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緬甸秘密戰爭 緬甸起義:看不到的真相



Evan Williams (2006) ∥ 49 min

Anders Østergaard (2008) ∥ 82 min

本片描述緬甸致力追求獨立自治的少數民族現況。在緬甸軍 政府嚴苛有如種族大屠殺迫害下的困境。英國記者爾文•威 廉斯深度記錄人權侵害的真相,他與在仰光從事民主運動的 支援者聯繫,採訪曾與翁山蘇姬一同從事民主運動的NLD人 士。真實的緬甸社會上演著貧困、恐懼的生活,與官方電視 節目所形容的緬甸形成僵硬對比,尤其緬甸軍政府以暴制暴 壓制人民並處決異議人士的手段,均在本片呈現出來。

當國家的歷史是由人民的鮮血寫成,僧侶只好走出寺門,與人 民一同祈願自由到來。Burma VJ是一部記述緬甸「袈裟革命」 的紀錄片,該片貫穿了1988年的緬甸學運,與2007年的袈裟 革命。 被記錄者渴望說話、記錄者則試圖傳達這些聲音,然而在國家 暴力與國際遺忘之間,世界留給緬甸的,僅是駭人的沉默。緬 甸民主之聲(DVB)的公民記者冒著生命危險,錄下人民的恐 懼、僧侶的祈願、政府的暴行。隨著每一層影像的浮現,被壓 抑的聲音突破了沉默,讓全世界見證緬甸人民的勇氣。

For most of the past 16 years the truly elected leader of Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi, has been held under house arrest by a brutal military dictatorship that suppresses all opposition through a policy of rape, forced labour and systematic killings. This is a country unique in failing all five crucial tests by which the UN measures human rights, yet until now the world has all but ignored. Finally, the UN Security Council is beginning to debate how to deal with this renegade nation, in which Britain is the second biggest investor.

Though risking torture and life in jail, courageous young citizens of Burma live the essence of journalism as they insist on keeping up the flow of news from their closed country. Armed with small handycams the Burma VJs stop at nothing to make their reportages from the streets of Rangoon. Their material is smuggled out of the country and broadcast back into Burma via satellite and offered as free usage for international media.

Journalist Evan Williams goes undercover for Dispatches deep inside Burma on a highly dangerous journey, documenting atrocities committed against the Karen people, and follows up by illegally entering Burma again - this time as a tourist.

Amidst marching monks, brutal police agents, and shooting military the reporters embark on their dangerous mission, working around the clock to keep the world informed of events inside the closed country. Their compulsive instinct to shoot what they witness, rather than any deliberate heroism, turns their lives into that of freedom fighters.

我所住的監獄 THIS PRISON WHERE I LIVE Rex Bloomstein (2010)

∥ 91 min

Zarganar是緬甸最知名的喜劇演員,卻也是緬甸軍政府統治下 的受害者。Mittermeier,這位在德國同樣知名的喜劇演員, 則是形成了鮮明的對比。Zarganar被監禁過好幾次,由於他對 政府直言不諱的批判,在納吉斯風災後,不僅對受害者提供 援助,也試圖向世界輿論傳達軍政府在救災的無能與過失, 而遭致判處59年有期徒刑,後又減少到35年。這部影片從 2007年開始記錄,儘管Zarganar被禁止接受外國媒體的採訪 ,他仍不顧禁令,同意與英國紀錄片導演進行訪談。《我所 住的監獄》是德國喜劇演員深入發掘另一位充滿個性與天賦 的緬甸喜劇演員的一段故事。 Maung Thura, better known as Zarganar, is Burma’s greatest living comic. Relentlessly victimised by the Burmese military junta, he is now in prison. Zarganar has been jailed on a series of trumped up charges for his outspoken criticism of the government after leading a private relief effort to deliver aid to victims of Cyclone Nargis, and for trying to alert the world’s media to the junta’s criminal failure to respond to a human catastrophe. He was condemned by Burma’s generals to 59 years behind bars, now reduced to 35 years. Prison Where I Live is a feature documentary and is the story of German comedian’s Michael Mittermeier’s exploration into the personality, the motivation and the talent of the man who describes himself as the ‘loudspeaker’ for his people.

聚焦緬甸 台南場 放映地點:MASA



06-2759318 2012 / 4 / 8(日) 19:00 我所住的監獄 The prison where I live 與談人:楊宗澧(國際特赦組織台灣分會副秘書長)

2012 / 4 / 14(六) 19:00 緬甸起義:看不到的真相 Burma VJ

鐵幕後的尊嚴與勇氣 Spotlight on Burma : Dignity and Fortitude Behind the Iron Curtain 2012 Amnesty International Taiwan Film Festival 那些年,你不知道的緬甸∼ 1962年起的軍人獨裁政權帶領國家走向封閉; 1988年風起雲湧的學運帶來超過三千條年輕生命的消逝; 1991年諾貝爾和平獎得主翁山蘇姬超過16年的軟禁歲月; 2007年番紅花革命,僧侶以鮮血換來世人的關注與聲援。



2012 / 4 / 21(六) 19:00 緬甸秘密戰爭 Burma's secret war

對異議人士的逮捕、刑求、暗殺,宛如台灣威權時期的白色恐怖陰影,這是許多緬甸人民揮之不去的夢魘; 政府與外資財團恣意妄為的聯手開發與環境破壞、強迫拆遷、勞動, 一步步侵害緬甸的生態、土地,以及人民的生命。



*台南MASA LOFT 小組,每月第一個周日 16:00 在台南大學路西段53號3樓感動聚會!

2012 國際特赦組織緬甸人權影展 更多資訊請見 amnesty.tw





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