The Connection

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OCTOBER 2012 Vol. 29 No. 9 An Open Forum publication allowing all voices to be heard since 1983

Galloping Gala at DanSun Ranch by Roxi Hardesty

few miles down Ruby Road outside Arivaca lies DanSun Ranch, where Danny Stewart and Jane (Sunny) St. John live and pursue their dream. This picturesque property rests among the rolling hills of the high desert, with a nice stretch of bottomland bordering the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge and a view of distant Baboquivari Peak. Danny and Sunny have been focusing much of their energy the past two years on horses and horse training. An outgrowth of this work is their upcoming “Horse and Rider Gala” taking place on Saturday October 6th.


Ground Tie

It was their friend and farrier Rod Lopez who told them about horsemanship contests he had seen on YouTube that sparked their interest in creating their own. After viewing these events they said, “Let’s do it.” They liked the idea of honing their horses’ abilities to better execute what are considered by some to be standard horsemanship maneuvers, and offering that opportunity to other horse owners as well. Also, making the event a fun, family occasion, and opening it to the larger community, was part of their inspiration. Besides the horse and rider competition, there will be a Western Wear contest and a demonstration “Rocky Road Show.” Local organizations will be represented as well as

Log Pull

individuals, offering various activities and items including food, arts and crafts, roping machine and horseshoes. Among the groups in attendance will be the Arivaca Fire Department, Arivaca Community Center, Sweet Peas Café, and the Cow Belles. Admission to the Gala is $5, children free. Some seating will be provided, however it is suggested that people attending bring their own chair. The Horsemanship Competition is open for registration from 8 – 9:55 am, although people are encouraged to register beforehand. The contest entry fee is $20, with a $400 prize to the winner. Organized on a first-come first-served basis, the two-part horsemanship contest begins at 10 am. The first part is a timed

traversed course (approximately 20 minutes) that involves riding different terrain on DanSun Ranch and surrounding private property. A safety evaluation at the ‘finish line’ of this part of the event will be taken to safeguard the horse’s health (fast horse pulse or limping) with disqualification as ramification. After the mid-day break the second part of the contest - a timed evaluation course - commences, which will be available for a single practice run for contestants any time between 8 – 9:55 am. After a demonstration by Sunny on her horse Rocky, each rider and their horse will individually attempt fourteen tasks on a clearly marked course. (example: trailer loading, side pass, ground tie). If a

Water Walk

Rocky on training prop

Continued on Page 2

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CONNECTION P.O. Box 338, Arivaca, AZ 85601 Ph. 520.398.2379 email:



Arivaca, AZ 85601 Permit No. 2

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october 2012 COnnection

Galloping Gala at DanSun Ranch contestant is unable to complete a task, set time deductions are made. Times for both parts of the contest are compiled to determine the winner. While each task must at least be attempted, the evaluation will not include judging the finesse of the task completed. Sunny and Danny want to encourage all levels of expertise, thus giving those who want the opportunity of experiencing the fun and challenge of such an event, and allowing the participation of many. This is in keeping with their intention that the event be fun and light, and inspiring others to take their skills, and their horses’, to the next level. The 1-½ hour break between events will allow time for lunch (bring your own or buy it there). During this time the Western Wear Contest will be judged and prizes awarded for each of the categories: Cowboys, Cowbelles, Children, and Horses. ($5 entry fees for each category become the prize for that category). The Rocky Road Show will also be held during the break. Sunny and Rocky (his official name is Rocky Road) will demonstrate their talents and skills; skills initiated during a 3 week training Danny and Sunny and their horses Rocky and Gitana attended last year. Props, constructed by Danny for training purposes, will be used for part of the show. These include a 3 tiered bridge, walking pillars, a sack-out, and a teeter-totter. The props at DanSun Ranch are replications of those that were made available at the training they attended, Larry Surrett’s Minnesota Horse Training Academy. Upon completion of that training, they wanted to continue to work with their horses, refining the techniques and skills learned. When asked about their experience at the

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training, Sunny replies “I was amazed at how much Rocky could do in 3 weeks…I thought I had a very close relationship with my horse. It increased a hundred-fold.” According to local horse trainer Jimmy Gilkey, who previously attended and was certified by the academy, Larry Surrett “takes on novices to professionals from all over the U.S. and the globe, ages 12 to 75, in all equine disciplines - western, ranch roping, cutting, dressage, etc. teaches both rider and horse techniques to do absolutely everything physically possible as well as builds confidence in both horse and trainer.” As a result of their experience at the Minnesota Horse Training Academy, Danny and Sunny are planning to host Larry Surrett at DanSun Ranch this coming winter – January, February and March. They want to make available to area residents those benefits that have enriched their lives. Another aspect of their outreach is to educate, and in many cases re-educate, people about the area. “The high desert is one of the most beautiful spots to ride.” Sunny exclaims. There is a concern, shared by other area residents, that this part of Arizona, with its proximity to the Mexican border, has gotten a bad reputation. Danny adds, “It’s not like the media portrays.” “I ride out by myself everywhere. It’s safe,” Sunny continues. With capacity for horse trailers and RV hookups for visitors, Danny and Sunny envision people eventually coming with their horse trailers and riding out and/or attending a Larry Surrett training. Those who come are in for a pleasant surprise! For more information about DanSun Ranch and details about the Horse and Rider Gala, including registration, contact them at 520-398-2495 or go to www.

Arizona School Funding Cuts Are the Nation’s Deepest

Proposition 204 Lets Voters Reverse Downward Trend Arizona’s deep cuts to school funding since the start of the recession rank as the worst in the country, according to a new study. Unless restored, the cuts will put Arizona’s economy and long-term prosperity in jeopardy. Arizona’s investment in K-12 schools is 21.8 percent below 2008 levels in per student dollars adjusted for inflation, meaning our state has made the deepest education cuts in the nation, according to a report released by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, a non-partisan policy research organization based in Washington, D.C. “Legislators have pretended that education and accountability can be improved while they drastically slash resources,” said Dana Wolfe Naimark, President and CEO of Children’s Action Alliance. “Parents and voters know that just isn’t true. Our leaders are setting Arizona up for failure.” The Legislature’s cuts would have been even more devastating if not for the voter-approved 1-cent sales tax increase passed in 2010, which is set to expire in 2013, said Ann-Eve Pedersen, Chairwoman of The Quality Education and Jobs Initiative (Prop. 204). If approved, the initiative would renew the sales tax to provide a sustainable funding source for schools that legislators can’t cut. “Arizona ranking at the bottom of this list should be a wakeup call to every parent, voter and business owner in this state,” said Pedersen. “Voters will have a chance to do something about this in November. We can strengthen our economy and be more competitive by improving the quality of education in this state.”

The Arizona Legislature’s has cut approximately $1 billion from education over the past four years. Arizona’s revenues are now increasing, but lawmakers have done little to restore the cuts. According to the report, steep state-level K-12 spending cuts will have serious negative consequences for the nation, and restoring funding should be an urgent priority. “Across much of the country, kids are going back to school to find more crowded classrooms, and - in some cases -- shorter school weeks,” said Phil Oliff, policy analyst at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and author of the report released today. “That’s no way to develop our future workforce and build a strong economy.” The cuts have hurt the state’s economy in the short- and longterm, Oliff said. The cuts have extended the recession by causing both public- and private-sector job losses. The funding cuts have forced school districts throughout Arizona to lay off teachers and support staff, reduce pay for the remaining staff, cut back on classroom equipment and supplies, and cancel contracts with private businesses. Reducing investment in schools also has long-term economic consequences. A strong education system is essential to creating and maintaining a thriving economy. Businesses need a well-educated workforce, and education cuts undermine the state’s ability to produce workers with the skills needed to compete in a global economy, Oliff said.


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Don Pedro Aguirre, Jr., Arivaca Town Founder

by Mary Noon Kasulaitis


t could be said that Don Pedro Aguirre, Jr. founded the town of Arivaca as we know it. Although the area had been occupied by Native Americans, Mexican ranchers and Anglo miners for many years, when Don Pedro and his family settled here civilization arrived. They began the establishment of a real town--a stage stop--complete with a store, a school, post office, and even officials. Pedro Aguirre was a pioneer of the hardiest stock with a family to match. He was born in 1835 in Chihuahua, Mexico, the second son of Don Pedro Aguirre the elder. The family came to Las Cruces, New Mexico, in 1852 where his father established the sons, Epifanio, Pedro Jr., Conrado, and Yjinio in the freighting business on the Santa Fe Trail. Don Pedro, Sr. was killed shortly thereafter in a wagon accident. The brothers obtained contracts with the U.S. government to supply the military posts newly established in the territory acquired from Mexico. Using mule teams, they travelled from Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe. With the opening up of the territory, they traded as far south as Hermosillo. Don Pedro, Jr. established a store in Altar, Sonora, a town on the stage route. It was there that he met and married Doña Ana Maria Redondo, the daughter of the former governor of Sonora. Pedro’s sister, Dolores, was married to Mariano Samaniego, pioneer Tucson businessman. Eventually the Aguirres were related by marriage to many of the prominent families in Southern Arizona. Around 1859 the Aguirres began a freighting business between Tucson and points south. Arivaca was an important stage stop on this route. It was on one of these

trips that Epifanio was killed by Indians near Sasabe in 1870. Epifanio was married to Mamie Bernard, of Westport, Missouri, and at the time they had three little children. She would later make a name for herself as an authority on Native American folklore and as an instructor of History, English and Spanish at the University of Arizona. In the 1870s her brothers, Noah W. and A. C. Bernard, followed her to Arizona. Noah moved to Arivaca and with the help of his in-law Pedro Aguirre, began a long career as a merchant, rancher, and was our first Postmaster. Meanwhile, Don Pedro had established a ranch and named it the Buenos Aires (Ayres). He had the pick of all the land in the territory, and chose the land which is now the headquarters of the Buenos Aires Wildlife Refuge. Originally a stage stop, this ranch was to become a showplace of the Territory. In the early 1880s he built a lake which enabled him to irrigate crops of corn and beans. He raised both cattle and sheep. In June, 1891 he obtained one of the first homestead patents in the area, and by 1903 he had 1100 acres of patented land in the Altar Valley. In the 1870s the Aguirres were living in Arivaca. The couple had three children, Margarita, Beatriz and Jose María. Another brother, Conrado, and other relatives had also established themselves in Arivaca. Don Pedro either built a home in Arivaca or, according to one source, renovated an existing house. (A house which he owned or built was razed to make room for the current Post Office.) In 1870 he presided over a meeting in Arivaca in which a council, marshal and other town officials were chosen. There was an early attempt to locate and map a townsite, but this was not finalized until much later. Don Pedro’s civic interests extended to Pima County,

and in 1878 he was elected to the Pima County Board of Supervisors. He was one of the first members of the Arizona Pioneer’s Historical Society.

The Arivaca School was used until 1954 when the school district was closed, but it has remained in use as a community building. It has been a polling place for most of its 133 years. It is maintained by Arivaca Family & Community Education Assn. (AFCE) which has received a number of grants through Pima County for renovations. This year, thanks to Pima County Cultural Resources and Historic Preservation Office, Arivaca School was listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

There was a statewide move to establish schools by Governor A.P.K Safford, who had mining interests around Arivaca. In 1879 a school district was established here and Don Pedro built the Arivaca School at his own expense. His sister Mamie may have been the first teacher. According to the 1880 census, there were about three hundred people living in the area. The Aguirre families and On September 22, we celebrated their employees stood to gain by the efforts of Pedro Aguirre, Jr. in the presence of a school. Later he the town of Arivaca and the school was responsible for the building he built here, with the dedication of of another school at the Buenos a plaque officially designating it as Aires Ranch.Don Pedro’s business having been listed on the National interests were extensive. He had Register of Historic Places. It is several stage routes, including the oldest standing schoolhouse in Tucson to Nogales, Arivaca and Arizona. also to Quijotoa. In 1882 he was involved with the first iteration References: Diane Hamilton of the Arivaca Land and Cattle Caviglia, Pedro Aguirre’s great Company. Sometime after this, granddaughter, namesake of the Aguirre family left Arivaca the Arivaca Branch Library, and and moved to the new hacienda Yjinio Aguirre, author of Echoes of at the Buenos Aires Ranch. They the Conquistadores: history of a also had a home in Tucson. Anna pioneer family in the Southwest. Maria passed away in 1886. In 1901, he married Magdalena Ortiz and they had two children, Elena and Amalia. There was a time in the 1890s that no good luck followed Don Pedro, due to droughts and economic depressions. In 1904, his son was killed during a quarrel. At his death in 1907, Don Pedro was eulogized as one of the most prominent pioneers of Southern Arizona. He left behind a legacy of hard work, Cecelia Aguirre Harrold, Mary Noon Kasulaitis and charity and civic Sharon Bronson cutting the ribbon on the plaque accomplishments. proclaiming Arivaca's Old Schoolhouse as being on the

National Register of Historic Places.

s: Thursday thru Sunday Hour OCTOBER HOURS: Open Fri & SAT 10:00 to 4:00

8 am to 2 pm

October 5th

5-8 pm


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Featuring Fried Fish Platter, Fish Tacos & Seafood Special.

You are always welcome to BYOB Check out our special events on our website :

Universal Ranch Rd. & Arivaca Ranch Rd. Arivaca, AZ 520-398-9200

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october 2012 COnnection


by Ceth and Jaycee Johnson


t was early one morning and there was a very pretty spider on the window who must have come during the night. She was weaving a most beautiful web across the dining room window. Some parts of her web sparkled in the morning light. This is the story of Caroline. It was in the first part of July when the spider came to live with us. Sometime during that month someone started calling her Caroline. Caroline’s dining room window is a very busy place. The blinds go up and down with the coming and going of the sun. The window slides back and forth with the coming and going of cool air. We had fun watching her as she adapted her weaving so her web would survive the busy environment. She decided she wanted to stay so we decided we wanted to know more about her. Caroline is an Orb Weaver just like Charlotte in Charlotte’s Web. For all we know, she may be her granddaughter even though Charlotte’s barn in Maine is a long, long way from Arivaca. Orb Weavers like to eat bugs and Caroline is the best exterminator


in town. We learned that Orb Weavers are peaceable creatures and not aggressive. Our experience with Caroline was that she hung around with us and did not run away. She joined the family. According to, there are over 3,500 species of Orb Weavers worldwide. We would not like to have that many in our house even though they are great fly catchers. Caroline is beautiful. She has a large round abdomen with an exotic design. Ceth found a Jacobean embroidery design that reminded him of Caroline. Jaycee found a fractal (a kind of geometry) design he thought looked a lot like her pattern. We wonder what you will see in her picture. We tried to teach Caroline to spell or weave symbols into her web. We thought if she could weave 6X12=72, it would help us get though our flash cards faster. When numbers didn’t work we tried to teach her letters so she could say ‘Hi’. That didn’t work either so it is clear to us that we have a lot to learn before we can teach her children. You see, fall is coming soon and Caroline is preparing to lay her eggs. She is slowing down and we are sad that her time here is almost over. We plan to find her eggs and move them out into the yard so we can enjoy her children.

Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge 4th Annual

Grassland Fair!

Saturday, November 17th10 -3:30


educational talks • music • art demonstrations & exhibits archery lessions • vendors food •activities for kids

Call for info: 520-823-4251

The Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge will once again be holding their annual Grassland Fair! Join us for a day of music, education, local craftsmen, fun for the kids and so much more on Saturday, November 17th from 10-3:30. Exciting events will be going on all day!

throughout the day in our open-air venue. Local artisans will be selling a variety of wares and there will be multiple regional foods for sale. Music and dance will fill the air as you learn about our grassland and the trials and tribulations facing this fragile ecosystem.

If you have never before been to the Altar Valley grassland, then come and learn all about it! Be sure to leave some extra time to explore our trails, take a driving tour, and amble along the boardwalk over the green cienega. Enjoy the wildlife, the stunning mountain views and learn about the endangered masked bobwhite quail.

The Refuge is located in Sasabe, Arizona. There are two ways to get to the Refuge. The first is the much more scenic drive which will take you right past the Arivaca Cienega and our boardwalk trail. Take Arivaca Road to Arivaca-Sasabe Road. Turn left at AZ 286 and drive for four miles until you see the Refuge sign. Turn left on to the headquarters entrance road.

The Fair will be held at the Buenos Aires Refuge Headquarters and Visitor’s Center. This year’s theme is “Birds, Bats and Butterflies,” so get ready for some top experts to teach you about the “B’s of Buenos Aires!” There will also be exhibits and demonstrations of plants, raptors, and reptiles. Don’t forget to bring the kids, as there will be ongoing hands-on projects for them to enjoy in our Kids Corner! Food and shopping will be available

The second route from Tucson is by driving west on Ajo Road (AZ 86) to Robles Junction (Three Points). Turn south on AZ 286 and drive 38 miles to the headquarters entrance road. For more information go to the Friends of Buenos Aires NWR web site at, or look us up on facebook! You may also call the Refuge at 520.823.4251.

Wreaths of Maine


For A Special Holiday Feeling Ceth & Jaycee Johnson At the Arivaca Farmer’s Market on Saturdays Or Call 455-3060

Wednesday •October 31 • 5:30 pm

C o n f e f d ee C s d • SPECIALTY COFFEES & TEAS a o G

Arivaca Christian Center, 17085 W. Third Street & Drink before the Hayride! Treat Bags for all the Kids!

J For info call 398-2825

oin us on the Hayride

starting at the Church, traveling west on Third Street “Trick or Treating”& ending at the Main Street Treat Stops!

Special thanks to the Arivaca Fire Department & EMS for helping make the Hayride possible!

• Coffee & Tea Brewing Gifts




ome by for a free Hot Dog, Chips

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CAFFE HOURS: FRI - MON 9am - 4pm FRI NITES - Front Porch Music & Pizza 7-10pm Located northeast of Arivaca on Arivaca Road - top of the hill

Letters & Comments J. Wilson, Green Valley

Climate Change


nce a proud political party capable of reaching across the aisle to enact meaningful bipartisan legislation, the GOP...Grand Old Party…is neither Grand, nor a Party. The Republican Party (GOP) is in the throes of obsolescence by virtue of letting themselves be hijacked by a minority cadre of extreme right wing haters supported by scads of right wing cash, who call themselves the Tea Party. The fictitious “Big Tent” of inclusion Republicans boasted about a mere two or three years ago has collapsed under the bluster of narrow minded megalomania. The rapid morph into TeaParty America… (Republican=TeaPart y=Republican=TeaParty=Republ ican=TeaParty=Republican=TeaP arty)… is dragging its’ regressive platform, and anal retentive stance on social issues and taxes out of the 21st Century, into an imagined 18th Century utopia, to a time when womenfolk, the Black and Brown people, “knew their place.” Despite poll after poll showing their policies are at odds with a majority of voters (e.g. higher taxes on wealthy…73% of public favor) the Neanderthal leadership and party base have single-handedly alienated whole segments of the voting public. Women, Latino, African-American, the youth vote, voting blocs who have wakened to the lies and hypocrisies excreted by TeaParty America. Demographics are becoming more politically sophisticated and willing to throw their weight around. Ironically (or not), these are the voters TeaParty America is attempting to suppress in TeaParty controlled States in this country. White, male, lower and middle class wage earners are the slow learners here. Still living under

the delusional spell of a long retired Ronald Reagan myth that conservatives will solve their problems by decimating Government. TeaParty policies are beneficial only for the wealthy and corporations. When the arithmetic does not add up, no amount of money will sustain a political party that believes 2 + 2 =5 Ask yourself, has government ever done anything for you? Do you drive on the interstate? Do traffic lights generally work well? Have you sent or received mail? Have you ever been on an airplane that landed safely? Can you read or add 2+2 to get 4, thanks to a public school education? Have you ever collected unemployment? Are you a Veteran? If any of these apply to you, Willard “Mitt” Romney considers you one of the 47% “Moochers,” dependent on government. So, he doesn’t give a damn about you. The most solid constituency supporting TeaParty America, along with churchgoers is the “Old” of the Grand OLD Party fame. They’ve got theirs, their Social Security, their Medicare, (“Moochers” too, according to Mitt). Yes they’ve earned it, but why shut the door on the citizens following behind you? Why vote for a political party that seeks to eliminate for your grandkids the benefits you’ve enjoyed? But, TeaParty America will not be able to count on the “Old” vote too much longer…for obvious reasons. Political climate change is in the wind, Progress will not be halted by hate, fear and lies. TeaParty America is on the road to becoming a marginalized political pariah. Good riddance!

Special Tours of Barrio de Tubac

Archaeological Preserve & Tumacácori Mission


Manifest Destiny of Democracy (Readily Perceived) (Predetermined) (Government of People)


o say you have nothing to do with government is to say you have nothing to do with your own happiness or misery. That people ought not to concern themselves whether they have decent schools, jobs, or housing. That it is not important whether you are deceived or instructed, protected or destroyed. To let politics become a cesspool and then avoid it because it is a cesspool is a double crime. If you stay home on election day

because you don't want to have anything to do with crooked politics, you have a lot more to do with crooked politics than you think, you are giving them your blessing. Voting is the peoples business; the election is up to them. If they ignore the results of not voting, they will pay, and pay, and pay. Your opinion counts; Help this country to succeed. Howard Stump. Tucson

Dear Maggie, The recent political conventions referred repeatedly to the economy and jobs, never too much detail. One journalist said that detail only gives the other side something to attack. An exceptional politician or two commented on the importance of research-science ad evidence. Maybe the attack of fungi on our food supply can be headed off. Speaking of a need for evidence, two pieces in the Sept.2012 Connection charge the Border Patrol with abuse and brutality. I


missed an attorney’s talk in Arivaca critical of the Border Patrol. On a couple of occasions I’ve known the Border Patrol to help illegal entrants who had been abandoned by their transporters. Those observations do not constitute comprehensive evidence about the Patrol. What evidence pertinent to their accusations do the two writers have? I trust they are not among those who profit from the cheap labor. Ralph Shelton

hange does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability, but comes through continuous struggle. And so we must straighten our backs and work for our freedom. A man can't ride you unless your back is bent. - Martin Luther King, Jr.


rivaca Valley Realty

Sally Rucker Designated Broker

A Celebration of National Archaeology Month In celebration of National Archaeology Month, Tubac Presidio State Historic Park and Tumacácori National Historical Park will provide special tours of two unique archaeological sites on Sunday, October 7, 2012. Starting at 10 am, join historians Philip Halpenny and Gwen Griffin for a guided tour of the Barrio de Tubac archaeological site that preserves the remains of the original 1752 Spanish colonial Tubac town site. The site is protected by the Archaeological Conservancy and participants are asked to sign an “Acknowledgement of Risk Factors” before entering the site. Following the tour of the Tubac town site, enjoy a bring-your-own

picnic lunch in your choice of picnic area at either the state or the national park. At 12:30 pm, join National Park Service archaeologist and Chief of Resources Management, Jeremy Moss, for a special archaeological tour of the Tumacácori Mission, established by Father Kino in January 1691, making it the oldest mission in Arizona. The tour will conclude at 2 pm. Only 30 reservations will be accepted for this special event. The $15 per person cost includes both tours and admission to both parks. For more information and reservations, contact the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park at 520398-2252 or

Office opening November 5 16725 W. Arivaca Road Contact me for an appointment Office: 520.398-2808 Cell: 520.241-0450 Email:

Serving Arivaca area real estate needs since 2004

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october 2012 COnnection

Yes, but what’s he done for us lately?

Compiled by Maggie Milinovitch

This is not an exercise in trying to change minds - it is an

exercise of contemplation and perhaps appreciation of a lot of effort despite tremendous challenges. I feel sure history will be kind to our president. The Congressional Republicans like to call it a “failed presidency.” Others like to say “All politicians are owned by corporations.” This list is not of failures and this president seems to have gone out of his way to annoy financial, tobacco, dirty energy and insurance industries, the industrialmilitary complex, and every Chic-Fil-A gay-hating exec in the country. Hardly a fund-raising strategy. To Date: Our Economy: The Great Recession: President Obama signed the $787 billion American Recovery & Reinvestment Act in 2009 to spur economic growth. Unemployment claims have subsided and the private sector is producing more jobs than it was losing - and has continued to do so for 23 straight months - creating nearly 3.7 million new private-sector jobs. He also signed Wall Street Reform to reregulate the financial sector after its practices caused the Great Recession. The new law does many things including tightening capital requirements on financial institutions, limiting their ability to trade with customers’ money for their own profit, and creates the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to crack down on abusive lending products and companies. Auto Industry: Obama injected $62 billion in federal money (on top of $13.4 billion in loans from the Bush administration) into ailing GM and Chrysler in return for equity stakes and agreements for massive restructuring. Since bottoming out in 2009, the auto industry has added more than 100,000 jobs. In 2011, the Big Three automakers all gained market share for the first time in two decades. The government expects to lose $16 billion of its investment, less if the price of the GM stock it still owns increases. Recapitalized Banks: The financial crisis in full bloom, Obama approved the controversial Treasury Department plan to lure private capital into the country’s largest banks via “stress tests” of their balance sheets and a publicprivate fund to buy their “toxic” assets. The banks are back and according to www.24/7 Wall, “The U.S. Department of the Treasury announced that the Troubled Asset Relief Program’s (TARP) investment in banks has now turned a profit after three financial institutions repaid a total of $7.4 billion in TARP funds to taxpayers,” The profit so far is $23.8 billion.” Stimulus - Where’d the money go?: Obama had a web site put up, run by an independent board of inspectors, to look for fraud and abuse in stimulus spending. It provides the public with detailed information on every contract funded by the $787 billion American Recovery

and Reinvestment Act. Visit – it’s very interesting. (Our dear Governor “Shaking-a-finger-in-his-face” Brewer’s state has already received $5,490,290,000.00) Our Health: Dirty Power Plants: New EPA restrictions on mercury and toxic pollution may lead to the closing of between 68 and 231 of the nation’s oldest and dirtiest coalfired power plants. Estimated cost to utilities - at least $11 billion by 2016. Estimated health benefits: $59 billion to $140 billion. Food Safety System: The Food Safety Modernization Act boosts the FDA’s budget and expands its responsibilities to include increasing the number of food inspections, issuing direct food recalls, and reviewing food safety practices of countries importing products into America. Tobacco: A law mandating tobacco manufacturers to disclose all ingredients, get FDA approval for new products and have more prominent warning labels, bans misleadingly labeled “light” cigarettes and tobacco sponsorship of entertainment events. Carbon Dioxide: Finally, in 2009, the EPA declared carbon dioxide a pollutant, allowing the agency to regulate its production. Health Care Reform: Five presidents in the last century have tried, but failed, to create universal health insurance. Obama signed the Affordable Care Act, which will cover 32 million previously uninsured Americans and mandates a suite of experimental measures to cut health care cost growth, the number one cause of America’s long-term fiscal problems. No more rejections for health insurance for pre-existing conditions. Our kids can be covered until age 26. The insurance companies that overcharge have to repay their customers the difference between cost paid, reasonable profits and what they charge. No more super-bonuses on our dime. Stem Cell Research: Eliminated restrictions on embryonic stem cell research being researched to treat spinal cord injuries, among many other areas of human health. Our Military: Ended the War in Iraq: Ordered all U.S. military forces out of the country. Last troops left on

December 18, 2011. Saving lives and billions of dollars. War in Afghanistan: Is being brought to an end. Soldiers: Ended the previous stoploss policy that kept soldiers in Iraq/Afghanistan longer than their enlistment date. Fallen Soldiers: Families of fallen soldiers have expenses covered to travel to Dover AFB when the body arrives. Obama ended media blackout on war casualties and on covering the return of fallen soldiers.

cleaner coal, and biofuels. Saved Billions: Allowed the expensive ($1 billion per launch) shuttle program to make its final launch. Cut off funding for Bushera Constellation program to build a moon base in favor of support for private-sector low-earth orbit ventures, as well as other space research. Techno Sense: Proposed and obtained FCC approval for a shift of $8 billion in subsidies away from old tech landlines and toward broadband Internet for lowerincome rural families.

Veterans: For veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, with serious physical and mental health problems, Obama increased Veterans Affairs budget over 10%. Also signed new GI bill offering $78 billion in tuition assistance over a decade, and provided multiple tax credits to encourage businesses to hire veterans.

Infrastructure: Making investnents in roads, bridges and power plants after years of neglect.

Eliminated Osama bin laden: He ordered a special forces raid of a secret compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan - the terrorist leader was killed and a trove of al-Qaeda documents was discovered.

Pay Equality Laws: Signed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.

Gaddafi & Mubarak: Obama joined European and Arab governments to end their tyrrany - They're gone. Job’s done - no need to start another war. Thinks before bombing: In an effort to deter Iran’s nuclear program, Obama placed sanctions to punish those aiding Iran’s petroleum sector, is coordinating with other major Western powers to impose sanctions aimed at Iran’s banks and is working with Japan, South Korea, and China to shift their oil purchases away from Iran. Military Builddown: Reduced projected defense spending by $450 billion and worked with the military on a new national defense strategy shifting from conventional warfare to intelligence gathering and cyberwarfare. Cut the Reaganera “Star Wars” missile defense budget, saving $1.4 billion, and canceled plans to station antiballistic missile systems in Europe in favor of sea-based defense plan focused on Iran and North Korea. In 2009, ended further purchases F-22 at $358 million apiece. 187 were built, but has never flown a single combat mission. Saved $4 billion. Our Future: Wilderness and Watershed Protection: Signed Omnibus Public Lands Management Act (2009), which designated more than 2 million acres as wilderness, created thousands of miles of recreational and historic trails, and protected more than 1,000 miles of rivers. Renewable Technology: As part of the 2009 stimulus, invested $90 billion in research on smart grids, energy efficiency, electric cars, renewable electricity generation,

Our Rights: “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell”: Ended 1990s-era restriction and formalized new policy allowing gays and lesbians to serve openly in the military for the first time.

Also: 1.) Expanded the Hate Crimes Prevention Act to cover crimes based on a victim’s sexual orientation, gender, or disability. 2.) Expanded funding for the Violence Against Women Act. 3.) Supports states’ right on medical marijuana. 4.) Extended benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees. 5.) Changed HUD rules to prohibit gender and sexual orientationbased discrimination in housing. Rights in the World: Torture Policies: Two days after taking office, nullified Bush-era rulings that had allowed detainees in U.S. custody to undergo certain “enhanced” interrogation techniques considered inhumane under the Geneva Conventions. Our Children: Annoyed Big Banks Again: Obama ended subsidizing banks that provided college loans. Eliminating the middle-man’s cut, all federal student loans now come directly from the federal government saving us $67 billion over ten years. $36 billion of that will go to expanding Pell Grants to lowerincome students. Race to the Top: With funds from stimulus, started $4.35 billion program of competitive grants to encourage and reward states for education reform. Also funded programs like Head Start. School Tests: Devoted $330 million in stimulus money to promote universities to create competing versions of new K-12 student performance tests based on latest psychometric research. New tests could transform the learning environment in a vast majority of public school classrooms beginning in 2014. Continued on following page.


Health Coverage for Children: Children’s Health Insurance Authorization Act, which allows the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to cover health care for 4 million more children, paid for by a tax increase on tobacco products. School Nutrition: Signed Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act mandating $4.5 billion increase for higher nutritional and health standards in school lunches. No more ketchup is a vegetable! And: Implemented much of Dream Act via Executive Order Our Money: Help for Families: For those hurt by the recession and to spur the economy as stimulus spending declined, Obama signed measures to extend unemployment insurance and cut payroll taxes. Tax rates for average working families are the lowest since 1950. (US News). Through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, cut taxes for 95% of America’s working families. ( and reduced Social Security Taxes for 2011 and 2012. Credit Card Reform: The act prohibits credit card companies from raising rates without advance notification, mandates a grace period on interest rate increases, and strictly limits overdraft and other fees. Fuel Efficiency Standards: New fuel efficiency standards will nearly double the fuel economy for cars and trucks by 2025.

Also checked off of his agenda: U.S. Supreme Court: Appointed two women - Sonia Sotomayor, the first Hispanic woman to serve, and Elena Kagan. National Service: The Serve America Act of 2009 tripled the size of AmeriCorps. The program grew to 85,000 members. Victims: Without statutory power to compel British Petroleum to act, Obama used the moral authority of his office to get a $20 billion fund to compensate victims of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico; $6.5 billion already paid out - without lawsuits. (It took nearly 20 years for plaintiffs in the Exxon Valdez Alaska oil spill case to receive $1.3 billion. 9/11: Obama got help for people whose health was injured during the clean-up after the 9/11 attacks but whose health problems were previously dismissed. On Energy: He created a program to develop renewable energy projects on our Outer Continental Shelf that will produce electricity from wind, wave, and ocean currents. He also addressed the U.N. Climate Change Conference, officially reversing the Bush era stance that climate change was a “hoax.” Ref: – Sept 6, 2012

SUNDAY SERVICES - 10:00 AM Oct 7 - Congregational Exercise in Inspirational Sharing & Exploring - Chuck Doughty, Nancy Murphy, Diane Farone, Paul Taylor and Bev. Barney Oct 14 - Certitude-Freedom from Doubt - Dr. Thomas Lindell Oct 21 - Common Traditions of World Religions - Dr. Anteesah Nadir Oct 28 - Things Come in Threes -Theology and Church Life - Rev. Edward J. Hunt, Jr.

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The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission will hold a scoping meeting to allow the public to comment on the proposed Sasabe Lateral Natural Gas Pipeline. This pipeline will carve a 150'-wide scar through the Altar Valley and the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge.

Let the Commission hear your voice!

Saturday, October 20, 2012 San Fernando School

Number 1 Schoolhouse Drive; Sasabe, Arizona.

Meeting begins at 10 am. A spanish-language translator will be at the meeting.


Page 8

October 2012 Connection

There is a Season for Everything

season Tarenta Baldeschi

Greetings fellow gardeners, I hope you enjoy this incoming season. It’s a season when major changes are made visible. Autumn in the desert always seems surprising. We can have prolonged warm and sunny days, but then all of a sudden the nights get cooler and then the magic of the first frost arrives. I call it magic since none of us can predict it or make it happen. It’s a cycle of nature, but it is never on the same day. When you walk the land around you after the first frost you can sense the urgency to get yourself in alignment with all the changes. Since the frost ends the cycle of many plants, not just foodproducing plants but also weeds, one can begin planting the cool weather plants with ease. Bermuda and other grasses especially will not be so tenacious. Some will even disappear like wild Amaranth. The moisture of the soil also stays more balanced. Get your soils ready with compost and available mulch. Bring out

seeds of your favorite roots: carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, fennel bulbs, rutabaga, and, of course, garlic cloves. Plant them according to spacing and depth required. Give them all a light mulch so they have some frost protection until they emerge with their green sprouts are showing. All the greens should find their place in your gardens. Through experience we have learned to first give the transplants a head start: broccoli, cabbage, kale, collard, cauliflower (experimental), Swiss chard, all the Asian greens (Tatsoi, Bok Choy, Pak Choy, Chinese cabbage, Mizuna, and many others), arugula, spinach, and your all time favorite lettuces. During the nights protect your plants from the frost with perforated plastic stretched over hoops or with the white polyfiber called ReeMay or Agribon (generically called frostblankets). This will ensure their steady growth, and, in a couple of months, you should be able to begin your cool weather harvest. Besides changes in the planting season, there is also the bounty of harvest that one can experience at this time. (If you haven’t been growing all summer and assisting the plants to survive the intense desert climate, you will have to

visit the farmer’s markets.) All the tomatoes, pepper, cucumber, okra, melons, eggplant, beans, winter squashes and others have their final giveaway—which is usually abundant—at this time of change. This will bring the opportunity to process them for later use by using methods such as canning, blanching, freezing, drying, saving seeds, and of course cold storage. The Border Food Summit in Rio Rico, held this past September 16-18, was a fantastic experience. Growers, land managers, educators, scientists, and nonprofit organizations from the Four Corners area came together to discuss and inspire the local and organic food movement. Tours with hundreds of individuals visited the borderlands and the urban areas all the way to Tucson to see what others have been doing and to learn about their successes and their failures. There are lots of dreams and hopes out there, and the enthusiasm and inspiration that came from it will show in the months to come. The buzzing didn’t come just from the bees and other insects. It was the buzzing of people’s minds


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and hearts being challenged to think and feel deeper as well as to regain confidence and support in a world that doesn’t seem to notice the gravity of problems and the emergency that our present food system has encountered, especially in the declining health of our children. I was especially inspired by the large amount of youth that came and participated in the conference. They personally made a commitment to be part of the change that is needed. Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage is hosting an event that will draw individuals from all over the country. The first EARTH HARMONY FESTIVAL – A FREE WEEKEND CELEBRATION OF ECO-LIVING & SUSTAINABILITY – will be held on the grounds for two days on October 6 & 7, 2012. (http:// Amazing speakers (including Gary Nabhan) will present ideas on how to be more sustainable and what changes we can make personally to give our children a new future to look forward to. There will be lots of fun for the children as well with a Kid’s Village. You can see for yourself how this EcoVillage has grown and settled into this valley. Several tours a day will bring the conversations to solutions building— forming new alliances with others that need support in their endeavors. See for yourself and come. It will be momentous, and a continuance of what we have been seeing nationwide and recently in Rio Rico. These human bridges are vital and need to be built stronger because the winds of change are not just seasonal they are now a necessity.

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We give tours all year round; call the office (520) 603-9932. Visit our website at www. We are also going to participate for the fourth year in a row at the Tucson Meet Yourself Festival at the Heritage Farmers’ Market from October 12-14, 2012. See you soon. Tarenta Baldeschi, (CSA Garden Manager, Change Agent)

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pAGE 9

Kyle Young On September 16 through 18 over 200 people representing all aspects of sustainable agriculture gathered at the El Esplendor Resort in Rio Rico, Arizona to participate in the “Border Food Summit”. Many attending were organic farmers and ranchers but also in attendance were; non-profits improving the quality of meals in public schools, non-profits reaching out to low income people who do not understand or have access to nutritional food, non-profits doing work in soil conservation and habitat restoration, specialists in farming cooperatives, policy makers from government and representatives from the Natural Resource Conservation Service. This event occurs at a different place in the Southwest each year; this was the tenth year. The event had a number of sponsors including; “Farm to Table”, “Community Food Bank of Southern Arizona”, The U of A, “Baja Arizona Sustainable Agriculture” (managed by former Arivaca resident Megan Mix), “La Semilla”, “Mariposa Community Health Center”, and “Sabores Sin Fronteras”, to name a few. Gary Nabhan, professor, cofounder of Native Seed Search, author of a number of books on local food and all around mover and shaker in the national local food movement, acted as MC. The purpose of the event is to provide an opportunity for participants to learn from one another and brainstorm about what works in the difficult physical environment of the Southwest as well as the difficult environments of marketing, government, non-profits and food disparity. The first day of the event was spent taking tours of local food systems. David Keller from the Arivaca Community Garden also attended this event and the two of us opted to take the rural farm tour. It began at Avalon Gardens which I’ve visited several times through the years and I have to say every

The Border Food Summit time I go there I am impressed with what they have accomplished since my last visit. Tarenta, the farm manager, is very knowledgeable about organic agriculture and I recommend that readers jump at the chance to buy their produce. Avalon served us a wonderful lunch made from “on-farm” products. From there we went to Patagonia where we stopped briefly at Red Mountain Foods, a health food store owned by Annie and Berry whom I’ve had the pleasure of knowing since 1985. We moved on to Gary Nabhan’s house where we were given a tour of rain water harvesting systems, pollinator hedgerows, heirloom fruit trees and native food crops. From Gary’s we were able to walk downhill to the Native Seed Search farm (NSS) where we were given a tour by Even, the farm manager. I have to say, Even was good. As someone who has hosted well over 100 “twenty-something” whoofers (Willing Helpers on Organic Farms) at my farm over the past 13 years, it was a pleasure to be on the learning end from a “twenty-something”. I was so impressed with this guy that I recommended he be the keynote speaker at the next conference. We have already lost 70% of indigenous crops worldwide due to the usurpation of these food systems by corporate America’s industrial food system. The work that NSS is doing is critical to the long-term survival of these tasty, nutritious crops. From NSS we went to Deep Dirt Institute, a 38 acre “off-grid” farm in its infancy. This place reminded me of where I was 14 years ago with my farm. In fact this place would be right at home in Arivaca. Our final stop of the day was Dos Cabezas winery in Sonoita for a wine tasting session. Here fermentation is an art form and the results are impressive. The grape crop was coming in so we got to see all phases - a rare treat.

Ricardo Salvador, senior scientist and director of the Food and Environment Program at Union of Concerned Scientists, delivered a powerful address as the keynote speaker on Monday morning. An entire article could be devoted to the thought provoking issues he brought to light. In short, he detailed why even the poorest of us in the U.S eat better than the majority of the world’s population and how eating so well causes political and environmental upheaval elsewhere. The solution; eat as local as possible, preferably from your own garden. Monday and Tuesday were devoted to “breakout sessions” of smaller lectures and discussions. Topics included; establishing farmers co-ops, food hubs, community collaborations, community capital, CSA’s, place based approaches, new collaborations, indigenous approaches, policy issues, seed saving and farm to school programs. Another aspect of the conference was an opportunity for participants to submit investment proposals; for their farms, agricultural businesses or organizations. I took the opportunity to submit a proposal on behalf of the community of Arivaca - to establish an alpaca fiber coop. Seventy percent of the water used in Arizona goes to agriculture and the lion’s share of that is used to grow cotton. To grow cotton an entire ecosystem has to be destroyed

and planted to a mono-crop of cotton. Cotton uses more energy and pesticides than any other crop. Alpacas can produce fiber from intact native ecosystems that require no irrigation, no pesticides and no Middle East oil. Cotton is part of the problem; alpacas can be the solution. The idea would be to establish an alpaca herd as part of the co-op. Members would receive 2 free pregnant alpacas from the co-op herd. The babies would then be given to the next person on the list. The females would be rebred and the member would keep the next offspring which could then be bred to produce more offspring. After shearing, the fiber would go to the local mill (owned by the coop members) to be processed into “rovings” that would then be made available to those who want to spin and weave them into value-added textiles. The co-op would market all products for members. For more information send me an email;

Bahá’í Faith 800-22-UNITE

The Bahá'í Community of South Pima County announces Open Discussions: Introduction to the Bahá'í Faith Questions and Answers Tuesdays 5:00 to 7:00 pm Call for information or directions: 663-5944 in Green Valley or 398-9387 in Arivaca

“Religions are many, but the reality of religion is one. Therefore, if the religions investigate reality and seek the essential truth of their own foundations, they will agree and no difference will be found.” – ‘Abdu’l-Bahá “The Divine Reality may be likened to the sun and the Holy Spirit to the rays of the sun. As the rays of the sun bring the light and warmth of the sun to the earth, giving life to all created things, so do the “Manifestations” [of God] bring the power of the Holy Spirit from the Divine Sun of Reality to give light and life to the souls of men.” – ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

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If you are thinking of selling or buying - give me a call! Need a custom home built on one of these properties? Call 398-8132

Page 10 October 2012 Connection


Afghanistan 1965 We looked out the windows of the DC 3 Below, as far as the eye could see Stretched mile upon mile of barren Tortured earth Stark mountain ranges, like dinosaur Bones, gigantic beyond imagining, Thrust through the dry, brown surface

Soul Traffic Obituary info is concise – time of death – the place – survivors named. Just the facts – who – when – how – and those who mourn, Condensed, abbreviated, filling space. Shade of Chaucer! Entertain us Sir! A full account we package here. A Life. Lifestyle Journalism – That’s the ticket! Warts and all we want to see this face. Say ‘he shared his bounty with his friends’; Or tell us he was sometimes difficult – worked hard but still Knew how to play – Honored life by learning how to live. Tell us this woman lived a life of love – Of nature, books, Companions, family, home; Found challenges in everything untried – impatient She sometimes stepped on toes. Recount the days of these departed souls, fill in the daily History of their lives. Paint a picture, pique our interest – one rousing declaration that they lived! For these were actors not unlike ourselves Who worked and played upon this temporal stage. We beg some lines to tell us who they were And what they did before the curtain fell. Peg Rock

Silence of Ten Acres In the silence of 10 acres There is rapture in the dawn Natures gentle doings Replace earthly things gone wrong In the predawn hours of morning Jack rabbits slip quietly by While the nite hawks and the white winged doves Fly silently through the sky Coyotes head to dens and caves Nightly songs having all been sung And the whisper of the wind through trees Sings softly of the morn yet to come In the silence of 10 acres You can mend your broken heart Reminding all that renewal comes With the song of the morning lark Karen Anderson

El tiburon blue and silver eyes angled like two lost quarters in a Las vegas slot machine a swishy tail and 2 ( or more) sandpaper covered appendages and teeth jagged perfect tools for their imperfect job that only show when the blue fins burst through the bulging surf the sun’s rays dancing off his back like kaledoscopic pastels on nature’s canvas reveal their hidden message that even a shark has beauty. j.j. kazlauskas

Soul Loss After a very intense dream it is important to explore what we have seen some healing may be revealed of traumatic memories that have been sealed maybe an ignorant family member had something to say that hurt so much we hid it away but with our maturity we can release it today and forgive them for what they had to say soul loss is the name the ancient ones did give and to heal will help us to live today psychologist call it dissociation and to stop it is the destination dissociation or loss of soul sacred unity will help us to be whole Daniel Chitwood

Ten Acres And? “A loaf of bread, a jug of wine,” A Gary Larson desk calendar, Ten acres, AND YOU, That would get me through, At least this lifetime, And, oh, did I mention, A well and septic tank to boot, To get me through, And a Trico meter pedestal, Half a dozen chickens, No rooster, AND, did I ... mention, YOU? By Mark Dresang

Heat radiating from the dusty desert Floor, rose in waves to meet The sturdy old plane, causing it to Rise and settle, rise and settle again And again as we approached Khandahar We left the airport and traveled the road South toward the tiny town that would Be our home for the next several years From the road, in the distance, we saw Patches of green crops growing Near rivers or in small settlements Where villagers had dug wells or brought Water from ancient underground canals As time went by we settled into our life In this timeless land and began to know Its rhythms and seasons In October after the wheat was harvested The winnowing began. Autumn softened The sun’s blaze and its light reflected from The chaff as it floated on the breeze. The Land from south to north was bathed in a Golden glow

Spurge, Spurge Spurge, spurge, That terrible scourge, Takes over my garden ‘ Resisting no urge. It climbs up the rocks And onto the path. I’ve even dreamed it Invading the bath. I’ve pulled and I’ve sprayed. I’ve tried everything. But the weed is tenacious It’ll be here next spring. I wondered if swearing And cursing would do, But when I move one forward, The weed moves up two. Spurge has a right to be. I understand that. But why in my garden, Just growing fat? I guess I’ll just have to Accept that fact, If I can’t beat it join it And clean up my act. Margie Crider, Phoenix

After all these years of blood and sorrow Are there still villagers winnowing their crop Or have the stains of war leached the gold From the air and turned the bright bits of chaff To red? Teresa Goorian

vacation away from home—both out double play Ann M. Penton

The Lion and the Flower I had a happy dream - about a Lion and a flower oh, what a marv’lous dream - so full of Loving Power I had another dream - about a Diamond and a Gem The Lion and the Flower were so proudly wearing them. How the stones sparkled and glittered - so alive, against their hearts So close to each other – that I could hardly tell them apart The Flower became the Lion - then they both became the stones And they danced to sounds of Music - coming in heavenly tones Then a door to somewhere opened - somewhere on the Other Side But, I couldn’t see what was hap’ning - no matter how hard I tried Yet, I knew way deep inside me – I could just feel it in my soul That the Lion and the Flower - and the Stones had reached their goal. I can’t claim to know the meaning - of the joining of the Four But I felt the Love and Magic - vibrating through that door whatever mystery the Diamond and the Gem meant to the Two Tranquility glowed from each other - and the secrets that they knew Then they floated through the entrance - of that pleasant, glowing Door And I knew ETERNAL GOODNESS - waited in there, for the Four The last I saw, they were drifting - never once touching the ground The Stones pinned to a Tuxedo - and a Jazzy wedding Gown. E. Benjamin velasquez

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pAGE 11

Native Wildflowers in a jam after bumps and bruises jarred autumn fruit Ann M. Penton

Inma Amador Valle que vino del mar para ser una professora de espanol para mi una primera reunion con el cafe me monstro que era simplemente perfecta sustantivos, pronombres,articulos, verbos incluso los puntos de accento se hizo hincapie su paciencia fue extraordinaria mi cerebro estaba tendido cuando se devuelve al mar en septiembre en coche, avion, y barco mi verbos se quedo dormido solo me dejo el tiempo pasado conjugar en la presente j.j. kazlauskas

The Steadfast Friend Undeterred by heat or cold or raging storm, he has been there for months now, steadfast, vigilant, gazing toward the winding road Whatever the circumstance, a kind stranger has helped him wrap his short arms and legs around the top of a fence post From this vantage point he can see all who pass by He is patient, waiting,wanting to return to his job His small soft furry body is ready to bring comfort to little hands and nostalgic smiles to adults because that is what teddy bears do Teresa Goorian

Wright's Eryngo Eryngium heterphyllum (photo taken near Corral Nuevo)

Southwestern Cosmos Cosmos parviflorus

McComb's Ipomopsis Ipomopsis macombii photo: Ruby Rd. 9-9-12

Tepary Bean Phaseolus acutifolius var. tenuifolius Above photos taken 9-9-12 along Ruby Road by Maggie Milinovitch

Page 12

october 2012 COnnection

A Broken Relationship With them it is a matter of survival and the herd’s pecking order is very important. Horses are creatures of habit and form patterns of learning. Suffice it to say, Mo has never been a slow learner.

Judi Oyler & Mo


y horse Mo and I have been an item longer than I was married to any of my husbands, having said that; I must say Mo and I haven’t always seen things eye-to-eye much like my marriages. Mo is a control freak and has been that way since he was a colt. I, on the other hand, think I should be in control. I guess you can see where I’m going with this. We all know that horses use the sliding scale to determine who’s on top for the day, week or whenever.

wonderful horse friends and we all agreed he needed to go back to work on a regular basis. Dah! There was no way I was going to drag my totally exhausted body up on that ornery horse every day. Besides, I reasoned I needed to focus on my Over 15 years we had consistently clients or I wouldn’t be able to feed racked up the miles, and that translates into a few thousand hours HIS Royal pain. My good horse had of horsey togetherness... Mo was my gone bad! And so had my attitude toward him. I had no desire to ride only Endurance horse. We became him anymore because it was all out a very bonded team over time and war, and at my age I can’t afford a he was, and still is, my partner. But all that changed when I had to go to fall. He needed a job, but what? Not me obviously I made the decision to work and he went into a pen. feed lease him. That darn horse was We’ve all heard the story of the “faithful old work horse” that when so annoying, and out of control, I turned out to pasture for retirement would be glad to get rid of him. showed up faithfully every morning It just so happened the young lady that took him had Velcro on her at the gate to go to work. And because he no longer has a job, gets butt. Oh yes - a match made in depressed and goes downhill pretty heaven. Long story short, he was home in three months. He was a quick. rack of bones. He had quit eating As my business grew Mo and and ran the fence day and night I started to grow apart. In the after the novelty of the new place beginning I used him for lessons, (the darn horse is trained wore off. He did a bit of damage to her fence. He wanted to come back to the 9’s). That was to his herd. She brought him back. short lived however, He got out of the trailer, looked he quickly found the around, went in his pen, put his person on his back was NO match for his tactics. head in the food and that was that. My heart was broken; I love that And trust me, as he stinkin’ horse and so desperately became more insistent wanted to be on his back. Oh, on attentionhe bacame what’s a horsey girl to do? We more creative. He really needed help. learned how to take the gate off its hinge at night and let himself out. Good or bad he would have some attention. Mo being Mo, would not be put off, confined, ignored or thrown out. He took to stealing hats from folk’s heads, knocking over wheel barrows, getting in our space when we tried to work wanting his rump scratched or anything he could dream up. Any attention was better than no attention. I consulted my

“The horse thinks one thing, and he that rides him another.” ~John Ray~ Happy Trails

Anza Day Celebration Saturday, October 20 10 am – 4 pm Tubac invites you to Juan Bautista de Anza Day at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. This annual celebration commemorates Anza’s 1775 expedition from Tubac to the Pacific. There will be a colorful reenactment ride, marching band, children’s activities, a variety of foods, as well music and dance. This event is sponsored by Anza Trail Coalition of Arizona, Tubac Chamber of Commerce, Tubac Historical Society and Tubac Rotary. New this year, a 5K “Fun Run” will start the day. For more information call the Tubac Chamber of Commerce, 520-398-2704 or Tubac Presidio State Historic Park, 520-398-2252.

MINDFUL LIMITS LAB A portion of the A.I.M. for happiness series. Join us on Saturday October 20th, 2012. 10 am to Noon, for a Complimentary Introduction to the Mindful Limits Lab followed by the complete A.I.M. Happiness Series. (4 weekly sessions) held at the Sonoran Center, East Amado, just South of Green Valley, AZ, Exit #48, East, off 1-19 This program brought to you by Melinda Mutch, RScP, a happiness lab technician.

pAGE 13

Arivaca Lake Time Lapse by Maggie Milinovitch The lake that so many of us depend on for recreational fishing, boating or just hanging out, is in sad shape. Even after many people in the area reported much more rain this monsoon season than usual. My place is just 4 miles north of the lake (as the raven flies), andwe had in excess of 18 inches of rain since late June - an amazing amount. Unfortunately the rains didn't fall where they were needed to fill the lake. The two main canyons feeding the lake - Cedar and Chimnea obviously didn't catch enough rainfall to run. The top picture, shot this September was taken from the boat ramp area. It shows the road people made to get closer to the water - but still not close. The middle shot, taken this July, shows lots of green weeds right up to the boat ramp, the new road and water to the "new" parking area. The bottom photo taken from my kayak in April shows our sparkly lake full to the ramp. This has happened before, the last time it was this bad was 1995, and the lake recovered but it is going to be a long wait until next monsoon. Or maybe will get another hurricane like 83's.

DeAnza Restaurante &


Presenting a menu of Sonoran & Southwestern Cuisine. Dine in the relaxing atmosphere of our dining rooms or in the open air on our lovely patio. 14 Camino Otero, in historic Tubac




Reservations suggested

Page 14

october 2012 COnnection

Platonic Tectonics - Persons of the Dialogue Lucretia & Socarides

by Mark Dresang

One: Lucretia and Socarides Consider Yale “Comparing [the lack of cultivation and literary power at Amherst] . . . to Yale, he wrote that ‘the bees are always swarming there – and fill the air with their buzzing clamor – while here they are silently at work making honey.’”(1) LUCRETIA. And what is your scratching all about, Socarides?

for example, important events that occurred between the time of the founding fathers and the present?

of it all, or if it must be done for us.

SOC. Such as the “unimaginably obscene catastrophe,”(2) and a second, the “infernal rebellion.” (3)

LU. Nonetheless, my dearest friend – I best you even then - if we are to be truly independent, responsible, and free, isn’t it necessary that we attempt to make things as clear as possible, whether we tread upon dangerous ground, or people’s toes, or go where even angels fear to tread?

LU. And does he do more than mention key figures like Darwin, Camus, Thoreau? SOC. Or, Mary Wollstonecraft?

SOCARIDES. Chiggers, my dear woman. LU. Ah, the gadfly’s karma, eh? SOC. Let’s scratch our other itch, as we had planned. I am itching to consider Yale. LU. Let us continue our pursuit to help Yale with his efforts in regards to a culture of success, and at the same time, let us seek to be of some service to our dear friends. SOC. A genuine service, I hope. LU. You will agree that we can help the most by seeking to clarify certain ideas that are perhaps taken for granted in Yale’s book. Clarification should help us all in our understanding. Are we agreed on that? SOC. We are so agreed. LU. And you will agree, Socarides, that we should “leave no stone unturned” in seeking to determine if Yale has clearly described the situation as it exists in actuality? SOC. Why, yes, of course. LU. And it would be important to know if he has included important historical “markers” in his account,

LU. Don’t patronize me, Socrats. SOC. Forgive me, Lucretia, I am a pest.

SOC. And that is dangerous ground to walk upon, my dear Lucretia.

SOC. We’ll be skating on thin ice.

LU. So very cautiously, then LU. And I intend to best the pest. putting one foot in front of the What I wish to know, Socrats, is this: other - we must, I think you agree, Does he talk of Darwin’s theory? determine what is a “culture of SOC. It is not mentioned, though success,” what is success, and what he pastes a note to say that Darwin are all the factors to be considered in wished he had “read some poetry evaluating what it is that we are to and listen[ed] to some music.” No. do to be truly free, independent, and No, it was not mentioned. responsible. LU. Because evolution has nothing SOC. Perhaps it is too much to to do with autonomy, independence, ask. Perhaps he made it simple on and freedom? purpose. SOC. Perhaps in his view, it did not. LU. Would he be our government of one? Would he have us be slaves to LU. But wouldn’t you say, Socrats, his one perspective, rather than be that it is important to evaluate our freedom from different sociological, truly free women and men? psychological, evolutionary, and SOC. It is not beauty alone, my very historical perspectives? dearest – I have bettered your best - Lucretia, that is in the eye of the SOC. Perhaps it makes things too beholder, but truth, also. complex. LU. Knowing we are the better half - I shall ignore your aside Socrats - and say that Yale suggests just SOC. Perhaps, although, that is not that. When he signed my book he Yale’s thesis, as you well know.. wrote, “To life and the meaning we LU. Then, one of the things we must give it.” It adds to the difficulty – a determine, my friend, is if life is fine kettle of fish - but we are not indeed quite complex, and if so, if whimps, Socarides! we as persons can make some sense SOC. You are a woman of the times! You would sooner fry a man as fry a fish. LU. So complex that only the government can sort things out?

LU. That, my dear pestcado (sic.), is why history is important. And, it is important in Yale’s book. SOC. I have laundry to fold, dishes to do, and besides, floors to mop. I must run. LU. Ah, a man’s work is never done, eh, Socrats? I have a corporation to run, and run must I, also. Ciao for now, Socarides. By the way, you look good with a mop. SOC. And with your taxing questions, having me sweat, you would have me to mop my brow as well. LU. Ah, our woman’s work is never done. To make you sweat, how sweet. SOC. Hasta la proxima vez, Lucretia, mi dulce. Until the next time. “Be a haiv,” as your little daughter says. LU. Whether I behave, or not, is my business . . . parte della mia vita dolce. Ciao. SOC. Au revoir. That is my sweetest final word. LU. “A brief campaign of sting and sweet,/Is plenty! Is enough!”(4) * the web site for Yale’s book is: 1. Habegger, My Wars are Laid Away in Books (The Life of Emily Dickinson) p. 317 2. i.e.,, World War I, Eli Zaretsky, Secrets of the Soul, p. 136 3. Habegger, the rebellion being, the American Civil War, p. 402 4. Ibid., lines from Emily Dickinson poem Fr135A, p. 368

The Book Store Lady New • Used & Hard-to-Find Personalized recommendations for great reads. All available online or with a quick phone call.

Monica Tilley - 398-9650

High Speed Fixed Wireless Internet (not satellite)

261-2411 is Locally Owned & Operated

ime is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. Carl Sandburg


Cactus Rose Gallery

Senior Buddies Estate & Moving Sales

Jewelry  Original Paintings & Prints Photography  Pottery  Gourd Art Located next to the Mercantile with Nancy's Tailor Shop Open: Wed- Sun 10-4

Ginny & Buddy Sahuarita to Rio Rico Proven honest & reliable Working as a team

(520) 398-9665

pAGE 15

Brown Canyon Workshops - October October 6 - 7: ARIZONA’S SUPER RABBIT - THE ANTELOPE JACKRABBIT Workshop Leader: David E. Brown, Faculty Associate, Arizona State University School of Life Sciences. David Brown is an authority on this large remarkably desert adapted hare. The workshop will feature a presentation and an evening grasslands excursion near Brown Canyon and a Sunday morning hike in Brown Canyon with a refuge biologist. This is an over-night workshop and includes three catered meals.

October 27: SOME HISTORY OF THE ALTAR VALLEY Workshop Leader: Mary Kasulaitis, historian, author and Manager of Pima County Caviglia-Arivaca Branch Library Since Europeans arrived in southeast Arizona in 1691 with Father Kino, a Jesuit Priest, ranching, mining and settlement have been an essential part of the Arizona landscape. Mary is a native Arivacan and a passionate and highly informed scholar. She will tell and illustrate many fascinating stories of the area’s history. This is a one-day workshop that includes a catered lunch.

24th Annual Patagonia Fall Festival A Celebration of Music & Art Free Festival Features Non-Stop Entertainment and 140 exhibitors of Art, Crafts and Food

and snacks. Patagonia’s unique shops and galleries show off their finest during the event.

The Patagonia Fall Festival is known throughout the state as one of Arizona’s best small town celebrations. A festival that offers a weekend of entertainment, food and gifts for the whole family. The friendly townspeople, exhibitors, and volunteers make the festival an annual “must” for thousands of visitors. Ample seating and food tables under mature shade trees make the festival a particularly enjoyable and relaxing day for everyone. The festival starts at 11 am on Friday, October 12th and will open at 10 am on both Saturday, October 13th and Sunday, October 14th.

The Gazebo Stage, located in the center of Town Park, is the focal point for the weekend’s free musical entertainment. A silent auction will offer nearly 100 works contributed by participating arts and crafts vendors. Monies from the silent auction are dedicated to the Park Preservation Fund.

Shoppers will find unique gifts from over 140 arts, crafts, entertainment, gourmet and specialty food, not-forprofit, and information booths of exhibitors from all parts of the USA. A wine and beer garden featuring local area wines is located in the main entertainment area. More than a dozen food service booths will be offering crowd favorites and the great restaurants of Patagonia will be serving a diverse menu of meals

McKeown Avenue will be closed to traffic, creating a venue for street performers, access to the local galleries and restaurants of Patagonia and additional handicapped parking. Admission and entertainment are free to the public and the park is wheelchair accessible. Free mini-van and horse drawn wagon parking shuttles provide access to additional parking areas. Patagonia Town Park is located on Arizona’s Scenic route 82 between Sonoita and Nogales. For more information call the Patagonia Visitor Center at (520) 394-0060 or (888) 794-0060 or contact festival coordinator Kazz Workizer at (520) 559-0732.

Arivaca Clinic

For Appointments call 520-407-5500, Ext 4503 Clinic Hours: Mon - CLOSED • Tues - 9 - 4 • Weds - CLOSED • Thurs - 9- 4 • Fri - 9 - 4 • 3rd Saturday - 9 - 12 Mon - CLOSED • Tues - 9 - 4 • Weds - CLOSED

• Family ThursDon & Fri Smith, - 9 - 4 • MD 3rd Sat 9-12 Practice

James Derickson, MD • Family Practice

“Sonoran Stories in Plants” Botanic Art Exhibit

Meet the Curator Reception on October 7, 2-4pm A botanic art exhibit entitled Sonoran Stories in Plants will be on display at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park from September 1 through November 30, 2012. The illustrations of plants from the Pimeria Alta are rendered in graphite and watercolor by artist Sorcha and are accompanied by stories, legends and scientific information. The artwork is inspired by agrarian traditions including Native American perspectives of botany and botanic art as expressions of a circle of attunement.

The exhibit will be on display in the Tubac Presidio Museum through November 30, 2012 and is included with park admission - $5 adults, $2 youth (7-13), children free. Visitors can meet the artist and curator Sorcha at a reception on Sunday, October 7 from 2 to 4pm. The reception will include an informal gallery talk from 2 to 3pm, followed by wine and light refreshments. The fee for the curator’s reception is $7.50 and reservations are recommended.


t is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. - Aristotle

Arivaca Christian Center - non denominational -

Join us as we Worship and Praise the Lord! Sunday Morning Worship - 10:30 am Children’s Church • Song Sunday • Prayer Chain • Fellowship Wednesday Evening Meeting & Bible Study - 6pm - Potluck at 5pm Rev. Rebecca Gibson, Pastor

17085 W. Third Street

PO Box 134, Arivaca


Page 16 october 2012 Connection

Paws Patrol


aws Patrol is proud to announce the release of our new book “From Feral to Family” This heartwarming book is a collection of stories of feral cats searching for a forever home and is written by members of Paws Patrol. We are also offering our yearly calendar for sale as well. Green Valley businesses supporting the efforts of Paws Patrol by offering to sell both the book and calendar include: TALGV (The Animal League of Green Valley), Animal

Care Center, Continental Self Storage, The Dog House, Valle Verde Veterinarians, Green Valley Farmer’s Market, and Simply Feet of Sahuarita. The book and calendar both sell for $10 each. You may also order from our website: www. by using the “donate” tab. Both these items make terrific holiday gifts for loved ones and all the money stays with Paws Patrol to support our mission of TNR (Trap, Neuter, & Release).

Library News By Mary Kasulaitis Banned Books Week is Sept 30 – October 6. During this week we celebrate the First Amendment and the freedom we have to read what we want. The American Library Association’s Office of Intellectual Freedom proclaims: The freedom to read is essential to our democracy, reading is among our greatest freedoms, privacy is essential to the exercise of that freedom, and the right to privacy is the right to open inquiry without having the subject of one’s interest examined or scrutinized by others. The freedom to read is protected by our Constitution. Upcoming program: Drawing Fundamentals class will be offered by the Library on Tuesdays from 1-2:30 pm for 8 weeks starting October 16. The free class will be held at the Old School, 17080 W. Fourth Street, and will be taught by Laura Hudson. Space is limited so you must register for the class by

calling the Library at 520-594-5239. Right now we already have a waiting list, but we would be glad to put you on it. The Book Club meets on the Second Tuesday of the Month at 2 pm. Come and join us for some eclectic reading. Call the Arivaca Library for more information. A list of books about Arivaca and its history is up on the CavigliaArivaca Branch web page at www. arivaca Used books are for sale every day in the Meeting Room at the Arivaca Library, courtesy of the Friends of the Arivaca Library. Ask at the desk for more information. Remember to sign up for individualized computer instruction any time. Call Mary or Coey for more information at 594-5239. We can help you with e-readers!

at the Library . . .

• WiFi - access available on patio • Free Computer classes! Individual help or tutoring - Internet use, Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher or Power Point. • Homework help available •Pima County Public Library’s Virtual Library at Caviglia-Arivaca Branch Library Hours are: Closed Sundays and Mondays; Tues and Wed 11-8; Thurs 10 – 6; Fri 11-5 and Sat 9-5. To renew books call the renewal line at 903-2865 or Caviglia-Arivaca Branch Library at 594-5235.

Enjoy the Connection?


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CONNECTION POB 338 · Arivaca · AZ 85601 NAME: ____________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________ CITY_________________ST__________ ZIP________

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Around Arivaca Arivaca’s Poetry Group submitted by Karen Anderson The Arivaca poetry group, aka, NOT DEAD YET POETRY SOCIETY, is up and running and having tons of fun. We have had our second meeting with our assignment to write a poem with the theme of “l0Acres.” Listening to everyone was absolutely amazing and seeing how many ways the 10 Acres theme could be interpreted was interesting and creative to say the least. Two “10 Acre” poems appear in this issue of the Connection. If you are looking for a staid and boring group, this one is not for you. If you want to have a lot of fun and get to know your fellow poetry lovers, then this group is definitely for you. Our next

meeting will be in January after the holidays. The assignment for those who choose to attack it is: Write a theme poem about “Bugs or bug,” Bring a poem to share that creates an emotion such as laugh, cry, sigh ..... whatever Bring a poem to share that made an impact on you as a young person, child, youth. Or just come and join us for fellowship and to listen. All are welcome and encouraged to attend. You just never know what hidden talents you might find. For more information contact the Arivaca Library and watch for upcoming announcements.

Opportunities for Community Involvement with the Fire District Chief Van Boerum For anyone who watches television these days it is not hard to miss the fact that our presidential election process is in full swing leading into November, with all of the numerous political commercials and all the campaign signs posted throughout the state for various candidates and positions. Like other governmental entities your fire district was scheduled to hold an election for two open positions on the Fire District Board, as I spoke about in a previous article. As of the closing date for the filing of paperwork, only one candidate had filed a package to run for the vacant seats on our board. Omar Rood, our current board president, filed his package on time with the required signatures. Like everything else there is a cost to holding an election. The Arizona statutes (ARS 48-802:D4.) allow for a cost saving measure in the event that the board has more openings than candidates, where the county board of supervisors cancels the election and appoints the single candidate to an open position. As such, there will be no election for the two open seats on the Fire District Board this November. Instead the county will appoint Omar Rood who will then assume his new term on the board. Now the question in everyone’s mind is probably, what about the other opening? Well according to our policies it will be up to the board to appoint an individual to the open position on the board. So we’re asking any district residents interested in serving on the

board to please contact Kathleen Wishnick, Board Treasurer, to express their interest in serving your community. We are also looking for two community members to help with the review of our 5 year strategic plan. This will involve attending at least two meetings; October 16 at 10AM and October 18 at 7PM. You can review the plan on our website at http:// operations/strategic-plan . If you are interested in helping with this project please contact Chief Van Boerum at (520) 3336940 or by email at firechief@ Finally, the Fire District would like to thank Walmart for their recent grant allowing us to provide fire extinguishers and smoke detectors at the Arivaca Community Center. Recently I conducted a fire safety review of their premises and found several areas in need of improvement. As such I spoke with their board members and together we applied for a grant from Walmart to acquire the necessary supplies to bring the facility into compliance with fire safety requirements for an assembly occupancy. Paramedic Ryan Davis and myself installed these items the same day we picked them up to ensure the safety of the youth of the community who regularly attend programs at the Community Center.

pAGE 17

Happy 90TH Birrthday

Around Arivaca People Helping People

Mildred “Millie” Bissman Mildred Bissman will be celebrating her 90th birthday on October 6, 2012 with family and friends. She was born on October 5, 1922 in Alta, Iowa and is the oldest and only surviving of four girls. In her 90 years, so far, she has worked in a factory during World War II, was head cook in a restaurant, and helped her husband Joe run his Steakhouse/Meat business. Mildred and her husband Joe moved to Arivaca 35 years ago to be closer to her children and grandchildren. In the 1980’s, she worked for the Arivaca Medical Clinic for 5 years. She enjoys watching the hummingbirds and roadrunners come up on her porch and caring for her dogs and cats. She enjoys having her family come

by Maggie M.

Submitted by Sophie Smith

to stay with her as well as having her friends dropping by to say “Hello”. Everyone loves her famous cucumber pickles. The UPS driver brings her jars back for a refill. She is still going strong. All of her family and friends wish her a Happy 90th Birthday! Her family includes: son Bill Johnson, daughters Cindy (and son-in-law Butch) DeHaven, and Karen Clure; grandchildren Wendy (Kelly) Becker, Penny (Jim) McCreery, Howard (Merissa) DeHaven III, Deo Clure, and Rich Gagne; great grandchildren Trevor Swim, Alexandra DeHaven, Wyatt DeHaven, Cheyenne Becker, Tanner Becker, and Daphni Werch. We love you Mom, Grandma, and Great Lala.

We are excited to announce that the Arivaca Humanitarian Aid Office has moved to the storefront of the building across from the Mercantile and La Gitana. We hope that this location will invite more community involvement with the office, and that the space itself will be used for local projects, meetings and as a place to peruse office resources and our lending library. We are looking for new volunteers to help staff the office. Shifts are 4 hours/week on a regular day, and people are welcome to share a shift with another volunteer. Even if you can only commit to once or twice a month, or as a fill in, we would love your support. Working at the office is a great opportunity to spend time learning about immigration and humanitarian aid, chatting with community members and volunteers, and being available to assist residents with needed resources. All new volunteers will have an orientation and will shadow a current volunteer for several

shifts. Volunteers are required to complete a No More Deaths or Samaritans training, and we can help you schedule this if you have not yet attended one. For more information about volunteering contact Sophie Smith at Between the office and the ongoing desert aid work at Byrd Camp, we are always in need of material donations! FOR OFFICE - laminating machine - floor lamps - heavy duty stapler - love seat; electric tea pot - paper cutter - space heater - digital video projector FOR BYRD CAMP Food supplies (especially nonperishables) - clothing donations - medical supply donations hygiene supplies

Note to Contributors:

Just a bit of paper business . . . When submitting articles please send in document form or paste into the body of an email. I prefer email submissions over hardcopies as hardcopies then must be OCR scanned - that is inexact and errors may occur. Also, please do not send documents as a PDF or JPEG. PDF's set hard returns and each line must be reset. JPEGs are photo files and useless as documents. Sending photos and ads as a PDF or JPEG is just fine. I am no longer accepting hand written in pencil submissions of articles, notices or poems. They are

generally impossible to decifer. If hand written is the only alternative available, use a pen and print the text. If you send a photo that you'd like to have returned, please include a self-addressed-stamped envelope. I am often asked, "How much it costs to put in a wedding, birthday, death notice, etc.?" The cost is $0. The advertisers, that bring you this wonderful open forum community resource, pay for the space with their advertising - be sure to say thanks if you get the chance.

Southern Arizona Wildflower Guide Describes plants growing in our area of the desert. Includes 204 flowering plants with over 400 full color photographs. Designed for amateur wildflower enthusiasts, the descriptions are written to easily aid identification. Index of Spanish common names Available at: Cactus Rose Gallery, Gadsden Coffee and La Gitana Cantina in Arivaca Tubac Center of the Arts, Tubac Presidio State Park in Tubac Buenos Aires Nat'l Wildlife Refuge, Sasabe Mariposa Books, Patagonia

Order at: or or call Maggie at 520-398-2379


Helping Ease Arivacans' Rough Times

Arivaca Helping Hear ts We're here to help serve the needs of Arivaca residents (living within the 85601 zip code area). If you need a little help with any of the following expenses, give us a call: • Propane • Rent • Water Company • Gasoline • Clinic Co-pay • Phone • Medical • Auto Repair • Taxes • Eyeglasses & Other approved expenses Restrictions apply on types of expenses, amounts and frequency of disbursals. Arivaca Helping Hearts pays the expenses directly to the vender.

a field guide to

f lowering p lants of a rivaca & s outhern arizona by Maggie Moe Milinovitch

Contact us at: 398-8515 or 398-3033 P.O. Box 156, Arivaca, AZ 85601

Page 18

october 2012


Around Arivaca Presidential Debate Gathering


he first presidential debate of the 2012 election is Wednesday, October 3rd. We'll be gathering to watch the debate together in downtown Arivaca. Join us

by Sheila Wallen

Congratulations & Best Wishes to Brian and Vanessa (Meade) Carpenter Brian and Vanessa were married in a real celebration of love and romance on September 15, 2012. The ceremony and reception were held outdoors, in perfect weather at DanSun Ranch. The lovely setting charmed the community of guests. Music was provided by Chuck Maultsby and his band and the dancing went on for hours as

friends and family marked this very special occasion. Vanessa looked spectacular in her custom designed dress! It seems most of the community participated in some aspect of the wedding preparations. Vanessa, Brian and their family wish to extend their gratitude for all those many kindnesses.

for an evening of fun. Bring your own beverage plus a plate and debate to share. Look for the dinosaur across from the Catholic church. The debate starts at 6 pm

Marian's Market is One Year Old

October celebrates the one year anniversary of Marians Market. In case you haven’t been downtown Saturday morning, Marian’s Market is our Farmers Market. Get fresh organic produce direct from the Arivaca Community Garden. Gene is offering excellent homemade baked goods, fresh eggs and the bounty of her Garden. Stockwell Mesquite honey is the best. Pure, golden honey from your local bees will add a sweet and beneficial taste to your day. Janis, the

professional shopper, takes the purse bite and hassle out of getting your household items. You can get fresh made tamales from Panchita. Sometimes she even makes real tortillas. Try some goat cheese with garlic or chives or gringo Jalapeno. Ari brings plants and flowers to brighten your home. Prickly pear juice comes without the stickery price. Ellen’s Mesquite flour is a great and wholesome addition to your pancakes and waffles.

Meetings &Activities SATURDAYS Every Sat - 9am: Marian's Market. 1st Sat - 9am - Human Resources Rummage Sale 3rd Sat - 1pm - Arivaca Family and Community Education Assn. At the Old School (or at Library-call 594-5235 first). 3pm - Friends of the Arivaca Library - Board Meeting Sundays - am - Heat Yoga (Comm Garden Yoga Greenhouse) Call for times - 398-2839 1st Sun - 3:30pm - Arivaca Water Coop Assn meet at town water yard 2nd Sun 4pm. Arivaca Action Center - Board Mtgs. 15925 W. Universal Ranch Rd, arivacaactioncenterinc@ Last Sun - 5:30pm - Arivaca Potluck at Obe Sweetwater’s home Mondays - 4pm - Gentle Yoga at Old Schoolhouse, Call Nancy 398-9859 5:30- 6:30 pm - Silent Meditation at Old Schoolhouse 2nd Mon - 6:30pm - Ariv. Fire Dist. Auxilary - at the Fire House

2nd Tues:- 2pm Arivaca Library Book Club call 594-5239 3rd Tues - 7pm - Adyashanti Gathering Call for info 333-8311 or 317-446-8394. WEDNESDAYS: 2nd Weds. -4pm - Arivaca Coordinating Council – Human Resources Group mtg. - Human Resource Office Public Invited Last Weds. - 4pm - Arivaca Clinic meeting at the Clinic THURSDAYS: 4pm - Gentle Yoga at Old Schoolhouse Call Nancy Fricchione for more info. 398-9859 3rd Thurs - 7pm - Arivaca Fire District board mtg @ Fire House FOR KIDS: Tues & Thurs - 10 am to 12 Creative Play Recreation (ages 5-12) & KAPP (ages 3-5) (Comm. Center) . Call Ellen- 398-3010 Teen Night - Call Ellen 398-3010 WEDS - 11:30am Pre-school & Toddler Story Hour, Arivaca Library. Babytime at 11:30 am on Fridays Girl Scouts for all ages. Contact Nathalie Dresang - 398- 3009



1st Tues. - 5:30pm Arivaca Alive, promoting Arivaca - La Gitana Cantina - all welcome.

Teatime for Seniors (Arivaca Christian Center) Fridays - 1 - 3 pm

1st Tues. - 6pm - People Helping People - - Border Issues Community Chat - Providing hospitality and community support in the borderlands. Arivaca Library

Senior Outings One trip per month. Call 398-3010 or 398-2771 Send your event listings to: The Connection, POB 338 or email

There is still plenty of room for other entrepreneur’s. There is no charge for setting up at the Market. Just bring a 10x10 shade to clip into the posts, a table, and some good homemade somethings. Find a spot that doesn’t have someones sign already, and see what you can do! Please no political campaigns. As we enter the time of 1st Saturday Events, there will be an Information booth as well as live music provided by Obe and Chuck "I think I'll keep my night job" Faith. Come and join in Maultsby taking out the trash. the fun and visit with your neighbors. Bring a We would like to give special thanks chair or two and start your to Chuck and Jim, our all around guys, own social circle. for the upkeep of the Market space.

pAGE 15

Un-Cl assifieds Cost: 25 cents per word • You count - I accept. Payment must be made prior to publication. For Free & Non-profit ads ONLY - No Charge. NO PHONE ORDERS PLEASE Only written ads accepted • Deadline: 22th of each month. Mail to: Connection, POB 338, Arivaca, AZ 85601 or email: RENT / SALE - The Honey House. Country living, close to Arivaca, $650 per mo. / $189,500. 2400 feet of space, slump block construction. Spacious, comfortable, place to live. Used to be a honey processing plant. Has a great kitchen with stainless appliances. Great views of surrounding hills. Can be rented partially furnished. Separate Studio space and storage / workshop on 2.5 fenced acres ~2 miles from town. Call 398-3915 Arivaca Alive group meets Tuesday, Oct 2nd, 5:30 pm at La Gitana Cantina. All are welcome who wish to participate in promoting Arivaca. Reflexology in Tubac by Karen Salvador. Sessions are at my place, limited times and afternoons. For appointment call 520-907-0885. Get your costume ready! The best Halloween Party this side of the Pecos is Saturday, Oct 27th at La Gitana Cantina. Music-costume prizes. The Arivaca Community Center is having a membership drive! If you join or make a donation now, we have anonymous donors who will match whatever we raise over the next few months so that we can take care of some major building issues. WE NEED YOU NOW! Thanks!

FOR SALE OR Rent - BY OWNER 4.3 acre,for $47,000 Home site with excellent views. On the corner of Hardscrabble and Cedar Creek Rd. Power, water, septic and phone. Terms. Call 480-993-8272

New Senior group. Call 398-3010 for more info! Arivaca Citizens needed to set-up & supply Treat Stops on Main street for the annual Halloween Hayride.

Gentle Touch Colt starting & training. 35 yrs exp. Certified. The Horseman Jimmy 398-3031

For Sale Ruger new model Blackhawk 45 single action $475.00. Phone 520-404-2751

RD's BACKHOE SERVICE - Septic, perks, trenching & grading. Licensed & Insured. 30 yrs exp. 398-9654.

For Rent: RV space, private ranch Amado. $300 with water. 520-248-3333

FOR SALE BY OWNER: 20 Acres, secluded in a canyon on Cedar Creek Rd., Arivaca, AZ. 2,240 sq .ft. 2002 4-bedroom, 3-bath home w/18 x 80 vaulted ceiling, deck w/wet bar and ceiling fans. Separate adobe wall B.B.Q. area and landscaped, shaded yard all enclosed by block wall. 24x32 adobe block shop w/concrete floor, electric and 21 ft. electric door. 4-stall metal horse barn, power/water, electric horse walker. Enclosed tennis court, horse shoe pit, volleyball and more. $325,000. Terms. By appointment only -l 480-993-8272

For Rent- Amado Strawbale Guesthouse, 1 bedroom, private ranch property, water included, pet friendly, corrals & RV hookup additional. $650 520-248-3333 or 520-971-9283. HORSES BOARDED - Full service care. Lg. pens w/ shelters or box stalls with turnouts. Close to trails. Arena and round pen. Trailer storage. $ 235./Mo. THE RIDING CENTER, Amado, 520 398-2392


Johnnie Lake’s

20 acres For Sale. 14050 W. Jalisco Rd. Well, electric, small septic, horse corral, sheds, small structure, and fully fenced. Asking $79,000. 520396-0865 or

Sma Sele ll Bu P sine ima C cted o ss o f th unty’s e Ye ar A SBC war d!

Complete Automotive Service and Repair • Over 30 years experience •

Johnnie Lake, CFI Ford Master Technician ASE Master Technician Licensed and Insured

Proprietors: Johnnie & Edie Lake 680 W. Camino Casa Verde Green Valley, AZ 85614

Another Month

Another Connection


ART IN AMADO! More fun workshops offered by The Drawing Studio, Inc. at the DeAnza RV Resort's Art Studio. Oct. 4, 11 & 18, 1pm - 4pm, Fall's Harvest. Agua Linda Farm is in full swing with their Pumpkin Festival, we'll produce drawings of the farm's harvest good enough to eat as we continue to sharpen our skills of drawing from observation. The DeAnza RV Resort is located @ 2869 E. Frontage Rd. between I-19 Exits 48 (north exit) & 42 (south exit). To sign up and for more information contact The Drawing Studio @ (520) 620-0947 or visit their website .Look for TDS 2012-2013 Course Schedules in locations around the valley. Let's Draw! URANTIA BOOK -Classes Mondays & COSMIC FAMILY VOL. 1 Classes Wednesdays 7:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m at Avalon EcoVillage, Tumacacori by Elders & Ministers. Call first (520) 6039932.

Relaxing therapeutic massage by in Arivaca at the Arivaca Action Center, corner of Universal Ranch and Mesquite Roads. Call Kathi Abbott at 520-904-9442 to schedule for Wednesdays between 11 am and 6 pm or Thursday mornings.

CosmoService, Sundays 10 a.m. Discussion Format - URANTIA BOOK , Avalon EcoVillage, Tumacacori – Gabriel of Urantia & Niann Emerson Chase & Elders, The Bright & Morning Star Choir - Organic lunch follows. Tours available. Donations appreciated. Call first (520) 603-9932.

The Community Center will be having its annual Mesquite Festival and Desert Harvest buffet the second Saturday in November.

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POBox 338 . Arivaca, AZ 85601 520.398.2379 email:

TUBAC AL-ANON / AA MTGS Weds, 7pm - Tubac Community Ctr, 50 Bridge Rd. Hotline 624-4183 ARIVACA AA MEETINGS Saturdays 8am next to Gadsden Coffee Amado Nooners-AA mtg - Unitarian Church, Amado Territory, every Saturday at 12:00. I-19 to exit 48, turn East.

Staff: Publisher - Maggie Milinovitch Proofreader & Distribution - Monica Tilley Feature Writers: Mary Kasulaitis, Tarenta Baldeschi, Roxi Hardesty, Judi Oyler

• Published monthly as an open forum journal. Contributors: • All contributions are welcome, but should be less than 1,000 words for Kyle Young general interest or 250 words for Teresa Goorian J. Wilson public notice articles. Jan Gaylord Ralph Shelton • DEADLINE: 10 days prior to the end Ann M. Penton K. Anderson of the month. Dita-Erika Hagen Sophie Smith The open forum format is for ideas, Mark Dresang Marge Crider opinions, experiences, whatever you want to Peg Rock Ceth Johnson share with the world.Your submission must Daniel Chitwood Jaycee Johnson not use libelous, profane or vulgar language. Scott Van Boerum E. B. Velasquez • All rights reserved Robert Barnacastle Sheila Wallen • Articles are solely the property of the John Kazlauska named contributor, reprint or use without their permission is prohibited. • Opinions expressed are not necessarily COVER: Danny Stewart & Jane "Sunny" those of the publisher or the St. John ;\photo by Roxi Hardesty advertisers.

Page 16

october 2012 Connection

Places to Go m People to See m Things to Do In Arivaca

In Tubac

Saturday, Oct. 6th - Horse & Rider Gala at DanSun Ranch - for details see cover story. Also, First Saturday at Marian's Market.

Saturday & Sunday• Oct 6 & 7 Earth Harmony Festival Free Admission - A weekend celebration of living in environmental, social, spiritual, & musical harmony with live music, food, arts & crafts, eco booths, hands-on demonstrations, organic garden & ecovillage tours, children’s village activities, hay rides, pony rides, and special eco-presentations. Avalon Organic Gardens & EcoVillage, Tumacácori, AZ. For info & directions - (520) 398-2542

Saturday, Oct 6 - Music by "Affect Light" on the Patio at La Gitana Cantina beginning at 5:30pm Saturday, Oct 27 - 8 pm. Halloween Gala Costume Party. Music, Dancing, Prizes. Main Street, Arivaca. 39808810 Wednesday, Oct. 31 - 5:30. Halloween Hayride, Treats and more. See ad page 4 for details.

In Amado Oct. 14, Sun. 10 am, “CertitudeFreedom from Doubt” Dr. Thomas Lindell, UU Church, Amado Territory, I-19, Exit 48 E. Oct. 21, Sun. 10 am, “Common Traditions of World Religions” Dr. Aneesah Nadir, UU Church, Amado Territory.

In Patagonia Patagonia Fall Festival 11 am on Friday, Oct 12th and will open at 10 am on both Saturday, Oct 13th and Sunday, Oct 14th. See Page 15

Sunday, Oct 7. Tubac Presidio State Historic Park and Tumacácori National Historical Park will provide special tours of two unique archaeological sites. See Page 5 for full details. Saturday, October 20 - “Juan Bautista de Anza Day” at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. This annual celebration commemorates Anza’s 1775 expedition from Tubac to the Pacific. There will be a colorful reenactment ride, marching band, children’s activities, a variety of foods, as well music and dance. This event is sponsored by Anza Trail Coalition of Arizona, Tubac Chamber of Commerce, Tubac Historical Society and Tubac Rotary. New this year, a 5K “Fun Run” will start the day. Contact: 520-398-2704 or 520-3982252.

Green Valley Mon., Oct 1 – 1pm. Join State Senator Paula Aboud - Women Ignited Now, a W.I.N. Rally for Women & our Allies at the Community Performance and Arts Center (CPAC), 1250 W. Continental Rd, GV. This is a non-partisan event. Thursday, Oct 11 – 7 pm – Lecture, “Recent Archaeological Research and Historic Preservation Projects at Tumacacori National Historical Park,” Santa Cruz Valley Chapter, Arizona Archaeological Society, 50 Bridge Road, Tubac. Contact Alan Sorkowitz, 520207-7151 or Saturday, Oct 13 - State Senator and District 9 Congressional candidate Kyrsten Sinema featured speaker at the Democratic Women in Action Fall Luncheon. - Lavender Restaurant, 77 E. Paseo de Golf, GV 11:30 am. $25pp call 648-0709. Thurs. Oct. 18 – 1 to 3 p. GV Genealogical Society, St. Francis in the Valley Episcopal Church, 600 S. La Cañada Dr. Main Program: Margaret Rennaker will present “What You Can Find at the Courthouse.” Programs are free and open to all. Refreshments are served. Genealogy items as door prizes, Silent Auctions, and Raffles at our meetings. Contact JoAnn Herbst (396-4630 or for more information or Google “gvgs az”.

Extras Saturday, Oct. 20 - 10am Voice your concerns - Sasabe Lateral Natural Gas Pipeline. San Fernando School, Schoolhouse Dr., Sasabe. A spanish-language translator will be at the meeting. Saturday, Oct 6th - Nogales Anza Days – Fandango II - 6 – 9 pm. Bring the family and enjoy an evening under the stars! Treasure Quest, Anza 1776 Re-Enactment Theater, Art & Photography. Tours of the Wetlands, Music, Karaoke, Dancing & Cantina Refreshments $5.00 Donation supports youth activities and preservation of Las Lagunas. (Kids under 10 are FREE), Contact: 520287-7051/520-860-0418/ Saturday, Nov 3 - 9a to noon Day at Desert Museum with Trico. See Page 2 for more info.


end your "brief" event listings to:Connection - POB 338, Arivaca, 85601. Email:

Bill's Gems & Minerals &

Bill & Connie Sparks

Reopening November 1st

We look forward to welcoming you to our updated shop with many new items. We will be open Thursdays, Fridays & Saturdays, and by appointment. 520-398-3033

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