The SUMMIT Bible Church Living Foundations Course Teachers Manual 2009 07958641399/400
There is in every man & woman a destiny waiting to be birthed. There is an ultimate in every living soul that is unachievable without the invigorating empowerment of The creator of heaven and earth. There is emptiness in everyone that will NEVER be filled till he/she meets with GOD. You are very special to Him and it will be our honour to facilitate the link that will take you to the SUMMIT of your existence. TSBC Leadership Team
Introduction: Thanks for taking on His mantle and accepting to dig deeper into HIS truth. Your primary intention should be to nourish yourself even as you pass on the same to others. The Series are in three levels Ø LIVING FOUNDATIONS – Main tools you will need to succeed as a Christian Ø LIVING POWER – More tools to equip u bring heavens wishes into being Ø LIFE SKILLS – Practicalizing the words As you teach and live them, the word becomes more alive in you and…the limits off. The main thrusts you must bear in mind for this series in 2009 are Ø Evangelical – Using the home to bring multitudes in; particularly those who are sceptical about the ‘church’ they think they 'know'. Let them see the kingdom and they will love the church that JESUS purchased with HIS blood. The kingdom is beautiful. If you can see it and pass it on your master will reward you mightily Ø Discipline the new converts – Multitudes around you are perishing, rich but really poor. Poor but actually destitute. The world is full of impotent blind, halt, withered folk hoping for the messenger (a physician, a politician, a husband, a wife, a companion, an employer etc) to stir the waters of life and bring a miracle. Jesus has empowered you to walk daily with his mercy and grace and release HIS word ‘arise and walk’ (John 4:1-12). This season will release people to rise up and walk strong in Jesus. You will not only be the word giver but the supporter and encourager when the enemy sends them storms to challenge the word. (John 13-21) I urge you to live this word you will be teaching. Let HIS light shine brightly in and around you. It’s your blessing in saying Yes to our master ‘JESUS’. I appreciate you and on behalf of the pastoral team thank you for releasing yourself to be blessed. The greatest joy for us is seeing you and others you will impart achieve and fulfil their destiny. I am proud of you. Pastor Segun Ajayi P/s: Feel free to comment on ways the course could be improved. Encourage members to take notes and study the material presented (even if they are not new to them). 2
LIVING FOUNDATIONS Purpose of this course is to establish the you the believer in the fundamental truths of God’s Word 1 Peter 2:2 One of the key ways in which Christians can grow is through the knowledge of God’s word. We therefore need to study God’s Word daily. 2 Timothy 2:15 Importance of a Good Foundation The storms of life come against every person. It is how you respond in these storms that will determine whether you will stand or fall. Having your Christian foundation built on God’s word; and acting on the word, will cause you to stand strong in life. Knowledge is power. Matthew 7:24-27 The following lectures are designed to teach you the basic truths of the word of God. 1.
Assurance of salvation
Developing a personal relationship with God
The Holy Spirit
New Kingdom / New Principles
Position and Authority of the believer
Living the abundant life
The Local church
Suggested Reading Growing up spiritually Seven vital steps to receiving the Holy Spirit What faith is Praying the Results Seven things you should know about Divine Healing (These books are available at the Book Shop)
Kenneth Hagin Kenneth Hagin Kenneth Hagin Kenneth Hagin Kenneth Hagin
LIVING FOUNDATIONS 1. SALVATION A) SALVATION / BORN AGAIN What does Salvation mean? The New Testament of our Bible was originally written in ancient Greek. Now the Greek word for salvation is SOTERIA, which means “Deliverance, Safety, Preservation, Healing, Soundness and Wholeness.” This is a multi-faced but all-encompassing word. Why do we need Salvation? Because we have all sinned, and as sinners we face the judgement of God – unless, of course we receive His salvation! Romans 3:23 & Romans 6:23 How did the fall of man occur? Man was made in the image of God
Genesis 1:26-27
Adam and Eve disobeyed God, and sin entered into the world
Genesis 2:16-17
Sin is by nature destructive and it mares the image of God. In addition, death was introduced into the world. Genesis 3:3 & 7 Because we are natural descendants of Adam, we have inherited the death which came into the world through Adam 1 Corinthians 15:21 When we become Christians, we enter into the family of God. In so doing, we receive (inherit) the Life which came into the world through Jesus 1 Corinthians 15:22 What is meant by Death? Romans 6:23 & Genesis 2:16-17 Physical death we understand well enough. Spiritual death is eternal separation from God. It does not mean that we cease to exist, but separated from the source of all life Isaiah 59:2 God had a plan to save us from our sin through spiritual new birth John 3:16/1 John 3:8 How do we receive the new birth? By believing in our heart and confessing with our mouth How is this possible? It is because of the undeserved goodness of God (His grace)
Romans 10:8-10 Ephesians 2:8
By this grace we can receive forgiveness of our sins Ephesians 1:7 When we receive the new birth, we receive a recreated (brand new) spirit. In other words, we are made completely new on the inside 2 Corinthians 5:17 Because we are made new on the inside, the Holy Spirit can come alive inside us and “seal” us as people who belong to God Ephesians 1:3 In this way our relationship with God is restored
Ephesians 3:12
The basis of this restored relationship is that God is our Father, and we are now his children John 1:12 / Ephesians 2:19 4
B) MAN: Tri-part being a) Man IS a SPIRIT
Hebrews 4:12
b) Man HAS a SOUL
1 Thessalonians 5:23
c) Man LIVES in a BODY
Romans 12:1-3
As an illustration, an egg had three parts: shell, white & Yolk. All three parts combine to make an egg. THE SPIRIT The dimensions of man that contact the SPIRITUAL realm. This is where the Holy Spirit comes to live inside of us. It is the part of us that is made perfect when we receive the new birth. Proverbs 20:27 THE SOUL The dimension of man that contacts the MENTAL realm. This part of us keeps contact with the outside world through the five-physical senses. Our soul or mind is not made perfect when we receive the new birth but needs to be made new on a day to day process. Romans 12:2-3 THE BODY The dimension of man that contacts the PHYSICAL realm. This is our earth suit or “egg shell�. While there is healing available for our body, it will only really become perfect when we go to heaven and receive a resurrected body XX-------------------------------------------XX
Your ASSURANCE OF SALVATION is based on the authority of GOD’S WORD not on your intellect or emotional feelings James 1:21-25
Here are some frequently asked questions and what the Bible has to say about them ¨ How do you know that you have received eternal life?
1 John 5:11-13
¨ How do you know if Christ came into your life when you asked Him? Revelations 3:20 ¨ How do you know that you have become a child of God?
John 1:12
¨ How do you know that you have been released from your sins?
Colossians 1:14
¨ How do you know that Jesus Christ has received you?
John 6:37
¨ What has happened to you now that you are born again?
2 Corinthians 5:17
¨ What has happened to the old you?
2 Corinthians 5:17
¨ How do you know that you have become a Child of God?
Romans 8:16
¨ How do you know that you are born of God and know God?
1 John 4:7
¨ What do you know that Jesus will never do? B.
Hebrews 13:5
One of the most important lessons we have to learn is How does God sees me? When God looks at me He sees me as someone who is without any sin 2 Corinthians 5:21 / Hebrews 10:14,17 / 1 John1:7 / Romans 8:1 What does God regard as SIN? Who sins? Who tempts us to sin?
1 John 5:17 / James 4:17 1 John 1:8,10 Matthew 4:1 / James 1: 13-15
How can we resist the temptation to sin? 1 Corinthians 10:13 / Proverbs 4:14 & 15 / James 4:17 / Joshua 7:20-21 What do we do if we sin? What happens if we ignore our sin?
1 John 1:9 / Proverbs 28:13 / 1 John 1:7 Psalm 32:1-5
IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS IN 1 JOHN 1:9 – “IF WE CONFESS OUR SINS HE IS FAITHFUL AND JUST TO FORGIVE US OUR SINS AND CLEANSE US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS” It is helpful to look at how a great man like King David responded when he sinned. This is a picture of the kind of honesty that God requires Psalm 51: 1-12
C) WATER BAPTISM Water baptism (immersion under water) is an act, which Jesus submitted Himself to: Matthew 3:13-16 / Luke 3:21-23 / Mark 1:9-11 What is Water baptism? It is an outward sign, a type of public statement that we belong to Jesus. The dipping under the water represents the dying, or the burying of the old ways of living. This parallels Jesus’ dying on the cross and being buried. The coming up out of the water represents our rising up to a new way of living. This parallels the resurrection of Jesus through which we receive new life. John 10:10 Read Romans 6:4-5 for a beautiful summary of the above explanation. It is a command from God that we be Water Baptised
Acts 2:38
Water Baptism is the outward sign of an inward experience of a believer. Action: 1. Let those who will like to be baptised tell u and pass on the named to the Care Group Coordinator 2. Encourage them to listen for the announcements in church about the next Water Baptism.
A) Who is GOD? He is three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Matthew 28:19
What do the scriptures tell u about God the Father? Have a look at the following verses: Matthew 7:11 / John 4:23-24 /Hebrew 12:9/ James 1:17 What do the scriptures tell us about Jesus the Son? John 8:12/ John 10:14 / Hebrews 13:8 / Galatians 3:13 Jesus, Our Redeemer: Jesus Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law. The term “the law” usually refers to the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. According to these five books, we can see that the curse of the law or the result of breaking God’s law which is threefold: poverty, sickness and eternal death. Jesus, through His death, burial and resurrection, redeemed us from this curse. In other words, He freed us from the bondage of poverty, the destruction of sickness and disease and the eternal separation from God. All we have to do is believe and have faith in Him as our redeemer. What do the scriptures tell us about the Holy Spirit? 1 Corinthians 3:16 / John 16: 13-14 / Romans 8:14-16
B) GETTING TO KNOW HIM The results of putting God first in your life
Matthew 6:33
Set your heart and your mind on those things that are of God
Colossians 3:1-2
An example of someone who sets her heart on the things of God was Mary. Make the Word of God your priority. Luke 10:38-42 / Psalm 119:2 God reveals Himself to diligent, sincere seekers, not casual enquirers. Jeremiah 29:13 / Hebrews 11:8 What are the results of seeking God? We are filled with God Himself True forgiveness and healing
Matthew 5:6 / Proverbs 8:17 2 Chronicles 7:14
C) PRAYER – COMMUNICATION – DIALOGUE WITH GOD How to talk to GOD There are some right attitudes in prayer. Have a look at what these verses have to say about how to approach God in prayer. Psalm 5:1-3 / Psalm 55:17 / Psalm 62:8 / Psalm 63:1 When should we pray? “Praying continually means to be in a constant attitude of awareness that God is always with you, and you can talk to Him at anytime and anywhere. Philippians 4:6-7 Set aside time every day to focus on God and allow Him to speak to you. This is what Jesus did and we should follow His example. Mark 1:35 For whom should we pray? There are many people that God wants us to pray for: 1 Timothy 2:1-4 / Ephesians 6:18 / Matthew 9:36-38 / Luke 6:38 Confidence in Prayer: We can pray with confidence that God want us to pray for: Jeremiah 33:3 / Matthew 7:7-11 / Hebrews 4:16 / Ephesians 3:20 Promised Answers: While God does promise to answer our prayers, it is not a means to get what you want out of God. There are some conditions to answered prayer. John 16:23-24 / John 15:7 / Mark 11:24 / 1 John5: 14-15 Honesty in Prayer: Remember, if God is going to answer our prayers, we also need to be open and honest with God by confessing our sins to Him 1 John 1:1-9 / Matthew 6:14-15 HOW TO HEAR FROM GOD To hear from God, you must be willing to listen and wait for God to speak. God will use different avenues to speak to us. The Word of God / The gifts of the Holy Spirit / Provision / People of God / Prophecy / Inward Witness / the Voice of the Holy Spirit / Visitation Mostly God wants to speak to us directly Himself through His Word and through the Holy Spirit speaking to our Spirit. John 10:2-5 / John 14 / John 17:17-26 Worship is one of the best ways to prepare our hearts to hear form God.
The Holy Spirit is a person and not an it or a thing
A) THE HOLY SPIRIT IS GOD AS MUCH AS THE FATHER OR JESUS IS GOD The Father, the Son (Jesus) and the Holy Spirit are the trinity who together are God. The Holy Spirit shows us or points us to Jesus, and Jesus in turn shows us the Father. We first hear of the Holy Spirit right in the beginning when God created the earth. He was “hovering over the face of the waters – as the presence of God on the earth Genesis1:2 Also, when God made man, He said, “Let us make man in Our image” The “Our” speaks of the three persons of the Trinity.
Genesis 1:16
Once you become a Christian, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us. In this way God makes us His own. Our body then becomes the temple or dwelling place of the Holy Spirit 1 Corinthians 3:16 / 1 Corinthians 6;15. 19-20 So, wherever you go, you take the Holy Spirit with you! Why did God give us the Holy Spirit? Just to live inside of us? No. He is our Helper, Counsellor, Advocate, Comforter, Standby, Intercessor & Strengthener. John 15:26 (AMP) There are also a number of names of titles given to the Holy Spirit, which tells us more about Him: Spirit of God Spirit of Grace Spirit of Truth Spirit of Holiness
Isaiah 61:1 Zechariah 12:10 John 14;17 Romans 1:4
Spirit of Life Spirit of Christ Spirit of Adoption Spirit of Glory
Romans 8:2 Romans 8:9 Romans 8:15 1 Peter 4:14
Ministry of the Holy Spirit After Jesus returned to heaven, God sent the Holy Spirit to earth for a specific purpose. This purpose is His ministry. He is our teacher He convicts us of sin He gives us power
John 14:26 John16:8 Acts 1:8
He helps us pray Romans 8:26 He leads and guides us John 16:13 He comforts and helps us John 14:16
B) BAPTISM IN THE HOLY SPIRIT The Holy Spirit was given on the day of Pentecost
Acts 2:1-4
He has been here ever since. It is just a matter of receiving Him now. You receive Him by faith, like your salvation. Acts2:1-13 / Acts 8:12-19 / Acts 10:44-46 / Acts 19:1-6 It is important to understand the difference between being “born again” and being “filled with the Spirit.” Ø When we receive the new birth, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us. In this way we are Born of the Spirit 1 Corinthians 12:13 Ø When we are baptised in the Holy Spirit we are filled with the Spirit. The Holy Spirit no longer just lives inside of us. He is released into our lives and fills up our lives with Himself Luke 3:16 / Acts 1:4-5 When we receive the Holy Spirit, He enables us to speak in tongues (another language) as a sign that he is there. What is the purpose of speaking in tongues? Ø For spiritual “recharging” or strengthening 1 Corinthians 14:4 Ø To pray according to God’s will. When we pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit prays through us. In this way we can pray for something we do not understand properly. Romans 8:26-27 Ø To build up our faith Jude 20 At Pentecost He was given in a special way to perform a specific ministry. The Holy Spirit could only undertake this ministry after Jesus had completed His minister of dying on the cross and rising again from the dead. Why should I be filled with the Holy Spirit? God commanded us We need power
Ephesians 5:18 Acts 1:8
How can a person be filled with the Holy Spirit? We have to first of all be born again Then, ask Jesus to give you the Holy Spirit and receive Him by faith Yield to the Holy Spirit. Expect to be filled with Him
Acts 2:38 Luke 11:9-13
Assurance of being filled with the Holy Spirit How do I know that I have been filled with the Holy Spirit? What can I expect? Ø Firstly, expect to speak in tongues
Acts 2:4 / Acts 10:44-46
There are two ways in which we can speak in tongues Ø Public When this happens, it is the Holy Spirit inside of us wanting to say something. Of course, there must then also be an interpretation or we will not understand what has been said. 1 Corinthians 14:26-28 Ø Private There are a number of benefits from speaking in tongues privately. Have a look at these verses 1 Corinthians 14:2,4 / Jude 20/ Romans 8:26 XX------------------------------------XX 11
2 Corinthians 5:17-18 17. Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold all things have become new 18. Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. When we receive the new birth (born again), we were made completely new (a new creation) on the inside. A) FAITH PRINCIPLES What is faith? Faith is a spiritual force by which we operate in God’s kingdom
Hebrew 11:1
Faith is intended to be a lifestyle, a spiritual force to live by Mark 11:23-24 / Romans 10:9-10 Importance of Faith Firstly, it is through faith that we receive the free gift of salvation that God has given to us. Ephesians 2:8-9 Without faith we cannot please God. God requires faith
Hebrew 11:6
Faith and the Word are synonymous. The Word works in us to produce faith. Romans 10:17 Living by faith. Again, faith is to be a lifestyle Romans 1:17 / 2 Corinthians 5:7 We receive things from God by faith Have a look at these verses to see what our faint can do: Through faith we are… To please God Our faith can make us…. Asking in faith we receive… Everything is possible to him who believes Our faith can grow By meditating on the Word of God we can cause our faith to grow
Ephesians 2:8 Hebrew 11:6 Matthew 9:21-29 James 1:5-8 Mark 9:23 Romans 10:17
How faith works By love. The motivation behind faith is love Galatians 5:6 Through forgiveness. We cannot expect God to act on our behalf if we hold unforgiveness in our hearts. Ephesians 1:18 How do we get faith? Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Romans 10:17 We all were given faith when we heard the Gospel; otherwise we could not have been saved.
How do I release my faith? Confessing or speaking out the Word of God, which you believe will release your faith. We believe with our heart and confess with our mouth. Speaking the Word of God over the situation brings the manifestation of what we believe to pass. The Word of God must be in our hearts as well as spoken with our mouth to bring result. Acting on God’s Word will release faith and produce the results we expect. James 1:2 The three elements to release your faith are believe, speak and act When we spend time in the Word of God and allow Him to speak to us, we get to understand what His will is. When we pray the will of God into being, we can confidently expect results. 1 John 5:14-15 / Mark 11:24 A key element of faith is patience. We do not always immediately see what we ask for. Faith gives us the confidence to know that it is ours even though we do not see it yet. Patience is the gap between spiritually seeing the answer to your faith and physically seeing that answer. Hebrews 10:23 / Hebrew 6:15 B) HOPE Hope is what we expect to receive in the future. Faith is what we expect to receive now. Hebrews 11:1 / Romans 15:13 How do faith and hope work together? By love. C) LOVE To enjoy faith and hope working in us, we must be established in love. Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø
A new commandment What is love/ How can we learn to love? God’s love is in us Grow the fruit of love
John 13:34 1 Corinthians 13:1-8 1 John 4:8 Romans 5:5 Galatians 5:22
Father – Child – Relationship –Adoption When we become a Christian, we become a child of God John 1:12 Father God has chosen us to be His children Ephesians 1:4-5 / Ephesians 2:4-5 As a result, we are in a very privilege position Ephesians 2:6 Because of the victory which Jesus won over sin, sickness and the devil, the name of Jesus is now a very powerful weapon Philippians 2:9-11 / Matthew 28:18-20 Jesus gives us the authority to use His name to bind or to loose what is not of God. Matthew 18:18/ Luke 10:19 Justification (Instant) Justification concerns the believe standing before God. We were made spiritually perfect the day we got saved 2 Corinthians 5:21 / 1 Corinthians 1:30 The believer is declared righteous on the basis of his faith in the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 4:3 Sanctification (Process) When we become a Christian, we received all that Jesus made available to us. This is called Positional Truth. Although we may have received it, we still have to make it ours. This is the process. 1 Corinthians 6:11 / 2 Thessalonians 2:13 As we step by step apply the Word of God to our lives, we get rid of habits and ways of behaving which are not of God. In so doing, we take possession of the sanctification (right living) that Jesus has already given to us. This is Experiential Truth. We then have it personally, and not just positionally. Colossians 3:5-7 Sanctification is a lifelong process. This is what we call growing as a Christian, and we will do it for as long as we are on this earth! 2 Peter 3:18 / 2 Corinthians 3:18 / Romans 8:29/ 1 Thessalonians 4:1,3-5,7 / Philippians 2:12 The position of the devil. Satan has been defeated by Jesus’ death and resurrection
Colossians 2:15
The position of the church The Church has been given a position of privilege and authority. Ephesians 1:3 / Ephesians 2:6 Today Satan can only exercise as much authority as Christians allow him to use. He has to pretend he has a lot of authority by deceiving you into believing his lies. 1 Peter 5:8 Salvation of the soul The key to sanctification (the salvation of our soul) is the battle of our mind. James 1:21 He restores my soul Psalm 23:3 As a man thinks in his heart, so is he Proverbs 23:7 Strongholds can form in our minds through the formation of bad habits and thinking patterns. The devil can then use these wrong thoughts as strongholds. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 / Philippians chapter 3 14
The power of our thought life Remember, you are what you think Proverbs 23:6 Our beliefs and misbeliefs all contribute towards strongholds 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 You’re thinking patterns develop your attitude – life is a life of attitude. Your attitude will make your world. An example is Gideon Judges Chapter 6 & 7 What did God say to Gideon? He said he was a mighty man of valour! Gideon had small thinking; he had to change his thinking How do you pull down strongholds? Ephesians 4:17-25 You have to make a decision and choose to change your thoughts. We have to replace wrong thinking with the right thinking or they will spring up again. How do we do this? Study these verses and pick out what you must do Ephesians 4:30-31 / Colossians 3:14-16 / Philippians 4:8 The power of the tongue James 3:2-11 Your words come from your heart, they are not just a mistake Matthew 12:34 You speak either life or death Proverbs 18:21 It is up to you to choose life Deuteronomy 30:19 You reap what you speak Proverbs 18:20 / Proverb 6:2 You have to give an account for idle words Matthew 12:36-37 The Word of God is spirit and life John 3:63 Make your way prosperous by choosing to speak the Word of God Joshua 1:8 The renewing of the mind The renewing of the mind is getting rid of wrong ways of thinking and replacing them with godly way of thinking. Transformed is the Greek word, which is the root word for metamorphosis. E.g. the caterpillar going into a cocoon and transforming into a butterfly (fluff and wastage left behind). Be renewed in the attitude of your mind (thinking process) by renouncing its vanity darkness and blindness. Romans 12:1-2 It is the very attitude of our mind (the deep-seated ways of thinking that are opposed to God’s Word) that need to be changed. Ephesians 4:22-24 Two kinds of thinking Romans 8:5-7 a. Fleshly minded or carnal thinking. This is a worldly way of thinking, a rebellion against God. b.
Spiritually minded or Word minded thinking.
We are made right with God by faith in what Jesus has done for us. Then it is our responsibility to live up to our position in Christ. We are set apart sanctified, and consecrated. This is our position in Christ 1 Corinthians 1:1-5 Now look at 1 Corinthians 3:1-3. Here they have not been practising it! What was happening is the natural man was acting in contrast to the spiritual man, and they were living in the babyhood of Christian faith. In other words, they were living more in the natural and not being led by the spirit. 15
When you sin as a Christian what happens? When we become Christians, we are covered by the protection of Jesus. But when we sin, it is as though we come out from under the covering. As with an umbrella, if you leave its covering, you will get wet. If we chose to go our own way, we abandon the protection of Jesus and make ourselves targets for Satan. Our relationship with God is based on our position in Christ What does this mean practically? It means I don’t have to be perfect to enjoy a rich and fulfilling relationship with God. The key is that positionally I am “IN Him” and this is the Eternal truth. Ephesians 2:6 However, if we sin, we damage our fellowship with Christ. Our sin hurts God’s heart. But the good news is that we can receive forgiveness for that sin and restore the broken fellowship. This is the temporal truth, which is subject to change. 1 John 1:9 How to get back into fellowship Turn away from sin, repent to God and then continue to walk with God and grow. 1 John 1:5-9 When we confess our sin, God responds in four ways. a. He is faithful to His Word b. He is Just c. He forgives our sins d. Cleans us from all our wrong doing In other words, He takes away the guilt and the presence of sin. Rather than having to ask for forgiveness, God desires that we ‘walk in the Spirit ‘ Galatians 5:25 We always get a choice, we make the decision, we will to do His will and God takes care of the rest. We must submit our will to God’s in order to walk in the Spirit. As even Jesus prayed “not my will, but yours” When we are out of fellowship with God we are in the flesh and carnal, and we behave and respond out of our old natural selves. When this happens, our eyes are on the problems or lack in our lives. The result is the problem gets bigger and Jesus and the Word get smaller. Worship helps us to see God as so much bigger than our problems. As a huge mountain can look quite small from far away, so God will seem small if we don’t stay close to Him. You lose fellowship or drift away from God until you repent of the sin that you are aware of. A child does not stop being its father’s son when he does wrong, but repeated wrongdoing is certainly going to cause a rift between the two. So your Relationship with God does not change if you sin. You are still a child of God. God is merciful and just to forgive our sin. He has already shown His love for us by sending Jesus to restore both relationship and fellowship with God.
As a growing believer what must I beware of? The parable of the Sower sowing seed into the soil A.
Mark 4:1-20
First Attack before the seed has had time to grow in you: Ø Satan comes immediately to steal the word that is sown in the believer’s heart. His is Satan’s first ministry. Easier to discourage just as you have left the cell Eg Fear, bills, lies all contrary to what you just heard Phase 2 – Costs him more troops so he likes to do step 1 Ø Affliction: Tight situations Ø Persecution: Pursuing situations E g He uses afflictions and persecution to bring an offence. Phase 3 - Your love for GOD is unquestionable & he has failed 1 & 2 so he lets what you want to kill your faith Ø Cares of this world Ø Deceitfulness of riches Ø Lusts of other things entering in They combine to choke the word 1 John 2:16 -This speaks of three critical areas, which Satan uses to trip us up in:
However, the Word is the seed and you and I need to: ¨ Plant it by hearing the Word and receiving it eagerly Remember faith comes by hearing the Word on a regular basis ¨ Watering it by repeated hearing and confessing the Word ¨ Tend to it through studying and meditation ¨ Delight in the Word as the source of freedom and victory
Romans 10:17 Romans 10:17 Psalm 1:2 James 8:32
Reap the harvest. As we are doers of the Word, we can expect to see 30-60-100 fold return. Note that there is a progression here. As we sow more and more of the Word into us we can expect more and more fruit bearing. What you say is what you get! James 1:25 Mark 4:14 The seed is the Word KEY: As believers we must learn to become consistent as children of God, growth is important. ¨ We must daily hear the Word. As with a child for it to grow it must be daily fed. ¨ Fellowship with God daily through prayer. Communicate with God. If you find it easier, write a letter to Him. Talk as you would to a loving father. God has made up His mind concerning you in His Word, so you must now decide how much fruit you will bear. Philippians 2:12-13 Be determined to have a hunger and thirst for the Word, a depth of consecration roots down deep to endure, stability to stand persecution, trails and misunderstanding which are sure to come. God did promise us a rose garden and because He is a just God He constantly reminds us about the thorns and how to overcome them.
God has a wider purpose for getting His Word established in us. When you are born again – you become the salt of the earth. Our function in society is to demonstrate and practise the fruit of the Spirit. In so doing the world can see what Jesus can do Matthew 5:13-16
XX --------------------------------XX
What type of life did Jesus come to bring us?
John 10:10
The abundant life, which He gives us, is superabundant in quantity and superior in quality. 2 John 2 / Proverbs 10:22 / Psalm 103:1-5 / Psalm 68:19 God’s people perish for a lack of knowledge
Hosea 4:6
Knowledge of what God has made available for us to enjoy. Why does God want us to be blessed with abundance? 1. God simply loves us and wants us to “enjoy” life 2. God loves others and He wants us to be a channel, so He can bless others through us. God wants you to be a blest and to be a blessing Genesis 12:1-3 / 1 Timothy 6;17-18 / Deuteronomy 8:11-18 We have a new and better covenant, which Jesus has purchased for us.
Hebrews 8:6
In this New Covenant we have the right to have direct access into the very presence of God. Ephesians 3:12 The blood of Jesus gives us access into the Father’s presence. Blood is a symbol of great important in a covenant. Jesus’ blood is the basis of the covenant, which makes us one of God’s family. WHAT DOES HIS BLOOD DO FOR US? Secure a complete redemption for us? Purifies our conscience from dead works Ratifies or establishes the New Covenant Opens the Holy of Holies (the presence of God) for us. Restores our relationship with God Makes us members of God’s household
Hebrews 9:12 Hebrews 9:14 Hebrews 10:19 Ephesians 2:12-13 Ephesians 2:19
The covenant, which we have with God, exchanges our old life for abundant life by making the following exchanges: His life for our life His righteousness for our filthy rags His riches for our debts His forgiveness for our sins His strength for our weakness In ancient covenants between men, 5 things were exchanged. This is also true of our covenant with God. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Blood - His blood cleanse our hearts of sin 1 John1: 7 Blessings - The Word of God is full of promised blessings 2 Peter 1:4 Name - We are called Children of God 1 John 1:9 / 1 John 3:1-3 Covenant mealWe celebrate Communion 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Seal The Holy Spirit is our seal or guarantee Ephesians 1:13 19
Look at these verses as two wonderful Covent promises. Meditate on them, memorise them so that you can meditate on them anytime 2 Corinthians 9:8 / Matthew 6:33 Remember these words of caution, which keeps us in balance 1 Timothy 6:10 / Proverbs 16:18 It is vital that we learn to be content in our situation. This is a matter of attitude. Philippians 4:11-13 / 1 Timothy 6:6 / Hebrews 13:5 There are 2 vital areas of abundant living: Healing and Prosperity The original covenant, which God made with man, was made with Abraham. Healing and Prosperity are key elements of the covenant with Abraham. Deuteronomy 28:1-14 This covenant is the basis of which Jesus made for us by His blood. The blessings of Abrahamic covenant
John 3:16 Galatians 3:13-14
To reap the rewards of the covenant, we need to do some sowing: 2 Corinthians 9:6 / Galatians 6:7-9 / Luke 6:38
About Healing: Some believe that: Ø Sickness is from God – FALSE Truth is: Ø Sickness is part of the curse of sin and comes from the devil Ø Satan was the original sinner and he has brought sickness Ø The oppressor is Satan not God. Ø Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil.
1 John 3:8
Some also erroneously believe: Ø God heals some people and not others --LIE The blessings of our covenant are available to all that will receive. Jesus never turned anyone away who came for healing and He is the same yesterday, today and forever. God heals Hebrews 13:8 Is God willing to heal all? Most people agree God is able but ask Is HE willing to heal me? Is Jesus willing to forgive MY sin? YES. We must believe what the Word of God says. Some are waiting for God to do something. God is waiting for us to receive what He has already given to us. Some don’t know how to receive their healing. We receive by faith in what Jesus has done for us. Faith in the name of Jesus brings healing for soul and body. Forgiveness of sin and healing of the body were paid for in one payment 1 Peter 2:24 / Matthew 8:17 20
Some get healed but cannot keep their healing: Wrong thinking causes some sickness. If we don’t renew our minds from wrong thinking, we will get sick again. Where does sickness come from? Sickness entered the world when sin entered the world. The Hebrew and Greek words for salvation imply the ideas of deliverance, safety preservation, healing and sickness. Only after the fall did things start to go wrong. God declares through His name, Jehovah Rapha, “I am the Lord that heals. Psalm 103:1-5 He is the Healer, not he inflictor Different ways one can receive healing Ø Through anointing with oil Ø Prayer of agreement Ø Laying on of hands Ø Gifts of healing Ø Prayer of faith
James 5:14 Matthew 18:19 Mark 16:15-17 1 Corinthians 12:9 Mark 11:23-24
About Prosperity Galatians 3:16,29 / Hebrews 13:8 / John 3:16 A key to prosperity is the life-principle of sowing and reaping, also known as seed time and harvest. We sow by giving. God requires us to Tithe that is to set a tenth of all we earn and give it to Him 2 Corinthians 9:8 / Malachi 3:8 Why do some people not receive? Ø Lack of knowledge. They don’t know that God wants to bless them Ø They do not exercise their faith Ø Double mindedness will keep us from receiving anything from God Ø Wrong motives Proverbs 16:2 Ø Sin in our lives, especially un-forgiveness will keep us from receiving Ø Wrong influences will turn us away from God and His Word, the source of life. XX--------------------------------------XX
REALISE THAT THE PERFECT CHURCH DOES NOT EXIST!!! Reasons why we need to find a good church You need good teaching – doctrine Ø Ø Ø Ø
Acts 2:41-42
The church you join must have a Statement of Faith You need fellowship with other Christians You need the “breaking of bread” or Communion You need prayer
What to look for in a good church Ephesians 4:11-16 Ø Look for a church with a strong pastor – GOD’s strength Ø Look for a church that teaches and trains the believers for the work of the ministry Ø Look for a church that teaches and challenges you to grow spiritually Ø Look for a church with a loving atmosphere – loving church family led by a loving pastor Ø Look for a church that says the truth and sticks with the word (even if it hurts you, you are safer on the long run) Ø Look for a church that’s believes the FULL Gospel including healing and deliverance and sticks to the word not man-made versions of the truth The local Church is part of the universal church, which is the Body of Christ. Jesus Christ died for the entire church. The church is built on revelation knowledge of what Jesus purchased for us by His death and resurrection. Scriptural Organisation of the Local Church Jesus Christ is the Head of the Church
Colossians 1:15-18
Christians / Believers are the body of the Church. We are His “hands and feet” in this world Ephesians 1:22-23 The church has ministry gifts This means that God has given certain spiritual gifts or abilities to specific people to enable the Church to function correctly. ¨ These Ministry gifts are given by God as He chooses to give them to people ¨ They are called the “Five-Fold Ministry” because there are five Ministry Gifts, which are designed to work together. The ministry Gifts are the Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and teacher. Ephesians 4:4-13 ¨ As the head of the church, Jesus places each Ministry Gift and co-ordinates their functioning to form a unity. ¨ The five-fold ministry is there to equip the saints for the work of the ministry to bring the unity of the faith. ¨ In the church we also have Elders, Deacons & Ministry of Helps (More details on the Vision empowerment days held quarterly)
Who is the pastor? Ø Jesus is the Chief –Shepherd (we always keep our eyes on Jesus) Hebrews 13:20 Ø The pastor is the under shepherd to Jesus and he is one of the ministry gifts to the church Ephesians 4:8 Ø He should feed, care, tend, protect and discipline the sheep. Elders, Deacons and Ministry of Helps An Elder or Bishop must be: Ø Mature, established believer Ø He can oversee the affairs of the church. In other words, he usually has some or other leadership / administrative role to play in the church. 1 Timothy 3:1-7 Deacons They have similar requirements to Elders and Bishops. Their role is to SERVE the body of Christ. A good example is an usher or a hostess who serves communion and takes up the offering etc. Ministry of helps In modern terms, people who assist with ministry work e.g. typing, bookshop, sound and any other support function within the local church. KEY: Find you place in the Body of Christ and be enthusiastically involved to accomplish what God wants for your life, in your local church. GOD THE FATHER GOD THE SON GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT
APOSTLE Sent one who lays foundations in the church 1 Cor 3:10, Heb 3:11
Sees into GOD’s plans, speaks GOD’s word, gives vision Luke 24:19
Tells the good news, seeks the lost, heals the sick Matthew. 4:23
Shepherd who leads and feeds the flock John 10
Applies the WOG to life & encourages obedience Matt 7:28
Practical Service Acts 6:1-6, 1st Tim 3:8-13
Local Church
Spiritual Oversight Acts 14:23, 1st Tim 3:1-7
Contributing to the needs of others
Gifts of Grace to the Local Church Romans 12:6-8 Leadership
Showing Mercy
Fellowship We are required to go to church regularly - every Sunday
Hebrews 10:25
This means attending the Sunday services where we worship God and hear the word of God preached. Going to church also means meeting and interacting with other Christians. The best way to do this is in a Home Cell where you can build up close relationships with other Christians. Giving In the Old testament, emphasis was placed on laws and injunctions as servants of GOD. In the New testaments there are no such injunctions. In all New testament reference to giving, it is presupposed that the love for GOD and His work will propel us to support His work and give as He has blessed us. In the New Testament ALL we have belongs to GOD. We need to exercise faith based on His instructions to us and act appropriately. Israel was expected to give 10% (Leviticus 27:30-34, Hebrews 7:8). We are on a higher level and flow according to His dictates to us (Galatians 6:7-10). We MUST not feel pressurized and we must not give out of fear or dread. As we give, we trust we will never out-give Him (2 Corinthians 9:80). To understand a clear, understand of giving, study (2 Corinthians 9:6-15) Ø His abounding grace overtakes you and he will bring more seed to you Ø You will have all sufficiency in all things because he multiplies the seed he gave, you to plant and you planted Ø You will be able to freely give as prompted because you have more Ø You will walk in a greater degree of righteousness Ø People will storm heaven thanking GOD for you and GOD will have to honour their prayers of blessings It is not how much you give, but the attitude with which you give. God is more concerned about your heart than your sacrifice! Anything done legalistically or out of faith is offensive to him (Hebrews 11:6, Gal 2:16, 3:11) See also Romans 5:1-2, 9:30-32! Always remember: Ø Worship God with yourself before your giving Ø Give cheerfully Ø Use your faith Few Causes of Poverty (exhaustive topic): Ø Not releasing seed so he can multiply Ø Yielding to pressure to give - GOD can't really fully bless the seed Ø Accepting curses through Christian witchcraft and manipulation, making you give out of fear e.g. Hoping GOD will protect you, not realizing that you are seated in the heavenly places and are authorised to rebuke every devourer yourself as a child of GOD in the new testament Ø Wrong motives e.g. treating GOD as a roulette machine, showing off to other people, manipulating for favour Ø Wrong soil Ø Generational issues, previous occult links etc not dealt with appropriately
Communion (breaking of Bread) Ø We must judge ourselves before partaking of the Lord’s supper (communion) Ø Communion is the time when we remember what Christ did for us on the cross to remind us of our covenant with Him. Ø We take the bread as symbolic of His body, to provide health and healing for our bodies and our souls e.g. Deliverance from strongholds such as prejudice etc. Ø We take the wine as symbolic of His blood for the remission of our sins. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 Fulfilling of the Ministry Ø Every believer should be a part of a local church. This means committing yourself to the local church and includes filling in a membership form. Ø Every believer should be part of a local home fellowship group. Ø If you have a counselling need pass unto coordinator Ø The next course is the “LIVING POWER ” SERIES. Come along and be blessed. Ø Meanwhile use what you have learned and pass it unto others. Ø In sharing you grow XX----------------------------------------XX
Visitors Congregational
BASIC REQUIREMENT TO BECOME Alpha EE3 Encourage to Join Congregation 1. Christian Foundations 2. Life Skills - Living POWER! 3. VED (Incl Basic Sellit)
90% of Congregation
General Volunteer Training Specific Volunteer Training Prayer Course
Vineyard Workers
75% of Congregation
Higher Dimension Training
FCF Licensing
As Led
Leadership Training - TSBC Sellit Equip & leadership Gold (John Maxwell) Prayer Course TSBC Academy FCF Ordination
Available Courses & Programs
ONGOING REQUIREMENTS Database IV to Events Encourage: 1. Volunteer 2. Weekly Function (s) 3. Night Vigils 4. Weekend Encounters 5. Financial Commitment 1. Weekly Function (s) 2. Night Vigils 3. Weekend Encounters 4. Financial Commitment 1. Weekly Function (s) 2. Night Vigils 3. Weekend Encounters 4. Financial Commitment Complete Sell-out to the Vision
Ministry within the local church for 5 years (Or till released)
Requirements (Up to Vineyard Workers)
1. Alpha
1. Attend 1 VED (Incl Basic Sellit)
2. EE3 3. Christian Foundations
2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Life Skills General Volunteer Training Specific Volunteer Training Prayer Course Leadership Training - TSBC Sellit & Equip & leadership Gold (John Maxwell) 9. The SUMMIT Academy of ministerial training
Volunteer Weekly Functions Home Cells Prayer Cells 'Choir etc Attend Night Vigils / Weekend Encounters Financial commitment