Texas Tech University Press Spring Summer 2022 Catalog

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F O R T H C O M I N G T I T L e s • S p ring / s u mm e r 2 0 2 2

A modern fable of love, destruction, art, and reality “Rosewood unflinchingly exposes the disturbing complexities, conun­ drums, and fears that accompany love, marriage, and motherhood. The honesty is sharp; the truth is piercing. Singularly, the crucial and definitive moments that define Eve’s life are like stars, each startling unto itself. Collectively aligned, they lay bare the unexpected, yet inevitable, story of a unique and complicated everywoman who is not as happy as she ought to be.” —Binnie Kirshenbaum, author of Rabbits for Food and The Scenic Route “Constellations of Eve is the faithful and meticulous rendering of a radical vision of life, love, art, lust, beauty, obsession, and death. The writing gives no quarter to what we might like to believe are ‘normal’ feelings and situations. Abbigail N. Rosewood brings back a bold and uncompromising report from the frontiers of the truth of human experience.” —Matthew Sharpe, author of You Were Wrong, Nothing Is Terrible, Jamestown, and The Sleeping Father

Constellations of Eve

Abbigail Nguyen Rosewood

Abbigail Nguyen Rosewood is a Vietnamese and American author. Her debut novel, If I Had Two Lives, was published in 2019. Her short fiction and essays can be found at Salon, Lit Hub, Catapult, and BOMB, among other venues. Her fiction has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, and The Best American Short Stories 2020. She is the founder of the immersive art and literary exhibit Neon Door.

Literary fiction May

6 x 9, 224 pp. $29.95 cloth 978-1-68283-137-3 $9.95 ebook 978-1-68283-138-0


E ve is a r el u c t a n t m o t h e r ; E v e i s a fam o u s p h enomenon; Eve is a quiet country teacher. Liam is a successful artist; Liam is a scheming husband; Liam is a gentle partner. Pari is a leading scientific researcher; Pari is a recognized model; Pari is a picture of declining mental states. Constellations of Eve weaves together three deviations of one love story. In each variation, the narrative changes slightly, with life-altering impacts. The novel manipulates the variables leading to fraught romantic entanglements, tearing through a host of lifetimes in search of the one in which all the brightest stars align. Each reality allows Eve another chance at finding her true destiny and personal and professional fulfillment—but can she get it right? Is there even such a thing as “right”? Constellations of Eve wrestles with the most intimate betrayals and the staggering personal costs of stifling artistic ambition, pursuing it to the exclusion of family, or letting it disperse in favor of an all-consuming love In this philosophical fable of art and fate, Rosewood paints a world that contours the infinitesimal moments that shape whom we love, over whom we obsess, and how we decide what to live for.

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