1 minute read

Family Law Conference


Friday, February 17, 2023

• Welcome Reception

Saturday, February 18, 2023

• 4 hours of CLE (8:00 am-Noon) • Haunted House Tour

Sunday, February 19, 2023

• 4 hours of CLE (8:00 am-Noon) • Group Departure

Savannah, Georgia Kimpton Brice Hotel February 17-19, 2023

Hotel Reservation information: call 877-482-7423 by January 17, 2023 and reference the Lake County Bar Association – Block BAR

Register online: www.lakebar.org

Seminar Tuition: REGISTER EARLY AND SAVE $95!

EARLY-BIRD TUITION (paid by 1/01/23)

LCBA Member - includes 2 breakfasts Non-Member - includes 2 breakfasts Guests of CLE Attendee - ages 10 and above, includes 2 breakfasts Saturday Activity: Haunted House Tour

TUITION (paid after 1/02/23)

LCBA Member Non-Member Guests of CLE Attendee - ages 10 and above, includes 2 breakfasts Saturday Activity: Haunted House Tour 8 hours of CLE # ______ $375 per person 8 hours of CLE # ______ $499 per person # ______ $125 per person # ______ $40

8 hours of CLE # ______ $450 per person 8 hours of CLE # ______ $574 per person # ______ $175 per person # ______ $40


Thursday Welcome Reception (arrangements only made for those who RSVP and have paid) # ______ included in tuition Seminar Materials are electronic. TOTAL TUITION $ ______

Name: ______________________________________________________________ ARDC # ______________________ Guest ___________________________________________ Guest ___________________________________________ Firm: ____________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________________State: __________ ZIP: ___________ TEL: ____________________________________________E-Mail: __________________________________________

Payment method: □ Check Enclosed □ AmEx □ VISA □ MasterCard □ Discover (4% credit card fee) Card# __________________________________________________________ Exp Date: _____________ cvc ________ Signature: ________________________________________________________________________________________

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