Tubac Villager January 2012

Page 1



Arizona's Hal Empie Events Around Tubac

Santa Cruz County Update

New, Tubac Business Profiles

Vol. VII

Lichen,Tapestry of Textures Borderlands Photographer

Hollywood & the Santa Cruz Valley

Arizona's Centennial


TCA's Home Tour Jan 14

Enjoying the Anza Trail Tubac Shots

Ruthie's Recipes Tubac Map


C e l e br at ing t he A rt of L i v ing in S o u t he r n A r i zon a

"Let us show you the quality and distinctive beauty of Tubac"


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Tubac arTisT Hal empie saw

jan uary 2012

ariZona sTaTeHood arriVe On the Cover:

"Mi Casa en San Jose" Oil on Burlap & Aluminum Foil by Hart (Hal) Empie

Courtesy of the private collection of Ann and Peter Groves. The painting is a rendering from memory of how the artist remembered the home where he was born - a one-room adobe with a dirt floor in San Jose (Safford, AZ).

Fine prints available at Hal Empie Studio and Gallery call 520-398-2811 online at www.halempiestudio-gallery.com

Above: A family photo treasured by Ann Groves shows her father, the artist Hal Empie, as a child in southeast Arizona. In this photo, circa 1910, are Hal Empie, far right, and from left, his brother, Gus, his mother, Allie Annie, an unidentified cousin, his sister Arizona (Zona), and his father, Hart Empie. Image courtesy of Hal Empie Studio and Gallery. by Kathleen Vandervoet

Artist Hart Haller “Hal” Empie was born in southeast Arizona in 1909, three years before Arizona became a state. He worked and flourished in two small Arizona towns, first Duncan and then, for the last 16 years of his life, in Tubac. The Hal Empie Studio and Gallery on Tubac Road features his Southwest-themed paintings. He passed away on his 93rd birthday, March 26, 2002. The gallery is now operated by his daughter and her husband, Ann and Peter Groves. On view are reproductions of his watercolor and oil paintings along with original paintings offered on consignment. Hal Empie and his wife, Louise, moved to Tubac in 1986. Empie already had an excellent reputation before arriving in Tubac. His paintings, cartoons, drawings and sketches have appeared in countless publications, numerous nationally juried and invitational exhibitions, as well as in the permanent collections of prestigious collectors, museums and cultural institutions throughout the country. "He had three careers at one time. People assume that he retired and became an artist, but that’s not right," Groves said. He was an artist for most of his life, but also owned the only drugstore in Duncan, Ariz., where he worked 12-hour days as a pharmacist starting in 1934. He was a cartoonist for Arizona Highways magazine and also created a line of humorous Empie Kartoon Kards featuring critters and characters from Arizona.

Empie's place in Arizona's history is unique and significant. His father’s uncle, Ben Maurer, came with the railroad in 1890 and Empie's father, Hart Empie, arrived in what was still Arizona Territory in 1903. He had tuberculosis and thought he would die soon, but lived to age 93, just as his son did. Hal Empie spent nine decades capturing the quiet drama of the desert setting and leaves an important legacy for those who call Arizona home. �

Hal Empie began to take photos of people and places around him, including Native Americans, in 1921, when he was 12, after being given a camera by his father’s uncle. Four of his photos that are unique examples of Arizona scenes in the early years after statehood in 1912 have been made into note cards and a sold in a package with envelopes at the Hal Empie Gallery in Tubac. Six albums of Empie’s photos have been donated by his family to the Arizona Memory Project and they can easily be viewed on the internet at www.azmemory.lib.az.us. Enter “Hal Empie” in the search category.



Event Calendar


County Update


New Business: Shoshona Salon


New Business: Black Stone,


Nature: Lichen Tapestry of Textures


Borderlands Photographer


TCA Home Tour

14 18 24 25

Hollywood & the Santa Cruz Valley

Arizona's Centennial & Tubac Enjoying the Anza Trail Arts and Economy


Art: Creating a New Reality


Remnants from Ruthie

32 35

Tubac Shots

Village Map

Paula Beemer Hallie Birkett Joseph Birkett Murray Bolesta

Vincent Pinto Carol St. John

Advertising, Articles, Deadlines


T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

- hot yoga (NOT Bikram) with Kim Flowers from 5:30 to 7pm at the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 398-3193. $15.

o n g o i n g... MondayS - SCulpt the WeStern horSe - the beginning of a four month series of sculpture classes at Beads of Tubac, right across the street from the Tubac Center of the Arts. Call (520) 398-2070 for details and to register. The series of classes SCULPTING the OLD WEST, will cover The Western Horse, Ranchers, Characters of the Old West, and Native Americans of Arizona. Artist/teacher Kaye Guerin will spend a month on each subject, based on her extensive travels and research. Clays, armatures and tools will be available for purchase with a student discount at Beads of Tubac.

FridayS - graCe, Stability, & Strength with Adrianne Stelzenmuller at 11:30am at the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 398-3193. $15. - danCe ClaSSeS at Evolution Dance Studio. 2pm - Very Beginning Ballet for Adults. For more info call 719-237-7364. In Plaza de Anza. - Jazz & blueS at the Amado Territory Steak House at 5:30pm. Featuring Becky Reyes with Scott Muhleman. 520-398-2651. Exit 48 I-19.

- danCe ClaSSeS at Evolution Dance Studio. 10am Ballet; 11:30am Line-Dancing; 5:30pm Very Beginning Two-Step/East Coast Swing; 6:30pm Very Beginning Salsa. For more info call 719-237-7364. In Plaza de Anza.

- aquatiC Meditation with Adrianne Stelzenmuller at 5:30pm at the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 398-3193. $15. - FiSh & ChipS With live MuSiC from 5-9pm at Wisdom's Cafe in Tumacacori. 3982397.

tueSdayS - aqua Shape with Adrianne Stelzenmuller at 1pm at the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 3983193. $15 - aquatiC tai Chi qi gong with Kat Stranlie at 2pm at the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 3983193. $15. - 2-For-1 MargaritaS at Wisdom's Cafe in Tumacacori. 398-2397. WedneSdayS - aWanaS For young Children at the Church of Tubac from 6:30 to 8pm. 2242 W. Frontage Road, Tubac. (520) 398-2325.

- Santa Cruz SingerS ChoruS rehearSe from 6:30 to 8:30pm in the Patagonia Community Center. New members welcome--No formal training required. 10th Anniversary Spring concert in April. Questions? call 520-394-9495 or email blessingways@gmail.com. thurSdayS - Tumacácori National Historical Park tourS oF the hiStoriC MiSSion SiteS oF guevavi and CalabazaS. Beginning at 9:30 a.m. and returning to Tumacácori at 12:30 p.m. The cost for the tour is $20 per person and includes transportation and admission to the park. Reservations required, visit www.recreation.gov.

- one-hour guided tourS to the Santa Cruz river begin at 10:30am at the Tumacácori National Historical Park. $3 park entrance fee. Visit www.nps.gov/tuma or call 398-2341 ext. 0. - danCe ClaSSeS at Evolution Dance Studio. 5:30pm Beginning Line-Dancing; 6:30pm Line-Dancing. For more info call 719-237-7364. In Plaza de Anza.

- aquatiC tai Chi qi gong with Kat Stranlie at 2pm at the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 398-3193. $15.

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- live entertainMent at Stables Ranch Grille at the Tubac Golf Resort and Spa. 3982647. SaturdayS - aqua yoga with Kim Flowers at 11am at the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 398-3193. $15. - reStorative yoga with Kim Flowers at 4pm at the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 398-3193. $15. - bill Manzanedo live from 5 to 9pm plus SeriouSly SinFul SeaFood at Wisdom's Cafe in Tumacacori. 398-2397. - live entertainMent at Stables Ranch Grille at the Tubac Golf Resort and Spa. 398-2647.

T u b a c SundayS - Sunday ServiCeS for adults and children at the Church of Tubac . Sunday school begins at 10am, services at 11. Pastor Jeremy Hatfield. 2242 W. Frontage Road, Tubac. (520) 398-2325. - 2nd Sunday of the month - paWS patrol'S Cat adoption Fair from 1pm to 4pm at Green Valley Canine, 750 W Camino Casa Verde. All cats and kittens are raised in our foster homes. For more info call 520-207-4024 or visit greenvalleypawspatrol.org. daily - “CavalCade oF hiStory” art exhibit at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. The Alan B. Davis Gallery exhibits 16 paintings from the Arizona Highways “Cavalcade of History” collection. The canvas giclées of paintings by renowned Western artist William Ahrendt depict scenes from Arizona’s colorful history. Exhibit included in park admission $4 adult, $2 youth (7–13), children free.1 Burruel Street in Tubac. Open daily 9am-5pm. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www. tubacpresidiopark.com. - patagonia lake State park activities - bird WalkS every Monday morning at 9am beginning from the Birding Kiosk at the east end of the campground. Free with admission to the State Park. For more info call 520-820-5101. - noW thru Feb 26th - enCounterS – a native aMeriCan ethniC CoStuMe exhibit at the Tubac Presidio Museum from 9am-5pm. The Castañeda Museum of Ethnic Costume of Tucson presents a glimpse into the lives of the Yaqui, Seri, Tohono O'odham and Yuma Indians. Featuring apparel, artifacts, dolls and historic photographs of these four indigenous peoples the Spaniards encountered in the 1500's and who are our neighbors today. Exhibit included in park admission: $4 adult, $2 youth (7–13), children free. Tubac Presidio State Historic Park is run by the Tubac Historical Society at 1 Burruel Street. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark. com. - noW thru MarCh - guided tourS oF the tuMaCÁCori MiSSion from 11am to 2pm. $3 entrance fee. Visit www.nps.gov/ tuma or call 398-2341 ext. 0. - noW thru May 2012 - retireMent Celebration Sale at galleria tubaC. 20% off all artwork, 40% off Christmas gallery, 40% off home furnishings & accessories. 31 Tubac Rd. 520-398-9088.


V i l l a g e r * * * * *

thurS, Jan 5th - guided tour oF the barrio de tubaC arChaeologiCal Site at 10:30am. Special tour by local experts of the Spanish colonial archaeological site just south of the Park which preserves the remains of the original Tubac town site, including residence foundations, plaza area, refuse area and partial irrigation ditch. Meet at the Park’s Visitor Center. Tour involves a walk of about 1-1/4 miles. Bring walking shoes, sunscreen and hat. $5 fee includes admission to tour the Presidio Park. Tour limited to 15; reservations encouraged. Call 520-3982252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark.com. thurS, Jan 5th - Sugar blueS with Teresa DeKoker. Suffering from the ~ Sugar Blues? Do you constantly crave sweets? Want to gain control without deprivation? Join Teresa DeKoker, Health Coach of The Institute For Integrative Nutrition in New York City for a free lecture from 7 - 8 pm. Preregistration required. Call 520.310.6251 to reserve your space. Trdekoker@gmail.com You’ll be glad you did. At the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 16-18 Calle Iglesia. (520) 398-3193 www. thefloatingstoneinn.com.

Sat, Jan 7th - the laW oF attraCtion at Unity in the Valley. After having your New Year’s resolutions fail year after year, why not try something new? How about putting the Law of Attraction into action and ensuring yourself a successful and prosperous 2012? At this workshop, you’ll learn the importance of determining and clarifying exactly what you want in life, how visualizing, feeling and focusing on your goals plus believing they are already yours attracts to you those things you yearn for most. Join the fun by creating your own customized Treasure Map that clearly displays your desires and goals. Learn how to use that map to make the Universal Laws work for you in manifesting the life of your dreams. Discover how anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have and that you create your life each day through your thoughts and beliefs. You can either be shaped by the thoughts and intentions of others, and call that “life,” or you can ensure that what manifests in your life has been brought into

Open daily

Sat, Jan 7th - arivaCa’S neW year’S reSolution/ revolution: peaCe. love. party. Featuring a farmer's market, La Gitana Cantina Patio Party from noon to 5, with band jam, and much more. For info visit www.arivaca.net. Sat, Jan 7th - CloviS CultureS in the San pedro valley. Join archeologist Perrie Barnes and geologist Sandy Kunzer for a lively presentation and discussion of the science and current controversies in this fascinating and rapidly evolving subject pertinent to the Southwest. At 7pm at the Sonoita Creek State Natural Area at the Patagonia Lake State Park. Entrance fee $10 per vehicle. Call to register 520-287-2791. Sat, Jan 7th - WildFire perForMS Hot, Classic Rock at the Old Tubac Inn Restaurant and Saloon, 7 Plaza Rd. 398.3161.

Fri, Jan 6th - FirSt Friday at WiSdoM'S CaFe in Tumacacori. 520-398-2397.

Regular menu

reality by you. With treasure mapping, you can design your own life and open your mind to a new way of seeing and being. Make a commitment to a better life in 2012 by attending this workshop from 8:30 - 3:30pm. For additional information and to register, please contact Susan Pace at SusanKayP@aol.com or 520-6486444.

Sun, Jan 8th - Frontier printing preSS deMonStrationS from 12 to 4pm. Professional printer and teacher James Pagels demonstrates the 1858 Washington Press used to print Arizona’s first newspaper and answers questions about hand press printing, type setting, and other aspects of this marvel of industrial engineering. Included with park admission $4 adult, $2 youth 7–13, children free. At the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark. com. Sun, Jan 8th - handS on Cooking with Teresa DeKoker. Join Teresa De Koker, certified health counselor and botanist, for an evening of cooking, eating, wine and celebrating seasonal foods from local growers. Together we will create simple healthful dishes. Our menu will rely upon what is available locally that week although you can expect a rainbow of colors and flavors on your plate! $50 includes tapas, wine, cooking class & healthy tips for the New Year (register with a friend and pay only $40 each). 1pm-3:30pm (please register by Jan 5th) At the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 16-18 Calle Iglesia. (520) 398-3193 www. thefloatingstoneinn.com. Continued on page 9...

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Private Parking Available


T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

New county court building opens

board meeting that he has been in talks with Rio Rico Fire Chief Les Caid, who was hired in April 2011.

If you are called to jury duty, you’ll report to a new location on your next visit. The new $15 million courts and probation building at the Santa Cruz County government offices in Nogales opened in early December. The facility has been named the Ed Pastor Justice and Detention Center for the Congressman who, at one time, represented Nogales and much of Santa Cruz County. The new facility, located between the county complex north of Mariposa Road and the county jail that opened in February 2011, now is the home of the Santa Cruz County Superior Court, Justice of the Peace Court Precinct One, Clerk of Superior Court, court administration, the Precinct One constable’s office, and the adult and juvenile probation departments.

Three of the four fire stations operated by the Tubac Fire District are located in Rio Rico, due to district boundaries. “There’s a lot we can start to do together,” he said. As a first step, Keeley said Rio Rico “has communications needs – significant ones – and no expertise.” For that reason it’s been agreed that Lindsey will work two days a week starting Jan. 2 for the Rio Rico district and three days a week for the Tubac district. Rio Rico Fire will pay 40 percent of his salary, Keeley said. The new Santa Cruz County Courts and Probation building opened in early December. The facility is on the east side of the county complex in Nogales.

The second floor of the original county complex is now about three-fourths empty. Still located there are the offices of Santa Cruz County George Silva. County Manager Carlos Rivera said there are no plans to use the empty space, which includes a large, impressive courtroom used by the County Superior Court and two small courtrooms, along with office spaces in many sizes and shapes. He said there is no money in the current budget for remodeling. At some point, the supervisors will begin to discuss how to make use of the space, he said.

2 fire districts ink agreement

Before joining the Tubac district, Lindsey was a communications specialist for Santa Cruz County, and prior to that, he was communications manager for the City of Tempe, Arizona, he said.

A new agreement between the Tubac Fire District and the Rio Rico Fire District means that communications specialist Mike Lindsey will work for both agencies. Lindsey has been a full-time employee with the Tubac district for about four years and during that time has overseen grant proposals for new communications equipment, worked on placing orders and supervised installation.

Tubac Fire Chief Kevin Keeley said at the Dec. 21 fire

Your reps in Congress and state legislature

Who will be your elected representatives following the November 2012 general elections? That will be a muchdiscussed question this year.

Tubac, Tumacacori and Amado are expected to be in a new district – District 3 -- under the tentative final map released in late December for Arizona Congressional districts.

In the Tubac Village, at the corner of Burruel & Camino Otero


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Santa Cruz County Update continued... District 2 is the new Arizona legislative district for Tubac, Tumacacori and Amado residents. The individuals who presently represent Tubac and neighboring areas at the state legislature don’t live in the newly formed district.

The tentative congressional- and legislative-district maps approved by the Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission were posted on Dec. 21 to the agency’s website, www.azredistricting.org. The panel adopted the maps pending analyses by its legal counsel and voting-rights consultants. According to counsel Mary O’Grady, the panel will have to vote on the maps again after receiving the analyses. The commission’s lawyers and staff then must prepare the state’s submission to the Department of Justice for its approval as mandated under the federal Voting Rights Act.

County workers get holiday bonus

The Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors voted 3-0 at a Dec. 14 meeting to give $250 holiday bonuses to each employee and that money was scheduled to be added to Dec. 30 pay checks. Jennifer St. John, administrative services director, said the total cost was “just under $100,000.” Of that, $45,000 was from the Board of Supervisors contingency fund and $55,000 was from the budget category of grant revenue. Elected officials in county government didn’t receive the bonus. County Attorney George Silva said that’s prohibited since their salaries are set by state statute.

Board Chair Rudy Molera said that the employees last received a cost of living raise in November 2007. He said, “Morale has been tough, at least since I’ve been here. I thought it would be something nice to thank our employees for the good service they provide.” Supervisor John Maynard said, “I like it, I think it’s a good idea. Whenever you can compensate people for a job well done, you should do that.”

He went on to talk about setting up performance evaluation and pay hikes but Supervisor Manuel Ruiz cautioned that the topic wasn’t on the agenda so discussion ended.

Ruiz preferred to give employees $250 net, he said. “That’s what I would like.” County Manager Carlos Rivera said that the county can’t pay a net bonus, but only a gross amount, noting, “We can’t pay an employee’s taxes.”

Great response to toy drive

Tubac Fire District employees thanked the community for the phenomenal amount of support that made this year’s Christmas Toy and Food Drive the biggest event ever. Nancy Lindsey of the fire district said the toys were distributed on Dec. 17 to children who were chosen at the schools in Santa Cruz Valley Unified School District No. 35.

She said there were more than 200 gifts donated, and about 75 children participated. As well, 900 pounds of donated food and $637 in cash donations were given to the Amado Food Bank to help needy families. A video showing the gift distribution can be viewed on the web site at www.tubacfire. org. Go to the page labeled Documents, Downloads, and Videos and the video clip is called Tubac Fire 2011 Toy and Food Drive.

Schools receive hefty donations

More than 100 groups and schools received significant donations from the White Elephant Thrift Shop located in Green Valley in December. Those with close connections to Tubac include the following:

Santa Cruz Valley Unified School District No. 35 (Tubac and Rio Rico) -- Rio Rico High School, $24,000; Calabasas Middle School, $12,000; Coatimundi Middle School, $12,000; Mountain View Elementary School, $11,000; Pena Blanca Elementary School, $10,000; San Cayetano Elementary School, $12,000. Also, Tubac’s Montessori De Santa Cruz, $3,000 Amado Community Food Bank, $50,000; Borderland Food Bank of Nogales, $50,000; Nogales Community Food Bank, $30,000; Tubac Health Care Foundation, $10,000; Tubac Center Of The Arts, $5,000; Friends Of Tumacacori National Historic Park, $2,000, Santa Cruz Humane Society, $8,000.

The Country Fair White Elephant handed out $1.4 million in checks to 122 social service agencies, youth groups, local charities, school districts and other entities. Another $101,460 dollars was awarded to the Hollace G. Roberts Educational Foundation, a college scholarship fund, raising the total to $1,501,460.

(For comments or questions, contact the writer at kathleenvan@msn.com)



T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

Steve & Vicki Trout

hand-crafted drums are focus at new store

Article and images by Paula Beemer After 17 years as traveling artists, Steve and Vicki Trout decided to establish themselves in Tubac where they said they found a nice balance between work and social life. They recently opened their store, Black Stone, where there are a variety of items all inspired by the Native American culture, focusing mainly on drums.

on the diameter, materials and accents. All drums are hand made and hand painted. No drum will look or sound like another. The wood used will generally be what is available in the area. Redwood is a typical choice in Arizona and the raw hides could be cow, elk, horse or others, Steve says.

The inspiration for the drawings done by Vicki comes from her admiration for Native Americans’ spirituality. The simplicity of it fascinates her, it all makes perfect sense, she explains. All the symbols she uses have a meaning: a horse represents transition and moving forward, a turtle represents patience and wisdom and a bear will represent strength and healing. A visit to the store is an interesting experience and Steve & Vicki can guarantee that when you walk out with your drum in hand you will have mastered the art of playing. As they put it on their business card, the lesson is: Step 1: Hit Step 2: Repeat

Steve was a contractor and Vicki a mother and housewife before they discovered how their talents could make them grow as they have today. Vicky started painting drums that she would buy from a supplier who at one point decided to stop the production. That left Vicki wondering where was she going to find more. It was then that Steve learned how to make a drum. Their design was successful and they were encouraged to produce more. Since 1994 the couple has traveled to participate in art shows and powwows and they have sold their drums all over the world. Their average production is 500 drums a year Vicki says.

The store is located next to Shelby’s Bistro in Mercado de Baca. For more information, contact the owners at 520-398-2007.

Drums range in sizes and prices from $28 to $5,000 depending



Prices subject to change without notice.

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T u b a c

Continued on from page 5...

V i l l a g e r

Mon, Jan 9th - artiSt talk - liMinal SpaCe & the art Making proCeSS with Angela Zimmerman from 5-6pm at the Tubac Center of the Arts, 9 Plaza Rd. 398-2371.

opening thurS, Jan 12th - az aqueouS exhibit'S opening reCeption from 5 to 7pm at the Tubac Center of the Arts, 9 Plaza Rd. 398-2371.

Starting Mon, Jan 9th thru 17th - introduCtion to healing danCe, with Ahara Vatter. Learn to work or play in the water in a fun and healthy way. The full spectrum dynamic play of Healing Dance, coupled with it’s organic nature, encourages us to find freedom in the movement and spaces of our body and in those of our floating partners. No massage or bodywork background required to attend this workshop. For more information and class fee go to healingdance.org. or call Ahara at 303 808-9606. At the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 1618 Calle Iglesia. (520) 398-3193 www.thefloatingstoneinn.com.

thurS, Jan 12th - arizona’S hiStoriC bridgeS is Topic of Santa Cruz Valley AAS Program. Engineer Jerry Cannon and Planner Patricia Morris will give a presentation at 7 PM, at the North County Facility at 50 Bridge Road in Tubac. Free and open to the public. The presentation traces the historic bridges in the state from the days when Arizona was a territory up to about 1949 and highlights the work of bridge-builders such as John Rennie, Ralph Modjeski, JB Girand, and Ralph Hoffman. The Santa Cruz Valley AAS Chapter meets the second Thursday of each month. For more information, call Alan Sorkowitz at 520-2077151 or inquire via e-mail at asorko@cox.net. www.AzArchSoc. org.

Mon, Jan 9th - Moonlight hike. Experience the wonderful view of Sonoita Creek and Patagonia Lake by moonlight. Wear sturdy shoes; bring water, a flashlight, and perhaps a walking stick. Trail is moderately difficult with a 350 ft. elevation gain. Meet at Visitor Center at 4:00. Call to register 520287-2791. Entrance fee $10 per vehicle. thurS, Jan 12th - the tubaC thurSday Morning breakFaSt ForuM preSentS tereSa grahaM brett, Jd Speaking on adultiSM: the hidden toxin poiSoning our relationShipS With Children. She presents a provocative analysis as to how childhood repressive socialization structure the lives of adults and how society as a whole avoids dealing with the realities of children. The Forum begins at 8:30am with a full sit down breakfast at Maria’s Grill- 40 Avenida Goya, Tubac. Admission is $10 (cash or check). Seating is limited. Advance reservations are recommended. Email bdank22@msn.com with name and number in party OR call 3983350. If you make a reservation and have to cancel, please email cancellation. For last minute changes in the Forum program, please check the Forum web page- http://tubacbreakfastforum. wordpress.com

Fri, Jan 13th - robert MoSS talk on "the poWer oF aCtive dreaMing." From 5:30 to 7pm. Robert Moss combines dreaming, shamanism and imagination. Among his books are Conscious Dreaming, Dreamways of the Iroquois. The Three Only Things, and The History of Dreaming. His website is www.mossdreams.com. He will be giving a two-day workshop at Kenyan Ranch on January 14th-15th. You can contact Sue WebbRees for more details about his workshop at suewebbrees@aol. com or call her at 520-870-8332. Free. Books will be available for purchase. At the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa, 16-18 Calle Iglesia. (520) 398-3193 www.thefloatingstoneinn.com. Fri, Jan 13th - gourMet raW/vegan Cooking ClaSS with Elaina Love and Chris Whitcoe at 7pm and Jan, 15th at noon. In this 2-day course, you will learn a vast array of information on raw, vegan food preparation and the theory behind living a natural, healthy life full of Pure Joy! This will be one of several week-end workshops that the Pure Joy Academy will be putting on at the Floating Stone. Eventually, a 4-part series of longer classes will be held which is part of a certification

process for people wishing to cook in a gourmet style with whole foods that are diabetic friendly - low glycemic. In addition to their normal class material, you will learn how to cook with alkaline/ionized water offered at the Floating Stone. For more detailed information and to register, please go to their website www.PureJoyAcademy.com. or call at 520 394-0123. Cost: $500/person (includes food). Call Floating Stone for 10% on lodging at 520 398-3193 or info@thefloatingstonespa.com. Sat, Jan 14th - CoMe Celebrate our 40th anniverSary at la roCa el baCon bar & reStaurant, MX. Giving thanks to all our friends for so many years of support! For more info visit www.larocarestaurant.com or call 520-313-6313. Sat, Jan 14th - the poWer oF breath holotropiC breathWork retreat from 8am to 6pm. In this full day retreat led by Scotty Johnson & Jannelle Weakly, participants will work in pairs and each will experience a full two and one-half hour breathing session. At the Floating Stone Inn and Aqua Spa. Cost $165. Pre-registration required: 520 617-0364. Book your lodging at the Floating Stone and receive a 10% discount at 520 398-3193 or info@thefloatingstonespa.com. Sat, Jan 14th - tubaC Center oF the artS' hoMe tour from 10am to 4pm. The tour will open the doors to six Tubac homes; one at the Tubac Golf Resort area, one historic home in the village, one home on the west side of Tubac, and three homes in Barrio de Tubac with similar floor plans, but unique and very different decorating styles. Tickets are $25 for art center members and $30 for non-members. Tickets should be reserved in advance by calling the art center at (520) 398-2371. A map will be included with the tickets. Sat, Jan 14th - artiSt reCeption For robert burt from 1 to 4pm at Rogoway Gallery's Turquoise Tortoise, 5 Calle Baca. 398-2041. rogowaygalleries.com

Continued on page 22...


Tee it Up!

Every Day, All Day (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner) Sunday Brunch a la cart(11am-4pm) Early Bird Special, Sun. Mon & Tues

Unlimited Golf & Kids Play Free! Sundays, Mondays & Tuesdays For Tee Times call 520.398.2021 (kids 18 & under with parent)

Special Events

Annual Santa Cruz Valley Car Nuts Tubac Golf Resort & Spa Saturday,

January 28


Happy New Year from the Spa Visualization & Massage Work Best Together The arrival of the New Year brings the opportunity to re- vision your life, to accentuate the positives and to eliminate the negatives. Visualization is the key to creating the motivation to accomplish these goals.

Visualization is a powerful practice! Visualize Often.... Hold the Image... ...Visualize with Clarity Massage is a wonderful and highly effective way to engage in visualization. As your body relaxes, so does your mind. Distractions disappear and you are able to visualize your image longer and with more clarity. You are on your way. For massage appointments please call the Spa at 520.398.3545.

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For more information and reservations call 520.398-2647


T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

by Kathleen Vandervoet

Shoshana Salon owner Suzanna Becker is a proponent of buying local and of recycling. Putting that into practice, she’s furnished and decorated her salon with refurbished furniture and metal work. When new items were called for, she purchased them in Santa Cruz County. A third-generation hair stylist, she worked at the salon at the Tubac Golf Resort for five years, and opened her own salon in Tubac’s La Entrada Plaza on Nov. 21. “I feel so strongly that we should be supporting each other in Santa Cruz County,” she said. The client’s chairs are “vintage,” she said. They were reupholstered and she had new lifts installed, although that had to be done out of state. Mirrors for clients to admire their hairstyle came from Segunda Calidad in Nogales. Other suppliers included Lily’s of Tubac, the Santa Cruz Humane Society thrift shop, Rafa’s Upholstery, Nogales Metals, Anna’s Linens, estate sales and her mother

Left: Suzanna Becker has decorated her hair salon with recycled materials or new items that she purchased in Santa Cruz County. Photo by Kathleen Vandervoet. Right Suzanna and hair-designer/Makeup Artist Paola Hildalgo at their styling stations. Photo by Joseph Birkett

and her mother-in-law for their vintage salon and home furnishings. “It was so much easier to shop than trying to source items. Everyone was very timely (in meeting deadlines). It was like a dream” to outfit the shop, she said. “I’d like the salon to be a hub for people to ask questions about recycling and bringing me their ideas. I’m interested in hearing about old furniture,” she said.

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Shoshana Salon offers haircuts and styling, manicures and pedicures and mini-facials that last about 40 minutes. Prices are $50 for a cut and style or $40 for women with very short hair. Men’s hair cuts are $20. Becker stocks natural products from the Ahava line which use active Dead Sea minerals. She creates wedding accessories and has intriguing vintage purses and jewelry for sale. The salon is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, located in the La Entrada shopping plaza. For information, call (520) 398-3176.

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Tumacácori National Historical Park Presents Tours toAssociated Missions and Other Offerings Tumacácori National Historical Park is again offering tours to the historic mission sites of Guevavi and Calabazas. These fragile ruins, protected within the national park, are normally closed to the public and can be visited only as part of these special, reserved tours. This year, tours are scheduled on Tuesdays, January through March 2012, beginning at 9:30 a.m. and returning to Tumacácori at 12:30 p.m. The cost for the tour is $20 per person and includes transportation and admission to the park. To make reservations, which are required, visit www.recreation.gov. The tours meet at the Tumacácori National Historical Park Visitor Center. Participants ride in a 15-passenger van to both Guevavi and Calabazas. During the guided tour, there is some walking on unshaded, moderately improved trails to reach the mission ruin at each site, including one section of uphill trail at Calabazas. Participants will need to bring water and to wear clothing appropriate for the weather and comfortable walking shoes. These tours are not wheelchair accessible. Restroom facilities are available only at the beginning and end of the tour at Tumacácori.

oasis for nature lovers, it provides a critical habitat for abundant wildlife that live in, and migrate through, the Santa Cruz Valley. Discussions during the walks may include several themes, including the O’odham people, missions and settlement, plant and animal identification, the mesquite bosque (forest) and riparian environments, and current issues related to the Santa Cruz River.

The public is also invited to visit the Tumacácori Mission church and grounds, visitor center, and museum. Guided tours of Tumacácori Mission are scheduled daily January through March at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. In addition, on Wednesdays through Sundays, hand-made tortilla making is demonstrated. Each weekend, craft demonstrations also may include paper flower making, leather or iron working, pottery making, or O’odham basket weaving. On Wednesdays through April, one-hour guided tours to the Santa Cruz River begin at 10:30 a.m. The entrance fee for Tumacácori National Historical Park is $3.00 per person. Interagency Senior, Access and Annual Passes are accepted. For more information, visit the park’s website at www.nps.gov/tuma or call the visitor center at 520-398-2341, extension 0.

Part of the walk follows the Juan Bautista de Anza National Historical Trail. Although the guided walk will return to the mission, participants may choose to continue on their own along the Anza Trail, continuing north for 4.5 miles to Tubac. (Please note that this is a total of 9 miles roundtrip back to Tumacácori.) The trail closely follows the river, crossing twice on narrow bridges. The trail is level, and—although sandy—walking is relatively easy. Because the area is rich in wildlife, particularly birds, binoculars are useful.

River Walks Offered at Tumacácori National Historical Park Tumacácori National Historical Park is offering walks to the Santa Cruz River on Wednesday mornings, December, 2011 through April, 2012. The one hour walks leave the Tumacácori Visitor Center at 10:30 a.m., following the level, unpaved trail to the Santa Cruz River and back. The total distance is approximately ½ mile. Conditions may be muddy after rain. Participants will need comfortable walking shoes and water. The forest along the Santa Cruz River is an excellent example of the rare southwestern riparian environment. Not only is the Santa Cruz a beautiful

The entrance fee for Tumacácori National Historical Park is $3.00 per person, with no additional charge for participation in the River Walk. . Interagency Senior, Access and Annual Passes are accepted. For information about the guided walks, call Tumacácori National Historical Park at 520-398-2341, ext. 0.

Feminine Mystique Elite

Working Artist Studios* Visit us by riding the elevator to the second floor mezzanine level of La Entrada de Tubac. *Weekends are the best time to find us “in Studio.”

AnDe’s Studio; Tra-Digital fine art.

Designs By Gretchen; Dolls and Jewelry

Dangerous Bob Photography; Southwest images.

Desert Sky Orignials

AnDe’s Studio

Designs By Gretchen

Dangerous Bob

Stroll through La Entrada de Tubac and see what’s new. Lots of changes this season including the addition of Artist Row Tubac

and an extension of the Feminine Mystique Art Gallery. The Feminine Mystique Elite will celebrate it’s opening on January 21 with music by Becky Reyes. Come say “Hi” and toast our new endeavor.

Desert Sky Originals; Rustic Frames with Mirrors and Photography.

Feminine Mystique ArtGallery

520•398•0473 520•988•0131 femi9mystique@gmail.com www.FemaleArtGallery.com

T u b a c

by Vincent Pinto


et me say it right from the get-go - most people may initially find lichens to be boring. Extremely dull in fact. After all, they appear - if noticed at all - to be mere window dressing to the rest of Nature's extravagance. Trees tower above, impressing us with their behemoth status. Wildlife of all sorts provide never-ending intrigue to attentive naturalists during their travels. In contrast lichens are likely to... well.... just be there in the eyes of most observers - neither a positive nor a negative. Background “noise” of a sort, like the chirping of crickets that goes undetected because its always happening.

V i l l a g e r


A K a l e i d o s c o p e o f C o l o r s & a T a p e s t r y o f Te x t u r e s

This is truly a shame, as both the beauty and diversity of these strange organisms seems right out of an H.G. Wells novel! To understand and appreciate lichens you must first locate them. Unless you've spent your entire life mired within the confines of an extremely polluted large city, you've no doubt encountered at least several species of these strange organisms. They come in three basic forms: Ones that grow flat and adhere tightly upon a surface such as tree bark or rock, encrusting the substrate, known as Crustose Lichens. Those that grow leaf-like, but which are attached to their base in the center with the margins free are termed Foliose Lichens. And species that assume a miniature shrubby form or leafy form that is mostly non-adhering to a surface are referred to as Fruticose Lichens. Recognizing these basic growth forms is a nice, initial way to familiarize yourself with these odd species. Why “Odd” you might ask. First of all, in one of evolution's great experiments, lichens are comprised of two species - an alga (singular for algae) or

Colorful Crustose Lichen growing on a boulder. Blue-green Alga which is a simple plant, as well as a fungus. Somewhere in the hidden recesses of time an alga likely found itself growing atop an otherwise independent species of fungus. This led to a form of Mutualism, a relationship where both species benefit by associating with each other and where they may well depend upon one another for survival. Another example of this sort of symbiotic consorting occurs between yucca moths of the genera Parategiticula & Tegiticula and our various yuccas. These plants must be pollinated by a species or two of yucca moth, while the moths depend upon the yuccas as their sole larval food source. With lichens the fungus provides a home - complete with moisture and nutrients - within which the alga can grow. In return and completing the mutually beneficial association the alga performs photosynthesis, converting sunlight into energy useful to both itself and the fungus. Judging by the diversity and ubiquitousness of lichens, this arrangement

Peter Chope Watercolors 6 Camino Otero in Tubac | 520.398.8335 or 343.3310 | Open 11 to 4 Tuesday–Saturday

certainly works incredibly well! There are approximately 25,000 species worldwide that inhabit a dauntingly wide range of habitats. Lichens simply hang out where they grow using sunlight for energy and gleaning minerals from rainwater. This leads to very slow growth, but to a durability not often witnessed in Nature.

Here in the Sky Islands region we are blessed with a wide diversity of lichen species of all three types. Lest you think that this is a given, consider the embattled lichens in Europe where acid rain caused by humans has led to a great reduction in various species to the point where many are considered endangered. Fortunately, our generally goodto-excellent air quality allows lichens to thrive in our area. Further, the wide range of Sky Island habitats has led to a correspondingly high lichen diversity. Generally speaking, as you ascend the mountains into ever moister plant communities - think high elevation forests of various types - lichen diversity increases. So how do you know if you've encountered a lichen. What are the indications that you're not looking at a fungus (a more conventional one, minus the alga) or an odd plant species? Crustose Lichens are likely the least confusing set of species, as I can think of no other life forms that closely resemble them. If you see a colorful (grey-greens, lime-greens, oranges, and blue-grays are common) encrustation upon a terrestrial rock or plant surface (often on bark) then it is no doubt a lichen. Some Fruticose Lichens can vaguely resemble mosses, but a close inspection of their structure should reveal something more resembling a fungus that looks plant-lik.

T u b a c

Charlie Meaker, Celebrating 32 Years in Tubac!13

V i l l a g e r

Tubac Office – At Tubac Golf Resort

520-237-2414 Ecologically Certain types of speaking, lichens fruticose lichens are a marvel and can desiccate make weak, but to an incredible decorative rope degree simply when properly resuming life plied and upon receiving twisted. Some some moisture. of these “Old Despite their Man's Beard” small size, they Moss-like, "Old Man's Beard" Fruticose Lichen type Lichens help to break were thus used down rock via the organic acids that to make “poor person's” clothing in the they release - no small feat for such pacific Northwest in pre-Columbian an apparently meager life form! Some times. Lichens form part of the staples in Species in the genus Usnea have been the diet of Caribou in more northern used to help climes. heal wounds Beyond their in the form of strange, yet a medicinal often unnoticed poultice. appearances As a child, I many Lichens enjoyed many are also useful hours playing to humans in a with my electric variety of ways. toy train set Some species with diminutive have traditionally trees crafted been used as from a species of dyes for silk and fruticose lichen. wool. Although I have yet to Close-up, venture into this lichens won't realm, I have generally win made some quick first prize at a lichen “paint” Lichen growing on tree bark beauty contest, from an orange but their world crustose species. I simply crushed the is none-the-less intriguing. The next Lichen upon the rock where it grew time you go out, challenge yourself with another rock, using saliva as the to find as many species as possible medium for the paint, which turned and to pay them tribute in the form out yellow on an otherwise white deer of your own miniature explorations. hide. I have also eaten Rock Tripe, a On a larger scale, look for how they type of leafy lichen. Boiled it tasted change the dominant color, and hence ok, but had the consistency of rubber. character, of some cliff-faces in the Sky I believe I turned a few of my friends' Islands. Claudia and I marvel at the stomachs with that concoction in the lime-green film of lichens that soothes Catskills of New york many years ago! our souls from above, all the while years later I nearly broke my neck giving thanks for their other-worldly hiking in the notoriously bad-weather glow. White Mountains in New Hampshire, where a freezing rain transformed the legion of lichens into a constantly slippery hiking hazard underfoot.


Naturalist, Wildlife Biologist, & Survival Instructor Vincent Pinto (naturejourneys@hotmail.com) and his wife, Claudia, run RAVENS-WAY WILD JOURNEYS - offering Nature Adventures, including Nature Treks. Explore their website at: www.ravensnatureschool.com




Charlie Meaker


THIS TWO BEDROOM HOME IN THE VISTAS HAS A ROOM FOR EVERYTHING! Awake to mountain views from the master bedroom. Start your day in the breakfast-sunroom just off the kitchen, then get your e-mail in the den. Watch TV or just enjoy the fireplace in the Family Room. Entertain and enjoy the views of the Santa Ritas in the Dining Room and spacious Living Room, which opens to a covered patio. Be creative in the recentlyremodeled kitchen, with tile counters and stainless appliances to inspire you! Enjoy the beautiful Saltillo tile floors in the living areas. Walled-in back yard. Two covered patios. All this on 2.57 acres on a quiet cul-desac in the Vistas, close to everything Tubac has to offer. Everything is in excellent condition. New HVAC last summer. Roof maintenance just finished. A MUST-SEE!

LET ME SHOW IT TO YOU! Call me at 520-237-2414. OFFERED AT $359,000

Realty Executives Team

Charlie Meaker



T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

HOLLyWOOD and the

Santa Cruz Valley

Tubac HisTorical socieTy ’s annual luncHeon January 26, 2012

Above, left: Robert Shelton. Above: Don Collier. Above, right: Don Collier and Slim Pickens in NBC's series,"Outlaws"


he Tubac Historical Society will host a special presentation by Robert Shelton, founder of Old Tucson Studios, and Don Collier, Western movie and television actor, on Thursday, January 26, 2012. Shelton and Collier will share personal anecdotes about Hollywood stars who worked in the Santa Cruz Valley and film clips from the various movies shot at locations around the county. Their talk about "The Historic Relationship between Hollywood, the Film Industry and the Santa Cruz Valley" will be featured at the Tubac Historical Society's annual luncheon meeting at the Tubac Golf Resort & Spa. With its steady sunshine, spectacular vistas and

varied terrain Southern Arizona is an ideal location to shoot films, especially Westerns. Many classics were filmed right here in Santa Cruz County including Red River, Oklahoma!, McClintock!, Tom Horn and The Outlaw Josey Wales. More recent movies shot in the area include Price of Glory, Tin Cup, Boys on the Side, The Post Man, The Young Riders and Traffic. Shelton and Collier, whose careers span sixty years in the film industry, were involved with local productions and knew many of actors and actresses who spent time in the valley. Bob Shelton is well known for restoring and promoting Old Tucson Studios as a premiere movie

location for filming Westerns. Old Tucson was originally built by Columbia Pictures for the 1939 movie Arizona, setting a new standard of realism by moving away from studio backdrops to outdoor epics. Old Tucson was used infrequently after the filming of Arizona and fell into disrepair until Shelton arrived on the scene in 1959. He recognized the potential of the site and restored the antiquated movie set to create a successful film studio and family theme park. During Shelton's tenure, more than 300 feature films, television shows and documentaries were produced at the site known as “Hollywood in the

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L I L Y ’S !

T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

Desert.” He added new western sets, an antique steam train and a 12,800 square foot soundstage.

roles with his rugged outdoors look and experience as a real ranch hand. In 1960, he landed the role of U.S. Marshal Will Foreman in the television series Outlaws. From 1967 to 1971, he was cast as ranch foreman Sam Butler in The High Chaparral. Collier made guest appearances on Gunsmoke, Bonanza, Banacek, The Waltons, Little House on the Prairie, How the West Was Won, Highway to Heaven and The Young Riders.

At its peak, Old Tucson Studios was third only to Hollywood and New york in film production, and second only to the Grand Canyon as the largest paid tourist attraction in Arizona. Shelton worked with many legendary directors and actors including Sam Peckinpah, Steve McQueen, Burt Lancaster, Paul Newman, Clint Eastwood, Maureen O’Hara and John Wayne who became his lifelong friend.

Today, Don is still an active actor and currently working on an historical western radio drama series called West of the Story. The event will be held in the Geronimo Room at the Tubac Golf Resort & Spa, 1 Avenue de Otero Road in Tubac. Lunch will be served at 12 noon and the presentation will follow. Admission is $30 per person. Seats are limited and advance reservations are required.

Don Collier is a radio personality and actor, known for his roles in movie and television Westerns during the 1950s, 60s and 70s. He worked on more than seventy films and TV shows with stars like John Wayne, Robert Mitchum, Anthony Quinn, Rock Hudson, Tom Selleck, James Arness and Elvis Presley. Arizona residents will recognize Collier's face and voice as that of the original host of the local PBS series The Desert Speaks.

Collier's journey to acting fame began on a cattle ranch in California. As a young man, he worked as a cowboy on the ranch owned by legendary actor Francis Lederer and took drama lessons with Lederer. When Westerns became the rage, Collier was a natural for cowboy

Reservations must be received by 1pm on Monday, January 23, 2012. Last year’s Tubac Historical Society lunch sold out early, so reserve your seats soon! Above. Don Collier with Barton MacLane and Jock Gaynor in “Outlaws” during the first year of the series in 1960. Collier played U.S. Marshal Will Foreman in the TV series which aired from 1960 to 1962. Images courtesy of www.doncollier.com

For reservations, please call THS at 520398-2020 or Susan at 520-398-2416, or send email to info@THS-Tubac.org. �


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V i l l a g e r

TheÊBo rderlandsÊPho tographer

Text and Photos by Murray Bolesta

HollywoodÊ inÊ theÊ Borderlands Part 1

I’m a movie nerd. Especially, I’m a sucker for two film genres, westerns and submarine pictures. Curiously, few submarine movies were made in Arizona, but heaven knows, so many westerns were filmed here. And by here, I mean right here within a circumference of Tubac. My favorites westerns are those made in the 1950s. That was the era of the convergence of older movie stars from the golden age of Hollywood in the 1930s, with many newcomers having smaller roles who later became stars, sometimes on the television of my youth. Also, film technology, production, and narrative values jetted ahead in the ‘50s as a result of competition from television.

In 1939, the zenith of Hollywood’s golden age, Old Tucson Studios was built for the William Holden epic “Arizona” next to Golden Gate Mountain on the west side of the Tucson Mountains on land leased from Pima County. In the mid-20th century, this site was many miles from civilization but close enough to the airport for quick transportation to and from Hollywood. Filming there in those days, the cameras could turn in all directions and capture only untrammeled desert. That is not still possible. But the dramatic mountain backdrop to Old Tucson Studios, Golden Gate Peak, remains, and beginning in 1939 the profile of that desert mountain became a signature landmark, visible in countless films and television series and

2012 featured event

t.v. commercials made in the decades to come. Old Tucson languished a bit until the late 1950s when entrepreneur Robert Shelton bought and reinvigorated the property and turned it into the Old Tucson Studios we know today as a tourist attraction. Mr. Shelton is still active in the Tucson area, at age 91, and recently I had the privilege of dining with him, along with veteran western actor and Tucson resident Don Collier. Don is well known for his role as the ranch foreman on t.v.’s “High Chaparral.”

rock candy

My photography business, CactusHuggers, is devoted to the preservation of our natural, rural, and cultural heritage. Bob Shelton and Don Collier are a huge part of our area’s recent cultural heritage, entertainment.

kiM yubeta

Both of these gentlemen get a kick out of telling stories of their experience in this Hollywood of the borderlands, and will be doing that for the public at Tubac Golf Resort on January 26, in an event sponsored by the Tubac Historical Society.

a treat to wear

one woMan Show Serving Sweet treatS for your Palette PleaSe join uS Saturday, january 21st, 2012 Meet the artiSt froM 1:00pm - 4:00pm

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A truism to a movie buff is that ranching stories almost never took place in Arizona: they were filmed here, but the story took place in Texas, the geographic epicenter of mythic, wide-screen ranching landscapes. It was always Texas! The movie-going public simply did not accept Arizona as a place for ranching, only for red rocks, canyons, and Cochise. (An exception was “High Chaparral, but watching that t.v. series, I never could figure out how the herd was grazing among the saguaros.) The silhouette or profile of local mountain ranges is the key to identifying a film’s location. For aesthetic purposes those movie scenes were filmed from scenic vantages which are similar to the places I use for my artful landscape photographs. I’ve set my sights on comparing some of my images with scenes from the films of yesteryear. The geography around Tubac is especially fine for western filmmaking due to the diversity of striking landscapes. Within a short distance, the Sonoran Desert transforms into high desert grasslands. Those grasslands are what brought the cattle growers here, and the contours of our mountain landscapes are what brought the moviemakers here.

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Paul McCartney’s “Stranglehold,” 1986 Ex-Beatle Paul McCartney filmed his rock video “Stranglehold” (an ‘80’s rock relic sans the signature McCartney melodic touch) in Amado at the old stagecoach Halfway Station just north of town in 1986.

Since a lot has been written about Old Tucson Studios and the movies made in that desert locale, I will devote more time to films made in the grasslands of borderlands Arizona, such as the Sopori, Canoa, San Rafael, and Empire ranches. So that’s where I’ll be going in my articles on this subject. Not just films, but also a few other odds ‘n’ ends, both famous and forgotten. To start, I offer three, as follows.

“The Westerner,” 1940 The Canoa Ranch area was the location for outdoor scenes of “The Westerner” with Gary Cooper. Directed by William Wyler, this story of frontier justice had at least three notable features: an oddly menacing performance by Walter Brennan as the true historical character Judge Roy Bean; scenes with the view of Madera Canyon to the southeast that I have today from my Green Valley living room; and a cool suede fringed western jacket worn by Mr. Cooper.

“Reprisal!,” 1956 This Guy Madison epic is not among the classics. A movie buff knows instinctively to think twice about any film whose title includes a “!” since, like big trucks for small men, the exclamation point attempts to compensate for something missing. This amounts to title inflation, and the results won’t live up to the promise. However, this film offers a twist, common in ‘50’s westerns, with the Indians turning the table on the whites and serving revenge the best way, cold. This film’s theme is, again, frontier justice and the attendant drama. The movie’s poster features a photogenic semi-dead hanging tree (purported to be a large mesquite) which was uprooted and dragged in from Canoa Ranch near present-day Green Valley to a more suitable site on a Rancho-Seco-area hill overlooking Arivaca’s Cerro Colorado mountains to the north. There, the tree was replugged into the hard soil for the film’s critical lynching scene.


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The video’s producers temporarily had the historic roadhouse’s exterior refitted and renamed as “The Cactus Club.” The video featured Paul’s wife Linda who studied earlier at the University of Arizona and owned a Redington Road ranch in Tucson with Paul, and 9-year old son James. The video closed with a shot of a boy running past Tumacacori Mission on his way home. This four-minute video can be found on youTube. If you know of a movie made here and you’d like to share, let me know. Murray Bolesta has written this article since 2007. His CactusHuggers Photography is a celebration of southern Arizona; it specializes in borderlands images. Murray’s art can be seen at www.CactusHuggers.com and Creative Spirit Gallery in Patagonia.

-Images Facing page, top: The Cerro Colorado mountains just north of the Arivaca Road provide the backdrop for such films as “Reprisal!” and Sophia Loren’s “Heller in Pink Tights.” Facing page, inset: Hollywood veterans Robert Shelton, left, and Don Collier, right, flank yours truly. Bob and Don are scheduled to meet the public at Tubac Golf Resort on January 26. Top: The silhouette of a movie’s mountain backdrop is the giveaway of the film’s location. Here, the Santa Ritas before sunrise from the west. These mountains’ profile from the east side is more common in western films. Inset: The west flank of the Santa Rita mountains peek through the stars of “The Westerner,” Gary Cooper and Doris Davenport. Many scenes in the movie have a much fuller view. (Poster image courtesy mardeortesbaja.com.) �


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ll Arizona is celebrating an historic event in 2012 – our state’s 100th birthday. On February 14, 1912, after nearly 49 years as a U.S. territory and thousands of years as a sacred home to indigenous peoples, Arizona became the 48th and last of the contiguous states to enter the Union of the United States of America. The goal of the Arizona Centennial is to inspire all Arizonans to appreciate and celebrate our state’s rich past, celebrate the present, and, together, create a vibrant and sustainable future. Tubac, Arizona’s first European settlement, was founded in 1752. Before then, the area was home to Native Americans who enjoyed the bounty of the Santa Cruz River, fertile land, food items to be gathered, and wild turkeys and other animals to be hunted.

In March 1859, the first newspaper in what later became Arizona was printed in Tubac. “The Weekly Arizonian” rolled off a printing press which is on view at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. The newspaper was an ardent voice for the establishment of Arizona as a territory separate from New Mexico.

Want to learn more? The Tubac Historical Society Library located at the Tubac Community Center is open by appointment for research. Call Shaw Kinsley at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park at (520) 398-2252 for information about visiting the library. The visitor centers at the state park and at the Tumacácori National Historic Park stock numerous books about Arizona. Both parks have museums that provide additional history of the state and the environment. There are many interesting publications, both in and out of print, that provide historic facts and photos about Tubac. A small selection of the publications are listed here: Altshuler, Constance Lynn, “Latest from Arizona. The Hesperian Letters, 18591861.” Arizona Pioneers Historical Society, 1969. Bents, Doris Winnifred, “The History of Tubac, 1752-1948.” University of Arizona, History Department, Master’s Thesis, 1949. Bingham, Mary, and Mark Bollin, “A Pictorial History of Tubac,” Green Valley: Green Valley News and Sun, 2006. Browne, J. Ross, “Adventures in Apache Country.” New York: Harper and Brothers, 1869. Brownell, Elizabeth, “They Lived in Tubac,”Tucson: Westernlore Press, 1986. Dobyns, Henry F, “Tubac Through Four Centuries.” Phoenix: Arizona State Parks Board, 1959. Doyel, David, et al., “Excavations in the Middle Santa Cruz Valley, Southeastern Arizona.”Tucson: Arizona State Museum, 1977. Forbes, Robert H., “The Penningtons: Pioneers of Early Arizona.”Tucson: Arizona Historical Society, 1919. Garate, Donald and Sandra Scott, “Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail.” Western National Parks Association, 1994. Garate, Donald, “Juan Bautista de Anza: Basque Explorer in the New World,” University of Nevada Press, 2003. Hinton, Richard J., “The Hand-book to Arizona.” San Francisco, CA: Payot, Upham and Co., 1878. Kinsley, Shaw, “Images of America, Tubac.” Charleston, S.C.: Arcadia Publishing, 2009. Kwiatkowski, Scott, et al. “Archeological Investigations at Aldea Inesperada, Site AZ EE:9:175 (ASM): A prehistoric settlement located on the Hohokam/Trincheras Frontier, North of Nogales, Santa Cruz County, Arizona.”Tempe: Archaeological Research Services, Inc. 2002. Officer, James, Mardith Schuetz-Miller, and Bernard L. Fontana, “The Pimería Alta.” Tucson: Southwest Mission Research Center, 1996. Pumpelly, Raphael, “My Reminiscences.” 2 vols. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1918. Ready, Alma, ed., “Nogales Arizona 1880-1890.” Nogales: Alto Press, 1973. Ready, Alma, “Open Range and Hidden Silver.” Nogales: Alto Press, 1973. Sheridan, Thomas E., “Arizona, a History.”Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2007. "Landscapes of Fraud.”Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2007. Valentine, Nancy, “300 Years of Tubac Times. Writings, illustrations and recollections of those who lived in Tubac from 1691 to 2002.”Tubac. Self published. 2002. Wormser, Richard, “Tubac.”Tubac: Tubac Historical Society Bicentennial Project, 1975. Info by Kathleen Vandervoet. Historic Tubac images courtesy of Nancy Valentine from Hugh Holub Archives.

Tubac, Arizona’s first European settlement, helps salute Arizona’s 100th birthday as a state


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TCA Home Tour is Jan. 14 Six homes are featured in the self-guided Tubac Center of the Arts Home Tour scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 14, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tour proceeds benefit the many programs of the non-profit art center. Tickets are $25 for art center members and $30 for non-members. Tickets should be reserved in advance by calling the art center at (520) 398-2371. A map will be included with the tickets.

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new or old – iT ’s all on THe 10th annual

Tubac Home Tour by Kathleen Vandervoet

Organizers of the 10th annual Tubac Center of the Arts Home Tour have compiled a marvelous selection of residences to visit, running the gamut from new design to a 100-year-old home. Three of the homes were built recently and show off the latest design ideas for kitchens, and bathrooms and exemplify the smooth flow of indoor-outdoor living.

One of Tubac’s oldest homes, the Dave and Jan Munger residence, was built about the same time Arizona became a state in 1912. They purchased it in 1977 and renovations and additions since then have made it country-comfy. The Tubac Golf Resort home of Sandy and Stu Howerter, located between the first and second holes of the Otero course, is a retiree’s dream with two bedrooms and a charming guest house. The art center home tour wouldn’t be complete without a hilltop abode which has spectacular views of mountains and valleys. Dennis and Janet Reidy’s home is just four years old. The Arizona natives – Janet is from Bisbee and Dennis is from Douglas -- lived in Tucson before moving to Tubac. Located west of Interstate 19, the Reidy’s dwelling features Zuni brickwork, which are bricks of red and yellow hues. The wood ceilings in the great room are punctuated by intriguing v-shaped designs made of ocotillo cactus spines. The eye-catching fireplace is faced with large stones gathered from their four-acre hilltop property.

The home is decorated with Western art, sculpture, furniture and Native American designs. A wet bar in the living room features a custom stained glass window high up on a wall. Look out through the windows to mountains on the east and west, or glance down to appreciate attractive,

rich-looking walnut floors.

The home, with a large master suite, a guest room with family antiques, and an office, was designed by Tucson architect Brian McCarthy, a friend of the Reidys. Not subscribing to the notion of a great room, the kitchen and breakfast room are separated. There, alder cabinets and a center island with a top of concrete that looks surprisingly like leather are among the features. On the golf course

The Howerter’s residence in the Tubac Golf Resort brings to mind gracious living from the 1980s since it was built in 1982 by Mr. and Mrs. Otho Behr. It’s refreshing to look out of the windows and see small grassy areas bounded by walls. A mature palm tree is a focal point next to the lovely swimming pool within the courtyard. Fruit trees, including apple, peach and apricot were planted by the Behrs.

The polished Saltillo tile floors in the home exhibit an unusual and attractive pattern in which each large square is surrounded by smaller rectangular tiles. Sandy Howerter said she hasn’t seen a design like that anywhere else. She and Stu have owned the home since 1998.

The main home has two bedrooms and covered patios on two sides. Inside the free-standing guest house with its brilliant yellow walls is a small kitchen area, a reading area and a large bed. A walk-in closet and bathroom area complete the design. Three newly-built homes in the Santiago neighborhood of Barrio de Tubac are on the tour. Each residence has the same floor plan but, of course, all are quite different in the floor finish, tile work, design and furnishing decisions made

Top: One of the homes on the 2012 tour, photo by Chuck Myers, courtesy of the Tubac Center of the Arts. Other photos by Kathleen Vandervoet: Middle: An inviting family room is in the center of the Dave and Jan Munger home in Tubac. The home is one of the oldest in the area, built in about 1912. Left, bottom: An open shelf concept is used in the home of the Dave and Jan Munger home. Sturdy wood shelves display an array of blue and white kitchen ware. Below: An attractive sculpture greets visitors near the front entry at the home of Dennis and Janet Reidy. Below, middle: Photographed before Christmas, the fireplace at the home of Dennis and Janet Reidy is crafted from stones taking from their property as their house was built four years ago. Below, right: The cooktop in the kitchen in Sue and Michael Grousd’s home has an attractive tile backsplash.

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by the owners. The residences include those of Sandy and Chuck Gruenson, Sue and Michael Grousd, and Catherine and Bob Landers.

The circular entry foyer of the Landers’ home features a flower stencil by Catherine just beneath the dome ceiling. A swimming pool is a focal point off the living room where custom-made sofas center the harmonious furniture composition.

The unique wood and leather bed in the master bedroom makes an impressive statement. Kitchen counters are concrete with tile accents in vanilla and green. The Landers chose a three-stall garage, and that provides a studio space for Catherine’s painting.

While the Landers’ selected concrete floors, the Grousds’ residence features Saltillo tile floors. Their second bedroom is furnished as a stylish office area with a desk and bookshelf taking up a full wall. A rooftop deck and garden is enjoyed year-round for its panoramic views, Sue said. The Grousds’ kitchen makes use of dark granite counter tops and the cook top is backed by brightly-hued tiles in red, yellow and green. The dining area is spacious enough for a large table and wood chairs with leather seats and upholstered backs.

Mesquite Furniture with inlaid stone MADE LOCALLY by Treestump Woodcrafts

Historic Munger home

Among the most significant homes ever shown on the tour, Dave and Jan Munger’s residence is located in the center of the village of Tubac next to “The Country Shop,” which they own. The Mungers moved to the home in 1977 and raised their five children there. Now, their 13 grandchildren enjoy romping in the large and comfortable spaces.


The two-story home was built by a rancher, James Garrett, between 1912 and 1914. It’s constructed of mud adobe and the walls are 18 inches to 23 inches thick, Jan said. Over the years, it was used as a military school, an inn with three guest rooms and a restaurant, and a dormitory for art school students. In 1958 Will Rogers Jr. and his wife, Collier, bought the house. They sold it in 1973 to Larry Alderman, from whom the Mungers purchased it. Jan said that they made “extensive renovations.” All the floors and bathrooms were remodeled and many of the windows were replaced, retaining the old and original glass panes. Two new fireplaces were added, bringing the total to five.

The large great room in the original portion of the home incorporates a spacious blue and white kitchen, dining area and family room. Between the kitchen and an enclosed porch on the home’s north side, a striking set of pocket doors in glass and wood separate the spaces.

Tubac’s Zforrest Gallery is located in LA ENTRADA shopping plaza


The downstairs also includes three bedrooms, a TV room, a den and a small formal living room. The upstairs area with two bedrooms and a bathroom will not be open for the tour. The master bathroom, featuring a claw-foot tub, is placed where the home’s original small kitchen was. The master bedroom, with its own fireplace, at the front of the home resulted when a porch was enclosed.

The nostalgic decorations in each room are a delight, smoothly blending themes of the Southwest and of country-style antiques. Jan has collected antiques for most of her life, and made many purchases across the United States. Every room brims with collectibles. This year’s tour spans a wide range of home styles and helps remind visitors that creating an inviting space can enrich time spent alone and with others.

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Sat, Jan 14th - WiSdoM'S CaFe tardeada With live MuSiC and 2-for-1 Margaritas from 5 to 9pm. 398-2397. Sat, Jan 14th - "2nd Saturday" tubaC barn danCe with live American & Celtic fiddle music by "Contra Swings" Dance Calling by Becky Nankivell (No experience necessary!) Wear comfortable, clean shoes for the maple dance floor. $5per person from 7-9pm at the Evolution Studio LLC, 40 Avenida Goya, behind Maria's Grill. http://www.meetup.com/ Tubac-2nd-Saturday-Barn-Dance/ Additional dance Feb 11th, Mar 10th & Apr 14th. Sat, Jan 14th - an introduCtion to the Sonoita Creek State natural area - What is the Natural Area and Why? Get an overview of the resource, management, history and staff from former ranger, Jen Parks. At 7pm at the Patagonia Lake State Park. Entrance fee $10 per vehicle. 520-287-2791. Sat, Jan 14th - houSe oF Stone perForMS Modern Country and Classic Rock at the Old Tubac Inn Restaurant and Saloon, 7 Plaza Rd. 398.3161. Sun, Jan 15th - eConoMiC SolutionS and hope For the Future. Faced with a continuing recession that offers little hope for job growth, the loss of retirement savings, homes that are worth less than their purchase price, a European Union euro crisis threatening to bring down the world economy, a financial regulatory system unable to regulate excesses of speculation that threaten even the concept of secure savings and an American political system paralyzed and unable to agree on basic measures to revive the economy; with such items as daily news fare, where does one find a way forward, a hope for a future economy able to provide financial security for a rapidly growing and increasingly interdependent global population? Sponsored by the Baha’i community of Santa Cruz County at the Nogales Hilltop Gallery from 2 to 4pm. Free, refreshments provided. For directions, see www.hilltopgallery. net, or call 520-841-3454 or 520-287-5515. The speaker and discussion leader will be Bob Phillips. Mr. Phillips holds degrees in government and international development from Dartmouth and Stanford universities. He was the Stanford exchange scholar to the American University of Beirut and was the director of the National Baha’i office of Youth Affairs.

Mon, Jan 16th - Santa Cruz valley Citizen'S CounCil 9am meeting at the Tubac Community Center located at 50 Bridge Rd. The SCVCC is the largest community organization in Santa Cruz County. Its purpose is to inform and educate its members as to local and regional issues affecting the community interests of members, and to express the view of members regarding such issues. More information may be found on its website: www.YourSCVCC.org. tueS, Jan 17th - evolve to live preSentS: “gpS For living, navigating liFe by Pati Hope from 10am to 12noon. Evolve to Live, presents Pati Hope, author & inspirational speaker in the 4th of a 7 workshop series on, GPS for Living, Navigating Life. This month is Letting Go of Control and Expectations. In these once-a-month morning workshops, Pati shares her insights on how to not only survive, but to actually thrive through the many changes that come our way in life. (All workshops are independent of each other. All are Welcome!) Cost is $20. At the Floating Stone Inn and Aqua Spa. Plan to stay for the afternoon and use the amazing water facilities for a special price of $10. Email info@evolvetolive.org or call 530.913.8288 to reserve your spot. tueS thru Fri, Jan 17th to 20th - 4-day interMediate-advanCed oil plein air WorkShop with Michael Chesley Johnson. Start at the Floating Stone for this plein-air workshop being organized by Cathy Reyes. Outside locations for painting will include the Amado Territory Ranch, Tubac Presidio and the mission at Tumacacori. Please visit losreyes.com or call at 520 398-2416 to find out more about the class and teacher. $395. Wed, Jan 18th - talk on healthy aging. Why do we fall apart as we age? Are there ways to prevent what seems to be an inevitable decline? Carlton Baker MD will discuss the latest medical information on the reasons for this decline and what to do about it at 10 AM at the Tubac Community Center on Bridge Road, in their main room. Learn how a new paradigm of healthy aging can lead to an energetic, vital lifestyle for both men and women age 40 and above. This presentation is free and open to the public. For more information, call 520-398-8269. Wed, Jan 18th - WoMen Who Wine from 5 to 7pm. Join this women’s networking gathering at the Floating Stone and meet women from Rio Rico to Green Valley. Bring a bottle of wine or appetizer to share. Free Event. 398-3193. Wed, Jan 18th - paella night by CheF arturo at Wisdom's Cafe in Tumacacori. From 5 to 9pm. 398-2397.

Wed & thurS, Jan 18th, 19th & 25th - paper Making teChniqueS WorkShopS with Angela Zimmerman at the Tubac Center of the Arts, 9 Plaza Rd. 398-2371. 18th Papermaking & Paper Sculpture, 19th - Collage and Pulp Painting. 25th - Paper Casting on Woodcuts. 9am to 12:30pm. Take one class, or all three. thurS, Jan 19th - Frontier printing preSS deMonStrationS from 9:30 to 12:30pm. Professional printer and teacher James Pagels demonstrates the 1858 Washington Press used to print Arizona’s first newspaper and answers questions about hand press printing, type setting, and other aspects of this marvel of industrial engineering. Included with park admission $4 adult, $2 youth 7–13, children free. At the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark.com. thurS, Jan 19th – green valley genealogiCal SoCiety 1 PM to 3 PM at the St. Francis in the Valley Episcopal Church, 600 S. La Cañada Dr., Green Valley. Short Program: Gordon Gray will present “FAMILY LEGENDS AND FABLES”. Main Program: “COLLATERAL AND ALLIED FAMILIES” by Edie Sly. Exciting genealogy items are featured as Door Prizes, Silent Auctions, and Raffles at our meetings. Open to all; refreshments will be served. Information for the Annual Genealogy Seminar on Feb. 18, 2012 featuring Tom Jones, a nationally know speaker, is available at www.rootsweb.ancestry. com/~azgvgs/. Unfortunately the workshop is filled. thurS, Jan 19th - alkaline/ionized/MiCroCluStered Water preSentation from 5:30 to 7pm. Learn what the buzz is about when it comes to the water at the Floating Stone. Learn the history, the technology, and the health/wellness benefits of ionized water. We will also touch on ionized water systems for your whole home as well as for your pool or well. Learn how this water can boost your immune system and rebuild your body’s own ability to prevent and naturally heal from such conditions as arthritis, diabetes, cancer, and so much more. Learn how to soak your foods to remove cancer-causing pesticides and to improve the flavors/texture of foods. Free Event. RSVP at 520 398-3193. Light refreshments will be served. Fri, Jan 20th - Walking tour oF old toWn tubaC at 10:30am. A guided tour of the “Old Town” section of Tubac with Alice Keene. Explore the original adobe buildings and discover the rich heritage of Arizona’s first European settlement. Learn about early Native American inhabitants, Spanish explorers, mining booms, Apache attacks, kidnappings, duels and other episodes in Tubac’s colorful past. Meet at the Park’s Visitor Center. Allow 1-1/2 hours for the tour and bring walking shoes, sunscreen and a hat. $5 fee includes admission to tour the Presidio Park. Tour limited to 20 people; reservations encouraged. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark.com.


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Fri, Jan 20th - SpaniSh Colonial living hiStory from 12 to 3pm at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. Volunteers dressed in period clothing reenact the daily lives of Spanish soldiers and civilians who lived in Tubac during the Spanish Colonial period (1752-1776). Special display of the bounty of foods from the Old World, New World and surrounding desert used by Tubac cooks, plus cooking demos with samples. $4 adult, $2 youth 7-13, children free. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark.com. Fri, Jan 20th - a kiCk-oFF ConCert, “a tribute to Marty robbinS and the arizona Centennial” featuring Rollie Stevens, will precede the third annual apaCheland dayS weekend celebration. Held at the Apache Junction Rodeo Grounds, 1590 Lost Dutchman Boulevard, Apache Junction, starting at 5pm. Advance tickets are $8; $10 at the gate. Fri, Jan 20th - evolve to live preSentS - a liFe enriChMent prograM with Pat Watson from 7 to 8:30pm. Our dreams can become a reality for our lives. Manifesting a dream begins with setting an intention. A working definition for intention is: “to have in mind a purpose or plan, to direct the mind, to aim.” Join us at the Floating Stone Inn and Aqua Spa for an evening of exploring the intention for your life. Through experiential exercises we will look at what the call for your life is. Cost: $15.00 per person – includes wine & cheese. Swim: Special Price - $10.00 – Swim before or after under the stars. To register call or email Pati at Evolve to Live: 530.913.8288 info@ evolvetolive.org Fri, Jan 20th - the tuCSon SyMphony orCheStra'S piano trio at the Tubac Center of the Arts. The Trio will play from a repertoire that is dynamic, lyrical, and beautiful. Featuring TSO Principal Keyboard, Paula Fan, the ensemble will present a mesmerizing program. Season tickets are $90. A limited number of tickets for individual performances are $20. Call TCA at 3982371 to purchase tickets. Fri thru Sun, Jan 20th to 22nd - an aFter holiday detox Weekend with Elaina Love, Chris Whitcoe, and Adrianne Stelzenmueller. Two-nights stay, movement classes, free body treatment, lecture, and juices. At the Floating Stone Inn and Aqua Spa. Cost: $400/person or $500/couple. Call 520 3983193 to register. For day-guests, $149/person. opening Sat, Jan 21St - FeMinine MyStique elite. Come celebrate with MuSiC by beCky reyeS. Attached to the Feminine Mystique Art Gallery in La Entrada. 398-0473. Starting Sat, Jan 21St thru aug 20th - hopi quiltS: unique yet univerSal at the Arizona State Museum at the University of Arizona. 520-621-6281. Sat, Jan 21St - artiSt reCeption For FeliCia & CharleS thoMaS from 1 to 4pm at Rogoway Gallery's Turquoise Tortoise, 5 Calle Baca. 398-2041. rogowaygalleries.com.

Sat, Jan 21St - roCk Candy a treat to Wear, Meet the artiSt kiM yubeta one WoMan ShoW. From 1 to 4pm at the K. Newby Gallery. Just over the footbridge, 15 Tubac Rd. 398-9662. NewbyGallery.com. Sat, Jan 21St - ghoSt toWn & Mining CaMpS oF Santa Cruz County. Step back into the Wild West with Ron & Judy King for a look at the history of Santa Cruz County’s ghost towns and mining camps. At 7pm at the Patagonia Lake State Park. Entrance fee $10 per vehicle. 520-287-2791. Sat, Jan 21St - ChuCk Wagon and the WheelS perForMS Swinging Country Rock and Western Roll at the Old Tubac Inn Restaurant and Saloon, 7 Plaza Rd. 398.3161. Sat & Sun, Jan 21St & 22nd - “into the light” SoFt paStel 2-day WorkShop with Jan Thompson. This painting class invites all skill levels to attend on working to express concepts onto paper. Jan will discuss basic drawing, shape, values, edges, and composition as well as creating the illusion of 3D. Please visit losreyes.com or call Cathy Reyes at 520 398-2416 to find out more about the class and teacher. 185$. Sat & Sun, Jan 21St & 22nd - third annual apaCheland dayS at the Superstition Mountain Museum, 4087 N. Apache Trail, Apache Junction. This is a free event which keeps alive the traditions and excitement that the famous western movie and TV location brought to people all over the world. There will be much to see from the “old days” including actors, stunt men, sets, Native American Dancers, continuous musical performances, etc. Free. Sun, Jan 22nd - Santa Cruz Foundation For the perForMing artS ConCert: C’eSt Si bon quintet with Angela Rossi at 4pm. At the Sunrise Bank of Tucson in Nogales, AZ.. Cost: $25 (SCFPA members) and $30 (nonmembers). Contact: 520-394-9495, or online at scfpapresents.org or email at scfpa@scfpapresents.org. tueS, Jan 24th - blaCkhaWk trail/viSta loop in the Sonoita Creek natural area. Discover the diversity of scenery and history in the Natural Area on this beautiful hike. Approximately 5 miles. Meet at the Visitor Center and carpool to the trailhead at 9am. Entrance fee $10 per vehicle. Call to register 520-287-2791. Starting Wed, Jan 25th - “living your liFe With truth and paSSion”. A three part workshop with Pat Watson from 10am to 12noon, and on Feb 1st & 8th. Learn how to appreciate what you have already accomplished in your life and how to draw forth a personal vision. Learn the five principals of personal mastery: How to identify your core values; how to set and achieve your personal goals; how to write a personal purpose statement and affirmations; how to write a personal action plan; how to manifest your dreams by setting intentions for yourself. $50 for all three days or $20 per visit. Call 520 3983193 to register. At the Floating Stone Inn and Aqua Spa.

Wed, Jan 25th - MindFulneSS and ConSCiouS eating with Jewell Livers, Life Coach, RN, CMT from 5:30 to 7pm. Come meet new friends or bring along old ones and enjoy a healthy evening dinner. This will be a powerful experience. Cost: $10 - Bring a healthy dish to share. At the Floating Stone Inn and Aqua Spa. To RSVP: Call 520-398-3193 thurS, Jan 26th - the tubaC thurSday Morning breakFaSt ForuM preSentS Sheri barker Speaking on MaStering the ipad; one tip at a tiMe. Sheri Barker, aka the Ipad wizard, provides tips on usage of the Ipad for those thinking about buying an IPAD, for novice and experienced IPAD users, and for those wishing to use the IPAD in business. IPAD owners are encouraged to bring their IPADS. The Forum begins at 8:30am with a full sit down breakfast at Maria’s Grill- 40 Avenida Goya, Tubac. Admission is $10(cash or check). Seating is limited. Advance reservations are recommended. Email bdank22@msn.com with name and number in party OR call 3983350. If you make a reservation and have to cancel, please email cancellation. For last minute changes in the Forum program, please check the Forum web page- http://tubacbreakfastforum. wordpress.com thurS, Jan 26th- "hollyWood and the Santa Cruz valley." Bob Shelton, founder of Old Tucson Studios, and Don Collier, movie and TV actor well-known for his roles in Westerns, will be the guest speakers at the Tubac Historical Society's annual meeting at 12 noon. Shelton and Collier will recount their experiences with Hollywood movies filmed in the Santa Cruz Valley. The event will be held at the Tubac Golf Resort and includes lunch and the presentation. Tickets are $30; please call 520-398-2020 for reservations. thurS & Fri, Jan 26th & 27th - "SCottSdale art SCene tour" Special behind the scene tour of Cosanti, Taliesin West, Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art, the Museum of Music and the Selma Basha Salmeri Gallery with lunch at the Arizona Culinary Institute and an evening at the Scottsdale Art Walk to peruse the galleries of Old Town. $349 includes all transportation from Tubac Green Valley or Tucson by deluxe motor coach, all lodging and taxes, breakfast for 2 days; tour leader, entry fees. For more information contact the Tubac Center of the Arts, 9 Plaza Rd. 398-2371. Fri, Jan 27th - Fiber art Friday from 10am to 12:30pm. Join fiber art enthusiasts at the Tubac Presidio on the last Friday of the month – January 27, February 24 and March 30. Bring your knitting, crochet, spinning or quilting project and gather for uninterrupted fiber art time. Hosted by members of the Southwest Fiber Arts Resource Group. Free with Park admission, $4. At the Tubac Presidio State Park. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark.com.

Continued on page 28...

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V i l l a g e r

Enjoy the great outdoors on the ANzA TRAil by Paula Beemer

t was a Saturday afternoon, the monsoon season was at its best, the rain had passed and there I was in charge of three little girls that could put their adventurous spirits to work in a little excursion along the Anza Trail. We were looking for puddles to skip over, mud to step in, grass to add color to our pictures, rocks to throw, sticks to use for walking, insects to greet, birds to sing along with, and our ultimate goal was to find the Santa Cruz River that we were hoping to cross.

We loaded our backpacks with water, snacks, pretend maps and my “never leave behind” camera. I drove the car to the Ron Morriss Park in Tubac where we entered the trail. Half an hour into the walk, we found an inviting place to enjoy our snack sitting on a comfortable wooden bench under the shade and surrounded by green. We continued the walk to where the river was visible, and threw some rocks but the flow discouraged us from crossing. It was the perfect turn around point for the girls, I would have loved to go farther, but I was afraid I would end up piggy backing one of the three or deal with the unpleasant whining. We skipped over the puddles, we stepped in the mud, we spotted spiders, beetles and butterflies, and we read the signs that informed us about the animals that could be found along the way. Although we didn't see many of those, we spotted foot prints and scat that made the walk exciting and educational. Our senses were all provoked by the smells of moist ground, the sounds of birds, branches of the cottonwood trees moving with the soft breeze, the Santa Cruz River running along the way, the sights of colors and textures and the feel of fresh air and moisture pampering our skin. The experience of walking the trail is wonderful in terms of getting in touch with nature, but I know today, that it is much more than that, it is also a cultural experience if we understand the history behind it.

In 1775 Juan Bautista de Anza along with settlers, cowboys, Indians and mule-packers conducted a risky expedition that had the objective of founding a mission and presidio in San Francisco and establishing a safer route to go North to move livestock, settlers and supplies from Sonora in the South. Much of this has been documented and even a movie was made about this episode in history. The results are fascinating

especially for residents in this area.

In 1992 a group motivated by the recognition of the trail as a National Historic Trail and in an effort to preserve the history, created a nonprofit organization called The Anza Trail Coalition of Arizona (ATCA). Its purpose is to educate and also to provide venues of recreation and conservancy of an important section from Nogales to yuma in Arizona, part of the 1,200 miles that constitute the Anza Trail.

The founders, Guy Tobin, Don Garate and Richard Williams were convinced of the importance of building up a strong organization that would endeavor to achieve the goals and preserve itself over time. They inspired many members of the community to get involved emotionally, financially and physically, by staking the trail, building it and maintaining it. These three men have passed, but they have left us with a tremendous patrimony, legacy and responsibility. It takes the strong commitment of people like Karol Stubbs, president of the ATCA, to make sure the trail remains in good condition and hopefully, to remain available in perpetuity.

I interviewed Stubbs and Michael Burns, a key contributor to what the trail is today, one of the men that physically started the trail 20 years ago along with Dick Coler. I could feel the excitement and determination in their tone, almost contagious. It was while talking to them that I understood that the trail is more than a pretty walking adventure and that it takes lots of human effort and resources to preserve it. It is 100% based on volunteers’ work, and so far, approximately 10,000 volunteer hours have been spent there, Stubbs says.

There is always a need for more, especially in areas like fund-raising coordinators, maintenance and the “easy and pleasing” task of walking the trail to inform others if something needs attention. The funding for ATCA comes from various sources, including members’ annual dues, the National Park Service, donations, and the parking fees collected during the Tubac Festival of the Arts. A significant part of the income, about $350 a month, had been coming from a community reimbursement plan called E-script, but that unfortunately ended because requirements for qualifying changed.

Images Top: Birders, photo submitted by Sarol Stubbs. Second down: Getting down and dirty, photo submitted by Karol Stubbs. Third down: Raven Burns in charge of the donation bucket during pancake breakfast. Bottom:The team of volunteers at Wisdom's Cafe during pancake breakfast. Facing page: Samantha Beemer, Andrea Martinez and Trinidad Beemer during an adventure walk.

Now the organization must find alternative ways to compensate for this loss, like the recent pancake breakfast at Wisdom’s Cafe, an event that brought approximately 150 people to savor fluffy pancakes, bacon and eggs. To add to the challenge of raising funds to operate, the organization must be prepared to face unexpected and significant expenses. For example, when a property owner encroaches into the area that has been granted to the trail, ATCA must hire a surveyor to determine the boundaries and prove its rights and the owner's limitations.

the trail will provide a natural fire barrier, and it offers a good opportunity to contribute something valuable to the community.

Among the major contributors of easements to the trail were Roy Ross, Gary Brasher and Guy Tobin in Tubac and Rio Rico. Currently in the process are Steve and Ann McQueen in Tumacacori and Ron Allred through the Tubac Golf Resort and SPA. The City of Nogales and Santa Cruz County have been instrumental in establishing the trail through the county, says Stubbs. Having the trail not only represents a healthy way of entertainment for residents, but also it helps to stimulate the economy by bringing visitors to experience it. Stubbs and Burns agree.

Although the Anza Trail established by Juan Bautista de Anza will never be able to exist again as it was, the efforts are to stay as close as possible and make it contiguous.

Two issues contribute to the success of the operation; the first is being able to find enough interested people in the northern regions to work on their trail segments and the second is to convince land owners of the benefits of granting the access through their properties.

Some feel that opening the trail could increase the traffic of illegal immigrants, but the fact is that a public trail may actually discourage the illegal activity in that particular area, says Stubbs. More benefits of letting ATCA establish the trail on someone's property are: the area will be maintained by the group, the area is guaranteed to remain unharmed,

Birdwatchers are a significant group of those visitors that come to see some of the 85 or more different specimens that have been found so far along the trail. The ATCA wants people on the trail, to walk it, run it, bike it or horseback ride it and put their eyes on it says Stubbs. To encourage participation and use, there is a run/ walk event targeted for October 21, 2012 during Anza Day weekend, the day after the reenactment ride on the trail. People interested in volunteering for this and other activities should contact the coalition for more information at 520-841-6944.

Located in La Entrada Shopping Plaza next to Casa Fina


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T u b a c

V i l l a g e r

Creating a New Reality

has enough courage for both of you. That is until nature’s interruption manages to cast her off, demanding food and the relief of bodily pressures and the spell breaks.

“What art offers is space— a certain breathing room for the spirit.” ~ John Updike

With the spell broken, there’s a remembered call to make. A knock at the door. The dog begging for a quick run. A garbage truck rumbling down the street. Wet clothes wanting the dryer. Perhaps a run to the cleaners.

by Carol Egmont St. John Painting has everything to do with life. We begin with a blank canvas, a focusing of attention and a desire to make the hand do something to capture a vision. Much like an infant studies his hand, the painter wants to test its capabilities. But, of course, the painter soon learns it is not about the hand, it is about the mind that is attached to the hand. So the hand is told to reach for a tube of color. Like the morning sky it can be most anything. We all have seen the reds and golds of sunrise, but a blend that results in gray can be just as beautiful. Whatever the choice, that initial color heralds a new beginning, a constellation whose are edges are defined by the size of the canvas.

By the end of what was meant to be a short break, that left-brained curmudgeon—the editor--has arrived. She brings her criticisms and doubt. “What are you doing and where do you think you’re going?” she asks. “Is there anything in this painting that makes it unique? Has it got balance, life, depth or meaning? What areas are complete and what ones are not? Why don’t you consider throwing this disaster out and starting over?” Such a defeatist she is! Getting back to work is almost harder than beginning. Something now exists that was not there before. The horizon has narrowed like a field with its first signs of life. When examining the creation, intention becomes more important. Has the original inspiration manifested itself ? Has something else been revealed, something that was unexpected? Is it worthy of further effort? What does the painting need to speak, to dance, to entertain as it should? How can runaway energy be harnessed to produce an artwork capable of living on its own?

Proceeding tenuously, other colors come to mind and are squeezed deliciously onto a palette, then played against one another to see their effects. Tools are engaged; anything from a finger to a knife to a brush. Stirred into the mix are liquids: oils, water, varnish, and other mediums of consequence. The eye may recognize how blue a blue is next to an orange, or how much yellow shouts when beside a purple. It may want one color to be dominant or incidental. It may tend to prefer the primary colors of the rainbow, or the soft pastels when white is added. It may favor subtle tones of gray. It may discover the translucency of one color over the opaqueness of another. Like a child taking its first steps, the painter is at risk. No novice starts out without a few stumbles along the way. But recovery is quick and when things start to feel good, the thrill is not unlike that of a toddler racing across a room or lawn or beach. Like a passenger on a plane at liftoff, excitement builds at the prospect of something new, being in the hands of a force greater than you, a sense of elation, and an explosion of energy. The brush almost takes off on its own but must be controlled to remain in the boundaries of the canvas, the artist’s playground.

And now, the fire of inspiration asks for air to fully engage in the dance of creativity. Strokes, like flames, erupt in a magical flow moving from one place to another. What happens here affects what happens there. Nothing is isolated in this world unto itself, where casting light and shadow, moving shapes, toying with construction and deconstruction connects the parts into a whole. Everything matters and no one thing matters except in relationship to the rest. More and more choices are considered. Textures, colors, lines, patterns and points of special interest emerge. When it’s working, time evaporates and so does the ego. The muse arrives in their place and sings, “yes you can! yes, you can!” What a rascal she is…how confident. She

Rustic Wood Signs

Anxiety, disappointment, doubts or simply fatigue may be reason enough to lay the work aside for another day. It needs to settle and a little distance may help. Ah! And then there comes a new dawn and the painter sees the canvas anew. With tools gathered, she sets forth again. Traveling down the path she laid out with the abandonment of a child, she opens herself again to discover and embrace the possibilities. She listens to the painting breathe, asks what it is trying to do, and responds as a collaborator must. When her muse reappears, she hears her exclaim that it is okay to keep going, to try new things, to turn corners, to add or subtract, succeed or fail. “Believe in magic, in play and invention! There is always another canvas and another day, and another, and most likely a day after that!” �

Hal EmpiE GallEry This is an aRTisT boRn in aRiZona oveR one hundRed yeaRs ago... visiT his galleRy in Tubac Today! We seaRch foR, buy, and consign oRiginal aRT by hal empie (1909-2002). see ouR cuRRenT selecTion of painTings daTing as eaRly as 1956.... all found in pRivaTe collecTions!


voTed besT WesTeRn aRT galleRy by ReadeRs of TRue WesT magaZine! - As seen on Arizona Highways TV -

- As seen on Arizona Highways TV -

520-398-2811 www.halempiestudio-gallery.com

33 Tubac Road • boX 1570 • Tubac, aZ 85646

sanTa fe arTisTselecTed as Tubac fesTiVal of THe arTs 2012 posTer arTisT

Santa Fe artist Patricia Wyatt has been selected as the winning entry in the competition for the 2012 Tubac Festival of the Arts commemorative poster. Patricia Wyatt is a Santa Fe artist who works in mixed media. She has worked as a textile designer and uses those roots when she incorporates pattern in her pieces, whether it be in landscape, figurative work or animal spirits. Wyatt has been a painter all her life. The artist states: “I have come to understand that making art is a fluid process, that it is constant discovery that requires internal and external work, and is always being refined”.

Patricia Wyatt uses may different materials to create her art; she works with watercolor, pencil, oil pastel and ceramic stucco. The artist’s pieces are collaged and the paper jutes out from the canvas in many directions creating unique and unexpected pieces. Posters will be available during the Tubac Festival, Feb. 8 – 12, 2012, at the Tubac Historical Society booth on Tubac Road. Patricia Wyatt will also be the festival in her usual booth location in front of the Tubac Deli. Signed posters will be available throughout the 5 day festival; visitors are also encouraged to stop by Ms. Wyatt’s booth and meet this year’s poster competition winner.

30%Ê OffÊ Mid-WeekÊ Special onÊ SpaÊ &Ê Aqua-SpaÊ Services* SpecialÊEv entsÊt hisÊ January:

Ongoing Classes – $15Ê class

• Gourmet Raw/Vegan Cooking Class with Elaina Love and Chris Whitcoe Ê FridayÊ toÊ SundayÊ Ñ Ê JanuaryÊ 13,Ê 14Ê &Ê 15Ê Ê ForÊ moreÊ informationÊ andÊ toÊ register:Ê PureJoyAcademy.comÊ orÊ 520.394.0123 • Holotropic Breathwork Retreat Ê SaturdayÊ JanuaryÊ 14Ê Ê Ê MustÊ callÊ 520.617.0364Ê toÊ pre-register. • After Holiday Detox Weekend with Elaina Love and Chris Whitcoe Ê FridayÊ toÊ Sunday,Ê JanuaryÊ 20,Ê 21Ê &Ê 22 Ê CallÊ 520.398.3193Ê toÊ register. •Ê Triple Goddess—A 3 Day workshop of Integrative Play-ShopÊ Ê FridayÊ toÊ SundayÊ Ñ Ê JanuaryÊ 27,Ê 28Ê &Ê 29 Ê CallÊ PatiÊ atÊ 530.913.8288Ê toÊ register.

ClassÊ CardsÊ AvailableÊ Ð Ê 10Ê forÊ $100

Aqua ShapeÊ Ê TuesdaysÊ 1:00pm Aquatic Tai Chi Qi GongÊ Ê Ê Ê Tues.Ê &Ê Thurs.Ê 2:00Ð 2:50pm Hot YogaÊ (NOTÊ Bikram)Ê Ê Ê ThursdaysÊ 5:30Ð 7:00pm Grace, Stability & StrengthÊ Ê Ê FridaysÊ 11:30am Aquatic Meditation Ê FridaysÊ 5:30pm Aqua Yoga Ê SaturdaysÊ 11:00am Restorative Yoga Ê SaturdaysÊ 4:00pm

MoreÊ eventsÊ andÊ detailsÊ inÊ theÊ VillagerÊ CalendarÊ orÊ goÊ toÊ thefloatingstoneinn.com

*Ê 30%Êo ffÊT uesdayÊ throughÊ Thursday.Ê OfferÊv alidÊ throughÊ FebruaryÊ 2,Ê 2012.

thefloatingstoneinn.com 16 Calle Iglesia, Tubac, AZ 520.398.3193 or 888.767.2325

Expecting houseguests this season? Stop by the Tubac Presidio gift shop, and pick up a Tucson Attractions Passport

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Continued from page 23...

Fri, Jan 27th - Walking tour oF old toWn tubaC at 10:30am. A guided tour of the “Old Town” section of Tubac with Alice Keene. Explore the original adobe buildings and discover the rich heritage of Arizona’s first European settlement. Learn about early Native American inhabitants, Spanish explorers, mining booms, Apache attacks, kidnappings, duels and other episodes in Tubac’s colorful past. Meet at the Park’s Visitor Center. Allow 1-1/2 hours for the tour and bring walking shoes, sunscreen and a hat. $5 fee includes admission to tour the Presidio Park. Tour limited to 20 people; reservations encouraged. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark. com. Fri, Jan 27th - "Starving" to SuCCeSSFul WorkShop at the Tubac Center of the Arts, 9 Plaza Rd. 3982371. 10am to 3pm. $49 member, $59 non. Fri, Jan 27th - dave Manning perForMS - Open Road Piano Man at the Old Tubac Inn Restaurant and Saloon, 7 Plaza Rd. 398.3161. Fri thru Sun, Jan 27th to 29th - evolve to live preSentS: triple goddeSS - a three day WorkShop oF integrative play-Shop from 10am to 5 pm Fri & Sat, and 10am to 1pm Sun. Discover the powerful energy that lies within each of us! Angie Godfey & Pati Hope team up to explore all 3 phases of The Goddess Energy: Maiden, Mother, & Wise Elder. $150 for the series…includes snacks and materials. To Register: Pati Hope 530.913.8288 or email: info@evolvetolive. org. Call Floating Stone for a 10% discount on lodging at 520 398-3193 or info@thefloatingstone.com. Make your room reservations at The Floating Stone Inn. Receive a 10% discount for attending the workshop and enjoy the healing waters of the facility as our guest. Email: info@thefloatingstoneinn.com for room reservations. Sat, Jan 28th - the ColleCtor Car ShoW will be held at the Tubac Golf Resort & Spa featuring stylish vehicles, competition classes, a short evening cruise, food, fun and much more, this annual event is fun for the whole family. For more information visit, www.carnuts.org. Sat, Jan 28th - diSCover patagonia lake & Sonoita Creek - paSt & preSent. Tom & Adrian Flynn take us on a pictorial journey around Patagonia Lake and Sonoita Creek Natural Area, as well as giving a brief history of the area. At 7pm. Entrance fee $10 per vehicle. Call to register 520-287-2791.

Sat, Jan 28th - beau renFro and Clear Country perForM New & Old Country and Old Time Rock & Roll at the Old Tubac Inn Restaurant and Saloon, 7 Plaza Rd. 398.3161. Sun, Jan 29th - alklaline/ionized/MiCroCluStered Water preSentation from 4 to 6pm at the Tucson East Apartments 8490 E. Old Spanish Trail, Tucson Recreation Center. Free Event. RSVP at 520 398-3193. Wed, Feb 1St - WiSdoM CaFe'S Monthly SloW~SMoked bbq ribS SpeCial - all day. Plus tequila taSting from 5:30 to 7pm. 520-398-2397. Wed thru Sun, Feb 1St to 5th - dikki van helSland: batik - ConteMporary. Batik is the art of creating images on cloth using dye and melted wax. Learn more and make your reservations at losreyes.com. Limited to 10 students $450. Call Floating Stone for a 10% lodging discount at 520 398-3193 or info@thefloatingstone.com. Fri, Feb 3rd - Walking tour oF old toWn tubaC at 10:30am. A guided tour of the “Old Town” section of Tubac with Alice Keene. Explore the original adobe buildings and discover the rich heritage of Arizona’s first European settlement. Learn about early Native American inhabitants, Spanish explorers, mining booms, Apache attacks, kidnappings, duels and other episodes in Tubac’s colorful past. Meet at the Park’s Visitor Center. Allow 1-1/2 hours for the tour and bring walking shoes, sunscreen and a hat. $5 fee includes admission to tour the Presidio Park. Tour limited to 20 people; reservations encouraged. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark. com. Fri, Feb 3rd - aCouStiC eidolon – Cello & guitar with Hannah Alkire and Joe Scott at the Tubac Center of the Arts, 9 Plaza Rd. 398-2371. Performing at 7:30. Fri, Feb 3rd - Copper trailS – viSiting inSpiring arizona Copper and gold MineS at 1pm at the Tucson AGTA Gemfair™, Tucson Convention Center AGTA Seminars, Graham Room. For all gem enthusiasts, a trip to an old mine holds the magnetic allure of what is hidden, learning how the mines were found and explored, and the attraction of what can be created from the beautiful gems. Award-winning gem artist Helen Serras-Herman describes Arizona gems and minerals celebrated during the 2012 Arizona Centennial: turquoise, azurite, malachite, cuprite, gold and the legendary chrysocolla in quartz (gem silica). Learn how to visit the mines where

Church of at Tubac Tubac Church

A Bible believing and teaching Church.

Activities Include: •• Awanas Awana children ages 3-17 every Wednesday from forforyoung Children every Wednesday from 6:30 6:30-8 PM from September through May. PM to 8:00 PM Starting in September and ending in May! •• Summer Vacation Bible School in June. Vacation Bible school. the Night of Bethlehem held every year in December. •• Also Night in Bethlehem in December. have weekly Men’s Women Bibleand study’s plus •• WeWe have weekly Bibleand studies for men women as well as a Th ursday night Carehere Group in Tubac. weekly Care Bible groups in Tubac.

Sunday Services: Adult & Children Sunday School for school begins all ages: 10:00 AM 10 AM. Worship Services begins Service: 11 AM. 11:00 AM Pastor Jeremy Hatfield

2242 W. Frontage Rd. • Tubac, Arizona 85646 • 520-398-2325

these gems come from, visits which inspired her one-of-akind jewelry pieces featuring copper gems, copper chains and copper-colored pearls. Note: Lectures are open to the public- no wholesale badge required. You can also visit Helen’s booths during the gem show at the American Gem Trade Association (AGTA) Gemfair™, held January 31- February 4, 2012 at the Tucson Convention Center, Booth # 3610 Designer’s Ballroom (Wholesale show- registration required), and at the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show™ (TGMS), February 9-12, 2012, which is open to the public with admission ticket. The show is sponsored by the Tucson Gem & Mineral Society, and held at the Tucson Convention Center, Booth # 1606-1608 Main Hall. Show Hours: Thu - Sat 10:00am-6:00pm, Sunday 10:00am - 5:00pm For more information please visit Helen’s website at www.gemartcenter. com Fri, Feb 3rd- FirSt Friday at WiSdoM'S CaFe in Tumacacori. 2-for-1 Margaritas from 5-9pm. 520-398-2397. Fri, Feb 3rd - quantuM piraCy Storytelling with Jack McDaniel from 5:30 to 7pm. An evening of stories with storyteller and ‘stand up quantum physicist’ Jack McDaniel, author of What if? A beginners course in exploring the Quantum Question of Consciousness. Is the world we live in, which is very nearly 100% space at the subatomic level, held together...by stories? What are those stories? Does it matter? We humans love stories. We love mystery. We love to laugh. Come experience all three in a unique blend of history, theatre and pseudo-science from both ends of this world and some others, where the question is...What if what I think is real...isn’t? Cost: $20. Includes wine and light refreshments. At the Floating Stone Inn and Aqua Spa. 398-3193. Sat & Sun, Feb 4th & 5th - FeStival de loS CaballeroS de Colon, in celebration of our Patron Saint San Felipe de Jesus. Food, music, dancing, arts & crafts, children's activities and car show on Sat. Sat 10am to 9pm, Sun 9am to 7pm. At the San Felipe de Jesus Parish, 1901 N Jose Gallego Dr, Nogales. For Event Map and other info visit Sfjkofc. org, sfj.knights.of.columbus@gmail.com. Presented by the Knights of Columbus Council #15164. Mon, Feb 6th - artiSt talk - alternative proCeSS photography & hiStory featuring Tucson Community Darkroom Instructors from 6 to 7pm at the Tubac Center of the Arts, 9 Plaza Rd. 398-2371.

Tubac office/ reTail space


PRIME LOCATION 2251 Suite 2, East Frontage Road, Tubac

840 sq.ft with interior private office, coffee bar, rest room, window blinds, carpeting, lighted parking lot.

Low Rent

Call 520-237-5439

Wed thru Sun, Feb 8th to 12th - 53rd annual tubaC FeStival oF the artS from 10am to 5 daily. 175 juried artists from around the country will be on hand exhibiting their works. Festival booths will line Tubac’s streets as they are juxtaposed with more than 100 unique shops, galleries and working artists’ studios. Free horse-drawn trolleys, diverse entertainment and fine festival foods round out the experience. Admission is free, parking is $6 per car. Parking revenue benefits local organizations. This festival is sponsored by the Tubac Chamber of Commerce. For more information please call 520-398-2704 or visit www. tubacaz.com. alSo during the FeStival - Come to Tubac’s most popular/important art event and relax during your stay at the Floating Stone Inn & Aqua Spa’s healing waters. Call for reservations while they last at 520 398-3193 or info@ thefloatingstoneinn.com. Sat, Feb 11th - Wisdom's Cafe Tardeada with live music and 2-for1 Margaritas from 5 to 9pm. 398-2397. Sat, Feb 11th - "2nd Saturday" tubaC barn danCe with live American & Celtic fiddle music by "Contra Swings" Dance Calling by Becky Nankivell (No experience necessary!) Wear comfortable, clean shoes for the maple dance floor. $5per person from 7-9pm at the Evolution Studio LLC, 40 Avenida Goya, behind Maria's Grill. http://www.meetup.com/ Tubac-2nd-Saturday-Barn-Dance/. Additional dances scheduled for Mar 10th & Apr 14th. Sun, Feb 12th - evolution Studio'S valentine'S day danCe Marathon. Watch for posters. Win $ for your favorite charity! For more info call 719-237-7364. In Plaza de Anza. tueS, Feb 14th - Frontier printing preSS deMonStrationS from 9:30 to 12:30pm. Professional printer and teacher James Pagels demonstrates the 1858 Washington Press used to print Arizona’s first newspaper and answers questions about hand press printing, type setting, and other aspects of this marvel of industrial engineering. Included with park admission $4 adult, $2 youth 7–13, children free. At the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www. tubacpresidiopark.com.

Wed, Feb 15th - paella night by CheF arturo at Wisdom's Cafe in Tumacacori. From 5 to 9pm. 398-2397. thurS & Fri, Feb 16th & 17th - hot Wax, Cool art enCauStiCS WorkShop with Karen Leigh from 10am to 4pm at the Tubac Center of the Arts, 9 Plaza Rd. 398-2371.$200 members, $225 non. Fri, Feb 17th - Walking tour oF old toWn tubaC at 10:30am. A guided tour of the “Old Town” section of Tubac with Alice Keene. Explore the original adobe buildings and discover the rich heritage of Arizona’s first European settlement. Learn about early Native American inhabitants, Spanish explorers, mining booms, Apache attacks, kidnappings, duels and other episodes in Tubac’s colorful past. Meet at the Park’s Visitor Center. Allow 1-1/2 hours for the tour and bring walking shoes, sunscreen and a hat. $5 fee includes admission to tour the Presidio Park. Tour limited to 20 people; reservations encouraged. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark.com. Fri, Feb 17th - SpaniSh Colonial living hiStory from 12 to 3pm at the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. Volunteers dressed in period clothing reenact the daily lives of Spanish soldiers and civilians who lived in Tubac during the Spanish Colonial period (1752-1776). Special display of the bounty of foods from the Old World, New World and surrounding desert used by Tubac cooks, plus cooking demos with samples. $4 adult, $2 youth 7-13, children free. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www. tubacpresidiopark.com. Sun, Feb 19th - a hiStory oF beadS: World trade to the aMeriCan WeSt at 2pm. A hands-on presentation by Steve Ellis about the historical significance of beads with an emphasis on trade beads of the American West. Attendees will be able to examine beads traded during the 1700s and 1800s. A Green Valley resident, Ellis has studied and collected trade beads for over 25 years, and provides expertise and beads to collectors, museums and jeweler. $5, includes admission to tour the Park. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark.com.

RetiRement CelebRation

GalleRia Tubac After 18 years, owners Robert Musmanno and Gordon Swanson are retiring. The Galleria will be retiring with them at the end of the season, May 2012.

Sale novembeR 1 - may 2012 Fine Art GAllery 20% oFF All Art work ChristmAs GAllery 40% oFF home FurnishinGs & ACCessories 40% oFF h o u r s : m o n - s At 1 0 A m - 5 P m s u n d Ay 1 1 A m - 5 P m

31 tubaC Road tubaC, aZ 85646 Ph: 520/398-9088


Continued on page 30...

Tubac office/reTail space


Prime Location 2243 Suite 1, East Frontage Road, Tubac 840 sq.ft with interior private office, coffee bar, rest room, window blinds, carpeting, Lighted parking lot Low Rent

Call 520-237-5439

Native American inspired drums, rattles, dolls, ornaments, dance sticks and art creations by Steve and Vicki Trout. Now located in the Mercado de Baca shopping plaza, next to Shelby’s Bistro.

thurS, Feb 23rd - tubaC preSidio in the tuCSon rodeo parade! Volunteers from the Tubac Presidio and the Tubac Historical Society with participate in Tucson’s Rodeo Parade, the longest non-motorized parade in the world. Each February since 1925, Arizonans saddle their horses and hitch up their wagons for La Fiesta de Los Vaqueros Rodeo Parade. Head up to Tucson to watch the parade or tune into the televised broadcast and look for Tubac’s wagon. At 9am.

398-2007 www.blackstonedrums.com

Walk in...Dance out!

thurS, Feb 23rd - pinhole photography WorkShop featuring Jasper Ludwig & Julia DeConcini of Tucson Community Darkroom from 10am to 2pm. $65 members, $75 non. At the Tubac Center of the Arts, 9 Plaza Rd. 398-2371.


10:00am-11:00am ... Adult Ballet (“Used to Dance”) 11:30am-12:30pm ... Line Dance 5:30pm-6:30pm ..... Very Basic Two-Step/East Coast Swing 6:30pm-7:30pm ...... Very Basic Salsa WEDNESDAY

5:30pm-6:30pm ..... Line Dance 6:30pm-7:30pm ..... Line Dance FRIDAY

3:00pm-4:00pm ..... Adult Ballet (“Used to Dance”) For more information or to reserve your space evolutionstudio.org or call 719.237.7364 20 Avenida Goya • Building B • Between Tubac Market & Crista’s Fitness Center

DoÊ youÊ haveÊ itemsÊ youÕdÊ likeÊ toÊ sellÊ onÊ

tueS, Feb 21St - Frontier printing preSS deMonStrationS from 9:30 to 12:30pm. Professional printer and teacher James Pagels demonstrates the 1858 Washington Press used to print Arizona’s first newspaper and answers questions about hand press printing, type setting, and other aspects of this marvel of industrial engineering. Included with park admission $4 adult, $2 youth 7–13, children free. At the Tubac Presidio State Historic Park. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www. tubacpresidiopark.com.


Collectibles,Ê memorabiliaÊ orÊ theÊ like!

Fri, Feb 24th - Fiber art Friday from 10am to 12:30pm. Join fiber art enthusiasts at the Tubac Presidio on the last Friday of the month – January 27, February 24 and March 30. Bring your knitting, crochet, spinning or quilting project and gather for uninterrupted fiber art time. Hosted by members of the Southwest Fiber Arts Resource Group. Free with Park admission, $4. At the Tubac Presidio State Park. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark.com. Fri, Feb 24th - Walking tour oF old toWn tubaC at 10:30am. A guided tour of the “Old Town” section of Tubac with Alice Keene. Explore the original adobe buildings and discover the rich heritage of Arizona’s first European settlement. Learn about early Native American inhabitants, Spanish explorers, mining booms, Apache attacks, kidnappings, duels and other episodes in Tubac’s colorful past. Meet at the Park’s Visitor Center. Allow 1-1/2 hours for the tour and bring walking shoes, sunscreen and a hat. $5 fee includes admission to tour the Presidio Park. Tour limited to 20 people; reservations encouraged. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark.com.

Fri, Feb 24th - Jazz Con alMa Featuring beth lederMan at 7:30pm at the Tubac Center of the Arts, 9 Plaza Rd. 398-2371. Sat, Feb 25th - arizona: a hiStory, reviSed edition With thoMaS Sheridan. Author Thomas Sheridan will discuss and sign the new edition of his popular history of the Grand Canyon state. In time for Arizona’s centennial, Sheridan has revised and expanded his classic work to incorporate recent events and contemporary issues like land use, water rights, dramatic population increases, suburban sprawl, and the US– Mexico border. No other book on Arizona history is as integrative or comprehensive. $5, includes admission to tour the Park. Call 520-398-2252 or visit www.tubacpresidiopark.com. tueS thru thurS, Feb 28th to MarCh 1 - paStel portrait WorkShop featuring Douglas Weber from 10am to 3pm at the Tubac Center of the Arts, 9 Plaza Rd. 398-2371. $265 members, $295 non. announCeMentS helen SerraS-herMan, an award-winning gem artist, is returning for another leCture SerieS in Green Valley, sponsored by the Green Valley Lapidary & Silversmith Club and Green Valley Recreation. Four lectures that cover mining, gems and jewelry are scheduled from January through March. Please visit their website at www.gvr.org for complete schedule and to register. $10 for GVR members/ $20 non-members. Event listings are free to supporting advertisers and non-profit, non-commercial, public events. Send your events to tubacvillager@mac.com or mail to Tubac Villager, PO Box 4018, Tubac, AZ 85646. Call 520-398-3980 for more information. If you provide images, please indicate photo credit. �

TUBAC HOME SAlES - Resale home SAlES as reported by MlS - November 29 - December 29, 2011

������������������������������������������ ������������������������������ ���������������������������

Mike Bader

398-2437 cell 370-7239

Tubac Online Sales

Internet Auction Consignments email: TubacOnlineSales@att.nett

This report furnished as a courtesy by Charlie Meaker - Realty Executives Team Questions or comments? - contact Charlie at 520-237-2414 or e-mail charlie@tubac.com 53rd Annual

TUBAC FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS February 8 - 12, 2012 175 Juried Artists

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Artist Walter Wilson,

Tubac Center of the Arts

long-time Tubac resident, dies at 82

January & February Join Us!

Artist Talks 1/9 Liminal Space and the Art Making Process 5 – 6pm Angela Zimmerman


An Overview of Historical and Contemporary Encaustic Art Painting, 5 - 6pm Karon Leigh

2/13 Alternative Process Photography and History 6 – 7pm Tucson Community Darkroom Instructors

by Kathleen Vandervoet

Tubac was saddened to learn about the death of artist Walter Blakelock Wilson, a Tubac resident for 23 years.

As well as creating magnificent landscape and portrait paintings, he was a small business owner and active with community organizations. Wilson, 82, died at home on Dec. 16, surrounded by his wife, Patty, his six children and his eldest grandson.

Wilson was a renowned and prolific artist. Specializing in landscapes, portraits, stage and scenic design and custom artwork for corporations, his artwork is represented in more than 300 collections. His work has also been featured in numerous museum exhibitions, galleries, and solo shows. As an entrepreneur, Walter founded several businesses, including Tubac Old World Imports “The Rug Store.” Motivated as a boy by the works of his great grandfather, the 19th century American painter Ralph Albert Blakelock, Walter Wilson painted and drew throughout his youth. He graduated with honors in fine arts from Colgate University in 1951 and married Patty in 1952, the same year he became an Air Force pilot. He flew

C-46 Troop Carrier aircraft in the Korean War and painted Air Force murals and portraits of generals. The Wilsons settled in Colorado Springs, Colo., in 1956 where he continued to fly for the Air Force Reserve. Wilson began teaching at Fountain Valley School in Colorado Springs in 1957.

During these years, Wilson also found the time to earn his master’s degree in art at Colorado College in 1964. He taught at FVS for 26 years.

In an introduction to his recent book, “Walter Blakelock Wilson, An American Artist, 66 years of Painting,” daughter Myra Wilson Platt wrote: “Walter Wilson is a living example of the marriage of art, education, and business, instilling in us a concept that art cannot and should not be separated from people’s daily lives.” He is survived by his wife, Patty, six children, 12 grandchildren and five great-grand children, and his brother, Earl, of Tubac. Donations in Wilson’s honor can be made to the Tubac Center of the Arts. A private, family memorial service will be held at a later date. The family welcomes correspondence and tributes via email at pwdama@aol.com or by mail to P.O. Box 4281, Tubac, Az. 85646

Bill Ardito, D.D.S.

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20% off Waterseal and Roof Coating with this ad.

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Workshops 1/27 - “Starving” to Successful - professional development 2/16, 2/17 - Hot Wax, Cool Art; Encaustic Workshop 2/23 - Pinhole Photography 2/28, 2/29, 3/1 - Pastel Portrait Workshop

Tubac Center of the Arts Po Box 1911, 9 Plaza Road, Tubac, AZ 85646 520-398-2371 www.TubacArts.org

If you are interested in running an ad in the

Tubac Villager

or have an article idea or questions Please call 520-398-3980 or email


Online Magazine Archive at www.tubacvillager.com

Have large

sTudio at

amado TerriTory rancH Looking for

1 or 2 arTisTs to share studio.

$150 per monTH Utilities included. Call Esther at


Tubac Shots Words & Images by Paula Beemer

Images: Above, left: Church at Tubac Pastor Jeremy Hatfield, wife Amanda and sons Caleb and Micah

Above: Beggars and merchants Left: An enthusiastic father & son in attendance. Bottom, right: Kirsten Donohue and youngest daughter Sadie portraying the Holy Family

Every year, before Christmas, The Church at Tubac celebrates the Night of Bethlehem. It is the portrayal of the town where Jesus was born. Families are received into this meaningful event by shepherds and invited to enter the market where children can get involved in some of the most traditional trades. At this year's program, held Dec. 16, children of all ages were dispersed into the different booths, some of them mixing spices into elaborate exotic perfumes, others carving their names in Hebrew over a leather bracelet, some making wooden toys, making jewelry, weaving baskets and braiding the Challah bread. Members of the church were dressed appropriately to the era, as shepherds, tax collectors, beggars and merchants. And the most important characters of all sitting in a manger were Joseph, Mary and baby Jesus. The market was carefully set to create the right atmosphere; chickens in their coops and clucking, hay for benches, wooden structures covered with natural color canvas, rustic floor, people walking up and down, children laughing and running. All that and the smell of freshly baked bread would have taken anyone back to the day. The night ended with all the children sitting in front of the manger and Pastor Jeremy Hatfield telling them the story of that night in Bethlehem. The celebration offered children the opportunity to understand the meaning of Christmas and the families to get some spiritual inspiration for the holidays; it is certainly an enriching experience for all ages.





For 28 years the Tubac Singers have been preparing us to receive the holidays and this year was no exception. Five different Christmas concerts were presented - two in Green Valley and three in Tubac, sponsored by the Tubac Center of the Arts. Two of the Tubac performances were presented inside the Mission San Jose de Tumacacori. The characteristics of the mission and the talent of the singers were the perfect combination to an inspiring performance. Not the rain or the cold weather stopped the public from attending this event. Well-prepared sopranos, altos, tenors and basses delighted the public with familiar carols, creative mixes such us “The Nutcracker Jingles” that combined both tunes and words into one song, and others not so familiar to me, but equally touching like “I wish you Christmas” by John Rutter. The Tubac singers today are a group of 42 residents of our community that has been directed by pianist and singer Marty Schuyler for the last 18 years. The group meets once a week for practices and performs mainly during Christmas, but Schyler hopes to have a spring program as well in April. New singers are always welcome, but there is the need for tenors, second sopranos and very importantly Above: Basses, John Shasky, Jim Karp, Bill Van Dusen and Soprano, Jody Carlquist. an accompanist pianist, says Schyler. For more information, contact Marty Above, right: Director, Marty Schuyler Schuyler at 520-398-9836.


Two adjacent suites, each 440+ sq. feet with private baths, track lighting, skylights and parking. $500/mo. plus utilities. Contact Loma at 520-820-7427 for appointment to view.

ALL SAINTS ANGLICAN CHURCH Part of the Anglican Church in America and the Traditional Anglican Communion The Rt. Rev’d EVERY SUNDAY 8:45 AM Wellborn Hudson, Bishop in Charge 520-777-6601

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9 Amado Montosa Rd. Amado Arizona 85645 Mail: P.O. Box 1386, Green Valley, AZ 85622


Greeting to a new year, a new day, a new beginning and a new life. It's 2012 dear friends, and my sincere wishes for a wonderful new way of living. How did your resolution work out? Remember, we held hands and swore to change various things in our life that weren't quite up to par. I must admit I didn't fully succeed, so here I go again! That little member of our body is most surely in a slippery place and I shall conquer my tongue this time for sure, what an ornery little part of all of us. I lost my younger son and three lifelong friends along the way and my faith brought me through it all. Now, on and forward into the New Year, Godspeed to my dear readers, here's to healthy eating, brotherly love, gentle speaking, birds in every tree and love in every heart. hot Mustard

Corn Casserole


nd Chicke

to ts, cut in ttened s a e r b fla en 8 chick 4 pieces and 4x a e r c m p mix hipping ion sou w n t o , in m p 1/4 ushroo ipton m L . g k p 1 large

ix in soup m on top and d n a eam ken Place cr an, place chic il, bake 325 p fo cooking mix. Wrap in ith rice. w h t t i a w e r r e G in. cov for 30 m s e e r g e d

2 cans (small) dry mustard 1 c. cider vinegar

2 cans whole kernel corn 2 tbl. butter 4 oz. cream cheese 1/4 c cream 1 can (small) green chilies

t. Let stand after mixing, overnigh 2/3 c. Next day, beat in: 2 eggs and sugar. mayo. If Cook till thick, cool, beat in 1 c. nstarch. too thin, thicken with 1 tsp. cor small jars Refrigerate. If you have some this makes a nice gift.

Place all ingredients in cooking pan, stir well, bake uncovered 350 degrees for 45 min.

French Silk pie

~The way most fishermen catch fish is by the tale.~

A pleasant way to end a good meal. 1/2 c. soft butter 3/4 c. sugar 2 squares unsweetened choc., melted 1 tsp. vanilla 2 eggs Baked 8 inch pie shell whipped cream

~Not too late for your New Year's resolution, come on, I'll join you.~

Cream butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in melted choc. and vanilla. Add eggs, one at a time, beating 5 min. after each. Pour into baked pie shell, garnish with whipped cream.

~I've decided to set my really big problems aside for a Brainy Day.~

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Floating Stone inn & aqua Spa 398-3193

la paloma de tubac 398-9231

Tubac Community Center: follow Calle Igelsia around the bend, or from the East Frontage Road, take Bridge Road to the end.

January 2012 Villager Supporters Map art rendering by Roberta Rogers. Work in progress. This map is provided as a courtesy and is limited to the paying advertisers of the January 2012 issue of the Tubac Villager. Unmarked structures may be open businesses. Call 398-3980 for corrections or to be included.

tubac Center of the arts 398-2371 de anza Casa Maya restaurante de Mexico & Cantina 398-9373 398-0300

Janes attic 398-9301

quilts, ltd 398-9001

hal empie gallery 398-2811

Clay hands 398-2885

artist's daughter 398-9525

Cobalt gallery 398-1200

galleria tubac 398-9088

peter Chope Studio 398-8335

old presidio traders 398-9333 black Stone drums lily's of tubac 398-2007 398-1319 evolution dance Studio 719-237-7364

Schatze 398-9855 roberta rogers Studios 979-4122 Florabundance 520-248-5039

Maria's grill 398-3350

tumacookery 398-9497

tubac ranch 398-8381

tubac deli 398-3330

italian peasant 398-2668

Feminine Mystique 520-248-5039 zforrest 398-9009

Casa Maya de Mexico 398-3933 beads of tubac 398-2070

Shashona Salon 398-3176 Casa Fina 398-8620

koorey Creations 398-8360

Take the Frontage Rd north to Tubac Art Exchange (520) 237-5439 Village Councling 520-820-1678

old tubac inn 398-2668

plaza de anza 398-8700 karin newby gallery 398-9662

brasher real estate 398-2506

Take the Frontage Road south to Wisdom's CafĂŠ, (520) 398-2397

Tubac Villager (520) 398-3980. Head further north to the Tubac Golf Resort & Spa (520) 398-2211 Realty Executives, Charlie Meaker (520) 237-2414

Tumacacori National Historical Park (520) 398-2341 Santa Cruz Chili Company (520) 398-2591

advertisers outside the tubac village

burr exterMinating (520)-628-1951 ChurCh at tubaC 2242 W. FRONTAGE ROAD (520) 398-2325 FieSta tourS (520) 398-9705

JaCobSon CuStoM hoMeS (520) 975-8469 la gitana Cantina ARIVACA (520) 398-0810 la roCa el balCĂ“n bar & reStaurant in Nogales, Sonora (520) 313-6313

This journal is made possible through the support of local advertisers, artists and writers... please visit their unique businesses and let them know where you saw their ad, art or article. The Tubac Villager is a locally owned and independently operated journal, published monthly to celebrate the art of living in Southern Arizona.

long realty Cha Cha donau (520) 591-4982 realty exeCutiveS Charlie Meaker (520) 237-2414 realty exeCutuveS Sally robling (520) 398-2222 SCott pottinger builder (520) 398-9959

Opinions and information herein do not necessarily reflect those of the advertisers or the publishers. Advertiser and contributor statements and qualifications are the responsibility of the advertiser or contributor named. All articles and images are the property of the Tubac Villager, and/or writer or artist named, and may not be reproduced without permission. Letters are welcome.

SunShine dentiStry az 520-761-1600 tubaC online ServiCeS (520) 398-2437 tubaC real eState bill MaCk (520) 398-2945 united CoMMunity health Center (520) 407-5510, opt.1

January 2012 Circulation: 10,000 The Villager is made available in racks and at businesses throughout the Santa Cruz Valley, and thousands of copies are distributed by Certified Folder Display to hundreds of locations and hotel managers and concierges in Phoenix and Tucson. The Villager is also available at public libraries in Arivaca, Green Valley, Nogales, Rio Rico and numerous Tucson Libraries.

working artist studio 6 Camrino Otero 520-979-4122

barrio painting (520) 648-7578

FoWler CleanerS (520) 270-4105


all SaintS angliCan ChurCh (520) 777-6601


Historic Tubac, Arizona

E VOLUTION S TUDIO 719-237-7364

TUBAC R ANCH FURNITURE 520-398-8381 Furniture & Design with the West in Mind sunsetinteriors.com

ITALIAN PEASANT RESTAURANT 520-398-2668 LUNCH & DINNER NEW YORK STYLE PIZZARIA Dine in or take-out. 11am to 9 pm, 7 days.

TUBAC F ITNESS C ENTER 520-398-9940 Total Health & Wellness, Short/Long term memberships, Personal Training, Classes, Yoga and Message Therapy.

M ARIA’S G RILL 520-398-3350 Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner, open 8am every day. A Food adventure!

MIJ H AIR & N AILS 520-398-3206 Tues - Sat, 10am - 5pm. Nails, haircuts, manicures, pedicures, highlights, wax & more!


A NZA DE TUBAC 520-398-8700 A Property Management Company - Tubac, Rio Rico, Green Valley anzadetubac.com B RASHER R EAL E STATE 520-398-2506 Re-Sale and New Home listings

BACA FLOAT WATER COMPANY 520-398-3177 Serving the Barrio de Tubac for Water and Sewer. L ONG R EALTY TUBAC 520-398-2962 Arizona’s Premier Full Service Real Estate Company. longrealtytubac.com

TUBAC M ARKET & D ELI 520-398-1010 Your local grocery and deli with a large selection of wine. Great food and fun serving Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, Specials Daily anzamarketplace.com

Free Parking, conveniently located near footpaths to the rest of the Village.

E VERYTHING YOU NEED IS RIGHT HERE IN T UBAC ! Your one stop Plaza for Great Food, Health & Living


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