S R 8A4
MicroS D 8G B brings you endles s enterta inment. S tore photos , video clips , mus ic a nd a ny pos s ible contents you wis h a nd no need to worry a bout los ing the files . Our “File R es cue” s ervice ca n help you recover them.
Tec hnic a l S pec ific a tions
Me mory S pe c Memory S ize (G B ) U s a ble C a pa city (Approx. G B )
8 7.2
Inte rfa ce S D Interfa ce
4bit pa ra llel
P ow e r P ower R equirements (volta ge)
2.7V - 3.6V
Ope ra ting C onditions Opera ting C urrent (mA) Opera ting Tempera ture R equirements ( )
200 (Ma x) -25 ∼ +85 (Non-condens ing)
S pe e d S peed C la s s
Me dia Dimens ion (Approx. W x L x T mm) Weights (Approx. gr)
11 x 15 x 1 1
Individua l P a cka ge P a cka ge S tyle Dimens ions (Approx. W x H x D mm) Weights (Approx. gr) P a cka ge L a ngua ges (Ma nda tory) P a cka ge L a ngua ges (Option)
E C O pa cka ge 125 x 155 x 9 27 E nglis h, French G erma n, S pa nis h, Dutch, Ita lia n, P ortugues e, Turkis h, G reek, C zech, Hunga ria n, P olis h, R us s ia n, U kra inia n, R oma nia n, S lova k
Ma ste r C a rton Individua l P a cka ge Number Dimens ions (Approx. W x H x D mm) Weights (Approx. gr)
10 163 x 147 x 75 315
Supplied Accessories Operating Instructions Operating Instructions Language Adaptor - Description
Instruction manual English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Turkish, Greek, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Slovak, Arabic, Roman, Russian, Traditional, Chinese, Korean SRAC-A1
Adaptor - Card Slot microSD slot Adaptor - Dimension (Approx. W x H x D) Adaptor - Weights (Approx. gr) Adaptor - Temperature Condition (℃)
24 x 32 x 2.1 2 -25 〜 +85 (Non-condensing)