Naše Novine This newsletter was created by the students of the B/C/S Program at the University of Pittsburgh in the academic year of 2017-2018. We hope you will enjoy reading this! We have done our best in order to show you our dedication to learning B/C/S! B/C/S Instructor: Ljiljana Djurašković As the instructor for this program I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to those students who put forth an extra effort to make this project a reality. Also, I would like to express special thanks to Theodore Teichman & Zoran Kurjakovic, who made an extra effort to compile the works in this newsletter.
Want to learn a language of beautiful countries in the Balkan region— Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia? Pitt Slavic Department offers three levels of B/C/S during the academic year. Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced and Summer Intensive BCS courses (6 weeks in Pittsburgh + 4 weeks in Montenegro)! If you are thinking of an exciting MINOR, Pitt offers a MINOR in B/C/S. Check and like the Facebook page for the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Club for all the BCS events on Pitt Campus (Conversation table, Balkan Disco Night, Movie Nights and many more…). Contact Ljiljana Duraskovic at and register for the BCS class! Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian Minor Checklist for the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian minor Students may complete this 15-credit minor during the regular academic year or through summer study of the Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian language. SLAV 1865 may not be used to fulfill a requirement for more than one academic program. Option 1: Academic year Language component _______ SERCRO 0030 _______ SERCRO 0040 _______ SERCRO 0400 _______ SERCRO 0410 _______ SERCRO 1240 or SERCRO 1270
Cultural Components _______ SLAV 1865 _______ HIST 1225
Option 2: Summer study (choose 1 from each pair): Language component Cultural Component _______ SERCRO 0220 _______ SERCRO 0230 _______ SLAV 1865 _______ SERCRO 0223 _______ SERCRO 0231 _______ HIST 1225