Classic and special massages Classic back
Classic leg
25 min. / € 35
25 min. / € 35
Face massage
Children’s massage
25 min. / € 35
25 min. / € 35
Classic massage
Relaxing massage with warm aromatic oils 50 min. / € 75
50 min. / € 70
Circulatory modelling
Massage of the extremities (head, hands and feet)
Specifically for combatting cellulite, localised fat and poor tone thanks to the use of concentrated active ingredients with a high-impact effect.
Holistic massage: working on the extremities of the body (head, hands and feet) bringing back the energetic balance and a sensation of total lightness.
50 min. / € 70
25 min. / € 40
Cold legs massage The alternation of cold stone and the warmth of the hands create a vasoconstricting effect to drain and lighten the effect of heaviness in the legs.
4 hands massage The dexterity confounds the mind with a feeling of body weightlessness that is felt continuously until you abandon yourself to total relaxation.
30 min. / € 45
50 min. / € 110
Hot back massage The use of hot stone and soothing oils preceded by neuro-relaxing manual skills to de-stiffen, relax and relieve muscle tension in the back, shoulders and neck. 30 min. / € 45 15