Primary Recruitment 2020 Minibook

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c i n e l l e

h n a P e g e l l T N Co E M IT U R C PRI




College Panhellenic /TTUPanhellenic





Contact Us WEBSITE: EMAIL: 24-HOUR PHONE: 806-680-3208 Please remember that any conversations with Rho Gammas, the Panhellenic Executive Council, or the Panhellenic Advisor will be strictly confidential.


If at any time you would like to speak with a staff member in the Center for Campus Life or the Dean of Students, you can contact them at 806-742-5433.

Panhellenic Daily Each night you will receive an email with important reminders and announcements for the day ahead. If we have to make any changes or last minute updates we will address them in the email. If you would like to update, change or add an email address to our mailing list please email

Parent Questions Parents' emails collected during registration will receive emails before and during recruitment to help address any questions or concerns they may have. Any calls or emails from parents will be returned as time permits, but the best way to get a response is for participants to ask staff directly. Parent Hotline: 806-680-3502

Welcome to Texas Tech University! We are so excited that you are interested in joining our Panhellenic community. Our greatest hope, regardless of whether you decide to join one of our twelve chapters, is that you find a place to call home here in Lubbock. When we were in your shoes just a few years ago, we could have never anticipated all that Texas Tech and The Panhellenic Community would give us. We have been encouraged to pursue leadership opportunities and embark on experiences that work to serve those in our community. Ultimately, our Panhellenic sisters have allowed us to grow into the confident, ambitious women that we are today. Becoming a Panhellenic woman is more than picking which Greek letters you will wear on bid day. Instead, it is a community of individuals striving to live out their daily values alongside like-minded women. We encourage you to walk into this process with an open mind and get to know the chapters It is our job to be your cheerleader, your advocate and your guide. As you go through this week, please know that the Panhellenic Recruitment team will walk alongside you each step of the way. We are so excited that you are here and we hope you have an amazing week!


Emily and& Lauren Recruitment Team

What is Panhellenic PA N H E L L E N I C AT T T U

Currently, at Texas Tech, we host 12 out of 26 national Panhellenic Chapters. Growing our community takes time, but we are currently seeking out opportunities to bring more chapters to our campus. Our 5 pillars include: Academics, Leadership, Social Justice, Sisterhood, and Community Service/ Philanthropy.


The Panhellenic Council coordinates Recruitment, provides programming and activities for sorority women, and works as a self-governing support system to the sororities at Texas Tech University. The council promotes the four founding values of Fraternity & Sorority Life at Texas Tech and strives to uphold success and excellence in its members. Texas Tech's Panhellenic Community is made up of over 2,500 undergraduate members.


9 members make up the Panhellenic Executive Council, and help guide and faciliate conversations about the community as a whole. They serve independent positions to explore new ideas and bring stability and order to the Panhellenic Community. They are aided in programming and community relations through Cabinet postions. Cabinet positions serve alongside the Executive Board to execute events, program for the community, and strengthen relationships with other Texas Tech Organizations.

Panhellenic Events and& Programs WOMEN EMPOWERMENT MONTH

This year we held 2nd annual Women’s Empowerment Month. This took place during the entire month of March and an event was held on every Thursday of the month. The intent for each event was that it would be something that equipped and empowered the women in our community with different life skills. The events held throughout the month were a self-defense class, a Women in the Workplace event, voter registration and a Speaker on empowering women in our sisterhood. Each one of these events was open to the Texas Tech community as a whole rather than just the Panhellenic community. We as Panhellenic are very passionate about empowering the women on our campus and were excited to have the opportunity to put on events that aligned with that goal.


Junior Panhellenic is a program that builds confidence, fosters friendship, develops leaders, and focuses on the positive influence new members can have on the Panhellenic community. This program is rooted in helping the new women in the Panhellenic community become the best version of themselves and guide them through the highs and lows of college. Junior Panhellenic is a nine-week program with eight weeks of conversation based on personal and professional development and one week of celebration for completing the program. This program will meet virtually via zoom every Wednesday beginning September 9th and will hopefully move to an in-person meeting if circumstances allow up until November 4th. We are thrilled to have you going through Panhellenic recruitment and we hope you find your home away from home! The applications for Junior Panhellenic will open on August 23rd (the day after Bid Day). If you have any questions please contact the Executive Vice President, Victoria, at

OT H E R E V E N T S :

Study at the Stadium, Academic Achievment Events, Block Party, Trick or Treat on Greek Street, National Conferences, Sisterhood Events, Educational Events!

Rho Gamma A Recruitment Counselor often referred to as a Rho Gamma is dedicated to assisting the Panhellenic Council with facilitating the primary recruitment process. Each Rho Gamma is carefully selected and trained prior to the recruitment process. Each Rho Gamma is a current member of the sorority community at Texas Tech and will be available to you daily during Recruitment. WHAT ARE THEY THERE FOR? For this week, you will be placed with a group of other Potential New Members (PNMs) and assigned a Rho Gamma. Rho Gammas will be able to personally answer questions about Recruitment and assist with any problems that may arise. A Rho Gamma’s primary purpose is to help you experience Recruitment in the most positive way possible and to help answer any questions you may have. It is important that you attend all meetings with Rho Gammas, as they will have important information for you. Lastly, the Rho Gammas will provide a shoulder to lean on when decisions get tough and will always lend a sympathetic ear, as they were once PNMs themselves.


Potential New Members (PNMs) will receive a wristband and attend a virtual presentation on Sunday August 16th to prepare for the week as well as receive access information for the first round of Recruitment. For Period 1 PNMs will have a 24-hour window to watch 12 chapter videos 5-10 minutes each Slections will be due on Monday August 17th at 3:00pm with your Rho Gamma.

P E R I O D I I D AY 1: T U E S D AY, AU G U S T 18 T H E V E N T S H E L D O N ZO O M

Event 1: 10:00 – 10:30am Event 2: 10:45 – 11:15am Event 3: 11:30 – 12:00pm Event 4: 12:15 – 12:45pm LUNCH: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Event 5: 2:15 – 2:45pm Event 6: 3:00 – 3:30pm Event 7: 3:45 – 4:15pm Event 8: 4:30pm - 5:00pm

P E R I O D I I D AY 2: W E D N E S D AY, AU G U S T 19 T H E V E N T S H E L D O N ZO O M

Event 9: 10:00 – 10:30am Event 10: 10:45 – 11:15am Event 11: 11:30 – 12:00pm Event 12: 12:15 – 12:45pm LUNCH: 1:00pm – 2:00pm Event 13: 2:15 – 2:45pm Event 14: 3:00 – 3:30pm Event 15: 3:45 – 4:15pm

P E R I O D I I I : T H U R S D AY, AU G U S T 20 T H E V E N T S H E L D O N ZO O M

Event 1: 9:30 – 10:10am Event 2: 10:25– 11:05am Event 3: 11:20 – 12:00pm Event 4: 12:15– 12:55pm LUNCH: 1:00-2:00pm

Each round of recruitment is referred to as a PERIOD. Each Period is made up of EVENTS. The number of Events on the schedule do NOT correspond with the maximum number of

YOU MAY AT TEND UP TO: Period I - Watch all 12 chapter video Period II - 8 Events

Period III - 5 Events Preference - 2 Events

Event 5: 2:15 – 2:55pm Event 6: 3:10 – 3:50pm Event 7: 4:05– 4:45pm Event 8: 5:00 – 5:40pm Event 9: 5:55 – 6:35pm Event 10: 6:50 – 7:30pm Event 11: 7:45 - 8:25pm

P R E F E R E N C E : F R I D AY, AU G U S T 21 S T E V E N T S H E L D O N ZO O M

Event 1: 11:00 – 11:55pm Event 2: 12:15 – 1:10pm Event 3: 1:30 – 2:25pm Event 4: 2:45 – 3:40pm Event 5: 4:00 - 4:55pm Event 6: 5:15 - 6:10pm


PERIOD I-III: will be done virtually with your assigned Rho Gamma PREFERENCE: Will be done virtually through Zoom with a university or recruitment staff member.

B I D D AY: S AT U R D AY, AU G U S T 2 2 T H

Bids will be distributed via email at 12:00pm Indivdual Chapter Bid Day information on next steps will be in the bid email. Please let the chapter know if you do not wish to attend Bid Day in-person as they will have virtual options for you!

Recruitment K I C K O F F On Sunday August 16th all participants will participate in recruitment kickoff. The event will be a virtual event with your recruitment group where you will watch the Kickoff presentation as well as sign you recruitment agreement. This Presentation will include: • What to Expect • Over view of Schedule • Overview of Rules • Overview of Mutual Selection • Zoom Information Your Rho Gamma will also schedule a time to give you your wristband for the week of recruitment. After the Kickoff presentation you will gain access to the virtual Period 1 videos.

PERIOD 1 In an effort to respect your time and energy this week we have structured our first round (Period I) to allow you to watch all twelve sorority chapter introduction videos at your own pace over 24 hours. It should take no longer than 1 1/2 hours to watch all twelve chapter videos. You must watch all twelve chapter videos as well as the orientation videos before you will be allowed to submit your selections on this day. Please make your selections with your Rho Gamma by 3:00pm on Monday!


Priority Preference

Each day, following your fi nal event you will be given the opportunity to indicate which chapters you enjoyed the most. These preferences will be put into a program with assistance from a Rho Gamma. They will ask that you cluster your preferred groups, and rank all other groups. Example: Period I you will cluster 8 and rank 4 chapters. After you watch all of your videos for period I, you will immediately enter selections with your Rho Gamma on Zoom, For Period II and Period III you make selections immediately follwoing your last event. During the kickoff presentation we will discuss mutual selection, and how your schedule is determined for Period II through Bid Day. Pref Night selections are made on through the the Companion App or your Campus Direcotr profile by logging in. You will not enter slections with your rho gamma but will instead have a private cosultation with a recruitmet staff member. This process may take longer than previous days, as decisions at this point are often times more diďŹƒ cult.





Accepting Your Bid


Recruitment is an exciting time, but it is also a thoughtful process to match a potential new member to a sorority. After the fi nal round of recruitment, participants are asked to sign a document called the Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement, or MRABA. The purpose of the MRABA is to ensure your awareness of the commitment you are making when you submit your fi nal selections. The MRABA is your formal acceptance of your bid. If you receive a bid from a chapter you list and later choose not to pursue membership or not to be initiated, you may not join another NPC chapter at Texas Tech until the Fall 2021 primary recruitment. The MRABA is a document to help you make the best decision possible. If you have questions, you can talk to recruitment staff. If after the fi nal round you would like to discuss listing only one chapter on your MRABA, you will need to meet with FSL Staff before submitting your selections.

Getting to Know Our Team Our recruitment staff members each have a sorority experience of their own. On their name tags you will not only find their name, values, and true color, but also some of the following “stickers”: • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Legacy = A family member of close relation has also been a member of a sorority Out of State = Came to Texas Tech from outside of Texas Rural Student = Hometown of less than 2,000 people First Generation = First in their family to attend Higher Education Sorority Dues = Responsible for financially supporting their own sorority experience Chapter Officer = Elected or appointed leadership role in their chapter Part-time Work = Works a part-time job alongside school Transfer Student = Has transferred from another college CPR Certified Study Aborad = Have studied abrad as an undergraduate student. LGBTQIA Ally = Ally to the LGBTQIA Community Dog Person Cat Person

Info Stationns We will have stations Monday - Thursday Where you can go and speak with a Rho Gamma in person! • Chitwood/Weymouth • Hulen/Clement • Talkington • Stangel/Murdough • Carpenter-Wells/Honors/Murray • Student Union Building (SUB) Panhellenic Headquarters: Mesa Room in the SUB

COVID-19 If you are experiencing symptoms, please text your Rho Gamma immediately! Masks are required inside all campus buildings as well as at any in-person events or activities for recruitment. Please wash your hands and sanitize regularly. Texas Tech University COVID-19 Resources


Tips and Tricks • • • • • • • • • • •

Enter the waiting room 10 minutes prior to the start of your event List your name on your zoom as First Name Last Name, PNM # Ex: Raider Red, 23 Make sure to check your surroundings/background. Check your lighting beofre an event. Check that you are on the wifi for your location. Understand how to use the mute button and other zoom features. (i.e. gallery view) Use earphones if necessary. Keep your computer charger on hand. Feel free to use a virtual background but don't feel obligated. Use ethernet cords whenever possible. Phone app can be used if possible but will use cellular data.

Poor Call Quality • Test wifi on a Zoom call prior to recruitment events. • Have a back up plan in place for spotty wifi like moving to an outside space on campus where wifi is strong but you are able to socially distance. • Do the best you can! • Use body language or non-verbal cues like “thumbs up or down” to indicate a poor connection. • Communicate briefly via the chat if you can’t hear and see folks. • Turn off a virtual background. • Turn off your camera to still be able to hear conversations. • Leave and rejoin the call only as a last resort- internet can be patchy so don’t give up on a call as the rough patch may pass quickly!

Failure of Zoom Call

• Take a big deep breath and know that they understands exactly what you are going through- it's not that big of a deal! • The PNM should immediately rejoin the call’s waiting room. • Interruptions longer than 5 minutes will be considered for rescheduling. • PNMs should report an interruption longer than 5 minutes to their Rho Gamma.

Rules A potential new member (PNM) shall attend recruitment orientation and all membership recruitment events for which she receives invitations. Respect for the membership recruitment process is expected at all times. This includes respect toward chapter members, recruitment counselors, Panhellenic oďŹƒcers, faculty and staff, chapter members and other potential new members. PNMs should refrain from sexist, homophobic, racist or otherwise abhorrent conversations. Potential new members agree to treat the chapter videos and virtual recruitment events as confidential. Potential new members will not share any video or virtual recruitment event, including a video in its entirety, or recordings, clips, screen shots, photographs, and/or quotes from video or virtual recruitment event. Potential new members understand that any breach of this agreement could result to disciplinary action. Membership recruitment is a substance-free process. Women may not use or be in the presence of drugs and alcohol during the membership recruitment period. Violation of this rule will result in immediate removal form the membership recruitment process. Do not participate in events or hang out with any current members. If you violate the student code of conduct, recruitment rules or are written up in a residence hall you will be released from recruitment. TTU College Panhellenic Recruitment Rules can be found at

P N M Bill of Rights The right to be treated as an individual. The right to be fully informed about the recruitment process. The right to ask questions and receive true and objective answers from recruitment counselors and members. The right to be treated with respect. The right to be treated as a capable and mature person without being patronized. The right to ask how and why and receive straight answers. The right to have and express opinions to recruitment counselors.

The right to have inviolable confidentiality when sharing information with recruitment counselors. The right to make informed choices without undue pressure from others. The right to be fully informed about the binding agreements implicit in the membership acceptance signing. The right to make one’s own choice and decision and accept full responsibility for the results of that decision. The right to have a positive, safe, and enriching recruitment and new member experience. You have the right to report a sorority if they violate any portion of the Membership Recruitment Rules. Contact your Rho Gamma to report a violation. If you feel as though your rights were violated notify your Rho Gamma , reach out to the PNM Hotline via call or text or email

Primary Recruitment D O 's & D O N ’ Ts DO'S

READ ALL PANHELLENIC DAILY EMAILS as they contain important information. ATTEND ALL EVENTS you are invited to each period. Any unexcused absence will cause you to be removed from the Recruitment process. ATTEND YOUR GROUP MEETINGS. These meetings take place every morning and every evening and contain vital information! INFORM YOUR RHO GAMMA AND/OR PANHELLENIC if an emergency arises. Contact your Community Advisor if you are in a Residence Hall. REPORT ANY SCHEDULE CONFLICTS to Panhellenic in advance of an anticipated absence. TAKE WALKS during breaks. ASK QUESTIONS. Make sure to ask questions when you do not understand. Rho Gammas and Panhellenic are happy to help you through the process. BE POLITE AND RESPECTFUL when attending events. INFORM PANHELLENIC if you choose not to join a group. We ask that you withdraw from the process with our staff. BE HONEST. Tell the sororities about your interests, hobbies, or accomplishments. The sorority members are excited about getting to know you. BE CAREFUL. Traffic on Greek Circle moves very quickly. Please cross the street with care and not on the curves of the street.


DON’T STAY GLUED TO YOUR CELL PHONE. You will be busy making new friends and engaing in the events. DON’T BE LATE! We will do our best to keep to a strict schedule, please do the same. DON’T LEAVE AN EVENT EARLY! The events are the only times you get to interact with the chapter members. If you leave an event early it may count as a no show for an event. DON’T GO IN WITH YOUR HEART SET on one sorority. Keep an open mind! You may not be familiar with all the sororities, so take time to consider membership in each group. Every sorority offers something unique. Also consider that being a legacy of a group does not ensure membership in that group. DON’T COMMUNICATE with current or alumnae sorority members. Strict silence is in effect and they should not pressure or influence you during this time (this includes emails, text messages, and all social media outlets). DON’T PARTICIPATE IN EVENTS AFTER RECRUITMENT that include men and/or alcohol. Go to the REC or attend a Raider Welcome Event if you have downtime at night. DON’T TALK ABOUT OTHER HOUSES. You never know who has friends where. DON’T ACCEPT gifts, letters, flowers, or meals from current or alumnae sorority members. DON’T ALLOW current or alumnae sorority members to imply or promise a bid to membership. This practice is invalid, illegal, and forbidden during Formal Recruitment.



A N N UA L E V E N T S Women's Protective Services Christmas Party, Hugs & Pampers Drive, Pizza Pie with Alpha Chi, and ongoing mentoring for children at Women’s Protective Services, Alpha Chi Omega Casino Night, Chapter Birthday Celebration, Senior Tea and Celebration Week, Healthy Relationships Week, MacDowell Month N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G CO LO R S Scarlet Red and Olive Green October 15, 1885 F LO W E R Scarlet Carnation

LO C A L F O U N D I N G 1954

Dues New Member Year New Member Dues Badge (One Time Fee) Local Panhellenic Fee National Fees Facility Operations Fee Chapter Dues TOTAL

Semester 1 $131.00 $235.00 $7.00 $340.00 $442.00 $453.00 $1,608.00

Semester 2

$7.00 $110.00 $442.00 $453.00 $1,012.00



A N N UA L E V E N T S Hot Dogs and Dogs, Kickin' It with ADPi (Kick Ball), Roses for Ronald, Ronald McDonald House Volunteering CO LO R S Azure Blue and White F LO W E R Woodland Violet

N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G May 15th 1851

M A S COT Lion

LO C A L F O U N D I N G 1966

SYMBOL Diamond


New Member Year Administration Fee Alpha Membership Fee H/C membership fee H/C rent fee initiation fee badge fee panhellenic membership fee

Semester 1 $54.00 $103.75 $350.00 $125.00 $142.00 $168.00

Semester 2 $54.00



chapter dues Totals:

$447.25 $1,397.00

$564.00 $850.00




A N N UA L E V E N T S Taste of Texas Food Truck Festival, Hug-A-Bear for Lubbock Heart Hospital, Alpha Phifa Soccer Tournament, Red Dress Gala Benefiting Women's Heart Health through the Alpha Phi Foundation CO LO R S Silver and Bordeaux F LO W E R Lily of the Valley and Forget-Me-Not M A S COT Teddy Bear SYMBOL Ivy Leaf

N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G September 18, 1872 LO C A L F O U N D I N G 1955

Dues New Member Year

Semester 1

Semester 2

Chapter Dues



Parlor Fees



One Time Fees: New Member Fee


Initiation Fee


Badge Fee


Chapter House Bond





Credit Card Procecessing fee 3%



Grand Total:





A N N UA L E V E N T S AmaXIng Challenge, World Autism Awareness Day, "Light it up Blue", Backyard Barbeque CO LO R S Dark Blue, Light Blue, and Gold F LO W E R Pink Rose M A S COT BetaXi Bear

N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G April 17, 1893

SYMBOL Golden Quill

LO C A L F O U N D I N G 2016

Dues New Member Year

Semester 1

Semester 2

Chapter Dues



Parlor Fees



One Time Fees: New Member Fee


Initiation Fee


Badge Fee


Chapter House Bond





Credit Card Procecessing fee 3%



Grand Total:





A N N UA L E V E N T S Wish Week, Chi O Carnival, Walk for Wishes, Make-a-Wish Wednesday, Wings for Wishes, Make-a-Wish Gala, and Fall Silent Auctions benefiting Make-a-Wish Foundation CO LO R S Cardinal and Straw F LO W E R White Carnation M A S COT Owl

N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G April 5, 1893

SYMBOL Skull and Crossbones

LO C A L F O U N D I N G 1961

Dues New Member Year Dues House Corps New Member Fee Risk Management National Dues Initiation Fee Badge Fee Building Campaign TOTAL

Semster 1 $226 $560 $75 $50 $165


Semester 2 $351 $210

$125 $250 $100 $786



A N N UA L E V E N T S Delta After Dark Cookout, Delta Dunkfest, and Sincerely Yours Letter-Writing Campaign all benefiting St. Jude Children's Research Hospital CO LO R S Silver, Gold, and Blue F LO W E R Pansy

N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G November 27, 1888

M A S COT Dolphin

LO C A L F O U N D I N G 1952

SYMBOL Pear, Star, Crescent, and Trident

Dues New Member Year

Semster 1

Semester 2

Local Chapter Dues



Capital Improvement



Non-resident (Parlor Fee)



New Member Fee (Fraternity) $47.50 New Member Fee (House Corporation) $150.00 Initation Fee (Fraternity)


Initiation Fee (House Corporation) $153.00 Badge/ Gaurd fee







A N N UA L E V E N T S Anchor Bowl, Anchor Slam, Deserts with DG, "Do Good" week, Light Up the Night for Sight, and Golden Anchor Program CO LO R S Bronze, Pink, and Blue F LO W E R Cream Rose M A S COT Hannah Doll

N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G December 25, 1873


LO C A L F O U N D I N G 1954


New Member Year Board (out of house) Chapter obligation Fall housecorp fee Fall initiaton fee member and new member dues fall NPC dues Fall new member fees pan. dues fall per capital dues fall social activities Fall tech fees required t-shirt required fundrasing fall greekbill fee Total:

Dues Semester 1 $45.00 $430.00 $150.00 $135.00 $265.00 $4.00 $45.00 $10.00 $90.00 $90.00 $22.00 $15.00 $30.00 $30.00 $1,361.00

Semester 2 $45.00 $430.00


$7.00 $90.00 $15.00 $30.00 $882.00



A N N UA L E V E N T S Thetasgiving and Cookout for CASA benefiting Court Appointed Special Advocates of the South Plains CO LO R S Black and Gold F LO W E R Pansy

N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G January 27, 1870


LO C A L F O U N D I N G 1953

New Member Year


Semester 1

Semester 2

Initiation Fee $180.00 National Panhellnic Conference Fee $3.00 Local Panhellenic Fee


Usage fee


New Member Dues


Facility Fee







A N N UA L E V E N T S Shamrock Week benefiting Children's Advocacy Center of Lubbock and Prevent Child Abuse America, The Confidence Coalition, and programs with the Girl Scouts of the USA CO LO R S Olive Green and Pearl White F LO W E R White Rose

N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G October 27, 1897

M A S COT Teddy Bear

LO C A L F O U N D I N G 1987

SYMBOL Nautilus Shell, Dagger, Teddy Bear, and Katydid

New Member Year Fall New member chapter dues National new member fee national initiation fee fall KDF: Children in need badge fee facility fee common area maintance fee local new memebr fee local initiation fee local panhellenic dues formal income informal income t shirt income Totals:

Dues Fall

spring new member chapter $395.00 dues $43.00 $191.00 $5.00 spring KDF: golden circle spring national dues $54.00 $85.00 $260.00 $120.00 $25.00 $50.00 $20.00

Spring $355.00 $43.00 $191.00 $15.00 $87.00 $54.00 $85.00 $260.00 $25.00 $10.00 $50.00 $45.00 $1,220



A N N UA L E V E N T S Kappa Klassic Golf Tournament and Kappa Kookout benefiting Children's Miracle Network, Monmouth Book Drive benefiting Reading is Fundamental, and Reading is Key at Ervin Elementary CO LO R S Dark Blue and Light Blue F LO W E R Fleur-de-lis M A S COT Owl

N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G October 13, 1870


LO C A L F O U N D I N G 1953

Dues New member fee (hq) per capita fee (hq) house corporation fee (hb) maintenance fee (hb) rent (hb) TOTAL:

$175.00 $92.00 $275.00 $75.00 $650.00 $1,267.00

Spring 2021 active fees maintenance fee (hb) rent (hb) TOTAL:

$75.00 $650.00 $725.00


A N N UA L E V E N T S Pi Beta Phi Pi Phest benefiting the Pi Phi Friendship Fund, Fraternity Day of Service at Lubbock Boys and Girls Club and local library benefiting the Read>Lead>Achieve and the Story and One Initiative, Champions are Readers mentor program, Angel Library at Covenant Children's Hospital, and annual Philanthropy Events; Monmouth Book Drive, Pi Burger Phry Cookout, and Pi Phi Palooza, all benefiting the Pi Phi Literacy Fund CO LO R S Wine and Silver Blue F LO W E R Wine Carnation M A S COT Angel SYMBOL Arrow

N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G April 28, 1867 LO C A L F O U N D I N G 1953


Dues New Member Year Chapter Dues Entertainment and Social Events Facility Fee Fraternity Dues New Member Fee Fraternity Initiation Fee (badge included) House fund fee Miscallaneous Totals:

Semester 1 $242.00 $100.00 $195.00 $55.00 $60.00 $125.00 $519.00 $41.00 $1,337.00

Semester 2 $242.00 $100.00 $195.00 $55.00

$41.00 $633.00



A N N UA L E V E N T S ZLAM Cram, October THINK PINK, Big Man on Campus, Cupcakes for a Cure Annual Honest Voices Program in conjunction with BSA, Hope Lodge Volunteers, Weekly volunteering at Lubbock Animal Shelter and Adoption Center CO LO R S Turquoise and Steel Gray F LO W E R White Violet SYMBOL Crown and Strawberries

N AT I O N A L F O U N D I N G October 15, 1898 LO C A L F O U N D I N G 1953

Dues Housing Facility / Parlor Fee Sorority Dues Chapter National* One-Time Fees New Member Fee Initiation Fee Badge Fee Miscellaneous Fees Panhellenic Dues Composite Total

New Member

Active Member



$250.00 $505.00

$250.00 $505.00

$120.00 $125.00 $60.00+


$10.00 $15.00 $1,325.00

$10.00 $15.00 $1,105.00

Honor Societies RHO LAMBDA

The purpose of Rho Lambda is to honor those women within the sorority community who have exhibited the highest qualities of leadership and service to their Greek community and their sorority. They are women who have furthered the ideals and principles of the Greek community throughout their years of sorority affiliation. Women must be a junior or senior at Texas Tech in order to join.


Order of Omega is a leadership honor society for members of Greek organizations. Order of Omega recognizes juniors and seniors who have exemplified high standards in the areas of scholarship, leadership, and involvement within their respective organization as well as with the Greek, campus, and local community.

Additional CPH

Membership Options CO N T I N U O U S O P E N B I D D I N G ( CO B )

If a chapter has open spots on their chapter roster, throughout the year they may choose to fill those spots through COB. Not all sororities are eligible to participate in COB.


While we do not host a spring formal recruitment process, we do facilitate an interest meeting for any women interested in learning about the College Panhellenic Community. Check our website for more details during the month of November.


Additional Sorority Membership Options

NATIONAL PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL NPHC is a collaborative organization of nine historically African American, international Greek letter fraternities and sororities. The nine organizations are sometimes collectively referred to as the Divine Nine. NPHC at Texas Tech consists of five of the nine organizations. The council promotes interaction through forums, meetings, cooperative programming, and initiatives throughout campus. Email:

ttu.nphc SORORITIES Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Additional Sorority Membership Options

MUTICULTURAL GREEK COUNCIL MGC provides a forum that allows for the exchange of ideas, programs, and services between its constituent fraternities and sororities, to promote the awareness of multicultural diversity within collegiate institutions, their surrounding communities, and the community; and to support and promote the works of its member organizations. There are currently 15 fraternities and sororities within this council. Email: texastech_mgc SORORITIES Alpha Sigma Rho Sorority, Inc. Delta Alpha Sigma Multicultural Sorority, Inc. Delta Kappa Delta Sorority, Inc. Delta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. Gamma Alpha Omega Sorority, Inc. Kappa Delta Chi Sorority, Inc. Lambda Delta Psi Sorority, Inc. Lambda Theta Alpha Latin Sorority, Inc. Sigma Lambda Gamma National Sorority, Inc.

Thank you to our Sponsors!


We wish you a happy 2020-2021 Year! Come see us in the SUB East Basement room 023!

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.