Tsinikssini March 2017

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March 2017

Published by Blood Tribe Administration COMMUNICATIONS Department The Blood Tribe Administration Review entitled ‘TSINIKSSINI’ is dedicated to the sharing of information for the people of the Blood Tribe. The magazine format features news, stories, articles and an array of items as our way of sharing what is occurring on the Blood reserve and beyond. We hope you enjoy your magazine and invite any suggestions you may have in improving our coverage on any number of events and activities. The magazine will be printed on a monthly basis and will be distributed to various locations on-and-off the reserve. The magazine is free of charge. The magazine is published by the Blood Tribe Communications department and is printed by Graphcom Printers (2011) of Lethbridge. The collection of information, photographs and layout of the magazine is from the Blood Tribe Communications department. Reproduction of any story or use of photographs must be requested in writing and addressed to the Blood Tribe Communications department. Any unauthorized use of stories and photos of TSINIKSSINI or from the Blood Tribe Communications department may infringe on tribal copyright laws. We would like to acknowledge the Blood Tribe Chief & Council and the people of the Blood Tribe for your support. Rick Tailfeathers: Communications Director Tom Russell: Communications Writer Myron Fox: Layout Graphic Design Tracy Weasel Fat Photos/Stories Brent Scout Photos/Stories Mason Wolf Child Photos

in this issue BLOOD TRIBE COMMUNICATIONS In this issue of the TSINIKSSINI magazine, we feature the Blackfoot Confederacy’s history in our traditional territory and of how our interactions with those surrounding each of the Confederacy First Nations interact. Kainai Chief Roy Fox, who has strong ancestral relations with the many leaders in our history, along with Piikani Chief Stanley Grier, and Siksika Chief Joe Weasel Child, represented their tribes in a most honorable and respectful manner as they met high-ranking government of Alberta officials including Premier Rachel Notley and Richard Feehan, Minister of Indigenous Relations, and the Mayor of the City of Calgary, Naheed Nenshi, in two separate functions. During Chief Fox’s moment on the podium in addressing the many people in attendance during the Treaty 7 flag-raising ceremony, an eagle flew high overhead in a symbolic moment that seemed to reinforce the cultural and spiritual presence of the Blackfoot in this area. Many tribes across North America are doing their utmost in combatting illicit and illegal drug abuse and seeking ways in the treatment of those addicted to these destructive and deadly drugs. The Fort Peck reservation in Montana is well on its way to offering a full array of services in dealing with a drug that is wreaking havoc among their communities – methamphetamine. Many stories from services providers and from those affected by family members abusing this drug were in the forefront during their 2nd annual methamphetamine symposium in Poplar, Mont. The Fort Peck tribe is preparing to establish a treatment centre that will take in clients who want to walk on the road to recovery. The Blood Tribe will be well represented at the North American Indigenous Games in Toronto this July. A number of fundraising events are occurring each day as athletes and their family members are preparing for the momentous gathering of athletes and coaches from across North America where their skills, talents and hard work will shine forth in a spirit of goodwill and friendly competition. The team Alberta U-19 basketball squad will host a gala scheduled in late May in Calgary, AB., where they will present a series of activities in highlighting the athletes in their quest to send the team to the games. We hope you enjoy the TSINIKSSINI magazine and welcome any story ideas for up-coming issues.

cover photo Published by the authority of Blood Tribe Chief & Council Box 60 Standoff, AB T0L 1Y0 ph: (403) 737-3753 FAX: (403) 737-2785 visit our website for more... www.bloodtribe.org

Kainai Chief Roy Fox addresses crowd as City of Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi shares the stage at the Treaty 7 flag-raising ceremony at Calgary’s City Hall. The event was well-attended by dignitaries, elders, spiritual leaders and people for the city and surrounding First Nations. Photo credit: Jaidii Delaney-Russell



Judge rules Canada Failed to Protect

Indigenous Children in the Sixties Scoop Indigenous — to work together to change policies and programs to repair the harm caused by the Sixties Scoop and move forward with reconciliation.”

children, and ignored the damaging effects of the program.

Mrs. Bonnie Healy, Operations Manager for the Alberta First Nations Information Governance Centre added, “We need a better relationship with Vital stats because there were very poor records or a lack of data on those children who are not registered at time of apprehension, which made it easier for child welfare agencies to place indigenous children in nonindigenous homes. We need to be able to better track our children in care and work with the federal government on the Indian Status Registry so we can create cultural and familial ties and develop prevention and surveillance strategies when a child enters the system, including a health or education institution, or is incarcerated. We also need to ensure that children are enrolled shortly after birth and deaths in care are reported in a timely manner.”

After the long eight-year court battle, the decision states Canada failed to take reasonable steps to prevent on-reserve children in Ontario from losing their Indigenous identity.

The class action was bitterly fought by the federal government but the ruling finally paves the way for an assessment of damages the government will now have to pay.

The court said evidence of the plaintiff’s experts is that the loss of their Aboriginal identity left the children fundamentally disoriented, with a reduced ability to lead healthy and fulfilling lives.

Indigenous Affairs Minister Carolyn Bennett said the government would “absolutely not” appeal the ruling, but would push to settle on monetary compensation out of court.

This file photo shows First Nations students in a classroom with the nun in the background.

An Ontario Superior Court found that the federal government failed to prevent onreserve children from losing their culture and identity after they were forcibly taken from their homes as part of what’s known as the Sixties Scoop between 1965 and 1984. The Court makes it clear that the mandate of successive Canadian governments was to suppress and assimilate Indigenous peoples through the removal of their governments, their cultures, their languages and their children, and that it breached its duty by scooping up thousands of children and failing to protect them. First Nations contend that the number of children scooped, surpassed the numbers of children forcibly sent to Indian Residential School. The ruling is important as there are lawsuits in other jurisdictions across the country over similar programs that placed children in non-indigenous foster care or with adoptive parents. In his ruling, Justice Edward Belobaba said Canada breached its “duty of care” to the

In siding with the plaintiffs, Justice Belobaba said, “The loss of Aboriginal identity resulted in psychiatric disorders, substance abuse, unemployment, violence and numerous suicides. Grand Chief Willie Littlechild, a chairperson for the UN Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission says, “We need better relationships and we must continue to push for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s Calls to Action and urge all levels of government — federal, provincial, territorial and 3

Story by Brent Scout


Blackfoot Chiefs Sign Protocol Agreement With Premier Notley -- Alberta Government “This is the traditional territory of the siksikaitsitapi (Blackfoot) tribes,” he began. “It (protocol agreement) sets a historic process and a way forward in terms of working together on mutually beneficial matters, whether those matters are such as natural resource discovery, looking at provisions of the Williams Case dealing with free, prior and informed consent, issues surrounding consultation and accommodation. I want to thank the Premier and Minister for all the work you have done.”

Premier of Alberta Rachel Notley signs historic protocol agreement with Blackfoot Confederacy Chiefs.

The chiefs of the Kainai, Siksika and Piikani First Nations signed a protocol agreement with the Province of Alberta on Friday, March 24, 2017, as a formal process to begin dialogue on a number of issues beneficial to both parties. The Alberta – Blackfoot Confederacy Protocol Agreement attended by Alberta Premier Rachel Notley and Richard Feehan, Minister of Indigenous Relations, and Kainai Chief Roy Fox, Siksika Chief Joe Weasel Child and Piikani Chief Stan Grier, will focus on key issues including economic development, culture and language, social, political and legal issues, environment and lands, reconciliation and implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

Kainai Chief Roy Fox shared his thoughts on the agreement. “Thank you for recognizing the fact the people of the Blackfoot Confederacy have always been here. These are our ancestral lands,” he said. “We have already embarked on alliances with your government and how we may share in the responsibilities, and hopefully share in the profits of those ventures that we get involved with together. I am optimistic that what we have agreed to will lead to bigger and better things.”

Siksika Chief Joe Weasel Child also shared his views on the agreement. “The Blackfoot Confederacy have made many contributions for the benefit of all Canadians, and to hear the words from Premier Notley speaking to this as a government-to-government agreement, it really fulfills a prophecy from the elders when they spoke about this,” he said. “In the future we would have this opportunity, and now that we have it, the chiefs, through our elders, society members and our people, will continue to work cooperatively and begin addressing areas of mutual benefit.” After a mutual sharing of gifts, the group met for lunch and will meet in the future to further the protocol agreement discussions.

Piikani Chief Stanley Grier commented on the Blackfoot involvement on the agreement.

Premier Notley recognized the Blackfoot presence in their traditional territory and of the ongoing collaboration in strengthening the commitment to foster strong relations advantageous to both parties. “When our government took office, we committed to strengthen the provinces relationship with Indigenous communities, working in the spirit of respect and reconciliation,” she said. “The protocol agreement we just signed is going to allow us to work together in a closer way; further strengthening our nation-to-nation relationship.”

Chief Roy Fox signs protocol agreement as Piikani Chief Stanley Grier looks on.


Story by Tom Russell


Flag-Raising Ceremony Recognizes Treaty 7

as Permanent Marker in Downtown Calgary

Mayor Nenshi watches as Chief Roy Fox speaks to people about the Blackfoot history and collaboration with Calgary’s leadership.

A flag representing the Treaty Seven First Nations was raised at City Hall in Calgary on Thursday, March 23, 2017, to recognize the traditional territory of the Blackfoot Confederacy and other Indigenous tribes in the surrounding area. Mayor Naheed Nenshi greeted the people in attendance and commented on the history of the land and mutual respect between the First Nations people and non-Indigenous people. “To quote the late Narcisse Blood and Michael Green, we are all treaty people,” he began. “Because we live on this land, this place, we are bound together. It is essential that Calgarians of every culture, every tradition and background walk together on this shared path of opportunity, recognizing we are connected to each other and this place. One of the recommendations (from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission) is that we permanently fly the Treaty 7 flag here at City Hall. By flying the Treaty 7 flag today and forever, we are advocating reconciliation in ways that honor and revitalize the relationships between our neighbors, our friends, our communities and our fellow citizens.

Chief Roy Fox welcomed all the people in attendance and acknowledged the Mayor and the people of the City of Calgary for their efforts of collaboration toward this historic moment. “I chose to wear my headdress today, because what Mayor Nenshi is doing and what he has tried to do in bringing people together, to us, that is a good sign,” said Chief Fox. “He has also shown he understands, appreciates, that the Niitsitapi were the original inhabitants of Mohkinstsis (Calgary) and that we continue to make partnerships with others. I think it’s important that we build on our commonalities; I want to thank Mayor Nenshi for inviting us here today.” Both Fox and Siksika councilor Eldon Weasel Child then showed the people the flag to be displayed permanently at City Hall. Weasel Child shared his comments and sang an honor song. Blood elder Wilton Goodstriker gave his blessing to begin the ceremony.


Wilton Goodstriker addresses crowd at Olympic Plaza in Calgary.

Story by Tom Russell


University of Lethbridge Native Students Awareness Week Promoting Cultural Integrity and Positive Relationships

Hypnotist and lecturer Kiit Kiitoki takes centre stage with U of L students at awareness week.

The Native American Students Association is a club a primarily composed of First Nations Metis & Inuit (FNMI) students from different programs and degrees which include younger and mature students from a variety of backgrounds across Canada and the United States. NASA has a proud history and is one of the “elder” student clubs at the

University of Lethbridge. NASA’s mandate is to promote inter-cultural relations at the University of Lethbridge, unity amongst club members and to provide members with a stronger voice at the University of Lethbridge. This year marked the 50th anniversary of the University of Lethbridge, and the 41st

year of Native Awareness week. On March 9, 2017, NASA hosted the event “Looking into the Future.” The event showcased First Nations talents such as Charlene Oka who did a performance in dedication of her mother. Other performers included the musical talents of Olivia Tailfeathers, Truman Big Swallow and Tyson Good Striker and the band Fox Eyes. We not only had local performers but also invited Kiitokii as our guest speaker. Kiitokii showcased his abilities while giving an inspiring talk about tapping into our potential; performing magic tricks including ‘reading people’s minds’, hypnotizing a student and did things that no one can explain. Further in the night, NASA hosted a hand drum competition, which is one of the traditions NASA holds every year. Yah My Rights, Blackfoot Mafia, Bullhorn, Sweet Talkers and Josh & His Angels were all in attendance in performing in the hand drum competition. We had an amazing turnout for the event and were glad we are able to share with everyone. As a member of the Native American Student Association, it is a true honor to be the secretary on the committee. I am Kirsten First Rider and in my third year at the University of Lethbridge. This is my second year on the NASA executive committee. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me through email: kirsten. firstrider@uleth.ca.

Hand Drummers perform during the U of L’s awareness week celebrations. The Native American Students Association were proud hosts of the event.


Submitted by Kirsten First Rider, U of L


U of L Celebrate Long Standing Relationship During 40th Annual Native Awareness Week

2Bears, a Mohawk multimedia artist based in Victoria, B.C. presented FNMI Art & Creative Cultural Praxis. Kiitoki (aka.) Trevor Prairie Chicken was a smashing success in his presentation using his skills as a showman, hypnotist and storyteller to demonstrate culture in personal development. This was accompanied by Native American Student Association (NASA) presentation OUR DAY Talent Show, which featured Indigenous artists and performers. At the University Theatre – The Ugliest Girl Meets Elvis: A Residential School play produced by Ramona Big Head and Carl Brave Rock. Throughout the week, a number of cultural activities were featured including a mini powwow, fry bread and berry soup, medicine bag making and the unveiling of the new Blackfoot Digital Library Website. When Native Awareness Week was first initiated and launched by the U of L forty years ago, its intent was to share the Indigenous cultures and history with the public and to create a more tolerant community. The Director for the FNMI centre, Martha Many Grey Horses, says is it important that the public understands the culture and the people who are indigenous to southern Alberta.

University of Lethbridge receives pipe for ceremonial use in future cultural activities.

The University of Lethbridge, in recognition of its long-standing relationship with Indigenous peoples, received a special honor during the 40th Annual Native Awareness Week. It received its own ceremonial pipe, made by an elder from the Piikani First Nation and engraved with a pronghorn, the U of L mascot. A pipe offering and mini powwow kicked off the university’s Native Awareness Week from March 4th to the 10th. Mike Mahon, U of L president and vicechancellor, took part in the pipe offering with several elders and expressed gratitude for the honor, especially as the U of L is celebrating its 50th anniversary.

“We are one of the few areas where we still come together as a tribe,” she says. “Native Awareness Week continues to provide that opportunity today.”

“In the years ahead, the pipe will serve as a symbol of the special relationship that exists between First Nations, Metis and Inuit peoples and the university,” said Mahon. Native Awareness Week provides an opportunity for everyone to learn more about Indigenous culture and practices and reflect on the history, sacrifices, contributions and culture of the Indigenous peoples. Other highlights of the week included a public lecture by Dr. Linda Many Guns, a professor in the Faculty of Native American Studies. The talk, entitled The Indigenous Collective Mind, Jackson 7

Story by Rick Tailfeathers


Lethbridge College Student Takes Seat

at Parliament as Part of Historic Initiative Weasel Moccasin and 337 other young women between the ages of 18 to 23 from coast to coast to coast will also learn about Canada’s political institutions and those women and men serving in them, with the goal of becoming equipped and inspired to participate in the formal political sphere in the years and decades to come. “I really wanted to show my people that I care and that I want the issues to be heard and their voices to be heard,” says Weasel Moccasin. “I want to show them how far I’ll go to show them that I value our culture and history.” Weasel Moccasin speaks passionately about the fentanyl crisis and the need to advocate for effective support systems to help children and youth in unstable environments. “There are children who are orphans now because of this drug,” she says. “Families have been torn apart because of it.” She also advocates for the expansion of teaching Aboriginal history in all Canadian schools. “I feel it’s important for Aboriginal history to be recognized,” she says. “I don’t want people who are a minority to feel they don’t have a voice.”

Tianna Weasel Moccasin, with mom Tracey Weasel Moccasin, pictured here at last year’s peace powwow.

March 7, 2017 – Tiana Weasel Moccasin, a first-year student in Lethbridge College’s Early Childhood Education program, is one of 338 young women selected to represent her federal riding and communicate her vision for Canada at a historic national initiative called Daughters of the Vote in Ottawa this week. The initiative was organized by Equal Voice, a national, bilingual, multi-partisan organization dedicated to electing more women to all levels of political office in Canada. The event will overlap with International Women’s Day (March 8) and was designed to mark the 100th anniversary of women’s formal political engagement in 2016 along with Canada’s 150th birthday this year.

Weasel Moccasin is a Kainai High School graduate, powwow dancer and last year’s Miss Blackfoot Canada. She says she is thrilled at the opportunities that await her in Ottawa, including talking about the three issues she discussed in her application – the fentanyl crisis on First Nations reserves, the need for expanded FNMI education in all schools and missing and murdered Aboriginal women. “You’ll speak with female leaders from the House of Commons, talking about your three main issues, learn how to run for office, find your courage, learn about indigenous rights and so much more,” she says.


The issue of missing and murdered Aboriginal women is the final topic she would like to work on and advocate for. “This is something we face on a daily basis,” she says. “I worry for families who aren’t able to find their loved one out there, and I want to help address this.” Weasel Moccasin, who met Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when he visited the Blood reserve last year, says she can envision a future as an elected leader, and looks forward to learning more about the process as a part of the Daughters of the Vote initiative.

Story by Paul Kingsmith, Lethbridge College


Team Alberta U-19 Lady Basketball Team Hosting Gala to Showcase Team Players

The U-19 ladies basketball team, set to represent Alberta at NAIG, will host a Gala in Calgary as part of fundraising efforts.

The basketball team representing team Alberta at the North American Indigenous Games in Toronto in July 2017 are busy with organizers and family members raising funds in an effort to reduce the costs usually associated with a venture this huge. A committee formed among family members of the lady basketball squad have quickly come up with an idea to introduce the young basketball players to the province and beyond – a gala. Shawna Morning Bull, mother to one of the team players, suggested the gala and the idea has since developed to where performers including Armond Duck Chief, a country singer whose star is on the rise in the music industry, and Kiit Kiitokii, a hypnotist and motivational speaker, have been booked to entertain in sending the team to Toronto. The gala, tentatively scheduled for May 27, 2017, at the Kirby Centre in Calgary, will begin at 6 p.m. and conclude at midnight. During the night’s festivities, each of the lady basketball players will walk the runway in outfits shared by local designers.

A brief bio of the models will be read along with information of the designers. The intent of the gala and the runway will give ultimate exposure to the young ladies representing Alberta and the First Nations people. During the evening, silent auctions will give people the opportunity to contribute to the fundraising effort as they bid on items donated by businesses, organizations, supporters and family members. Also, a number of draws will be made throughout the night to again raise additional funds. The dream to hold a ‘Games for the Indigenous Peoples of North America’ began in the 1970s. In 1971, the Native Summer Games held in Enoch, Alberta, Canada drew 3,000 participants competing in 13 sports and many cultural events. In 1973, the Western Canada Native Winter Games were held on the Blood reserve in Kainai, Alberta, Canada. In 1975, a meeting of the National Indian Athletic Association was held in Reno, Nevada, where it was decided to organize Games for Indigenous Peoples. 9

John Fletcher, a Peigan from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada and Willie Littlechild, a Cree of the Ermineskin Tribe at Hobbema, Alberta, Canada attended; John Fletcher is credited for his support in the decision to have the Games, as presented by Mr. Littlechild, based on the above success. In 1977, the dream to host large scale Indigenous Games took another step forward in Sweden at the Annual Assembly of the World Council of Indigenous Peoples. Willie Littlechild presented the motion to host International Indigenous Games. It was unanimously passed. The dream became a reality in 1990. The full details of the gala will be shared with the public as the organizers gather to work out the details surrounding the event. Morning Bull and the volunteers are encouraging the support from all First Nations people and Albertans in allowing representation from a team that is going all out in telling North America we are here to compete in the spirit of goodwill and respect. Story by Tom Russell


Kainai Youth Arts and Media Summit Opens Eyes to Those Willing to Learn

Cowboy Smithx, a prominent lecturer and filmmaker, shared his knowledge with students.

Kainaiwa Children Services Corporation hosted the 2nd Kainai Youth Arts & Media Summit, a four-day workshop with facilitator Cowboy Smithx and the Iiniistsi Treaty Arts Society. The purpose of the 2017 summit was to encourage youth communication and relationships building through Arts and Media and to enhance our youth’s technological knowledge and skill development. The Treaty 7 students in grades 7-to-12 participated in the four-day event that consisted of: Film Making, Theater & Performance Art, Digital Media, Photography, Social Media & Graphic Design, Audio Design, Audio Engineering and Podcasting, Culinary Master Chefs, Culture & Sport and Journalism. One of the hands on sessions featured students who enrolled in the worldwide food scene to actually create and share their skills during the workshop. The participants of the culinary arts program cooked and served a delicious meal that fed over 100 people in attendance. Shannon Soop, Director, Kainaiwa Children Services Corporation, was very proud and impressed with the progress of the students who were a bit hesitant on their first day, and then to see the end results of those same students coming out of their

As the facilitator of the Kainai Youth & Media Summit, Cowboy Smithx is an award winning filmmaker from the Blood and Piikani First Nations who has gathered the best facilitators who work professionally in their respective fields to share their knowledge and expertise. Smithx and his team, the Iiniistsi Treaty Arts Society, produce the renowned REDx Talks and award winning documentaries including “Elder in the Making” and “Cree Code Talker”. Cowboy Smithx, (Wounded Mouth), has been very busy since the 2016 Media Summit. His filmmaking team are currently producing 30 media elements for the brand new Royal Alberta Museum of which is scheduled to open in Edmonton in late 2017.

shells to perform and sing onstage in front of an audience. This was seen as a feat many adults have trouble even attempting to do. “You are our future leaders and you all have the gift in you,” said Soop. “You promoted your gift this week and I ask you to continue nurturing that gift.” The keynote speakers included: Dr. Shey Eagle Bear, professional Canadian hockey player Winston Day Chief III, and a guest lecturer, Tom Russell, published author and writer and photographer for the tribe’s Tsinikssini magazine. Piikani hypnotist Kiit Kiitoki provided the entertainment at the conclusion of the workshop.

The culinary participants on stage to accept accolades.


Story by Tracy Weasel Fat


Family Awareness and Education Workshop

Bring Message of Healing and Hope to People

Guest lecturers shared important messages in dealing with the illegal and often deadly drugs within our midst. The lectures sessions drew large crowds.

Saturday, March 4, 2017, at the MultiPurpose Building was the gathering of partnerships and community to bring healing and awareness to the fentanyl and addiction problems being addressed on the Blood reserve. The Drug Prescription Project, headed by Gayle Chase and University of Lethbridge students, Heather Lamb and Elizabeth Roberts, joined with Blood Tribe Department of Health Community Health Harm Reduction Program with Lori Healy and Kathryn Jensen to bring together a really great and informative group of professionals and community members. A lunch of bannock and chili with salads, homemade brownies and cookies might have seemed like the best part of the day until you heard the messages. Like a Ted Talk Addictions video by Johann that gave the clear message that the cure is in connection not isolation, community not criminalization. Then we heard from Phillip Layton, RN from the AHS Opioid Dependency Program, who informed about the Suboxolone option that takes people from addiction with its overwhelming drama to a managed lifestyle and Cardston Pharmacist Robert Boehme teaching how to use a Naloxone kit to save a life of someone overdosing on opioids. From Dr. Susan Christenson, I began to understand that taking a narcotic over a Photos by Lenora Many Fingers

long period creates dependence; your body does not produce enough of your own natural endorphins. It is somewhat like being insulin dependent and needing the help of insulin or metformin until you can become stable again. I learned a lot from all these presentations. Lance Scout, Kainai Wellness Center, shared tools like a brain gym exercise called “Before and after the storm�. This technique awakens your inner being, uniting mind, body and spirit using a rhythmic clapping re-focus technique. Learning these simple skills of how to cope with stress reduces the harm we create to our health, emotions and minds. Blood elder Winston Wadsworth guided us with his wisdom and spiritual direction through his knowledge and experiences, encouraging the use of the power received in prayer. The round dance completed the day. We were able to train Naloxone kit carriers and more people went home prepared to take action and save the life of a loved one, neighbor or relative. There were approximately 75 people in attendance and several won the luck of the draw and some great door prizes. We will be holding these Family Awareness and Education Workshops in different communities with different speakers to bring tools, skills, kits and knowledge that 11

are available for you and your families. Come join us, share as a community and learn together as we heal.

Naloxone training with the public.

Lance Scout shares knowledge with the people.

Submitted by Kathryn Jensen R.N. Community Health


Fort Peck Tribes Methamphetamine Symposium

Highlights On-Going Battle With

Illicit Drugs

Director Dale Four Bear, in background, and the team of specialists from Fort Peck, Mont., pose for photo at the conclusion of the 2nd annual meth symposium.

The 2nd annual Fort Peck Tribes methamphetamine symposium in Poplar, Mont., on March 15-16, 2017, brought together many of Indian country’s leaders who are in the forefront in battling an addiction from a drug that is wreaking havoc within their territory. Emcee and member of the Fort Peck leadership, Tommy Christian, introduced many of the tribal leaders, law enforcement personnel, technicians, concerned tribal members and former addicts to share what efforts are currently underway and what is planned for in the future. The goal for the symposium featured four goals: To highlight successful programs, share success stories, participation in the forums and to seek community solutions. During the symposium, those in attendance gained an insight into the efforts from local agencies, enforcement agencies, the courts and from community members who are caring for children abandoned by their parents who are addicted and shared stories from addicts who are doing their utmost to regain their lives free from the addictive drug.

Blackfoot and Blackfeet members were invited to the symposium including David Bull Calf – Little Dog, Community Coordinator, H&S, Adult Intv/Prevention, with the Crystal Creek Lodge Treatment Centre in Browning, Mont., and Lynda Beaudry, who presented an Eagle staff during the symposium. Courage Crawford, Fort Peck Program Development Specialist, Spotted Bull Recovery Research Centre, said tribal specialists are gaining the expertise and knowledge required to offer treatment and care in all areas regarding the effort to combat addictions. “There are a lot of other tribes interested in what we are doing because we have to outline and define where the links need to be, where the silos are, and to bring those together,” he said. “What’s unique about our tribe is that we’ve realized that we have solutions for our problems, we don’t have to depend on an outside resource anymore. The reason for the symposium shows the people there are resources available to them here on the reserve. We realize that 12

connecting all our resources, mental health, social services, chemical dependency, aftercare, AA/NA, connect those people together, it provides a more positive outcome for the client who is asking for help.” Crawford gives credit to Dale Four Bear, Director of the Spotted Bull Recovery Research Centre, for his guidance and advice in developing all aspects of the addictions process. “His vision is to nurture those who are willing to step forward through the medicine wheel, talking circles, creator’s games for youth which focuses on suicide prevention, trauma and methamphetamine intervention,” he said. “Those are a few of the resources we have available on our reservation and if we can keep accessing them and connecting them when the issues arise, we can handle them ourselves.” The Fort Peck Methamphetamine Symposium members hope to see more people at next year’s gathering.

Story by Tom Russell


19TH Annual Peace POWWOW in Lethbridge

Showcases Tremendous Talent and Pride

These young dancers share their love of the powwow trail in their colorful regalia during the peace powwow in Lethbridge.

The International Peace Powwow & Festival held its 19th annual Powwow on February 25, 26, 2017, at the Enmax Centre in Lethbridge. Hundreds of dancers in all age categories strutted their stuff in their beautiful regalia on the dance floor for the people in attendance. Emcees of the powwow were Jason God Striker and Tommy Christian, and the Head Dancers were Jared and Layla Buffalo. One of the special events at the powwow was a headdress transfer ceremony honouring concert promoter Ron Sakamoto and Max Gibb, a respected advocate of amateur sports in Alberta. Miss Blackfoot Canada 2017 is Gloria Good Eagle and Blood Tribe member Cianna Tailfeathers was named Jr. Miss Blackfoot Canada 2017. International Peace Pow Wow Winners: Drums: 1st Blackfoot Confederacy: 2nd Black Otter, 3rd Turning Robe. Men’s Golden Age: 1st George Goodstriker, 2nd Mike Laliberte, 3rd Peter Anthony. Men’s Buckskin: 1st Herman Yellow Old Woman, 2nd Gilbert Francis, 3rd Borden Chief.

Men’s Traditional: 1st Devan Kicknosway, 2nd Teminah Greene, 3rd Bobby Hunter. Men’s Grass: 1st Lawrence Trottier, 2nd Peanutt Roberts, 3rd Tyrone Sitting Eagle Jr. Men’s Fancy: 1st River Thunderchild, 2nd Patrick Mitsuing, 3rd Harlan Metchewais Wells, Men’s Chicken: 1st Sheldon Scalplock Sr., 2nd Colin Raine, 3rd Troy Delaney. Women’s Golden Age: 1st Agnes Francis, 2nd Velma Bane, 3rd Patricia Deiter. Women’s Traditional: 1st Raylene Hunter, 2nd Charity Nepoose, 3rd Orrie Little Sky. Women’s Jingle: 1st Shaylynn Swag, 2nd Osa Roan, 3rd Candice Chief Scabbyrobe. Women’s Fancy: 1st Nadine Obey, 2nd Tatiyana Brown, 3rd Alannah Tailfeathers. Teen Boys Traditional: 1st Talsota Smith Stone Child, 2nd Chase Whitford, 3rd Piita Many Feathers. Teen Boys Grass: 1st Ralph Large, 2nd Laz Nepoose, 3rd Teigan Sleigh. Teen Boys Fancy: 1st Stormee Kipp, 2nd Keegan Buffalo, 3rd Tommy Swag. Teen Boys Chicken: 1st Sage Many Fingers, 2nd Tez Day Chief, 3rd Shyne 13

Buffalocalf. Teen Girls Traditional: 1st Tatyannah Bull, 2nd Wambie Little Sky, 3rd Carlie Nepoose. Teen Girls Jingle: 1st Chante Speidel, 2nd Mikayla Rides the Grey Horse, 3rd Kodi Weasel Head. Teen Girls Fancy: 1st Lakeisha Goodswimmer, 2nd Aislynn Whitestone, 3rd Tayli Yellowbird Jr. Boys Traditional: 1st Lennon Buffalo, 2nd Matayaz Mark, 3rd Hardy Mcgil Smalleyes. Jr. Boys Grass: 1st Andrew Breaker, 2nd Harden Jo Smalleyes, 3rd Lou Bull Bear. Jr. Boys Fancy: 1st Leland Mitsuing, 2nd Ervin Strawberry, 3rd Lennox Bull Bear. Jr. Boys Chicken: 1st Caius Bull Bear, 2nd CoCo Day Chief, 3rd Alvin Hunter. Jr. Girls Traditional: 1st Ryley Hunter, 2nd Mylee Yellowbird, 3rd Shannaya Pasqua. Jr. Girls Jingle: 1st Kaylie Nepoose, 2nd Annika Two Young Men, 3rd Avralena Cardinal. Jr. Girls Fancy: 1st Kayei-lynn Breaker, 2nd Harmony Speidel, 3rd Michelle Wolf Child Story by Tracy Weasel Fat













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