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环境,却因社会进步日益枯萎 探索,创新

Innovating on clean energy Improving life quality Enhancing living environment

实现能源与环境的可持续发展 是我们不懈的追求 我们愿做跋涉者 为寻找答案不断求索 Humanity’s ability to harness energy has meant great things or life on earth. The unfortunate consequence is a degraded global environment. Our future depends on innovation. It must support continuing prosperity and negate the negative. We are clean energy pioneers. We are committed to sustainability and furthering human aspirations.

新奥集团 董事局主席 王 玉锁

Chairman of the Board, ENN Group Wang Yusuo 企业愿景—成为受人尊敬的全球清洁能源企业 随着全球能源和环境双危机的日益严重,越来越多的人开始深刻认识到:人类无序开采、条块式生产和简单使用能源的 历史已经结束,人类与自然共生、智慧与能源互动的“智能新能源”时代悄然到来,而由此催生的对能源传统生产和应 用方式进行颠覆性改变的“能源新常态”更是呼之欲出! 新的时代,为新能源企业带来了新的机遇、新的挑战和新的责任。作为一家二十年来始终积极践行“创新清洁能源”使 命的中国民营企业,新奥集团应时而动。在“C经济-智能化”理念指导下,新奥立足自主技术创新,在节能减排、传 统能源的清洁高效利用与发展可再生能源方面积极行动,为构建未来“能源新常态”,促进能源、经济与环境的和谐共 生贡献自己的力量。 所有伟大的旅程都始于足下,始于富有激情和智慧、富有责任感和创造力的行动,新奥愿与新能源企业同行一起,共同 参与并见证中国与世界新能源产业的崛起!新奥愿与社会各界一道,用我所能,善待明天!

Our goal: To become a respected, global clean energy company As the world grapples with the twin challenges of providing ever more energy to sustain progress and repairing the damaged environment, people are realizing that the old way is not the right way. The world needs smart new ways of producing energy and that’s what ENN is about. A new era that taps the vast resource of human ingenuity to develop innovative methods of producing energy is upon us, and ENN is helping lead the way. The new norm in energy production aims to allow humanity and nature to once again co-exist in a more harmonious manner. The coming new era presents opportunities, challenges and responsibilities, which as an independently-owned energy company ENN has embraced. Since its beginning more than 20 years ago, ENN’s mission has been to create innovative ways of providing and producing clean energy. ENN was the first energy company to bring together the twin concepts of what we call in Chinese the C-economy and intelligent technologies. The idea is that the C in carbon and the C in recycling are meshed with technological innovation to create an economy that produces less of the former and creates opportunities for more of the later. ENN has far-reaching interests in the energy sector. It has built an impressive stable of integrated companies that have developed innovative solutions for energy conservation, emission reduction and renewable energy. Together they are providing new ways of providing clean and efficient use of traditional energy resources, while expanding the use of inexhaustible sources of energy. A journey, of course, starts with a single step. Ours is guided by inspiration and wisdom; a sense of responsibility and the fostering of creativity. As ENN expands, it continues to develop partnerships with likeminded companies in the new energy sector in China and around the world. We are willing to work with anyone who will help us power a better future for society. ENN PAGE - 4

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发展历程 Corporate Milestones

集团介绍 Introduction

Introduction 集团介绍 ENN is primarily focused on the development and utilization of clean energy. Since our founding more than 20 years ago,

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Corporate Milestones 发展历程


ENN is primarily focused on the development and


utilization of clean energy. Since our founding more than

济 ①,智能化”理念的指导下,依托系统能效技术和低 碳能源技术的创新,围绕节能减排、传统能源的高效、 清洁利用和可再生能源开发,为客户提供清洁能源整体

1989, ENN’s first enterprise, Langfang Xiali Car Rental Company, is incorporated. 1993, ENN enters the clean energy distribution sector with the incorporation of ENN Langfang Gas Co., Ltd., which brings supplying natural gas to downtown Langfang the following year.

解决方案,满足客户日益增长的用能、节能和环保 要求。 公司从燃气业务起步,经过持续的产业扩张与战略升 级,构建了能源服务、能源科技、能源资本、能源分 销、能源化工、太阳能源和能效城市开发等相关多元的

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20 years ago, our mission has been to drive innovations in clean energy in a way that both protects the environment and enhances the quality of life. Guided by the principles inherent in an economy based on lowering carbon emissions and increased recycling, we have developed innovative, integrated technologies that make us China’s leading independent provider of clean energy and energy services. Our ongoing research and development and massive capital investment in clean energy have made us a fullyintegrated energy company. We provide clean burning


fuel to millions of families and thousands of industrial and


commercial clients. We have expanded into solar energy,


chemicals and comprehensive engineering services that are helping governments to re-develop whole communities into more energy-efficient urban centers. Our innovative, low-carbon technologies provide a diverse range of customized clean energy solutions, allowing us to meet our clients’ increasing demand for cleaner burning fuels and energy conservation. In 2009, ENN had 25,000 employees and total assets of more than 33 billion RMB. It operates more than 100 subsidiaries around the world, and in more than 80 cities throughout China.

① C经济:(Low-Carbon Economy)低碳经济,(Circular Economy)循环经济


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业务单元 Business unit 新奥能源服务有限公司是全国首家集方案提供、总包服 务、技术服务和智能能源运营为一体的区域清洁能源整 体解决方案服务商。公司面向新建、升级园区和大型工 业企业、公共建筑等客户,提供清洁能源整体解决方案 及方案实施的一揽子服务。

ENN Energy Services works with municipalities, industry and communities to help reduce their carbon footprint by conserving energy resources and improving energy efficiency. As a fully integrated energy services company, our engineers provide clients with comprehensive solutions that include consulting, designing, construction, financing and on-going technical support. ENN Energy Services offers big-picture solutions

ENN Energy Services 能源服务 区域清洁能源整体解决方案包括技术、智能、商务、 资金四个部分。技术解决方案主要是在区域现状及发

ENN Energy Services works with municipalities, industry and communities to help reduce their carbon footprint by conserving energy resources and improving energy efficiency.

展规划的基础上,设计涵盖能源生产、储运、应用和 再生四个环节的整体技术路线和实施方案等;智能解 决方案主要包括智能能源系统的信息采集、信息传 输、数据存储、数据分析、调度管理、运行优化等系 列方案;商务解决方案侧重于项目效益评估、方案实

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施运作机制建议、相关政策需求建议等;资金解决方 案主要是依据当地融资条件,结合项目实施所需资金 规模,提出资金筹措方案建议等。同时,公司整合各 方资源,为项目的实施和运营提供支持与服务,帮助 客户推进清洁能源整体规划。 目前,公司已在上海浦东、福建泉州等地开展能源服 务示范项目,并与IBM等国际知名企业结成广泛的战 略联盟,开展智能能源建设和能源服务的实践与推 广,为实现区域节能减排,促进经济与环境的和谐发 展贡献力量。

for each client’s energy needs. Our engineers have termed this “sys-energy efficiency”, in which we look at whole energy systems in order to integrate our innovative technologies to achieve more efficient use of energy resources. ENN’s technologies encompass energy production, storage, utilization and recovery. Our intuitive technologies provide IT systems that collect, transmit, analyze and store data that is essential for the efficient operation and management of energy systems. ENN Energy Services offers consultancy services that provide business solutions that include project assessment, policy requirements and implementation planning. Our services also include financing solutions for local projects in which ENN Energy Services provides expertise in project presentations, budget analysis and fund raising. ENN Energy Services also provides ongoing services after a project has been commissioned. We have partnered with global giants such as IBM to develop and expand the use of information technology to help manage our client’s new energy systems. ENN Energy Services has developed demonstration projects in Shanghai and Fujian Province. We are also working with numerous other municipalities to help them implement their urban-renewal plans which are focused on raising the quality of life, creating new economic opportunities and cleaning up the environment. Ultimately the goal is to find intelligent solutions that fundamentally change the way energy resources are produced, used and managed.


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业务单元 Business unit


ENN Energy Technologies 能源科技

技术为核心,通过快速实现技术成果产业化,为客户提 供集研发、设计、工程于一体的服务。 新奥科技拥有一支技术领先的科研团队,建成了功能齐 全、设施完备的基础实验平台、煤基能源生产“零排 放”试验中心和产业化示范基地。其中煤基能源生产 “零排放”试验中心已升级为低碳能源国家实验室。目 前,新奥科技已在系统能效、地下气化、煤催化气化、 微藻生物吸碳等核心技术研发中取得了重大突破。公司

At the core of ENN’s corporate philosophy is the pursuit of transformative technological innovation through basic research in applied and pure sciences.

位于乌兰察布的煤地下气化技术示范基地,已成功实现 气电联产;煤基能源生产“零排放”技术荣获了第三届 中国国际建设环境友好型社会成果展览会金奖,并得到 了国内外专家的认可与高度评价。

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本着开放创新、优势互补、资源共享的原则,新奥科技 与中科院、美国国家实验室、中美清洁能源实验中心, IBM及杜克能源等国内外科研院所和国际知名企业建立 了广泛的产学研战略合作联盟,承担了数个国家级重大 科研项目,在国内外清洁能源技术领域具有广泛的影响 力和良好的声誉。

At the core of ENN’s corporate philosophy is the pursuit of transformative technological innovation through basic research in applied and pure sciences. This is why the facilities at ENN Energy Technologies, in the city of Langfang near Beijing, are a cross between a sprawling university campus and an industry research complex. Here you will find well-equipped laboratories where our scientists have developed new ways to produce energy more cleanly, more efficiently and more economically. ENN Energy Technologies has also built leading-edge test facilities where practical, on-going experiments are taking place. These include investigating the potential for coal-based “zero emissions” energy using a process called lower-temperature Catalytic Coal Gasification. Our engineers are also experimenting with Algal Carbon Fixation which involves growing massive quantities of algae that can be used to capture carbon and then produce clean burning fuels as a byproduct. Taken as a whole, ENN Energy Technologies is developing what our engineers and scientists call Systems Energy Efficiency Technology or Sys-energy efficiency. This concept allows ENN to examine all aspects of how energy can be produced, conserved, consumed and recovered. In 2010 ENN Energy Technologies’ Langfang facilities earned the honor of being declared a Chinese National Laboratory, which has opened the door to broader collaborative work with research institutes throughout China and abroad. It has demonstrated this in Inner Mongolia where its underground coal gasification project is now generating both electricity and synthetic gas through a process called syngas methanation. ENN Energy Technologies is collaborating with the China Academy of Science, the China-US Energy Research Center, IBM, Duke Energy, and numerous other organizations at home and abroad.


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业务单元 Business unit

新奥资本投资有限公司依托清洁能源的产业背景,以清 洁能源领域的直接投资和基金业务为主要业务领域, 综合运用多样化的资本、多投融资渠道和多品种金融工 具,为客户提供专业的资金解决方案。 新奥资本肩负着协同推进新奥清洁能源战略实施、整合 资源及释放战略储备的内在使命。通过提供“量身定

ENN Energy Capital 能源资本

ENN Energy Capital is an influential and highly professional


financial services company operating mainly in the clean


energy sector.


Its main focus is developing investment opportunities and


expert capital management for its clients.


ENN Energy Capital is responsible for implementing

ENN Energy Capital is an influential and highly professional financial services company operating mainly in the clean energy sector. ... ...

业发展的机遇,着力打造直投和基金的投资管理能力, 成为清洁能源领域有重要影响力的专业投资企业。

ENN’s investment strategy and deployment of its financial resources. It provides financial backing for the development of ENN’s new and innovative commercial applications and its energy services projects. ENN Energy Capital is also tasked with making strategic investments in underfinanced companies that are developing innovative, clean-energy products and processes. The company’s overarching goal is to spur growth in the clean energy sector as a whole.


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业务单元 Business unit


ENN Energy Distribution supplies more than four million


residential, commercial and industrial customers with


clean burning fuels via its 13,000-kilometer gas pipeline network and more than 100 re-fueling stations.


ENN Energy Distribution has been a publicly traded


company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange since


2001 under the name XinAo Gas Holdings Ltd (2688.HK).

理业务,是目前国内覆盖用户规模最大的能源分销企业 之一。

ENN Energy Distribution 能源分销 ENN Energy Distribution supplies more than four million residential, commercial and industrial customers with clean burning fuels via its 13,000-kilometer gas pipeline network and more than 100 re-fueling stations. ... ...



业务单元 Business unit


ENN Energy Distribution has earned a reputation for


excellence by putting its customers’ priorities first. To

气、LPG、甲醇、二甲醚和多种重要能源的进出口权 以及多个运输行业资质,构建了公路、水路、铁路、管

attain this status it partnered with IBM and SAP in 2005 to establish a unified sales and service platform. Using advanced information technologies, ENN Energy


Distribution’s comprehensive accountability system ensures


that its customer relations and network of customer care


centers provide professional, prompt and effective services.


在不断扩大多品类清洁能源产品分销规模的同时,新奥 燃气创新发展能源管理业务,为工商企业和公共建筑 等客户,提供动力系统外包、多联供等形式的能源管理 服务,促进多品类能源的系统应用和能源使用效率的提 升。目前,新奥燃气已为海尔工业园区、浏阳工业园区 和新乡工业园区等提供了供能系统外包和多联供等形式 截至2009年12月,新奥燃气在全国14个省、直辖市、



ENN Energy Distribution also provides municipal, industrial


and commercial clients with comprehensive energy


management services. These can range for providing a

力达1800万方,市场覆盖城区人口约4300万。公司还 在全国43个城市,投资建设了140多座天然气汽车加气 站,为公共交通运输提供清洁燃料。 The company laid its first gas pipelines in 1992 and now primarily distributes natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas

guaranteed source of clean burning fuels to redesigning and renovating their current energy production and utilization facilities. ENN Energy Distribution has signed energy management contracts with a number of manufacturing giants such the global consumer products maker Haier, to manage its vast industrial complex.

and other clean-burning fuels. It can deliver up to 18

ENN Energy Distribution has been licensed by China’s

million cubic meters of natural gas a day.

Department of Commerce to import and export natural

ENN Energy Distribution, under its Chinese name XinAo Gas, has brought clean heating and cooking fuels to 4.2

gas, liquefied petroleum gas, methanol, DME and several other energy products.

million households and 12,000 industrial and commercial

The company earned its import/export license by

customers. It operates gas fuel projects in 79 cities in

establishing an integrated energy logistics network that

China. The XinAo Gas brand is familiar to thousands of

provides safe storage of fuels and chemicals that are

motorists in China who fill up at 140 natural gas refueling

delivered by truck, ship, rail and pipeline both within China

stations it operates in 43 cities in China.

and overseas.



业务单元 Business unit

新奥太阳能源公司是一家为客户提供多种太阳能源应用 服务的企业。目前,公司从光伏能源的集成服务和高性 能电池组件生产切入,重点开发太阳能建筑、光伏电站 及光伏充电站等应用领域,为客户量身定制最优化的系

ENN Solar Energy 太阳能源

统集成解决方案。为掌控核心能力,公司引进全球领先 的硅基薄膜光伏电池生产技术,在河北廊坊建成了年产 70MW的光伏电池生产基地,生产超大型5.7㎡高性能 电池组件,产品技术含量处于国际领先水平。 公司通过构建独特的营销模式和开展战略联盟合作,在 中国及欧洲、美洲、亚洲的多个国家建立了广泛的市

ENN Solar Energy manufactures high-performance solar modules and provides energy integration services for an array of clients in China and overseas. ENN Solar Energy’s well developed sales and distribution channels have established an expanding client base in Europe, United States and Asia. The company has earned accolades for its ability to customize its solar energy products and services to meet the unique power generation needs of each client. ENN Solar Energy’s photovoltaic solar panels can be effectively integrated into architectural design as part of a building’s glass façade. The panels have also been set up as an array to create solar-power farms that can supplement the output of electric utilities. As well, ENN Solar Energy panels have been used as the power source for electric vehicle re-charging stations.


ENN Solar Energy manufactures high-performance solar modules and provides energy integration services for an array of clients in China and overseas. ... ...

坊、美国硅谷及欧洲建立了研发基地,以顶尖的国际化 技术团队为基础,联合国内外先进的科研院所与大型企 业,专注于光伏电池转换效率的提高和生产成本的降 低,为公司市场营销提供充分支持;同时,关注并开发 下一代光伏产品以及其他太阳能源应用产品,为公司的 可持续发展奠定坚实基础。 依托持续的技术创新和成本降低,未来新奥太阳能源将 开展太阳能光电、光热、光化学综合应用等业务,满足 客户对新型清洁能源产品和服务的需求。

ENN Solar Energy uses leading-edge thin-film solar cell production technologies at its manufacturing plant in Langfang, Hebei Province near Beijing. It can produce highperformance photovoltaic modules up to 5.7 square meters, which are among the largest in the world. The plant has an annual capacity to produce solar panels that can generate 70 megawatts, which is enough electricity to power more than 40,000 North American homes. ENN Solar Energy has established an elite research team that works with partners from leading domestic and international institutions. Our work in this area is aimed at increasing the efficiency of solar panels while decreasing their cost. The ultimate goal of ENN Solar Energy is to develop the next generation of solar energy products and applications, allow us to further contribute to lowering carbon emissions worldwide while fueling our growth and expansion. ENN Solar Energy is developing new clean energy products that combine solar photovoltaic and solar heating, providing clients with additional ways of reducing expenditures and meeting their clean energy goals.



业务单元 Business unit

ENN Energy Chemicals 能源化工


ENN Energy Chemicals’ main objective is to use China’s


ubiquitous coal reserves to produce fuels that burn far more

术,为客户提供高品质、低成本的煤基能源产品(甲 醇、二甲醚、甲烷)以及技术和管理服务。

cleanly and emit far less pollution than traditional uses of coal. ENN Energy Chemicals is primarily responsible for managing

ENN Energy Chemicals’ main objective is to use China’s ubiquitous coal reserves to produce fuels that burn far more cleanly and emit far less pollution than traditional uses of coal. ... ...


ENN’s 7 billion RMB (1.02 billion USD) investment in coal-


based mega plants that produce clean-burning fuels such as

基甲醇、二甲醚及衍生品的生产基地,并与德士古、梅 塞尼斯等全球知名企业结成战略联盟,构建了资源、技 术、成本等核心优势。目前,能源化工集团在内蒙古鄂 尔多斯投资兴建的60万吨甲醇、山东枣庄36万吨甲醇 和江苏张家港20万吨二甲醚生产基地均已建成投产。公 司搭建了遍布全国的产品分销网络,并拥有公路、铁路 和港口三位一体的先进物流体系,为客户提供长期、稳 定和低成本的产品与服务。

methanol, DME and methane. The company has designed and constructed three main mega plants that have a combined capacity of producing more than a million tons of clean-burning fuels a year. ENN Energy Chemicals’ plant in Ordos, Inner Mongolia has a potential capacity of producing 600,000 tons of methanol a year, while a similar plant in Zaozhuang, Shandong Province can produce 360,000 tons of methanol annually. Its operation in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu Province can produce 200,000 tons of DME or dimethyl ether each year. ENN Energy Chemicals is responsible for demonstrating innovative new technologies that are advancing international standards for underground coal gasification, catalytic coal gasification and carbon sequestering through bio-absorption. ENN Energy Chemical has developed expertise and knowledge


in areas where there are few existing models. The company


will use this accumulated experience to provide expertise to


disseminate ENN’s clean-energy technologies to industries that

低碳循环生产基地,开展技术、管理和人才的培养与输 出,为煤基清洁能源技术的创新与应用不断实践。 ENN PAGE - 16

need to lower their carbon emissions. These services range from project design to skills training for project operators.


业务单元 Business unit


ENN Property has positioned itself as a major developer

ENN Property


of recreational and tourist centers that promote a healthy



ENN Property has positioned itself as a major developer of recreational and tourist centers that promote a healthy lifestyle and leave a low-carbon footprint.

理等于一体的企业。公司以为客户提供高品质的健康生 活服务为目标,将业务定位于低碳区域的开发、建设和

The company has provided a full range of integrated real estate services in the development, construction and management of five-star hotels and exclusive golf courses.


In all its developments, ENN Property is able to tap ENN’s


expertise to provide integrated energy management and


innovative environmental technologies. The company’s

在成功打造廊坊艾力枫社健康休闲平台的基础上,正以 廊坊文化产业为核心,打造环渤海的休闲商务中心,并 着手建设以广西涠洲岛为中心的泛北部湾休闲旅游 基地。

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lifestyle and leave a low-carbon footprint.

ultimate aim is to plan, design, construct and manage recreational facilities that are operated by clean, highlyefficient energy systems. The development of these facilities draws on ENN’s expertise and skills gained from years of management experience and


its sales and distribution network.


In Langfang, Hebei province, where ENN’s headquarters is


located, ENN Property has developed the highly successful

在区域规划和建筑应用中率先实现节能减排目标,为人 们创造智能、高效与清洁的人居环境,努力为客户提供 高品质的健康生活服务。

Golden Elephant Golf and Country Club and residential community. The Golden Elephant model has been used as a template for other recreational development projects in cities along the coast of the Bohai Sea and at North Bay in Guangxi Province.



创新发展 Innovation and Development

Innovation and Development 创新发展

创新是企业发展的不竭动力! Innovation: the engine of development.


Conceiving innovative technologies


Our innovative technologies start with the concept of

能效技术。在此基础上,围绕能源生产、储运、应用和 再生四个环节开展了一系列技术的研发,并通过整体的 智能控制,提高能源的使用效率,最终实现节能减排。

a low-carbon, recycling economy achieved through intelligent design. Our innovation objectives are focused on improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions through intelligent computerized controls over the whole process of energy production, distribution, use and recovery.



创新发展 Innovation and Development 1. Focusing on the system

1. 系统能效技术

‘Sys-energy Efficiency’ is a term ENN’s engineers have coined for a set of new technologies that are focused on optimizing


how energy is produced, distributed, used, and recovered.


Sys-energy Efficiency is about creating an interconnected



system that allows energy resources to be fully maximized.



Through Sys-energy Efficiency detailed information



monitoring systems are connected to energy production and distribution to ensure the most efficient energy source is




ENN’s coal-based clean energy technologies are designed to make use of coal much more efficient and a lot less polluting. One set of these technologies produces clean-burning gases from coal while it is still underground, in a process called Underground Coal Gasification. ENN’s UCG plant in Mongolia is helping push international advances in this process and is now producing both


electricity and methane.

能源 储运

信息流+能量流+物质流=系统能量增效 资源增量输入

能源 生产












和甲烷。这一气化过程不产生氧化氮、二氧化硫等污染 环境势能


2. Coal-based Clean Energy Technologies

2. 低碳能源技术

Low-carbon technology flow in the whole process


of coal-based energy production and use 微藻生物吸碳

太阳能 Solar 风能 Wind








污染少等优点。 ENN’s billion-yuan investment in this project is aimed abundant fuel in several ways. The cost and pollution

burning and easier to transport by pipeline. 甲烷 Methane

ENN is also conducting pioneering work on a process called ‘catalytic coal gasification’. In this process coal is


heated inside a pressurized vessel where it reacts with

补氢 Adding Hydrogen

steam to produce syngas. ENN’s innovators are finding

Syngas Methanation

煤 Coal 地下气化采煤


while the resulting liquid and gas fuels are both cleaner


Underground Coal Gasification (UCG)


associated with mining coal are dramatically reduced,

Low-cost Hydrogen Production H2O

Catalytic Coal Gasification


at reducing the environmental impact of China’s most

Algal carbon biofixation and bioenergy

Hybrid Photovoltaic-Wind Power Generation 电 Electricity

水 Water

生物柴油 Bio-diesel



new ways of lowering the required reaction temperature by applying a catalyst, so that the process requires less energy, making it more economically viable.


脱碳 Decarbonization



创新发展 Innovation and Development

微藻生物吸碳技术:微藻生物技术能够将富含油脂和淀 粉的微藻通过化学过程转化为生物柴油、燃料乙醇等 清洁能源。微藻光合作用的特性,可以吸收工业生产过 程中排放的二氧化碳、氮氧化物等废气,并提供高纯度 的氧气,同时还可对氮、磷含量较高的工业废水进行处 理。目前此项技术已成功入选国家高技术研究发展计划 (863计划),并获得专项基金支持。

Renewable Energy Technologies Bio-absorption and Bio-energy: ENN’s work on capturing carbon emissions is based on

光伏技术:该技术利用半导体界面的光生伏特效应将光 能直接转变为电能。这种技术的关键元件是太阳能电 池。太阳能电池经过串联后进行封装保护可形成大面积

the tiny plant organism algae and a process called bio-


absorption. ENN’s ‘perfect’ system not only prevents


carbon from escaping into the atmosphere, it utilizes solar


energy in the process and results in a byproduct that is a clean burning fuel.


管理创新 管理创新是提升企业运营效率、打造核心竞争力的关键。新奥在20多年的经营管理中,将东方文化精髓与西方管理手 段相结合,大胆引入并创新应用了一系列先进管理工具,形成了以战略绩效为主线、以能力提升为核心、制度体系和治

Photovoltaic Technology:


using sunlight for both the biological process know at

ENN recognized early on that converting sunlight to electricity


photosynthesis and to generate the needed electricity

has enormous potential for creating a cleaner planet.

Here’s how it works: algae is grown in massive quantities

which is produced by ENN’s solar panels; algae, which are the fastest growing plant on earth, literally gorge themselves on carbon that is fed to them from the emissions of coal-fired power plants and factories; the short-lived algae are then further processed to produce a cleaner burning bio-diesel that can fuel internal combustion engines. ENN’s work in this area is being conducted at its experimental center in Langfang, Hebei Province near Beijing and supported by China’s national high-tech

ENN Solar Energy's innovative work on increasing the efficiency of solar energy starts with solar cells. These are the components that are assembled in an array on panels that make up photovoltaic modules that can be used in a variety of installations to produce electricity. Using precision engineering and precise manufacturing techniques, ENN Solar Energy is producing solar panels that are highly efficient in converting sunlight to electricity, while providing more flexible design options.

development program known as Program 863, which

ENN Solar Energy's plant in Langfang is also using

is designed to stimulate development of advanced

environmentally friendly manufacturing technologies to

technologies in China.

produce solar panels that could one day power the world from

Innovative Management For more than 20 years ENN has combined the essence of Eastern culture with Western management techniques. This innovative management style maintains an overriding ethos of respect for people, employees and clients, while adopting a highly-efficient set of advanced management tools. ENN’s comprehensive management system is geared to seeking achievements by increasing capability under a framework of good governance. ENN’s ability to continually improve, especially its system of management, has been a key to its success.

the power of the sun. ENN PAGE - 24


创新发展 Innovation and Development

战略绩效 新奥以平衡计分卡理念为基础,打通从战略规划到运营 管理的各个环节:通过三一计划分解并落实战略,使 所有单元围绕战略协同一致;运用年度预算为战略性项 目优先配置资源,利用回顾系统监控和改进执行中的问 题、障碍和挑战,最后通过战略执行效果的评估和多种 激励形式的应用,实现价值共建与价值共享,为战略绩 效体系的下一轮的运转提供动力。这套体系在企业内部 建立起了跨职能与流程的战略绩效管理主线,整合、协 调了组织流程,人力资源、财务、风险、信息化、技术 等职能管理与企业整体战略同步执行,同时也建立起聚 焦于战略管理的企业运营时间表和权责体系。 在组织平衡计分卡的基础上,新奥创新个人平衡计分 卡,将战略及能力需求有效落实至员工层面,实现战略 执行与员工绩效的链接,为企业战略的达成提供人力资 源的有效保障。基于集团在战略绩效管理体系方面的创 新和取得的成绩,新奥荣获“2008年中国战略执行明 星组织”奖。

Strategic Performance


Information Management System

system known as the Balanced Scorecard (BSC).


ENN has partnered with IBM to create a comprehensive

BSC allows us to turn our strategic management decisions


into action and provides a verifiable accounting of results


achieved. BSC was used to develop our ‘Three-One’


ENN has adopted the international strategic management

plan which ensures that our corporate strategies are implemented across the board in a consistent manner. By


information management system that allows us to provide superior customer service by responding quickly to their needs. Our comprehensive and coordinated IT system enables us to track and anticipate our clients’ needs. This system is

carefully allocating resources to priority projects, we are


able to review, monitor and promptly remove obstacles


Planning), CRM (Customer Relationship Management),

that may occur in the process of implementation.


and CCS (Customer Care and Service).

Through effective assessment, and the use of a variety


ENN’s IT system was honored with a ‘Corporate

of incentives, we are able to establish joint values that


Information Management System Award” from the

support the implementation of our corporate strategies.

National Informatization Evaluation Center of China.

The BSC system also provides accountability structures


that allow us to consolidate and coordinate organizational


changes, human resources, finance, risk, information processing, technology and other management functions.

backed by our work in developing ERP (Enterprise Resource


ENN has also creatively applied BSC to the career path of its employees. The Personal BSC helps individuals achieve personal goals within the context of our strategic vision. ENN’s execution of this program earned it a “China Strategic Performance Award”. ENN PAGE - 26


社会责任 Social Responsibility

能源、环境和可持续发展已经成为人类社会必须面对和解决的课题。多年来,新奥始终将和谐发展作为企业的核心价值 观之一,制定可持续的企业发展规划并采取切实有效的途径和措施,在经济发展、环境保护和公益慈善等方面不断努 力,践行“能源与环境和谐共生”的企业理念。

Social Responsibility 社会责任

Energy, the environment, and sustainable development have become major global issues. At the center of ENN’s corporate philosophy is the concept of sustainable development. Planning and realizing our sustainability objectives is achieved via effective policies that enhance opportunities for economic growth, environmental protection and philanthropy. Together these form our vision of the achieving harmony between the production of energy and protection of the environment.


ENN’s Economic Responsibilities


Since our founding more than 20 years ago, ENN has

战略紧密结合,不断扩大经营范围与投资领域,公司规 模、经济效益、纳税额和员工数量逐年攀升,为发展区 域经济、提高就业,促进产业结构的升级和调整做出了 应有的贡献。

closely aligned its growth with China’s development strategy. We have expanded our market and investment, in scale and scope, to maximize our economic effectiveness. We have contributed significantly to regional economic development, by providing jobs, paying taxes and

新奥探索、实施了一套基于“安全与效率”平衡的公司 治理体系,并将积极纳税、诚信经营作为根本,通过保 障企业健康、平稳的发展回报股东的长远利益,维护利 益相关群体的合法权益。

improving the overall standards of our sector. Achieving a stable growth pattern has always been a priority for ENN. To meet that end we have developed governance policies that ensure our own steady, efficient and effective development. By growing in a coordinated and consistent manner we are able to protect the long term interests of our shareholders and respect the legal rights of our stakeholders.

新奥集团成长走势图 ENN's Growth Chart 24,156 23,232 21,213 20,306 16,168 1,584,826 16,320 14,072 1,196,916 5,637

人员规模 Staff 年度经营规模 Scale 资产规模 Asset

872,849 621,618 465,863 2,560,000 301,600 2,133,087 151,039 1,803,266 43,84157,279 1,508,122 33,799 1,012,909 730,809 406,622 企业起步期 Business Start

业务拓展期 Business Expansion

快速发展期 Rapid growth

战略升级期 Strategic Transformation

1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 200




社会责任 Social Responsibility 新奥的环境责任

ENN’s Environmental Responsibility



By providing clean energy and services, ENN is helping mitigate the negative impact economic development has had on the environment.


济发展对环境的影响与损害。公司通过城市燃气分销 网络的建设,用天然气等清洁能源取代燃煤锅炉、蜂窝 煤、煤气等高耗能能源在生产和家庭生活中的使用。新 奥还积极推广天然气汽车加气业务,为城市交通提供清 洁能源。据不完全统计,新奥仅通过提供天然气替代传 统能源一项,就可实现年减排二氧化碳300万吨,二氧 化硫8556吨,以及氮氧化物47848吨。 公司十分注重在自身的工程建设和生产过程中履行环境 责任。实施推广了基于“健康、安全、环境(HSE)” 为基础的管理体系,将环境保护、员工健康、安全的意 识贯穿在生产运营的每一个环节,着力推广本质安全。 例如,新能张家港20万吨二甲醚项目已全部实现了系 统排污的“零排放”,生产废水、废渣等可全部回收利 用。推动了当地能源结构优化和环境建设。

We have enabled millions of people to lead healthier more productive lives by providing natural gas to households that previously faced the daily drudgery of burning coal for cooking and heating. It is estimated that just one of our household gas projects reduced carbon dioxide emissions that would have been produced from burning three million tons of standard coal a year, sulfur dioxide from 8,556 tons of standard coal and nitrogen oxides from 47,848 tons of standard coal.

位员工都能平等地享有参与价值创造并按贡献大小参与 价值共享机会的同时,更强调员工在共建与共享过程中 的能力提升与职业成长。集团建立和完善了员工权益保 障体系,并将员工发展与能力提升作为首要任务,通过 岗位实践培养与培养型任务、行动学习、轮岗、培训认 证学习、导师制和学历教育等多种培养途径,促进员工 形成过硬的专业能力与自我成长的良好习惯,在员工与 企业的共同成长中提升员工满意度。

ENN’s Responsibility to Employees Our human resources policies are guided by the principle of “building and sharing value.” In practice this represents an incentive program that rewards employee effort and allows them to ‘reap what they sow.’

ENN is fully committed to ensuring that its construction and production projects are in line with its environmental principles. We have incorporated environmental protection, employee health and safety into every step of our production and operation.

ENN has implemented an employee rights management system. It provides opportunities for professional and career enhancement through on-the-job training, active learning, job rotation programs, certificate and diploma programs, and mentoring.

In Zhangjiagang, ENN Energy Chemicals’ 200,000 ton DME project is operated on a systematic “zero emissions, wasteminimization” basis. The project not only provides cleanburning fuel for the market it has created jobs that boost the local economy and protected the area’s environment.

ENN’s effort in cultivating a capable workforce ensures that employees continually upgrade their skills. This in turn provides greater opportunities for advancement and job satisfaction, while securing the company’s long-term growth.

工商用户天然气供应节能减排情况 Energy saving and emission reduction for industrial and commercial users by using natural gas

2006年 二氧化碳




2006年 二氧化硫 SO2

2007年 氮氧化 NOX

2008年 其他 Others



CO2 emission reduction of industrial and commercial users after using natural gas (unit:TCE)

Other pollutants emission reduction of industrial and commercial users after using natural gas (unit:TCE)



社会责任 Social Responsibility 新奥的社会责任 新奥的发展得益于党和国家的亲切关怀与社会各界的厚 爱,公司把回馈社会作为义不容辞的责任,并为此专 门成立了慈善基金会。新奥慈善基金会以“倡导环保意 识,支持教育事业,赈灾扶贫济困,助力构建和谐社 会”为宗旨,开展包括建校工程、励志工程、素质工程 和绿色工程在内的公益慈善项目。截至2009年10月,

新奥慈善基金会 ENN Charitable Foundation

公司直接用于社会公益慈善方面的投入已累计超过2.6 亿元人民币。 2009年 新奥慈善基金会副理事长薛伯昌向省青基会代表捐赠助学金

ENN’s Responsibility to Society

2009, Xue Bochang, reprensenting ENN CharitableFoundation, donates grants to Youth Development Fund

ENN is committed to contributing to the prosperity of our stakeholders—the government, the country, and society in general. We have a duty and responsibility to society, and are always looking for new ways to help. This is why the ENN Charitable Foundation was established. It mainly supports projects that promote environmental awareness, education, disaster relief and poverty alleviation. By the turn of the decade, ENN had raised and contributed 260 million RMB (38 million U.S.) to charitable causes.

教育支持 Advancement of education

2008年新奥捐赠的首批能源物资出发赴灾区 2008, first batch of ENN donated energy commodity sets out to the disast er-striken area

环保支持 Supports for environmental protection 2009年 新奥慈善基金会回访新奥光彩小学


2009, ENN Charitable Foundation revisits to ENN Guangcai Primary School


救灾赈灾 Disaster relief 4456

环保支持 Supports for environmental protection 社会公益 Social commonwealth 12502

救灾赈灾 Disaster relief 社会公益 Social commonwealth 教育支持 Advancement of education

2009年 新奥捐资支持中国青年创业就业事业


2009, ENN sponsors China’s youth entrepreneurship and employment

May 15, 2008, ENN is urgently distributing energy materials to disast er-stricken areas

新奥集团历年捐赠汇总(单位:万元) ENN donations summary over the past years (Unit: 10K RMB)



未来展望 Looking Forward

Looking Forward 未来展望

愿景,因期盼而高远, 梦想,因追求而实现, 未来,新奥将继续怀揣梦想, 昂首阔步在能源创新的征途上, 为能源的未来不懈努力, 为人类创造更多的福祉与希望! We will not yield from our ambition Our quest for energy innovation Is our vision, our aspiration, our commitment Our company, our growth, our fulfillment Bringing benefit and hope to society.



www.enn.cn 中国河北廊坊市经济技术开发区华祥路 邮编 065001 Huaxiang Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, Langfang 065001, P.R.China 电话 Tel 86 316 2599999 传真 Fax 86 316 6080999

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