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Grand Kama Cross 2 (SCKC-3000) The Grand Kama Cross 2 is the consistent development of the Grand Kama Cross CPU cooler. The proven, unique X-structure top-flow design has been kept, the mounting system is now a lot simpler, and more user-friendly. Socket compatibility is guaranteed up to the newest socket 1150 from Intel. The factory-fitted 140 mm GlideStream fan does its job efficiently, and ensures a quiet operation even at maximum rpms, rounding up the harmonic picture of the new Grand Kama Cross 2.

User-friendly Installation

The newly developed H.P.M.S. (Hyper Precision Mounting System) installation method fitted to the Grand Kama Cross 2 ensures an easier and faster mounting of the cooler. The heatsink is screwed to the motherboard guaranteeing a solid and safe fit. Even Intel's newest, the LGA1150 soon to be on the mark et, will be no problem for the new Grand Kama Cross 2. Top-Blow Fan The unique "top-blow" design provides effectively cooling to the voltage regulator modules and chipsets, thus extending the life span of those components and motherboard.

X-Structure Design The unique design of the Grand Kama Cross 2, in fact the Grand Kama Cross series all the way through, allows mounting memory modules fitted with larger heatsink s without interference. Even large VRM or chipset-heatsink s placed around the CPU-sock et will not prevent the user from benefiting from the Grand Kama Cross 2.

P rodu


» Model Na me

G ra nd K a ma C ros s 2

» Model Number

S C K C -3000

» Compa tibility

Intel® : S ocket L G A775, S ocket L G A1150, S ocket L G A1155, S ocket L G A1156, S ocket L G A1366 , S ocket L G A2011 (S qua re IL M) ***************** AMD® : S ocket AM2, S ocket AM2+, S ocket AM3, S ocket AM3+, S ocket FM1, S ocket FM2

» Overa ll Dimens ion

175.2 x 140 x 140 mm / 6.88 x 5.51 x 5.51 in

» W eight

760 g / 26.80 oz

» B a s epla te Ma teria l

Nickel-pla ted copper

» Fa n Model Na me

G lideS trea m 140 P WM

» Fa n Model Number

S Y1425HB 12M-P

» Fa n S ize

140 x 140 x 25 mm / 5.51 x 5.51 x 0.98 mm

» Fa n Nois e L evel

13 ~ 30.7 dB A

» Air Flow

37.37 ~ 97.18 C FM - 63.48 ~ 165.08 m³/h

» Fa n S peed

500 (±300 rpm) ~ 1,300 rpm (±10% ) (P WM-controlled)

» S ta tic P res s ure

1.47 ~ 10.0 P a / 0.15 ~ 1.02 mmH²O

» S c ope of Delivery

2x mounting pla te, 1x mounting ba r, 4x s crews for mounting pla tes , 8x s tud nuts , 2x mounti g s crews , 1x rubber s pa cer (s ocket 775), 4x pa cer, 1x wrench, B a ckpla te, therma l grea s e, ins ta lla tion ma nua l

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