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INTR ODUC TION With a rich his tory in building full-s ize a ll a luminum tower ca s es da ting ba ck to 1999, S ilverS tone's ta lented R &D tea m crea ted yet a nother benchma rk in a cla s s it crea ted. The TJ 07 is a culmina tion of yea rs of experience a s it fus es the la tes t in ma nufa cturing proces s , therma l concept, ergonomic des ign, a nd a ttra ctive a es thetics . The ma in s tructure for the TJ 07 is cra fted from a s olid extruded a luminum pa nel mea s uring more tha n 164cm (5.3 feet) in length a nd 4mm to 8mm in thicknes s . U s ing a proces s never before s een in P C ca s es , the pa nel wa s then a rched precis ely on two s ides with a utomotive-ca liber pres s ma chines to crea te the top, front, a nd bottom s ides of the cha s s is . The end res ult is a n a luminum cha s s is fra me with more tha n twice the s tructura l rigidity over a vera ge s teel ca s es , helping to pra ctica lly elimina te vibra tion-induced nois e. Tha nks to this proces s , S ilverS tone engineers wa s freed to pla ce more la rge fa ns a t s tra tegic pos itions to s ignifica ntly improve cooling while keeping nois e to a minimum. A new ergonomic la yout wa s a ls o des igned with experiences lea rned from previous Temjin ca s es s o ins ta lla tion is incredibly s imple without a ny obs tructions for us ers of a ll levels a nd components . For a dva nced enthus ia s ts , the TJ 07's s implis tic a pproa ch with minima l us e of rivets will a ls o prove to be a delight beca us e it provides plenty of ea s ily a cces s ible s pa ces for a dditiona l equipments or modifica tions . To complement the excellent functiona lity, S ilverS tone des igners a dded s ubtle deta ils in s urfa ce finis h a nd s tructura l twea ks lea rned from building home thea ter P C ca s es to enha nce the look of the a lrea dy powerful one piece fra me. The TJ 07 is truly a s impres s ive to s ee in pers on a s it a ppea rs on pa per, the wa y a fla gs hip tower ca s e s hould be.

S P E C IAL F E ATUR E S Next genera tion fla gs hip tower ca s e U nprecedented uni-body fra me cons tructed with a utomotive ma chinery P remium a ll-a luminum cha s s is with ca pa city up to extended ATX, S S I E xceptiona l cooling potentia l with ca lcula ted a irflow des ign U s er friendly la yout with tool-les s a cces s Minima l us e of rivets for ma ximum s ervicea bility


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