Samsung DDR3-1333 8GB ECC/ REG Server Memo ry Part#: D3-13R8G4S Package: BULK Manufacturer: Sa m s ung Manufacturer Part#: M393B1K70DH0-CH9 Shipping Weight: 0.09 lb s .(0.04 k g )
Product Info: Sp e c if ic a tio ns Mf r P a r t Num b e r : M393B1K70DH0-C H9 T y p e : DDR3 Ca p a c ity : 8GB Sp e e d : PC 10666 1333MHz Siz e & Bit: 1G x 72 P ins : 240pin ECC: Yes Re g is te r e d : Yes Chip : Samsung CL9 * Product descriptions and part numbers are subject to change, and may not reflect manufacturer product changes. Please check the manufacturer's website and use the item's manufacturer part number to find the most up to date product description.