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Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors’ Meeting

November 15, 2022

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Lake County Bar Association held via zoom video conference, on Tuesday, November 15, 2022


President Devine called the meeting to order at 10:44 a.m.


Roll call indicated a quorum was established, with the following individuals present on Zoom: Tara Devine, President; Katharine Hatch, First Vice President; Kevin Berrill, Treasurer; Craig Mandell, Director; Jeremy Harter, Director; Judy Maldonado, Director; Hon. Jacquelyn Melius, Director; Jeffrey O’Kelley, Director; Sarah Raisch, Director; Greg Weider, Executive Director.


Consent Agenda Items

• October 20, 2022 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

The Draft minutes from the October 20, 2022 meeting of the Board of Directors was included in the agenda packet. There were no requests for additions, corrections, or changes to the draft minutes. • November 2, 2022 Special Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

The Draft minutes from the Special Meeting of the Board of Directors held on November 2, 2022 was included in the agenda packet. There were no requests for additions, corrections, or changes to the draft minutes. • October New Members

The New Members report for September was included in the agenda packet. A motion was made and seconded to approve the Consent Agenda. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The Consent Agenda is approved.

Treasurer’s Report

The October 2022 Financial Report and supporting materials were included in the Agenda packet. Discussion followed. In sum, we are still tracking the budget.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Upon unanimous voice vote, the motion was declared carried. The Treasurer’s Report is approved.

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tara Devine President Katharine Hatch First Vice President Daniel Hodgkinson Second Vice President Kevin Berrill Treasurer Jeffrey Berman Secretary Joseph Fusz Past President Hon. Jacquelyn Melius Director Craig Mandell Director Jeffrey O’Kelley Director Sarah Raisch Director Jeremy Harter Director Judy Maldonado Director Greg Weider Executive Director


Meeting Minutes



Harassment Training

Executive Director Weider and President Devine made a presentation regarding the Anti-Harassment Training required for all members of the LCBA Board. Discussion followed.

LCBA Holiday Party

President Devine made a presentation regarding the upcoming Holiday Party on December 2nd. Discussion followed.


Past Due Membership Calls

Executive Director Weider and President Devine made a presentation regarding on-going efforts by the Executive Board to

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