Computational and Architectural Design Portfolio

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PORTFOLiO Eirini Tsomokou

Eirini Tsomokou



E D U C A T I O N MSc ARCHITECTURAL COMPUTATION University College of London | Bartlett School of Architecture | Sept 2018 – Sept 2019 Modules Included:  Introduction to programming, Morphogenetics | C# in Grasshopper-Rhino  Projects: Generating grasshopper components through Visual Studio in C#  Data visualization- City Growth (use of half edges graphs) in Visual Studio C++  Forms based on shortest path algorithm, cellular automata, particles- dynamic relaxation- form finding, recursion and L-Systems, 3dfields, clustering algorithms, genetic algorithms, 3dprinting.


Computational Designer Architect



Computational Designer, graduate of University College of London (UCL), Bartlett School of Architecture, Master of Science in Architectural Computation. Experienced assistant architect engineer, background experience includes architectural engineering and software in architectural office. My interest lies in generating geometries through coding and visualizing data.

CONTACT Tel: 07845434106 +30 6983105870 Address: NW3 2NE

University of Patras, Greece | Oct 2011 – Febr 2017 Grade : 8. 2 5 / 10 Research Thesis | 9.8/10 Dissertation | 9.75/10 Knowledges on designing and composing forms from small to large scale, building science, city growth and construction management, model making, drawing, image and video editing, 3d modelling, rendering, computer-aided architectural design, structural design and support structures.

W O R K 

Workshop Tutor | Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

Assistant architect | ARCHITECTURAL OFFICE

TECHNICAL SKILLS Programming Languages:- C# C++ Software:--------------------------------- Rhino Grasshopper Visual Studio AutoCAD 3D Studio Max Maya Microsoft Office Photoshop 3D Rendering:-------------------- V-Ray (for 3DS Max) Fabrication:-------------------- 3D Printing Laser Cutting Robotics

LANGUAGES GREEK: Native Language

ENGLISH: C2. Michigan Certificate of Proficiency (E.C.P.E.) from Hellenic American Union FRENCH: Niveau DALF C1, Republique Française, Ministère de l'Éducation nationale ITALIAN: B2. State Certificate of Language Skills (in Greece)

Tutor ing M Sc A rc hitec tura l Com put at ionM Arch Archi tect ural Desi gn i nduct ion Wo rks hop | S e pt – Oct , 201 9 Archi tect Ka nell opou l os June 201 7 – J u l y 2 0 1 8

P anag ioti s,

Chal k ida,

Gre ece


Architectural and technical office - building permits, constructions, energy studies, renovation. Research and proposals, CAD drawings editing, 3d modelings with 3ds Max, renderings with V-Ray, visualizations, image editing, presentations.

PERSONALITY SKILLS Team-player |Critical Thinking |Multitasking |Adaptability |Patient |Communicative |Organization skills | Complex problem solver


Aluminum structures designer | PUBLISHED CATALOGUE Collaboration with Greece | Sept 2017






Aluminum structures designer. Catalogue: HOB elegant doors.

 

Digitization | PUBLISHING BOOK

Collaboration with Dr. Konstantinos Politis | August 2017- January 2018 Digitization of the excavation and archaeological plans at Zoara (today Safi) in Jordan, for publication.




Associations, Bookstores etc.).



Tutoring of AutoCAD Architecture courses. R E C E N T


Bpro-Workshop_ZHCode, Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, London (2019)|Induction Workshop for AC Master, Generating Geometries in Maya based on natural forms

REAL VIRTUALITY, Gilles Restin Architecture, Royal Academy of Arts | London (2019)|Pre-Fab and Assembly team


CogX, The Festival of AI and Emerging Technology | London (2019)| Assistant crew CodePatras | Patras, Greece (2018) | W orkshop based on

connecting Athens -Pat ras rai lway li nk in collabo ration with the postgra duat e students of the ETH Uni versit y of Zurich, the National Technical Universi t y of Athen s (NTU A) and th e Uni ve rsity of Patras (UoP ) (Departm ent of Architecture): 6 m ixe d team s of 7 pe ople, supervisor of m y participatio n group; Anita Gram s Dietziker

ACTIVITIES | INTEREST *references upon request

Piano | Rhythm ic Gym nastics (cham pionship) | cultural events | pa rticipation in com petitions (m ath) | Voll eyball pla ye r| L atin Da nce (diplom a) | Ballet | Chess | Tra velli n g | Sports | Photograph

table of CONTENTS


01 P

artitioning 3D scalar fields and generating fabrication aware shapes for 3D printing using co- segmentation with Shape Diameter Function (SDF) and Function Representation (F-rep).

02 D

ifferencial Growth | Particle System.

03 F

unction Representation (F-Rep) for 3D printing | Plug-in for Grasshopper.




| Data Driven : _urban design, _architectural design.

05 Α

fter the Sacrifice of ‘Iphigeneia in Aulis*’ | between Aulis & the city of Chalkida.

06 T


07 H

ousing types in the centre of Naxos Island.

08 S

elected projects. (plans, renders, photos) | processed during work expe-

rience for the Architectural and Technical Office.

09 F

Rep & Recursion strategies | selected projects supervised during in-

duction workshop TOOLS: FRep Plug-in(created by supervisors) and Recursion algorithm with C#


Partitioning 3D scalar fields and generating fabrication aware shapes for 3D printing using co- segmentation with Shape Diameter Function (SDF) and Function Representation (F-rep) DISSERTATION FOR

SUPERVISOR: Vischu Bhooshan MSc AC, the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

Partitioning systems are typically reliant on mesh-based geometric representations. However, mesh-based geometries are still limited efficient Boolean operations, topological changes of the geometry and efficient blending between the objects compared to the implicit geometries that are based on signed distance functions (Bhooshan et al. 2018). The present research investigates the adaptation of one such partitioning system for Function Representation in Geometric Modeling (F-rep) and 3D Scalar Fields (Pasko et al. 1995). The partitioning system described in the paper, is the Shape Diameter Function (SDF). SDF are usually used to represent a continuous scalar function on the meshes, associating each vertex with the values of a scalar function (Zaid et al. 2016). However, this research aims to investigate the used of SDF to segment 3D scalar fields. The main contributions of the research are: 1. The adaptation of implicit geometries to a fast segmentation process based on geometric part similarities, which are inherent feature of SDF. 2. Segmentation on the solid 3D shape. 3. Generation of fabrication aware shapes addressing the particular constraint of 3D printing, using F-rep: (a) co-segmentation based on the boundaries of the print volume, (b) fabrication detailing as a function in the field. 4. The transition of polysurfaces as void meshes into the 3D Scalar Fields and then solid meshes in order to compare the time cost of the methods.


Process | Computational Framework

Tools: C#, Visual Studio, Grasshopper-Rhino

Tools: C#, Visual Studio, Grasshopper-Rhino


Process | Computational Framework

Tools: C#, Visual Studio, Grasshopper-Rhino

Tools: C#, Visual Studio, Grasshopper-Rhino



Process | Computational Framework

Extra Method | Poly-surfaces To Mesh in 3D Field Functions: :_Distance from a list of surfaces _Union to field values Result:: _Convert the Poly-surface input to void 3D Field Mesh

Insert Poly-surfaces into the 3DField plug-in.

Detect the points inside the geometry, if they are crossing even number the boundaries in each axis. Remap their field values based on the distance from the average point (-1)-0 the inside values and 0-1 the outside.

Transition from void 3DField Mesh to solid Mesh

Tools: C#, Visual Studio, Grasshopper-Rhino

Results | QuantativeMethods Comparisons _01 test geometry

_02 test geometry

_input geometry

Tools: C#, Visual Studio, Grasshopper-Rhino


Results | QuantativeMethods Comparisons

_03 test geometry


_quantative Comparisons Methods

Tools: C#, Visual Studio, Grasshopper-Rhino


MSc AC, the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL


Differencial Growth | Particle System



Function Representation (F-Rep) for 3D printing | Plug-in for Grasshopper STUDIO 3 | ZHCODE FOR

SUPERVISOR: Vischu Bhooshan, Tomasso Casucci MSc AC, the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL COOPERATION: Efthymia Douroudi

A plug-in for Rhino Grasshopper was developed, which provides a variety of tools for volumetric modelling, as well as modifiers to create fabrication aware designs vis-à -vis 3D printing . The toolkit, based on Function Representation, includes a number of functions to generate geometry, like signed distance functions, gyroid and perlin noise, as well as boolean and transform operators. In addition, it provides tools to modify shapes so that they are 3D printable, including segmentation, thickness, smoothness and overhang filter. Briefly, thickness filter measures the distance between the boundary voxels of the geometry and if it is less than the thickness limit, adds voxels to the geometry. The Laplacian averaging filter is used for smoothness as illustrated below. Overhang modifier finds the unsupported voxels of the geometry and calculates the angle with the nearest neighbor below, as shown below If the angle is less than the overhang limit, it either subtracts the unsupported voxel or adds the one below. Also, some clustering algorithms can be used to segment shapes. Their implementation on the geometry’s 3D scalar field, makes clustering more efficient and assists to the control the whole volume. The first clustering method is based on the allowed print volume. Starting from a random voxel it keeps adding voxels at the current cluster until it reaches the volume of a predefined Bounding Box. The second clustering method deploys k-Means algorithm and it segments geometry in a number of clusters defined by the user. Two test geometries generated by the developed application are presented. The bracelet of Figure_0 was filtered and the chair was segmented using the aforementioned tools. In conclusion, this plug-in incorporates fabrication criteria in an early design workflow and assist designer create alternative 3D printable geometries, enhancing creativity.


Application | Toolkit

Tools: C#, Visual Studio, Grasshopper-Rhino

Work-flow | What?

3d printing constraints | Why?

Tools: C#, Visual Studio, Grasshopper-Rhino


Work-flow | What?

Fabrication Filter | Thickness

Fabrication Filter | Overhang

Fabrication Filter | Smooth (Averaging)


Application | Toolkit

Studies | Chair_process segmentation

Tools: C#, Visual Studio, Grasshopper-Rhino

F-Rep | Distance function from shpere

v i s u a l i s e d v a l u e s

Studies on Filters | Bracelet

Studies on Generate Geometry | Chair

Tools: C#, Visual Studio, Grasshopper-Rhino


#LONDON | Data Driven : _urban design, _architectural design SUPERVISOR:

Shajay Bhooshan, Vischu Bhooshan, Tomasso Casucci MSc AC, the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL COOPERATION: Efthymia Douroudi

_density w=2

This project deployes urdan and architectural scale based on real data, collected from London open street map and tweeter-location data. As for the urban scale, the project was inspired from social media activity that analyzes twitter messages, evaluating their sentiment and looking for the parameters that affect people happiness such as temperature, connectivity etc, in same location. Twitter application was chosen as it is an updating open library of collecting data providing geographic location. (Why?) Starting analysing the London map as a half-edges(HE) graph, we seperated the edges that represent the primary and secondary streets, and created color mapping of connectivity between them comparing to the messages which provide a geolocation. Using the shortest path algorithm in HE graph , we tested some densities of these messages creating scalar field and finding the closest vertex position on the street graph , we simualted the shortest path of these positions counting the most visited edges in order to provide information for intense media circulation. We ended up in a focused area with the highest density of the collecting messages, where we simulated a city growth from these points to all streets for a half-hour walk.

_density of messages



_primary-secondary streets

_basemap | HE GRAPH


Tools: C++, C#, Visual Studio, Rhino-Grasshopper, Mosquito -Plugin, OSM, QGIS, ZSPACE- GitHub

Flow Chart | Sentiment


Work-flow | What?

Data Visualization | OSM, Mosquito*

_density w=32

_color mapping

_walkers 1/2hour distance

_density w=8


_shortest path

Taking all these inputs into account we applied color mapping to these focused area to see where we need large scale or small scale intervations based finally on media empty spaces and media high circulation spaces.

Tools: C++, C#, Visual Studio, Rhino-Grasshopper, Mosquito -Plugin, OSM, QGIS, ZSPACE- GitHub

3D field

Scalar Field

(e.x. gyroid, perlin noise)

Marching Cubes

Mesh Creation

Color based on mesh normals


_from simplex noise function to mesh

_blending Scalar Fields | gyroid and simplex noise


_architectural scale

Flow Chart | Architectural Scale Generate Geometry

Evaluate Geometry (curvature analysis)

Populate Geometry (sphere packing)


(scalar fields, marching cubes)

Tools: C++, C#, Visual Studio, Rhino-Grasshopper, Mosquito -Plugin, OSM, QGIS, ZSPACE- GitHub


Flow Chart | Architectural

input twitter data

Color Population (from image)

output architectural geometry

different data inputted




Tools: C++, C#, Visual Studio, Rhino-Grasshopper, Mosquito -Plugin, OSM, QGIS, ZSPACE- GitHub


myths: _Troy, _The Birds, geographical location:_Euripus Strait, _wetland


SUPERVISOR: Athanasios Spanomaridis DIPLOMA IN ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING , University of Patras COOPERATION: Eleni Ellinikou

The aim of this project is to organize and create an order between two adjacent regions, the historic port of Aulide and the city of Chalkida where there is an area that constitutes the transition zone, an area that does not have a complete identity, nor elements that give rise to intimacy. The amorphous and indefinable landscape conceals the will and the need for form.

*Ancient Greek Tragedy written by Euripides

Αfter the Sacrifice of ‘Iphigeneia in Aulis*’ | between Aulis & the city of Chalkida.

The land, denuded, ripped looks like a body without organs, transpired/pervaded by chaos. The body slowly adjusts entirely to the city, borrowing its particularities, elements of its history.

The first sketches refer to the observer’s eye contact with the two landmarks- the two bridges that border the bay and define an orientation to the wider landscape.

Due to the lack of urban scale, a grid was created setting as variables the lake and vertical and horizontal axes parallel to the bridges.

The sinking and the emergence of topography is a contradiction as well as the aquatic element and the solid earth.

This new architectural vocabulary is made up of hints in the landscape that are sometimes rigid lines framing the view to the high bridge.

Henry David Thoreau


“A lake is a landscape’s most beautiful and expressive feature. It is Earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.”

the Evian Bay defines the existence of a wetland.



Landscape’s Gestures| Diagrams

Tools: AutoCAD , 3D Studio Max, V-Ray, Adobe Photoshop.

Hints | Informations high tide


new moon

fullmoon low tide

_the phenomenon of Evian Bay. Chalkida is the capital of Evia Island and is built on the both sides of the Evripus Bay. The name was based on Chalki (kochuli - seashell or chalkos - copper).

Avlide is a historic small town. From this port the ships were sailed by the Achaeans for Troy after the sacrifice of Iphigenia.

Evia Island

Evian Bay

the train path

And sometimes paths that attempt to touch the lake’s intangibility according to the golden ratio’s rules.

The sketches that exist inside the circle - centre of secularism- define a new state, a station. As the train approaches the boundaries this circle, it slows down, a situation that affects

A single element betrays the urban scale, one that reflects the image of the city, the pre-existing cultivable land.

the new train station

the influence of Kazimir Malevich

+According to the principles of Suprematism nothing is recognizable except sensation. no classic perception of scale. confusion of 2 and the 3 dimensions.

+union of the sea and the earth

+abstract representation of architectural intervention in the light of Malevich’s emotional nuances

Tools: AutoCAD , 3D Studio Max, V-Ray, Adobe Photoshop.


forming volumes | the 5 intervations

Clashing Rocks Tide-mills Appartments Cloud cuckoo land The Garden The Station

+sections & sound diagrams

+perspective of the ramp

+plan +perspective of the hovering theatre

+detail: trireme& theatre


+perspective of the roof


+perspective of the library


+perspective of trireme







A recursive path in history, a journey into memory | hill utilization, entrance from the sea.



1 2 3 4 5 6

+detail: train +detail: entrance station

+hovering spaces for researchers’ lab

Tools: AutoCAD , 3D Studio Max,V-Ray, Adobe Photshop.


Contemporary tide-mills of Euripos | power generation and supply.

1 hydroelectric power from the tide

2sea water for irrigation

3 rainwater for drinking or watering * +centre point of the volume, roof explosion 1

+lifting platform +submerged platform +rain entrance +smokestacks +sitting +garden

+theatre & trireme

2 +section


+plan +ancient tide-mills

+transition space outdoor to indoor water to solid

* +conceptual library +theatre & trireme

+entrance to ‘Clashing Rocks’

Tools: AutoCAD , 3D Studio Max, V-Ray, Adobe Photoshop.



Researchers’model apartments on the lake | inhabiting the water.

+the blinds on the roof lattice are mounted in such a way as to ensure shading of the interior, while at the same time they feature solar panels, which make each home energetically autonomous

+plan flat +section A +plan loft +plan ceiling + adjustable energy panels

+section B


W + autonomous energy appartments

+battery +solar cells +electro-radiation panels

+west elevation of the appart-

+connection with the main volume



Fields with labyrinthine paths | activation of the senses.

“The nose makes the eyes remember.” Juhani Pallasma

Tools: AutoCAD , 3D Studio Max,V-Ray, Adobe Photshop.


Cloud cuckoo land: the hovering city | walking among the birds.

+Shelter for birds of the wetland. Steel columns with triangulated structure for the birds’ nests.

+nets’ frequency diagram according to the fibonacci sequence

the geometries are sinked like piano-keys of a chord and create platforms

“Music, like

architecture, is an immersive experience- it surrounds you.” Steven Holl

song: Manos Hadjidakis | When the clouds come

Tools: AutoCAD , 3D Studio Max, V-Ray, Adobe Photoshop.





“ark“ | stone , archives store



art museum illusion | emotional intense

library| glass transparent knowledge

Foucault’s Pendulum


3 centres

Foucault’s Pendulum diagram of intervation

Tools: AutoCAD , 3D Studio Max,V-Ray, Adobe Photshop.

Athanasios Spanomaridis TERM 8 FOR DIPLOMA IN ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING , University of Patras COOPERATION: Nicolina Lavda SUPERVISOR:


Housing types in the centre of Naxos Island

Perplexity has been noticed between the old and the new town in the center of Naxos, while the dynamic of the intersection between them is missing and for this reason the creation of a special platform is suggested. At the same time, there are three conditions which converse, conflict and finally are inter preted as three vertical zones which express the old, the contemporary and the memory, while concepts such as introversion and extroversion affect the design too.


The three volumes and movements compose the zones and are organized according to the topography of the area, sometimes two different scales appear and negotiate, others take advantage of the altitude differences and are hidden as foundations and others allow their parts to be revealed, involving concepts such as that of the ‘viewer-performance’ concept. The horizontal movements of the urban web which tend to reach the water element, create a correlation between the existing situation and our thinking. Finally, the sunken garden integrates and creates paradoxes. All these happen under the constant dialogue between contradictory and interrelated conditions (private -public) creating speculations about the cause and the result.

Tools: AutoCAD , 3D Studio Max, V-Ray, Adobe Photoshop.


Selected projects. (plans, renders, photos) | processed during work experience for the Architectural and Technical Office.



Housing project in Aegina

ARCHITECTURAL | assistant architect

owner: Seamus Jeffreson

Tools: AutoCAD , 3D Studio Max,V-Ray, Adobe Photshop.

perforated metal sheet

owner: Kalamia Beach Bar

Housing project in Nea Artaki

owner: Passas Konstantinos

Housing project in Chalkida

Housing project in Aegina owner: Seamus

owner: ASKADA farm

Housing project in Kymi

owner: Cooke

Housing project in Aliveri Renders and details

wooden round beams diameter: 0.20m

wooden bench

perforated metal sheet

CNC metal shape Î

insulation plywood

concrete wall

wooden shelves

Tools: AutoCAD , 3D Studio Max, V-Ray, Adobe Photoshop.


FRep & Recursion strategies | selected projects supervised during induction workshop

TOOLS: FRep Plug-in(created by supervisors) and Recursion algorithm with C#


Skeleton student: CHASIOTI ELENI

SUPERVISOR: Eirini Tsomokou , Efthymia Douroudi MSc AC & MArc AD, the Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL

Application of FRep

Recursion on Component : Step 1



cube size

Recursion of the action cube centre

controlpoints position

*k = knots


Process of gordian knot | *c = controlpoints

in the coordinate system

component: Trefoil knot Define the centre of cube Create new control points


c=8 k=0

c = 19 k=1

c = 69 k=5

c = 594 k = 48

c = 2016 k = 203

Recursion: rotate, scale



Project Workflow

COMPUTATIONAL | workshop tutor


Tools: C#, Grasshopper-Rhino, FRep for 3D printing Plug-in

Step 2: Recursion on Component and Field

3D printed model

Use of FRep for thickness


Step 3: Recursion based on a curve path


Recursion along a curve

3D printed model

Tools: C#, Grasshopper-Rhino, FRep for 3D printing Plug-in

Thank you,

Tsomokou Eirini +44 7845434106

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