1. Realistic Expectations
A good personal trainer can help set realistic expectations for how the human body works and how long it would take to get the desired results. On top of knowing what to expect, you would be equipped with the proper knowledge to easily spot scammers selling ideas that are too good to be true.
2. Knowledge
2. Knowledge
You would gain knowledge about proper programming, exercise selection, rest periods, how much weight to lift, how to eat, daily habits to develop, and a lot more.
3. Accountability
Many people who give up and revert to old behaviors do so because nobody expects them to show up. Having a professional who expects you to go in and do the work, even when you don’t feel like it, is a huge motivator to keep going, regardless of circumstances.
4. Challenging Training
Someone might be at the gym three, four, or even five days per week, but their workouts could consist of low effort, too much rest between sets, and too much socializing with other gym-goers. As a result, they cannot provide a strong enough stimulus to force improvements despite the consistency.
5. Support Along The Way
A personal trainer will provide support and encourage you to persevere through tough times when you don’t feel like working out.
Good trainers listen to their clients and take note of crucial details like training goals, limitations, preferences, struggles, and doubts to produce the best possible training plan.