Texas Tech University Press Texas Subject Catalog

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TTU Press Mission Statement Texas Tech University Press (TTU Press) has been the book publishing arm of Texas Tech University since 1971 and a member of the Association of American University Presses since 1987. The mission of TTU Press is to disseminate the fruits of original research by publishing rigorously peer-reviewed works that compel scholarly exchange and that entertain and enlighten the university’s broadest constituency throughout the state, the nation, and the world. TTU Press publishes 15–20 new titles each year and has approximately 450 titles in print. In addition to a diverse list of nonfiction titles focused on the history and culture of Texas, the Great Plains, and the American West, the Press publishes in the areas of natural history, border studies, and peace and conflict studies. Additionally, the Press publishes select titles in literary genres ranging from biography and memoir to young adult and children’s titles. It also publishes the annual winner of the Walt McDonald First-Book Competition in Poetry.

The Importance of TTU Press As a university press, we make available works of scholarship and literature that might otherwise not be published. We have a large list in topics showcasing and investigating West Texas, a historically underserved region. Our imprint extends the reach of Texas Tech University both nationally and globally. We promote books and literary culture in our Lubbock community through author events and outreach engagement opportunities.

Addresses Texas Tech University Press (General Mailing / Billing): TTU Press, Box 41037 Lubbock, TX 79409-1037

Texas Tech University Press Offices: 1120 Main Street | Second Floor Box 41037 | Lubbock, TX 79409-1037 Phone: 800-832-4042 or 806-742-2982 Fax: 806-742-2979 Email: ttup@ttu.edu






Portrait of a Texas Ranch

Photographs by Wyman Meinzer; text by Henry C h a pp e l l $45.00 hc 978-0-89672-536-2 | 2004 The Four Sixes is not a relic, showpiece, or preserve. It’s a working cattle ranch, some 290,000 acres of West Texas prairie carefully used. Here, men still earn their livelihoods on horseback, not out of blind adherence to tradition, but out of necessity.

Across Time & Territory

A Walk through the National Ranching Heritage Center M a r s h a P f lu g e r

$39.00 hc 978-0-97593-600-9 | 2004 This unique and beautiful volume celebrates the National Ranching Heritage Center, a museum and historical park located on the northern edge of the Texas Tech University campus in Lubbock.



The African American Experience in Texas

An Anthology

Ed. by Bruce A. Glasrud and J a m e s M . S m a l lw o o d $40.00s pb 978-0-89672-609-3 | 2007 This anthology provides new insights into a previously neglected part of American history and is essential reading for anyone interested in the history of black Texans.


The Story of a Western Town Paul H. Carlson

$28.95 hc 978-0-89672-587-4 | 2006 Named by True West magazine as one of the fifty most Western towns in America, this city of 176,000 people remains rooted in its Western past— yet at the same time Amarillo’s background and outlook have a distinctly Midwestern flavor.



And Grace Will Lead Me Home

African American Freedmen Communities of Austin, Texas, 1865–1928 Michelle M. Mears

$45.00 hc 978-0-89672-654-3 | 2009 Covering the births and deaths of these communities, And Grace Will Lead Me Home also illuminates what life was like for African Americans who lived there.

Art of West Texas Women

A Celebration

K i pp r a D . H o pp e r a n d L a u r i e J. Churchill $29.95 pb 978-0-89672-669-7 | 2010

Representing at once a diversity of style, medium, and scale and an intersection of inspiration and response, Art of West Texas Women celebrates twenty women visual artists living and working in an expansive, rugged landscape— the vast western half of Texas, far from the dynamics of urban art communities and large national markets.



As a Farm Woman Thinks

Life and Land on the Llano Estacado, 1890–1960 N e l l i e W i t t Sp i k e s Ed. by Geoff Cunfer

$34.95 hc 978-0-89672-710-6 | 2010 Engaging and eloquent, Nellie’s “As a Farm Woman Thinks” columns today conjure up a vivid portrait of a bygone era.

Broke, Not Broken

Homer Maxey’s Texas Bank War

B r o a d u s Sp i v e y a n d J e s s e Sublett $29.95 hc 978-0-89672-855-4 | 2014

Broke, Not Broken, the story of this record-breaking, precedent-setting legal case, illuminates a community and a self-styled go-getter who refused to back down, even when his opponents were old friends, well-heeled leaders of the community, a bank backed by powerful Odessa oil men, and the most formidable attorneys in West Texas. TEXAS


Canyons of the Texas High Plains Photographs by Wyman Meinzer $32.50 hc 978-0-89672-462-4 | 2001 $17.95 pb 978-0-89672-463-1 | 200 Here, in this gem of a portfolio, are fifty vistas of those geological wonders that have fascinated artists, writers, and musicians from around the world for centuries and continue to hold spellbound a half million visitors annually.

Dancin’ in Anson

A History of the Texas Cowboys’ Christmas Ball

Paul H. Carlson

$26.95 hc 978-0-89672-891-2 | 2014 Reenacted annually since 1934 and based on Chittenden’s poem, the contemporary dances attract people from coast to coast, from Canada, and from across Europe and elsewhere. Since 1993, Grammy Award-winning musical artist Michael Martin Murphey has played at the popular event.



Deep Time and the Texas High Plains History and Geology

Paul H. Carlson

$34.95 hc 978-0-89672-552-2 | 2005 $19.95 pb 978-0-89672-553-9 | 2005 In this brief, readable history, Paul H. Carlson surveys the Lubbock Lake Landmark’s long geologic past, placing emphasis on human activity in the region and showing how early peoples adapted to shifting environmental conditions and changing animal resources.

“Don’t Count the Tortillas” The Art of Texas Mexican Cooking Adán Medrano

$29.95 hc 978-1-68283-039-0 | 2019 From an early age, Chef Adán Medrano understood the power of cooking to enthrall, to grant artistic agency, and to solidify identity as well as succor and hospitality.



Dressing Modern Maternity

The Frankfurt Sisters of Dallas and the Page Boy Label

K ay G o l d m a n

$39.95 hc 978-0-89672-799-1 | 2013 Illuminating the Page Boy story are Goldman’s insights into the history of maternity clothing in the US, American women in business prior to the 1930s, Jewish involvement in garment manufacturing in Dallas, and ultimately the decisions that would lead to Page Boy’s demise.

Equal Opportunity Hero

T. J. Patterson’s Service to West Texas Phil Price

$27.95 hc 978-0-89672-949-0 | 2017 On April 7, 1984, T. J. Patterson became the first African American elected to the Lubbock City Council, winning handily over his four opponents. It was a position he would go on to hold for more than twenty years, and his natural leadership would yield state and national recognition.



From Syria to Seminole

Memoir of a High Plains Merchant Ed Aryain

$29.95 hc 978-0-89672-586-7 | 2006 Ed saw Syrians who had been to America returning home with gold watches and money to purchase land, and he vowed to do the same.

Hotter ‘n Pecos

And Other West Texas Lies B o b b y D . W e av e r

$19.95 pb 978-0-89672-703-8 | 2010 These collected tales—some taller than others—offer revealing glimpses into how and why West Texans are different. Rugged enough to make the harshest of environments their own, this species thrives in hundred-degree-plus heat and near-zero humidity.


10 W INNER Liz Carpenter Award for Research in the History of Women, Texas State Historical Association, Finalist, 2005 Presidio La Bahia Award, The Sons of the Republic of Texas, First Place, 2006 Texas Old Missions and Forts Restoration Book Award, Texas Catholic Historical Society, 2006

P RAISE “Fills a major void in the historiography of women in the Spanish borderlands and American Southwest.” —Journal of Southern History “Hers, His, and Theirs is a

well-crafted comparative legal and social history of property rights in Spain, England, and early Texas . . . . Students of comparative European legal systems as well as students of Latin American and U.S. legal systems will benefit from reading this book.” —American Journal of Legal History

“Hers, His, and Theirs”

Community Property Law in Spain and Early Texas

Jean A. Stuntz

$35.00 hc 978-0-89672-560-7 | 2005 $24.95 pb 978-0-89672-717-5 | 2010 Through court cases and legal documents, Hers, His, and Theirs explores the evolution of Castilian law during the Spanish Reconquest and how those laws came to the New World and Texas.



Interlude at Umbarger

Italian POWs and a Texas Church Donald Mace Williams

$16.95 pb 978-1-68283-013-0 | 2017 This compassionate story of courage and kindliness is as enduring as the artwork that still graces the walls of a modest Catholic church in a tiny Texas town.

Journey to Galveston M e l o d i e A . C u at e $18.95 hc 978-0-89672-852-3 | 2014 With the absorbing pace and historic detail that Mr. Barrington’s Mysterious Trunk fans have come to expect, Cuate leads her protagonists, and her young readers, to the first Juneteenth.



Journey to Goliad M e l o d i e A . C u at e $18.95 hc 978-0-89672-649-9 | 2009 When Mr. Barrington brings his trunk on a field trip to Goliad, Hannah, Jackie, and Nick find themselves back in the Texas Revolution.

Journey to Gonzales M e l o d i e A . C u at e $18.95 hc 978-0-89672-624-6 | 2008 Nick is on a mission. Deeply troubled by the loss of a young friend at the Battle of San Jacinto, he wants desperately to return to the scene of the battle—to alter history. But when he furtively opens the mysterious trunk, now in Mr. Barrington’s attic, he is transported instead to Gonzales, Texas, in 1835.



Journey to La Salle’s Settlement M e l o d i e A . C u at e $18.95 hc 978-0-89672-704-5 | 2013 “Now don’t change history while I’m gone,” Mr. B had said before leaving Hannah and Nick to lock the trunk in the classroom closet. Despite Hannah’s pledge to comply, a trickle of beach sand and a slosh of seawater turn to a flood tide after she lifts the lid.

Journey to Plum Creek M e l o d i e A . C u at e $18.95 hc 978-0-89672-741-0 | 2012 A slam of the trunk’s lid transports the girls into a melee of swirling hoofbeats and bright war paint. Before they know it, they’ve been taken captive by Comanche warriors in a raid on Victoria, Texas, in 1840.



Journey to San Jacinto M e l o d i e A . C u at e $18.95 hc 978-0-89672-602-4 | 2007 Where has Mr. Barrington gone? Follow Hannah, Nick, and Jackie back in time to the Texas Revolution as they search for clues leading to the missing Texas history teacher. Mr. Barrington’s niece, Miss Barrington, begins the countdown to the past when she opens the lid on the mysterious trunk belonging to her uncle.

Journey to the Alamo M e l o d i e A . C u at e $18.95 hc 978-0-89672-592-8 | 2006 Hannah finds nothing adventurous about the seventh grade—until she meets her new Texas history teacher, Mr. Barrington, who brings in a mysterious trunk and assigns an unusual project: to become a part of history.



Joyful Trek

A Texan’s Times and Travels Robert H. Williams

$30.00 hc 978-0-89672-356-6 | 1996 Following this colorful Texan through the extraordinary details of his life is more fun than an afternoon at the movies. Like the hero in a Gary Cooper movie, Robert H. Williams marches through the history of the twentieth century on the front lines of American culture.

Life, Purpose, and Vision

A Fiftieth Anniversary History of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Ed. by Margaret Vugrin, T h o m a s F . McG o v e r n , a n d Richard Nollan $50.00 hc 978-1-68283-043-7 | 2019 This volume commemorates the fifty-year anniversary of the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, and it celebrates the incredible work done by expert professionals in multiple medical fields.



The Line from Here to There

A Storyteller’s Scottish West Texas

R o s a n n a T ay l o r H e r n d o n

$24.95 hc 978-0-89672-630-7 | 2008 Through her own family tales, Herndon began to study how such stories contribute to listeners’ concepts of self and family, what they reveal about communication patterns within families, and how they reflect who we are and who we wish to become.

Llano Estacado An Island in the Sky

Ed. by Stephen Bogener and William Tydeman

$45.00 hc 978-0-89672-682-6 | 2011 The artists and writers gathered here are hardly the first to have felt the pull of this place or the urgency to capture its essence. Yet the idiosyncrasies and ideals, the successes and failures, the strangeness and beauty and power of the land and its people beckon fresh discovery.



More Spooky Texas Tales Tim Tingle and Doc Moore $18.95 hc 978-0-89672-700-7 | 2010 Kids of all ages will find chills and thrills in these tales of the weird, the macabre, and the mysterious, all collected from the lore and legends of the Lone Star State.

My Lone Star Journal

A Writing Companion to the Lone Star Journals

Lisa Waller Rogers

$8.95 hc 978-0-89672-454-9 | 2001 This companion writing journal encourages youngsters to chronicle their daily lives just as Hallie Lou Wells and the other protagonists of Lisa Waller Rogers’ Lone Star Journals do.



“Myth, Memory, and Massacre”

The Pease River Capture of Cynthia Ann Parker Paul H. Carlson and Tom Crum

$24.95 pb 978-0-89672-746-5 | 2012 Myth, Memory, and Massacre peels away assumptions surrounding one of the most infamous episodes in Texas history, even while it adds new dimensions to the question of what constitutes reliable knowledge.

“Oil, Taxes, and Cats”

A History of the DeVitt Family and the Mallet Ranch D av i d J . M u r r a h

$17.95 pb 978-0-89672-460-0 | 2001 The story of the ranch is a powerful saga of legal battles, oil leases, range disputes, and generous philanthropy that endures to this day.



On Independence Creek

The Story of a Texas Ranch Charlena Chandler

$19.95 pb 978-0-89672-562-1 | 2005 Deep in southwest Texas, a creek pours into the Pecos River. It is that river’s largest freshwater tributary. Charlena Chandler’s grandfather, Charles Chandler, settled near the mouth of Independence Creek in 1900 and ranched there for many years.

One Christmas in Old Tascosa Casandra Firman, as told b y Q u i n t i l l e Sp e ck - F i r m a n Garmany $21.95 hc 978-0-89672-588-1 | 2006 It was Christmas time in Old Tascosa. The year was 1931—well into the Great Depression and on the brink of the worst days of the Dust Bowl. Tascosa, once a booming Wild West town complete with outlaws, cowboys, and gamblers, was all but deserted.



“Oysters, Macaroni, and Beer”

Thurber, Texas, and the Company Store G e n e R h e a T u ck e r

$34.95 hc 978-0-89672-768-7 | 2012 With a keen eye for context—honed by a career in banking—Tucker reads the pages of ledgers in the same way most historians read diaries or newspapers.

Playing in Shadows

Texas and Negro League Baseball Rob Fink

$29.95 hc 978-0-89672-701-4 | 2010 Drawing upon oral histories and mining such rare sources as rosters and box scores from black newspapers, Rob Fink situates the semiprofessional West Texas Colored League against the rise and decline of professional Negro Leagues.




Wade Fishing the Gulf Coast R u dy G r i g a r

$17.95 pb 978-0-89672-510-2 | 2003 From a pioneer in catch-and-release and a legend in saltwater wade-fishing. His tales and tips are the bible of those now wading the Plugger’s favorite spots.


A Mexican Boy in Early Texas J ay N e u g e b o r e n

$21.95 pb 978-0-89672-905-6 | 2014 Poli grew up with Comanches, surveyed territory for the Republic of Texas and the United States Army, fought against warring Indians, and mapped settlements for nineteenth-century German settlers in Texas.


22 W INNER Winner of the Belmont University Prize for Best Book on Country Western Music.

P RAISE “West Texas music, like the West Texas wind, is hard to describe, but once it blows by, it’s hard to forget. This book is a powerful historical documentation of that music and the musicians who brought it to life. I love it!” —Sonny Curtis “It’s a wonderful book, and the title says it all. When you grow up with country music, you never stray far from it because a Texan is a Texan is a Texan.” —Waylon Jennings “Picker / teachers Joe Carr and Alan Munde have written a wholly delightful, informative book.” —Billboard Magazine “Alan Munde and Joe Carr are the best known as superb bluegrass musicians. In this book they demonstrate that they are also good historians . . . . They have described and explained the vital contributions made by West Texas musicians to the music of America and the world . . . . People who have wondered how such remarkable music talent could emerge from the vast seemingly empty landscape of West Texas need look no farther than this important and compelling book.” —Bill C. Malone

Prairie Nights to Neon Lights

The Story of Country Music in West Texas Joe Carr and Alan Munde

$18.95 pb 978-0-89672-365-8 | 1997 Drawing from personal interviews, photos, music publications, and local histories, Carr and Munde (both themselves musicians and professors of music) describe in detail West Texas country music and its musicians.



A Promise Fulfilled

The Kitty Anderson Diary and Civil War Texas, 1861 E d . b y N a n c y D r av e s

$24.95 hc 978-1-68283-003-1 | 2017 Kitty’s diary chronicles the Anderson family’s tumultuous experience during the early years of the Civil War. Following the vote for Texas’s secession and the surrender of San Antonio’s federal garrison, Col. Anderson attempted to flee, only to be arrested by Confederate Texas soldiers.

Recipes of a Pitchfork Ranch Hostess The Culinary Legacy of Mamie Burns E d . b y C at h r y n B u e s s e l e r and L.E. Anderson

$14.95 pb 978-0-89672-475-4 | 2002 The recipes and reminiscences in Mamie’s notes, reproduced in this book, show that she certainly enjoyed setting a bountiful table.



The Reckoning

The Triumph of Order on the Texas Outlaw Frontier Peter R. Rose

$19.95 pb 978-1-682-83026-0 | 2018 $34.95 hc 978-0-896-72769-4 | 2012 Meticulously researched and documented, The Reckoning brings to life all the players. Rose shows frontier West Texas as it really was: a raw, lawless, unforgiving place and time that yielded only stubbornly to Order and its handmaiden, the Rule of Law.

“Recollections of Western Texas, 1852–55” By Two of the U.S. Mounted Rifles Ed. by Robert Wooster

$15.95 pb 978-0-89672-436-5 | 2000 Their description of their experiences is unusual on several counts: it is a view of Texas in the 1850s, when personal accounts were rare, and it is written from the point of view of visitors to this nation.



Remember the Alamo!

The Runaway Scrape Diary of Belle Wood, Austin’s Colony, 1835–1836 Lisa Waller Rogers

$14.95 pb 978-0-89672-784-7| 2013 Late in 1835, the Mexican Army surrendered San Antonio and retreated across the Rio Grande. Texas colonists, including young Belle Wood, rejoiced. No one expected more trouble from Mexico. So when Belle’s brother, Mac, followed Colonel Travis to the Alamo in January as “a precautionary measure,” Belle didn’t worry.

Seat of Empire

The Embattled Birth of Austin, Texas Jeffrey Stuart Kerr

$39.95 hc 978-0-89672-782-3 | 2013 $21.95 pb 978-0-89672-974-2 | 2016 The founding of Austin sparked one of the Republic’s first great political battles, pitting against each other two Texas titans: Mirabeau Lamar, who in less than a year had risen to vice president from Army private, and Sam Houston, the hero of San Jacinto and a man both loved and hated throughout the Republic.



Spooky Texas Tales Tim Tingle and Doc Moore $18.95 hc 978-0-89672-565-2 | 2005 Graveyard ghosts and creatures from swamps and riverbanks slink through ten creepy tales presented by master storytellers Tim Tingle and Doc Moore. Guaranteed to send shivers down the spines of younger readers, each of these stories comes with its own eerie illustrations. Some humorous, some haunting, these tales guarantee thrills and chills for youngsters from any state.

The Story of Palo Duro Canyon Ed. by Duane Guy $17.95 pb 978-0-89672-453-2 | 2001 Originally published as an edition of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Review, The Story of Palo Duro Canyon, with its seven essays devoted to geology, archeology, paleontology, vegetation, park development, and the amphitheater, and its road log from Canyon, Texas, through the Palo Duro State Park, has become a classic.



The Sunbonnet

An American Icon in Texas

R e b e cc a J u m p e r M at h e s o n

$29.95 pb 978-0-89672-665-9 | 2009 Surveying its previous history, Matheson pursues what the sunbonnet reveals about twentieth-century American fashion, culture, and ideals, as well as class- and race-related issues. Detailing materials and methods of sunbonnet construction and care, she also addresses differences in sunbonnet design.

A Taste of Texas Ranching Cooks and Cowboys

Tom Bryant and Joel Bernstein $21.95 pb 978-0-89672-348-1 | 1995 Welcome to the world of Texas ranching, where “come ‘n’ get it” is the national anthem, the kitchen is the most important room in the house, meals become staff meetings, and the cook is a treasured member of the outfit. After all, hungry cowboys need hearty, hot meals that’ll stretch the buttons on their Levi’s to keep them going.



Texas Constables

A Frontier Heritage

A l l e n G . H at l e y $34.95 hc 978-0-89672-424-2 | 1999 $18.95 pb 978-0-89672-581-2 | 2006

The book examines the changing duties of the office of constable, compares the role of urban and rural constables, and documents the position the office has in local government as well as law enforcement.

Texas Ghost Stories Fifty Favorites for the Telling

Tim Tingle and Doc Moore $19.95 pb 978-0-89672-526-3 | 2004 Some humorous, some haunting, and some just late-night terrifying, these stories, gathered by two favorite Texas tellers, span a rich cultural heritage from the earliest Spanish explorers to the present, from La Llorona (the Weeping Woman) to the vanishing hitchhiker.



Texas Is Chili Country

A Brief History with Recipes J u dy A lt e r

$19.95 pb 978-0-89672-946-9 | 2015 Texans love to eat, and one dish they can’t get enough of is chili—so much so that chili con carne is Texas’s state meal. This seemingly simple staple of Texan identity proves to be anything but, however.

The Texas Liberators

Veteran Narratives from World War II Ed. by Aliza S. Wong Photography by Mark Umstot

$29.95 hc 978-1-68283-024-6 | 2017 Within these covers, twenty-one Texas Liberators speak compellingly in their own words. They describe their discovery of the camps, their first encounters with detainees, the repression of certain memories in order to survive and live their lives, and the feeling by many that “normal” would never be normal again. TEXAS


The Texas Panhandle Frontier (Rev. Ed.) F r e d e r i ck R at h j e n $17.95 pb 978-0-89672-399-3 | 1998 Departing from the premise that the Panhandle frontier “is but a brush stroke on . . . [the] much larger canvas� of previous frontier histories, Rathjen challenges the work of Frederick Jackson Turner and Walter Prescott Webb, and proves that regional is by no means synonymous with provincial.

Texas Quilts and Quilters

A Lone Star Legacy

M a r c i a K ay l a k i e

$39.95 hc 978-0-89672-606-2 | 2007 This book showcases thirty-four quilts. Through them and their stories, the cultural development of the state unfolds. Most will never be exhibited or appear in any other permanent record. All Texas-made, they span the state geographically and range from the 1870s to the turn of the twenty-first century.



Truly Texas Mexican A Native Culinary Heritage in Recipes Adán Medrano

$29.95 pb 978-0-89672-850-9 | 2014 Building on what he learned from his own family, Adán Medrano captures this distinctive flavor profile in 100 kitchen-tested recipes, each with stepby-step instructions. Equally as careful with history, he details how hundreds of indigenous tribes in Texas gathered and hunted food, planted gardens, and cooked.

West Texas Middleweight

The Story of LaVern Roach Frank Sikes

$24.95 hc 978-0-89672-975-9 | 2016 West Texas Middleweight is the story of Roach’s all too brief journey from a West Texas amateur, to enlistment in the US Marines, where he captained the nation’s most successful military boxing team, to becoming a Madison Square Garden main eventer.


32 W INNER Great Plains Distinguished Book Prize, finalist, Center for Great Plains Studies, University of Nebraska at Lincoln, 2011 Rupert N. Richardson Award for the best book on West Texas history, West Texas Historical Association, winner, 2011 Southwest Book Award, Border Regional Library, winner, 2011

Where the West Begins

Debating Texas Identity G l e n S a m p l e E ly

$24.95 978-1-68283-012-3 | 2017 $34.95 978-0-896-72724-3 | 2011 In his innovative settling of the question, Glen Sample Ely examines the state’s historical DNA, making sense of Lone Star identity west of the hundredth meridian and defining Texas’s place in the American West. TEXAS TECH UNIVERSITY PRESS | TTUPRESS.ORG


What Is Gone A m y K n ox B r o w n $29.95 hc 978-1-68283-000-0 | 2017 What Is Gone, centered in Nebraska but connecting to the larger landscape of the nation, examines questions both personal and universal: Do anchoring memories—the persistence of what was—leave you perennially at risk? How does—and should—experiencing violence alter who you are?

The Wineslinger Chronicles Texas on the Vine

Russell D. Kane $27.95 pb 978-1-68283-009-3 | 2017 $29.95 hc 978-0-896-72738-0 | 2012 Texas Wineslinger, the moniker now synonymous with Kane, sprouted from a blog of an Australian wine writer after Kane compared the big red wines that originate from the red sand and porous limestone common to both the Texas High Plains and Australia’s Coonawarra wine region. TEXAS

34 W INNER ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award, Finalist (Anthologies), 2005

P RAISE “Stories about family, legacy, marriage, divorce, religion, all of them played out in relentless weather and under an all-encompassing sky . . . . These female writers come from a storied place most often described from the perspective of the men credited with shaping it . . . . This collection adds insightful dimension to a surprisingly inspiring place.” —Fort Worth Star-Telegram “A moving and engaging collection of short stories often set in demanding rural conditions . . . Beyond survival, anything hardy enough to endure here doesn’t merely exist, but thrives and flourishes. The stories these women have to tell prove exactly that.” —El Paso Times “The fullness of regional life is so engagingly chronicled here that you may never again think of West Texas without understanding the passions inspired by this seemingly empty land.” —Philadelphia Inquirer “The vast skies west of Fort Worth have captured the endless space these authors love. This anthology . . . gives voice to their identities and their connections to place and the people who live there.” —Review of Texas Books

Writing on the Wind

An Anthology of West Texas Women Writers

Ed. by Lou Halsell Rodenberger, L a u r a P ay n e B u t l e r , a n d J a cq u e l i n e Ko l o s o v $40.00 hc 978-0-89672-540-9 | 2005 $21.95 pb 978-0-89672-548-5 | 2005 The short stories and essays in this collection, through a strong emphasis on individual triumphs and failures, remind West Texans of their heritage and share with all readers an understanding of what it means to live in the endless space these authors know so well.



Winning 42 (5th ed.)

Strategy and Lore of the National Game of Texas

Dennis Roberson

$18.95 pb 978-1-68283-0-574 | 2020 $9.95 ebook 978-1-68283-058-1 | 2020 Replete with championship statistics and stories from veteran players and strategists—including many celebrities from astronauts to presidents—Winning 42 illumines a cherished tradition that links Texans from all walks of life.

A Witness to History George H. Mahon, West Texas Congressman

Janet M. Neugebauer

$45.00 hc 978-0-89672-988-9 | 2017 Mahon served on several Congressional committees, but it is through his service on the House Appropriations Committee and the Subcommittee on Defense Appropriations that he had the greatest national impact. He often bragged that under his leadership the Subcommittee on Defense Appropriations was the most non-partisan committee in Congress. TEXAS



At Close Range

A Memoir of Tragedy and Advocacy Leesa Ross

$29.95 hc 978-1-68283-049-9 | MAY 2020 $9.95 ebook 978-1-68283-060-4 | MAY 2020 At Close Range ultimately shows one mother’s effort to create meaning from tragedy and find a universally reasonable position and focal point: gun safety and responsible ownership.




A Haven in the Sun

Five Stories of Bird Life and Its Future on the Texas Coast B. C. Robison I l l u s t r at e d b y L i n d a M . F e lt n e r

$34.95 hc 978-1-68283-063-5 | JUNE 2020 Through the stories of birds that have a special bond with coastal Texas, Robison shows not only the importance of the Texas Coast to North American bird life but also the intimate dependence of coastal birds on our use of the land.



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