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Product Description From the Manufacturer The Razer BlackWidow Ultimate (Mac Edition) takes you full speed into combat with a full-fledged mechanical key infrastructure delivering crisp, tactile feedback with every actuation. Bringing an entirely different feel and faster keystroke actuation to the table, this revolutionary fully backlit gaming keyboard is rounded off by its additional macro keys and unlimited on-the-fly macro recording.

Features 1. Me chanical k e y archite cture 2. Individually back lit k e ys 3. Fully program m able k e ys + 5 additional gam ing k e ys with on-the -fly m acro re cording 4. 10 C ustom izable software profile s with on-the -fly switching 5. Gam ing optim ize d k e y m atrix for m inim ize d ghosting 6. Easy acce ss m e dia k e ys 7. Earphone -O ut and Microphone -In Jack s

Full m e chanical k e ys with 50g actuation force Individually back lit k e ys with 5 le ve ls of lighting 1000Hz Ultrapollingďż˝ / 1m s re sponse tim e Program m able k e ys with on-the -fly m acro re cording Gam ing m ode option for de activation of the W indows k e y 10 custom izable software profile s with on-the -fly

Package Contents

switching 5 additional m acro k e ys Gam ing optim ize d k e y m atrix for m inim ize d ghosting

R aze r Black W idow Ultim ate (Mac) Gam ing Ke yboard

Multi-Me dia C ontrols

C e rtificate of Authe nticity

Braide d cable

Q uick Start Guide


Maste r Guide

Approx . size in m m : 475(L) x 171(W ) x 30(H) W e ight: 1.5k g


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