Coffs Harbour Airport Magazine Issue 40

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Issue 40 •


Upgrade, updates and more

WORLD RALLY At Coffs Harbour


This is going to be action-packed!



Maxim Cut 5

Maxim Cut 3


Maxim Cool HV Dots

Razr Diamond 5

Maxim Dry+

Classic Multi Lite


04 Welcome Letter 05 Airport Update

09 Buskers Festival 12 What’s On 14 World Rally 26 Puzzle Page 28 Coffs Coast Groms 30 Free Stuff

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page 12

Fly Coffs to Brisbane Six times a week in just 1 hour. That’s flying!

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To book visit Fly corporate - picture.indd 1

8/11/2016 9:54:34 AM

Issue 40


PUBLISHER Patrick McElligott

EDITOR Aly Eveille

DESIGN Melissa Hanwright

ADVERTISING & ENQUIRIES COFFS HARBOUR AIRPORT MAGAZINE Sharon Rose Amos SKIPPERS INFLIGHT MAGAZINE [WA] Sharon Rose Amos MARINE PUBLICATIONS Sharon Rose Amos THE TRADIE MAGAZINE Sharon Rose Amos PRINTING Coffs Harbour Airport Magazine is published quarterly by Trans Tasman Media. Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher. No responsibility is accepted by the publisher or the printer for the accuracy of information contained in the text or advertisements. Advertisements must comply with the relevant Trade Practices Act 1979. Responsibility for compliance with the act rests with the person, company or advertising agency submitting the advertisement. Neither the publisher nor the editor accepts responsibility for advertisements.

Formerly Inflight Publishing Pty. Ltd.

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significant level of construction and refurbishment has been completed at Coffs Harbour Airport since our last issue. All this has been achieved with the cooperation of airport staff, tenants, airline personnel and the contractors engaged for the project and I am very pleased to say it has also occurred with the support and understanding of our travellers and visitors to the airport. A sincere thank you to one and all! On Monday 21 August, Deputy Premier NSW and Minister for Regional NSW, John Barilaro, with Member for Coffs Harbour, Andrew Fraser, and Coffs Harbour Mayor, Denise Knight, officially opened the new additions which are now ready for all to enjoy. The full story outlining the new additions to the airport changes can be found from page 5. With this year’s World Rally Championships culminating on Coffs Coast, we hope that our international and Australian visitors enjoy the new additions to the airport and this exciting world class event. Rally drivers, administrators, technicians and mechanics and a plethora of fans and media will soon arrive for the Kennards Hire Rally Australia from 16 to 19 November. This event is broadcast live to an international audience of around 50 million Rally enthusiasts helping to expose the excitement of the event and beauty of Coffs Coast. You can find the story profiling some of the drivers and action and entertainment planned for the Rally from page 15. Coffs Harbour will soon host the International Buskers and Comedy Festival. This event is staged during the New South Wales September school holidays and it brings street theatre, colour and hilarity to adults and children enjoying a Coffs Coast spring holiday with numerous opportunities to attend many of the shows held on the streets of Coffs Harbour and the surrounding towns and venues, from Woolgoolga to Toormina. This year’s performer’s hail from the UK, New Zealand, USA and Australia and all are ready, willing and able to make you laugh. For more information, check out the full article form page 10. And now I invite you to visit the airport if you have not done so recently to see for yourself the latest additions which we believe now makes Coffs Harbour Airport one of the most up-to date airports in regional Australia! Best wishes and safe travels. Dennis Martin AOM Airport Manager


Issue 40 11



ince 2009/10 passenger numbers at Coffs Harbour Airport have increased by over 100,000 to 412,824.

This level of growth required action be taken now to ensure the airport’s facilities and services could meet current and predicted future growth demands. With a redevelopment plan and funding assistance from the New South Wales Government’s Regional Tourism Infrastructure Program, the $6.5 million project commenced in early 2016. Now, Coffs Harbour Airport has completed major renovations, extensions and improvements for visitors, travellers and airport tenants – on time, on budget and in a record breaking year of growth in passenger traffic. A project challenge for airport management and staff, airport tenants and airline personnel was how to make the necessary changes without interruptions to the normal business day and without inconveniencing travellers and airport visitors. The answer was to do the bulk of the required works at night – after the last flight of the day and before next morning’s first departure. This required close communication and cooperation with all involved in the project, particularly the various contractors and tradespeople engaged. Depending on the work to be undertaken, daily and/or weekly meetings were held to review work in progress with an emphasis on meeting contract obligations of timeliness, works quality, budget and minimization to normal operations and customer convenience, comfort and safety. According to airport manager, Dennis Martin, all contractors supported the approach. He said,” Their commitment to working in collaboration with the airport is sincerely appreciated and so too the tolerance of our many passengers and visitors who understood the refurbishments would soon be realised and enjoyed by all.” To give an insight into the project, the following outlines key elements of these extensions and upgrades.

Terminal • The overall floor area in the Departure and Arrival Halls has been increased by 25 per cent. • Two additional entry doors installed in the Departure Hall • The check-in counter lengthened and two additional check-in stations added • Floors in the arrivals and departure areas, security and café completely retiled • New carpets and more comfortable seating installed in the departure gate lounge • The QantasLink Regional Lounge refurbished and expanded by 30 per cent • An additional lounge/meeting room (available for hire) and two additional staff offices constructed • Toilets in the Arrival Hall refurbished • A new undercover walkway between the terminal and security car park built and • A horticultural garden with decorative screens established on the northern side of the terminal


Issue 40



Mr Martin paid tribute to the commitment of the contractors,

• Taxiways between the main runway and the parking apron have been widened

tradespeople and all who partnered with the airport in bringing

• The apron expanded to increase overall aircraft parking capacity

airline personnel, travellers and Coffs Coast residents now have

• Expanded aircraft parking bays can now accommodate concurrent parking for five narrow bodied jets

located airports in regional New South Wales with high frequency,

• The undercover entrance to the arrivals hall extended and expanded • Apron extended south to provide additional storage for aircraft service plant • A second larger baggage carousel installed to improve customer service especially during peak periods.

Car Park • In addition to the current ticketing and payment system, new credit card reading technology has been installed at general public and security parking entry and exit gates. This system facilitates quicker access and egress, less use of paper and an on-line record of transactions. • Two new CCTV cameras installed to enhance security

Operations • A new plant and systems control building was constructed • New purpose built control switchboard installed to assist management with improved data information on; energy use, systems security and airport operating efficiency • A new hi-tech electricity generator installed. In the event of interruptions to the supply of mains power the new generator along with the new switchboard functionality will ensure airport operations and systems will function seamlessly 24/7 • The charter lounge expanded with new furniture added


Issue 40

the project to fruition. He said, “Council, airport staff, tenants, the one of the most high-quality, comfortable and conveniently competitive priced airline services in Australia bar none.” Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional New South Wales, Hon John Barilaro, officially opened the new extensions at Coffs Harbour Regional Airport on Monday 21 August in company with Member for Coffs Harbour, Hon Andrew Fraser MP and Coffs Harbour Mayor Cr Denise Knight and members of the business community. Mr Barilaro said, “The upgrade means the Coffs Harbour Airport now has the capacity to handle more planes, and bigger planes. Ultimately the investment will see greater capacity for business travel and tourists, boosting visitation, and in turn generating spending in the local economy.” So when next you are to visit Coffs Harbour Airport arrive a few minutes early to look around the terminal and take in the changes that have been made for all to enjoy.

APARTMENTS Located in the heart of the Coffs Harbour Jetty area, and the closest accommodation you will find to the beautiful Coffs Harbour International Marina, and renowned Jetty Beach.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional New South Wales, Hon John Barilaro, officially opened the new extensions with Member for Coffs Harbour, Hon Andrew Fraser MP, Coffs Harbour Mayor Cr Denise Knight and Airport Manager, Dennis Martin.

1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments with generous balconies or patios for outside living. Our self-contained apartments all have modern appliances, reverse cycle air conditioning, secure underground car parking with direct lift access to apartments. Enjoy our two swimming pools with BBQ areas set amongst lawns and lush sub tropical gardens. Ideally located a minutes walk to an array of cafes, award winning restaurants, shops and beaches.


Issue 40


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E R K S S FESTIVAL U B ys of Holiday Laug a s. d t t n h h u g t er, Illusions and St Ei Issue 40


r e Coffs Harbou th r e b to c O 1 ber to the streets, m it te h p l e S il 3 w 2 l a m v o ti r F & Comedy Fes s r e k s u B l a n oolgoolga, o W , r u o b r Internati a H s ff o d gardens in C n a s b u p , s b ardens. lu G c ic n ta o B e th ne e a n d Toormina, Moo This year artists hail from 4 continents UK, USA, New Zealand and Australia. There’s stand up comedians, jugglers, contortionists, a sword swallower, a hula hoop knife juggling lady, a face contortionist, a cuppa tea comedian to name a few. All will make you laugh, stare and at times gasp for breath with two artist’s current Guinness World Record holders – Space Cowboy and Rubberband Boy. Space Cowboy (Australia) is a multi-Guinness World Record holder and is set to perform his amazing feats once again in this year’s festival. While he can ride a unicycle and twirl fire torches, hang heavy weights from his eyelids, juggle a chainsaw while its running and other feats, his favourite act seems to be swallowing swords. This performance is what earned him his latest Guinness World Record. Space Cowboy swallowed not one or two but 18 for the record attempt and has since unofficially exceeded this number swallowing 27 swords and yes, all at the same time. We’re not sure how hungry he will be when on Coffs Coast but however many swords he chooses to swallow he will make you hold your breath the whole time. Rubberband (New Zealand) Boy has many faces, all shaped by giant rubber bands that he places, twists and turns over his head and around, under and over his ears, nose, lips, eyes and chin. For the record, he shaped and covered his face with 78 bright yellow bands. Not a pretty sight but incredible so bring along your camera to capture some of his funny shaped faces. Katie Wright Dynamite (Australia) is the lady that will have you in hoops of laughter. Hula hoops that is. From one to thirty five she rolls them around her hips, legs, arms and in fact her whole body to keep them going round and round, but that’s not all. Katie is deft at juggling too – with clubs, knives, fire and eggs. Her shows are great fun for kids. Then after dark she has an Adults Only comedy routine. And there’s Dave and Dan who hail from afar (UK). The Great Dave as he is known can flip cups and saucers from his foot to his forehead add and stack one set on top another on top of his head. Tea for two, anyone? His countryman Dan goes by the name Dan the Hat. But surprise surprise he doesn’t pull any rabbits out of his hat. His acts include Money Box of Death, Child Juggling, Melon Catch of Death, Ring of Death and the Corridor of Death. These are really not death defying, rather lots of fun with audience participation invited from the youngsters and young at heart.


Issue 40

Besides the street theatre performers this year, the festival is attracting its strongest line up of stand-up comedians, Sean Michaels, Joel Ozborn, Umit Bali and our all-time funnyman Lindsay Webb who will MC the adult comedy shows. Between them these fellows have performed in a variety television shows and festivals around the country – The Footy Show, Big Arvo, Good News Week, Comedy Corner and Fish Bowl Festival to name a few, and now, Coffs Coast’s very own Coffs Harbour International Comedy and Buskers Festival. So be prepared for a mix of wry humour, laconic Aussie quips, impromptu impersonations and some great jokes and one-liners. And where will you be able to see and hear these creative and fun folk ? Quite a few places like, The Coffs Harbour CBD, Toormina Gardens Shopping Centre, Moonee Tavern, Pier Hotel, Seaview Tavern, Harbourside Markets, Coffs Harbour Yacht Club and a special kids day at the Coffs Harbour Race Course sponsored by Geoff King Motors. This will be a day of fun for children to be entertained, amazed and for some invited onstage to assist the busking performers. All street theatre performances are free but the buskers and comedians will put out a hat for donations at the end of their performances. The Geoff King Motors Kids Day is a ticketed event and entry to the Botanic Gardens performances is by gold coin donation. It will be a week of comedy, stunts, fun and laughter, so come along and enjoy this year’s Coffs Harbour International Comedy and Buskers Festival. Further Information,

Issue 40



COFFS HARBOUR RUNNING FESTIVAL 3 SEPTEMBER The Bendigo Bank Coffs Harbour Running Festival is a community event for people of all ages and abilities and consists of a 21.1km half marathon, 10km fun run, 5km fun run and a 3km family fun run/walk. Held on a bush trail on the Coffs Creek Walkway, the flat, shady course is ideal for runners. The picturesque track hugs the beautiful Coffs Creek and competitors run over floating boardwalks, through swamp forests of mangrove, casuarina and paperbark trees, from the centre of town to the coast and back. The event raises funds for local children’s charities including Life Education Australia, Coffs Coast Autism, Camp Quality, Early Connections Coffs Harbour and St John Ambulance. For more information visit




25 to 29 SEPTEMBER

The International Buskers and Comedy Festival involves a huge number of shows in 11 different venues over seven days. Entertainment includes artists from across the globe, including a strong Australian and local contingent, in Australia’s largest gathering of professional buskers. Shows include: family entertainment in Coffs Harbour City Centre, performances in Toormina Gardens Shopping Centre; the Harbourside Markets along the harbour waterfront; Botanic Gardens:Park Beach Hotel (Hoey Moey), and Moonee Tavern near Moonee Beach and Kids Day at the Coffs Harbour Racing Club. Adult shows will be staged at the Pier Hotel (on the Jetty Strip). For a program of performances visit the website below. Please note: most shows are free with a requested donation to the performer’s hat at the end but check the website for full details.

The National Youth Championships are Football Federation Australia’s (FFA) primary national football competition for the 13 and 14 Years Boys. Hosted by Northern NSW Football, the FFA National Youth Championships for Boys have been held in Coffs Harbour since 2006. The Championships are an integral part of the FFA National Youth Development program and identification process providing a showcase for the best 13 and 14-year-old boys from all States. The Championships have in the past and will continue to produce the next generation of players to represent Australian men’s football and offer an outstanding quality of competition.

For more information visit


Issue 40

Visit to learn more!

OKTOBERFEST 6 to 8 & 13 to 15 OCTOBER Don your Dirndl or Lederhosen and find out more about the cultural side of Oktoberfest Brisbane. Steeped in tradition, the festival prides itself in providing you with an authentic Bavarian and German experience. They offer only the absolute finest in German foods, hand-crafted German beers and wines. Get your mouth watering now with details of what you can expect to fill your longing stomachs. Oktoberfest Brisbane cares about the community and giving back. They are proud to have raised over $207,000 for Youngcare Australia since the festival commenced. Learn more about Youngcare and how you can help support them. Oktoberfest Brisbane’s beers are brewed specifically to the Reinheitsgebot {Bavarian Purity Law}, which states that only four natural ingredients be used to brew beer: water, malt, hops and yeast. Get tickets here: www. oktoberfestbrisbane.



26 to 29 OCTOBER

The beautiful Coffs Coast of New South Wales will play host once again to Kennards Hire Rally Australia, the annual Australian leg and the closing round of the 2017 FIA World Rally Championship. Only Australia’s second world championship event, alongside Formula One, this epic competition features some of the world’s greatest drivers battling for supremacy in the toughest and most varied conditions on the planet. Multi-million dollar “factory” teams from Japan, France, Korea and Britain, plus the cream of privateer outfits from around the world and Australia tackle open-country and forestry stages across 300 kilometres in spectacular sub-tropical scenery. Fully-catered, family-friendly viewing points, easily accessible from Coffs Harbour and the surrounding region, will be available around the stages. Don’t miss the Super Special Stage around the beautiful Coffs Harbour Jetty foreshore. There will be plenty of free entertainment to keep the kids and adults amused. The rally’s climax will be the Wedding Bells Special Stage on Sunday, providing great spectating, food and entertainment as the best in the world battle toward a globallytelevised finish.

The Commonwealth Bank Women’s Ashes Series will see the two most highly ranked teams in women’s cricket, Australia and England, battle it out for Ashes glory and the pride of their nation. Coffs Harbour will host two ODI matches in the Commonwealth Bank Women’s Ashes series, with Coffs Harbour International Stadium set to come alive with cricket action on October 26 and 29, 2017. For more information head to

16 to 19 NOVEMBER

Visit for more information. Issue 40


World Rally COFFS COAST 2017

This year’s World Rally Championship is a close and exciting race. Not only are drivers vying for the title of World Champion, there are a number of competitors striving for a Rally Australia podium finish to cement their place in the world’s top five while car manufacturers are pulling out all stops to clinch the manufacturer’s crown. This spells excitement a plenty for competitors, officials and Rally fans alike at FIA’s Kennards Hire Rally Australia 16-19 November. Drivers Profiles and images courtesy of


Issue 40

To make sure this year’s event is the best ever, Rally Australia organisers have engaged top gear in planning, preparing and producing a program filled with thrilling rallying and fun activities and entertainment. Here is some of what’s in store… THURSDAY 16TH From 4.00pm there will be a sea of colour and gurgling combustion as drivers enter and park their cars for display and inspection in Coffs Harbour’s CBD. A short time later, WRC drivers will be invited on stage and interviewed to talk about their performance so far and what and how they plan to rally on Coffs Coast. This will be followed by a session of autograph signing by WRC drivers so be sure to bring your favourite cap, shirt and posted to collect a signature or two or more. Ending the launch will be a ceremonial rally start commencing around 5.30pm pm. Drivers and their cars will be flagged away for their return to Rally Park at C.ex Coffs International Stadium for final preparations for the Rally starting early the next day.

FRIDAY 17TH AND SATURDAY 18TH RALLY PARK ENTERTAINMENT Rally Park at C.ex International Sports Stadium is where the cars and their teams will be stationed during the Rally. This will be a hive of activity throughout the day as mechanics and technicians prepare and sometimes repair the cars. Patrons can walk through and around the workshops and watch work in progress and observe drivers discussing the ins and outs of their rally machine’s performance with their crew before heading out to the next rally stage. During the day there will be a range of activities available. For kids there will be free face painting, a jumping castle, rock climbing wall, a PS4 games zone and live entertainment on the Rally Stage. While this is happening Radio Triple M will broadcast live and throughout the day will be handing out a number of prizes to patrons at the Park. As evening approaches and drivers, crew and cars return there will be live entertainment, the refreshments bar opened and the Red Bull DJ on stage with drivers discussing their day one performances. A highlight of Friday and Saturday’s Rallying will be the Destination New South Wales Super Special Stage at the Coffs Harbour Foreshore. Gates open at 2.00pm with the first car scheduled to race out of the start gate at 3.57 pm and zip around the course of jumps, berms and burnouts at lightning fast speeds. This is a thrilling spectacle not to be missed.

SUNDAY 19TH A highlight of Sunday’s Rallying is the iconic Wedding Bells State Forest stage at Bucca. This is a tight fast and furious stage with a water splash, two high speed jumps and sharp twists and turns along gravel roads through and along the edge of the forest. The first cars are expected to appear at 9.40am for the morning session and again in the afternoon commencing at 1.08pm. Between times there will be entertainment for kids at the State Forest NSW marquee, food and drinks available, toilet facilities provided and for those looking for a corporate hospitality option that too is available but limited to only 300 guests. For more information contact Rally Australia on 02 6648 4972 or email services@ Ending the day will be the presentations, announcements and closing ceremony of FIA’s Rally Australia and the 2017 World Rally Championships. This will be held in Rally Park at C.ex Coffs International Stadium and is sure to highlight as the winner for 2017 is announced and crowned and place getters revealed for the drivers and manufacturers categories.

Further information: For tickets to the Rally, information on each day’s Rally stages, spectator points and the latest Rally news visit Issue 40



Issue 40





Here’s what makes him special

Here’s what makes him special

Here’s what makes him special

• An accomplished competitor in British, European and WRC support series, 2016 proved to be his breakthrough season

• He’s one of the WRC’s most promising talents

• A championship winner at European and WRC support series level

• He claimed a stunning podium in Finland to secure a works Citroën drive for 2017

• Calm, quiet and modest, he enjoys huge support in his native Wales – a traditional heartland of British rallying

• Always good for a quote at the stage ends, Craig gathered a few himself in 2015 as a guest presenter for WRC Live

• Bounced back from losing a full-time WRC seat to return to the top level for 2017

• Has added a more steely nature to his character since his initial two-year stint at the top level

The story so far:

The story so far:

Breen, the son of former Irish champion Ray, began his career in karting in Ireland before moving into fulltime rallying in 2009, when he won the International, British and Irish Fiesta Sporting Trophy titles and was crowned Ireland’s Young Driver of the Year.

Born into Welsh rally royalty (his father Gwyndaf is a former British champion), Evans started his rallying career in 2007 when he came third in the Fiesta Sporting Trophy. The following year he won the series outright, in both the UK and Ireland.

In 2010 he finished second in the Irish Tarmac Championship in a Fiesta S2000 and claimed his maiden British Championship victory at the Ulster Rally.

He won the UK SportTrophy series again in 2010, as well as the Junior British Rally title and the Pirelli Star Driver shoot-out, the prize for which was a funded group N Subaru Impreza drive in the 2011 British Championship. Evans completed the season with two wins and second place in the championship.

Breen stepped up to the WRC Academy in 2011, lifting the title in a Fiesta R2 after wins in Germany and Britain, and the following season he won the SWRC title in a Fiesta S2000 after four category wins. Peugeot signed Breen to lead its European Rally Championship attack in 2013 in a 207 S2000. Five podiums netted third in the standings and Breen also began development work with the French manufacturer’s 208 T16 car. In 2014 he drove the new car in the ERC and although he won the Acropolis Rally in Greece, mechanical issues limited him to third in the championship. A more ambitious program followed in 2015 with Peugeot-supported campaigns in both WRC 2 and the ERC. He claimed three ERC wins and narrowly missed out on the title, but it was a different story in WRC 2 where he was again hindered by mechanical problems and ended the season eighth. In 2016 Breen was handed the chance to compete at the top level of the WRC, driving a DS 3 World Rally Car on selected rounds for the Abu Dhabi Total World Rally Team. He made the most of his opportunity, especially in Finland where he claimed a remarkable third place. Arguably that was the result which persuaded Citroën boss Yves Matton to reward Breen with a factory drive in 2017 in the French manufacturer’s new C3 World Rally Car alongside Kris Meeke and Stéphane Lefebvre. And so far so good. Craig is currently in 7th position in the driver’s championship standings and could possibly go higher with a little help from Lady Luck and more of his dynamic driving.

His big break on the international stage came in 2012, when he won the FIA’s young driver category, the WRC Academy Cup. His prize was a funded WRC 2 program in 2013, plus a job at M-Sport helping to test and develop its R5 and WRC Fiestas. Evans took one win and two second places in his WRC 2 campaign, but it was his surprise debut in a World Rally Car at Rally Italia Sardegna that really got him noticed. Asked to stand in for an absent Nasser Al-Attiyah with just two days notice, and with a new co-driver, Evans finished a remarkable sixth overall. That performance convinced M-Sport to offer him a full season at the sport’s highest level in 2014, as team-mate to Mikko Hirvonen. Despite an emphasis on learning, Evans impressed with six top-six finishes and career-best fourth places in Mexico and Germany. He raised the bar with second at the Tour de Corse in 2015 but was dropped from M-Sport’s top level line-up for 2016. Instead he campaigned a Fiesta R5 in WRC 2 and led the championship for virtually the entire season before eventually taking third. He also won the British Championship for the DMACK team and it is in those colours that he lines up in a Ford Fiesta WRC in 2017, reunited with former co-driver Dan Barritt. So far this year the UK duo has amassed 87 points with Evan lying in 6th position in the driver’s championship. Can the Brits go better ? Let’s go to the rally and see for ourselves.

• Knows Toyota’s new Yaris World Rally Car better than anyone having led the driving development from the very start of the project. • For the first time Hänninen has a full season in the WRC to look forward to • Not one for unnecessary displays of emotion, Hänninen is a cool customer The story so far: Hänninen is the latest in a long line of talented Finns to graduate to a full season’s WRC program in a works car. His first WRC outing came at Rally Sweden in 2006 where he won the Gp N category and finished 15th overall. He became a regular in the FIA Production Car World Rally Championship after that, before trying his hand in Super 2000 machinery. He scooped the first of his three international championship titles in 2010 as victories in Argentina, Sardinia and Scotland ensured he won the IRC title. He then added the Super 2000 World Rally Championship crown to his CV in 2011 with wins in Greece, Finland and Spain. A year later, Hänninen won through in the battle for the FIA European Rally Championship after winning four rounds outright. But it was in 2013 that he reminded people of his WRC pedigree by winning a stage on Rallye Monte Carlo aboard a Ford Fiesta RS WRC. His achievements convinced Hyundai Motorsport to sign Hänninen as a test driver in preparation for its return to the WRC in 2014. He contested six rounds that season, but has started just one rally in the last two years. When fellow Finn Tommi Mäkinen was handed the responsibility of masterminding Toyota’s WRC return in 2017, the four-time world champion quickly recruited Hänninen as a key ally. He has led the testing of the new Yaris World Rally Car and partners Jari-Matti Latvala in the team’s line-up. Sitting on the 8th rung on the driver’s championships table, Juho has the potential do better. His consistent performances has him well placed to edge higher, perhaps making the top five with the help of codriver Kaj Lindstrom and their Toyota Yaris. Let’s see how this trio perform on Coffs Coast.

Issue 40


By his own admission, 2016 was disappointing. A solitary victory in Mexico was his only solace, and his form tailed off alarmingly at the end of the season as he dropped to sixth in the points. Volkswagen’s WRC exit posed a major threat to Latvala’s future. However, Toyota Gazoo Racing opted to sign him ahead of fellow VW refugee Andreas Mikkelsen, and Latvala leads the Japanese manufacturer into its WRC return in a Yaris World Rally Car.



Career Summary so far:

Here’s what makes him special:

A lack of funding dashed Esapekka Lappi’s hopes of a career in circuit racing and at the age of 20 he switched his focus to rallying, rapidly making his mark by being named Rookie of the Year in Finland in 2010.

• He has finished runner-up in the drivers’ championship three times

His big breakthrough came in 2012 when he won all seven rounds of the Finnish Championship to lift the national title. He was signed by Skoda Motorsport the same year and won his debut event in the FIA European Rally Championship (ERC) in Poland. In 2013 Lappi finished runner-up in the FIA AsiaPacific series after three victories, and made his mark in the WRC by winning WRC 2 in Portugal. A full ERC campaign followed in 2014 with Skoda and the Finn won in Latvia, Ireland and Switzerland to lift the title in a Fabia S2000. WRC 2 was the focus in 2015 and Lappi’s season began in Portugal with the all-new Fabia R5. Second place there and wins in Poland and Finland put him on course for the title before misfortunes in Germany and Spain dashed his hopes. He ended the season fourth and was back with Skoda again in 2016. So far this year Lappi has secure points in four of the 11 rallies held to-date. Sitting in 10th position he has secure 49 points but has potential and driving skills to earn more. Can he do it on Coffs Coast ? Come along and see what he is capable of.

• The most experienced driver in the current WRC line-up. Only Carlos Sainz and Petter Solberg have started more rounds • He’s polite and articulate, honest and open, especially when things aren’t going well • A deep thinker, he has a tendency to over analyse his driving – and can be very hard on himself The story so far An early starter, Latvala began driving at the age of eight and competed on his first rally in Finland when he was 16. He made his WRC debut in 2002, aged 17, and in 2003 he drove a Ford Focus World Rally Car to 10th at the Acropolis Rally of Greece. Three busy seasons followed in assorted two-wheeldrive, Group N and World Rally Cars until he hit the big time in 2007 with a 16-round program at the Stobart Ford team. Latvala was promoted to the factory Ford squad for 2008 and became the youngest driver to win a WRC rally when he took his maiden win in Sweden aged 22 years and 313 days. But as well as showing rally winning speed, Latvala’s season was plagued by driving errors.

Here’s what makes him special: • In his early days, his raw talent got him noticed by Colin McRae, who became his mentor • After his career stalled, it was rebooted in 2013, thanks largely to the faith of Citroën boss Yves Matton • He became the first British driver to top the podium in Finland, winning in 2016 in the fastest WRC rally ever • Meeke harbours title hopes on Citroën’s WRC return as he heads the French manufacturer’s lineup for 2017 and 2018

More progress followed in 2011, and in 2012 he became Ford team leader, but it was a mixed season, and as Ford cut back its WRC involvement, Latvala left to become Sébastien Ogier’s team-mate at Volkswagen for 2013.

Meeke’s career began when he won a talent competition, which led to a season in the Peugeot 106 Super Cup in 2001. His performance on a Scottish rally later that year brought him to the attention of Colin McRae who funded a British Junior Rally Championship assault in 2002, which culminated in Meeke taking the title.

His learning season done, he began 2014 with enough seat-time to challenge Ogier, and a more focused mental approach courtesy of psychological trainer Christoph Treier. What followed was his most impressive season to date and the point at which his mental strength finally caught up with his skills behind the wheel. A costly mistake in Germany effectively ended his bid for a maiden title, but he finished a strong runner-up. Latvala had high hopes for 2015, but an early trio of no-scores in Sweden, Mexico and Argentina proved too much to make up. Still, with three wins and four second places, he underlined his position as Ogier’s chief rival and a man at the very top of his game.

Issue 40


There were more ups and downs in 2009. Ford stuck by its troubled driver, however, and Latvala secured a third term with the factory squad in 2010 when he shone by finishing runner-up in the standings.

A lack of testing in the Polo R meant Latvala did a lot of learning on the early rounds, but he took victory at the Acropolis and finished the year strongly with second places in Spain and GB.


Latvala so far has so far been fast in the Yaris and is currently in 4th spot on the driver’s championship leader board. Had it not been for some early in the season mishaps he could have been higher. He is still in with a chance but will have to put his foot down and keep on course to be on the podium at the end of the season.

The story so far:

A seven-event Junior WRC campaign in an Opel Corsa followed in 2003, but this was marred by a series of mechanical failures and accidents. It was a similar story in 2004, but he did enough to ensure another McRae-backed program in 2005, this time in a Citroën C2 Super 1600. He finished every event he started and took his first class win at Rallye Monte-Carlo. Meeke began the 2006 JWRC in a factory-supported Citroën C2. He led in Spain and Corsica and won in Germany. But with no funds to continue, Meeke switched to the Irish Championship in 2007 and managed selected outings in Super 1600 cars in 2008. He burst back onto the international stage in 2009, winning the Intercontinental Rally Challenge in a Peugeot 207 S2000. He joined Mini’s new WRC team

in 2011 but a combination of mechanical problems and driving errors meant he scored points on only two of the six rallies he started. Budget restrictions squeezed him out of the Mini program in 2012, but in 2013 his former Citroën team manager Yves Matton threw him a lifeline with two event trials in a DS 3 World Rally Car. Despite crashing on both outings, Matton stood by his man and handed Meeke a full program for 2014. The decision proved to be a wise one, and Meeke repaid him with some excellent results including four podiums and a near victory in Germany. With a full season at Citroën under his belt, Meeke began 2015 in the best shape to go after rally wins - and in Argentina he got the first of his WRC career. He was rewarded by the French manufacturer with a three-year contract, and in 2016 headed the development of Citroën’s new-for-2017 C3 World Rally Car as the squad took a sabbatical from full-time competition. He kept match fit with a halfseason WRC program, winning in Portugal before a stunning victory in Finland. So far this year Kris has achieved four top-ten finishes from a limited number of starts. He is capable of better which is hoped for when he arrives for Rally Australia.

More was expected of Mikkelsen in 2015 - and he didn’t disappoint. A podium finisher on nine occasions, he matched his career best with second place in Poland, then bagged his maiden win at World Championship level in Spain following Sébastien Ogier’s last stage crash. He ended the season placed third in the drivers’ contest - just 12 points off the runner-up spot. This upward trajectory continued in 2016, starting with second place at Rallye Monte-Carlo before a second victory in Poland. Mikkelsen bagged another podium in Corsica and had just Australia to go when Volkswagen dropped the bombshell that it would leave the WRC. Suddenly looking for an alternative seat in 2017, Mikkelsen showed his potential in Australia with a hard-fought victory. But it wasn’t enough. After teammates Ogier and Latvala secured drives with M-Sport and Toyota, Mikkelsen, almost unbelievably, was left with nothing.

M-Sport World Rally Team for a full assault on the 2013 series. Driving a Ford Fiesta RS WRC, Neuville claimed four consecutive runner-up finishes and three third places to clinch second in the drivers’ championship. This kind of form ensured Neuville emerged as the hottest property on the transfer market and he signed a multi-year agreement to be the lead driver at Hyundai’s new WRC team in 2014. Neuville wrung the most out of the ever-improving i20 WRC in its debut season and finished on the podium three times. His first podium came in Mexico, thanks in part to a bottle of Corona lager that he used to re-fill a broken radiator. His finest hour however came in Germany, where he took his maiden WRC rally win, three days after almost destroying his car at the preevent shakedown.

His title aspirations on hold temporarily, expect Mikkelsen’s management team to keep him WRC-fit with various outings in 2017 before a proper return in 2018.

A strong start to 2015 netted second place in Sweden. But the following 11 rounds brought just one more top three finish in Italy. Delays to the development of Hyundai’s new car created frustrations and he struggled for confidence in the second half of the season.

For this season, Andreas is back behind the wheel with Citroen and is heading to Coffs Coast to once again demonstrate his driving abilities in a bid to reinstate his credentials as one of the top WRC drivers.

Neuville was revitalised in 2016. Victory in Italy kickstarted his campaign and he never finished outside the top four in the final eight rallies, ending the year with a run of five podiums. Now as we go to print, Thierry is currently in second place only 17 points behind Ogier. So can he pull out all stops and overtake his number one rival. Only his driving and the time keeper can tell.

ANDREA MIKKELSEN Motor racing wasn’t always on Mikkelsen’s sporting horizon, and he started off on skis, becoming a member of the Norwegian junior ski team at the age of 12. However, a knee injury brought his skiing career to a premature end, prompting a switch to rallying when he was 16. To fast-track his progress he moved to Great Britain in 2006 and made his debut in the World Rally Championship in the same year. The following season he finished in the top ten on three of the eight WRC events he entered. Fifth place at the 2008 Rally Sweden when just 17 years and 233 days old makes him the youngest driver to win a World Championship point. He won the 2011 Intercontinental Rally Challenge (IRC) at the wheel of a Škoda Fabia S2000, and successfully defended his title in 2012 when he also contested eight WRC rounds for the fledgling Volkswagen Motorsport team. An eight-round WRC program with Volkswagen followed in 2013, as part of a long-term development program with the German manufacturer. The program accelerated with a full season in 2014, during which he edged closer to the pace of his more experienced team-mates. He made the WRC podium for the first time at Rally Sweden, and took another four by the end of the season.

THIERRY NEUVILLE Here’s what makes him special: • Cool as a cucumber, Neuville has a winning mix of youth, raw speed and natural talent • Now in his fourth season with Hyundai, Neuville has twice finished runner-up in the drivers’ standings • Made headlines around the world twice in 2014, firstly for using beer to get his car to the podium in Mexico, then for winning in Germany three days after barrel rolling his car through a Mosel vineyard • He’s a snappy dresser, known for his colourful taste in watches and glasses The story so far Neuville has very quickly established himself as one of the WRC’s rising stars. Having cut his teeth on events in his homeland of Belgium as a teenager, he kicked off his first international rallying campaign in 2010 when he contested the FIA Junior World Rally Championship. He scored one win and a podium and also notched up some useful results in the Intercontinental Rally Challenge in S2000 machinery. In 2011, Neuville claimed IRC victories in Corsica and Sanremo and this prompted Citroën’s WRC squad to offer him a full season in its Junior World Rally Team in 2012. After finishing seventh in the 2012 championship, he was quickly snapped up by the Qatar

SEBASTIEN OGIER Here’s what makes him special: • Determined, ruthless and hugely ambitious, Ogier took his fourth consecutive drivers’ title with six wins in 2016. • Formerly Volkswagen’s golden boy, Ogier made his name at the wheel of the Polo R World Rally Car. But when VW pulled the plug on its WRC program in late 2016, Ogier chose an M-Sport Ford Fiesta for 2017 • He is the undoubted successor to Sébastien Loeb’s throne, but does not like to be compared to his former rival, with whom he endured a fractious partnership at Citroën The story so far: A versatile sportsman, Ogier was a ski instructor and professional boules player before he embarked on a rallying career at the age of 22. Ogier’s path to success mirrored that of nine-time champion Sébastien Loeb: both made their mark in two-wheel-drive, 1600cc Citroëns before stepping up to the big league with the French manufacturer. Ogier stormed to the FIA Junior World Rally Championship crown in 2008 and a six-round WRC

Issue 40


program with the Citroën Junior Team followed a year later. Despite a succession of accidents, Citroën chiefs stuck by their man and Ogier took victories in Portugal and Japan in 2010. A place in the main Citroën team was Ogier’s reward for 2011, and he took the fight to team-mate Loeb by winning three rounds early on. However, the season turned sour in Germany where he was instructed not to challenge Loeb for the lead. Unwilling to accept a supporting role in the team, he signed to Volkswagen’s fledgling WRC squad in 2012, driving an S2000-spec Skoda in preparation for a World Rally Car program the following year. It was a move that paid off. At the conclusion of the 2013 season, Ogier was crowned as the new World Rally Champion after taking nine rally wins and smashing the team’s modest expectations at the same time. The success story continued with further titles in 2014 and 2015, the Frenchman claiming eight wins in each campaign. His third straight title earned membership to an exclusive club of just four drivers who have won the world title more than twice. He clinched title number four at Wales Rally GB 2016, but celebrations were short-lived when, two days later, Volkswagen announced it would end its WRC program at the end of the year. Suddenly, when the 2017 driver market had seemed settled, the reigning world champion was available – and in demand. He tested Toyota’s Yaris and the Ford Fiesta before deciding to go with M-Sport for 2017. The big question is whether he will able to keep up the winning momentum when everything around him has changed. So far so good for Sebastien in 2017. As at the end of August Ogier was at the top of the driver championships leader board. With three other contenders challenging his position in the final drives of the year can Sebastien will pull out all stops to stay at the top and clinch another title? We will have to wait, cheer and see.

Supported by his father Chris, a club rally driver, he enjoyed success in Motorkhana in the Mini and rally sprints as co-driver to his father in a Toyota Levin. Paddon’s first rally behind the wheel came in 2002 when he was 15. Driving his father’s Toyota fitted with learner plates, he finished fourth in class. Two seasons in the South Island Rally Championship followed, before a step up to a four-wheel drive Mitsubishi in 2005 and the New Zealand Junior and Rookie titles in 2006. He won the championship outright in 2008. Paddon’s international ambitions were given a boost in 2009 when he won a Pirelli Star Driver scholarship to tackle the 2010 PWRC. He finished third that year, but a self-funded return in 2011 was more successful, and Paddon became the first Australasian winner of an FIA world rally title. He returned in 2012 at the wheel of a Skoda S2000 and won three rounds, but was unable to hold on to the title. With funds low, Paddon managed just three WRC 2 rallies in 2013 before rounding off his season with eighth place at Rally de España on his first event in a World Rally Car. Hyundai’s WRC arrival in 2014 couldn’t have come at a better time for Paddon. The team was eager to put miles on its new i20 WRC, and Paddon secured a six round programme in the manufacturer’s second-tier ‘N’ team. Although the new car was far from perfect, he impressed with eighth places in Poland and Finland and took a career best sixth in Australia – as close as the WRC gets to his home ground.

• After five years in Sébastien Loeb’s shadow at Citroën, Sordo took a hugely popular maiden victory in 2013 • Gave MINI its first podium in the WRC with a starring drive on Rallye Deutschland in 2011 • With a background in racing karts and touring cars, he’s a sealed-surface specialist • Likeable driver who has another chance to shine this year at Hyundai The story so far Sordo burst onto the WRC scene in 2005 with the help of two-time world champion Carlos Sainz. Sordo’s form in Spain’s domestic series caught Sainz’s eye in 2004 and he helped his younger compatriot to get behind the wheel of a Super 1600 Citroën C2 for the 2005 FIA Junior World Rally Championship battle. Sordo’s success was instant and he romped to the title with ease.

And in 2016 he repaid that faith. After another second place, this time in Sweden, he clinched a thrilling maiden win in Argentina by beating Sébastien Ogier, fair and square, in a last-stage duel.

Citroën rewarded Sordo with a limited programme of events in a Xsara WRC the following year and, with various podium finishes under his belt, it wasn’t long before the youngster was given a berth alongside Sébastien Loeb in the main Citroën squad for 2007.

Currently lying in 9th position on the driver’s championship table, Hayden with a little luck could edge higher in the standings. To do this will require some tenacious driving from the usually quick Kiwi. Let’s hope he doesn’t disappoint his many fans who are regular visitors to Coffs Coast for Rally Australia.

HAYDEN PADDON Here’s what makes him special: • Hayden has always been determined to succeed in the WRC. As a schoolboy he funded his rallying by squeezing in a 5am paper round, shifts in a fish and chip shop and a job selling motorbike spares. • His PWRC title in 2011 made Paddon the first Australasian driver to win an FIA world rally title. • His maiden WRC win in Argentina 2016 marked him out as one of the sport’s brightest rising stars. The story so far Like many professional drivers, Paddon’s career began in karts. Racing from the age of six, he sold his kart when he was 13 to buy a grass-track Mini.

Issue 40

Here’s what makes him special:

The 2015 season marked Paddon’s breakthrough. He finished second in Italy after leading for most of the opening two days and followed up with fourth in Poland. With confidence high, he showed strong pace through the rest of the year to earn a three-year deal with the Korean manufacturer.

Thereafter a consistent top-five finisher, Paddon has marked himself out as a true contender in 2017 when he joins Thierry Neuville and Dani Sordo in the main team.



Sordo repaid Citroën’s faith by scoring seven podiums in 2007, six podiums in 2008 and finishing third in the 2009 drivers’ title race. But his form started the wane in 2010 and his place in the team was soon taken by rising star Sébastien Ogier. Sordo decided his future lay elsewhere for 2011 and he opted to lead MINI’s charge into the WRC. However, after a string of points-scoring performances, he was left in the cold when MINI

withdrew from the series in 2012. He found himself back at Citroën in 2013 for what was to prove another tricky season – the only highlight of which was his maiden WRC victory at Rallye Deutschland.

opportunities. He took his maiden podium on the penultimate round in Sardinia but by then team boss Malcolm Wilson had seen enough and Tänak was dropped at the end of the season.

2014 marked another new beginning as he joined the Hyundai WRC team, piloting the manufacturer’s second i20 World Rally Car on six events. He suffered more than his fair share of mechanical problems in the first half of the season, but he finished strongly, with a trio of top five finishes, including a fine second in Germany.

Without a top line drive in 2013 Tänak found himself back in the Estonian Championship, where he won the Group N class and considered his future.

The ever-consistent Spaniard claimed top six finishes on more than half the rounds in 2015, culminating in third in his home rally. A strong 2016 campaign followed in Hyundai’s updated i20 and Sordo finished second in Germany and Spain en route to fifth in the standings. This year, Dani has gathered 89 points and is currently fifth in the driver’s championship standing. He is perhaps an outside chance in progressing higher but who knows what will transpire between he and the other top four driver battle for the top five positions. It will be an exciting finale to the season.

He made his WRC comeback in 2014 with a split program, combining WRC 2 in a Ford Fiesta R5 for the Drive DMACK team with three events back in an M-Sport Fiesta RS World Rally Car. Now armed with new levels of maturity and focus to go with his raw speed, he impressed from the off, taking fifth in Sweden, then running as high as second overall in Portugal. He won the WRC 2 class in Poland and rounded off the season with a fine seventh at Wales Rally GB. Having addressed his earlier shortcomings, Tänak was invited back into the M-Sport fold for 2015, filling the vacancy left by the retiring Mikko Hirvonen. After a strong fourth in Sweden his season took a scary turn in Mexico when his Fiesta went off the road and was completely submerged in a lake. Footage of his astonishing escape went viral and made ‘the raising of the Ti- Tänak’ one of the most talked about WRC stories of the year. Back on four wheels he made the top five three more times, with the highlight being a third place in Poland. He was dropped for a second time at the end of the year, but stayed with Fiesta RS power to drive in 2016 with the newly-formed DMACK World Rally Team. Helping the tyre firm develop its new WRC range in the heat of competition meant Tänak was frequently on the ragged edge, but he had his share of success too. He secured second places in Poland and Wales, and Poland could have been even better were it not for a last-minute puncture that cruelly denied him a maiden win.

OTT TANAK Here’s what makes him special: • Determined, intense and at times blisteringly quick, he lets his driving do the talking • Returned to a Fiesta World Rally Car in 2015 after a false start with the M-Sport Ford squad in 201 • Having paid his dues in the DMACK squad in 2016, this year he’ll drive the number two car alongside new team-mate Sébastien Ogier The story so far Tänak’s rally career began in his native Estonia, and he won the national championship in 2008 and 2009 driving for a team run by fellow countryman and exFord driver Markko Märtin.

For 2017, Tänak returns again to M-Sport´s manufacturer squad, this time as experienced team-mate to new boy Sébastien Ogier. Alongside him will be co-driver Martin Järveoja, who partnered him in 2013. In the recent ADAC Rally Deutschland, Ott took a brave decision to try a new tyre combination against the advice of his team members. But his gut- instincts paid dividends. He won the rally and now lies only 33 points behind leader Ogier and 16 points adrift of second placed Neuville. Where will he end up on Coffs Coast? Come along and see for yourself.

His potential was sufficient to win the European Pirelli Star Driver shootout and he was awarded a six-round program in the PWRC support category in the 2010 WRC. Wins in Finland and Britain placed him fourth and in 2011 Tänak was behind the wheel of a Ford Fiesta S2000 in SWRC. Victories in Italy, Germany and France sent him to the final round in Spain with a title chance but an early retirement meant he had to settle for the runners-up spot in the standings. But while he missed out on victory in SWRC, his performance earned him a bigger prize in 2012 when he was promoted to lead driver at the M-Sport Ford World Rally Team. His big break got off to a shaky start with engine failure in Sweden, and this set the tone for a generally disappointing year, most notable for crashes, retirements and missed Issue 40


HOW TO GET TO RALLY STAGES While private vehicles access to the Rally stages is available and directional maps are provided on the Rally Australia website, there is also a convenient and comfortable Shuttle Bus Service available. This departs from Rally Park each morning with a number of pick-up points along the way and returning to Rally Park at the end of the day’s rallying. It is an easy, relaxed and convenient option to enjoy. The timetable is found on the Rally Australia website. Go to Spectator Info then click on the Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday Guide dropdown box.

SHUTTLE TIMETABLES Friday Bus Timetable Location

Service Park (Stadium Drive) Woolworths Park Avenue Park Beach Plaza Pilbara Stage Location

Pilbara Stage

Park Beach Plaza Woolworths Park Avenue

Service Park (Stadium Drive) Location

Service Park (Stadium Drive) Jetty SSS Park Beach Plaza Pilbara Stage Location

Pilbara Stage Park Beach Plaza Woolworths Park Avenue Service Park (Stadium Drive) Location

Service Park (Stadium Drive) Woolworths Park Avenue Park Beach Plaza Jetty SSS Location Jetty SSS

Park Beach Plaza Woolworths Park Avenue Service Park (Stadium Drive)


Issue 40

Time 6.30am





























Saturday Bus Timetable Pick Up Location


Park Beach Plaza Woolworths Park Avenue Service Park (Stadium Drive)


Raleigh Raceway

Pick Up Location Raleigh Raceway

Newry 17/Rocky Crossing


Woolworths Park Avenue



Park Beach Plaza

Pick Up Location

Park Beach Plaza Jetty SSS

Park Beach Plaza Woolworths Park Avenue

Service Park (Stadium Drive)





Jetty SSS


Pick Up Location






Service Park (Stadium Drive)


Newry 17/Rocking Crossing

Pick Up Location






Sunday Bus Timetable Pick Up Location

Service Park (Stadium Drive) Woolworths Park Avenue Park Beach Plaza

Time 6.45am

Wedding Bells Pick Up Location

Wedding Bells Stage Park Beach Plaza Woolworths Park Avenue Service Park (Stadium Drive) Pick Up Location

Woolworths Park Avenue Park Beach Plaza Service Park (Stadium Drive)








2.00pm Time




2.15pm Issue 40



Issue 40


SUDOKU Fill the grid so that every column, every row and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 to 9.

Difficulty rating

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Difficulty rating

6 5 3 2 4 9 7 1 8


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3 8 5 9 7 4 1 6 2


7 2 9 6 1 8 3 4 5


Difficulty rating

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T S A BL ! F F O


urley BL’s Blast Off gives young shredders and surf enthusiasts a chance to rub shoulders with Aussie surf legends The next generation of young surfers will have the chance to rub sandy shoulders with surfing greats this spring when the annual Hurley BL’s Blast Off returns from 26 to 29 September. Founded and directed by Aussie surf legend Barton Lynch and supported by Hurley, the much-loved school holidays’ event is billed the world’s biggest surf festival for pre-juniors – but with a twist… Unlike most pre-junior surf comps, Blast Off brings together 350 of the keenest young surfers from Coffs Harbour, Australia and the world for a fun-filled program of coaching, games and activities. What makes this so special? The event is the only of its kind in the world to focus on enjoyment and performance improvement rather that competition. “Getting the opportunity to give back to young surfers is one of the things I love most, and Blast Off is the perfect platform to do just that. It’s important that young kids can learn and compete with the focus on fun,” says Lynch, who was inducted into the Surfing Walk of Fame in California this August. In this spirit, all participants are offered advice and coaching regardless of their age and heat-placement, in a supportive, fun and interactive environment. “The event is held on weekdays during the school holidays so that kids get a good run of the beach. We don’t encourage competitive stress - and everyone gets at least two chances to surf before elimination,” explains Lynch.


Issue 40


n 2017 – the event’s twelfth year – Blast Off will run at Palm Beach NSW - with Whale Beach and Avalon acting as backup locations depending on the surf. The final location is determined by surf conditions on the day. “There is the possibility that each day can be held at a different break, which adds an element of adventure and surprise to the event,” says Lynch. To further inspire young participants, a number of surfing’s all-time-greats with attend and participate over the course of the event – from ex-world champions Layne Beachley, Tom Carroll, Rabbit Bartholomew and Damien Hardman, to former World Masters champ Terry Richardson, and Hurley young-gun Cooper Chapman. “Blast Off gives kids an amazing opportunity to learn from some of our country’s best surfers,” says Lynch. “And it’s a great chance for the whole family to enjoy the beach and take part in some relaxed competitions while having an awesome active holiday experience.” The competition itself is broken into age and gender categories from 6-year-old to 14-year-old, with all participants taking home a goodie bag – and additional prizes for place-getters ranked 1-6. All entrants must be able to paddle into and catch waves for all divisions except for the 6-and-unders. For the very first time in 2017, Blast Off will also play host to the Hurley Surf Club mobile training program – aimed at offering budding young surfers free elite surf coaching usually reserved for the pros.


elect participants will get the chance to have their shredding skills filmed in the water, before heading back to Hurley’s state-of-the art video analysis van for expert analysis and feedback from some of Hurley’s top surf coaches. The young surfers will be able to see themselves on video and gain a deeper insight into their strengths, weaknesses and areas for potential improvement. “The aim of the program is to increase the enjoyment levels of all surfers, and to help get more young people into the water providing the tools and inspiration to do this,” says Lynch. “And for kids not yet ready to jump on a surfboard or parents looking for an engaging school holiday activity or fun-filled family day out, Blast Off offers a great chance to see some of the world’s best young surfers in action, while at the same time playing in the sand and having a dip in the water themselves,” adds Lynch.

For more information on this year’s event, visit WHAT: Hurley BL’s Blast Off presented by Beecraft WHERE: Whale Beach NSW, with backup Palm Beach and Avalon Beach NSW – Location determined on the day based on surf conditions WHEN: 29 to 29 September, 2017 More info:

Issue 40






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