JUNE 2012 Vol. 29 No. 6 An Open Forum publication allowing all voices to be heard since 1983
ARIVACA YESTERDAYS by Mary Noon Kasulaitis
ack in 1896, the Montana Mine had requested the repair or construction of a road over which they could haul ore, and Pima County officially declared the road from Amado through Arivaca to Oro Blanco to be a County Road. Pima County records said: “this road was a public highway before the Territory was ceded to the United States and that said road had been constantly used as a public highway since that time…” (Pima County had designated road districts around 1880.) This road through Arivaca was determined to have less steep grades and thus would be easier and safer for hauling ore than a road over the mountain to Nogales. Then Santa Cruz County was created in 1899 and the road from the county line south came under its jurisdiction, leaving the stretch from what is now the turnoff to the Arivaca Lake north to Arivaca as a Pima County road. In 1914, the road was surveyed and
Roads: Arivaca to Amado
ended up more or less where it is now. All our roads were originally the trails that people had been using for decades, maybe centuries. There were other roads as well that do not now exist. It was only after right-ofways needed to be purchased that roads started being aligned with property boundaries - instead of just going the easiest way around. Property boundaries weren’t seriously enforced until after the homesteading era of the early 1900s-teens. It was in response to the newly popular automobile that Pima County (along with the rest of the country) realized the serious need to fix the roads. This just meant basic construction, not paving. Residents at the far southern end of the roads, most of whom were ranchers or miners, petitioned the County to build roads suitable for automobile travel to Tucson. By 1919, many people, not just the wealthy, had started to buy cars. The price of a Model T Ford car in 1920 was about $260, down from $850 when it first came out in 1908. In 1914 there was a column in the Tucson Citizen
Help Support Free Speech - Subscribe Subscriptions just $18 per year.
called “Tucson Motor News” that reported who had purchased what new car. My father remembered seeing his first car, Jack McVey’s 1913 Hudson touring car. It made a huge impression. He also admired the skill with which Carmen Zepeda fixed her own flats on her Model T. People realized that to get good roads they had to act. In 1919, the road petitioners included Arivacans Bernardo Caviglia, Indalecio Aguirre, Teresa Celaya, A.R. Wilbur, B.H. Catlett, Sopori Land and Cattle Company, and others. The notices were posted on the door of the Store and the Post Office building (nothing has changed!). The U.S. Army got involved as well, saying that the army post at Arivaca needed passable roads (see the 1916 photo). The cost to build the Arivaca road was estimated at $45,000 but the bonds were issued for $70,000. Bonds were issued for $1,500,000 in 1920 to fix all the roads in Pima County that had been either petitioned for or determined to be necessary. These were properly graded and drained roads, not
paved. In our area, the roads included one from Robles Junction to the International border at Sasabe; from Arivaca to the Sasabe Road, and from Arivaca Junction to Arivaca. This money came from both bonds and the federal government as well, so even in those days the feds were supporting local highway construction. Besides the cost of grading, these funds covered the purchase of a 100-foot right-of-way from all the private owners of land along the way. (Grading the Arivaca Road from Amado to the county line cost $185 in 1907.) But as it turned out, that was not enough. A year later, the highway commission was back again, asking for more money, and for the Arivaca road, this time they wanted $232,000! Despite the costs, the desire for comfortable automobile travel won out. The road improvements were wholeheartedly approved: the right-of-ways were procured by December of 1920, the surveys were made, and eventually the roads were constructed and graded. The Continued on Page 3
CONNECTION P.O. Box 338, Arivaca, AZ 85601 Ph. 520.398.2379 email:
Arivaca, AZ 85601 Permit No. 2
Page 2
june 2012
June 17th
Old Schoolhouse
Pancake Breakfast $5
Come meet the Paramedics & EMT's of your Fire District. this month at Sweet Peas Cafe . . .
Friday, June 1st 6pm-10pm Arivaca Humanitarian Aid Fundraiser
Taco Bar ~ Veggie Enchiladas ~Empanadas~ Live Music, Raffles and Silent Auction
Hours :
Thursday thru Sunday 8 am to 2 pm Saturday Dinner 5 to 9 pm
You are always welcome to BYOB
Universal Ranch Rd. & Arivaca Ranch Rd. Arivaca, AZ 520-398-9200
Cactus Rose Gallery Jewelry Original Paintings & Prints Photography Pottery Gourd Art Located next to the Mercantile with Nancy's Tailor Shop Open: Wed- Sun 10-4
The Book Store Lady New • Used & Hard-to-Find Personalized recommendations for great reads. All available online or with a quick phone call.
Monica Tilley - 398-9650
La Gitana Cantina JUNE 9th 8pm - Midnight Rock to the BAD NEWS BLUES BAND!!! Located
Creature Feature
8am -12 noon
in the
Full Bar • Pool Table WiFi Patio Carry-Out Beer, Wine & Spirits
OPEN M.T.W.T - 11am - 9pm Fri.Sat.&Sun - 10am - 10pm Happy Hour - Mon - Fri 4-6 pm
Mesquite Buck Moth Caterpillar by Maggie Milinovitch
here are red, itchy, burning, stinging, rashy welts all over Arivaca. The cause is the venom of the Mesquite Buck Moth caterpillar. Dozens of people report having contact with them lately with very unhappy results. These creatures are with us every year but this seems to be a bumper crop. Dropping from tree branches down the back of shirts or crawling up pant legs, these guys continue their stinging while the “dancing” human tries to disrobe and dislodge the pain-giver. These caterpillars do not sting like a bee, or bite – but are covered with stinging nettle-like hairs filled with venom, so the longer they are on you the worse it is. Stinging caterpillars have evolved this attribute as an effective means of defense. Reaction to the venom range from mild - local reddening, swelling and itching - to severe depending on the susceptibility of the individual, the tenderness of the skin and the place of contact. Severe reactions may require hospitalization for systemic allergic reactions such as severe swelling, nausea, or difficulty breathing.
If this happens, or if you are stung in the eyes, seek medical treatment immediately. To self-treat irritations resulting from contact, remove all affected clothing and apply a piece of adhesive, duct or cellophane tape to the affected areas, then pull the tape off immediately. This will remove some of the spines and irritants and reduce the full impact of the irritation. The use of analgesics, ice, creams, antihistamines and lotions with steroids will also assist in relieving the symptoms. Wash the affected area with soap and water, after which you can try a little calamine lotion or hydrated bentonite clay to help with the itch, inflammation and swelling. The Mesquite Buck Moth caterpillar is purple-black with a reddish head, dark red spots on its 2-inch long body. The stiff branching spines are clustered in rows. They overwinter as tiny larvae inside egg cases and emerge to begin feeding as the mesquites start to leaf out. They feed for a month or so then find a hidden place to pupate. Adult moths emerge in September and October to deposit eggs in crevices on mesquite bark. Teach your kids to avoid this creature.
URGENT ANNOUNCEMENT El Paso Natural Gas Proposes 36” Pipeline through Refuge Kinder Morgan energy company who recently acquired El Paso Natural gas just announced that it is proposing a new pipeline project known as the Sasabe Lateral. The project is expected to include 60 miles of 36” natural gas transmission pipeline beginning west of Tucson and ending near Sasabe and connect with a Mexican pipeline. There are two possible routes through the refuge. One along Hwy. 286 or one about 2 miles to the east. It will have an initial capacity of 160 million cubic feet per day. Stakeholders and the public will meet at two open houses at which both EPNC and FERC will be present to answer questions.
Tuesday June 5, 6-8 pm at Altar Valley — Robles Elementary School, 10105 S. Sasabe Highway.
Wednesday June 6, 6-8 pm at Arivaca Community Center, 16012 Universal Ranch Road, Arivaca.
You are urged become informed about this project and its impact on the refuge. The Altar Valley Conservation Alliance has setup a webpage as a portal to information about the project and how to make your opinions known to the Commission. · AVCA’s overview page: http:// sasabe-lateral-pipeline-overview/
Open Saturdays June & July 10:00 to 4:00 closed August & September.
Arivaca Artists' Co-op Main Street, Arivaca
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Arivaca Yesterdays Coninued from Page 1
Dear Maggie,
Vexing problems facing economies around the world are the dual problems of unemployment and underemployment. The reasons underlying these problems vary somewhat in specific locales and from country to country, but contain, never-the-less, common threads. Store truck on its way to Amado - Photo by Raymond Barrows of Troop B, Connecticut National Guard, 1916 - (Photo courtesy of Don, Bruce & Dorothy Bonner) Arivaca road follows, more or less, the original trail that had been used for years. It ran west from Arivaca Junction, past the Sopori, Elias, Catlett, Bustamante and Moyza ranches, over to the Cerro Colorado mine, past the Guijas Valley (which had lots of people), then up and over the hills to Arivaca. Whether you can still see the reason for the twists and turns now, rest assured there was a reason in 1920. There was a mine, a ranch or a house that needed access by means of the new road. I think this was the time when the road was diverted at milepost 4 up the ridge to Windy Point, so as to follow property boundaries between two homesteads, Caviglia and Campas (milepost 4), instead of (as it probably did before) going on down the valley through the Campas Ranch and connecting with what is now Mesquite Road. Grading the road on a regular basis was also a County duty, and in the 1950s the back and forth movement of the grader between Hwy 286 and Kinsley’s Ranch on the Nogales Highway was as regular as clockwork. And the road was smooth. That wasn’t enough, though--eventually people wanted paving! Starting in the mid-1960s,
Arivacans were petitioning for paving, but it didn’t happen until the mid-1970s. It was paved just as it was when graded, same twists and turns, except for the last stretch down the hill into town, which was moved one ridge over to the west from the original line. You can see the old alignment on topographic maps. Return to the present: Recently the Board of Supervisors unanimously voted to allocate an additional $10 million for road maintenance and rehabilitation in the County. $5 million will be spent by June 30, 2012, the end of this fiscal year. The remaining $5 million will be spent during the next fiscal year (July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013). District 3 residents (that’s us) can expect an additional $975,000 to be spent on road maintenance prior to July 1, 2012 and $1,477,000 to be spent in Fiscal Year 2013. These funds are in addition to normal maintenance because the Board of Supervisors found it necessary to address this critical infrastructure issue. (From the District 3 Newsletter) Next month: more on the roads into Arivaca. Thanks to Claire Rosales-Logue, of the Pima County Department of Transportation.
People Helping People Providing Hospitality and Community Support in the Borderlands Understanding Border Militarization, Detention, and Deportation s part of our monthly community meeting to discuss how residents can support one another while trying to make good decisions and effect change in the borderlands, we will have an informational powerpoint presentation on immigration enforcement with speaker Matt Johnson. Matt is a long-term No More Deaths volunteer and organizer with Fuerza! Coalition Against the Prison Industry. Come learn important facts about the current context of immigration enforcement in both the borderlands and in the interior of the United
States. Gain a better understanding of how programs like Operation Streamline criminally prosecute border crossers. Learn about the growth of the private prison industry in the US through the detention of people without papers. Get a sense of the risks involved in going through deportation. Come join us for this valuable opportunity to ask questions and gain insight into the complex situation of immigration enforcement in the region. At the Arivaca Library on Wednesday, June 6th at 6pm
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A key factor is worker productivity, which has increased in nearly unbelievable ways over the decades. Computers and automation play roles, but so do management demands, particularly when large personnel cuts are made and those who survive the cuts must still get demanded work done. Intertwined with the above is production efficiency. Most products can be brought to market with a fraction of the labor force needs and timelines of the past. On demand practices save labor, also. Over productive capacity for almost all goods is evident across consumer product lines and across national borders. If all of the automobile manufacturing capacity--to take but one example--was ramped up to maximum, an enormous surplus of vehicles quickly would ensue. A second constructive example is when a new product is introduced. Often, early on, supply cannot meet demand. However, as competition increases so does production capacity. Soon, there is a glut of the product on the market, a glut which forces companies to introduce ever more seductive models. There is a sense in which underemployment and unemployment played important
roles in what became known as the Arab Spring. Those participants who braved media attention mentioned both, again and again, during and after the initial uprisings. They are evident in the unrest in Europe and throughout all of the developing world, too. And, they will loom large in the 2012 campaign in the USofA and even in Arizona and Arivaca. Every indicator that I am aware of suggests that the problems of underand unemployment will continue to fester and to create ever greater political and economic challenges in the months and years ahead. Yet, few political or economic leaders, it seems, are willing to address the issues. I can appreciate that. In a sense, they represent great dangers when introduced and given meaningful attention. To mention them might be to venture into a political “death” abyss. Still, remedies are vitally needed. One approach might be a worldwide program of putting the unemployed to work on building projects such as those undertaken by the Civilian Conservation Corp in the United States in the 1930s. Massive education, training, and retraining programs would help. If underemployment and unemployment are not addressed, nationally and internationally, and if workable remedies are not found, I see nothing but danger and possible chaos emerging. Thanks for the your tireless efforts, Maggie, and for “listening” to my views. As always, my best regards to you and to the CONNECTION. Hal Mansfield, Green Valley
rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral. -- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
om hostad realty Home/Office Tom Hostad
ARIVACA PROPERTIES 5 AC Parcels - 18K to 70K OWC 5 AC 1539 SF 3BR/2BA, horse prop 5 AC 700SF 1BR $69K 10 Ac High Parcel $45K 10 Ac Twin Peaks $25K
10 AC, Well, Septic, Cabin $69K 10 Ac 1800SF 3BR/2BA $90K 10 Ac 4BRw/OS BBQ SOLD! 14 AC remodeled 1BR $159K 40 AC Parcels Twin Peaks $60K +
Sierrita Mtns 9+ Ac -SFR Off Grid 3 BR/DEN/HORSE STUFF $130K GREEN VALLEY / MADERA ELEPHANT HEAD AREAS --10 AC 3000SF HM +2nd HM $695K --Gated Custom 3000SF HM $695K --Gated HS/lot PKGs from $450K --Gated lots from $99K
See pictures and other properties at
If you are thinking of selling or buying - give me a call! Need a custom home built on one of these properties? Call 398-8132
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june 2012
Marijuana Dispensary Danger
by Becky Meade Hard to believe the medical marijuana program has been going for a year, which in marijuana years is 3 crops ago, but it's been a very good year all in all with the dispensaries on the back burner. Will Humble, Director of the AzDHS, still is pushing his ill-conceived CHAAs locations and accepting dispensary license applications (at $5,000 a clip). Looking at the report on the AzDHS website, there are over 80 applications pending with more to be filed in the last two days of the gate being opened. Someone submitted a dispensary application for Arivaca. If a dispensary opens up in Arivaca that will put crimp in all patient cultivation in a 25 mile radius (as the crow flies) for the future when renewals come up. If the community is interested in blocking
the dispensary send letters to media outlets and make a big stink. The Tucson Weekly and the Arizona Daily Star would be interested in hearing from a town that doesn't want outside interests coming to their town to make a killing on medical marijuana. Arivaca will be viewed as a cultivation site which will bring some very special problems to the community which has enough problems with the feds running the border blockade outside our town. I don't oppose marijuana, in fact, I believe marijuana whether medical or recreational should be a legal. However, in rural areas land is often purchased or leased for huge growing operations which support the demand of dispensaries in other more populated areas and that is what Arivaca wants to avoid.
New Book "From a Culture of Dependency to a Culture of Success" Arivaca Author, Y.S. Wishnick, Ed.D. presents a stimulating work that will compel the American people towards change and independence. In his thought provoking book, From a Culture of Dependency to a Culture of Success, the author reveals how more and more Americans are missing out on the greatness of their country; its passion for excellence, its commitment to the dignity and selfworth of each individual, and its belief
that every person has the right to achieve their own vision for success. He points out how chaos, confusion, disappointment, and hopelessness have pushed and pulled Americans into a state of dependency. More at: Meet the Author: Dr. Sunday, June 3, 2012 - 11:30 am – 1:00 pm at Kristofer’s Bistro - Amado Territory Ranch - I-19 @ Exit 48. Enjoy brunch or appetizers Phone for details: (520) 625-0331
by Ceth and Jaycee Johnson ell, it happened again. We were shopping in Costco one Tuesday W morning when this really nice lady asked us why we weren’t in school. We told her we were home schooled. She wanted to know if we missed school and all the other kids we could play with. We had no idea what she was talking about. When we found Dad, we asked him. He said she was probably worried about our socialization. Huh? What’s that? In our house, if you have a question, you mostly get to answer it yourself. We asked G’ma and she said to look it up. We did, but it didn’t make much sense to us. We read an article that said you get socialized by going to school, being with your family, volunteering for stuff, playing with kids, and going to church. We do all that. Next G’ma told us that many people worry about home schooled kids not being properly socialized. She also said we should discuss it with the other home schoolers we play with on Tuesdays at the park where we have P.E. Last Tuesday during park day and tennis we asked a bunch of kids what they thought socialization meant. Mostly they thought we were crazy because we always have fun and that can’t be bad. At park there are really young kids, some our age, and some a lot older. We all get to learn from each other. There is a teenager that is a great storyteller but she only comes
once in a while. Another girl at park can solve a Rubic’s Cube really, really fast. Our friend Andy is a physicist and is always asking physics riddles. Alex is the engineer. He builds great Legos stuff and is always trying to get us to think ahead. Ben teaches us a little Hebrew and different kinds of games and Stefan is always trying to give us tough math questions (we call him the mathematician). Loren is really, really smart. She is also great at sports. Sidney tries everything and is a very positive person. She also loves our dog, Maggie. We learn from each of them. Our Dad talked to some of the parents, too. Almost all of them told him they had been asked the question about socialization. Some, like Miss Dawn, turned the question around by asking about public school. Miss Zoey said “I think that mostly people don’t really understand 'what' we do and others actually feel guilty that they ‘don’t’ homeschool…I actually get more 'excuses' from people than judgment but I think that is because it really is considered more acceptable now than it was even 10 years ago. Homeschooling is NOT for everyone that is for sure.” We like having the parents there on park day. Sometimes we can talk to them easier than our real parents. Jaycee says Miss Miriam is the only one who really understands him but Jaycee can be a drama king. We decided we are okay and maybe we are socialized. We used to go to the Montessori school and we also went to the Sonoran Science Academy after Dad had his heart attack but we like home school. Everything we do is school; shopping, field trips, picnics and camping. It is fun. Miss Ester says home schooling is a lifestyle choice. We like our life.
Home Schoolers at Park Day with puppies - socializing!
locks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life. -- William Faulkner
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Amado Space Corral For all your storage needs
Located next to Amado Post Office
2012 graduates
Anna Stockwell Go U of A Wildcat! - Kenneth Dresang at his graduation with his nieces: Sienna Wallen and Sydney Dresang and nephew, Corwin Dresang. Congratulations Kenneth Michael Dresang on your Bachelor of Science in Geoscience. Your family and the Arivaca Community are very proud of you! (Kenneth was the recipient of a previous year's Education Advancement Gift from the Arivaca community.) Jenna Hanson
got gold?
Education Advancement Gift Recipients The Arivaca Family and Community Education (AFCE) Committee presented $1500.00 in Educational Advancement Gifts. Three graduating seniors submitted applications, Jenna Hanson, Julie Rucker and Anna Stockwell. After reviewing each applicant’s educational goals, transcripts, and letters of recommendation, the members voted to award each applicant $500.00. Jenna Hanson has enrolled at Pima Community College and will study Aerospace Engineering in the fall. She has had a longstanding interest in airplanes. This interest was heightened after taking a field trip to the Pima Community College Aviation Center and the Bombardier Service Center. Jenna has a technical mindset so Aerospace seems like a good career fit.
Anna Stockwell will enroll at Barrett Honors College at Arizona State University this fall where she will declare finance as her major. As a sophomore, Anna looks forward to declaring economics as her second major. Anna’s interest in finance stems from her love of numbers, and her excellent math skills. Anna eventually wants to pursue a career in international finance. This interest was sparked by a life-changing trip to England last March. The committee members and the community wish each recipient the best as they pursue their educational goals. While the Educational Advancement fund is sponsored by AFCE, it is a community project to help our youth reach their goals. The fund depends on donations from the community. Please send your tax deductible donation, anytime of year, to AFCE, POB 23, Arivaca, AZ 85601. Please write Ed. Adv. fund in the memo line.
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FINE JEWELRY DESIGN 1451 S. La Canada, Suite 3 Green Valley, AZ 85622 (520) 398-1300 Tuesday- Friday, 11-5 Saturday, 11-3
Save the Date!
Grand Opening Event
at the Arivaca Action Center Saturday, June 30 - 6-9 pm
Music Food Center Tours Presentations Come over and see for yourself what the center is all about, and what we have to offer the community!
n Coffee C e d s d o Ga • SPECIALTY COFFEES & TEAS
Julie Rucker will study Mathematics at Pima Community College. Since her first day of school, mathematics has been Julie’s favorite class. She plans to transfer to the University of Arizona to pursue a degree in Secondary Education and then a career teaching high school mathematics.
Turn broken chains and worn out rings into cash Top prices paid for Gold & Silver
• Coffee & Tea Brewing Gifts
Full Espresso Bar • Smoothies • Sandwiches • Italian Sodas 520-398-3251 Online:
SUMMER HOURS: 9am - 3pm FRI NITES - Front Porch Music & Homemade Pizza 6:30-10pm Located northeast of Arivaca on Arivaca Road - top of the hill
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june 2012
Desert Gardening in the Summer
season Tarenta Baldeschi
Most people are used to buying their groceries in supermarkets where the source or quality of food isn’t assured or explained well. We know that Mexican producers send large amounts, but California is still the main supplier of most vegetables and fruit. Even when you choose “organic” or “naturally-grown without pesticides” it is becoming more difficult to know the source. And, there is no guarantee of quality since shipping from faraway places requires lots of preservation methods. In these times of uncertainty where natural and manmade catastrophes are increasing, one should ask about “food security.” With the radiation fallout from the Japanese nuclear disaster still landing on the shores of California, the organic food grown there is affected. It is so very important to know your source and to buy local; it is not just a marketing campaign, but it creates food security. You help the local community to establish a local food distribution system because the demand is greater. And there is much better quality control because you get to know the farmer or backyard gardeners. There are Farmer’s Markets and
Mesquite Wide selection available at Arivaca Artists' Co-op
Custom orders -398-9859
You too can become one of those local growers who continue filling the gaps of food security in your area. It doesn’t need to be a huge garden or farm. It can be just one or two vegetables, fruits and/ or herbs that you can focus on. A few months ago I shared what you can grow in the many seasons available here, and there are dozens of staple vegetables that have adapted and grow well in the desert. Some are not available in large quantities; this is where you can find your specialty crop. There are not many fruit orchards and only a few tablegrape and berry growers for example. Planting grapevines is quite easy, and thornless blackberry or raspberry varieties can be a wonderful addition to the local market. It’s never too late to plant a fruit tree. The fastest growing trees are the dwarf (6’-8’ tall) or semi-dwarf (10’-15’ tall). In a few years you will be able to harvest the first fruits. In addition to the harvest, another great benefit from planting these fruit trees is the micro climate they create. You will have some shade and windbreaks. The birds, butterflies and pollinator insects will begin to migrate to your trees as well. Under the canopy of the trees you can grow many vegetables—some love a little shade. Under two or three trees you could harvest a variety of hot and sweet peppers, bush cucumbers, some bush beans, and basil. There are some bush tomatoes as well as garlic and bunching onions, with rosemary on the side, which could be planted that will give you a full palate to eat and sell. If the idea of growing table grapes appeals to you, there are many varieties
Nancy & Mary Fricchione 35955 Mesquite Road
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Valenzuela Group •Ginny & Buddy Valenzuela HC65 Box 6256 . Amado, AZ 85645 . (520) 398-9665 •
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs that are now available, and one can choose from a greater variety every year.
ne 4 u J , y a Mond June 3) g n i s e clo day, n u uly 9. S J y We ar , t y r a a gp Mond s i y (closin t r ing Pa n e p o Re-
available to choose from and, they are very easy to plant. Choose a sunny spot, dig a hole one foot wide and deep. Add some well broken down compost. Plant the crown of the roots not very deep by keeping the first node above ground. Make sure that you water them deeply, and mulch around their base so they don’t dry out. It makes sense to grow at least a dozen plants, but even 20 to 50 don’t take too much room. Every plant needs at least 4-6 feet in both directions, which means a row of 10 plants would be about 40-60 feet. You will need one wire stretched from one end to the other. Depending on the style you choose, you can have them from 3 to 5 feet high. Once the first vines are tall enough you attach the main stalk to the wire and then train the vines to go in both directions. Correct pruning is the key and can be easily looked up in many books and articles. Blackberries and raspberries offer trailing or erect cane varieties, and the planting methods are similar. Give it some more thought. Maybe you will become inspired to become a grower yourself, or, if not, support all the local growers by buying their offerings. Food security is important, and you can be assured of the quality by its freshness and its nutritional value since it’s picked fully mature. Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage continues to offer all-year-round weekly produce through our CSA. Professional how-to workshops are offered every month, and extensive garden tours are available every day of the week. Call our office (520-603-9332) and/or Spirit Steps Tour Company (866-508-0094) for more details. Or visit our website: www. Happy and adventurous gardening, Tarenta Baldeschi (Change Agent)
Old Fashioned Independence Day Celebration in Tubac, July 4th
he Tubac Presidio State Historic Park will be the site of free games for the kids from 10 am to Noon. Children will enjoy a variety of old-fashioned games such as water balloon toss, hula hoops and coin toss as well as hands-on crafts. A highlight of the event is the Dunk Tank. Courageous local notables volunteer to get dunked! At 11:30 AM the Tubac Fire Department opens up their fire hose and provides a cooling “squirt-down” for kids and anyone else who needs some cooling off on a
hot summer day. There will be free hot dogs and watermelon for all! The children’s games are being organized by the Tubac Chamber of Commerce with help from local nonprofit organizations. All games and prizes will be provided free of charge to the children, park admission will also be free during the event. For more event information, please call the Chamber of Commerce, 520398-2704 or visit
Exceptional Dentistry with Personalized Comfort and Care New Patients Welcome
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Agua Linda Farm Journal - June Garlic & Onions
Stewart & Laurel Loew t’s time to harvest garlic and onions again on the farm. Our festival is the second weekend of June and there is a lot of work to be done. Most of the crops we grow can be harvested a little now and a little later and many things, like pumpkins, we leave for our customers to harvest. Not so with our savory alliums!
Garlic cloves were planted last November using seed garlic that we saved from the previous crop and some that we bought from our friends at Forever Yong Farm down Arivaca Road. Planting is relatively easy. For one, the weather is wonderful in November. In addition, we have a makeshift seeder artfully set up behind the tractor using cardboard, baling twine, duct tape and old patio cushions (primary equipment on a farm). Stewart and I sit on our crude platform behind the tractor and take turns dropping in garlic cloves or onion starts while Wayne drives the tractor that simultaneously plows a row for the
seeds and buries them. The crops also need very little cultivating. There is not a lot of plant competition in the winter and a few gentle passes with a hoe gives the crop the edge it needs to thrive, (this is in contrast to the dreaded and endless task of summer cultivating when rain and heat bring on masses of weeds that grow fast and furious all over the farm. Invariably, the weeds start winning and the hoe becomes a joke and we find ourselves on hands and knees, often deep in muck, wrestling prickly calite (pig weed) and cockleburs out of the earth with blisters and sore backs – I am planning on traveling this summer…). Harvesting garlic and onions is also easy. Wayne and the John Deere take care of that business, but from there, it is all work by hand. My kids claim to hate this time of year. Poor things are fresh out of school and are dreaming of sleeping until noon and spending long afternoons watching T.V. and lounging by the pool like every other American teen, but instead are roused early to work on the farm. We load garlic and onions into the truck and then trim, sort, weigh, bundle, braid and bag. They say they hate garlic and onion time (and claim that there is something written in the Constitution about children and labor laws and I remind them about
the exception with farm kids and they remind me that they didn’t choose to be adopted by us, then I remind them of the multitude of worse alternatives, then I buy them some Hot Cheetoes and we all get to work).
parents, sisters, nieces, nephews and friends spend the weekend helping out and at the end of each evening, we all dance together to the last songs of the bands who play for the crowd. It is truly a celebration of the harvest!
The truth is, harvest time is festive. We always manage to recruit a few volunteers (thanks God for you!!) and we laugh and joke and eat and drink beer (well, okay, maybe it is more fun for the adults) and we brag about the blisters on our hands and compete to find the biggest onion, fight over the sharpest sheers and see who can weigh and bag the fastest.
This year, my daughter Desarae will have graduated from high school and has her first job off the farm (go pester her at Kristopher’s Bistro in Amado!) and I am down one star helper, so if you can volunteer, please let me know! Hope to see you all here for our 4th Annual Garlic & Onion Festival, June 8, 9 & 10, 4pm-9pm. See details and contact information at www. .
A mountain of dried mud and trimmings from garlic and onions remains after a couple of weeks of this, which we clean up as quickly as possible and polish the farm for our festival. For three 800-22-UNITE evenings, we are open to the public to sell The Bahá’í Community of South Pima County our harvest. Then my Book Club 4:30 PM — Potluck Dinner 6:00 PM lucky teens switch Open Discussion from 7:00 to 8:30 PM gears to give pony Tuesdays—Green Valley rides and sell snow Call or email for directions! cones while the rest 663 5944 pwegener @ of the crew makes onion rings and “The Promised One of all the world’s peoples hath now yummy garlic burgers! been made manifest. For each and every people, and My parents and stepevery religion, await a Promised One, and Bahá'u'lláh is
Bahá’í Faith
that One Who is awaited by all.”
- ‘Abdu'l-Bahá
Now Blooming in Sycamore Canyon 1
“The religion of God and His divine law are the most potent instruments and the surest of all means for the dawning of the light of unity amongst men.” Bahá’u’lláh
1. Mesican Scullcap Scutellaria potosina 2. Desert Honeysuckle Anisacanthus thurberi 3. Woodsorrel Oxalis ssp. 4. Pink Evening Primrose Oenothera rosea 5. Ribbon Four O'Clock Mirabilis linearis 6. Arizona Milkweed Asclepias angustifolia
GOLDWORKS AZ Specializing in Custom Designed Fine Jewelry 1451 S. La Canada, Suite 3 Green Valley, AZ 85622 (520) 398-1300 Tuesday- Friday, 11-5 Saturday, 11-3
Top Prices Paid For Gold and Silver
Photos taken May 27th in Sycamore Canyon by Maggie Milinovitch
HOURS:.hours: MON- FRI 8 am - 5 pm Summer
Featuring Fine Estate Jewelry and Vintage Native American
- SAT 10 am - 5 pm
CLOSED & HOLIDAYS Call for Holiday schedule Mon - FriSUNDAYS 8 - 5 • Sun 8 - 3 • -June - July - August
DeAnza Restaurante &
Presenting a menu of Sonoran & Southwestern Cuisine. Dine in the relaxing atmosphere of our dining rooms or in the open air on our lovely patio. 14 Camino Otero, in historic Tubac
Reservations suggested
Page 8
june 2012
Connection on an out of control horse if used correctly. It will change a horse’s direction using one rein. If you can change the horse’s direction you can stop him. Pulling on both reins when you are using an unjointed bit or a hackamore won’t always work because the horse can lean into the bit and that gives it a huge strength advantage.
Judi Oyler & Mo iding a horse that won’t stop is dangerous. In a perfect world all our horses would give to the bit so well that we could ask for a balanced and immediate stop and get it. To achieve that nothing beats consistent training and there are a number of ways to get your horse to stop. Most of us are happy he stops when asked under regular conditions. Sometimes we need Plan B.
This is my plan B, I use a snaffle bit on all my horses because it is safe to use
Teaching your horse to give his head to the left or right is what we call lateral flex. You can teach this from the ground to start. If you pull then release the pressure on the rein you will begin to get the horse to turn its head. (If you need help with any training project please contact a horse professional.) The more out of control a horse is, the more important it is to use one rein. If your objective is to get him to stop long enough to get off - this is the safest way. Practice this one rein turn in a quiet situation. Work your horse half way down the arena and ask for a one rein turn to left or right not a pretty turn but a turn never the less. When you get the turn started release the pressure;
that is the reward. Turn, turn and turn as many times as it takes. It may take 100 turns for the horse to want to stand still. The first time takes the longest, after that fewer turns are needed for the horse to want to stop this nonsense and stand still. We use the same idea in the round pen to get a horse to stop moving, we shorten the turns until he stops. Ride back and forth between two spots on the rail about 20 to 60 feet apart, making sharp, 180 degree turns (not circles) as you ride back and forth pick a spot in the middle and point his nose toward that. Hang a milk jug on the fence for reference or use a tree. Every time he faces away from the spot make his nose face it. Release the rein temporarily after each turn. We always point the horse toward the "scary thing.” If something is behind the horse it will trigger the flight instinct. A scary thing is anything the horse considers scary, a mail box or a garbage can, plastic bags, even a
398-2631 - 577-1514 Licensed Bonded Insured
ROC C-34 #114868 ROC L-34 #114867
“My little horse must think it queer to stop without a farmhouse near.” ~Robert Frost Happy Trails
A Memorail Ceremony was held at the Arivaca Cemetery on Sunday, May 20th with the Tucson DAV officiating, as they have for the past 60 years.
A 3rd Generation Southern Arizona Painting Contractor
Arivaca · Green Valley Tubac · Amado & Tucson
I practice stopping Mo every chance I get out on trail I do two rein stops and back up a couple of steps, one rein stops , stops only off my seat, verbal “whoa’s” and circles. Trail is the perfect place to practice; there are many opportunities and obstacles to keep you and your horse amused. Commutation and control is what we are always looking for and by practicing you’ll not only have a plan in place should you need it, but you will start to have control of yourself as a rider and control of your horse.
60th Annual Arivaca Memorial Service
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person walking on trail can get a horse excited and nervous. I have learned to deep breathe as soon as Mo’s head and ears go up. I bring myself down with the deep breathing. Instructors will tell you to relax, so take deep breaths! The horse will pause to look at the “ugly thing” if you feel the need to get off that’s a good time to do it.
A large crowd assembled to honor Arivaca Veterans. Each veteran's name was read in a roll call of those buried at the cemetery and then those who are interred elsewhere. It was a time of remembrance and great sadness for some. A lady attending the ceremony had lost her brother in WWII and said she still mourns her loss. We honor their service and sacrifice.
Tubac Presidio – June 2012 Please note: Effective June 1, 2012, the Park’s general admission fees will change to $5 adult, $2 youth 7-13, and children free. Heritage Grains Collaboration - Wednesday, June 20, 10am visit the Presidio’s new Heritage Garden and learn about crops historically grown by Native Americans and Spanish settlers.
CEDAR CREEK Services Dan Haught
Located In Arivaca
• Licensed • Bonded • Insured
520-398-3326 Cell:
In business in Arizona 30 years
Corn, wheat, calabasas (squash) and beans are growing from heirloom seeds provided by Native Seeds/ SEARCH. Guests include writer and conservation biologist Gary Paul Nabhan, Chris Schmidt of Native Seeds/SEARCH, Jeff and Emma Zimmerman of Hayden Flour Mills, and Maribel Alvarez of the Southwest Center at the U of A. Fee $7.50. Fiber Art Friday - Friday, June 29, 10am-12:30pm - Join fiber art enthusiasts - bring your knitting, crochet, spinning or quilting project and gather for uninterrupted fiber art time. Hosted by members of the Southwest Fiber Arts Resource Group. Included with Park admission, $5 adult, $2 youth 7-13, children free. "You Can Learn to Weave!" - Friday, June 29, 1-4 pm -Learn to weave a wonderful wall hanging using a frame loom. Gather twigs, seedpods and grasses to combine with colorful yarns. For kids age 7 and up - $15 includes admission, frame loom kit and materials. Adults are welcome for regular Park admission $5. Instruction by members of the Southwest Fiber Arts Resource Group. Limit 20; call for reservations 520-398-2252. Tubac Historic Presidio State Park, 1 Burrell St., Tubac 520-398-2252
Places to GO! June 1 – 6 – 10 pm. Arivaca Humanitarian Aid fundraiser at Sweet Peas Café – Dinner, music and silient auction. $12pp June 8,9,10 in the evenings 4pm10pm. Garlic & Onion Festival, Agua Linda Farm. $5/car admission. Great music, good food and fill your pantry with the fresh harvest. Details at June 9 – 10 til Noon – Grand Opening of the Amado Youth Center. Ribbon cutting by Pima County Supervisor Sharon Bronson. Free food from local restaurants. 6 to 9 pm – Evening of fun, prizes and live youth theatrical performance by C.A.S.T. (Clean and Sober Theater). Contact: JoAnn at 520-730-3377 June 9 – 8pm – Rock to the Bad News Blues Band at La Gitana Cantina! June 17 – 8 – 12 – Father’s Day Pancake Breakfast at the Old Schoolhouse. Benefits the Arivaca Fire District. $5 July 4th – Red, White & Blue Parade Downtown Arivaca – show your colors! Also, Patio Party con musica a La Gitana Cantina. July 4rh - Old fashioned Independence Day in Tubac. See article on Page 6
pAGE 9
Between Eternities
Ahhh, Summer Time
today little white butterflies fly from blossom to blossom..... intent on their abbreviated missions in my back yard garden..... yes.....short missions indeed..... at least by human measure.....they linger between fragrant intervals .....amid brief flowering intimacies
To be out of Long Johns and pantz, See all the busy antz Enjoy the flowers and plantz Makes one want to danz. Summer Time
as they pollinate and beautify my garden they fly between eternities.....before that earlier forever time .....before they were butterfly.....and the eternity to come
So grateful for the heatz No more cold frozen feetz, Outdoor parties with good eatz There’s no season that beatz Summer Time
I will find their frail husks tomorrow leaves drifted against my wall .....ephemeral bits of winged beauty..... soon to become soil and new forms..... how so like us they are.....unbidden we come here for a little while..... to live and to love.....on our short missions..... that time of awareness.....between eternities.
Patty Miller
Robert C.Barnacastle,Tubac
searching for superlatives it is unnecessary to search the whole universe to find its greatest wonder-look close - inside yourself the body yes but even more the brain a double handful of wonder goo whose synapses hold converse with the stars G.Joseph Moody, Green Valley
If Not God–What Else? Something with whatever name can act like God just the same. Life, death and eternity are all the same thing for me. After our own lives are gone our spirits will carry on. There will be no mystery and whatever is will be. Just as it has always been something else will be within. When the future becomes past we will understand at last that God is only a name and love is what it became.
Trees The palo verdes wear their glory branches laden with blossoms glowing, like captured drops of sunlight Teresa Goorian
Kin Within Outside, I hear the Bewick wren, Singing out her heart again. I saw a straw peeking from, Her doorway, where a nest’s begunThat yellow birdhouse, once again, Will host a flock of Bewicks wrens! So today, after a Spring snow, My birds know the place to go! Peanut suet blocks and sunflower seeds Attempt to fill their nesting needs. I keep it coming, as if I must Help them live, to keep their trust. They barely step aside for me, When I fill the feeders on my Tree. And while I love the Cat and kin, I will not let them come within The Sacred borders of HabitatWe did not build this place for that! Coopers Hawk and Great Horned Owl May take a life, for this is how They live, but cats have others, who Will feed feral friends, and our pets, too! My birds have priority,within My Habitat, for all their kin! Jan Gaylord
Walt Abbott
A Diamond and a Gem
I’ve come here to settle matters The mountain raises up About Jazz & Benjamin from Mother Earth And I hope that I don’t ever and upon the peak Have to tell you all, again. White Hyacinths the Eagle gives birth I’m the spirit that hovers over them White hyacinths their gifts bestow Forever, past the end The egg cracks And bid my heart have faith to grow; Know they’re blessed by virtue and a little one appears Assure me that my choice is true. Protected by the hand I lend. who grows to a might one That, though of loaves I have but two, He would walk through raging fires who has no fears Exchanging one gives life new glow. Stand up to a Hurricane Eagle flies from Earth They tell me all I need to know; Take on anguish, woe, and torture with prayers of Man That passing pleasures come and go, To keep her from knowing pain And delivers them beyond But lasting beauty beckons through She, in turn, would face the Devil to the Creator's hand Dare the Gods to curse her soul White hyacinths. To keep him away from sorrow Listen The joys we reap are those we sow; On her hands and knees she’d crawl. with your heart for love Through chosen streams our So, to you that doubt and snicker and you will hear blessings flow. I have only this to say the message from above May my desire flame ever new! Tomorrow will show you Beauty Daniel Chitwood This I believe; this I must do You’re too blind to see, today. Find time in every day to view You will see these two lovers Were far from just playing a game White hyacinths. You’ll feel bad for disbelieving Peg Rock And you’ll hang your heads, in shame. But She and her man won’t blame you It was hard for even them To find, under all that mis’ry A Diamond and a Gem Residential & Commercial So I’m here right now to ask you Be considerate of their strife cell: 305-0729 English: 398-3044 And be glad for them, Sel tomorrow Sm all B Pim ected 520-399-1302 When they become man and wife usin a Co u ess E. Benjamin Velasquez of t nty’s S he Yea BC r Aw ard Johnnie Lake’s !
Roberto's Electric •
Complete Automotive Service and Repair • Over 30 years experience •
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Sonoran Spring Scenes
Feels so good not to freeze, Hear the hum of the beez Feel the hot breeze Through the treez Summer Time
Proprietors: Johnnie & Edie Lake
680 W. Camino Casa Verde Green Valley, AZ 85614
Leaving the Nest "Survival of the Fittest" A nice theory -- Or is it a law? But in practice That's me we're talking about Me, pushed to attempt my first flight Me, carrying no parachute from above Me, seeing no safety net below Me, having not one practice run Long sheltered in this high nest Me, whose first flight could be the last -- Unless all goes well. "Survival of the Fittest" Could the law be suspended briefly? -- Or if, somehow, I break it, Will you arrest my fall?
Ann M. Penton
Flying back to tucson the door is closed and secured the rolls royce engines are whining drips of morning dew fill my eyes seatbelts are on and tightened the stewardess issues final orders to close laptops and straighten backs the pilot announces our flight and the weather at our destination I grab a magazine and lean back but thoughts of your words haunt me the tall sunflower in your yard stretches it’s neck to see the sun john j kazlauskas
I Remember The heads on Mount Rushmore, Are more than just heads, They are our founding fathers, Who helped us move ahead! But also, remembering back, on what formed this great Nation! A Nation under God, Remember it's God's creation . . . Timothy Austin Jones, Amado
Page 10
JUNE 2012
Library News
By Mary Kasulaitis
Summer Reading for kids, teens and adults goes from May 24 – July 21! Because 2012 is Arizona’s Centennial, our theme this year is Our State, Our Story! Children, Teens and Adults, too! Come by the Library and pick up your passport and get started reading and doing fun activities. Besides reading….. The mostly children’s Librarysponsored programs are Wednesdays at 1 pm at the Arivaca Community Center: JUNE 6: Presenter: Marjorie Pellegrino - Dreaming. Listen to “Trees are Hanging from the Sky” by Jorge Argueta and then create a two-sided pop-up book. JUNE 13: Presenter: Barbea Williams Performing Co. (People of all ages may want to attend this dance program.): Cultural Dance- African, Brazilian, Cuban, Storydance JUNE 20: Presenter: Gwendolyn Ray/Hanuman Puppet Theatre Program Title: La Mariposa JUNE 27: Presenter: Meg Balaconis Program Title: Bugs, Bugs, Bugs! The Book Club meets on the Second Tuesday of the month at 2 pm. Join us for some eclectic reading. This month we are reading Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides. Sign up for individualized computer instruction any time. Call Mary or Coey for information at 594-5239. We can help you with e-readers!
Fire District Update
Scott Van Boerum, Fire Chief
First, I need to apologize for not getting an article in the Connection for the past two months. This is something that is important and it is one of our priorities to keep everyone up to date. Along those lines the Fire District has been very busy since I became the Fire Chief 90 days ago. I appreciate all of the people who have introduced themselves to me and welcomed me to this position. Our website, www., and Facebook page both contain a lot of information to keep everyone up to date as to the District’s activities. There you will find a copy of our recently approved Five Year Strategic Plan, Board Policies, Board Agendas, Board Minutes, Monthly Chief’s Reports, approved FY 2011-2012 budget, and proposed FY 2012-2013 budget. Updating these information outlets has been a priority for me since becoming Chief to keep you all informed. I encourage you to look around and please let me know if you have any comments or questions. For anyone interested in becoming more involved with the Fire District there will be an opportunity to run for the Board. There will be two seats that will be open for those wishing to run. Packets are available at http://
pack.htm. If you would like any additional information please feel free to contact the Fire District. I would also like to thank our Board members for their dedication and commitment to helping us provide superb fire and EMS services to residents and visitors of the Arivaca Fire District. The Board has recently approved our Five Year Strategic Plan. (A copy is available on our website.) The 5 year goals of the District are as follows: • Control the tax rate for residents of the Fire District while continuing to deliver consistent, high quality services in a cost effective manner. • Provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) transport response 24 hours per day, 7 days per week within the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) standard for 90% of service requests received. • Provide additional services to District residents and visitors to provide more value for their taxes. • Maintain a Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) to replace vehicles, equipment, and improve facilities, per NFPA standards, within the approved budget. • Retain and recruit personnel
Arivaca Fire District
that are qualified and certified to meet the needs of the District. The goals were developed from the goals that were originally presented when the District was formed. This plan is a living document and it is the intent of the AFD to use this to guide our actions and to keep it up to date in meeting our mission of providing premier fire and EMS services while being fiscally responsible to the taxpayers of the AFD. Our members have been very busy over the last few months in preparing for the wildfire season which has started early. As I write this there are four large fires burning in northern Arizona. We’ve reviewed all the equipment on the trucks to ensure everything is ready and up to the National Wildland Coordinating Group’s (NWCG) standards. Several personnel have been taking classes to try and upgrade their certification level. Seventy five percent of our members have taken and passed the NWCG annual pack test which requires them to walk 3 miles in 45 minutes with a 45 pound pack. We have also applied for a grant to help reduce fuels on private property. If we receive this grant we will be able to provide a crew to conduct fuels reduction activities on your property at no cost to the homeowners. We will post this on our website and Facebook page to let you know if it becomes available. The AFD has hired four parttime paramedics to provide ALS level care in a more timely manner than was previously provided by Southwest ambulance. As of June 1st we should be providing ALS level response on a 24 hour basis, seven days a week. We are waiting on the arrival of some equipment to be able to implement this invaluable service. Please stop by and meet our paramedics if you have time. We are planning a pancake breakfast in June to let the community meet our new paramedics and to review our Five Year Strategic Plan with the community. We will post the date as soon as it is confirmed. Thank you for your support and please be firewise during this time of very high fire danger.
pAGE 11
4-H kids
Arivaca Clinic
Elora Arvizu, Andie Stockwell, Sienna Wallen, Geno Johnson, Paul Arvizu, Josiah Hamilton, and Jacob Ignacio
For Appointments call 520-407-5500, Ext 4503
submitted by Barbara Stockwell 4-H Leaders Ellen Dursema, Nathalie Dresang, and Barbara Hogg coordinated many entries for the 4-H side of the Old Pueblo Hall at the Fairgrounds. The big banner featured our youngest members who are called Clover Kids (sometimes Clover Buds). These members: Jakie Hogg, Alize Nunez, Corwin Wallen, Jesse Murray, Morgan Gibson, and Joseph Loveall entered many small craft projects and a diorama with costumed figures. Jessica Flores, Michael Vobis, Geno Johnson, James Hogg, Sienna Wallen and Lee McCarran also had several entries each and received mostly blue ribbons for their photo art, tie dyed shirts, and other projects. Sienna was the only member to enter some cooking. Her cookie pops earned a blue ribbon. There were not as many entries as some years, but Arivaca provided much color and variety to the displays. The leaders are very much appreciated for their efforts. Archery & air rifle competitions are finished for the spring season. Our 4-H members attended many Saturday practices, alternating air rifle and archery. The Pima County 4-H competition for air rifle was held on March 31st. Leaders David Hamilton
and Tony Arvizu coordinated the six members who participated: Josiah and Patrisha Hamilton, Jacob Ignacio, Andie Stockwell, and Paul and Elora Arvizu. Ribbons were earned by Patrisha who was first place in the subjunior class, Elora earned 1st place and Andie 4th place for the juniors age group, and Paul was 7th place in the very tough seniors' match. The archery meet for the county 4-H shooting sports clubs was held April 22nd. It was a very hot weekend as leader Jack Rees can attest. He helped the other leaders set up the three fields on Saturday, then arrived at 6 am the next day to complete the set up of 3D targets. The match was attended by some 75 young archers in three age groups. The Arivaca archers shooting "bare bow" which means recurve bows with no sight or other attachments, were wonderfully successful. Sienna Wallen placed first in the subjunior group, Elora Arvizu was second and Andie Stockwell was third in the junior age group, and Paul placed 3rd for the seniors. We are really proud of these excellent performances and sorry that several of our team members could not attend.
Big News!
Arivaca Family & Community Education Assn. We are very happy to report that the Old School is officially now on the National Register of Historic Places, as of April 16, 2012! We are looking forward to a party to celebrate the long journey it has taken to get this done. (no date yet) Thank you so much to Linda Mayro, Cultural Resource Manager of Pima County, for making it happen. his world of ours... must avoid becoming a community of dreadful fear and hate, and be, instead, a proud confederation of mutual trust and respect. Dwight D. Eisenhower
In Memory Debra .Rosegrove 4-1-51 to 4-19-12 She is survived by her husband. Ernest Baca, son Glen Grove and daughter Alexandra Godsill. Debra was one of three original owners’ the property in California Gulch where along with Tom Shook and John Godsill they purchased 20 acres a started a true hippie commune that welcomed people from all over the country. In our years together have never met anyone who did not love Debra. She had no regrets about anything. She was an accomplished artist, musician, dancer and a perfect wife. I was extremely proud of her accomplishments. She was one of a kind and will be deeply missed. Debra will be forever remembered as she begins her new journey with her parents and daughter.
Arivaca Christian Center - non denominational -
Join us as we Worship and Praise the Lord! Sunday Morning Worship - 10:30 am Children’s Church • Song Sunday • Prayer Chain • Fellowship Wedneday Evening Meeting & Bible Study - 6pm - Potluck at 5pm Rev. Rebecca Gibson, Pastor
17085 W. Third Street
PO Box 134, Arivaca
Clinic Hours: Mon - CLOSED • Tues - 9 - 4 • Weds - CLOSED • Thurs - 9- 4 • Fri - 9 - 4 • 3rd Saturday - 9 - 12 Mon - CLOSED • Tues - 9 - 4 • Weds - CLOSED
• Family ThursDon & Fri Smith, - 9 - 4 • MD 3rd Sat 9-12 Practice
James Derickson, MD • Family Practice
at the Library . . . • WiFi - access available on patio • Free Computer classes! Individual help or tutoring - Internet use, Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher or Power Point. • Homework help available •Pima County Public Library’s Virtual Library at Caviglia-Arivaca Branch Library Hours are: Closed Sundays and Mondays; Tues and Wed 11-8; Thurs 10 – 6; Fri 11-5 and Sat 9-5. To renew books call the renewal line at 903-2865 or Caviglia-Arivaca Branch Library at 594-5235.
Page 12
june 2012
Meetings &Activities
Un-Cl assifieds
June 1st - People Helping People fund raiser at Sweet Peas see ad page 2
Cost: 25 cents per word • You count - I accept.
SATURDAYS Every Sat - 9am: Marian's Market. - Downtown. 1st Sat - 9am - Human Resources Rummage Sale 3rd Sat - 1pm - Arivaca Family and Community Education Assn. At the Old School (or at Library--call 594-5235 first). 3pm - Friends of the Arivaca Library - Board Meeting
Payment must be made prior to publication. For Free & Non-profit ads ONLY - No Charge. NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE Only written ads accepted • Deadline: 22th of each month. Mail to: Connection, POB 338, Arivaca, AZ 85601 or email: Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) for 2011 for the Arivaca Townsite Cooperative Water Company will be available for review as of June 1, 2012 at the following locations: the Arivaca Post Office, Library and the Arivaca Mart. Garlic Cleaner Needed – opportunity for detail oriented person. Work at home. Forever Yong Farm 398-8030 Want to Buy around 250 gallon propane tank in good condition. Phone 625-4247 HORSES BOARDED - Personalized full service care. Lg. pens w/ shelters or box stalls with turnouts. Close to trails. Arena and round pen. Trailer storage. $ 235./Mo. THE RIDING CENTER, Amado, 520 398-2392 Free Fire Wood located in western Rio Rico. You cut and haul. 520-281-8505 Upcoming sales for Senior Buddies Estate & Moving Sales: June 1 & 2 - 250 W Pinon Dr., Green Valley; June 8 & 9 – 16792 S Mann Ave, Sahuarita; June 22 & 23 – 2621 W. Desert Dr., Green Valley. 20 acres For Sale. 14050 W. Jalisco Rd. Well, electric, small septic, horse corral, sheds, small structure, and fully fenced. Asking $79,000. 520-396-0865 or Jan’s TLC & Kisses - Pet Grooming 398-2603 2+ acres, Arivaca Ranch Rd. near Arivaca all paved Roads. Property fenced with Well, Workshop, storage and studio apartment, Double wide, needs work. $68,500 OWC, trade possible, Discount for cash 520- 760-1981 RV/Trailer Parking Space: Near Arivaca on 40 acres fenced with cattle guard gate.. 45foot Shade Canopy with side awnings. Rent by the month $300. includes water & electricity. Call 398-2722. Art In Amado! The Drawing Studio, Inc. is offering 3 fun workshops at the De Anza RV Resort's Art Studio. Wed. July 18, 9am - 3pm "Bringing Your Fundamentals to the Field". Warm ups, thumbnail sketches first half , lunch & conversation then work to produce a finished drawing of the mountain range. Wed. July 25 and Wed. Aug.1, 9am - 12pm "Cowboy Up" Draw actual cowboy(s) wearing what they wear, not in costume. 1st session focuses on the figure, the 2nd on portraits. The De Anza RV Resort is located @ 2869 East Frontage Rd. between I-19 Exits 48 (north exit) & 42 (south exit). To sign up and for more infor contact (520) 6200947 or visit . Look for The Drawing Studio Summer 2012 Course Schedules in locations around the valley. Let's Draw!
URANTIA Book Fellowship Meeting and Classes---Mondays: 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. at Avalon Organic Gardens EcoVillage facilitated by Elders and Ministers of Global Community Communications Alliance. We are the 99%. spiritualution. org Call first (520) 603-9932.
Sundays - am - Heat Yoga (Comm Garden Yoga Greenhouse) Call for seasonally changing times 398-2839
Arivaca Community Garden will feature garlic this month, along with a variety of greens, carrots, eggs and organic dates. Toward the end of the month squash will be available. Volunteers are needed at the garden and for the Saturday Market. If you wish to volunteer at the market call Rex Tucker at 398-2000. Gardening volunteers inquire at the Garden for dates and times. Hope to see many new faces!!
1st Sun - 3:30pm - Arivaca Water Cooperative Assn meet at town water yard 2nd Sun 4pm. Arivaca Action Center - Board Mtgs. 15925 W. Universal Ranch Rd, arivacaactioncenterinc@ Last Sun - 5:30pm - Arivaca Local Monthly Potluck at Obe Sweetwater’s home
CosmoServices, Revelatory Teachings and discussions from The URANTIA Book at Avalon Gardens EcoVillage, Tumacacori---Spiritual Leaders of Global Community Communications Alliance Church Gabriel of Urantia and Niánn Emerson Chase, Sundays 10:00 a.m. Hear the CosmoWorship Bright & Morning Star Choir. Organic lunch follows. Tours Available. Donations appreciated. We are the 99%. Call first (520) 603-9932.
Mondays - 4pm - Gentle Yoga at Old Schoolhouse, Call Nancy 398-9859 5:30- 6:30 pm - Silent Meditation at Old Schoolhouse 2nd Mon - 6:30pm - Ariv. Fire Dist. Auxilary - at the Fire House TUESDAYS: 2nd Tues:- 2pm Arivaca Library Book Club call 594-5239
FOR SALE BY OWNER: 20 Acres, secluded in a canyon on Cedar Creek Rd., Arivaca, AZ. 2,240 sq .ft. 2002 4-bedroom, 3-bath home w/18 x 80 vaulted ceiling, deck w/wet bar and ceiling fans. Separate adobe wall B.B.Q. area and landscaped, shaded yard all enclosed by block wall. 24x32 adobe block shop w/concrete floor, electric and 21 ft. electric door. 4-stall metal horse barn, power/water, electric horse walker. Enclosed tennis court, horse shoe pit, volleyball and more. $295,000. Terms Call 480-993-8272
3rd Tues - 7pm - Adyashanti
HAVE A DRUG PROBLEM? We can help. NA Mtgs. 6:30 M, W. & F Sahuarita Serenity Group, Sahuarita Baptist Church, 2875 E. Sahuarita Rd. Al-Anon Family Groups, Green Valley, St. Francis Episcopal Church, 600 S. La Canada. Mon. For info & times 520-323-2229 or
For a single subscription send $18 to:
CONNECTION POB 338 · Arivaca · AZ 85601 NAME: ____________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________ CITY_________________ST__________ ZIP________
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2nd Weds. -4pm - Arivaca Coordinating Council – Human Resources Group mtg. - Human Resource Office Public Invited Last Weds. - 4pm - Arivaca Clinic meeting at the Clinic
THURSDAYS: 4pm - Gentle Yoga at Old Schoolhouse Call Nancy Fricchione for more info. 398-9859 3rd Thurs - 7pm - Arivaca Fire District board mtg @ Fire House FOR KIDS:
Tues & Thurs - 10 am to 12 Creative Play Recreation (ages 5-12) & KAPP (ages 3-5) (Comm. Center) . Call Ellen- 398-3010 Teen Night - Call Ellen 398-3010 WEDS - 11:30am Pre-school & Toddler Story Hour, Arivaca Library. Babytime at 11:30 am on Fridays Girl Scouts for all ages. Contact Nathalie Dresang - 398- 3009
FOR SENIORS Teatime for Seniors (Arivaca Christian Center) Fridays - 1 - 3 pm Senior Outings One trip per month. Call 398-3010 or 398-2771 Senior Hiking Club on Mondays at 8 am. Call Ellen at the Arivaca Community Center 398-3010
TUBAC AL-ANON / AA MTGS Weds, 7pm - Tubac Community Ctr, 50 Bridge Rd. Hotline 624-4183 ARIVACA AA MEETINGS Saturdays 8am next to Gadsden Coffee Amado Nooners-AA mtg - Unitarian Church, Amado Territory, every Saturday at 12:00. I-19 to exit 48, turn East.
Color matching . Some Mechanical Insurance Estimates Welcome Air Conditioning Repair
FOR SALE OR Rent - BY OWNER 4.3 acre,for $47,000 Home site with excellent views. On the corner of Hardscrabble and Cedar Creek Rd. Power, water, septic and phone. Terms. Call 480-993-8272
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1st Weds. - 6pm - People Helping People - Providing hospitality and community support in the borderlands. Arivaca Library
Gentle Touch Colt starting & training. 35 yrs exp. Certified The Horseman Jimmy 398-3031
RD's BACKHOE SERVICE - Septic, perks, trenching & grading. Licensed & Insured. 30 yrs exp. 398-9654.
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Massage in Arivaca or Green Valley by Kathi Abbott. I will come to your home. Make appointments at your convenience. 520-904-9442
WANTED: Advertisers and subscribers Contact the Connection
Gathering Call for info 398-2512.
POBox 338 . Arivaca, AZ 85601 520.398.2379 email:
Staff: Publisher - Maggie Milinovitch Proofreader & Distribution - Monica Tilley Feature Writers: Mary Kasulaitis, Laurel Loew, Judi Oyler, Tarenta Baldeschi
• Published monthly as an open forum journal. • All contributions are welcome, but Contributors: should be less than 1,000 words for John Kazlauska Ceth Johnson general interest or 250 words for Daniel Chitwood Jaycee Johnson public notice articles. T.A. Goorian Hal Mansfield • DEADLINE: 10 days prior to the end Jan Gaylord Becky Meade of the month. Barbara Stockwell Ann M. Penton The open forum format is for ideas, opinions, experiences, whatever you want to Kathleen Wishnick Patty Miller share with the world.Your submission must Scott Van Boerman Walt Abbott not use libelous, profane or vulgar language. G. Joseph Moody Timothy Jones • All rights reserved Robert Barnacastle Peg Rock Benjamin Velasquez • Articles are solely the property of the named contributor, reprint or use without COVER: Two-tailed swallowtail Papilio their permission is prohibited. multicaudata. Arizona state butterfly. • Opinions expressed are not necessarily Photo by Robin Warren of Arivaca. those of the publisher or the advertisers.