enough to cause the chills, but not more than the low temperature in the morning.






And I wandering alone in the blue moonlight tonight along circuitous emotional turn to sleep, I am neither alone nor there will be excess pain, how strong to hold back in front of a whole slice of fuzzy, let each otherthe excess emotional wanton publicity, only carefully Widespread broken mess.

Ending this is so clear-cut. But also how it can not be bitter.


Its a gift for 2 2 years old




Design workCollection

20 12

06/12 - 07 / 12

Tseng Kuo Chun

* >>

STAY OR LE AVE Design project : B ook cover design Siz e : 2 0 0 x 2 5 0 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo- Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo- Chun

2 0 1 2 / Mar.

STAY OR LE AVE & Douliou Taiping Old Street project

斗六太平老街,一條擁有許多歷史記憶的文化老街。 感受著屬於老街的氣息,途中穿插些許現代建築與裝潢,確實有種奇特的融洽, 在這其中,究竟有多少在雲林斗六市醞釀百年的親切、深刻而幸福的故事?來 吧,就讓土生土長的太迪與平妹,告訴你們屬於這裡的幸福美麗和歷史文化,一 起探索這令人感動的幸福太平街。 It has many historical memory, Douliou Taiping Old Street. Feel the atmosphere of Old Street, interspersed with a little modern architecture and decoration, the way is indeed a kind of strange rapport, in this one, exactly how many hundred years of brewing in Yunlin Douliou cordial, deep and happy story? Come on, let the native too Di Ping sister tell you that happiness beauty and history and culture, to explore this impressive happiness Taiping street.

Douliou Taiping Old Street


Typography / Logotype - Tseng Kuo- Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo- Chun

「音樂停止。」 二零一一, 那天下 , 起 的一

的 。 , 那片 的

0 6 /0 2 - 0 6 /2 8


Symphony No.4

The the silent movement sounded, I remind something about past.

Design project : Logotype / Poster design Poster Siz e : 4 0 0 x 4 0 0 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo- Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo- Chun Photography - Tseng Kuo- Chun


的 下,我 的使人 ,在 我們 了下來,這 有一片 , 了 的 地一 ,這 在這 的 下,按下快門那一 讓我 不 的 ,像 一 一 ,等待一 的 。

Symphony No.4

Symphony No.4

,在 的 的 ,


地 我

我們 著 下 在一個 於前 這是 天 最 在 的 的 後令人 一 , 眼的 一 ,等待眼

Symphony No.4

令人起 底的最


0 6 /0 2 - 0 6 /2 8

Close your eyes to listen

Q uietly,U neasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.

他的世界裡只能有妳的包容而存在,也因為有了妳他的世界才完整,幸 運的他有了你伴他走過一生中僅有的一年是他的福分。 別對他失望,或許他總是對妳有所期望,他愛妳卻無法用言語表露,只 能藉其他管道暗示妳,他的幸福就在於不斷的追求簡單的幸福,而妳的 愛就是他的全部。 妳試著習慣他、擁抱他,最後離開他,你會發現他曾經對妳是多麼重要 的意義,也許他就這麼不記得妳,但那一年的他卻永遠書寫在妳記憶中 的一頁裡。 他的世界裡只能有妳的包容而存在,也因為有了妳他的世界才完整,幸 運的他有了你伴他走過一生中僅有的一年是他的福分。

Vol.4 fourth I stay in that moment.

Vol. 4



Naughty boy

Design project : Logotype / Poster design Poster Siz e : 1 7 0 x 9 0 / 4 2 0 x 1 5 0 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo- Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo- Chun




ら ず

ur yo


. ile


d an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I t of sy ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

ず た yo


. ile


You are a naughty boy

な ら



. ile

an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e


ur yo

. ile Sm


ら ず

た い


an ht ig le ra app e

st ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea on U n in fr tly, ing ie u h Q vert e



. ile Sm

an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I t of sy ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e


. ile m S ur yo


ら ず

た い

an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea fron n U in tly, ing uie h Q vert e


Q uietly,U neasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.

い Q uietly,U n everthing i

K uo- C hun T se n g 1 9 9 0 /1 2 /0 1

原作者 山田直子

翻譯 Bani



S ur

. ile m

S ur yo

. ile m

an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I t of sy ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e



な ら

an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I t of sy ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

. ile m S ur yo

な ら

a ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea fron n U in tly, ing uie h Q vert e

な ら ず




い Q


ok lo to xc are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

ず た い

ra st ok t lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

ず た い

an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do f m ,I o sy t ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

ら ず た い





. ile

an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of asy ont e U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

. ile


ら ず


. ile



u yo





an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy nt a e o U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

ら ず た




You are a naughty boy



d an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea fron n U in tly, ing uie h Q vert e

た い

. ile


20 12



ur yo

. ile




ur yo

. ile Sm

な an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do f m ,I o sy t ea o n U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e








d an

an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of asy ont e U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e


ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of asy ont e U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

た い



な ら

ur yo










. ile Sm

な ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e




S ur




a ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea fron n U in tly, ing uie h Q vert e

. ile


a ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea fron n U in tly, ing uie h Q vert e




a ht ig le ra app e

st ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea on U n in fr tly, ing ie u h Q vert e






an ht ig le ra app e

st ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea o n U n in fr tly, ing ie u h Q vert e









an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I t of sy ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e


. ile


な ら

ur yo

d an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I t of sy ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

ず た

ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

d an

ら ず た

d an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e o I d of m syy, t ea on U n in fr tlyy, ing uie h Q vert e




You are a naughty boy 04

d an

ら yo


. ile


an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I t of sy ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e


. ile m S ur yo


ら ず

た い




S ur


a ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea fron n U in tly, ing uie h Q vert e

lo to xc are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea on U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e

a ht ig le ra pp st e a ok t th ep


neasy,I do not dare to look straight in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.


ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of asy ont e U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e



いたずらな Kuo-Chun Tseng 1990 /12/01


S ur




an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I t of sy ea o n U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e




S ur



な ら ず た い

an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy t ea fron n U in tly, ing uie h Q vert e

な ら ず た



an ht ig le ra pp st e a ok th lo pt to xce are s e t d ye no y e do m ,I of sy nt a o e U n in fr tly, ing uie h Q vert e




. ile




tly, in uie rth eve


Bani lunch Date -

04 / 26

Fall in love with Tokyo Tokyo ( Tokyo) , is the capital of J apan, the huge city of 1 2 million people. The major urban areas of Tokyo in the the Huancheng week J R Yamanote Line along the tram route, Tokyo tourist attractions are mainly concentrated in the region, the bustling business district of downtown Tokyo G inz a, Shinjuku, Shibuya, Harajuku, Ikebukuro, U eno and other Tokyo B ay's Odaiba is Tokyo's main tourist area. Tokyo is a city located in the eastern part of Honshu Island, J apan, contains the expansion of the metropolitan area of the city is connected to the ( G reater Tokyo) , is the world's largest giant metropolitan area is also the most important in Asia, world- class city. Since the Meiji R estoration, Tokyo is J apan's capital is located so far, but also in areas such as political, economic, cultural, and transportation hub in J apan. Since W orld W ar II, Tokyo not only for the world of fashion and design industry base, is also the world economy the most pro ressive a uent and co ercial activities developed as ran ed first in the city n addition o yo is also the orld s most complex, the most intensive railway transport system of the hi hest tra c flo and co uter station roup Hachiko exit square in front of Shibuya Station in Tokyo's Shibuya district is also listed as the world's single- day dealings crowd busiest junctions, the Tokyo subway ( still free of J R E ast J apan R ailway and private railways, monorail, ru er tire transport syste in tra c the pave ent li ht rail and related pass- through operation sections) the average daily volume reached 8 .7 million people, busy The extent of the orld ide etro first

Tokoyotraveling information. Design project : Logotype / Poster design Typography - Tseng Kuo- Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo- Chun




我 是 自面對, 然 不 , 是 提起一 的 來說 有 ,只 這次 將 , 將 為 影 的 在那 ,不 的 那 讓我 我們 來就只是過 的關係, 們 是來的快 的也快,也 我對 們 來就不那麼有 在 ,就像一 後 一 過了就 了,然後就 了, 過這 。 面

Such circumstances I always face alone, has been no stranger to, but still have the courage to bring a little only to convince console myself with the slightest possible only know that if you turn left, this recalls in turn vanish into thin air and fuzzyprojected on the surface of the heart wall, screenings plot so that I clearly understand the relationship we have never been just a visitor, you always go to fast, maybe I was never to you then there is the sense of presence,like a afternoon thunderstorms over the same dry, and then disappeared, pretend you have not seen a thing.

This song reminds me a lot of my long lost love, and the words he never said. I was the mountain, i was standing there for him. I was there for him, unchanging. HE feels only quiet love for this little mature girl who tries to understand him and give him all her love. B ut he wants something else.. The volcano is the passion, the love she feels, that melts her down, consumes her. B oth are deeply in love but with other reactions and expectations.. The " miles and miles of mountains" are earth elements of stable relationship, he sees a perfect predictable future with her.. thats why he wants the sea.

20 02 12


Date 02 28 -03 30 This song reminds me a lot of my long lost love, and the words he never said. I was the mountain, i was standing there for him. I was there for him, unchanging. HE feels only quiet love for this little mature girl who tries to understand him and give him all her love. B ut he wants something else.. The volcano is the passion, the love she feels, that melts her down, consumes her. B oth are deeply in love but with other reactions and expectations.. The " miles and miles of mountains" are earth elements of stable relationship, he sees a perfect predictable future with her.. thats why he wants the sea.

" Your eyes are blank I do not understand." Human mind to understand, n the ďŹ nal analysis all for s of life are intert ined The death is not only took a personal Death of another person passing. And then taken away and miss little distance, Human life on this change.

E xhibition Design project : Logotype / Card design Card Siz e : 4 0 0 x 4 0 0 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo- Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo- Chun

Date 02 28 -03 30




2012 02 28 Q uietly,U neasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.

Kuo-Chun Tseng 1990 /12/01 This song reminds me a lot of my long lost love, and the words he never said. I was the mountain, i was standing there for him. I was there for him, unchanging. HE feels only quiet love for this little mature girl who tries to understand him and give him all her love. But he wants something else.. The volcano is the passion, the love she feels, that melts her down, consumes her. Both are deeply in love but with other reactions and expectations.. The "miles and miles of mountains" are earth elements of stable relationship, he sees a perfect predictable future with her.. thats why he wants the sea.

Long Day Design project : Visual / Card design Card Siz e : 1 7 0 x 1 2 0 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo- Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo- Chun Content - Tseng Kuo- Chun

Long Day - logotype


12/20 - 12/31

About DIEMOON Collection Exhibition

To the end of the world with photography

Nearby the left hand or the right, Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.

DIEMOON Collection Exhibition

DIEMOON Collection Exhibition 12/20 - 12/31 To the end of the world with photography

12/20 - 12/31 To the end of the world with photography

Nearby the left hand or the right, Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.


Nearby the left hand or the right, Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple



Diemoon Design project : Visual / Logotype / Ticket design Ticket Siz e : 1 8 0 x 6 0 / 1 5 0 x 1 5 0 / 1 4 0 x 5 0 mm

Diemoon - Ticket Development

Typography - Tseng Kuo- Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo- Chun Photography - Tseng Kuo- Chun

DIEMOON Collection Exhibition 12/20 - 12/31 To the end of the world with photography

Nearby the left hand or the right, Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.


About DIEMOON Collection Exhibition 12/20 - 12/31 To the end of the world with photography

No matter the day coming or not, this is the last time we try to communicate the end of the world by Photographs of ourselves


關於待末日影展 策展緣起 對於馬雅人在二零一二年所將面臨的世界末日之說令不少人為之恐懼,在一次與朋友的閒聊中 提議舉辦一個關於世界末日的攝影展,只是隨口的一句話便促使了展覽的策畫。




Diemoon - Logotype he final draft

Origin of curatorialThere are many people fear for the Mayan people said in 2 0 1 2 , will face the end of the world, had proposed to organiz e a photographic exhibition on the end of the world in the time chatting with friends, just casually sentence prompted the exhibitionthe plan. 策展目的攝影是等待,等待時機、剎那、永恆,最後自然地按下快門留住眼前的這片世界。 這次策劃展覽的目的在於,不管世界末日預言為何,我們希望透過不同鏡頭底下的攝影師們互 相交流,除了透過影像表達出各種有關世界末日的議題外,也讓人們反思末日將近時攝影與人 之間的關係。抱著即使世界毀滅的這一天,影像仍會持續到永恆的理念,用每個瞬間拼湊這世 界最終的美好,那麼就算等待末日的到來也無須畏懼。 Curatorial purpose The photography is waiting, waiting for an opportunity, the moment, the eternal, the last naturally press the shutter retain the immediate world.

Diemoon - Logotype Development

The planning exhibition aims, regardless of the doomsday predictions of what we want to communicate ith each other throu h the otto of the lens photo raphers also allo people to reflect on the last day in addition to a variety of issues about the end of the world is expressed through images, nearly when photography with people the relationship between the. Holding this day, the image will persist into the eternal ideas ith each o ent to piece to ether a final ood in this orld then even if there is no need to wait for the arrival of doomsday fear even if the world is destroyed.

DIEMOON Collection Exhibition 12/20 - 12/31

To the end of the world with photography












y _

Escape where We always nee

Vol. 01

copyright Š 2011 G.M Inc.












Escape where we live, We always need relax.


ght Š 2011 G.M Inc.










y _



we live, ed relax.









y _


Vol. 01



Far from city - 1 Design project : Layout design CD cover Size : 150 x 150 mm Layout - Tseng Kuo-Chun Photography - Tseng Kuo-Chun


About hippocampus The hippocampus is a major component of the brains of humans and other vertebrates. It belongs to the limbic system and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory and spatial navigation. Humans and other mammals have two hippocampi, one in each side of the brain. The hippocampus is a part of the cerebral cortex, and in primates is located in the medial temporal lobe, underneath the cortical surface. It contains two main interlocking parts: Ammon's horn[1] and the dentate gyrus. In Alzheimer's disease, the hippocampus is one of the first regions of the brain to suffer damage; memory problems and disorientation appear among the first symptoms. Damage to the hippocampus can also result from oxygen starvation (hypoxia), encephalitis, or medial temporal lobe epilepsy. People with extensive, bilateral hippocampal damage may experience anterograde amnesia—the inability to form or retain new memories.

Nearby the left hand or the right, Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.

「遺忘練習。」 他的世界裡只能有妳的包容而存在,也因為有了妳他的世界才完整。

他的世界裡只能有妳的包容而存在,也因為有了妳他的世界才完整,幸運的 他有了你伴他走過一生中僅有的一年是他的福分。 別對他失望,或許他總是對妳有所期望,他愛妳卻無法用言語表露,只能藉 其他管道暗示妳,他的幸福就在於不斷的追求簡單的幸福,而妳的愛就是他 的全部。

5/12 -5/17

妳試著習慣他、擁抱他,最後離開他,你會發現他曾經對妳是多麼重要的意 義,也許他就這麼不記得妳,但那一年的他卻永遠書寫在妳記憶中的一頁裡 。


他的世界裡只能有妳的包容而存在,也因為有了妳他的世界才完整,幸運的 他有了你伴他走過一生中僅有的一年是他的福分。 別對他失望,或許他總是對妳有所期望,他愛妳卻無法用言語表露,只能藉 其他管道暗示妳,他的幸福就在於不斷的追求簡單的幸福,而妳的愛就是他 的全部。 妳試著習慣他、擁抱他,最後離開他,你會發現他曾經對妳是多麼重要的意 義,也許他就這麼不記得妳,但那一年的他卻永遠書寫在妳記憶中的一頁裡 。 他的世界裡只能有妳的包容而存在,也因為有了妳他的世界才完整,幸運的 他有了你伴他走過一生中僅有的一年是他的福分。妳試著習慣他、擁抱他, 最後離開他,你會發現他曾經對妳是多麼重要的意義,也許他就這麼不記得 妳,但那一年的他卻永遠書寫在妳記憶中的一頁裡。

Hippocampus Design project : Visual / Logotype / Card design CardSize : 300 x 150 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo-Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo-Chun Illustrator - From fffound.com


2012 / Mar.

「遺忘練習。」 5/12 -5/17

我們在時間的過程裡選擇遺忘,在記憶的最深處儲藏著被自我 所遺忘或刻意遺棄的片段記憶,過去的不在與未來交替,現在 的自己只能與自己練習,忘記。 We choose to forget in the process of time, in memory of the deepest storage the self forgotten or deliberately abandoned episodic memory, not in the past and the future alternately, now only own practice, forget.

Hippocampus) 海馬體(Hippocampus) 又名海馬迴、海馬區或大腦海 馬,是位於腦顳葉內的一個部 位的名稱,人有兩個海馬,分 別位於左右腦半球。它是組成 大腦邊緣系統的一部分,擔當 著關於記憶以及空間定位的作 用。名字來源於這個部位的彎 曲形狀貌似海馬。 在阿茲海默病中,海馬體是首 先受到損傷的區域:表現癥狀 為記憶力衰退以及方向知覺的 喪失。大腦缺氧(缺氧症)以 及腦炎等也可導致海馬損傷。

What 在動物解剖中,海馬體屬於腦 的演化過程中最古老的一部 分。來源於舊皮質的海馬體在 靈長類以及海洋生物中的鯨類 中尤為明顯。雖然如此,與進 化樹上相對年輕的大腦皮層相 比,靈長類動物尤其是人類的 海馬體在端腦中只佔很小的比 例。相對新皮質的發展,海馬 體的增長在靈長類動物中的重 要作用是使得其腦容量顯著增 長。

the hell is it ?

5/12 -5/17


Foolish generation Foolish generation Design project : Visual / Typography design Typography - Tseng Kuo-Chun

foolish generation

20 12

04 30

My best friend

#16 Green & Doze & Pig Design project : Visual / Logotype design Typography - Tseng Kuo-Chun



We Are Best Friends HUANG DOZE & Rudolph Yang


2012 / May.

The eternal legend


Self - observation Design project : Layout design Size : 840 x 594 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo-Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo-Chun

Poster Design - Surmount & The wide - Frame - Black-Bull magazine - Lost in lust

Surmount 2012 / Sep.

The wide 2012 / Sep.

The sun as the baptism of memory, Cutting some mutilated past Cure has become inertia of loneliness

Thanks for such a scene I found in the morning of that lost direct

The Wide


Design project : Poster design Size : 420 x 594 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo-Chun Photography - Tseng Kuo-Chun Layout- Tseng Kuo-Chun

Design project : Poster design Size : 420 x 594 mm Illustration - Samuel Green Layout- Tseng Kuo-Chun

Miss this morning, leaving the non-stop journey, there are a good number tomorrow, waiting for departure.


2012 / Sep.

Nearby the left hand or the right, Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.

Vol.16 fourth I stay in that moment.

Somehting you

Kuo Chun Tseng


need to know ?

2011/04 - 2012/03 This song reminds me a lot of my long lost love, and the words he never said. I was the mountain, i was standing there for him. I was there for him, unchanging. HE feels only quiet love for this little mature girl who tries to understand him and give him all her love. But he wants something else.. The volcano is the passion, the love she feels, that melts her down, consumes her. Both are deeply in love but with other reactions and expectations.. The "miles and miles of mountains" are earth elements of stable relationship, he sees a perfect predictable future with her.. thats why he wants the sea.

Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.

Nearby the left hand or the right, Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.

Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes

2012 / May.


Self - observation Design project : Layout design Size : 840 x 594 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo-Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo-Chun

4/2 - 4/18

o Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.

About Self - observation This song reminds me a lot of my long lost love, and the words he never said. I was the mountain, i was standing there for him. I was there for him, unchanging. HE feels only quiet love for this little mature girl who tries to understand him and give him all her love. But he wants something else.. The volcano is the passion, the love she feels, that melts her down, consumes her. Both are deeply in love This song reminds me a lot of my long lost love, and the words he never said. I was the mountain, i was standing there for him. I was there for him, unchanging. HE feels only quiet love for this little mature girl who tries to understand him and give him all her love. But he wants something else.. The volcano is the passion, the love she feels, that melts her down, consumes her. Both are deeply in love but with other reactions and expectations.. The "miles and miles of mountains" are earth elements of stable relationship, he sees a perfect predictable future with her.. thats why he wants the sea. This song reminds me a lot of my long lost love, and the words he never said. I was the mountain, i was standing there for him. I was there for him, unchanging. HE feels only quiet love for this little mature girl who tries to understand him and give him all her love. But he wants something else.. The volcano is the passion, the love she feels, that melts her down, consumes her. Both are deeply in love but with other reactions and expectations.. The "miles and miles of mountains" are earth elements of stable relationship, he sees a perfect predictable future with her.. thats why he wants the sea.

Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.


Frame project 2011 / Dec.

Frame project- 1 & 2 Design project : Poster design Size : 420 x 594 mm Typography - Tseng Kuo-Chun Layout- Tseng Kuo-Chun

#01 #04

The poem of missing summer 2011 / Aug.

曾奕麟 著 / 曾國展 攝影

Something always in my mind.

「有種頻率,總在夏天對著我耳語。」 1990年7月3日,塵封已久的回憶從腦海中的抽屜翻了出來,清晰地宛如一場夢在 持續著。 你總會忘記點什麼,卻在後來於心底的波濤裡發現,還擱淺在沙灘上瓶中信 裡的點點滴滴。我沒錯過那般火車,於是我去了叫做夏天的的遠方,那裏沒有什 麼,除了我還有一只被遺忘的杯子。

The poem of missing summer Design project : Book cover design Size : 420 x 594 mm Layout- Tseng Kuo-Chun Photography - Tseng Kuo-Chun / Weiting Zhou

曾奕麟 著 / 曾國展 攝影

Something always in my mind.

「有種頻率,總在夏天對著我耳語。」 1990年7月3日,塵封已久的回憶從腦海中的抽屜翻了出來, 清晰地宛如一場夢在持續著。 你總會忘記點什麼,卻在後來於心底的波濤裡發現,還擱 淺在沙灘上瓶中信裡的點點滴滴。我沒錯過那般火車,於是我 去了叫做夏天的的遠方,那裏沒有什麼,除了我還有一只被遺 忘的杯子。

Layout Design - X’mas Card - The eternal legend - Self-observation - The summer magazine - Department of Joumalism - The poem of missing summer - Business Card

Have a good time. Enjoy your Summer day.

Open your mind this Summer


㋬ϛᅓĶƁᇺ⥼ᾖᮆ࠘ឣ ಕ Иࡘ˦め۸⯍➀ Ƨషਛᄡᄪ෥Ɓቂ㉄ƶᮆᓶ ⯍ᷡ᧧⦄⯎୘Ӫᮀ᪤۸᠇ǗᮆᖀⰞ㘼↤⢭ ࠘ࠦႶDz⯍ፉᮆ౛ഃṆϢⰯፉᮆࢶ൞ ȾƊᱮ⯳ᮆᶯ৚⁽Ⴖࠧࠟ ⥄࡝⩷ᡯႶ᠇ఢࠥ᮸㘼ࡕႶ൰Ṃ㘼 ᄸ୘˽ᮆႶ᯼ᰏᮆ࠭ᯨ ⥄࡝ႪႪႶ⾖Ҙᮆ⡿ญ㘼ࡕʰ««Ⴖᮆ㘼 ਛႶࡕʰ ࡕʰ⁽Ⴖ⭗ᕦ৶⡿㘼ȦチለষΡƊԁ㘼 ၄কᮇႶឣႪ คDz㘼෦DzႯࠦࠧ౩៌╃Ӥ ฎ⇸ʽч࠘⾿ᮆ౛ഃԆȾ⻴Ӥᵂൂ

෦প␵ᣐʰ㉄⦾‫Ⳡۿ‬ɞ㘼 ㉄⦾‫ۿ‬ЄӖᖀᔸᮆՂ⯳ ฎഡ⨡ᑞ‫ݪ‬ਢ⊥⦲ᑋ⯵⟺ɍ໩ペ℻ ႁ΍Ὴၧᰳƻ᯼㘼แȭᄽ΍ˤ਋ᯊᤈ ၧႶ㘼คᄾഡ౺ഃǗᮆ࠘ࠠ ⦪㘼⾤㇫ӫႯ ਛ̴㘼ᄾ⡿❜⟳ᒪ၄কὫἌ ෦һෑ᫤⯍ӪႶʽϤᑊǗᮆ℁ᮞ  ★ֺϢⰯǗᴎϤ⿘⿘ᮆᓐ౛ ㇂఼ᚑࠦƸペᮆ ĴĴĶĴĴĴĴ࠘ĶĴĴĴ࠘ĴĶ ĴĶĴĴ࠘ ĶĴĴĶ ࠘ĴĴĶĴĴĴĴĴĴĶĴ ĴĶĴĴĶĴ࠘ĴĶĴ࠘ ĴĴĶ࠘Ķ ĴĴĴĴĴĴĴĴ‫఼ڞ‬ӪПƁ฻ឣ



Day ᠒షӘႶƁ‫ޔ‬೵ᡝᮆҟషĶ

Jun 7 / 2011

Summerday Health Plan 01 / ጱᕠ᡿ヴ୒໻┨㘼࠘ႁ⌲ቂ⡁᫐ ¤ ᗮⴌュホ ⨵౳⠽ীϢƁࡀⰁӽ⊑ଯᮆᗮⴌ⡁г㘼шт⢚ᯧƊန㈉ᮆˤˤˤ㘱 02 / ᡑ㑫ၴ ࠘ႁ˯யュホ ࠘ࠦϾக⟳ಇ㏶ӹ㙏ฎ⇸ӹϢ˯யĵ℅Ղĵ⿇⦴࿉Ե㘱Ӫ⟳฻༤ȭƈ ϳஉふュホ⟳㐋㘼ਛ⇸ӹϢ˯யᮂϧᮂĶ 03 / ឲឲ࠘ႁభҨ֑⩞㘼ਅ৑ୖȾϾ▧⯏ Ҩⱙၮ⯫⧖⡂㘼ԯ⡛Ⱦ࠘ႁᑊჀ⻼ᮆᶯ৚‫ۿݪ‬Ķ

2010 / Apr.

ࠟ਎஁ష㘼 ෦ʰ⁽ᄺ⡍఼۸ᇄ஁ᇄʫឲឲ࠘ႁˤƻǘ㏶㘼

The summer Magazine layout

saew The Summer -


࠘ࠦ⇔ѵৃ/ us5-8



ᄽ઎ / James Tseng. ߧᦸ / John Peter


ᲤਬWire ‫܄ۿ‬㙊ӰҨସ々஁⩷232ଳ25▭ ⿌⢅㙊06-2085152 Ⴠ⻼㙊02:00pm ~ 02:00 am(⯜Ɓ஗ȍ


ȭȭVintageㆺៜഛㅨ໽‫ד‬Ŋ߱‫֡ש‬Ŋ⥓घ≘໼ઈʬⵣ⡕ ᄊ೘Ŋሷ㇯ೕŊʬሷpubȯ

Somewhere I wanna go this Summer.

Travel information _

ȭȭKinksᆯബሷㆺጁ᱿ɺ⿵Ŋ଎Ңᆯ߱ㅠᐪ᱿ⴆႹʀȯ Ⳇ⿵ಐ቏͗߱ᖁᓏ⭰Ŋ‫׏‬౺12ሶၑӷヾ౺⭰᱿᫠߽Ŋ̤ ᅠ⾪ⳬᅣŊᆯ፧1952౺೘ⳍ᱿໼ઈŊकߣᆯ₏᷼ᦷŊҘ ‫ם‬ബଅŊʃᮚ⬚ᳵŊ≘〕ኚᄽᡀഺɺ⿭আ╒ゝ㓺ኇȮञ ‫૷૷׺‬ӷいҝ⌳⮅ⰇŊሱരᗉહ⫀፧≘ଥ͗ᄍቺ⣫Ŋߌ ᣅൔᲿʑ᱿≘໼ઈɺહ⣬ሷ፺ᑋŊ໽˫ଔⴆહʴⳆ⿵Ŋ ≟ʈⳆ⿵̫߸ೊŊሷ⬕ⳬ‫ד‬Ԋര␕‫ש‬Ŋʃᮢठ≩⫄ൔඎ ⥑⤺ȯಐҙ᱿ᗤᱹʬബ፜Ŋᕓ೺ⵣʃɺᑂŊⵣᆯ≘〕⁤ ൔӷ⚠╒⇵᱿ȯሬᒥʬബ᧚ӲŊᆯᅽቅː૊૊⡹౑ሳ᳖ ӷ᱿ȯ

ॖኞ̷฾⤌ᯬμŊ߱ଥҙᄍಂ㆗♮ኞŊ♮ኞᄣᱹ᱿㈭ᖎŊሳ⩕̷ᄍ㌂Ȯᛧࣱȯᅽ߱⳵‫מ‬ᆹ˩Ŋ≘Ṓ҅ଔۧᮢ♮ኞ㇭ᮝŊࡁ‫ד‬ː༴♮ኞᯍ♑ቨ Ŋ⣫̑Ӵˁːԅᮢ♮ኞ⎞ᯈ₏␕༌ᖢ‫ۺ‬ȯ♮ኞ߱⇾ૌʀ‫˫ר‬ϝˑ㓯‫خ‬ŝḇ᷊ʠരŊ♮ኞ⁤⓸ؐሷ♮ኞ⷇‫♮ד‬ኞघⶴŊԊ≛‫׏ר‬ぜ⠧Თ≘೉⤑⫨Ȯ ര≛ԅңሷ༾ᖒջ᱿ᄓኞŊཌẅ⎊᮫ࡣଃ⊨⍋᱿ЛેȯऑખᆯᕜઋӛᗴᆈખŊ‫͐ר‬ᮢᛟԽʴ♮ኞ⷇Ȯ♮ኞघⶴŊⴒሷቧ˒ᗴȮቧ˒ो᱿ᮟ‫͗ٴ‬ᝫ ។⊨⍋ȯ

ȭȭ‫ش‬ᅺ᱿ʁ֘Ŋࠈ߱⎧ሺ᱿≘ᗤᱹʀŊटᖎሷ㔄ぢŊ ἜकⲿⳖ͗᱿҆ℬʃᆯബ೼ᣊȯ᳖┮㈸ʊ␖૯᱿߸ʁⵯ ว☾⦲บЭԑ⃻ᔕ⤟ް᱿ʊ˩Ŋ⪶ৱ᱿‫ؚ‬ᄇ┮⣫ᘱ͗᱿ ‫׳‬Ớㅠᐪȯಐҙ᱿ᖉߣ‫ד‬ट␕ኈ≘ೣᱺ⏨‫׸‬༂Ŋടഥ⎊ ఩ʬ⯿߱ʴ⴨Τᆹ˩Ŋ̟ଥकŊᢜⰇ⃻⳧⾪Ⰹᆹᱹӛ᱿ ⱺひ⊖Ŋִ‫ב‬ሳἌᤋ᱿૽ːཚߊӷ᫠૪⡹ȯ

ʕ֌㐁⭗឴ᔞ㏲ ӰҨ঒்சƘ✥¬ʕ֌㐁⭗឴ᔞ㏲㘼̬ᐔƁ৑㘼Ῐ᠇ϧ▭㘱 ᡿ዏჀ⻼ 11 : 00 am ~ 21 : 00pm 㘸ᑚ⯜‫ۏ‬Τȍ㘹

ȭȭ߱ણᮝ᱿౏ㅽʠʁŊ⬕Ⳗઋೆଃㄇ᱿ಓʑ⠞Ŋദ‫׬‬༆ὮɺΤబ ઈⱧΤഈŊ͗ӷʴ૾⫢᢭ᘗ㓫ُ‫׳‬ೣ㓺ⱐ᱿Ύ‫څ‬㓺ⱐȯಚ̤ʀࠈដ ʴ⥓घણᮝȮ౺ⱀː˫‫ד‬क߸ⳤ઼Ŋ₥₥Ԋ͗‫Ⳇޜٴ‬᷑˫ ‫܈‬᱿ᘗ 㓫Խʀ⩴૗᱿㇔ቨ໽ᅆ᫧Ŋଔ⋱⩐ջӛघ⸅‫ם‬฾᱿᢭ᘗ㓫ȯⳆᆯɺ ⿵ⳇ౑⋱च༪ӷ߱߸ː౑‫ײ‬᱿ᵧ‫׻‬ଅಐȯሷബघҙ⠗ː࿴☡᱿⇾㇔ ಐ⻎Ŋദദ̤߱బೝʠ⿵Ŋ‫֡ש‬Ύ‫څ‬㓺ⱐଔᆯⳆᑂ᱿ɺ⿵ಐ⻎ȯ

≘໼ઈ߱᫠˩Ŋᣅʴ͵ᅠ⳧ᮝᙙザ҉⣬ϝˀᄊ⩐Ŋᄽᡀ ᱿บᘍᆯ˫Ჵ⸇ʃབྷᣅ‫׆‬ԅŊ␵⣬བྷぜ᱿ԅΎᮽࡣ቏ᦷ ㄇ໣ἜጉŊ⩕ര͗᱿ː˜‫˫ר‬ᵧⳬⳆ⡹‫׆‬቏᱿ᑂ⪝Ŋሷ ‫ⳬػ‬᱿≘໼ઈ༇ᆯ≘໼ઈȯ

ȭȭ⃻౑͗ⳆҊ᱿ણᮝ⦦ŊΎ‫څ‬㓺ⱐ᱿ཫᦽଔᆯ᢭ᘗ㓫ȯᘗ㓫ʃХ ᆯ⥓घːഺଅӷञ᱿॑ሹ‫ה‬Ȯ॑झ̔Ŋ᫠߱ሩរ⩐ᣅᥖ⿧ଅ‫ײ‬᢭ᘗ 㓫Ŋ઩ሩᆯ⸉⿧ᯍ߸ᱹଭӛ͗᱿いҡ‫⇾څ‬㇔ȯ⸉⿧ሷɿ૷Ŋ⪯ⁱȮ ⓖӝُ㋧⁚Ŋሷɺ⦦Ὦ߈૷͵ᆯ᢭ᘗ㓫ȯሯ߱⸉⿧ሺഡᯍ⳧ҡ᱿い ҡ‫څ‬Ŋߊ‫ש‬ര൳൳ʃൡ᱿⇾㇔Ŋ᢭ᘗ㓫͵ᆯҢʑʠɺȯ⸉⿧᱿⇾㇔ ଅ‫ײ‬᢭ᘗ㓫Ŋ߱ᯍ߸᳈ᯍሷ‫׻‬ȯ‫׺‬ᑂ᱿Ŋ߱‫֡ש‬ઋೆಓʑ⠞ҙŊ෨ ʬ⋱༪ӷ˪ː໊൳᱿᢭ᘗ㓫ᝫ‫ػ‬ȯ

❵෥ᒢᆥ஗ ਛႶ⟳⥜ȾᗫᖬƁ࠘ ‫ ܄ۿ‬ӰҨସᒈ᪤⩷Ɓᑇ ▭ ⿌⢅ 06-2296196 ᡿ዏჀ⻼ 11:30am b ⾄ႁ5:00am ҡࠠƳӹᮆϾ‫ ׻‬

ȭȭ᢭ᘗ㓫ʠ໽˫⋱Ⴗ᪀ːൔŊぜʴ߱ᅠ⡹ㄇሷ⊥ȮሷⓖȮሷ⛵ʠ कŊ᧚Ӳ˫ञ㋉㋧ᜭఛᥴ⳧᱿ᘗ㓫㓫ጻŊ㈭Qᝫ‫⩕ػ‬ᄮ᷑᢭ᘗ㓫Խ ӠʃଇȯᮛʃⲃȮ⊥⃦ُゲ⛵Ŋሱര႔ʀᙹ␨⁆᱿᢭ᘗ㓫Ŋ͗ӷΎ ‫څ‬㓺ⱐ෨‫˫ר‬᳖ӷː༆ɺ᷑ȯ‫ײ‬ʃच᱿⥾ŊҪ㔄ˀ≘〕᳈ᯍ⎊⪄᱿ ⪄ⓧ㓺ⱐȯⴒሷቧ˒ᗴȮቧ˒ो᱿ᮟ‫͗ٴ‬ᝫ។⊨⍋ȯ ȭ ȭȭ᮫ᅠъጁ૪߱ŊԽʀ˷⸇‫ב‬᳈ᯍ⭁चŊ఩⃻ໞᣅ‫֡ש‬ણᮝ᳈ᯍ ۹฻᱿ɺⳬːᖎ⇾㇔ȯ଎Ң͗ӷ‫֡ש‬ઋೆᅧⳤ໣ᆯᄣᔎŊบ‫ײ‬ణ໣ ᆯञ‫ۏ‬౹ъ᱿⇾㇔ଅ‫ײ‬Ŋ᢭ᘗ㓫᱿⬢ːᖎŊᆯ⥓घⳤ઼ൕ⥏᱿⇾‫ػ‬ ߸ߧʠɺȯ

ȭȭ᫠߱⃻⳧‫॑֡ש‬Э㄄‫ײ‬઩ɺߊʃ‫ר‬Ŋ⡮ໞᖛኞಐᖛ ኞҺ᱿‫ⳬػ‬ʃᆯᖝನҺ㈀‫˫ר‬ᕗბŊ⴨Ớ⦞ࣤ᱿๗ಙ߱ ᖛኞُҺ‫ٴ‬ʀરҚ⠧᫠ӛ͗Ŋɺ᷑Һ⣬қΤː༇‫ײ‬᱿ર Ŋᖛኞ᱿˷⸇ᆯɺ⎷Һಐ᱿2-3Φȯ⡮ໞᖛኞಐㄇᕗⰱ ᅘửŊ⿧‫ם‬მᄍ᱿ᕓỚᖛኞ᳖⬚͗ⵣബ॑‫ײ‬᱿ᑂઈŊᔍ कŊⳆ⡹᱿ᖛኞɺ᳖ଔᵧⳬሷ⁤ൔྏⴆŊᕓɺỚᖛኞⵣ ബឍˌ‫ב‬㋧₤Ŋ⬕᱿ᆯ⁤ⅅ㋧₤ㆺȯぜʴሷኞᖢȮᖛኞ ӡᲷ˫कŊⴒሷҺ‫ⴆ˫רٴ‬Ⴙȯ

Ύ‫څ‬㓺ⱐ≘〕়⠧ḻŊ૽ञ㋉㋧ᜭఛᥴ⳧ര᱿⃥ɺ⊥᥽㓫ŊԽʀᮛ ʃⲃȮ⊥⃦ُᅘ㍫ゲ⛵ŊሱരҪ႔ʀᙹ␨⁆Ŋଔᆯ᢭ᘗ㓫᱿ϝᘍȯ଎Ң ᢭ᘗ㓫᱿ᮛʃⲃⶪᅆŊሩᆯ⦼૾⿧᱿ోϼŊ૽ᮛʃⲃ˫ᅘ㍫㌽ួԽʀ◆ ⓖϝໞŊᣅ᱿ଔᆯ⧾ἄᅘ㍫ُሩ॑᱿㇔ቨȯ⳥ᮢ⩴૗᱿㇔ቨ˫‫ד‬㍫⇾ᜭ ㆊ᱿᢭ᘗ㓫Ŋ㈭ů㓫ጻሷ┮ञ㋉㋧ᜭ㈭Ŋⴒሷᮛʃⲃُ⊥⃦᱿घ⸅‫ם‬฾ Ŋ⩕‫܈܈‬ɺ᳖̙᷑ ‫܈‬᱿᢭ᘗ㓫Ŋʬ⋱⩐᱿ॖᔍ⇾‫ػ‬Ŋ૽ᘗ㓫ဏ֗ʃ‫׺‬ ᱿ଶᓝ‫ם‬฾ȯ

ȭȭಐ૊ⴒሷ⥓घỚኞᖢȮӡᲷ‫ⴆ˫ר‬ႹŊಐ૊ⴒሳബ ⫅ൔ᱿ဏⷙ⦦.᫠߱Ⳇᖛኞᕗⰱ⷇໣ᆯⴒʃӷખῃ‫͗⬚ײ‬ ᕗⰱʃ⴨㓯ᮛŊⳆᑂ҅‫ب‬ᵧㆰ઼ŊҪ⩕઼ːᗉહᆯ؋⣬ 㔄ⴆᮟ‫Ⳇٴ‬㔄⩕ː⤌വ᳈ᯍᅞ͵Ŋ≟ಐ૊᱿ᚉ⫄˫‫֡ש‬ ͗⦦ᾰᕗⰱ㋧᱿ᖛኞҺಐŊ̟ᆯɺ˷⻶ɺ˷⪴.˷⸇ʬബ ૪߱Ŋบൕ‫⳧ײ‬᱿ⳤ઼ɺહሳ૽ҢӬᣅʁ‫֡ש‬ൕ‫ײ‬᱿ᇓ 㔄ʠɺʴȯ

࠘ࠦ⇔ѵৃ/ us5-8

ӰҨ║✢ᣡҙ チ⏮ƊᙬᮆǗ၄ά║✢ᒕ೐



ᵟ⮒✥ ‫ ܄ۿ‬ӰҨସƘ⟲ҙᵟ⮒✥ ⿌⢅ 06-2991111(台南市政府文化觀光處)

ȭȭȵṘⲋ⠞ȶᆟᅺ⡕ờᣅ"ռ՛⠞"ŊᆯᲿԊ‫֡ש‬ఱΎએሱર ۧ᱿≘⠞Ŋʬᆯ"ʽጻᛸᄽջߤ֒"ሱ⸅⣬᱿Ⴧ㔄ȯ"ʽጻᛸ"߱ᛤ Ӯ‫ש‬ᢕଃकʙ⣬᱿⿧໸Ŋ≟ȵṘⲋ⠞ņռ՛⠞Ňȶ໽̤߱⇦ᔌ ᆯᛸ֒᱿ʑतŊ‫⦦ר‬ᆯᯍᆹሱᥖ㌙᱿⠞ⳬȯȵṘⲋ⠞ņռ՛⠞ Ňȶ⠞ⳬ૰ಙ₎߈›Ŋ⠞ⳬʀ᱿≘ଥߌᣅᮟᓏ⢒グȮᄊ೘ʃᆞ Ŋ⥓घ≘ଥᲿԊ˜ᤋΎᮽʴᛤ˩‫ד‬ᅺᗶӮቅ᱿क⤐⃌ᐉŊ≟ʃ ‫׺‬क⤐ㆺ⪝᱿≘ଥŊʬ⣲⨢ʴ"ʽጻᛸ"߸֒ᔕ‫׫‬ᱹଭ᱿⃻⳧ȯ ȭȭᲿԊȵṘⲋ⠞ņռ՛⠞Ňȶɺ౏૓̡ʴ⥓घ‫⯆מ‬Ȯ⠞ೆȮ ≘⠗ᏈŊॖఱહ‫⸉"⯆מ‬ⓧಓ"Ȯ"Қ‫♑ࡣ⿭ש‬᪗ೆ"Ȯ߈֓ʪ⚦᱿ "ᖝఛञⱪ"ȮҞ֓ɼ⚦᱿"⣫̲ߡ"ᾀŊ‫׺‬ᆹ⥓घ┮‫׻‬᱿ᖁΈᙙՒ ʬⵣ᜺⎊ᅠᔍȯ߱ᙹમ⭰ⳇⰇ⎞♊⠛ⳍ⠞ໞԼ᱿ഛㅨʁŊ⬤͗ ⬤घ౺ⱀː⬕Ⳗ≘⠞Ŋ⩕‫׆‬቏Ⳁិ㆑ᄜ᱿≘⎡⠞ⳬŊⱧ⩐ໞᣅ Ԋ⠡᱿♊⠛ἇ⿵Ŋʃ̟Ύએʴࡆఱ᱿ᔕ‫׫‬᭔ࣀŊʬΎએʴᯍᆹ ಓࡆᛸ‫⎡≘ם‬⠞ⳬ᱿า⩽ȯ


ȭȭ⬕ⳖȵṘⲋ⠞ņռ՛⠞ŇȶŊ‫מ‬ᑊ᱿⠞ଥ⩕ː฾⤌Эᆯ⬕ Ⳗᆹ҆よⳬŊぜʴẜː᱿̦ફकŊҚ⿢ᱻㇷҝଙ᱿⠞ⳬሩሷ⥓ घ♊⠛ԡ̳≛᱿డ̳ાŊ⩕Ⳇጻ⠞ᛟԽʴʃଇ♊ᄽᖎ෉Ŋᕓӷ ङᇄ߱ᆚ㓳‫מ‬ᑊ᱿⠞ᥨᆤ⣠ʁŊȵṘⲋ⠞ņռ՛⠞Ňȶ‫⦦ר‬ᆯ ⬤ङ⬤⇾㓚Ŋ᳈ᯍϊവɺⳤȯ ȭȭङᇄ᱿Ṙⲋ⠞⎞ᱺटʃ‫⩕˫ר׺‬ːᇺᆹ⌉サ᤭ː᱿ࢴ޹Ŋ ߱ᔍ‫˫ר‬ᗖ᠏ൔ෼Ŋ≟ʈᇄʀ᱿‫⬤֡ש‬᳖⬤ሷ‫ⳬػ‬ŊʃЭᱺट ぬ҆ठᥖ෼Ŋໟ۹ᔊെᚥ᱿‫֡ש‬ङᇄŊಙ⳧ʴɺΤᵬᇺ᱿ു‫מ‬ ᆹ҆ȯ

╅჉‫ۮ‬ ‫ ܄ۿ‬ӰҨସᖀ঵⩷⊥Ֆ஀✥Ӥ㘸ȫၧᵟ⮒✥⽏⮝㘹

ȭȭ☾ᇂߧʬᾰᆯ‫֡ש‬ɺΤബ┮‫׻‬᱿ᇓ㔄ʴ،Ŀ☾ ᇂߧଔ߱ᙹમ⠞ʀŊⳆጻᙹમ⭰ʬᆯ‫֡ש‬ሷ‫׻‬᱿⑭ ⠞Ŋଔ⭢‫ש‬ռቺ֒⑭⠞߸̤దʃघŊʃ⳧ᙹમ⭰ᕗ ⬚‫ש‬ռቺ֒⑭⠞‫ר‬ᆯ॑ठघʴŊʃ̟ⳬ⭰қᅣ᱿೘ Ὲ҂ដ⇾฾Ŋᕓ⿵⑭ಐʬⵣ⠋ሷ᧚⏨Ŋ‫ש‬ռቺ֒⑭ ⠞ໟଔ‫׏⳧ף‬ɺᓝŊ⤌വʃᆯബ۹ᔊŊ᳈ⰱʠʁŊ ‫ᙹ֡ש‬મ⭰᳠ᆯ⎧ሺघʴŊオᤋໟʬᗞ߱Ⳇ⡹‫⳧ۺ‬ ㇞ᅆŊʃ⳧⬕߱ᙹમ⭰ʀŊ฾⤌ബ፜ȯ ȭȭᙹમ⭰ߌᣅཤ૰Ŋ͐қⴗ᱿≘໼ઈ‫ا‬᫠ɺỚᅜ ㄇẛ᱿ʃ֠⦲฾Ŋ≟೘Ὲో԰ߡᝤ૽Ⳇᔬᮽ᱿≘໼ ઈᅜㄇŊថໞ☾⏨Ŋᮢᱺℬဎ↘ӛʠԊ᱿Ἔ໸Ȯᐴ ዘᾀἇ⿵฾ℬߧŊᇄʀᥨ҆༌ʀരŊໞᣅᙹમ⭰ʀ ሱ‫ؚ‬೧ːᘜᲿ᱿⠞ᇓȯ⃻⳧ᙹમ⭰ബザʃ⡕Ⳇɺᦸ ᛖ☾ಎ⏨⎞ᱺℬጻᐉໞ᱿ᇓ⤐㉐⭁Ŋ≟⠞ᥨ㓳⏨᱿ ᥨ҆ᤫᆤ߱߸ʀŊ⎞☾⏨ᦷࣦഐໞଃᕗŊᯌ౑⃙㓚 ȯ ȭȭぜʴⳆㄇ☾ᇂߧकŊҢ૪ᙹમ⭰қᅣ᱿≘໼ઈ ʬⵣ‫׳‬ሷҢ˟♊⠛૊᱿ԡ̳Ŋ͗Ⳇ⬕⬕Ŋ฾‫ט‬ːᄽ ♊⠛ᄽջʬᆯ߱‫֡ש‬ʃ⼂᱿ङᮝᙙ‫⚠׏‬ȯᔍकŊ☾ ᇂߧҙᆯɺ૊ⶮ،Ŋʬ‫ۺۺ׏Ⳗ˫ר‬ଅⶮȯ

2010 / Apr.

Department of Journalism

⎄ᵫƾญᄳ஗ ⥜Ǘ᫄⯗౨⮠ᮆ⼎⥑Ḏ⻼ ‫ ܄ۿ‬ӰҨସƘ⟲ҙҨ⻮⩷71▭ ঒்ၪ ⿌⢅ 06-2216872 ᡿ዏჀ⻼ 12 : 00 am ~ 22 : 00pm 㘸ᑚ⯜ƆΤȍ㘹

ȭȭဏӷ‫♊֡ש‬ᄽἇ⿵ᯍᤋʃ‫˫ר‬൸ᯆ̤ᅠઋ ೆえⲖ᱿⑽Ṥʷ༆ሬಐŊⳆᆯɺ⿵ॖኞʃᆯҙ ⠗ː‫Ⳑ⋱ר‬ᘜาⵣʃሳᘜาӷ᱿ɺ⿵ሬಐȯ ȭȭȵ⑽Ṥʷ༆ሬಐȶŊ‫׆‬ᣅჶഛో᱿▼ឤ൥ Ŋ҅ര⃻᥸⳧ඎៜȮ⑽Ṥᖛ‫ב‬ʑൔȮࣘኚʷ༆ ሬಐȯᦲരᱹဧ˟᱿ԡาణඎŊ૽қ౫घ౺᱿ ≘ೣ೘ῈଥŊှ⯿ɺ⩐ໞᣅɺΤᏎңἇ⿵⥑⤺ ฾᱿ʷ༆ሬಐȯ ȭȭ⑽Ṥʷ༆ሬಐ⡹ㆊ᱿⣳Ԭ‫⤺⥑ד‬Ŋ᳈ᯍӲ ңᆹ˩฾‫⤺⥑ד‬ㆺጁřሷӲᅠɺ⎷⎡⎡‫࡬ד‬ដ グʱ᱿ʷ༆ሬಐȯ⎏ଇ߱ໟ໽᳖ӷ᱿῅ߣҙŊ ⑽Ṥᆯ૽ሬᲵ‫⋱ר‬᱿Ύએ⏦॑Ȯ₳ൔᤫᅆⳆˀ ሬ቏Ŋॖ‫׺‬᫂ฏᮝ‫ل‬ɺ⎷ȯ⡹ㆊ҂ដໞ֔ʀ┋ ᱿‫׳‬ㆩሬ቏Ŋʃᾷบ༪㇯㇞ሬ቏Ȯ‫܈‬ᳵᄲ̤᳈ ᑨણ∳ሬȮқඖȮઌ৮ᬞԽᾀሬ‣ȯ

ȭȭ ȭȭ᳈Β͗ɺ⬳Ŋʬ⋱⭢‫ה‬ːΩɺᑂ ŊⳈᗞघʝଔ฻ʀɺ቏ሬŊㅯ༆⫀ʁ ౏ߊ૊᱿ȯ⡹ㆊ᳈ᯍ᱿ⱀ㌂⎧ሺŊႤ ┮ⱀ൬᱿ㅠᐪŊː༆ɺ቏ሬ‣ㄅ┮ᦷ ଔ〇⩊⬚͗Ŋ᳖ሬଔᆯⳆᑂ᱿ ‫܈‬ʃ ⳧ȯ ȭȭ߱ᔍ⩊ሬˉ‫ט‬〇⩊ᆹ҆᱿ሹ‫ה‬Ω ɺહ౑౑ሳʃᵧʃ⤌ഩʀⲖʷ⎏ɿΤ ⾝ㆊŊᆹ⿵ැ​ැᙟदִʃᵧ෼ŊⳆ᱿ ᆯɺ⿵㄄౑ሷ‫ⳬػ‬᱿ሬಐȯ ȭȭʁߊŊҪӷ‫͗֡ש‬Ŋ᳈Βⳤ઼Ω ɺહⴒᆯㆤา͗⑽Ṥ⬕⬕Ȯ〇⩊᳈〦 ሬ‣Ҫ⬕ȯ ȭȭȭ

- 2011/6/7


Business card design 2010 / Sep.

Design department -

Designer 曾 國展

3 Service

working house Your best choice.

Advertisement desig Plane design Creativity commodi

365 days business ho

Kuo-Chun Tseng

Almost all day AM:6:00 - PM:24:00

+886 919790423 belong_24@hotmail.com http://www.wretch.cc/blog/free24 No.33 , Ln. 28, Culture 10 St. , Guerien, Tainan Hsien 711 ,Taiwan

3 work days

Just three days , finis

Kuo Chun

Green -

* *

visual design






+886 919790423 belong_24@hotmail.com

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working house Your best choice.


sh your request

No.33 , Ln. 28, Culture 10 St. , Guerien, Tainan Hsien 711 ,Taiwan

Case& Project Design - CHENG-LIN - Native John - Angle Hair Salon - Delicious - Shopping Ethology - Market For Artist

2010 / Nov. 澄霖企業識別系統設計 CHENG LIN - CIS Typography / Logo / CIS - Tseng Kuo-Chun

CHENG LIN visual design Projects

澄霖水素包裝視覺 CHENG LIN - HYDROGEN TITLE Typography / Logo - Tseng Kuo-Chun


「生澀經驗學。」 這大概是我學生時期(目前)接過規模較大的案子,範疇從形象到周邊以及印刷製作流程,儘管以前已經有陸 續接案的經驗,但難免還是會有更不一樣的經歷與收穫,這次的案子是受老師委託同學請我幫忙,面對老師 及客戶,必須達到雙向溝通與彼此的共識比較困難,在設計過程中往往會因為對方所顧慮到的某些因素而有 所變動,以下的標準字體設計為一開始發想到最後確認前夕的作品,在輸出前一刻,由於閱讀性的因素而在 最後的討論中決定將標準字給改為大眾最容易識別的字體。

"The jerky experience " This is probably my student years (currently) to take over the case of large-scale and scope from the image to the periphery as well as the print production process, although experience have successively take the case, but inevitably there will still be more different experiences and harvest, this case is subject to the the teacher entrusted classmates asked me to help, face teacher and customers, two-way communication and mutual consensus must be reached in the design process is often difficult because of some of the factors to take into consideration the other vary, the following standard font designed outset hair think the final confirmation on the eve of the works, the moment before the output due to the reading of the factors in the final discussion of the standard word changed to the public the most easily recognizable font.

CHENG LIN Antrodia camphorata Antrodia camphorataOriginal - Logotype

CHENG LIN Antrodia camphorata Antrodia camphorataOriginal - Logotype

Antrodia camphorataOriginal - Logo

AGARWOOD SUPER ELEMENT PURE CAPSULE 澄霖牛樟元氣錠包裝形象設計 CHENG LIN - Antrodia camphorata packaging Design project : Visual / Packaging design Packaging Size : 300 x 840 mm Typography / Logo - Tseng Kuo-Chun Layout - Tseng Kuo-Chun

「設計角度與平衡」 從設計角度來看我們總會不斷往最初理想的 目標去組織一切,但回過頭來我們必須又要 以商業角度去審視自己的作品。


利用別人的感受去感受這件作品是否能夠立 刻的被接納或讀取,在藝術與商業之間我們 學著拿捏那最適當的平衡點,我認為這是為 一個設計師在一身當中都會遇到的平衡問 題。


“The angle and balance of design”

Typography / Logo - Tseng Kuo-Chun

From the design point of view we can always

continue to the initial ideal target to organize everything, but come back to us must be also a commercial point of view to examine their work. The use of other people's feelings to feel whether this works can immediatelybe accepted or read, we learn how to squeeze the most appropriate point of balance between art and commerce, and I think this is a designer will encounter them a balance problem. / 2012.Dec

Native John projects - 2012 / May Customer - Maomao Partners - Tseng Kuo-Chun / Yang Shao-Jiun / Huang Xiang-Ting Planning Project - Yang Shao-Jiun / Huang Xiang-Ting Typography / Logo / CIS - Tseng Kuo-Chun Illustration / Mascot - Tseng Kuo-Chun Packaging - Tseng Kuo-Chun

企業識別系統設計 / CIS design

主色票 / Main Color

吉祥物設計 / Mascot Design

輔助色 /

Secondary Color

Vol.16 fourth I stay in that moment.

Nearby the left hand or the right, Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.

- since 2012 -


packaging -1 3-dimentional diagrams / top, front and side views of packaging & sealed paper

Vol.16 fourth I stay in that moment.

Nearby the left hand or the right, Quietly,Uneasy,I do not dare to look straight everthing in front of my eyes except the apple and your Smile.

- since 2012 -


packaging -2 3-dimentional diagrams / top, front and side views of packaging & sealed paper

包裝三視圖模擬 3-dimentional diagrams / side views of packaging


packaging -1 X sealed paper


packaging -1 O sealed paper


packaging -2 X sealed paper


packaging -2 O sealed paper

2011 / Jul.

Delicious visual design Projects

Visual Communication Design

Visual Communication Design


Visual Communication Design



Delicious Summer Camp

Delicious Summer Camp

57/ 7/8

e s u D il cio

on ati al nic su u Vi mm n o C esig D

Delicious Young students to experience the process of interaction between the design team, the essence of the way the department curriculum introduced to high school students, the first to experience the campus life as well as learning the tacit understanding of interpersonal and team and to promote the system through courses and activitiesthe effect.

透過課程與活動使年輕學子體驗設計團隊之間互動過程,用最精要的方式將本系課程介紹給高中 職學生,搶先體驗大學校園生活以及學習人際關係與團隊的默契,並達到宣傳本系之效果。 國立雲林科技大學視覺傳達設計系 國立雲林科技大學設計學院 2011年07月05號(二)至08號(五) 共四天三夜 每人新台幣3500元整 (同校報名人數達四人(含)以上,優惠價3200元整) (費用包含營隊期間所有課程講師、教材、食宿、保險、紀念T-shirt等相關費用) 對視覺傳達設計領域有熱忱之全國高中職在學學生 http://www.wretch.cc/blog/delicious100 (blog) http://www.facebook.com/delicious201107 (粉絲專頁)

迪力秀視形象設計 Delicious visual design Partners - Jerry Chen / Kai-Wei / Tseng Kuo-Chun Design project : Visual / Poster / Product design Poster Size : 300 x 840 mm Typography - Jerry Chen Layout - Tseng Kuo-Chun

Since 2012 / May - 2013 /May

You are a man

You go to shopping

Shopping Ethology

Shopping Ethology

簡介 從古至今,人類不停的以消費購物以滿足生活,消費如同食衣住行般地稀鬆平 常,卻也不可忽略其重要性,並在購物時形成了一種特定模式,我們將它稱為 「養樂多購物模式」。而「養樂多購物模式」意指人們為了養育成長、樂活自我 進而達到多元生活之目的,會在購物時透露出潛在人類本性中最原始的動物行 為。並且可能依性格、環境、購買之商品或場景……等等因素之影響,會透露出 各式各樣的行為。 「養樂多購物世界」擁有六座島,由於其地理關係,逐漸演變成熱帶沙漠、溫暖 雨林、盛花滿開的花園、堆金如山的礦山、全年風雨的災難島以及四季如春的仙 境島。也由於地理型態與氣候不同,使這六座島上的人民生態呈現了不同的生活 模式,人們購物方式也顯然差異甚遠。此部分表現出我們對台灣所觀察到的消費 階層關係,由北至南不同的地理位置有著差別甚大的消費型態,因此在世界地圖 的分佈上,將金礦山設定至頂端,其次是仙境島、小花園,而後是雨林島,最下 層為災難島與沙漠島,呈現出誇張的消費階層差異。 島上的人們在購物時會不自覺的露出潛在的、共有的「動物行為」──我想要買 更好、我想要快點買到、我想要更便宜、我想要更高檔…等等,因此不論是誰, 一旦潛在行為顯露,就會變成特定的動物模樣──想吃更多免費試吃如同大嘴荷 馬、買一顆丸子只為免費清湯而以鼻子吸走很多湯水的大象…等等,這一幕幕滑 稽的景象將呈現於「養樂多購物世界」中。 .

Introduction To meet the needs of everyday life, people have never stopped consuming and doing shopping, which is as usual as eating, clothing, housing, and transportation. For the important role it plays in life, we generalized a shopping pattern from all the shopping behavior, and call it “Shopping Ethology.” It refers to bring and develop the purpose of growing joyfully and self-actively, so that the diversified life can be achieved. When we are doing shopping, our animal instincts reveal; but they differ from our personalities, the environments we are in, the merchandise we are buying…, and so on. “Shopping Ethology World” has six islands, and because of geographical differences, they have gradually become tropical “Cheap desert” , temperate “No rules market” , “Luxury garden” where flowers bloom all year around, “Gold Silver” full of mountains of mines, “Disaster” which is hit by strong typhoons all year, and “fairyland” where is like spring in four seasons. The climate and geographical differences affect the islanders’ ways of consumption and life styles. For this part, we observed the relationship and the class of consumption in Taiwan, which also differ from geographical positions. On our shopping world map, we put Gold Silver on the top, Fairyland, Luxury garden, No rules market as follows; and Disaster, Cheap desert at bottom. The islanders unconsciously reveal their potential and common animal instincts─I want to get it earlier, I want to buy something cheaper, better, fancier…, and so on. Whoever reveal their instincts would become the similar animal looks; for example, big mouth hippos that love free food tasting, elephants that buy one bolus just for its extra-free broth … , etc. These funny but cute images will be presented in “Shopping Ethology”.。 .

養樂多購物模式 / 行為學 並且將這數十篇消費者行為所轉化的故事,依消費區 域的階級分為六座島嶼,敘述我們在台灣生活所觀察 到的現代人消費模式。 And this transformation story dozens of consumer behavior, according to the class of consumer area is divided into six islands narrative of modern consumption patterns we observed living in Taiwan.

Shopping Ethology

Partners - Tseng Kuo-Chun / Yang Shao-Jiun / Huang Xiang-Ting Planning Project - Yang Shao-Jiun / Huang Xiang-Ting Typography / Logo / CIS - Tseng Kuo-Chun Illustration / Mascot - Huang Xiang-Ting Layout - Tseng Kuo-Chun / Yang Shao-Jiun / Huang Xiang-Ting

Since 2012 / May - 2013 /May Shopping Ethology

Book inside

Shopping Ethology Since 2012 / May - 2013 /May

Partners - Tseng Kuo-Chun / Yang Shao-Jiun / Huang Xiang-Ting Planning Project - Yang Shao-Jiun / Huang Xiang-Ting Typography / Logo / CIS - Tseng Kuo-Chun Illustration / Mascot - Huang Xiang-Ting Layout - Tseng Kuo-Chun / Yang Shao-Jiun / Huang Xiang-Ting

Peripheral commodity

And this transformation story dozens of consumer behavior, according to the class of consumer area is divided into six islands narrative of modern consumption patterns we observed living in Taiwan.

Original VI - 1

Development - Shopping Ethology Design project : Logo / Logotype / Typography Layout- Tseng Kuo-Chun


簡介 畢製的開始依舊是以自己最善於處理設計的方式去營造 每個細節,但這次專題的主題與以往做過設計不同的是 主要的視覺/圖像是以插畫為主,有別於以往經常以向 量性的圖案與照片為主,插畫的不規則形與其手繪的感 覺容易與生硬的文字產生隔閡,因此在設計字體的同時 必須考量到字體與圖案的相容性。 由於養樂多購物模式是以消費者為題材,風格訂定為較 為現代的風格,因此採用流線順暢的字體去做字體設 計,並在設計標準字時同時嘗試將LOGO的元素製入,在 後來與組員討論後發現字體的設計和插畫搭配在一起卻 不如預期契合,因此後來便重新設計了現在的養樂多購 物模式字體。

The beginning of the complete system is still based on the most adept at handling design to create every detail, but the subject of this topic ever done different design major visual / image is illustrator mainly different from the past, oftenvector pattern with photo-based illustrator of irregularshaped hand-painted with feeling easily blunt text estrangement, and therefore must be considered in the design of the font to font compatibility pattern. Yakult shopping patterns based on the theme of consumer style setting for a more modern style, so do font design font with smooth flow lines, and in the design of the standard word LOGO elements of the system at the same time try to into, in later the crew discussed the design and feel of the font and illustrator together with some unexpected, so then they re-design now the Yakult shopping mode font. .


Original VI

Shopping Ethology

Original VI - 2 Development -Shopping Ethology

Original VI - 3 Development -Shopping Ethology

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