Design Portfolio (updated June 2020)

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Kevin Tsoi Design Portfolio i n t er n ap p licat i o n 2 0 2 0

Kevin Tsoi Name Tsoi Ka Ming Contact +852 5377 1626 e-mail Birth 13/11/1999





2017- Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Bachelor in Environment and Interior Design

2020 London, University of Westminster - Exchange in BA Interior Architecture

Fluent Cantonese, Mandarin,

2012- 2017 STFA Tam Pak Yu College

2019 AB Concept (Hong Kong) - Summer intern

Microsoft Office suite Keynote Pages Mac OS

2019 POLYU Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) - Xian Project team member 2019 Service Learning in Keihoku, Japan 2019 UIA-CBC Internal Collages and Universities Competitive Construction Workshop - Shen Zhen U + HK PolyU team member 2018 DESIGN PIER - “TRUE TALES BY DESIGN” Exhibition Set-up


Indesign 2020 Photoshop 2020 Illustrator 2020 Lightroom Classic Premiere Pro 2020 AutoCAD 2019 Rhinoceros 5 Grasshopper (Learning)

Spoken and Written English


2017_First year studio project_Body Extention

Body Extension Wearable devices inspired by a movement

Sept 2017- Dec 2017 Academic Project First Year Studio Individual Design Details, Ergonomic Design


Begin with photography of certain movement, the ergonomics of my own body is measured, studied and analysed. Using a rectangular box to analyse my occupy of space, the method was also tested on other movements. The final outcome is a wearable mechanical device that maintain spaces behind me when I kneel.

The project allows me to explore about the relation of body and space, have a better understanding to my body dimensions and the way to conduct ergonomic design. I learnt about characteristics and ways to fabricate certain material during the design development of my body extension.

Body Extention_First year studio project_2017


2018_First year studio project_Narrative Framing

Narrative Framing Temporary Installation on Temple Street

Jan 2018- Feb 2018 Academic Project First Year Studio Group of Two with Timothy Lam

Material Exploration, Fabrication

Awarded Best Material Exploration in PolyU Design Annual show 2018

Narrative Framing is an installation-to-architecture scale project. This sitespecific project happens in Temple Street Night Market, an iconic spot in Hong Kong where there is dramatic changes from day to night and rich in cultural and architectural context for us to investigate. By continuing the Body Extension, the device is brought and per formed on site in order to observe the changes of device to the surroundings. An object, together with the surrounding site is selected, drawn and studied. Working with a partner,


a temporary installation is executed on an early morning in Temple street. It is designed based on the narratives of two body extensions, and the context of our assigned area in Temple Street, as a spacial “ framing” of body narratives on site. By analysing the common narrative of two body extensions as “contraction and expansion”, we developed a canvas system. The site specific narrative framing is designed in modular, prefabricated in school for deployment on the Temple Street.

Narrative Framing_First year studio project_2018




2019_charity+community project_Opera Theatre Revitalization

Theatre Revitalization Project, Xian 匯豐銀行清峪村無止橋項目

from Jan 2019 (ongoing) Community Project Real project (charitable) Theatre design Village revitalization

HK PolyU Wu Zhi Qiao design team In cooperation with 西安建築科技大學 無止橋學生團隊


Wu Zhi Qiao (Bridge to China) is a charitable organisation with rich experience in community service projects in mainland. The organisation focuses in helping underprivileged villages, by student initiated projects on village renewal, social design, bridge and villagers’ centre. In 2019, we started a project to design and built a theatre for a local village in Xian. The project is sponsored by HSBC, as a collaboration between HK PolyU and the Xian University of Building and Technology. On-site investigation was done in 2019 spring and autumn.

This is the proposal by PolyU design team, a new theatre that could also serve as a villagers’ centre. Bricks and wood are used to respond to the local textiles of the original building. Along with the overall design, I was in charge of the detail design and drawings.

50厚木板 B 旧木头 Dia 120 下弦 H150 6mm L形铁 旧木头对半开, 20mm 鑽孔, 50mm 开口 直径18mm 螺丝组 B

檩条拼接, 6mm L形铁, 直径18mm 螺丝组

A 剖平面图


A B 剖面图


鋪瓦 25*25mm 掛瓦條 3mm 封檐板 6mm 防水板 100*50mm 木椽 200*100mm 桁條 150*150mm 繫桿 250*150mm 斜樑 200*150mm 橫樑 300*300mm 鋼筋混凝土柱


2019_charity+community project_Opera Theatre Revitalization


Junkspace Allocation in K11 Musea_elective project_2019

Junkspace Allocation Research and spatial analysis in K11 MUSEA

K11 Atelier

Victoria harbour

Salisbury Road

Sep 2019 to Dec 2019 Design Theory research with Amber Chan Bryan Yuen Dabbie Lam

In the course, we initiated a research on identifying Junkspace theory from Rem Koolhaas in the newlyopened shopping mall, the K11 MUSEA. Begin with analysing zones and circulations within the mall and the surrounding. We then visualise our understanding and makde a landscape out of the research data. I designed the methodology and build the 3D model, which was later 3D-printed.


2019_Second year studio project_Beyond Visual

Beyond Visual A sensory journey within Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market

It’s all about Sensation: a touch of sunlight, a breeze of air, the temperature, humidity, the sound of the city carried by wind ...enable you to understand beyond visual.

Jan 2019- Apr 2019 Academic Project Second year Studio Group of two with Timothy Lam

Adaptive reuse Experiential design

Awarded AB Concept Scholarship 2018-19

Visual is always the dominant element when experiencing a space, this project challenges to interpret other senses as the ruling element to explore space. Under a moment of stillness, no movement can be observed. Almost nothing is happening. That is when we open up our senses. How we understand a space beyond form and shape? It’s all about sensation: a touch of sunlight, a breeze of air, the temperature, humidity, the sound of the city carried by wind…enable yourself to understand beyond visual. Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market, one of the busiest place in Kowloon,


is facing relocation in the next decade. Imagining the space will soon be abandoned, the market is turned into a journey of sensation. There are three parts composing the journey, namely Frames, Lining, and Sound Capsule.

Beyond Visual_Second year studio project_2019









0700 - 1700 Day time

1700 - 0000 Evening

0000 - 0700 Night time

Static at Day Vibrant at Night

Locating Environmental Technology


Elevation W

Elevation E

Sound Capsules




Design Plan - Ground

First Floor

Beyond Visual_Second year studio project_2019

“Frames” is an interactive space where the light flickers responding to your movement. Once you walk inside, the lighting, dim as you approaches, brights again as you leave. Interacts with your movement, following your speed. When you walk fast, the light flickers; when you walk slow, it breaths. When you stop, they still, and the time is frozen. “Lining”, a big, white, edgeless space where allows you to stay, see, and listen to the

flow of time. The urban traffic echoes from the top where ceiling is absent, bouncing in the space. Shadow casting on the white colour and the slowly moving sky are the only two moving elements in the space, visualising the fluid of time.


“Sound Capsule”, a large open hall with three huge white plastic capsules. Specially designed that it vibrates with the sound and wind. Walking into the simplified form, you hear the sound of Fruit Market.




"Sound Capsule"


2020_Third year studio project_D(r)iving In


New campus entrance for enhanced openness

Jan 2020- Apr 2020 Academic Project Studio project Individual

A transportation hub/ nonmotorised vehicle repair studio reimagining the renovated Ragged School Museum, under a London where no motorised transport is allowed due to the extreme pollution world wide. The building stretches to the opposite side of the canal. A tunnel with waving resin panels is designed, allowing cyclists to dive into the Victorian styled building with fresh light penetrates, and enjoy the ride near the Regent’s Canal.



2019_Second year elective project_Polyu Main Enterance redesign

PolyU Entrance Redesign New campus entrance for enhanced openness

Jan 2019- Apr 2019 Academic Project Landscape Design Group of Four with Bryan Yuen Clarence Lee Katie Lai

As the entrance reects the philosophy of a school, an alternative of PolyU main entrance is designed. The site is located at Orchard Court, next to the current main entrance, which is a halfabandoned garden with few activities happening daily and lack of maintenance. After site research and analysis, we suggested that the poor situation could be improved. By removing the fences and adding accessible stairs, it increases the openness of the space both visually and physically. The site could serve as another entrance and a leisure space for both public and university members.


Under the new design, public forums and gatherings are now possible. Since a university should serve as a platform always remain open to free debates and discussions.











Concrete 1

Concrete 2



2018_Second year elective project_Tracing Shadows

Tracing Shadows

Design exploration in forms of shadow


Drawing Kevin Tsoi

Physical Form

Design Portfolio @inter n application 2020

Sep 2018- Dec 2018 Academic Project Elective Project Group and Individual

Drafting Conceptual Experimental design

Shadow is explored as a formfinding tools in this project. A shadow in real life is captured, drawn and transferred into various physical models, exploring the meaning and interpretation of shadows. After that the shadow casted on the model is transferred to a second set of drawing and models…the process can go on and on. The physical model and drawing on top right is the third and final adaptation in this project, however it is possible


to go on with “the shadow of the shadow model” and create the “model of the shadow of the shadow model”, so on and so on.

Tracing Shadows_Second year elective project_2018


2018_First year elective project_NEU"CLEAR" World

NEU"CLEAR" WORLD Exhibition design on the atomic bombing during the WWII

Jan 2018- Apr 2018 Academic Project Exhibition Design Group of Four with Bryan Yuen Clarence Lee Timothy Lam

An exhibition design about the history of nuclear weapon, to provoke the visitors to think of the current situation between North Korea and the USA, and how it may affect the world. And to arouse the question whether nuclear weapons brought destruction or prevented World War III. Located in the round bicycling area in Kowloon Cultural District, the exhibition consist of 3 Chapters : Chapter 1: What is A-bomb (Background History) Showing the destruction done by nuclear weapons in World War II


Chapter 2: Is the History Repeating? (Link to nowadays) Comparing parallel timeline of the past and nowadays. Chapter 3: Does Nuclear Weapons Bring Peace? Questioning the controversy of whether history is repeating itself, and whether each country in pocessions of nuclear weapons have prevented more world wars to begin.

NEU"CLEAR" World_First year elective project_2018




To create a theatre like experience for the visitors, to simulate the atomic explosion in Hiroshima or Nagisaki.

10 second countdown for the vistors to fills the room and also to capture the their attention to that direction.



CHAPTER 0 A sudden and strong white flash with a bang from the speaker Roof Wind Blowers


False Ceiling

Footage of a mushroom cloud created by the explosions

Wind Tunnel Speakers Projectors

Total Duration: 30 seconds (including the 10 second countdown)

Seperating Wall for Pathway


Seperating Walls

As the storm slowly approaches, their would be wind hitting the visitor’s face Blockage







Timeline (The current Situation between the USA and North Korea)


Chapter introduction

EyeHole EyeHole 51m


Then | Now

Atiscia sitet fugit fugiam et occaest aspelia volorem expedObis maio volupta mendam eatia voluptiisMin expliquia sant hil im et que

Atiscia sitet fugit fugiam et occaest aspelia volorem expedObis maio volupta mendam eatia voluptiisMin expliquia sant hil im et que


Atiscia sitet fugit fugiam et occaest aspelia volorem expedObis maio volupta mendam eatia voluptiisMin expliquia sant hil im et queOdio odit fuga. Nequaectat omnimporem ex endamus mi, eos experum auditae pelenis re, omnihilla vendis am que evel ipictor escias sanducimin rerspit fugiae quas ute renihitatus es nihit prore minciet parumquae consequis delictur? Faceaquam que voluptae numquatae mo tem raepero temporporem excerum el mo doluptum et moles ium facerio ressunti num as verroria vent facius. Acculpa comnis utat venia nobitio. Il ex endit, tem et la vero dusapel liquia cullis del mincil intectota autem eos et volorer speliciur raererum di assimol uptatur? Raerfere nectis dolest quam, suntis qui dit eligenis ne es simeturiant aliciis eumque velia volorenis que officipsam, ad modit volum re culpa quia si doluptatis magniet andissi magnitis elenis quis repuda dolorem. Omnis core pos maio quo est, occatem poribuscia quae ne sed molut archilisi iunt verumet lab imus quiaepe rnatest imuscitatem qui as dunt ut exerit doluptatur, velesti denis sin nus se ma dolupta pratia doloreh enimil endem elest ped quatemped modis atus cuptis sumquos simusda ventem

Visitors will a simular effect through the eyepiece.



















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