Texas Tech University Press Native American Subject Catalog

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Native American

TTU Press Mission Statement Texas Tech University Press (TTU Press) has been the book publishing arm of Texas Tech University since 1971 and a member of the Association of American University Presses since 1987. The mission of TTU Press is to disseminate the fruits of original research by publishing rigorously peer-reviewed works that compel scholarly exchange and that entertain and enlighten the university’s broadest constituency throughout the state, the nation, and the world. TTU Press publishes 15–20 new titles each year and has approximately 450 titles in print. In addition to a diverse list of nonfiction titles focused on the history and culture of Texas, the Great Plains, and the American West, the Press publishes in the areas of natural history, border studies, and peace and conflict studies. Additionally, the Press publishes select titles in literary genres ranging from biography and memoir to young adult and children’s titles. It also publishes the annual winner of the Walt McDonald First-Book Competition in Poetry.

The Importance of TTU Press As a university press, we make available works of scholarship and literature that might otherwise not be published. We have a large list in topics showcasing and investigating West Texas, a historically underserved region. Our imprint extends the reach of Texas Tech University both nationally and globally. We promote books and literary culture in our Lubbock community through author events and outreach engagement opportunities.

Addresses Texas Tech University Press (General Mailing / Billing): TTU Press, Box 41037 Lubbock, TX 79409-1037

Texas Tech University Press Offices: 1120 Main Street | Second Floor Box 41037 | Lubbock, TX 79409-1037 Phone: 800-832-4042 or 806-742-2982 Fax: 806-742-2979 Email: ttup@ttu.edu

Native American


Food, Control, and Resistance

Rations and Indigenous Peoples in the United States and South Australia

Tamara Levi $39.95 pb 978-0-89672-964-3 | 2016 $65.00s hc 978-0-89672-963-6 | 2016 In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, governments manipulated rations in attempts to control indigenous movement, induce culture change and assimilation, decrease indigenous independence, and increase dependence on provided goods. TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY PRESS | TTUPRESS.ORG


“I Do Not Apologize for the Length of This Letter” The Mari Sandoz Letters on Native American Rights, 1940–1965 Introduced and ed. by Kimberli A. Lee $45.00 hc 978-0-89672-666-6 | 2009 An avid letter writer, Sandoz kept carbons of everything. Fortunately, these came into the Sandoz Collection at the University of Nebraska Archives, organized by Kimberli A. Lee, foremost expert on Sandoz’s writings.



Indigenous Albuquerque Myla Vicenti Carpio $39.95 hc 978-0-89672-678-9 | 2011

Indigenous Albuquerque examines the dilemmas confronting urban Indians as a result of a colonized past--and present--and the relationship between the City of Albuquerque and its Native residents.



Native Historians Write Back Decolonizing American Indian History

E d . b y S u s a n A . M i ll e r a n d J a m e s R i d i n g I n $45.00 pb 978-0-89672-699-4 | 2011 No matter what you know about Lewis and Clark, the Hopi Snake Dance, the occupation of Wounded Knee village, or the Seminole Freedmen claim, you have never before seen those and myriad other historic episodes from these perspectives.



Ruling Pine Ridge

Oglala Lakota Politics from the IRA to Wounded Knee Ak i m D . R e i n h a r d t

$34.95 hc 978-0-89672-601-7 | 2007 $24.95 pb 978-0-89672-656-7 | 2009 Incorporating previously overlooked materials, including tribal council records, oral histories, and reservation newspapers, Ruling Pine Ridge explores the political history of South Dakota’s Oglala Lakota reservation during the mid-twentieth century.



A Separate Country

Postcoloniality and American Indian Nations El i z a b e t h C o o k - Ly n n

$35.00 pb 978-0-89672-725-0 | 2011 In this fin de career retrospective, Cook-Lynn gathers evidence that American Indians remain among the most colonized people in the modern world, mired in poverty and disenfranchised both socially and politically.




“Help Indians Help Themselves”

The Later Writings of Gertrude Simmons Bonnin (ZitkalaŠa) Edited by P. Jane Hafen Foreword by Margaret Noodin

$39.95 pb 978-1-68283-045-1 | JANUARY 2020 “Help Indians Help Themselves” is a critical collection of primary documents written by Bonnin and expands the published work of Zitkala-Ša, adding insight to a life of writing and political activism on behalf of American Indians in the early twentieth century.




On Becoming Apache Harry Mithlo C o n g e r B e a sl e y J r . $29.95 pb 978-1-68283-059-8 | APRIL 2020 This story tells Watson’s lived history as the Chiricahua were relocated from Arizona to Florida to Alabama and finally to Fort Sill, Oklahoma.




A Sacred People

Indigenous Governance, Traditional Leadership, and the Warriors of the Cheyenne Nation A t w o - v o lu m e s e t b y L e o K . K i lls b a c k $45.00 pb 978-1-68283-035-2 | OCTOBER 2019 In these volumes, Killsback, a citizen of the Northern Cheyenne Nation, reconstructs and rekindles an ancient Cheyenne world — ways of living and thinking that became casualties of colonization and forced assimilation.




A Sovereign People

Indigenous Nationhood, Traditional Law, and the Covenants of the Cheyenne Nation A t w o - v o lu m e s e t b y L e o K . K i lls b a c k $45.00 pb 978-1-68283-037-6 | OCTOBER 2019 A Sacred People and A Sovereign People lay out indigenously conceived possibilities for employing traditional worldviews to replace unhealthy and dysfunctional ones bred of territorial, cultural, and psychological colonization.


Military History

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