Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
Energy Healing For Animals Silvia Hartmann Oceans Of Energy If you could shift your viewpoint For just a moment, as you grow still And silent within, without A thought or care, without a Thought of worry or desire, You might begin to feel A power tingling in your fingertips A breath that draws to you A part of all there is, Of which you are a part, And that surrounds you Buoys you, nourishes Protects and reaches far and wide, And further still into the deepest blues Of oceans, and the deepest greens of Mountain lakes and all the creatures That reside in forest groves, eternal deserts As above, the stars are dancing. Oceans of Energy and they lie At your fingertips, for you to navigate And learn to know the ancient arts of Balance, deep release and to once again Restore the Even Flow, the Perfect State of Being.
Energy Healing For Animals Š Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
Energy Healing For Animals by Silvia Hartmann Contents Contents..................................................................................................................... 2 Welcome! ................................................................................................................... 3 The Planes.................................................................................................................. 4 Reality vs The Hard................................................................................................. 4 A First Map Of The Planes ....................................................................................... 5 > Eggs vs Vortices................................................................................................... 6 The Interlinking Planes............................................................................................. 6 Infinite Complexity?................................................................................................ 7 > Energy Healing And Healing In General .............................................................. 7 The Requirements Of The Hard............................................................................... 8 The Body’s Needs ................................................................................................... 8 The Needs Of The Mind ........................................................................................ 10 You, The Healer ...................................................................................................... 11 * Exercise 1 - Deep Awareness.............................................................................. 12 * Exercise 2 - Extreme Field Awareness................................................................ 12 * Exercise 3 - Attunement 1—The World.............................................................. 12 * Exercise 4 - Attunement To Self ......................................................................... 12 General Note On The Exercises ............................................................................. 13
ASSIGNMENT 1.......................................................................................14
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
Unit 1 - Field Awareness and Attunement Welcome! Enter the worlds of energy—surrounding us, supporting us, nourishing us; life all around us and within us. A part of this life are our animal friends on this plane, may they be living amongst their own kind and their own environments, or having chosen to come to us and develop a more personal relationship with us as our companions or co-workers. All healing work is about re-discovering a natural balance of a system, a state of being I refer to as the EVEN FLOW. This is not an imaginary flawless Eden perfection but a very specific set of parameters that operate uniquely for any individual and are set by all they are, including their physical, genetic and spiritual future, past and present as well as the environments any individual would find themselves in. To this end, we will begin with the basic building blocks that make up an individual’s system here and now, including their internal systems as well as their environments. We will create an energy map that could view as a kind of snapshot of what it is like, here and now, and then learn to make beneficial interventions, using our own personal energy system, using the energy available from the universe, as well as our intention, purpose and will.
A major part of this will be to understand the relationships between an individual animal and the components of his or her environment, which include the owner or caretaker.
Before we start out on this course together which will encompass many cutting edge techniques as well as many time proven traditional strategies, I must tell you that I personally do not distinguish between the rebalancing of a human system or that of an animal, or even that of a landscape. To even give attention to and have the will and desire to restore the Even Flow, is in my opinion doing the creator’s work, in whichever way you might like to think of the overriding forces of design in our universe. To me, healing is healing. The healing of animals is not second best to that of the healing of humans, or the other way around—we are on this plane together and all both necessary as well as equally beloved and important, from the least to the highest. Further, I would like to come clean right now and tell you that contrary to the view held by many scientists, I am of the opinion that animals do have emotions, memories, internal representations, an active will and a power of decision; it is my supposition that animals are far more than simply stimulus-response driven robots. Whether or not you agree with my view is not as important as it is to note at this point that if you do not believe that something exists, and you do not see it, you can neither treat it nor change it in any way.
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
Before we get to that, however, we need to discuss the planes first and I will need to give you some safety and conduct warnings.
The Planes Although the “Oceans Of Energy” are indeed at a certain viewpoint, what exists on that level, there are different planes of reality we need to concern ourselves with, simply by fact that we live here on this planet, at this specific time and in these physical shapes that we have assumed. It is important to appreciate each plane within the entirety of creation for it’s own merits and it’s own limitations. For many who wish to become healers or extend their healing abilities, what I call The Hard is a nuisance and something unpleasant that must be left behind as quickly as possible to make maximum gain on the soul’s journey.
Reality vs The Hard My ex-husband used to tell me that I should get into the “real world”. He told me this over and over throughout a period of many years, many times a day. What he meant by that was that I should get a job and stop looking at crystals or talking about such nonexistent things as “emotions” or “God”, for that matter. It was a most interesting thing to think that his continuous exhortations to this end got me to a point of clear and profound understanding that what he was talking about and calling the “real world” or “reality” was a map that was missing huge sections, stratas and realities of existence he was either failing to perceive or to acknowledge. The truth is that reality is a many layered thing. Reality is the universe and not only that of which we can conceive or perceive, but infinity beyond. That is the real world. I would say that none of us are in that kind of real world yet but at least some of us are looking to discover more about it. In order to distinguish between the unspeakable realms and practical “down to Earth”, visible, recordable, physically noticeable events and states of being, I coined the term “The Hard” for the plane of existence my husband was constantly referring to. I chose that term because in truth, it is hard to be here in body. It is hard for us and it is hard for the animals, too. There is pain, there is confusion, there is uncertainty. There is hunger and thirst. There is loneliness and terror.
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
There is disease. There is birth and there is death.
All of this is here and it is part of the plane of physicality.
Likewise, other people and societal structures are amongst components of The Hard and to ignore them or pretend they do not exist, serves no purpose other than disabling the alignment with the Even Flow on that plane. In the next chapter, we are going to start with the minimum requirements in The Hard to be able to manifest any form of Even Flow. Before we do that, I must tell you to become very aware of the Laws of The Land pertaining to the diagnosing and treatments of animals in the country in which you currently reside. Here in the United Kingdom for example, it is utterly illegal to diagnose and/or treat any animal for any health related problem of any kind unless you are a licensed veterinary surgeon. It is dangerous to advertise healing or treatments, and it is dangerous to promise cessation of symptoms, resolution of the problem in question or any such thing to an owner, for example during an initial telephone enquiry. Please be sure that you are fully familiar with all the relevant rules and regulations before you venture out to treat other people’s animals or advertise your services. You could very well lay yourself open to numerous prosecutions and financial ruin if you fail to observe the existing condition of practising what we do, here in The Hard.
A First Map Of The Planes The Hard Physical Conditions and Circumstances, directly observable, such as basic care taking, environmental circumstances, feeding; injuries, genetic influences, statistical data, species-specific physiology, cycles and behaviour. The Connectors These are semi-physiological systems that interface between the “pure” energy realms and the physicality of the Hard, such as the Chakra system, the Meridian System, and the Auric layers for an individual, and geo lines, earth veins and lay lines for a geographical system.
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
The High Energy Systems Called thus not because they are better than the systems of the Hard or the Connectors but because their levels of vibrations are finer and higher and although they are absolute an energetic reality, we usually do not perceive them directly but rather, we perceive their effects and from the effects work backwards as to what must have been there to create the effect in the first place—like a shadow, or a hologram, or the ripples in a pond that tell you where exactly the stone must have been even though you can’t see it now. These systems include PowerFields and the unique organising structures of an individual’s personalised energy system. The Unseen Realms This is a most powerful level of incredible denseness of information, timeless and infinite. The problem is that this realm is such that you can’t make a picture of it, can’t talk about it or handle it in consciousness as we know it at all. Interventions made in the Unseen Realms and information retrieved from the Unseen Realms is the most powerful set of the energetic interventions possible and are usually described as “miracles”.
> Eggs vs Vortices At this point, it is important to note that the general visualisation of, for example, the Auric layers as eggs, circular shells or onion layers, is unhelpful in the context of what we are learning to do. None of the energy systems at any plane are closed. If they were, they could not interact and function in the systemic way they do. When visualising these various energetic realities on whatever plane, I would recommend you visualise them as interlinking vortices—spiral shapes that are open and interlace with the others in the system as though they were linking arms.
The Interlinking Planes I would like to take this opportunity once more to say the following about the Planes Model: •
No plane is more worthwhile or more desirable than any other.
Likewise, there are no badges or karmic brownie points for working at one rather than another.
The reason for this is that none of them could exist without the others!
It is not necessary to consciously know the nature or level of disturbance to be able to make changes and bring back the Even Flow.
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
However, conscious awareness is also a part of the system and is valuable in its own right.
To begin to give attention to all the planes is the starting point to become familiar with their interlacements and unique contributions, which leads to an increasing ability to make changes at will.
Infinite Complexity? Now there may be one or two amongst us who are thinking that this is all very complicated. And if you’re thinking that, you are absolutely right. The universe is the most complicated place there is and don’t you ever forget that! It is vast, it is infinite, it is truly incomprehensible and it deserves to be approached with humility and a wide open mind to be ready and able to learn more about it. Even the smallest new born kitten is a pure wonder of complexity. It is my supposition to retain an eternal sense of wonderment and with it, a sense of overall perspective of your own place in the scheme of things. You, too, are a wonderment of infinite intricacy and you reach into the planes and levels far beyond from what you can see in the mirror in the mornings. However, to retain a sense of perspective is a most tremendously useful thing, especially when you begin to create your own “miracles” of healing and transformation. To retain that sense of perspective does, indeed, supercharge your healing as your ego steps aside; it helps guide you and focus you towards the right ends AND the right means, and finally, it alleviates the burden of having to heal everyone and everything around you, as though you were the only thing that stands between the darkness and every single creature on this planet. We will speak of this again for it is a central point in the development of a healer but now, let us begin to look at the most important of the planes.
> Energy Healing And Healing In General Healing addresses by nature all components that make up a living being, all of which are deeply interlinked and interrelated. As the body can create maladies of the mind and the spirit - you will be familiar with feelings of depression and unhappiness when you’ve had a bad cold, for example - so does the mind create maladies of the body - haunted and stressed out executives dropping
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
dead in their mid-forties are a good modern example of this; and of course spiritual suffering has a profound effect on mind and body - people and animals don’t not only literally die “of a broken heart”, but have many other many less dramatic illnesses as the result of lack of love that build up much more gradually, seepingly and insidiously, over a period of time. I believe it to be essential that Energy Healing is the most effective within a general framework of addressing all of these interlinked domains with a view to each other in order to really facilitate the natural healing processes within the animal’s body.
The Requirements Of The Hard I cannot know how much experience you have had with the physical care taking of animals of different kinds but I think it is essential for any animal healer to have at least a basic understanding of the requirements for successful survival in the Hard. Any animal kept continuously in unhealthy conditions or subjected to conditions and influences that are dangerous will of course present symptoms—emotional disturbances, behavioural disturbances and physiological disturbances. Although these symptoms and disturbances can be addressed by re-balancing the systems and restoring the Even Flow, as soon as you put the freshly re-balanced animal back into the environment that caused the problem in the first place, the problem will simply reoccur. I would therefore offer you the following brief guide; as this is not a course on animal nutrition or physiology, I would suggest you go ahead and find out more about any of the topics I mentioning here briefly if you are not fully familiar with them as yet. Mind, body and emotion are all part of the primary systems of The Hard. So let us begin with ...
The Body’s Needs Good quality, varied fresh food at regular intervals that are specific to the animal’s species and within that, specific to the animal’s cyclic and systemic need. What this basically means is: •
that in general, highly processed and pre-packaged food is most likely not the last word in animal health regarding of the species involved (and including the human species) that can directly cause a great range of allergies and
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
presenting symptoms, including behaviour problems, that will cease immediately or show marked improvement as soon as a change in diet is implemented; •
that individuals within any given species vary tremendously in when or how often they need to eat, what they need to eat, and how much of it, for maximum health; and that in our monoculture societies, diet usually lacks requisite depth and variety, regardless of species (and once again, including humans!);
that any animal’s nutritional demands in every sense are variable, depending from day to day on such things as temperature, level of * Exercise and stress, hormonal states, age and individual metabolism;
that blanket applications of supplements, quantities of food and consistency of feeding are thoughtless and can be harmful in the long run;
and that the build up of toxins on the one hand, and deficiencies on the other, create a physical environment that no amount of healing can repair or restore, most especially when the animal is returned to the same diet that caused all the problems in the first place.
B. Clean drinking water in plentiful supply (and in some parts of the world, this might well mean tested and certified bottled water, at least whilst an animal is ill or recovering). C. Varied Exercise at a level that is comfortable for the animal, which includes: •
physical exercise at a comfortable level and within sound parameters. This is more applicable to some species than others, but exercise mismanagement accounts for a vast percentage of presenting physiological and behaviour problems amongst dogs and horses, for example;
the ability to use the body once in a while as it was originally designed to be used. Horses that never get to run, ferrets that never get to tunnel and cats that never get to climb will manifest problems over a period of time without fail.
This concept can, of course, be extended to other activities that are in the genetic blue print/PowerField/morphogenic field of any given creature and if these cannot be provided, replacement activities should be found.
D. Comfortable and clean living quarters that are relevant to the species in question and make sense in the context of the individual, rather than the general standards prescribed, cook book style, for that species in general.
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
E. A clean, well groomed body (some designer bred species and breeds are constructed such that they can no longer groom themselves efficiently or keep themselves clean, and here the owner or caretaker will have to take responsibility for this); F. The chance to rest safely, comfortably, and without disturbances, as much as is needed (much overlooked in this section is the fact that many animals living in chaotic and busy households or circumstances simply either do not get enough rest at all, or at least do not get to satisfy their own biorhythmic requirements).
The next category of minimum requirements for Even Flow concerns ...
The Needs Of The Mind A. A Purpose in Life This, sadly, is often lacking for many companion and captive animals particularly - they may have an important purpose, but it’s not something they can understand or be proud of. Intriguingly, many times people and animals go on doing a very hard and demanding job, but as soon as they retire, they just falter and fade away. To try and find a way to provide an animal with feedback on their purposes is one of the main challenges for the owner/caretaker. B. Self Esteem/Sense Of Self This follows on directly from the above, but it is a more general concept. Self esteem in social and highly interactive species such as dogs and horses cannot be created internally; these animals have to mirror themselves in the eyes of their group mates or in the absence of that, in their caretaker’s. If these caretakers constantly say how bad they are, how worthless, how much trouble they cause etc., the animal’s self esteem will suffer. This leads not only to a great deal of bad behaviour in both the short term and the long run, but it also causes stress and will make the animal physically ill. C. Mental Stimulation If you have you ever been feeling ill and had the experience of receiving a visitor or something may have caught your attention and for a time, your symptoms seemed to have disappeared entirely, then you will have an understanding of the power of this concept. Together with having a purpose in life and reasonable self esteem, mental stimulation is one of the key elements in long living, healthy individuals, be it dogs or people. On the other hand, lack of mental stimulation (such as experienced by people in old people’s homes) leads to a turning inward, to becoming pre-occupied with problems, and to ill health as a result. D. Freedom From Fear
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
There are many things and many situations animals as well as people are fearful of, but the main element of fear is that the individual feels they are lacking control over the processes of life. Fear is caused by perceiving oneself to be powerless to take control of the situation. For nearly all animals that have human caretakers, virtually everything in their lives is at their owner’s mercy and out of their control; what happens then is that the owner’s/caretaker’s predominant emotions and responses become the guidance mechanism for the animal as to when they need to experience fear. We will come across this systemic reality again under different circumstances; for now it is sufficient to note that any animal that lives in constant or near constant fear will manifest a multitude of behavioural and physiological symptoms. With these basic requirements in place and understood as being foundational to all healing endeavours, we can now turn to our true purpose here.
You, The Healer
The key concept in all Energy work is as follows: Energy Flows Where Attention Goes Everyone is made of energy of course. Everyone has the ability to influence anyone else’s energy system and of course, they do! People and animals have effects on us—some feel more comfortable than others, some energize us and some depress us, some disturb us; this is just one of the realities of life. The difference between “everyone” and a healer is that a healer influences energy systems deliberately and with intention, and that is regardless of whether the intention is to use one’s own energy system to make the required adjustments, or to channel universal energy through one’s own system instead. It is not a question of talent—anyone at all can do this. Some might find it somewhat easier than others, and there certainly are preferences as to what kind of techniques and systems are most comfortable for you individually, but the important thing to understand is that it is your birthright to be doing this and to be doing it with volition and decision, to get better at it with practise and as you’re stretching your abilities from day to day and learning new things, to give yourself permission to be surprised how effective you can become. So, and to end this first part of the course, here are a number of warm up exercises I would like you to do on a regular basis.
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
* Exercise 1 - Deep Awareness As many times as you like in the day, stop, close your eyes and tune into your physical sensations in response to your environment. Listen to five sounds you can hear, and feel five sensations you can perceive. At this point, please concentrate on simple physical sensations such as a draft in the air, the tingle of an electrical field nearby, a body of temperature (such as the sun, or a radiator or lamp).
* Exercise 2 - Extreme Field Awareness Try animals, people, plants and stone or rock for this exercise. Once again, close your eyes and move your hands towards the energetic entity before you. Feel for the field that surrounds the entity and become comfortable with it. Distinguish between the field of the entity and physiological sensations such as picking up the heat emanations through your sensitive palms and fingertips. Describe your sensations and experiences out loud to engage as much of your neurology as possible and to create new pathways of information. Do this exercise as often as you like and whenever you think of it. If at first your results are somewhat ambiguous, for example you might be unsure if what you are feeling is the field or just some warmth from the animal or person, know that it is a perfectly good place to start from and continue to practise it. I assure you, you will be able to tell the difference within a week or so at the most.
* Exercise 3 - Attunement 1—The World Find a moment each day, at least once, to stand outside, look to the sky and state a desire to be attuned to the World. Just look at the sky and open yourself momentarily to the vastness and the richness of what it is and what it represents for the interconnections of the totality of all there is. Take a deep breath, say Thank You to both yourself and the World and return to your normal activities.
* Exercise 4 - Attunement To Self Whenever there is a moment that seems right to you, feel for your own body’s energy systems. State the desire to learn about yourself. Close your eyes and run your hands over your body, your face, head and neck. Simply note what is there and make a note of how your own hands feel in turn over the part of your body you are sensing. In order to be
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
able to successfully heal others, it is of the essence that you are both familiar and comfortable with your own systems under many different circumstances, physical locations and mind states.
General Note On The Exercises Please note that I am not asking you to enter an altered state of mind first, cast circles, meditate, set aside a special time of day or any such thing. All the exercises above are very quick and do not require any set-up of any kind. You can and should do them at any time in the ordinary course of your day, as and when you remember. Do them swiftly, accept your feedback without argument and then let them go until the next time. These warm up exercises are not about succeeding or failing, either. They are simply a beginning statement of intent that you are willing now to pay attention to true reality and that you are willing to learn. Simple as they are, they will begin to open your existing but under-used senses as well as teaching you how to receive the input through these senses that often gets misinterpreted or simply lost in the storms of our everyday activities. As you are “walking in the Hard”, these exercises are performed right here and not in an artificially enclosed sacred space—the truth is, everywhere is sacred and the sacred is everywhere.
This concludes Unit 1. In the next part of this course, we are going to build upon these exercises and start to look at some existing maps of the Plane of Connectors, how to detect auras, chakras and meridians in animals and a number of techniques to begin restoring Even Flow to those systems.
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001
Energy Healing For Animals – Unit 01
Energy Healing For Animals ASSIGNMENT 1 1. Express in your own words the concept of “Even Flow”.
2. What is your understanding of “perfect health”?
3. What is your understanding of the term “energy”?
4. Are you familiar with the “laws of the land” regarding animal healing?
5. Name the 4 Planes of Reality.
6. What is the first step towards understanding the Planes of Reality?
7. Give 3 reasons why a healer needs to “retain a sense of humility”.
List the basic requirements of The Hard.
9. State the First Law of Energy Healing and explain what it means.
10. Where and what is “the Sacred Space”?
Energy Healing For Animals © Silvia Hartmann 2001