Art Portfolio 2012

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this's the kind of work that I usually do when I’m not briefed by an art director. If I can avoid the method of vector drawing, I stick to digital painting.

music always gets me going, so it often appears in my works in some form or another.

blindfold and paperbag girl came to me one day, and since then they helpfully reappear when I need to get out of my creative rut.

inte resting outcomes are what you get when you explore the multitude of art styles and principles of art creation. I strive to do this whenever I can.

"afraid to jump" had a full page in the special annual issue of “Curvy�, dedicated to fresh female artists.

i can help when you’re about to art direct an editorial on famous people for your magazine.

a sore throat is what made me arrive to this, so I guess I’m pretty good at visually dramatising mundane scenarios.

furniture is a Malaysian electro jazz band, for whom I designed an interesting cdpocket-cumposter.

album covers are my soft spot. Disturbances from music related projects are always welcome.

from scratch art direction, illustration, layout, it’s all me. So don’t fret when you don’t have a budget for an agency.

from sketch to final layout a special project for Gazeta Sporturilor that was featured in Decat O Revista.

Copiii - \nso]i]i de p`rin]i - sunt a[tepta]i s` \[i demonstreze talentul artistic pe data de , de la ora \n

Vor fi premiate cele mai bune lucr`ri [i fiecare participant va primi un „set” de sfaturi pentru a-[i dezvolta mai tare abilit`]ile artistice. To]i participan]ii trebuie s` \[i aduc` ustensilele necesare. Oricare cred ei c` le sunt de folos ca s` construiasc` din plastilin`, s` picteze, s` traforeze, s` coas` sau s` decupeze [i s` lipeasc` o imagine a viitorului. Mai multe informații despre Atelierul ING pute]i afla de la

and an encore for the same advertising agency. We were pleasantly surprised when they agreed that colour isn’t necessarily better.

big budget weddings: They too are unlikely to go out of style. Everything here is hand painted and handwritten.

lifestyle magazines they’re always going to be around, so some pretty illustrations would never go to waste.

large walls can always use some prettying up. These were painted for an underground club in Bucharest with a fairy-tale-esque theme. Because of a super tight deadline, there was no time for initial sketching, so I was making things up along the way with paintbrush in hand.

ink, brush, and scanner because it’s interesting to see what comes up after you can’t find the ctrl+z function on your drawing table. Everybody and every city starts to look more soulful this way.

graphic novels an artform that’s often underrated. Growing up, I ate comics for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Now let me feed you some.

fancier storyboards is what you can call comics. But I’m also available for less fancy ones.

character design for animation films: it’s not just the look that matters but also the behaviour when they’re set in motion.

customised illustration even mega corporations don’t have to have boring presentations.

i can still help without illustration. I art directed this poster for a theatre performance, manipulating studio photographs without resorting to my craft.

game avatar

zombie phase

for a Singaporean computer game company.

we all get into it, I used mine for the poster of a stage performance by people who were experiencing the same.



for the occasional empty office walls. Grey bank lobbies, don’t be sad no more.

horeca commissions done for a bar counter in Bucharest. I see there’s plenty of need for these interventions in many restaurants and cafes around town.

film & games concept art I worked for a Malaysian animation studio, being responsible for designing environments from the descriptions in the script for an adventure series. The following pages feature some of the works from that project: part historical-part fairy tale environments meant to take place in South East Asia. Initially these paintings were meant to be only design reference for the flash animators to convert into vector backgrounds, but the project director decided to use these paintings directly as background instead.

tuan nini +40730192244 for long distance project briefing, skype ID tuan.nini

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